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Hypothesis- If we put an egg in different solutions then

the mass of the egg will change.

Day 1 Day 4 Day 5 Day 6

Qualitative and quantitative

1- Vinegar is made of acetic acid and water. When the egg was
placed in vinegar, which was did the water molecules move? How
do you know?
When the egg was placed in vinegar the water molecules
moved into the egg. I know this because the mass increased from
66.6 grams to 94.5 grams. That is a 42% percent increase. If the
water molecules moved out of the egg, the mass would have
decreased. Also the egg looked bigger. The phospholipid
membrane is being stretched like a balloon.

2-After the egg was placed in syrup, which way did the water
molecules move- in or out of the egg? Using the correct
terminology, describe what condition exists for the egg.
After the egg was placed in syrup, the water molecules
moved out of the egg and into the beaker with syrup. The egg is
surrounded by a membrane. This membrane is semipermeable
letting some molecules move through it and blocks others. Water
moves easily through the membrane. Bigger molecules, like sugar
in the syrup, do not pass through the membrane. When you put
the egg in the syrup the egg membrane separates the different
concentrations of water. In this situation, the syrup is a
hypertonic solution. The movement of water from the side of the
membrane where they are more abundant to the side where they
are less abundant. The water migrates from inside the egg to
outside, leaving the egg to decrease in mass. The mass of the egg
was 94.5 grams and now it is 60.6 grams. That is a 36% decrease
in mass. The egg now looks shriveled and the inside of the
membrane is a yellowish brown.

3-How can you explain the amount of liquid remaining when the
egg was removed from the syrup?
The amount of liquid remaining in the beaker increased
because the water in the egg came through the membrane into the
solution. The water diffused into the syrup because the amount of
water in the syrup is less than the amount of water in the egg. I
put 200 mL of syrup in the beaker and once I removed the egg
there were 240 mL in the beaker. That is a 20% increase. This is
due to the fact that the syrup is a hypertonic solution and there
were more molecules in the water than in the solution so they

4-When the egg was placed in the water after being removed
from the syrup, which way did the water move?
When the egg was placed in water the water moved into the
egg. I know this because the egg had a 56% in mass and the water
in the beaker decreased by 25%. This is because the water had less
molecules then the egg and they wanted to equal out. Also the
water was a hypotonic solution.

5-Was your hypothesis validated? Explain why or why not.

My hypothesis was validated because depending on the
solution my egg was placed in, the mass changed. If the egg was
placed in a hypertonic solution, like the syrup, the water flows out
of the egg therefore the eggs mass decreased. Conversely, the
mass will increase when placed in a hypotonic solution like water.

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