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Web Interface Architecture of ArcMentor (GUI)

 Introduction

ArcMentor is an instant message monitoring system that enables the Administrator to

monitor the messages and chat sessions sent by various chat clients to the server.

Technologies JSP, Servlet, HTML, XML,JDBC

Database MySQL/MsSQL

Database Name ims

Architecture MVC (Model View Controller)

IM’s Corporate IM:

1. Sun Microsystem’s sun one IM
2. IBM’s SameTime
3. Microsoft’s MSN LCS
4. Open Source Jabber IM
5. Public IM
a. Yahoo
b. MSN
c. AIM
d. Gadu Gadu
e. ICQ
f. Google Talk
6. Buddy Stream

Editor NetBeans

Platform for ArcMentor Windows ,Linux, Solaris

Web Server Tomcat/ Sun One Web Server

Libraries used Java Tag libraries,


Path: Windows - > C:/Arcmentor/Arcmentor.ini

Linux -> /usr/Arcmentor/Arcmentor.ini

Arcmentro.ini file is required for database connection.

Basic Contents of Arcmentor.ini file are:


Note: there will be some difference in Arcmentor.ini for different IM’s.

 Architecture:

Web Server

When user types URL =http://IP-Address:Port number/Arcmentor in web browser (e.g.: the request goes to the Web Server which gets
data from the database and send response back to the web browser.

By Default ports:

Tomcat web Server : 8080

NetBeans : 8084

Web Browser: The ArcMentor GUI is best viewed on Internet Explorer 6.0
 Requirements:

IM Types JAVA Web Database Operating

Server Systems
Sun j2sdk1.4.1, Sun One MySQL
Microsystem’s 1.5.1 Web 4.0,MySQL4.1,MySQL5.
sun one IM Server/ 0
6.1/7 Apache
5.0 ,5.5

SameTime j2sdk1.4.1, Apache MySQL

2.5,3.0,6.5.1,7.0 1.5.1 Tomcat 4.0,MySQL4.1,MySQL5.
5.0 ,5.5 0

PIM j2sdk1.4.1, Apache MySQL

1.5.1 Tomcat 4.0,MySQL4.1,MySQL5.
5.0 ,5.5 0

BuddyStream j2sdk1.4.1, Apache MySQL

1.5.1 Tomcat 4.0,MySQL4.1,MySQL5.
5.0 ,5.5 0

MSN LCS j2sdk1.4.1, Apache MySQL 4.0,

2003/2005 SP1 1.5.1 Tomcat MySQL4.1,MySQL5.0. /
5.0 ,5.5 MsSQL Server 2000
 Database:

Name: ims

arc_messages Messages after archiving stored in this table

audit_details Details of the Audited Sessions
backup_restore Describe last backup date
cluss_pass Clustering Password
cluster_sys_info Describes Primary ad Secondary database details
email_admin Contains Email ID’s to send mail
email_user Contains Email ID’s of users to send mail
exclude_list List of users whose sessions are not to be log
exclude_messages Details of Sessions of those users who are in exclude list
ims_monitor Not in use
ims_table_info Not in use
imscheck Not in use
ip_table Not in use
keywords Contains Keywords on which need to send Keyword Notification
ldap_config Not in use
messages Contains Details of chat session
policy_setting Contains archiving details
report_setting Not in use
sessioninfo Contains details of current session
user_info Not in use
userlog Not in use
users Contains userid/password and other details of admin

MySQL Commands:

To create database ‘ims’ through script file

C:/>mysql –u USERNAME –h IP-ADDRESS ims < path of script file

To dump database into mysql

C:/> mysql –u USERNAME –h IP-ADDRESS > path of script file

To grant privileges on mysql server

mysql> grant all privileges on ims.* to ' USERNAME '@ ‘IP-ADDRESS' identified by
 Deployment of Web Interface

Note: To deploy web interface (GUI) on Web Server we need to create war file

How to Create War file


 Go to Command prompt < go to the directory of your web application where all
your jsp pages are present.

e.g.: 1. C:\PIM\Public IM

 Delete the Directory “META-INF”

 Execute the command

jar –cvf name.war *.*

e.g.: jar –cvf Arcmentor.war *.*

 Press Enter

How to Deploy war File

Apache Tomcat Web Server


 Go to the webapps Directory of Tomcat web server

e.g.: C:\Program Files\Apache Software Foundation\Tomcat 5.0\webapps

 Paste the war file

 Restart the Tomcat web Server

Start Menu < Programs < Apache Tomcat < Monitor Tomcat < right click
on the small icon of Apache Tomcat on the status bar < Start Services.

Sun One Web Server


 Right Click on My Computers < Manages < Services Applications < Services <
right click on sun one web Server < start.
 Type the URL on the browser “http://IP-Address:8888” Open console for sun one
web server6.1
 Go to -- manage button -> virtual server class -> click on hyperlink -> web
Application -> browse path for war file -> Apply button ->Apply changes.

 Design Pattern Used: Model View Controller(MVC)

View Controller Model

IM Status.jsp
Login Command

Admin Manage

User Manager

p Controller Audit Message

Knowledge.jsp DBConnection


Advanced.jsp DB

Here ArcmentorController is the main controller which redirects all the JSP pages to
servlets where actual processing is done and after executing process it sends response
back to view.

 Features:
 Login Screen
 Status page
 Administrator
o Add Admin
o Admin Management
o Change Password
o Keyword Notification
 Audit Messaging
o Current Session
o Past Session
o Session Audit
 Knowledge Management
o Retrieve Expertise
o Keyword Search
o File Search
 Reports
o Traffic Monitor
 Daily
 Weekly
 Monthly
 Custom
o User Monitor
 Daily
 Weekly
 Monthly
 Custom
 Advanced
o Archive Backup/Restore
o Archive Settings
o Clustering
o Report Settings
o Database Settings
o Licensing
 Logout

 Logical Flow
 Login Page

 The first screen, where the admin logs in. The user can select the
display language as English or Chinese by selecting the appropriate
option in the drop combo box.
 Grid shows the status of Primary database, Secondary Database,
Clustering and Current Reporting Database.

JSP Page:



ArcmentorController, LoginCommand


Index.jsp -> ArcmentorController -> LoginCommand -> Status.jsp

Database Tables:

users, cluster_sys_info

By default userid: guest

Password: guest

When admin enters userid/password and press Login button the request goes from
‘index.jsp’ page to ‘ArcmentorController’ where caller will be ‘index’
Where it sets language as selected in combo box i.e. English/Chinese.

 request.setAttribute("LANGNO",Integer.toString(combsel));
Locale lang = new Locale (Language,Country);

The request is then send to the ‘LoginCommand’ where it checks for the userid and
password entered is valid or not


 select * from USERS where USERID = '"+adminid+"' AND PASSWORD =

'"+password+"' AND ACTIVE = 'A'"

if there will be such userid and password in the table ‘users’ then the ‘status.jsp’ page will
gets open. If userid and password will be invalid then ‘Error.jsp’ page will gets open.

If the userid and password will be valid then object ‘user’ with value as ‘valid’ gets created
on the server and remains there , if any process will not take place within 30 minutes then
the object gets destroyed from the server and login pages displays.

 session = request.getSession(true);
session.putValue("user", "valid");

In Tomcat server time is set to 30 minutes, if the some execution is not happening then
after 30 minutes session will expired.

In web.xml file the tag is used ----


If connection is made for Primary Database as user name and password is provided in
Arcmentor.ini file then it will show status as ‘ON’ else ‘OFF’.

If connection is made for Secondary database as user name and password is provided in
Arcmentor.ini file for secondary db then status will be ‘ON’ else ‘OFF’.

On index.jsp page it checks for clustering, if there will be two entries in the table
‘cluster_sys_info’ then status for clustering will be ‘ON’.

Current Reporting Database will be Primary or Secondary as set into

Advanced < Report Setting.

 Status Page

After the successful login, the first screen that comes up shows the IM
status. It shows Graphical and Tabular format of total number of
Messages and Sessions.

It shows the Total number of Messages, Sessions, User Accounts, Byte
Transmitted, User Logged on,Clustering,Secondary Database,Cutternt
Reporting Database and Database Size of current hour, current day and
total count.


First graph shows the total number of Messages and Session of each hour of
current day.

Second graph shows the total number of Messages and Session of each day
of current month.

Graph displayed will be Applet, if the user’s browser is not Java

enabled then the graph will be displayed as image.

JSP Pages:

Status.jsp, StatusGraphs.jsp

VbarchartServlet, VbarchartApplet.class

Vbarchart.jar, PngEncoder.jar


If the userid ad password entries in the login page are correct then first
page displayed will be status page.

Database Tables:

messages, sessioninfo, cluster_sys_info


First it reads Arcmentor.ini file to make connection with the MySQL Database. Once
the database gets connected, it queries to the db for count of total no. of
Messages, Sessions etc.


Jar file name ‘Vbarchart.jar’ is added. There is class name

‘VbarchartApplet.class’ have used to generate applet.

 <applet code="VbarchartApplet.class" archive="Vbarchart.jar"

width="900" height="360">

If the browser is not Java enabled then applet cannot be generated and
instead of graph link will be displayed. Onclick link the request goes to
StatusGraphs.jsp page.

Note: StatusGraphs.jsp is same as Status.jsp only difference is instead of

applet, image gets generated.

 <center><img src="VbarchartServlet?label=hours" ></center>

VbarchartServlet.class: This is third party class file only little changes are
made in this file, logic to generate image graph is not changed at all.

Changes made are:

1. Connection to the database

2. Get the parameters from the StatusGraph.jsp page.
3. Properties are set in ConfigData() function.
4. Values are passed to the GraphData() function.
 Add Admin


This feature allows adding new admin. The administrators thus added
can log on to the Arcmentor Interface. However, only those Admin’s
who are active are able to log in.

JSP Pages:



ArcmentorController, AdminManageCommand


AddAdmin.jsp -> ArcmentorController -> AdminManageCommand ->


Database Table:



When the user enters values for text boxes Admin Id, Password, First
Name, Last Name cell no. and click on Submit button then request is
redirected to the ‘ArcmentorController’ where caller will be ‘AddAdmin’.
From there the request goes to the AdminManageCommand.

AdminManageCommand gets all the parameters of text field and insert

all values into the ‘users’ table of ims database.

 insert into USERS

 Admin Management


The Admin Management menu under the Administrator tab allows the user
to edit or delete the Administrators

JSP Page:



ArcmentorController, AdminManageCommand

Database Table:



AdminManage.jsp -> ArcmentorController -> AdminManageCommand ->



When user clicks on the Admin Management tab of the Administrator

from Menu the request goes to the ArcmentorController where caller will
be ‘AdminManage’. Then the request is redirected to the ‘adminMange()’
function of AdminManageCommand.

AdminManageCommand executes query and redirect to the

AdminManage.jsp page.


 select * from USERS order by FIRSTNAME asc;


On Click on the Edit link, the above screen appears, caller will be
‘AdminManageEdit’ and request goes to the ‘doChange()’ function of the
AdminManageCommand. where query will be execute as


 "delete from USERS where

USERID='"+req.getParameter("txtUserIdHidden") +"'";


On Click on the Edit link the caller will be ‘AdminManageDelete’ and request
goes to the ‘doChange()’ function of the AdminManageCommand.
Where query will be execute as


 "select * from USERS where


 Change Password

The Change Password allows the user who is currently logged in to change his own

JSP Page:



ArcmentorController, AdminManageCommand

Database Table:



Changepassword.jsp -> ArcmentorController -> AdminManageCommand ->



When user enters old and new password and click on submit button then
request goes to the ArcmentorController where caller will be
‘ChangePassword’ then request is redirected to the ‘doEditPass()’ function of
the AdminManageCommand.


 "update USERS set PASSWORD='"+NEWpass+"' where

 Keyword Notification


The Keyword Notification screen allows the user to add keyword. A keyword is any
word, which when used by any user during his chat session will cause an email alert
to be sent to the email addresses of the administrators whose email addresses are

JSP Page:


ArcmentorController, AdminManageCommand

Database Table:



CustomKeywords.jsp -> ArcmentorController -> AdminManageCommand ->



When user enters keywords and Email id’s click on Insert button then
request goes to the ArcmentorController where caller will be
‘KeywordsShow’ then request is redirected to the ‘doKeyShow()’ function of
the AdminManageCommand.
In AdminManageCommand depend on the caller
(update/insert/show/delete/edit/insertupdate/submit) the Attribute is set.
Then this attribute and Resultset is redirected on the CustomKeywords.jsp

On CustomKeywords.jsp details like keywords and Email ids are displayed

from the Resultset.
Edit and Delete

When we click on the edit link the request goes to the ArcmentorController
where caller will be ‘KeywordsEdit’ it calls the ‘doKeyChange()’ function of
AdminManageCommand. Where Query will execute will be:


 "select * from KEYWORDS where



When we click on the edit link the request goes to the ArcmentorController
where caller will be ‘KeywordsDelete’ it calls the ‘doKeyChange()’ function
of AdminManageCommand. Where Query will execute will be:


 "delete from KEYWORDS where

KEYWORD='"+req.getParameter("txtKeyword") +"'"

 Current Session

The Current Session menu under Audit Messaging allows seeing the current chat
sessions of the users who are currently logged in.
If the keyword is selected and the User is deselected, it will show the chat only
those chat sessions in which that keyword is used.
If both User and keyword are selected, it will show only those chat session of that
user in which the keyword is used.

JSP Page:

Current.jsp, CurrentAuditResults.jsp


No Servlets

Database Table:



Current.jsp -> CurrentAuditResults.jsp


When admin selects user on Current.jsp and clicks on search button then
request goes to the CurrentAuditResults.jsp where it gets the value of the
combo box and whichCriteria to be execute. Then get the connection from
the database and execute the query.

 select DISTINCT
(MESSAGES.FROMID='"+cmbsingle+"' OR
MESSAGES.TOID='"+cmbsingle+"') and MESSAGES.STARTDATE=now()
if admin selects both the user and the keyword on Current.jsp then the
query will be

 select DISTINCT
and Instr(MESSAGES.MESSAGE,'"+keyword+"') > 0 GROUP BY

if admin selects only the keyword on Current.jsp then the query will be

 select DISTINCT
Instr(MESSAGES.MESSAGE,'"+keyword+"') > 0 GROUP BY

 Past Session

The Past Session menu under Audit Messaging allows seeing the all past chat
sessions of the users by selecting different criteria’s like date, time
,users,keywords,sessionid or combinations.

JSP Page:

UserAudit.jsp, UserResults.jsp, UserAuditResults.jsp

ArcmentorController, AuditMessagCommand, DBConnection

Database Table:



UserAudit.jsp -> ArcmentorController -> DBConeection ->

AuditMessageCommand -> UserResults.jsp

When user clicks on ‘Search’ button the JavaScript function is called where
query is set for each criterion. Selected criteria sets query String into
hidden variable and submitted to ‘ArcmentorController’ where caller is
‘PastAuditShow’ and again from there request is redirected to

In AuditMessageCommand ‘‘fetchPastUser ()’ method is invoked where

caller will be ‘PastAuditShow’

Note: If there will be more then 40 records in the database then TIMELINE
BAR will be displayed with 10 records on each page.

Timeline Bar:

Admin can see the records by moving backward/forward on clicking

Left/right edges of the Time-Line bar or by clicking anywhere on the Time-
Line bar.

the method in the JavaScript--- microsoftMouseMove()--to get the x,y value

where mouse clicked.

function microsoftMouseMove()

x value get transferred to the servlet(position from the left end of the
length of the bar is 570

570-a= absolute position of the bar.

records divided on the timeline bar on the average of 40 records.

avg= (570/total_rec)*40

rec_no. = x pos * tot_rec / 57 ----- this gives the position where mouse

rs5.absolute (rec_no.)----- this gives the record

From this record next 40 records displayed in desc order.

fetchPastUser () is having 4 if conditions for

PastAuditShow, PastSessionPrev, PastSessionNext, PastSessionClk

On click on the left of the TimeLine Bar ‘PastSessionPrev ()’ method is

invoked, on click on the right side of the TimeLine bar ‘pastSessionNext()’
method is invoked and on click on the middle of the TimeLine Bar
‘PastSessionClk()’ is invoked.

If users select Specific Search where search on the bases of ‘Sessionid’ then
the flow will be

UserAudit.jsp -> ArcmentorController -> DBConeection ->

AuditMessageCommand -> UserAuditResults.jsp.
 Session Audit


The Session Audit menu under the Audit Messaging tab allows the admin to
view sessions with details like sessionId, startdate, starttime, and users in
session and total message count and also shows the messages are audited or
not. By clicking on particular sessionid admin can view details of that session
with fromid, message sent time messages and allows admin to add comments
for selected sessionid. Other admin can also add comments for the same
sessionid but cannot change the comment added by other admin. The
sessions which got audited will be shown checked in the Audited field of the
session audit page.

It also provides different filtering options. Filtering is done on the basis of

userId, date and time.

JSP Page:

AuditSession.jsp, ShowSession.jsp


ArcmentorController, SessLog, DBConnection

Database Table:

Messages, audit_details


ArcmentorController -> SessLog -> AuditSession.jsp


When the user clicks on the Session Audit tab from the menu the request
first goes to the ‘ArcmentorController’ where caller will be ‘ShowAuditSess’
from where it calls the ‘SessAudit()’ method of ‘SessLog’ servlet .

There are 4 if conditions into SessAudit() method where caller will be

ShowAuditSess, Sessiontick, Sessionup, Sessiondown

First time caller will be ‘ShowAuditSess’, if sessions are more then 40 in the
database then timeline bar will be displayed. (Logic for time line bar will be
same as for Past Session).

On clicking left of the timeline bar caller will be ‘Sessiondown’ and clicking
on right of the timeline bar caller will be ‘Sessionup’ . And on clicking on the
middle of the timeline bar caller will be ‘Sessiontick’.

There will be 5 cases in each conditions for because 5 different criteria’s are
there to see the sessions i.e. for all, userid, Date, time and severity. Query
for condition ‘useid’ as shown below:


 "select DISTINCT
MESSAGES where ((FROMID like '"+Pattern_val+"') or (TOID like
'"+Pattern_val+"'))group by SESSIONID order by STARTDATE desc

On clicking on the Sessionid link the request goes to ‘ShowSession.jsp’ as

shown below:

It shows the Session details and allows admin to audit the session. There
are 3 buttons on the page i.e. ‘Back’,’Audit’,’Email This Session’.
On clicking ‘Back’ the ‘ShowSession.jsp’ page gets close. The function
written in JavaScript named ‘funClose()’.

Current admin name (Audit by), current Date(Audit Date) and time (Audit
Time) are displayed.

Current Admin name is get from ‘LoginCommand’ where ‘AdminUser’ is set.

 session.setAttribute("AdminUser",adminid);

on ‘ShowSession.jsp’ value is get as

 adid=(String) session.getAttribute("AdminUser");

Current date and time is getting from the ‘Calendar’ class.

Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance();

java.util.Date today = cal.getTime();
SimpleDateFormat fmt =new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd");
String todayStr = fmt.format(today);
java.util.Date ndt1 = new java.util.Date();
SimpleDateFormat s1 = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd");
String dt = s1.format(ndt1);
String Cur_time= ndt1.getHours()+":"+ndt1.getMinutes()

On clicking ‘Audit’ button data is inserted into table ‘audit_details’


 "insert into

On clicking ‘Email this Session’,mail will be sent to the respective admin

containing the session details.
For sending mail ‘javax.mail’ API is used. For using this API we need to add
And ‘mail.jar’ into lib folder and need to import

 Retrieve Expertise
The Retrieve Expertise menu under the Knowledge Management allows the
user to see the percentile usage of a keyword by different users as shown
below. The maximum user of a keyword is taken as the basis (i.e. 100 %)
and then the percentage is given to other users depending on the no of
times they have used the keyword.

JSP Page:

KeywordExpertise.jsp, ExpertiseResults.jsp


No Servlets

Database Table:



KeywordExpertise.jsp -> ExpertiseResults.jsp


When user enters keyword on KeywordExpertise.jsp page and click on each

button then request goes to the ExpertiseResults.jsp with the text field
value. Then gets the database connection and execute the query:


 "select count(*) as cnt ,FROMID from MESSAGES where

instr(MESSAGE,'"+keyword+"') > 0 group by FROMID order by cnt desc"

 File Search
The File Search menu under the Knowledge Management allows admin to
search the details of the particular session in which the transfer of the
entered file name has been done. Details show the session Id, start date,
and start time, from Id and file detail. File search can be done by entering
initials of the file name or *.*

JSP Page:

FileSearch.jsp, FileResult.jsp, Filehyperlink.jsp


No Servlet

Database Table:



FileSearch.jsp -> Fileresult.jsp


When user clicks on ‘File Search’ tab of the menu then ‘FileSeach.jsp’
Page gets loaded. File search can be done by inserting initial of the file of
*.* and also by selecting users.

If user selects only file name then criteria is set as ‘0’,if user selects file
name with users then criteria will set as ‘1’

That criteria is passed to the ‘FileResult.jsp’ page and depend on the criteria
the query is executed as:
 "select * from MESSAGES where MESSAGE like '"+filename+"' order by

 "select * from MESSAGES where MESSAGE like '"+filename+"' and

FROMID IN("+users+") order by STARTDATE desc, STARTTIME desc"

On clicking file name link goes to “Filehyperlink.jsp”

“<a href="/Arcmentor/Filehyperlink.jsp?filename=<%=s9%>"

This is to download file, In “Filehperlink.jsp” method is written in html as:

<do: download file="<%=filename%>" dir="C:/Arcmentor/attachments" I


 Keyword Search
Keyword Search is tab under Knowledge Management menu. This allows
admin to search the sessions in which particular keyword is used. When
admin enters keyword and submit it then those session details will be
displayed in which that keyword is used.

JSP Page:

Keywordsearch.jsp, KeywordResult.jsp


No Servlet

Database Table:



Keywordsearch.jsp -> KeywordResult.jsp


When user clicks on ‘Keyword Search’ tab of the menu then

‘KeywordSearch.jsp’ page gets loaded.
When user enters key word into text box and press submit then URL sent to

In ‘KeywordResult.jsp’ query is executed as:


 "select DISTINCT
MESSAGES where instr(message,'"+ parameter+"')>0 GROUP BY

 Traffic Monitor
There are 4 sub menus under ‘Traffic Monitor’. Daily, Monthly, Weekly and Custom.


In Daily report admin can select the date, the graph display will be hours versus
messages, it will display the total message count in graphical format on the hour
on which message is sent or received for the selected date.
In Weekly report admin can select month, year and week, graph will be
weekdays versus Messages. It will show total count of messages in graphical
format on different days of the selected week.
In Monthly report admin can select the month and year. The graph will be days
versus messages. It will show the total count of the messages on all days of the
selected month.
In Custom report admin can select range of days between which he wants
to see the chat sessions. The graph is Line graph. First it will show the
count of messages on selected day, clicking on dot it shows total messages
counts on different hours for that day.

JSP Page:

TMonitor.jsp, ShowReports.jsp, ShowCustomReports.jsp, ImageReports.jsp,


VbarchartServlet, VbarchartApplet.class, LineGraphServlet.class

Vbarchart.jar, PngEncoder.jar

Database Table:



TMonitor.jsp -> ShowReports.jsp


o Daily

When user clicks on daily sub menu then the URL goes as: "TMonitor.jsp?
caller=day"And page as show below displayed:
When the user clicks on ‘Search’ button then the ‘fnDay()’ function of
JavaScript will gets invoked, which will open new window as:

 open("ShowReports.jsp?

ShowReports.jsp generates Applet graph. In this jsp page caller will be

“dayonly”. Where parameters like date which user have inserted are get and
query is executed as:

 "select count(*),HOUR(STARTTIME) from MESSAGES where

STARTDATE='"+ondate+"' group by HOUR(STARTTIME) order by

With this query we can find the number of counts for the particular day
what user have inserted and give these parameters to the Applet to
generate graph as shown below.
o Weekly

When user clicks on weekly sub menu then the url goes as: "TMonitor.jsp?
caller=week" And page as show below displayed:

When the user clicks on ‘Search’ button then the ‘fnWeek ()’ function of J
avaScript will gets invoked, which will open new window as:

 open("ShowReports.jsp?

ShowReports.jsp generates Applet graph. In this jsp page caller will be

“week”. Where parameters like month, week,year which user have inserted
are get and query is executed as:

 "select count(*) as ct,STARTDATE from MESSAGES where (STARTDATE

between '"+weekdt[0]+"' and '"+weekdt[6]+"') group by STARTDATE

With this query we can find the number of counts for the particular week
what user have inserted and give these parameters to the Applet to
generate graph as shown below.
o Monthly

When user clicks on weekly sub menu then the url goes as :
"TMonitor.jsp?caller=month” And page as show below displayed:

When the user clicks on ‘Search’ button then the ‘fnMonth()’ function of
JavaScript will gets invoked, which will open new window as:

 open("ShowReports.jsp?

ShowReports.jsp generates Applet graph. In this jsp page caller will be

“month”. Where parameters like month,week,year which user have inserted
are get and query is executed as:

 "select count(*) as ct,STARTDATE from MESSAGES where (STARTDATE

between '"+weekdt[0]+"' and '"+weekdt[6]+"') group by STARTDATE

With this query we can find the number of counts for the particular week
what user have inserted and give these parameters to the Applet to
generate graph as shown below.
o Custom

When user clicks on weekly sub menu then the url goes as: "TMonitor.jsp?
caller=custom".And page as show below displayed:

Note: LinGraph is used to show custom reports.

When the user clicks on ‘Search’ button then the ‘fnCustom ()’ function of
JavaScript will gets invoked. First the graph will be displayed for year
then month -> days-> hour as shown below:
 open("ShowCustomReports.jsp?

‘ShowCustomReports.jsp’ generates Applet graph. On depending caller as

“year”,”moth”,”week”,”hour” different query’s get executed and values are
passed to the applet to generate graph.


If users browser is not java enabled then it will not generate applet, instead
of it user will get a link on which if clicks then image gets generated.

Flow for daily, weekly and monthly is:

TMonitor.jsp -> ShowReports.jsp -> ImageReport.jsp -> VbarchartServlet

Flow for Custom is:

TMonitor.jsp -> ShowCustomReports.jsp -> CustomImageReport.jsp ->

 User Monitor

There are 4 sub menus under ‘User Monitor’. Daily, Monthly, Weekly and


In Daily report admin can select the date and user for which he wants to see the
chat sessions, The graph display will be hours versus messages, it will display the
total message count in graphical format on the hour on which message is sent or
received for the selected date and selected user.
In Weekly report admin can select month, year week, and userid of the user, the
graph will be Weekdays versus Messages. It will show total count of messages on
different days of the selected week for the selected user.
In Monthly report admin can select the month, year and user. The graph will be
days vs. messages. It will show the total count of the messages on different days
of the selected month for the selected user.
In Custom report admin can select range of days and userid of the user. The
graph is Line graph. Range of days can be select between which admin wants to
see chat session for particular users, clicking on the dot shows line graph for
hours versus messages for the selected range of days and selected user.

JSP Page:

UMonitor.jsp, ShowReports.jsp, ShowCustomReports.jsp ImageReports.jsp,



VbarchartServlet, VbarchartApplet.class, LineGraphServlet.class


Vbarchart.jar, PngEncoder.jar

Database Table:



UMonitor.jsp -> ShowReports.jsp


o Daily

When user clicks on daily sub menu then the url goes as: "UMonitor.jsp?
caller=day”. And page as show below displayed:

When the user clicks on ‘Search’ button then the ‘fnDay()’ function of
JavaScript will gets invoked, which will open new window as:

 open("ShowReports.jsp?

ShowReports.jsp generates Applet graph. In this jsp page caller will be

“Udayonly”. Where parameters like date which user have inserted are get
and query is executed as:

 "select distinct SESSIONID from MESSAGES where STARTDATE =

'"+ondate+"' AND (FROMID IN("+cmbsingle+") or TOID
IN("+cmbsingle+")) order by STARTDATE asc"

With this query we can find the number of counts for the particular day and
particular users what user have inserted and give these parameters to the
Applet to generate graph as shown below.
o Weekly

When user clicks on weekly sub menu then the url goes as :
"UMonitor.jsp?caller=week". And page as show below displayed:

When the user clicks on ‘Search’ button then the ‘fnWeek ()’ function of
JavaScript will gets invoked, which will open new window as:

 open("ShowReports.jsp?
ShowReports.jsp generates Applet graph. In this jsp page caller will be
“Uweek”. Where parameters like month, week, year and users name which
user have inserted are get and query is executed as:

 "select distinct SESSIONID from MESSAGES where STARTDATE between

'"+weekdt[0]+"' and '"+weekdt[6]+"' AND (FROMID IN("+cmbsingle+")
or TOID IN("+cmbsingle+")) ORDER by STARTDATE asc";

With this query we can find the number of counts for the particular week
what user have inserted and give these parameters to the Applet to
generate graph as shown below.

o Monthly

When user clicks on weekly sub menu then the url goes as: "UMonitor.jsp?
caller=month".And page as show below displayed:
When the user clicks on ‘Search’ button then the ‘fnMonth()’ function of
JavaScript will gets invoked, which will open new window as:

 open("ShowReports.jsp?

ShowReports.jsp generates Applet graph. In this jsp page caller will be

“Umonth”. Where parameters like month, week,year which user have
inserted are get and query is executed as:

 "select distinct SESSIONID from MESSAGES where

month(STARTDATE)='"+intmonth+"' AND year(STARTDATE)='"+year+"'
AND (FROMID IN("+cmbsingle+") or TOID IN("+cmbsingle+")) ORDER
by STARTDATE asc";

With this query we can find the number of counts for the particular week
what user have inserted and give these parameters to the Applet to
generate graph as shown below.
o Custom

When user clicks on weekly sub menu then the url goes as: "UMonitor.jsp?
caller=custom".And page as show below displayed:

Note: LinGraph is used to show custom reports.

When the user clicks on ‘Search’ button then the ‘fnCustom ()’ function of
JavaScript will gets invoked. First the graph will be displayed for year
then month -> days-> hour as shown below:

 open("ShowCustomReports.jsp?

‘ShowCustomReports.jsp’ generates Applet graph. On depending caller as

“Uyear”,”Umoth”,”Uweek”,”Uhour” different query’s get executed and values
are passed to the applet to generate graph.


If users browser is not java enabled then it will not generate applet, instead
of it user will get a link on which if clicks then image gets generated.

Flow for daily, weekly and monthly is:

UMonitor.jsp -> ShowReports.jsp -> ImageReport.jsp -> VbarchartServlet

Flow for Custom is:

TMonitor.jsp -> ShowCustomReports.jsp -> CustomImageReport.jsp ->

 Archive Backup/Restore

This submenu contains three features:

Backup feature is used when admin wants to make copy of the archive.
By clicking on backup the data from the database copied into the local
machine and prompts to save it.

Backup & purge

The “Button Backup & purge” allows to first backup the archive to local
machine and then delete the archive table.

The “Browse” button when pressed suggests admin to select the file
from local machine, which is to be uploaded. The “Restore” button
uploads the selected archive file from local machine to server and
restores the contents back to Archive table.

JSP Page:



ArcmentorController, DBConnection, Archive

Database Table:


ArchiveBack.jsp -> ArcmentorController -> Archive -> ArchiveBack.jsp



When user clicks on “Backup” button then url sent will be

“ArcmentorController?caller=backup”. Where it calls “archiveBack()” of

Caller will be “backup” and Query will be execute to insert date on which
backup is take into “BACKUP_RESTORE” table.


 "insert into BACKUP_RESTORE

(LAST_BACKUP_DATE,LAST_PURGE_DATE) values ('"+dt+"','0000-00-

Backup & Purge

When user clicks on “purge” button then url sent will be

“ArcmentorController?caller=purge”. Where it calls “archiveBack()” of

Caller will be “purge” and Query will be execute to insert date on which
backup is take into “BACKUP_RESTORE” table.


 "insert into BACKUP_RESTORE



When user clicks on “Restore” button then url sent will be

“ArcmentorController?caller=uploade”. Where it calls “archiveBack()” of

Caller will be “upload” where it gets the path that has been entered by the
user as

 saveFile = file.substring(file.indexOf("filename=\"") + 10);

Command to execute MySQL script to restore batabase is:

 Mysqldump –u root ims > filepath

This command is executed to restore the database as:

 Process p = rt.exec("cmd /c "+Command+" < " +filepath+ " ");

 Archive Setting

The Auto/Manual radio button gives user the option either to choose manual
or auto archiving option.
Maximum Archive Age (Days):– this option allows admin to enter the no. of
days corresponding to which the messages would be stored in ‘message’
table (e.g. if the value is 10 there will be messages corresponding to last
10 days in ‘message’ table rest will be archived and copied into
‘arc_message table’).
Maximum Archive Size (KB):-This allows entering the threshold database
size limit. (i.e. once the settings is saved for particular size the table will be
archived when the threshold size reaches that is the ‘message’ table size
will never exceed the above set size.). The table below shows the status of
last archiving action that is date of last archiving, its type and the current
size of ‘message’ table. The “Archive” button allows the user to manually
archive the messages based on the set criteria.

Exclude list allows admin to enter userid whose data should not be archived,
that userid is added into the ‘exclude_list’ table of the ims database. When
the chatting session is created then the userid is compared with the ids
which user has added into ‘exclude_list’ table, if the userid matched then
data of that chat session is saved into ‘exclude_message’ table.

JSP Page:



ArcmentorController, DBConnection, Archive

Database Table:



Archiveset.jsp -> ArcmentorController -> Archive -> Archiveset.jsp


When user click on menu “Archive Settings” then url sent will be

ArcmentorController calls the “archiveSet()” method of Archive setvlet class.

In archiveSet() method first the “POLICY_SETTING” table is read to get the

values of see Auto Archiving or Manual Archiving is set and days+ size what
user have entered.

Database size is get from the “MESSAGES” table.


if the size of the database is greater then the size what have entered then
two queries will get execute as

 "insert into
MESSAGES where ((STARTDATE = '"+lastmsgstartdate+"' AND
 “delete from MESSAGES where ((STARTDATE = '"+lastmsgstartdate+"'

if Current date exceeded from the date what user have entered then the
queries execute as:
 "insert into
MESSAGES where STARTDATE <= '"+dteString1+"'";

 "delete from MESSAGES where STARTDATE <=


when user entered values for Archive age and Arhcive size and press “Save
Button” then “fnCheck()” function of JavaScript will be called which redirect
it to "ArcmentorController?caller=AddSettings" and query execute to update
“POLICY_SETTING” table as:

 "update POLICY_SETTING set

POLICY_ARC_SIZE = '"+ArcSize1+"', POLICY_ARC_AGE = '"+Age1+"',
AUTO_MAN = '"+Auto+"',AUTO_SET_DATE = '"+dt+"' "

Exclusion List

There is Textbox and “Add” button to add new name whose sessions are not
to be included.

When user clicks on “Add” button the url sent as “ArcmentorController?


ArcmentorController will call “archiveSet()” method of Archive Servlet class

where caller will be “AddExclude”.

In “AddExclude” value of textbox is get and inserted into “EXCLUDE_LIST”




values ('"+ExcludeId+"','"+dt+"','"+Cur_time+"') "

ResultSet is get on the ‘Archiveset.jsp’ page and id under Exclude_List is

 Clustering


Clustering is used to save data into two databases. ‘Cluster shared secret
password’ is the password saved into ‘cluster_pass’ table of the ‘ims
‘database. When admin wants to do clustering, he adds the IP address,
username, password of the other machine, the information get added into
‘cluster_sys_info’ table. He can make any database as master out of two.
When clustering is to be done, database of the secondary database is been
checked, if it contains the same password as mention into ‘cluster_pass’
table of Primary database then only clustering can be done.

JSP Page:

Clustering.jsp, clusterAction.jsp


ArcmentorController, DBConnection, ClusterManage

Database Table:

cluster_sys_info, cluster_pass

Clustering.jsp -> ArcmentorController -> DBConnection -> ClusterManage
-> Clustering.jsp


When user enters cluster secret password the Arcmentor.ini file and
“cluster_sys_info” table gets updated. The value of the textbox is get on the
“addCluster()” method of the ClusterManage where query is executed to
update “CLUSTER_SYS_INFO” the table as

 "update CLUSTER_SYS_INFO set CLUSTER_SYS_PWD='"+shpwd+"'"

And WriteINI() is called to update Arcmentor.ini file.

Values of ClusterSystem , username, Password ,Master are read from the

“cluster_sys_info” table and pass as Resultset to Clustering.jsp page.

When user clicks on “Edit“ link then url will be sent as


clusterEditdel() method of ClusterManage will be called where caller will be

“ClusEdit” and query is executed as:

 "select * from CLUSTER_SYS_INFO where CLUSTER_SYS_NO

='"+editclusno+"' "

This query is executed to find which database is to update. Then “show()”

method is called where DBConnection is done then resultSet is send to the
“Clustering.jsp” page then resultant page will be displayed as:
Note: ClusterIP of Master will be disable because if we change the IP
address of the master database then values are get updated into
Arcmentor.ini file also and then connection will not be done.

When user updates the values of the user name and password and press
submit button then url sent as: "ArcmentorController?caller=Clussubmit"
where text values are get and updated into “cluster_sys_info” database.


 "update CLUSTER_SYS_INFO set

USER='"+Eduid+"',CLUSTER_DB_PWD='"+Edpwd+"' where
CLUSTER_SYS_NO = '"+Edno+"'"

Arcmentor.ini file gets updated by calling WriteINI() method.

When user press the “Delete” button then url sent as "ArcmentorController?
caller=ClusDelete" where caller will be “ClusDelete” in “ClusterManager” and
query executed as:


 "delete from CLUSTER_SYS_INFO where CLUSTER_SYS_NO


When user clicks on “submit” link URL send to “ClusterManager” where it

checks for the DBConnection if the values entered are making connection to
the database then the url will be redirected to “ClusterAction.jsp”
The page displayed as:

When user clicks on “Yes” button then URL redirected to

“ArcmentorController?caller=Clussubmiting” of “ClusterManage”. Where
caller will be “Clussubmiting” in which query to update the
“cluster_sys_info” and Arcmentor.ini
And WriteINI() method is called to update Arcmentor.ini file.


FileOutputStream fileoutputstream1=null;
BufferedReader bufferedreader = new BufferedReader(new

Here every line is read and tokenize with “=” sign. Values from the
database is read and replaced against “=” sign to update it.
 Licensing


Licensing feature allows user to avail the full version of the ArcMentor after
entering valid license key provided by us.

Installer will Install ‘ArcMentor’ that will be trial version and valid for 30
days after that to access ‘Arcmentor’ it need to be full version.

When Installer for ‘Arcmentor’ runs it execute ‘MAC.EXE’ that generates

‘LICENCE.TXT’ file, that file will be send by the user who want to use full
version of ArcMentor.

‘LICENCE.TXT’ file will have the MAC address of the system where
‘ArcMentor’ is installed. We will generate Key using that MAC address and
send that key back.

JSP Page:



No Servlet

Database Table:

No Database

When the user clicks on the menu ‘Licensing’ the ‘Licence.jsp’ page will gets
open. In Licence.jsp value in comsrc.sys file is read

 licencefile="c:\\WINNT\\system32\\comsrc.sys";
BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader (new FileReader
liceno = br.read();

while installing ‘ArcMentor’ first time ‘comsrc.sys’ file gets created on

“C:\WINNT\System32\” and write value ‘1’ that means it is for trial version.
If comsrc.sys file is already exist there then installer will not create it again.
When user will enter valid license key and press ‘submit’ button then ‘lic.txt’
file will generate at ”C:\Arcmentor\’” from where we will get the Physical
Address as:

Physical Address. . . . . . . . . : 00-11-11-B3-53-03

That will we converted into letters as:


after getting the new string we will compare that string with the key word
what user have entered , if the comparison is true then the key word will be
valid and the value in the ‘comsrc.sys’ will get updated to ‘3’ further screen
appears as:
The values as shown above will be read from the Arcmentor.ini file.

If the 30 days gets over then ‘comsrc.sys’ will gets updated as ‘2’ and the
screen appears as:

Note: checking for expiration of the product will be done at the logger side.
 Report Setting

If entry into “cluster_sys_info” is only one (Primary)

If entry into “cluster_sys_info” is only two (Primary and Secondary)


The Past Session menu under Audit Messaging allows seeing the all past chat
sessions of the users by selecting different criteria’s like date, time
,users,keywords,sessionid or combinations.

JSP Page:



No Servlet

Database Table:


Here when user clicks on ‘Report Settings’ tab of the menu then
‘dbselection.jsp’ page gets loaded.
Here when user clicks on ‘Report Settings’ tab of the menu then
‘dbselection.jsp’ page gets loaded.
First it will check for number of count in “cluster_sys_info” as
 “select count(*) as cnt from CLUSTER_SYS_INFO”.

If there will be only 2 entries into “Arcmentor.ini” file for both primary and
secondary database and only one entry into “cluster_sys_info” then values
of secondary database is inserted into it and value of count will set to ‘2’.
 "insert into CLUSTER_SYS_INFO
If the Database clustering present then the choice is given to the User to
select between the database Clusters to view the GUI reports.

By default the Database is primary if user select the secondary database for
viewing the report then the user Log in to the GUI again if the Log in
authentication is always done through the Primary database only.

If again there is only one entry into ‘cluster_sys_info’ i.e. primary and
report setting is done for secondary then the screen appears as login into
primary database.
 Database Setting


Database Setting allows user to change the settings of the Arcmentor.ini file
because the database connection is done after reading the primary information of
the Arcmentor.ini file like IP Address, user name and password.

JSP Page:



No servlet

Database Table:

No table


When admin clicks on Database Setting tab of the Advance menu then
‘DBsettings.jsp’ page gets loaded. When ‘DBsettings.jsp’ page loads it reads
the Arcmentor.ini file,it reads the values of the primary database and
display it in the text box as shown in the above figure.

To read the Arcmentor.ini file

BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader (new FileReader

PrimaryDatabaseServerIP = br.readLine ();
PrimaryDatabaseRootUser =br.readLine ();
PrimaryDatabaseRootUserPassword =br.readLine ();

s2 = PrimaryDatabaseServerIP.substring
(24,PrimaryDatabaseServerIP.length ());
s3 = PrimaryDatabaseRootUser.substring
(24,PrimaryDatabaseRootUser.length ());
s4 = PrimaryDatabaseRootUserPassword.substring
(32,PrimaryDatabaseRootUserPassword.length ());
If the admin changes the values in the text box and press submit then the
values get updated into Arcmentor.ini file.
 Email Setting


Email Setting under Advance tab allows admin to choose format in which way he
wants to send mail. The Mail will be send to the Admin’s whom names admin have
entered into the database and mail will also send to the users that admin have
selected to whom he wants to send mail.
Logger will automatically mail the current chat sessions to the admin/users after
reading the database.
JSP Page:


ArcmentorController, AdminmanageCommand

Database Table:

message, emai_admin, email_user


EmailSess.jsp -> AcrmentorController -> AdminManageCommand –



When admin clicks on ‘Email Setting’ tab under advance menu then
‘EmailSess.jsp’ page gets loaded.

There are two check boxes to make admin/ser enable. If the check box is
not checked then email will not be send.

Admin can also select the HTML/TEXT format to mail chat session.


When admin selects only first check box and enter Email ID’s whom he
wants to get the mail of the current sessions and press submit then url is
redirected to “ArcmentorController?caller=EmailStructSave” where caller
will be ‘EmailStructSave’ which redirected to ‘’EmailStruct()‘ method of the

In ‘’EmailStruct()‘ caller will be ‘EmailStructSave’ , here it gets the

parameter of the text box,check box(enable/disable) and format of the
email (HTML/TEXT) and execute query to insert the data into
‘EMAIl_DOMAIN’ table of the database.

Note: The Email id’s of the Admin are first splited stored into array and
then inserted.



EMAIL_FORMAT ) values ('"+admin_enable+"', '"+AdminEmailArray[a]+"',


When admin selects only second check box he needs to enter Domain Name
and needs to select users whom he wants to send mail i.e. all users or
particular users from the list box.

The values of the Domain name,user email id’s(All/selected), email

format(HTML/TEXT) are passed from ‘EmailSess.jsp’ page to
‘AdminManageCommand’ and before inserting into database email id’s of
user are splited and stored into array and then inserted into ‘EMAIL_USER’



values ('"+user_enable+"', '"+UserEmailArray[a]+"', '"+emailformat+"')"

And in ‘EMAIL_ADMIN’ the value of ‘ADMIN_ENABLE’ field will be set to ‘N’

Note: In ‘ADMIN_ENABLE’ or ‘USER_ENABLE’ the value for enable is

inserted as ‘Y’ else ‘N’.

In ‘EMAIL_FORMAT’ the value is inserted as ‘H’ for HTML and ‘T’ for TEXT.

When ‘EmailSess.jsp’ page is loaded it first read the ‘EMAIL_ADMIN’ and

‘EMAIL_USER’ by executing query as:

 "select * from email_admin"

 "select * from email_user"

And get the parameters ‘ADMIN_ENABLE’,’ADMIN_EMAILID’,’

‘USER_ENABLE’,’EMAIL_FORMAT’ of ‘EMAIL_USER’ table and displayed while
loading ‘EmailSess.jsp’.

Email Format

There are two radio buttons one is to set HTML image and other is to set
TEXT image.

By default HTML Image will be loaded. While loading page it gets the values
of ‘EMAIL_FORMAT’ and checks if first checkbox is enabled and second one
is disabled then it reads from ‘EMAIL_ADMIN’ table, if second check box is
enabled and first one is disabled then it reads email format of ‘EMAIL_USER’
table or if both the check boxes are enabled then the value of
‘EMAIL_FORMAT’ will remain same.
When radio button is clicked then ‘fnEmailFormat()’ is called in JavaScript
where conditions are checked for which radio button is clicked and depend
on that image is loaded.

document.images[1].src = 'Images/HTML.jpg';
 Logout

When logout tab is clicked then JavaScript function invoke as

javascript:fnConfirm() this is java scripts inbuilt function which is having ok
and cancel button and having message “Are you Sure ?’.

If ok is clicked then URL is redirected to ‘index.jsp’ page.

 Error Page

First the connection is made of reading ‘Arcmentor.ini’ file, if the entry is not
there or connection is not able to make then the ‘ErrorPage.jsp’ gets loaded.

 Base64

Library: Base64.jar

This file is included into lib directory. And imported as:

<%@page import=” com.base64.Base64”%>

s4=new String(Base64.decode(s4));
password=new String(Base64.encode(password));
 Log4j

Library: log4j1.2.9.jar

Included to print error into log file. The library is included into lib directory.

In web.xml


Included as:

Java: import org.apache.log4j.Logger;

Logger logger;

to print Statements:

to print exception:

HTML: <%@ taglib uri="WEB-INF/tld/taglibs-log.tld" prefix="log" %>

<log:debug category="Status.jsp">---Entered Status.jsp---


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