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1.1 Introduction

Projects that we want to implement is Reducing room temperature using underground

water. The construction industry is an important industry in deploying the infrastructure
development in Malaysia. The construction industry could also generate economic
development. From the aspect of technology, the level of construction in Malaysia is still
widespread using conventional methods. From practices and conventional ways to contribute
and support its may lead to low productivity and low efficiency in construction industries.
Therefore, these industries have to move forward in the built environment to achieve high
standards in terms of quality, safety and health and also can increase the productivity and
efficiency in construction industries.

Firstly, our project is related to free energy. Free energy is that portion of any first-law energy
that is available to perform thermodynamic work mediated by thermal energy. Free energy is
subject to irreversible loss in the course of such work.[1] Since first-law energy is always
conserved, it is evident that free energy is an expendable, second-law kind of energy that can
perform work within finite amounts of time. Several free energy functions may be formulated
based on system criteria. Free energy functions are Legendre transformations of the internal
energy. Free energy can divided into Thermodynamic free energy and Helmholtz free energy.

The thermodynamic free energy is the amount of work that a thermodynamic system can
perform. The concept is useful in the thermodynamics of chemical or thermal processes
in engineering and science. The free energy is the internal energy of a system minus the
amount of energy that cannot be used to perform work. This unusable energy is given by
the entropy of a system multiplied by the temperature of the system. Like the internal energy,
the free energy is a thermodynamic state function. Energy is a generalization of free energy,
since energy is the ability to do work which is free energy.
In thermodynamics, the Helmholtz free energy is a thermodynamic potential that
measures the "useful" work obtainable from a closedthermodynamic system at a
constant temperature and volume. The negative of the difference in the Helmholtz energy is
equal to the maximum amount of work that the system can perform in a thermodynamic
process in which volume is held constant. If the volume is not held constant, part of this work
will be performed as boundary work. The Helmholtz energy is commonly used for systems
held at constant volume. Since in this case no work is performed on the environment, the
drop in the Helmholtz energy is equal to the maximum amount of useful work that can be
extracted from the system. For a system at constant temperature and volume, the Helmholtz
energy is minimized at equilibrium.

Lastly is about factors that affecting underground temperature. Many factors affect the
quality of surface and groundwater. Water moving over or under the land surface can
undergo physical and chemical changes. These changes may be caused by either natural
factors or human activities.Contaminants can impair water quality and affect water use. A
contaminant is an undesirable substance in water that either is not normally present or is a
naturally occurring substance at an unusually high concentration. Contaminants can be
divided into four general classes:

Sediment and natural organic materials

Toxic substances

These contaminants can contribute to water by either point or non-point sources. Point
sources contribute contaminants at a discrete site, such as the outflow from a pipe, ditch,
tunnel, well, concentrated animal-feeding operation, or floating craft. These sources can be
controlled to some degree by treatment at or before the point of discharge.

Non-point sources contribute contaminants from a broad area; as a result, such sources are
not as easily identified or controlled as point sources. Non-point sources include the
atmosphere, agricultural areas, golf courses, residential developments, roads, parking lots,
and contributions from groundwater along lengthy reaches of streams.
1.2 Problem statement

Firsty, our problem statement is about weather condition is extremely hot in Malaysia.
Lately, Malaysia enacted extreme climate change, some among them had never seen before.
With countries located in the equator, Malaysia has already prevalent in a tropical climate.
However, Malaysia saw a variety of weather phenomenon which is considered quite unusual.
This includes the hot weather that is too hot blazing up to reach 41C, rainfall with the sum
too high during monsoon northeast to occur a major flood, cold temperatures like happened
in Kelantan until decreased 19C in the early years and the occurrence of a tornado often
occurs at the end of 2014, the El-Nino phenomenon resulting in more floods, droughts, and
heat waves.

The rainfall patterns are very important role in the determination of future climate conditions.
Therefore, various initiatives have been undertaken to overcome the problems associated with
rain due to a variety of possibilities will happen if not done vigorous. In addition, increasing
the temperature at maximum and minimum readings will also affect all activities that made
the study area.

The problem of natural occurrence of disasters related to rainfall also occurs such as flash
floods and floods would recommend residents and urban areas. This is because excessive
water will damage public property and claimed human lives (Arakawa, 1969). Furthermore,
the increase in population for the two districts each year has brought in the existence of the
increased water demand, not only from the aspect of public water supply only in activities
agriculture and industry (Watung, 2004).

However, there are a variety of modern and sophisticated equipment used in hydrology for
the researchers. However, not all problems can be overcome but it can reduce the problems.
Consequently, each study and analysis is done not so accurate and precise. It is because of the
accuracy of an analysis very depending on the perfection in work and consumption data.
Lastly is about global warming in a very critical caused the use of electricity rampant.
Global warming has been a hot topic in recent decades. According to the Climate Literacy,
global warming refers to is a natural phenomenon whereby heat-trapping gases in the
atmosphere, primarily water vapor keep the Earth's surface warm. Human activities,
primarily burning fossil fuels and changing land cover patterns are increasing the
concentrations of some of these gases, amplifying the natural greenhouse effect. I had learned
some basic concepts about global warming, how the greenhouse gas causes global warming,
what we can do to reduce the green gas emission and the effects of global warming. I
gathered the earth will be in big trouble as we continue to waste the resources in ours planet
so we should save the energy to reduce the CO2 emission in order to slow down the
greenhouse effects. In order to alleviate the effects of global warming, scientists have
developed lots of new technology to slow down global warming without lowering our quality
of life.
1.3 Objective

Producing this final year project, many of the objectives that we must achieve in order to
protect the quality of this project. Therefore, we have devised several objectives that we need
to accomplish. The following were the objectives to be achieved :

To design reducing temperature system.

To use underground water to reduce room temperature.
To test the reducing temperature system on small scale model.

1.4 Scope of study

Determine a scope to help us working on the right track. Setting a scope of our project to
guide us in the right specification that have been made:

This project we did at the back of laboratory in the Politeknik Sultan Idris Shah
What we review is the reduction of the air temperature in the underground.
This project we run using the model of small scale.
1.5 Significant of study

The findings of this study will redound to the benefit of peoples considering that
temperature in house an important role as to reduce global warming. By understanding
the needs of the people and benefits in this situation, these can be assured of a
competitive advantage. Moreover, this research will provide recommendations on how to
evaluate temperature of a certain institution in accordance to our country.

Moreover, this study will be helpful to the retail industry and informing them in
the area of the human resources and objectives. It will also serve as a future reference for
researchers on this subject. And importantly, this research will educate clients in deciding
on whether an industry.

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