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8 Herbs That Kill Internal Parasites Naturally

1. Garlic
Garlic is anti-bad-stuff. Viruses, fungi, bacteria, parasites, cancer, and
vampires all hate garlic. Its an absolutely amazing herb and the best in the
business at killing bad stuff. It even chelates heavy metals (removes them
from the body). Garlic is also a very powerful deterrent for blood sucking
parasites like mosquitoes, ticks, and fleas.

How to use it? You can use garlic in so many ways. Add it to your cooked
dishes and if you are brave, you can even put it in your green juice.

2. Black Walnut-Nuts & Hull

black wallnutThe nuts and green hulls of black walnut (Juglans nigra) are
loved by herbalists for their ability to cleanse the blood and the intestines.
Black walnut hull is used to cure fungal infections. The juice from the
green hulls are used to kill parasites. Only green hulls should be used.

How to use it? You can buy black walnut nuts and hull as a tincture and use
it internally as directed. It is often found as an ingredient in internal
cleansing products.

Recommended Product: Black walnut

3. Wormwood

sweet wormwoodWormwood (Artemisia absinthium) is a perennial herb

with tiny yellow-green flowers. Leaves and flowers are used to treat
stomach problems and wormwood is a powerful remedy for intestinal
worms. Wormwood should be avoided by women who or nursing.
Wormwood has strong antimicrobial properties and is used for other
infections as well.

How to use it? Besides being found in many internal cleansing products,
you can make tea out of wormwood. Just add 0.5 1 tsp to hot water and
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you have a cleansing tea ready.

Recommended Product: Wormwood

4. Cloves

CLoveClove essential oil is used to dissolve eggs found in the intestines

that have been left behind by worms. Its believed to be the only herb that
actually does destroy almost all parasite eggs. When used in conjunction
with black walnut and wormwood, the trio break the parasites life-cycles.
Clove is also antibacterial, antiviral, and antifungal. Clove oil has powerful
broad-spectrum antimicrobial properties.

How to use it? Cloves are used to flavor many dishes and baked goods from
relishes, pies, pickles, Indian dishes, teas and cider.

Recommended Product:Clove essential oil

5. Thyme

thymeThyme is one of the most wonderful herbs for stimulating the

thymus, a major gland of your immune system. Thyme stimulates your
bodys natural defenses. Thyme oil can not only eliminate growth of many
parasites, but it can also kill them in the intestinal tract.

How to use it? You can use thyme in practically any dish youd like along
with marjoram, rosemary, oregano and other spices. You may also just use it
dry or fresh.

Recommended Product: Thyme

6. Oregano Oil

oreganoOregano oil is incredibly powerful and one of the most effective

herbs you can use against all kinds of problems, including parasites. It is
infused with extremely high levels of free radical-crushing antioxidants.
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Oregano oil is also antiparasitic, antiviral, antibacterial and antifungal,
making it a powerful yet protective killer that can reset the microbial
environment in your intestines.

How to use it? You can use oregano oil as a tincture, tea, or as an essential
oil. Make sure you get good quality food-grade oils from a reliable source.
It is also an ingredient in many cleansing products.

Recommended Product: Oregano oil

7. Chinese Goldthread

Chinese GoldthreadGoldthread (Coptis chinensis) is an important herb in

traditional Chinese medicine used for helping with all types of infections,
including bacterial, parasitic, yeast and protozoan. Its superpower
ingredient, berberine, is responsible for the broad-spectrum antimicrobial

How to use it? You can make tea out of chinese goldthread. Look for teas
with it as an ingredient. You may want to visit your Asian supermarket.

Recommended Product: Chinese Goldthread

8. Diatomaceous Earth

Diatomaceous EarthDiatomaceous earth (food grade) absorbs E. coli,

methyl mercury, viruses, organophosphate pesticide residues, various toxins
and drug residues. Diatomaceous earth can kill your intestinal parasites,
balance your intestinal flora, destroy viruses in your body and absorb any
toxins that may be harming you. It is typically used for intestinal cleanses
(note that it may irritate your lungs if inhaled).

How to use it? For internal parasites, you can use diatomaceous earth orally.
Start with 0.5 tsp, gradually working up to 2 tbsp mixed with 4 ounces of
water. Take it in on an empty stomach followed by 8 ounces of water
immediately and continue to drink lots of water during the day.
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