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ARE Spencer Johnson, M.D.,

co-author of
The One Minute Manager


questions wom en ask about
m e n -a n d never get answ ers

W AY t o - a r e here in Farrells com

prehensive, hard-hitting, and
fascinating analysis.

-N e n a ONeill,
co-author of Open Marriage


N atasha Josefowitz, Ph.D.,
au th o r of Paths to Power
W inner of Two National
Awards: The best book on
Coalition of Free Men
Mens Rights, Inc.
John Money. Ph D.. Professor
John Hopkins University School of Medicine

WOMEN: Is the man in your life afraid to tell you the

truth . . .

About how he views the role of male power . . . even

in the most intimate situations?
About the way your success really makes him feel?
About his true feelings on Womens Liberation?
About what he needs most from you (even though he
may never say so)?

MEN: Is the woman in your life afraid to hear the

truth . . .

About your resentment at the mixed messages she keeps

About your fantasies . . . including the one that makes
commitment so hard for you?
About her unrealistic expectations . . . expectations that
not even Prince Charming could meet?
About what she could do, if she had a mind to, to make
your relationship really work?

Now, you can learn whats wrong between the sexes

and set it right in your own life!


Turn the page for more rave reviews . . .
George Gilder, author of Sexual Suicide

THIS IS AN IMPORTANT BOOK, one that will prove

invaluable to a woman seeking a lasting relationship with
the man she loves . . . This book gets down to the
Modern Bride


power, women, and men. I loved this book!
Karen DeCrow. former president.
National Organization for Women


EXPLOSIVE . . . More original insight into the everyday
problems between women and men than in any book ever
Paul Pearsall, Ph D . Director, Kinsey Institute.
Summer Sessions


a long way toward a more honest dialogue between the
The Journal o f Sex Research


lion men will find relief in the articulation of the problems
theyve endured silently for years.
Baltimore Chronicle
William Novak, author of The Great American Man Shortage
and co-aulhor of lacocca


FEEL AND WANT. An indispensable prerequisite for any
healing dialogue between women and men.
Howard Halpem. Ph.D.. New York Timei Syndication

LIVELY READING . . . Many facts and myths that

we have come to accept over the past few years are
brought to new light.

VITAL INFORMATION. Any man interested in self-

preservation and happiness must read it.
Calvary Herald

CHALLENGES BOTH SEXES . . . You will gain an

understanding of equality, power, sexism, women and
men that will influence everything and everyone you come
into contact with from now o n .
Nurturing News


This Berkley book contains the complete
text of the original hardcover edition.
It has been completely reset in a typeface
designed for easy reading and was printed
from new film.


A Berkley Book/published by arrangement with

McGraw-Hill Book Company

McGraw-Hill edition/published 1986
Berkley edition/Seplember 1988

All rights reserved.

Copyright 1986 by Warcen Farcell.
This book may not be reproduced in whole or in part,
by mimeograph or any other means, without permission.
For information address: McGraw-Hill Book Company,
1221 Avenue of the Americas, New York, NY 10026.

ISBN: 0-425-11094-X


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G ra te fu l acknow ledgm ent is made to the fo llo w in g fo r pe rm ission to re p rin t p re vio u s ly
published m a terial: M a in e L in e C o m p a n y. R o c kp o rt, M E 04 85 6. fo r the g re eting card.
" W h a t to L o o k fo r in a G u y " b y Jo Jo W a ld o n : m a terial fro m " P o o p in g O u t by
p e rm issio n o f Eve B a b itz ; fro m Okay. Thinner Thighs for Every one by N ic o le H o lla n d e r
by pe rm ission o f St. M a rtin 's Press: The Bride's Registry Checklist courtesy Bride's.
copy rig ht 198 4 by The C onde Nast P ub lication s, In c .: c o ve r photograph fro m How to Get
a Man to Make a Commitment b y p e rm ission o f B o b B ro d y ; fo r the cartoons " H a n d h o ld in g
leads to the hard s t u f f and " H a v e you had m uch experience as a hum an b e in g ? " by
perm ission o f M a rtin J. B u c e lla : fo r the cartoon W hat does she need a Daddy W arbucks
fo r? " b y pe rm ission o f M a rth a C a m p b e ll: fo r the cartoon " I d o n 't need a da tin g s e rv ic e "
by p e rm ission o f C lem S c a lz ilti; fo r the cartoons " H o w do you plan on su p p o rtin g m y
daughter e m o tio n a lly ? ." "T h e Joy o f N o t C o o k in g " and " W e should have bro u g h t along
a man to d o the c o o k in g " c o p y rig h t 1984, reprinted w ith perm ission o f Artem as C ole as
seen in New Women: fo r the cartoons " M y b irth control d e v ic e " and " O k a y . okay. I ll
stay on m y o w n s id e " by perm ission o f B ob D ayton : fo r the cartoons " D o n t pla y house
w ith h im and " I t s not to o s e rio u s " by perm ission o f G eorge D o le : fo r the cartoon I
w a n t a p e rfum e . . . " by p e rm ission o f L o u E isele: fo r the cartoon " I used to be
S u p e rm a n " by perm ission o f Jules F e iffe r: fo r the cartoon " I d id n t mean a c tu a lly liv in g
to g e th e r . . . " by pe rm ission o f M o rt G e rb e rg ; fo r the cartoons " I f he do esn t lik e y o u r
ro u g h , red h a n d s ." " Y o u k n o w w h y I m so fond o f y o u ? ." " A r e you passing me because
you d o n t lik e m y le m o n a d e ? " and A fte r m y breakup w ith B i l l " b y perm ission o f R andy
G lasbergen: fo r the cartoon "T o d a y fo r ,s h o w and t e ll" b y p e rm issio n o f M a lc o lm
H a n co ck ; fo r the cartoon "C o m e o f f it. D a d d y " b y p e rm ission o f Pearl H ill: tw o cartoons
and fro n t c o v e r fro m No Good Men c o p y rig h t 1983 b y R ic k D e io rie . re p rin te d by
perm ission o f W a lla b y B o o ks , a d iv is io n o f S im on & S chuster. In c .; c o ve r fro m Men: An
Owner's Manual c o p y rig h t 1984 by S tephanie B ru s h , re p rin te d b y p e rm issio n o f L in d e n
Press, a d iv is io n o f S im on & S chuster, In c.: " T h e N e w E tiq u e tte " b y pe rm ission o f
Natasha J o se fo w itz; fo r the cartoon by B ill Keane. D ad dy, you hafta listen w ith y o u r
e y e s " by perm ission o f C ow le s S yndicate: fo r the cartoon "D o e s n t y o u r tin y little m in d "
by perm ission o f Joe K o h l; fo r a reproduction o f the cove r o f The Lecherous Professor
by B illie W rig h t D ziech b y p e rm ission o f Beacon Press; fo r illu s tra tio n s fro m No Bad
Men Training Men the Lovehouse W ay by D r. Barbara Lovehouse as to ld to A n n a
Sequoia and Sarah G a llic k . re p rin te d by arrangem ent w ith N e w A m e ric a n L ib ra ry . New
Y o rk . N Y ; fo r the cartoon " Y o u r surprise fir s t " b y p e rm ission o f Jerey M a rcu s; fo r the
cartoon " O h . no! I m fin is h e d " b y pe rm ission o f T o m M a so n; fo r " P la n A and Plan B . "
d ra w in g by M . Stevens. 1983 the N e w Y o rk e r M a g a zin e , In c .; fo r " M in im u m S ecurity
P ris o n ." d ra w in g by M a n k o ff. 1984 the N ew Y o rk e r M a ga zine. In c .: fo r H e re 's a
T u rk e y ," d ra w in g by Frascino. 1984 the N e w Y o rk e r M a ga zine. In c .: fo r the cartoon
" I d like to go all the w a y " by perm ission o f D elb ert Polston: fo r January 31. 1985. co ve r
o f Rolling Stone m agazine by S tra igh t A n o w P ublishers, In c. 1985. a ll rig hts reserved,
reprinted by perm ission; fo r the cartoon " Y o u r secretarial s k ills by pe rm ission o f Jack E.
S chneider; fo r the cartoon " I c a n 't rem em ber y o u r n a m e " by pe rm ission o f B ob Schochet:
fo r the photograph o rig in a lly appearing in Cosmopolitan b y p e rm ission o f Jonathon
T a y lo r; m aterial fro m " W h y S m art W om en M a ke D um b C h o ic e s " b y N an ci H e llm ic h
c o p y rig h t 1985 USA Today, reprinted w ith perm ission; fo r the cartoon " O h , n o th in g , it s
ju s t that you w ere better as a fa n ta s y " b y perm ission o f K im b e rly W arp ; fo r the cartoon
" I 'v e decided to run fo r C o n g re s s " by perm ission o f G eorge W in n e rs: fo r the cartoons
" I t 's you I'm crazy a b o u t." " I d o n 't rem em ber y o u r fa c e ." " A r e y o u try in g to be
m a c h o ." and " I th in k this calls fo r a jn o m e n t o f s ile n c e " b y perm ission o f B o b Zahn.
C A T H Y (B rea thm in ts) c o p y rig h t 1983 U niversal Press S yndicate, reprinted w ith pe rm is
sion , all rig h ts reserved; c o p y rig h t 1984 U n iv e rs a l Press S y n d ica te , re p rin te d w ith
perm ission, a ll rights reserved.
To Dad, Mom. Lee.
Gail, Wayne, and

Questionnaires xiii
A Personal Introduction xix


Chapter J Men Have the PowerWhy Would They
Want to Change? 3


Introduction to Part 2 17
Chapter 2 What Women Want: The Message the Man
Hears 24
Chapter 3 The Flashdance Phenomenon 91
Conclusion te Part 2 101



Chapter 4 Why Are Men So Preoccupied with Sex
and Success? 109
Chapter 5 What Makes a Man Successful at Work
That Makes Him Unsuccessful at Home?
Or Why Cant Men Listen? 139
Chapter 6 Why Are Men So Afraid of Commitment? 150


Chapter 7 The New Sexism 189
Chapter 8 Why Did the Sexual Revolution Come
and Go So Quickly? 237
Chapter 9 Dialogues on Sex, Success, and
Fragile Egos 267


Should I Question My Motivations for
Changing Him? __ 285
Chapter JO What I Love Most about Men 287
Chapter II How Can I Change a Man (Without Just
Getting Him Ready for the Next Woman}? 309
Chapter 2 How Can I Get Him to Express Feelings? 334
Chapter 13 Conclusion: Clearing the Way for Love 354

Notes 373
Bibliography and Resources 383
Index of Questions 386
Acknowledgments 393
General Index 396
To Which of These Questions Would You Like the Answer?* Yes No

W hy are m en so threatened by successful w om en?

W hy are m en's egos th eir second m ost fragile In*
strum ent?
H o w can I chan ge a m an w ith out Just getting him
ready fo r the next w om an?
W hen 1 take initiatives, m en seem to back off. W hy?
W hy w o n 't m en listen?
W hy c an 't m en get in touch w ith th e ir feelings?
W hy do m en often say "Y o u 're special," and then 1
never see them again?
W hy do so m any m en have so fe w m en friends?
W hy are "g irly" m agazines so big w ith m en?
W hy can 't m en ask for help?
W hy do m en spend so m uch tim e w atching sports
(even w hen they say they w ant m ore tim e with their
fam ily)?
W hy can't m en let a frien dsh ip develop . . . and
then, if sex happens, it happens?
Som etim es w hen I'm w ith a m an 1 see his open and
vulnerable parts. And then w hen he gets around
other m en, he closes them off. W hy is that?
W hy are m en so preo ccupied with their j.obs even
w hen they're losing contact with th eir fam ily?
W hy are m en so often like boys underneath?
W hy d o m en seem to have contem pt for w om en on
the o n e hand (w itness th eir jokes) and put them on
a pedestal on the o th e r hand?
If m en are "just desserts," w hy am 1 w illing to give
up so m uch fo r a little banana split?
W hy do m en rape?

Each of these questions, based upon actual workshop experiences with

106,000 women and men from all walks of life, is addressed in this book. See
index of Questions, page 3B6. y
Q U E S T IO N S W O M E N A SK (C ont.)
To Which of These Questions Would You Like the Answer? Yes No

Are m en just interested in conquest is that the

real excitem ent for m en?
Why do m en alw ays feel they have to prom ise
love even w hen they're not "in love"?
Why do w om en earn 59 percent of w hat m en earn
even w hen their contributions are "ind ispen sable"?
M en have the p ow er w hy w ould they w ant to give
it up?
Why can't m en adm it w hen they're w rong?
Im an attractive w om an. 1 have lots of options. Yet
so m any m en 1 end up with are successful but in
sensitive. W hy?
Why did my father criticize m e so often?
W hy are m en so paranoid about hom osexuality?
I'd like to be able to get lovey-dovey w ithout it nec
essarily leading to intercourse. Is that too m uch to
expect from a m an?
W hen 1 first m eet a man 1 often think he's w o n d e r
ful 1 tell all my w om en friends and I'm elated;
then he disappoints me once, then tw ice . . . b e
fore 1 know it 1 think he's a jerk. Yet I'm still
tem pted to stay with him . . . why is that?
Why do m ale leaders get into so m any wars?
(W ould it be different if w om en led?)
W hy is it that m en w ho a re n t m acho are often, well
. . . wim ps?
W hy are m en afraid of com m itm ent?
If 1 could wish one thing from m y relationship with
a m an, it w ould be to have m ore honesty.
Are there any m en w h o are both sensitive and
strong . . . w ho are not already taken up?
To Which of These Questions Would You Like the Answer? Yes No

W hy do w om en often w ant friendships before sex

and then, w hen a friendship is developed, say, "I
d o n 't w ant to spoil such a goo d friendship with
sex ?
W hy do w o m en treat m en like "success objects ?
W hy do w om en com p lain that if they took the ini
tiatives a m an w ould back off?
W hy do w om en w ant to have their cake and eat it
to o they w ant to be independent, but they expect
me to pick up the check?
W hy are so m any w om en so angry at m en?
W hy do w om en always seem to need reassurance
about their place (status) in a relationship? W hy
can't they let a beautiful relationship just be?
W hy does it seem as if w om en run w hen the going
gets tough financially?
O ur relationship w as going fine, but she was a l
w ays pressing for an o th er level of co m m itm ent
saying she couldn't "open up" and "really give"
until she had that security? I felt like a "relatio n
ship o b ject." W hy?
W hen I first m eet a w om an she treats m e like God.
I can't do anything w rong. By the end, I can't do
anything right. W hy is that?
I som etim es feel "d am n ed if I do and dam ned if I
d o n 't." For exam ple, if a w om an responds hesi
tantly to a kiss and I pursue. I'm insensitive; if I
back off, I'm not exciting enough ; if I stop and try
again I'm incorrigible. W hy doesn't she take some
W hy do so m any w om en talk behind m en's backs?
W hy d o n t they confront the m an directly?
One day a w om an was totally devoted to our rela
tionship and, I thoug ht, em otionally connected to
me. W hen I said, though, that I didn't w ant to get

Each of these questions, based upon actual workshop experiences with

106,000 women and men from all walks of life, is addressed in this book. See
Index of Questions, page 366.
Q U E S T IO N S M E N A S K (C ont.)
To Which o( These Questions Would You Like the Answer? Yes No

m arried, 1 hardly ever saw her again she didn't

seem to care about w hat 1 did and seem ed able to
cut off the sexual relationship w ithout a problem .
W hy?
W hen a w om an is angry at m e she often w ithdraw s
sexually. 1 don't. Why?
W hy are so few w om en at the very top in business?
If it's m ale prejudice, w hy d on 't they start their own
businesses? M en did.
W hen w om en do "m ake it" in business, w hy do
they seem to becom e like men?
1 held a door for a w om an the other day, and she
looked at me as if 1 w as part of a conspiracy. W hy
are som e w om en "p a ra n o id -lib erate d "?
W hy does my w om an friend get preoccupied with
m akeup even though 1 tell her 1 prefer her w ithout
W hy can t m ore w om en just enjoy sex for itself-
w ithout having to attach conditions?
1 asked my girlfriend, "D id you have an orgasm ?"
She told me 1 was preoccupied with perform ance.
So 1 didn't ask my next girlfriend, and she said 1
didn't care about her needs. 1 don't get it.
W om en are always com plaining about the w ay men
are, but aren't they the ones w ho brought us up
that way?
W hy do so m any w om en play victim ?
O ne day a w om an's devoted to a successful engi
neer; the next day, to a drug-dealing artist they're
like cham eleons. 1 d on 't understand. . . . Why?
W hy do so m any w om en give so m any m ixed m es
sages? W hat do w om en really w ant?
If w om en w ant som ething, w hy don't they go out
and get it?
If we condense womens questions about men into one ques
tion, it might be, Why are men such jerks? Womens ques
tions are often complaints which center around the perception
that men cant see the forest for their egos. These complaints
arc well articulated.
In contrast, mens questions about women are at the pre-
articulation stage: they feel that somethings happening thats
unfair, but cant quite put their finger on it. Nor do they try very
hard to put their finger on ittheyre more focused on proving
themselves. Yet men seem to feel theyre living in an era when
women want to have their cake and eat it too. For many men,
the age-old Freud-attributed question, What do women really
want? is still without a clear answer. And the fear of being
accused of being a male chauvinist has made them afraid to ask
the questions necessary to get the answers. In the process of
responding to the questions women have about men, Ill respond
to the concerns men have but rarely articulateabout women.
A Personal Introduction

My mother was forty-nine. 1 had seen her move in and out of

depression. Into depression when she was not working, out of
depression when she was working. The jobs were just tempo
rary, but, she would tell me, I dont have to ask Dad for every
penny when Im working.
When the Christmas season ended, so did my mothers final
job. Her depression returned. Tension mounted between her and
Dad. Doses of medication became stronger and soon led to dizzy
spells. Some of the dizzy spells resulted in falls. One fall was
her last. At forty-nine she died.
Soon after my mothers death the womens movement sur
faced. Perhaps because of her death, it made sense to me in an
instant. I could not miss the sense of self that I saw in my mother
when her work brought her both income and adult human com
munication, when it brought her a sense of purpose and a feeling
of having some rights. I was surprised when I saw men trivialize
the intent of what women were struggling to articulate. I soon
found myself at the homes of emerging feminist friends in
Manhattan, plopped in front of their husbands with instructions
to tell him what you told me.
The impact of these events was strong enough that I changed
my doctoral dissertation topic to one related to the male-female
attitude change, gave up my position as an assistant to the
president of NYU, and wrote a book called The Liberated Man*
The Liberated Man explained to men the value of womens

*1 will soon be revising this as The Value o f an Independent Woman (to a

Secure Man).

x ix

independence, what independence means in everyday interac

tion, and the value of listening to a womans story as a way of
loving her.
Why Men Are the Way They Are is its complement. It is mens
story. It, too, has evolved from personal experience.
My brother Wayne was approaching twenty-one. He and his
woman friend went cross-country skiing in the Grand Tetons.
Their goal: to cross the highest mountain in Wyoming.
The snows were slipping from the mountains. It was April.
They came to a dangerous pass. Both feared the avalanches.
Two of them going forward would put them both in danger, yet
would give each the opportunity to save the other. Wayne went
forward alone. The snow slipped from the mountain, gathered
momentum and tumbled its thousands of frozen pounds over my
brother. Burying him 40 feet under. He would have been
Wayne and his girlfriend had just naturally agreed that it was
his life that would be riskedand in this case sacrificedas he
and she both played out their roles. It took me years to under
stand how Waynes willingness to give lfis life away was its own
brand of powerlessness.
Once I did, a lot followed. Every day. The day 1 write this is
the tenth anniversary of the end of our involvement in Vietnam.
The New York Times features a picture of the war memorial
engraved with the names of almost 57,000 Americans. All but
eight of the names are the names of men. One of those names,
near the end 1 imagine, is A1 Zimmerman, with whom 1 ran the
hundred-yard dash every spring day for two years. We shared the
all-important goal of beating each other by one-tenth of a sec
ond. An Honor Society student, A1 carried himself like a young
Dwight Eisenhower. We graduated together. Six months later 1
returned for Christmas and called Al. His mom choked up and
passed the phone to his dad. Al has been shot in Vietnam. Im
afraid hes dead, Warren.
To Al, and to my brother, male power was male powerless
ness. I sensed the need to listen to another story.
How could I listen to the male experience of powerlessness
without minimizing the story that led to my mothers death? Was
it possible for the sexes to hear each other without saying. My
powerlessness is greater than your powerlessness? It was be
coming obvious each sex had a unique experience of both power
and powerlcssness. In my mind's eye I began to visualize a

listening matrix as a framework within which we could hear

these different experiences. It looked like this:

Fem ale experience M ale experience
of pow erlessness of powerlessness
Fem ale experience M ale experience
of pow er of pow er

As I looked more carefully at the listening matrix I saw that

during the past twenty years we had taken a magnifying glass to
the first of these four quadrants, the female experience of power
lessness. I saw I was subconsciously making a false assumption:
The more deeply I understood women's experience of powerless
ness, the more I assumed men had the power women did not
have. In fact, what I was understanding was the female experi
ence of male power. When a woman is divorced,, has two
children, no alimony, no child support, and no job experience
that is her experience of powerlessness; when a man is in the
hospital with a coronary bypass operation caused by the stress of
working two jobs to support two children his former wife wont
let him see, and he feels no other woman will get involved with
him because of those very circumstancesthat is his experience
of powerlessness. Both feel loneliness. The flip sides of the same
role make both sexes feel powerless.
In visual form, the magnifying glass we have taken over the
past two decades to the first quadrantthe female experience of
powerlessnessgave us the following view of the world.

Instead of understanding male powerlessness we had come to

understand only the female experience of male power. In fact,
the greater a womans expertise on the issue of female power-
lessness, the less she tended to understand the male experience
of powerlessness. Why? She assumed that female powerlcssncss
meant male power. The imbalance would not be corrected until
we held the same magnifying glass to the second quadrant,
giving us the following picture.

When I began to look carefully at this listening matrix I

recalled living in Europe when I was fourteen and fifteen. The
Dutch and Scandinavian women were much less into playing out
the helpless or dependent female who was also afraid of her body
and sex; and, sure enough, the Dutch and Scandinavian men
were less into making jerks of themselves by overperforming.
Later, as I traveled through Spain, Italy, Greece, Turkey, and
Morocco, I saw men who played variations on a much more
macho role. And women who played variations on a much more
economically dependent and sexually restricted role. I began to
see that sex roles were symbiotic. That we were all involved in a
complex sex role dance. The listening matrix was crucial, be
cause every time we blamed the other sex for doing something
we despised we could be substituting looking within ourselves
and discovering what we were doing to reinforce that behavior.
Even to create it.
The more I applied this listening matrix, the more I saw the
women and men 1 worked with develop intimacy rather than
hostility. The more 1 saw men willing to make commitments
rather than getting close to a woman only to pull back for
reasons neither understood. Which brings me to a special mes
sage to womenmostly.

A Message to WomenMostly
During the past two decades, women have been frustrated be
cause the more they find themselves, the more they seem to
be placing their relationships with men in jeopardy. They have
expressed frustration that they were the ones doing all the work
in their relationships, and having to spoon-feed what they learned
to men. Even the spoon-feeding created feedback.
Over the years, I have seen womens body language alter as
the frustration accumulated. They didnt like what they felt in
themselves. I saw tears of hopelessness well in the eyes of more
than a few womenwomen who were alternating between hope
lessness toward men and a haunting fear that Maybe its me
. . . maybe Im doing something wrong.
Increasingly, women are finding men to be less and less lovable.
Yet we say men have power. In this book I redefine power to
include lovability. Which gives us a new look at male power.
When I wrote The Liberated Man, it was mostly women who
responded positively. They felt understood. A woman would
give it to a man with any excuseValentines Day, Fathers
Day, birthdays, anniversariesin the hope that he would under
stand her better. I think it is fair to say that the book accom
plished that much. But I noticed that only a small number of men
really changed. And those who changed the most changed
defensively because she wanted the man different. Over the
years, though, I noticed women back off from these men. Their
relationships became asexual. They were picking up on mens
defensiveness. As one woman put it, A man walking on egg
shells doesnt have much sex appeal. Some men were even
called wimps.
At first I didnt understand how a man who was more sensitive
could ever be less appealing. But I came to understand the
distinction between men who are defensively sensitive ( walking
on eggshells ) and men who are sensitive as a result of their
own security. Only a secure man is appealing.
Women know how destructive it is when they change for men.
Women changed so much for men that it shocks them now to
learn that while they were adapting to men, men were adapting
to women. Adapting in a manner that is so different from
womens experience of adapting that at first it is barely recogniz
able as adaptation.

Thats too badbecause women have done so much work on

relationships. Yet the articles on men in womens magazines do
not discuss life the way men experience life. So the questions
they purport to answer, such as those in the opening question
naire (about egos, listening, fear of successful women, and sp
on), are not answered in a way that rings true for menonly in a
way that rings true for women about men. These perceptions
cannot be applied to men without the men feeling uncomfortable,
without knowing quite why. So it becomes easier for a man to
escape via TV, sports, or behind a paper.
It has taken me much of the past seventeen years to understand
that men do not become more lovable until they feel understood.
Increasingly, 1 have altered my workshops to get both sexes to
understand each other. But that understanding does not work if it
is only on an intellectual level. So I started developing exercises
to have each sex walk a mile in the other sexs moccasins.
Thats when things started changing. 1 began listening more
carefully to men. And as I listened, I observed some important

1expected that the men who were askingeven demand

ingthat their stories be heard, would be chauvinists. In
fact, chauvinists didnt think about their stories. 1 found
that the men who understood their stories were those
most in touch with their feelings. Their stories were their
1 noticed that men who were willing to read and discuss
books on relationships were tuned into women. But if
they were not also tuned into their own hurts, it was
usually out of the fear of confronting women. Under
neath they usually retained the attitude that women needed
special protection. It was the first sign that the man was
still not treating a woman as an equal. And a sign that
the man was not secure enough to risk female rejection.

I found that those women who could hear mens stories

without seeing them as taking away from their ownwere among
the few whose independence seemed to come out of internal
security, who were not turning life into a fight, and who had
consistently good relationships with men. For some women,
feminism had opened the whole vista of reexamining roles
including mens roles. For others, the deeper the feminism, the

more closed the women were to men. Strict ideology is for

women what macho is for men.
These perceptions forced me to look within myself. At first I
really believed I was writing because I was just naturally sensi
tive. But why was I not so naturally sensitive to men? Was it
possible that understanding women was my way of becoming
womens hero? Of gaining female acceptance and minimizing
rejection? If I was so secure, why didnt I apply that same
sensitivity to men? What was I afraid of?
Well, I was afraidof losing women who loved me, cared for
me, and confided in me. Intellectually I knew that if a woman
who was herself secure really loved me, she would delight in my
self-explorationno matter what it uncovered. If anything, she
would relish the sense of security she knew was behind it.
But in real life it didnt work that way. Women thought I was
being most vulnerable when I was discussing genuine feelings of
love, mistakes I had made, and feelings about my family. Actu
ally I was being most vulnerable when I discussed sexual de
sires. But my experience had taught me that if I wanted to be
intimate with a woman in a way that included sex. I should
mention intimacy more and sex less. Which is why it will be
very difficult for men to discuss openly with a woman the
portions of this book that reveal what men are willing to do for
sex. It puts women off. And most men sensitive enough to make
it through this book will also be sensitive enough to be aware
that openly discussing what they would do for sex (with any
attractive woman) would directly cut them off from sex or love
from that woman. Women have a parallel vulnerability. Which it
took me some time to be fully receptive to hearing from a
woman. An embarrassing example . . .
A few years ago I was walking down the street with a woman
friend. She said, I have to admit, one reason Ive fantasized
being your wife is that Id like to be Mrs. Dr. Warren Farrell
and have people know I got the man who wrote The Liberated
Man. At the time I thought that was one of the most /liberated
comments I had ever heard. My opinion of the woman dropped.
I was just an object to her, ^thought. And I told her that.
It took me some time to understand that I had asked her for
vulnerabilityand that this woman, perhaps more than any other,
had really offered it. Smart enough to know both what she was
saying and to predict my reaction, she acknowledged the part of
her that was treating me as a success object. She knew that

would make me feel less special as a personand that she would

risk rejection. That's vulnerability.
Mens equivalent vulnerability is our sexual desire. Especially
the compulsive parts: because theyre compulsive, theyre vul
nerable. Discussing the compulsive parts openlytalking abou^
all the women a man would like to approach but is afraid to
approachrequires the deepest trust and vulnerability from a
man because it makes the woman hed like to feel closer to feel
less specialand therefore distant from him.
In contrast, discussing love, hinting at commitment, question
ing this compulsiveness, letting our feeling side showthese
arc all beautiful traits. But the exhibition of them requires far
less vulnerability, because they increase womens respect for us
and they enhance a womans feelings that she is special. So they
increase our power with a woman, not our vulnerability. In fact,
the tougher we act on the outside, the more special women feel
when men let their feelings show, so feelings like these are not
really the vulnerability of reasonably sensitive men. These feel
ings arc, rather, mens way of adaptingby being vulnerable
in the areas in which women want us to-be vulnerable.
If you can tap into what this book triggers for a man sexually,
and understand that a man who peels off his sexual vulnerability
in front of you is making the deepest statement of his trust in
you, you will see a part of him you will not likehis real
vulnerability. Just as I saw the real vulnerability of the woman
who admitted a part of herself she did not like. Which is why it
is vulnerability. If you like something, its hardly vulnerable.
In my personal and professional life, hearing this vulnerability
from men meant another layer of hearing men differentlynot
monitoring a mans voice with the more you understand him,
the less pro-woman youll appear, not trying to create a rebuttal
while he is talkingbut rather, being willing to support him in
exploring his emotions, no matter where they led.
As I tried this, I found it harder to do than I expected. For
fourteen years, I had prepared convincing responses to anything
sexist. But more important, my responses frequently left women
saying, Right onyou tell him, Warren. I am embarrassed to
admit it was not easy to substitute listening carefully to men for
that response from women. And that embarrassment gave me a
hint about where to explore.
First I explored the assumption I mentioned abovethat under
standing womens sense of powerlessness meant assuming men

had power women did not have. Theoretically I had always

agreed sex roles hurt both sexes. But in practice I was becoming
less and less understanding ofand tolerant towardmen. I
didnt realize it wasnt just sexual desires that make a man
vulnerable in a world that treats sex as dirty. Little makes a man
more vulnerable than whining (when whining means blaming
a woman) in a world that says he is powerful and she is vulnera
ble. True vulnerability involves acknowledging the whining side,
the helpless side, the blaming side. There is no sex appeal in this
side of men. Which is why it requires such true vulnerability.
As my willingness to listen to men began to coincide with my
willingness to listen to women, I became increasingly uncom
fortable with yet another paradox: women were coming to me to
change their men because the women felt understood. None of us
realized that if we wanted a man to change, he must feel
understood by us just as the woman felt understood by me. Here
I was criticizing the fragile male ego without comprehending that
criticism rarely undoes fragility. Especially criticism not pre
ceded by deep understanding. Like most ideologues, I was pro
ducing exactly the opposite of my goal.
Yet as I began to share some of my new understandings of
men with women, I could feel many women form a yes, but
in their minds eye. Which signals me to stop talking and ask
whats happening. A number of women expressed fears that if
they understood men, it would give men an excuse to remain the
same; they didnt want to hear about mens preoccupation with
sexthey just wanted men to be less preoccupied. One woman
feared that if she understood mens fear of commitment, shed be
giving her man an out.
A politically oriented friend expressed some fear that if she
presented an expanded understanding of issues like rape to her
colleagues, theyd accuse her of justifying the issues rather
than really hearing her. Because she is a woman in touch with
her feelings, she saw how vulnerable she was to her colleagues
accusations of being sexist, or not a real feminist. And she
saw how that vulnerability blocked her from fully hearing men
just as it had blocked me. Together we came to understand how
we beg men to express feelings, but then, when men do express
feelings, we call it sexism, male chauvinism, or backlash. We
saw how these labels are to a reasonably sensitive man what
labels like aggressive are to a woman first trying to assert
herself. How it is like knocking down a baby who is struggling

to take her or his first steps. The women I was able to delve most
deeply with often said they feared that if they knew men were as
adapting to women as the women had been to men, they would
divert their anger away from men and toward themselves. Intel
lectually they knew that wasnt necessarybut in their gut, that
was their fear. *
And so "understanding men" created some genuine blocks.
Yet the men who felt truly understood seemed to be the first to
acquire the key prerequisite to change: personal security. Just as
support groups gave women the additional security they needed
to change.
All of this is fundamental to Eastern philosophythat we gain
power when we listen to the energy of a potential opponent and
ride with it rather than dissipate our own energy resisting it. This
philosophy, as manifested in martial arts like aikido, demon
strates how doing battle (as in the "battle of the sexes ) leaves
everyone with neither power nor soul.
I expect that more women than men will, at first, pick up this
book. But I think that if you give this book to a man and listen to
the stories it triggers for himwithout .arguing, without clam
ming up so that he senses hes telling each story at the expense
of closeness from you, he will gain power and you will gain
power, and you will discover a part of him which hears a part of
you he was too insecure to hear before. You will discover a part
of him you will love to love.

How Did You Research This Book?

The experiences I shared in the personal part of the Introduction
made me responsive to the womens movement to the degree of
serving on the board of the National Organization for Women
(NOW) in New York City for three years. It also led to my
forming some three hundred mens groups and a similar number
of womens groups, most of which met separately for a few
months, then alternated between meeting jointly and separately
until the energy ran out. None of these methods of studying men
and women, though, were as important as the two mens groups
and the joint group (with women) that I joined. These groups
helped me confront every aspect of myself.
Still more important was learning that no presentation at which
I merely spoke could be as meaningful to the audience as a

presentation that I transformed into a mini-workshop based on an

old Indian proverb: Dont judge me until you walk a mile in
my moccasins. I asked each audience member to go through a
carefully structured simulation of the socialization of the other
sex. Or to play the role of the other sex in a series of role
reversal exercises.
From the role reversal exercises evolved the answers to hun
dreds of questions I began hearing women ask about men: Why
cant men listen? Why are men afraid of commitment?
Why are men threatened by successful women? Each question
also implied a complaint, and each complaint had at least a germ
of truth. But how to discover why?
My first glimpse as to why came about sixteen years ago,
when a woman asked, Why cant men listen? When she
played the male role of asking out a boy and initiating kissing
him, though, she found herself so fearful of rejection ( If I kiss
him on the lips is that too forward? If I dont, will he think Im a
wimp?) that she could barely listen to a word the boy said.
That gave me a first hint as to why men couldnt listen.
That also gave me some hints as to what there was in the male
role that made a biological female act like a male even beyond
the extent I had instructed. From the scientific perspective, we
had allowed for biology, which gave us insight about the impact
of role. After working in this manner with 106,000 women and
men* (the number that attended my presentations which evolved
into workshops) over seventeen years, why men are the way they
are became clearer and clearer.
Simultaneously, I was also asking men to experience womens
dilemmas. For example, I designed a mens beauty contest to
allow the men to experience being looked at as sex objects.
Normally, men love it, so they dont easily understand womens
protestations. But as each man in the contest (except the winner)
is rejected based on his looks, his emotional experience of being
viewed as a sex object is altered.
The mens beauty contest also gave men a second experience
normally reserved for women. For one hour a mans looks
become central to his identity, as the criteria for his acceptance
and rejection were centered around his body. So he felt how a
woman can have a love-hate relationship with being looked at as
a sex object.

About 55 percent women.


Deep understanding of another person rarely occurs unless we

participate in the other persons way of getting respect and
approval. How do we do that? First, we listen to the messages
they received to gain respect. This is their interpretation of the
rules of the game." Second, we see how they have assessed
their strengths and weaknesses so they can win at that gameor
win respect. (Some will conform, some will rebel, and some,
like myself, will write social commentary.) Each of these steps is
incorporated in the role reversal experiences.
Were the 106,000 women and men a self-selected sample?
No. Thousands came because they had to ( IBM is requiring
this for management training ); and many, like college jocks,
who would seldom have been attracted to a talk on men, were
attracted by portions of my presentation like the mens beauty
contest. Audiences ranged from Kiwanis Clubs to the National
Association of Architectural Metal Manufacturers to alcohol treat
ment centers. The diversity of the participants kept me in touch
with the broad spectrum of Americans. And during workshops
abroad I was able to see how Americans contrast with people
from other countriesfrom Australia to Yugoslavia.
Why Men Are the Way They Are differs from books on men
and women which arc based on responses to questionnaires (such
as The Hite Report and the Cosmo Reports). On questionnaires,
most people respond that they are more trustworthy than most
people, that they are less interested in looks and money than
their actual behavior indicates, and so on. So these books under
standably miss the less pleasant motivations that create the real
ity with which each sex contends. For example, many people
claim they are fairly free from roles. So I ask these people to
simulate meeting at a party and show me how they would
conduct themselves without playing roles. Thats how I discov
ered how rare it is for a woman ever to take the hand of a man
who had never before taken her hand, or to kiss a man for the
very first time, or to take any of the 150 initiatives between eye
contact and sexual contact I found arc typically expected of a
man if a relationship is ever to be sexual. That opened me to
examining the defenses men must have formed to keep from
feeling the rejection which led to the chapter on male powerless
ness: Why Are Men So Preoccupied with Sex and Success?
Each theme in the book evolved from my examination of actual
behavioras opposed to claimed behavior.
Once I began to understand how men and women adapt to

roles that make them acceptable to the other sex, I had to take
just as careful a microscope to the study of womens actual
behavior versus their verbalized behaviorin order to under
stand the real messages men were unconsciously receiving and
therefore what roles they thought they needed to adapt to. In
essence, womens desires were an important ingredient in deter
mining why men are the way they are.
Why Men Are the Way They Are does not focus on parental or
genetic influences on men. It focuses on the dynamic between
men and women that can be worked with on an everyday level.
Which is why the book is subtitled The Male/Female Dynamic.

Warren Farrell
103 North Highway 101
Suite 220
Leucadia (San Diego), CA 92024
Men Have the PowerWhy
Would They Want to Change?

Ralph was a forty-one-year-old man in our mens group. He was

married, the father of two children. He had been in the group for
three months, and had hardly said a word. One evening he
looked up and said, I think Id like to speak up tonight. Im
afraid I joined this group only because my wife forced me to.
She got involved in one of these womens movement operations
and started changing. She called it growing. About three months
ago she said, Ralph, Im tired of having to choose between a
relationship with you and a relationship with myself. Pretty fancy
rhetoric, I thought. Then she added, Theres a mens group
forming thats meeting next Tuesday. Why dont you get involved?
Well, I kind of laughed her off. But a week later she started
again. The groups meeting next Tuesday. As far as Im con
cerned, if youre not doing some changing in three months,
thats the end.
The end! For the sake of a mens group? I asked.
Its symbolic, Ralph, she said.
So I figured Id join this symbol and see what you fags were
talking about! But the problem was, you didnt fit my image,
and I began identifying with some of the things you were saying.
Well, anyway, last night Ginny reminded me the three months
were up tomorrow. So I think Id like to speak up tonight.
We laughed at Ralphs motivation, but encouraged him to
Well, what struck me was how each of you chose different
careers, but you all worried about succeeding. Even you, Jim
even though youre unemployed and have a laid-back facade.
That started me thinking about my career.

"All my life I wanted to play baseball. As a pro. When 1 was

a sophomore in high school I was pretty hot stuff, and my uncle
came and scouted me. Later he said, Ralph, youre good. Damn
good. And you might make it to the pros if you really work at it.
But only the best make good money for a long time. If you reallyt
want to be good to yourself, make use of your intelligence, get
yourself a good job-one you can depend on for life.'
"I was surprised when my folks agreed with him. Especially
Dad. Dad always called me Ralph, who pitched the no-hitter.
Dad stopped calling me that after that conversation. Maybe that
turned the tide for me. Ralph hesitated, as if he were piecing
something together, but he quickly withdrew from his introspection.
"Anyway, I was proud of myself for making the transition
like a man. Id always liked reading and learning, but just hadnt
focused much on it. But I figured just for a couple of years Id
play the system: borrow friends old term papers, take a look at
old exams, focus my reading on the questions different teachers
tended to ask, and so on. I never cheated. I just figured Id play
the system for a couple of years, raise my grades, then when I
got into college, I could really leamI'could do what I wanted
after that.
"Well, playing the system worked. I got into a top-notch
university. But it soon became apparent that a lot of people
graduated from good universitiesif I wanted to really stand out
it would help to play the system for just a few more years, get
into a good grad school or law school, and then, once I did that,
I could do with my life what I wanted after that.
"I decided on law schoolbut to become a social-work law
yer, so I could make a real contribution to people who most
needed it. But about my second or third year of law school
when my colleagues saw I was taking what they called this
missionary law seriously, they explained that if I really wanted
to be effective as a social-work lawyer, Id better get some
experience first in the hard-knocks, reality-based field of corpo
rate law rather than ease into the namby-pamby area of social-
work law right awayif I didnt I wouldnt get the respect to be
effective. Frankly, that made sense. So I joined a top corporate
law firm in New York. I knew I could work there for a couple of
years, and then really do what I wanted with my life after that.
"After a couple of years in the firm, I was doing well. But the
whole atmosphere of the corporate legal community made it
clear that if I dropped out after two years it would be seen as a
Men Have the Power Why Would They Want to Change? 5

sign that I just couldnt hack the pressure. If 1 continued for just
a couple more years, and became a junior partnerjunior part
ners were the ones marked with potentialthen I could really do
what I wanted with my life after that.
Well, it took me seven years to get the junior partnership
offered to mewith politics and everything. But I got it. By that
time I had lost some of the desire to be a social-work lawyerit
was considered a clear step backward. In other ways I main
tained that idealit seemed more meaningful than kowtowing to
rich money. But I also knew the switch would mean forfeiting a
lot of income. My wife Ginny and I had just bought a new
homewhich we pretty much had to do with two kidsand I
knew theyd be going to college. . . . Ginnys income was only
part-time now, and she was aching to travel a bit.
By that time, I also realized that while junior partners had
potential, the people with the real ins in the legal community
were not the junior partners, but the senior partners. I figured I
had a pretty big investment in the corporate law area nowif I
just stuck it out for a couple more years, I could get a senior
partnership, get a little money saved for the kids' education and
travel, and then I could really do with my life what I wanted. . . .
It took me eight more years to get the senior partnership. I
can remember my boss calling me into the office and saying,
Ralph, were offering you a senior partnership. I acted real
calm, but my heart was jumping toward the phone in anticipation
of telling Ginny. Which I did. I told Ginny I had a surprise. Id
tell her when I got home. I asked her to get dressed real special.
I refused to leak what it was about. I made reservations in her
favorite restaurant, bought some roses and her favorite champagne.
I came home real early so wed have time to sip it together; 1
opened the door and said, Guess what? Ginny was looking
beautiful. She said, What is it, Ralph? I said, I got the senior
partnership! She said, Oh, fine, thats great, but there was a
look of distance in her eyes. A real superficial enthusiasm, you
know what I mean?
We nodded.
So I said, What do you mean Oh, fineIve been
working since the day we met to get this promotion for us, and
you say Oh, fine ?
Every time you get a promotion, Ralph,' Ginny announced,
you spend less time with me. I guess I just wish youd have
more time for me. More time to love me.

Why do you think Ive been working my ass off all these
years if it isn't to show you how much I love you? I said.
Ralph, thats not what I mean by love. Just look at the
kids. Ralph.'
Well. I did look at the kids. Randy is seventeen. And Ralph,
Jr., is fifteen. Randy just got admitted to collegea thousand
miles from here. Each year I keep promising myself that next
year Ill really get to know who they are. Next year . . . Next
year. But next year hell be in college. And I dont even know
who he is. And I dont know whether Im his dad or his piggy
I dont know where to begin with Randy, but a few weeks
ago I tried to change things a bit with Ralph, Jr. He was
watching TV. I asked him if he wouldnt mind turning it off so
we could talk. He was a little reluctant, but he eventually started
telling me some of what was happening at school. We talked
baseball, and I told him about some of my days pitching. He said
Id already told him. He told me about some of his activities,
and I spotted a couple of areas where I thought his values were
going to hurt him. So I told him. We got into a big argument. He
said I wasnt talking with him, I was lecturing him . . . spying
on him.
Weve hardly talked since. I can see what I did wrong
boasting and lecturingbut Im afraid if I try again, hell be
afraid to say much now, and well just sit there awkwardly. And
if he mentions those values, what do I say? I want to be honest,
but I dont want to lecture. I dont even know where to begin.
Ralph withdrew from the group. He had struck so many
chords it took us more than ten minutes to notice that he was
fighting back tears. Finally one of the men picked up on it and
asked, Ralph, is there anything else youre holding back?
Ralph said there wasnt, but his assurance rang false. We prodded.
I guess maybe I am holding something back, he said
hesitantly. I feel like I spent forty years of my life working as
hard as I can to become somebody I dont even like.
When I heard that sentence fifteen years ago, I was twenty-
seven. Its been perhaps the most important sentence Ive heard
in my life: "I feel like I've spent forty years of my life working
as hard as I can to become somebody I don't even like. Even as
I heard it, the ways it was threatening to be true in my own life
flashed through my mind.
Ralph continued: I was mentioning some of my doubts to a
Men Have the Power Why Would They Want to Change? 7

few of my associates at work. They listened attentively for a

couple of minutes, then one made a joke, and another excused
himself. Finally 1 mentioned this mens groupwhich I never
should have doneand they just laughed me out of the office.
Ive been the butt of jokes ever since: How are the U.S. Navel
Gazers doing, Ralph boy?
Suddenly I realized. Ginny has a whole network of lady
friends she can talk with about all this. Yet the men Ive worked
with for seventeen years, sixty hours a week, hardly know me.
Nor do they want to.
Ralph withdrew again. But this time he seemed to be taking in
what he had just said as if he were putting together his life as he
was speaking. Then his face grew sad. A few of us who might
otherwise have said something held back.
I guess I could handle all this, Ralph volunteered, fighting
back the tears again, but I think, for all practical purposes, Ive
lost Ginny in the process. And maybe I could handle that, too.
But the only other people I love in this world are Randy and
Ralph, Jr. And when Im really honest with myselfI mean
really honestI think for all practical purposes Ive lost them
too .
We started to interrupt, but Ralph stopped us, tears silently
escaping his eyes. What really gets me . . . what really gets me
angry is that I did everything I was supposed to do for forty
years, did it better than almost any other man I know, and I lost
everyone I love in the process, including myself. I dont mean to
be philosophical, but the more I did to stand out, the more I
became the same. Just one more carbon copy. Oh, I got to a high
level, okay. A high-level mediocre.
In some ways, I feel I could handle all that, too. But look at
mepaid more than any two of you guys put together, suppos
edly one of the top decision-makers in the country, and when it
comes to my own home, my own life, I dont even know how to
Ralph cried. For the first time in twenty-two years.
Ralph is with me almost every day of my life. Every time I am
appreciated or applauded, the image of Ralph makes me wonder
whether the applause is seducing me into saying something that
is popular but less honest than I want to be. Sometimes, of
course, I just forget Ralph and take the applause, but the image
of Ralph is there as a resource when Im in my more secure

After that session, I started looking at my life and Ralphs life

differently. I had always assumed power meant having status and
access to income, influence, and external rewards. Ralph had all
of them. Yet up close he didnt seem very powerful. I started
asking whether power meant, rather, the ability to control myt
own life. And that made looking at power much more compati-'
ble with looking within myself.
Most men feel much less powerful than Ralph. Ralph is a
winner among menand women. Compared to him, millions of
men are losers. If you are a man, powerlcssness is hearing a
bomb go off and watching your only buddys head spurt blood
before you told him you cared. Powerlessness is returning with
agent orange from a war that you were thought of as a fool or a
murderer for fighting, having your government refuse to take
responsibility for the agent orange contamination, passing it on
to your daughter and looking at her deformed arm every day of
her life, paying taxes to support the war, and then being told,
You make the rules. From his perspective, thats blaming the
victim. At eighteen he did not make the rule to subject himself to
death while his sister stayed at home, received an education, and
married a surv ivor. He didnt feel powerful when women had an
equal right to join the armed forces for money, but not an equal
responsibility to be drafted.

On the Nature of Power

If wc define power in traditional termsthe ability to gain
access to external rewardsRalph had it over all the men in the
group. And almost all the women in America.

C I9K! Universal Press Syndicale Reprinted with permission All rights reserved.

Cathy Guisewite, A Mouthful of Breathmints and No One to Kiss, p. 47.

Men H ave the Power Why Would They Want to Change? 9

Yet if we redefine power as the ability to control ones own

life, Ralph probably had less power than anyone in the group.
Ralph had given up the ability to control his own life by spend
ing his life doing what he was programmed to do. Most of us
were questioning at least some of the things we were pro
grammed to do. Ralph had lost real power by trying to gain the
appearance of power. He was a leader. But he was following a
program for leaders -, therefore, he was really a follower. He
had reached a high level, but had done so by adapting to his
boss and his bosss boss. He was, as he put it, a high-level

The Five Components of Power

By redefining power as control over our own lives, we can see
exactly what Ralph gained and lost, and what women who
imitate the male model gain and lose. 1 define control over ones
own life as first, defining our own expectations and then meeting
them in five areas. Looking at these five areas, we can see that
Ralph had power almost exclusively in the first area, even when
he was succeeding.

1. Access to external rewards and resources (e.g., in

come. status, possessions) equivalent to the level of a
persons expectation or desire.
2. Access to internal rewards and resources (e.g., inner
peace, the capacity for emotional release, positive self-
concept, alignment of overall values with daily activi
ties, spirituality). Access starts with the awareness of
the importance of these rewards, and becomes real with
the time and ability to experience them on a level equal
to ones expectation or desire.
3. Access to interpersonal contact (attention, affection,
and love and respect from others, whether family or
friends) equivalent to ones expectation or desire.
4. Access to physical health, attractiveness, and intelligence
equivalent to ones expectation or desire.
5. Access to sexual fulfillment in a form that meets ones

By redefining power as control over our own lives, we can ask

questions that illustrate the limitations of our traditional view of
poweras status, income, and control over others.
Does a company president who has never known how to be
intimate have power? Does a thirteen-year-old Olympic gymnast
who has never known whether she is loved for herself or for how
she performs have power? Does a boy who must register for the
draft at eighteen, or who is shot through the face in Vietnam,
have power? Does a beautiful woman who marries a doctor have
power, when she never discovers her own talents? Does her
doctor husband have power when he is forever the slave of his
Which of these people has control over his or her own life?
When we call people heroes we encourage them to replace
real power with an image. When we say men have the power,
we reinforce the assumption that income, status, and control over
others are more important than assessing our values internally.
Women who feel men have the power are also the most likely
to reinforce the male acquisition of the image of power by
marrying the men with that image. In the process, they adapt to
these men, often losing their identities and therefore their own
With the accusation men have the power, women enforce
the belief that external reward power is all there is to power. The
more they see the limits of external reward power, the more they
will stop saying men have the power.
The phrase equal to the level of ones expectation or desire
is important. For example, John gains income and loses inner
peace. Did he gain or lose power? We cannot tell until we know
Johns expectation or desire. If he expected or desired that his
income produce inner peace, then, from his perspective, he has
lost power, since his real goal was inner peace, not income.
From the perspective of an outsider who saw only Johns income
soaring, John gained power. But if John never even considered
the option of inner peace, he can be considered cut off from
power in this area.
Each component of power can be feigned, which usually gives
a person just the appearance of power. For example, if a mar
riage that everyone thought looked happy is not at all happy, it
makes the couple more powerless every day. They are forfeiting
power in the area of human contactthe very power they are
feigning. To say nothing of inner peace.
Men Have the Power Why Would They Warn to Change? 11

So why do people stay unhappily married? Take Ralph. His

family man image is part of an executive package that gets
him promoted to more external rewards. Nelson Rockefellers
divorce is often thought to have cost him the presidency. And
John F. Kennedy is widely believed to have persuaded Jacque
line to remain married to him so it would not cost him the
presidency. Generally, if the external rewards are significant,
people discount the internal rewards of a happy marriage. Exter
nal reward power is the most common bribe for both sexes to
give the appearance of power.
On the other hand, a job, or other external rewards, can bring
internal rewards such as inner peace, which in turn can reduce
stress and improve physical health.

Do men have power ? And why would they want to change?

1. In the area of external rewards, a mans socialization is

still to be able to provide for a woman as well as
himself. Women currently learn three options to get
external rewards: through marriage, through their ca
reer, or through some combination of both. So men
earn the most power through external rewards; married
women share most of the money and a portion of their
husbands status. Never-married women earn 91 per
cent of what never-married men earn.1
2. Conversely, in the area of internal rewards, a man
becomes dependent on a woman for emotional support.
The competition to supply external rewards for himself
and others encourages a man to devalue internal re
wards, and his need for emotional support is inten
sified by the fear of failing to support more than

Up to this point, male and female power is about equally

incomplete. This is the first step that tempts both sexes to call
something love that is really just the process of completing
our incomplete parts.3

3. In the area of access to interpersonal contact (atten

tion, affection, love), each sex experiences about
an equal amount of deprivation, though in different

4. In the area of physical health,* women fare far better

than men. On the average, women live 7.8 years longer
than men: men suffer over 98 percent of the major
diseases.2 Some of this may be biological. But since
the gap has increased in the United States by almost
700 percent since 19203 (from 1 year to 7.8 years), and *
since many causes of death have high sex-role-related
characteristics.4 from war (the all-male draft) to the 600
percent higher incidence of work-related accidents among
men (including over 2 million disabling injuries and
14.000 deaths per year),5 we can see that a good por
tion of this difference is due to sex-role assignment. It
is in the area of physical health and longevity that
men's powercontrol over their own livesbegins to
fall considerably short of womens power. There can be
no greater loss of power than loss of life.

Our reaction to the fact that men die earlier than women might
be viewed as the quietest response to genocide in the history of
humankind. It might be called androcide. More empathy is
directed toward widows who cannot find men than toward the
men who have died.



If this were an American billboard, it would probably be

ripped down overnight. But sex roles systematically as
sign men a shorter life. Men are told they "ask for it" by
playing their role of hero.

5. In the area of sexual fulfillment, both sexes feel frus

trated. but for different reasons. Both ideally would
like sexual contact with someone to whom they are
attracted, for whom they have respect, and with whom
they feel an emotional and intellectual connection. How
do they both end up feeling sexually powerless? Heres
how, for starters.

*Physical attractiveness power is dealt with in Part 2.

Men H ave the Power Why Would They Want to Change? 13

Her Nine Conditions; His One Condition

Women are still taught to be sexually cautious until two, three,
or all four conditionsattraction, respect, emotions, and intellect
are met. Many women add fifth and sixth conditions: singleness
and status/success. And many add a seventh, eighth, and ninth:
the man must ask her out; he must pay; and he must risk
rejection by initiating the first kiss, being the first to hold hands,
and so on. (If he doesnt risk kissing her, she is likely not to kiss
Men are socialized to want sex as long as only one condition
is fulfilledphysical attraction. For each sex, the demand is so
great in relation to the supply, each perceives himself or herself
as sexually unfulfilled, and therefore powerless in this area. But
by being cautious until more conditions are met, women gain
enormous sexual leverage power over men. They can use this
power to get the external rewards of which they feel deprived.
An example is marrying up.
Women ideally would like more than external rewards from
men. But men are so busy competing for the external rewards
women feel deprived of, they are often never even aware of
internal rewards. Communication, intimacy, love, and commit
ment have different meanings for each sex. Both sexes feel
powerless, but men are less in touch with their powerlessness
because they know less about what it is they are missing.
Women end up finding few men who have the combination of
qualities that leads to their total sexual fulfillment, which makes
them feel sexually powerless. Men feel as if their expectations
are so much lower than womenstheres only one condition
and they cant even meet that. And so men feel sexually powerless.
But how can I say men feel sexually powerless when few men
admit they feel sexually powerless? In my work with men I have
found that men dont articulate these feelings for one of two
reasons. First, they have internalized their lower expectations.
Not many a man ever expects an attractive and successful woman
to whom he feels intellectually and emotionally connected to ask
him out the first time, pay for him. and keep making advances
until he responds. Many women expect these conditions, which
are beyond the limits of mens fantasy lives. A man often feels
subconsciously that a womans minimum requirements are greater
than his wildest fantasy.

The second reason a man rarely articulates his sexual powerless-

ncss is that he has become so much of a performermeeting the
nine conditionsin our society, which has brainwashed us into
calling that performance power, that he cant imagine that
much of his performing is a compensation for his sexual power4-
lessncss. More on that later.
A man experiences a dilemma when he finds that the most
beautiful women have the least incentive to become well inte
grated in the other areas of power. He knows intellectually he
should choose a well-integrated woman. Bbt he feels tom between
attractive women, whom he notices are choosing supermen,
although he realizes supermen are often not well integrated
themselves, and less attractive women, who have had more
incentive to integrate all five areas of power. So he is caught
between giving up his first and only condition for sex (attractive
ness) and getting the condition met at the price of sacrificing the
other areas in the woman.
What does a man do before becoming a Superman? He goes to
a party and hopes merely to achieve sexual contact. He may call it
sexual fulfillment, but in reality he is subconsciously redefining
sexual fulfillment as merely getting to the stage of sexual contact.
The gap between a womans desire for the conditions she
would like fulfilledsuch as emotional connectionsand the
conditions she actually gets fulfilled is reflected in compensatory
mechanisms such as womens magazines, romance novels,
and soap operas, all of which hold out the fantasy of the integra
tion of sex with the right conditions. The male gap is reflected in
a man's compensatory mechanisms like pornography and prosti
tution: pornography gives him attractive women vicariously for
little money, prostitution directly for more money. Both help
him avoid being rejected for not meeting the nine conditions.
For women, learning to depend on the power of youth, beauty,
and sexuality turns beauty and sexuality into power tools rather
than internal sources of fulfillment, which thereby denies a
woman the very integration within herself she was socialized to
desire for both herself and her men.
Mens first incentive to change, then, comes with redefining
power; it comes with understanding their experience of power
lessness (while not denying the female experience of powcrless-
ncss). Men do not change by being persuaded that one component
of power means men have the power. That just keeps men
blind to real power.
0 0 1 0NI0NVH0
N3W 1.N3HY
Introduction to Part 2

Christine and I had dated, if you will, between fifth grade and
twelfth grade. Then I went off to college and graduate school
and underwent a radical transformation in the way I looked at the
world. Each of us got marriedbut not to each otherand here
we were, some ten years after high school, sitting with each
others spouses in Christines New Jersey home.
In my heart of hearts, I was hoping Christine would have a
deep respect for the changes I had undergone. As we walked
across the wall-to-wall carpeting to take our leave, Christine
slipped her arm through mine and tugged me to the side. In a
stage whisper she summarized her observations: lam thrilled to
see you again. Youre exactly as I remember you.
Devastated by the compliment, I was too innocent to know
I had just experienced what I now call the reunion phenomenon
the belief, as we each return to our reunions with our micro
scopes focused on ourselves, that we have changed and everyone
else has remained the same.
In the past two decades many women have had the strong
belief that they have changed and men have remained the same.
This has made many women feel, Ive done my partnow its
his turn, or ask, Why am I always the one giving so much to
a relationship? While many women feel lucky to be bom a
woman in an era when women are so vital, they also feel cursed
being bom a woman in an era when men are so mediocre. The
result has been an increasing-resentment of men, or what 1 call a
bad rap against men.
The hopelessness of men has made many women feel
hopelessand angry, lonely, and self-righteous. I have seen the

hurt slowly turn to cynicism and withdrawal. It is impossible for

me to have started three hundred womens groups, listen care
fully, love women, and feel that women want to feel either
hopeless or lonely.
How can we change this hopelessness? I find change starts
most effectively with the understanding that men adapt to women
just as much as women adapt to menand why it doesnt appear
as if they do. What exactly do men adapt to? Ill discuss this
issue in more depth throughout the book, but lets start with an
understanding of the male and female primary fantasies.

The Male Primary Fantasy Versus

the Female Primary Fantasy
Playboy and Penthouse outsell all mens magazines. They repre
sent mens primary fantasy: access to as many beautiful women
as desired without risk of rejection. Womens primary fantasy is
reflected in the two best-selling womens magazines: Better Homes
and Gardens and Family Circle. Security and a family.

F e m a le P rim a ry F a n ta s y M a le P rim a ry F a n ta s y

Magazine Circulation Magazine Circulation*

B etter Hom es
and G ardens 8.041.951 Playboy 4.209,324
Fam ily Circle 7,193.079 Penthouse 3,500,275
'All circulation figures and com parisons are based on listings in The
W orld A lm anac 1985, w hose source is FA S-FA X (S chaum burg, III.:
A udit B ureau o f C irculation. 1984). B ased o n total paid circulation
over a six-m onth period.

Both sexes ideally would like to have it all : an intellectu

ally and sexually exciting partner who provides security; a part
ner who is a 10 but who is not self-centered; a partner who
offers unconditional love, yet pushes our boundaries; a fulfilling
job, yet time with the family; income and plenty of time to spend
it; and so on. What distinguishes the sexes arc our different
fantasies of the most important thing the other sex can provide to
help us get what we feel were missing (the primary fantasy) and
our second greatest desire from the other sex (the secondary
Introduction to Part 2 19

fantasy). The primary and secondary fantasies represent compro

mises both sexes make with our hidden have it all fantasy.
If checkbook stubs reflect values, the traditional female values
are the strongest. Romance novels comprise 40 percent of all
paperback book sales. Six of the eleven top-selling magazines
are traditional womens magazines (Better Homes and Gardens
outsells Playboy and Penthouse combined). None of the eleven
top-selling magazines are mens magazines. And none are the
new woman or working woman variety of magazine. The
more a magazine sells to women, the less it focuses on working.
The primary fantasy magazines all require their readers to
workto work at the role they must play in order to entice the
other sex to fulfill their fantasy. Family Circle gives a woman
recipes to make it worthwhile for a man to keep her and her
family secure; Playboy gives a man recipes about how to be
successful at making women more interested in having sex with
After working with 106,000 women and men from all walks
of life, I have found that any medium read or watched almost
exclusively by one sex creates a remarkably accurate springboard
to that sexs world view. I could examine any of the media, but
magazines provide the easiest vehicle to study, given the limita
tions of the book format. An overview of the second-rank best
selling magazines for each sex gives us a view of the differences
between the way women and men approach the achievement of
their primary fantasiesor, put another way, their primary means
to their primary fantasies.
The chart on the next page shows that the female primary
means to her primary fantasy is glamour/beauty and men. Over
90 percent of ads in womens magazines focus on glamour,
fashion, and beauty. The articles are divided between glamour/
beauty and men: how to get men, and what to do with them.
Next to nothing on careers.
To men, the second rank of best-sellers illustrates mens pri
mary means to their primary fantasy: heroismor performance.
If he wants part of his primary fantasy (one beautiful woman),
he must be at least a success(ul performer. If he wants his entire
primary fantasy (access to many), it helps to be a hero. His
magazines are American Legion (war hero), Sports Illustrated
(sports hero), Forbes (business hero), and Boy's Life (the childhood
preparation to perform). In the table on the next page we see there
is no alternative to heroism for a man to reach his primary fantasy

F e m a le P rim a ry M e a n s M a le P rim a ry M e a n s
to P rim a ry F a n ta s y : to P rim a ry F a n ta s y :
B e a u ty a n d M e n B e in g a H e ro *

Magazine Circulation Magazine Circulation

Cosm opolitan 3,038.400 A m erican Legion 2,507,338

G lam our 2.275.743 S ports Illustrated 2,448,486
Seventeen 1,688,954 B o /s Life 1,452.201
Teen 1,022,552 Forbes 719,908
'The fo ur m ale m agazines represent the four m ajor categories o f
being a hero. Riflery m agazines sell very w ell, but th ey are a bridge
betw een the categories of sports and w a r (A m erican L egion) and are
therefore not listed separately.

many beautiful womenand no alternative to performing to

reach a part of his primary fantasy. At least, that is the male
perception, reflected by his purchases.
In the past two decades, with the increase in divorce, the
female primary fantasy often came tumbling down. Without a
man guaranteeing security and a better home, a new woman
needed to emerge to supply some for herself. To supply an
alternative means to her primary fantasy. So during the late
sixties and seventies, a new group of magazines, the New
Woman magazines, emerged.

The Male Reality Versus the Female Reality

As we can sec from the circulation figures, the greater the
emphasis on independence, equality, and working, the lower the

F e m a le A lte rn a tiv e M e a n s
to P rim a ry F a n ta s y : M a le A lte rn a tiv e M e a n s
New W om an to P rim a ry F a n ta s y :
Magazine Circulation

S elf 1,091,112 , No
N ew W om an 1,055,589 alternative
W orking W oman 605,902 to
Ms. 479,185 hero/perform er
Introduction to Part 2 21

circulation. In all of these new woman magazines, what

women buy (reflected in the full-page ads that run repeatedly) is
remarkably similar to the offerings in the ads in magazines like
Cosmo. Glamour, and Seventeen. They have almost no overlap
with the ads in mens magazines. This is important insofar as it
reflects the gap between the female and male realities, and the
gap between conscious and unconscious messages.
There arc more computers, financial services, and large office
systems advertised in one issue of Esquire than in issues of all
the top selling womens magazines combinedincluding Work
ing Woman, New Woman, Sex and Ms. And if we substitute
Forbes or Fortune for Esquire, the gap is even wider.
Is this because women read both types of magazines? Only 5
percent of Forbes subscribers arc womenabout 35,000.* Over
8 million women subscribe to Better Homes and Gardens. 1
Thirty-five thousand is less than half of one percent of 8 million.
The gap between male and female realities can be seen by
looking at other contrasts. Theres Brides Magazine', no Groom
Magazine. No ad in Sports Illustrated touts a wedding as The
Most Important Day of Your Life, as Brides does. In Fortune,
Max Factor is an investment opportunity. In a womans maga
zine its a different type of investment opportunity. In Forbes an
article on slimming down is subtitled, A Nifty Way for a
Banker to Get Smaller ;2 slimming down in Good Housekeeping
means How I lost 283 Pounds. -' Even when men and women
appear to talk the same language, we mean different things.
Determining whether someone has changed means delving
under the surface. Both sexes have made surface changes. Under
the surface, the underlying values are remarkably unchanged.
For example, fifteen years ago boys wouldnt be caught dead
with dolls. Now many boys have dolls. Yet when we look more
closely at their dolls, we see most of them have just expanded
the repertoire by which boys can either perform or kill. G.I.
Joes gun and tank help him fight an international paramilitary
terrorist force, according to the promotional literature. The
He-Man doll is muscle-bound, and Luke Skywalker and Lord
Power differ ever so slightly from Strawberry Shortcake, who
comes replete not with a tank but a thank-you postcard. Blithely
citing the extraordinary rise in doll sales for boys ignores how

*According to Forbes offices in New York City, 95 percent o f Forbes

subscribers are male, as of 1985.

boys arc just playing out their traditional role with one more
mediumcowboys and Indians have switched turf to Star Wars.
Is the same true for the new woman ? Womens situation
has clearly changed in the last two decades. But has what women
want from men changed? Or is more expected of men, because
women feel they are giving more?
Do these questions imply that I think men are the way they are
merely because of what women want? No. But if a woman, his
parents, his peers, and his boss reward a man for success in ways
they are unaware of, he gets a very clear message. The only
group overtly telling men, Stopwe want you to be different
is women. Most women do want men to be different and hon
estly want to know if their message to men is more mixed than
they realize. They are not as concerned about what a mans
parents or peers didthey want to know what they can do and
whether they have a role in perpetuating problems about which
they are complaining. These issues are what I will address in this
part of the book.


Im an Independent Person . . . Ads Don't

Influence Me
Examining the articles and ads in womens magazines, as well as
romance novels, rock stars, soaps, movies, and Dynasty, can
prompt the objection, But ads and popular culture dont influ
ence me. That misses the point: whether or not a woman is
influenced by them is not as important as the fact that they
reflect her values; they could not exist without her financially
supporting them. Her financial support is her choice and there
fore her message, just as Playboy and Sports Illustrated, which
reflect male values, could not be best-sellers without men's
financially supporting them. Womens choices create womens
magazines. We will see in the next two chapters how their
choices get conveyed to men.
It is a mistake to assume that we are not influenced by ads.
When I buy a Coke 1 don't consciously say to myself. I'm
being influenced by ads. But theres a reason 1 buy Coke more
often than Brand X . At $16,000 per second for some televi
sion ads no advertiser can afford to operate only on the conscious
level. No advertiser will have a pimple-faced, fat woman selling
perfume (even in a scratch-and-sniff ad). If we say / dont pay
Introduction to Part 2 23

attention to these commercials, we play right into the advertis

ers handsby not admitting we would be less likely to buy
perfume from a pimple-faced, flabby woman. In the process, we
also miss the most fundamental message being sold in almost
every ad with a woman selling a product: the power of the thin,
beautiful, made-up, young-appearing female. So lets look at
what womens purchases say about what women value-the real
signals men are hearing from women.
What is the reward for understanding all this? Once the female
primary fantasy is understood, women begin to understand how
men adapt to it. They then gain something far more valuable to
men than beauty is: an understanding of men.
Many women are beautiful. An understanding of menfrom
a mans perspectiveis rare. And men? Most men arent quite
sure what getting in touch with feelings means. Sometimes
they ask, embarrassed, What feelings am I not in touch with?
In the next chapters well see what messages create which
What Women Want: The
Message the Man Hears

We can best tell our values by looking at our check

book stubs.
Gloria Steinem

Womens magazines have one thing in common

Patricia Carbine.
Publisher, Ms. magazine*

The Female Primary Fantasy and

How Men Fit In
To gain insight into the values of the most articulate and inde
pendent women in America, lets glance at some ads in Ameri
cas largest feminist publication, Ms. magazine, remembering
that a look at our ads is a look at our checkbook stubs and
therefore our subconscious values.
Start with two diamond ads. One in 1982'; one in 1984.: They
are by the same company, with the same picture and the same
copy. Or arc they? Look very closely.
The picture is identical in both ads except for the woman's
hand. A new hand has been photographed over the old hand!
Why1 The diamond on the new hand is twice as large. And

"Telephone interview, February 1985. confirming statement quoted in sev

eral womens magazines.

What W om en Want: The M essage the Man Hears


M s ., April 1 9 8 2

M s ., M arch 1984

theres three times as much gold. In the 1984 ad the spending

guideline at the ads bottom right eliminates the one-quarter
carat option and adds a full-carat diamond. In the meantime,
women are educated about the importance of the 4 cs: cut,
clarity, color, and carat size. Its important to have a diamond of *
fine color or clarity. But the $11,000 price shown buys only
medium color and clarity.*
So lets see what happens when Ms. Equality takes a man to
the jeweler for a spending guideline. If she expects the respect
able diamond he spends about $14,000. If thats two months
salary, that means hes making $7,000 per month after taxes. If
hes earning that income hes paying about 50 percent in taxes,
meaning hes earning about $168,000 per year. For the poorer
man, a three-quarter-carat diamond of fine color and clarity will
doso he need make only about $100,000 per year.

A heck out who on your holiday fist

needs A/s. so much you just can t resist!

Ms., November 1984

*This is indicated after the asterisk in the 1984 ad

What W om en Want: The M essage the Man Hears 27

Engagement rings have a history of male-to-female giving. I

assumed Ms. would feature other gifts women could give to
men, such as wallets, colognes, books, jewelry, and calculators,
especially in issues before Fathers Day and Christmas. 1 checked
the full-page ads of each issue from July 1983 through January
1985 nineteen months. Not one full-page ad for one gift a
woman could give a man appeared in any Ms. magazine for all
nineteen issuesincluding two Christmas issues.*
Wait . . . theres one exception. One issue of Ms. magazine
does include an ad with a gift for a man: a subscription to Ms.
magazine. The ad below suggests thirteen categories of people to
whom the reader can give the gift. The first male mentioned is
your brother, who wouldnt mind if they sent it in a brown
wrapper. The second is your best friends future ex-husband.
Of the thirteen categories, note that there is no subscription
mentioned for a boyfriend, none for a husband, none for a lover.
What subliminal message does a man who wants a woman of
equality receive when there is no full-page ad for any gift for
any man with whom the woman is romantic in any of the
nineteen issues? Yet he is giving her $14,000 worth of dia
monds. Is the hidden message that the only thing worth giving
any man is a Ms. subscriptionbut if he is a husband or lover,
well, hes getting her body and isnt that enough?
If marriage means a diamond without equal financial recipro
cation it also means a honeymoon without equal financial recip
rocation and a home that a man making $100,000 to $168,000
can affordand expectations that he handle the mortgage.

The De Beers Transfer

How does a woman who genuinely feels she believes in equality
rationalize such inequality? Heres how. Check out the differ
ence between a De Beers diamond ad that did not appear in Ms.
and the two that did.
Note that in the Time ad, the man gets the credit for working
all those nights to earn the diamond. In the Ms. ad, he spends
$14,000 and she gets the credit for taking him to the jeweler for a
spending guideline! Her belief in equalit}' forces her to deny him
credit for what he does for her. She transfers the credit to herself.
She may even say, He is buying this big diamond because of his

*AII ads referred to in this book are full-page ads


Time, October 12, 1981

ego needswhich may also be true. In either case, the credit

gets transferred away from him, so the contradiction with equality
can be avoided. The part of him that provided still gets clues to
provide, but by denying him the credit for it she can ask him to
provide even more and also tell him he is a chauvinist for picking
up the tab. This is the first of two parts to the De Beers transfer.
The second part? Ask If men are doing the buying, why are
there so many diamond ads in womens magazines? Experience
has taught the De Beers Company that if a man is to spend
money on a woman, the woman should be soldshe decides, he
pays. This is part two of the De Beers transfer. The De Beers
transfer is a first example of how womens choices and values
get transferred into male behavior, and how men adapt to the
female primary fantasy. The transfer is implied in the title for
this chapter: What Women Want: The Message the Man Hears. *
*Women have their own experience of adapting to men. In a book entitled
Why Women Arc the Way They Are an appropriate chapter title would be
What Men Want: The Message the Woman Hears.
What W om en Want: The M essage the Man Hears 29

Theres an even more powerful difference between the Time

ad and the ads in Ms. The Time ad is almost the only example I
saw of a beautiful adult woman looking lovingly at a mechanicor
at any working-class man. Ms. magazine occasionally discusses
such attractions in articles. But, as we shall see, this image does
not appear as an image in the advertising of any womens
magazine unless the woman is portrayed as wealthy and using
the man purely as a sex object. But for now the mechanic learns
he must earn his way to equality with the attractive womanhe
has to buy her a diamond. But with the above exception, men
learn a mechanic is never enough to make it to an attractive adult
womans heart. No matter how sensitive, loving, and warm he
is. Even if he has a diamond.

Cinderella or Superwoman?
Have women changed? Yes. The changes that represent real
progressfrom assertiveness to work statushave been widely
discussed. Many fundamentals, though, remain remarkably the
same. Why do we think the progress has been greater than it is?
Because what is the same doesnt make the news. Superwoman
makes the news. Cinderella is old hat. But almost every wom
ens magazine has articles talking about Superwoman next to ads
focusing on Cinderellas. Even in Working Woman, New Woman,
and Ms.
Did the ads in M s* feature liberated dolls of Elizabeth Cady
Stanton or Golda Meir? No. Instead, in Ms. we find a full-page ad
(pictured on the top left of the next page) for a Cinderella doll
standing on top of a bell-shaped clock. The hands on the clock
point to 12:00-is time running out for the Ms. reader? This is a
Ms. readers exclusive for only sixty-three dollars, to keep her
company while she and Cinderella wait together for the prince.
No wonder she feels there is a male shortage.
Is this an isolated example? The previous months issue of Ms.
advertised the Eliza Doolittle Doll of the My Fair Lady Collec
tion, then Amy of Little Women. Many men credit feminists

*Ms. has a greater variety o f full-page ads than any of the other best-selling
(400,000 or more subscribers) womens magazines. The ads mentioned are
not meant to be a random sampling o f Ms. ads, but do represent the mixed
messages even the more independent woman buys and therefore sends to

Ms., February 1984 Ms., October 1983

with teaching them that to call a woman little woman is a

quintessential example of condescending male chauvinism. I
agree. Yet Ms. readers pay over $150 for this little woman.
And what can we make of articles condemning the bound feet
and subservience of the female in traditional oriental culture
when we see Ms. readers buying a piece of porcelain glorifying a
traditional oriental woman (see ad above, at right)? Only $120.
Somehow, amid articles on the feminization of poverty, a mixed
message emerges.
Cinderellas are rarely portrayed so directly. Most Cinderellas
in womens magazines are selling another product, such as ciga
rettes. In a varied series of Benson and Hedges ads one theme
dominatesall the women are Cinderellas of sorts. In one the
woman is pictured running through the archway of a mansion,
beneath a grand chandelier, onto a patio overlooking a massive
garden of flowers resembling Louis XIVs Tuileries in Paris.
How docs she get into this setting? By buying the right product
and being beautiful. The product can change. But she must be
beautiful. If she is, she can be portrayed as having the wealthy
surroundings without earning them herself.
Why is the man often not present in these beautiful woman
ads? The implicit message is that if she is beautiful he will find
her, and that she can choose from a variety of men, a variety of
What W om en Want: The M essage the Man Hears 31

How do these images differ from that of the Marlboro man,

who is also attractive? He is portrayed doing the type of activity
it takes to earn possession of his environment. Why are women
often not present in these master your environment ads? The
implicit message is that if you cannot master your environment,
a beautiful woman will look right past you. If the man is a
master, the beautiful woman is implicit.
If the story is the same in every womens magazine, then why
start with Ms., the only best-selling womens magazine to treat
women as if they have political opinions? Because it claims to be
beyond this and looking for men who are as liberated as we
are. For example, in May 1984 Ms. devoted two full pages to
an ad for itself: Weve changed so much. We changed the
world. This is what throws men off. They have bought the line
that theyre far behind. Yet, if ads focusing strictly on female
beauty power are considered sexist by treating women only as
beauty objects, then there are more sexist ads in the first eleven
pages of the May 1985 Ms. magazine than in the entire May,
June, and July 1985 issues of Fortune magazine combined.
Who's changed?

Why Do Men Say They Feel

Theyre Getting Mixed Messages from Women?
Open up a Seif magazine (the best-selling female self-improvement
magazine). I reviewed the June 1984 issue. In the first twenty-
seven pages of full-page advertising, all twenty-seven pages were
devoted to female-beautifying productsnot just beautiful fe
males advertising other products. The role of men in these
pages? In the first twenty-six ad pages the males are implicit;
they are not shown; nor are they shown in the non-ad pages. In
fact, in the first seventy pages of Self, only three men are
pictured anywhere. Two of the three are buying women some
thing. One is buying a diamond; the other is buying a woman a
wardrobe from a catalog on impulse at two a.m. She calls the
spontaneous wardrobe buying crazy and wonderful. When
a man says, I love her because shes spontaneous and crazy,
he doesnt usually mean she bought him a new wardrobe. The
third man is pictured being lured to a beautiful womans diamond-
studded ear by the fragrance of her perfume.
Many men hear women saying theyd like a man who shares
the housework. Is this true? the men ask. Yes. Women do

want men who share the housework, but only if it is in addition

to being successful enough to buy the wardrobe and diamond.
Does this increased expectation of men happen because wom
ens magazines are preparing women to buy men wardrobes and
diamonds too? No. But suppose we look beyond the adsdo the
articles focus on self-improvement or preparing women to share'
the responsibility with men for earning the income? About 10
percent do. The other 90 percent focus on subjects like the body
( The Quickie Diet ), desire dullers, passion prompters,
or heroines under stress.
Back to the ads. Do any of the products in Self address the
issue of women sharing responsibility for earning the income?
The entire issue features no ads for computers, office equipment,
or financial services, which comprise approximately 80 percent
of the ads in Forbes. Instead, we have ads for hairstyling mousse
and hairstyling systems; hydrating fluid and contouring body
cream; eyeliner and eye fix; super nails and hair removal sys
tems. A woman can choose cold wax hair remover, which
presses on and pulls off in strips, or some other hair removal
system. Which would you use? Whichever you choose, put it
down when you get to your faceuse facial hair cream remover.
If this confuses you, you can just bleach your hair with Sally
Hansens Creme Bleach. Of course, theres extra strength bleach
or the bleach for facial hair only. Which would you choose? And
this is just one issue.
How can a woman focus on her career?
Are there any womens magazines easily available to women
without these ads, and which include articles that treat women
like career-oriented adults? Yes. Savvy. And very few women buy
it. Savvy has fewer than one-third the subscribers of Mother
Earth News or Workbench, and fewer even than Bassmaster
Is it just among women who seek equality that there exists such
a gap between what men hear women saying they are after and
what they actually are after? Lets compare (see illustrations on the
next page) an ad for Cosmo against the actual issue of Cosmo.
Contrast the overt message of the ad and the real message,

All subscriber figures used here are listed in The W orld Almanac 1985,
based on the Audit Bureau of Circulations FAS-FAX reports. Savvy does not
make the list o f the top 140 magazines and is therefore not part of my
What W om en Want: The M essage the Man Hears 33



t h ie o f im *** vKn-fvinjg L v u n o Jirf* *w ith 9 n>jr.ui;>i-

Billboard, December 15, 1984 Cosmopolitan, September 1984


Dont play games. Play games:
Preserve the Mystery . . .
Love the Old-fashioned
Way. Make Him Earn It.
Play your career for all its No articles on career.
worth. No career-related ads (com
puters, office systems).
Eighty percent of ads on
cosmetics and beautifying
Career for careers sake. Career as a way of getting him
to commit.
[First] J got the noncom
mitment speech . . . [then]
l went on a business trip to
France . . . [now] hes the
most attentive man Ive
ever known.
*ln an ad for Cosmo in Billboard, December 15, 1984.

represented by what the magazine actually features. First read

the copy on the ad on the left. Then look for the articles on
careers on the cover of the magazine on the right.
What is happening? The woman is learning two ways to play
hard-to-get: She can play sexually hard-to-getthe old-fashioned
way. Or career hard-to-getcareer is being used as the newest
way to get a man to make a commitment. Or, more accurately,
since no articles on career appear in the issue, the appearance of
a career is used to get a man to commit. Or could it be that the
appearance of a career is being used to get a man to commit so
that the woman will never, in fact, have to worry about a career?
There is in this new formula a no-win situation for men. If he
commits, it is because she played hard-to-get in either the mod
em. career-oriented, way or the old-fashioned way. If he doesnt
commit, it is reasoned that men arc threatened by successful
No wonder one of the Cosmo readers most satisfying relation
ships is with a magazine.

What Are Boys Good For?

What does a teenage girl learn to give to a boy? Lets look at a
thirteen-page spread in Teenthe Christmas 1984 issue. Approx
imately seventy presents are mentioned, with an average price of
about thirty dollars (over two thousand dollars worth of pres
ents). Only one is for a malepajamas for a baby boy. As with
Ms., no presents for boyfriends.
There arc several teenage boys shown in the pictures. One
admires a girl while she admires herself in the mirror; another is
towing a girl s brand-new car. The same use of men as in Self.
Is the girl in the Teen spread helping the boy who has attached
her car to a tow truck? No. She drapes herself over the tow
truck. And how docs she learn to handle a stressful situation?
The caption explains; "If a stressful situation causes complexion
concerns, keep skin under control with Noxzema Acne 12. And
pass the time in an easy-to-wear wardrobe!
All twelve days of Christmas run the same pattern; "Keep tabs
on your weight, "File your nails . . . , "Massage your hands.
"Massage your feet, "Turn heads in your direction by keeping
lips lusciously lubricated. . . . " What does he get? Nothing is
mentioned but her beauty. What lessons does he learn? Admire
and rescue. In Teen. In Ms. In Self.
What W om en Want: The M essage the Man Hears 35

Do teenage boys magazines show a girl towing his brand-new

car, while he drapes himself over her tow truck and worries
about his acne? Hardly.
In mens magazines there are only a few gifts for men to buy
women. Remember the principle of the De Beers transfer. She
chooses the diamond and chooses among the men her beauty
power can attract to buy it. Which is why his ads arc for how to
become successful enough to buy whatever she chooses; hers are
to become beautiful enough to be able to make the choice of both
the gift and the man to buy the gift. Mens magazines do not
feature many gifts for women because men are expected to do
the buying after consulting the women, not the magazine, and to
concentrate their energies on making the money.

The Princess and the Patron:

The Flashdance Phenomenon
Who are among the women appearing most frequently on the
front covers of womens magazines? Princess Di, Jackie O, and,
until her death, Princess Grace. Each married a prince or a
Prime-time television fantasy gets a bit more complex. Dynasty
features two types of women Joan Collins as Alexis, the empire -
builder/scoundrel; and Linda Evans as Krystle, the traditional
of-child. What is common to both the traditional lady and this
scoundrel? They both created their options by marrying wealth.
In Dynasty some things have changed. It now makes no
difference whether the husbands are older and about to die or
half a womans ageas long as theyve already made it big.
When good, sweet Krystle becomes pregnant after marrying the
owner of the oil company for which she was a secretary, he
gives her a Rolls-Royce as a pregnancy present. After several
years leave of absence she returns to work. As secretary? No.
As head of the multimillion-dollar corporations public relations
department. What training did she have between being a secre
tary and being head of public relations? She married the boss.
This is the Flashdance PhenomenonFinding the right patron.
Qualifications? Look like a princess.
In real life, Linda Evans exclaims that for the right man shed
quit acting and stay home all the time. 1 Which was, in fact,
what she did. Career by option and wealth by marriage. Which

have made her the fantasy woman of millions of women who

would like to have it allincluding softnessby marrying a man
who has it all but has become hard in the process of earning it.

People, May 13, 1985

We dont like to admit that the fantasy still silently implies

men kill each other off so that the survivor can be eligible to
flashdance a woman into a princess. The fantasy is marrying
in a minute what he earns in a lifetime.
The two different images in Dynasty are really two meth
ods of achieving the same end: marrying ones way to options.
But which patron should a woman choose? Both the Krystle and
Scoundrel images arc now encapsulated in perfumes, so millions
of women can try out both scents for themselves.

Magic Think: The Unicorn,

the Princess, and the Hero
Makeup Magic, the cover feature of the December 1984
Seventeen, promises to turn the average girl into a beauty and a
potential starlike magic. Dynasty promises a flashdance to
fame, Rolls-Royces, and oil barons. Like magic. The Elizabeth
What W om en Want: The M essage the Man Hears 37

Seventeen, December 1984

Arden Salons Red Door made its reputation promising it could

transform any woman into a beauty like magic.
And if a girl herself fails to make the effort, the horoscopes
promise that success with boys is in the stars anyway. The
January 1985 Seventeen devotes thirteen full pages to horo
scopesalmost every one of which has some version of Com
ing up for you in 85: Boys, boys, boys, particularly in June and
Julyyoull practically have to fight them off! 4
What about the girl whos nine or ten and is just experiment
ing with beauty, but isnt quite ready to experiment with boys?
She experiments with unicorns. Look at the Seventeen ad (pic
tured above) for Magical Musk perfume. While a boy begins to
leave unicorns behind at the age of nine or ten, a girleven a
seventeen-year-old girlcan still be wooed to a product by the
magic of unicorns. While a boy is trained that he must earn his
pot of gold, a girl continues to search for the rainbow. The
rainbow symbolizes the promise of the pot of goldto be deliv
ered as soon as the wonder diets and magic makeups can create a
magical transformation to attract some male to provide her that
pot of gold.
The magical unicorn becomes the magical man; the gold at

Ms., June 1985

the end of the rainbow becomes the diamond at the beginning of

Does the independent woman shed the expectation of magicof
being given to or provided for? Look at the similarity between the
Seventeen ad, on the previous page, and the one from Ms., above.
Note the description of the unicorn as The Messenger of
Love. But how is the love attained? Its elusive soul can only
be tamed by a maidens magic power (emphasis added). Elu
sive soul, as opposed to a man who expresses feelings directly:
tamed, as opposed to a gentleman with nothing more than
equal passion; tamed by a maidens magic power, as opposed
to encountered by an independent woman with a career com
mitment. This is her fantasy. In Ms. A fantasy Ms. readers
supported? So much so that by 1986 it became a full two-page
The expectation of being given to is understood so well
that there is no box for a payment option; instead, a woman will
be billed when my sculpture is ready to be sent to me. That
is, she buys the illusion it will be created just for her; we also
read, Each sculpture will be individually hand-cast and hand-
finished,' and Limit: One sculpture per order." Love, as part
What W om en Want: The M essage the Man Hears 39

of her primary fantasy, must be faithful to her alone. (The

unicorn is an ancient symbol of fidelity.) So as a woman gets
older, her Magical Musk from Seventeen becomes her magi
cal power, with which she can tame the sexuality of a beast
rather than be sexual with the beastand transform it into
faithful love. The primary fantasy. In Ms.
Imagine an ad in Forbes for a $120 porcelain unicom. For the
male executives desk. With no option to pay directly. Men learn
they cannot get love by exercising their inborn magic power,
or by spraying some on; they must earn love. In Forbes the ads
are for computers and office systems. Forbes teaches men what
they must buy to earn a womans love.* The more she believes
in magic, the more he must create the miracles.

Virginal Sex
Each Christmas and birthday I debate between two types of
presents for Megan, the daughter of my woman friend: those I
think she should have and those I know shell love. When she
was eight to twelve years old there were two things I knew
would make it in the I love category: unicoms and posters of
heroes. This was true of her girlfriends as well. Its taken me all
this time to understand the connection. With neither the unicorn
nor the male star on the wall did Megan have to deal directly
with her sexuality. It was not like having a picture of one of the
boys in her class on her dresser. None of the boys in her or her
girlfriends classes could make it to this star status, so Megan
and her girlfriends did not have to deal directly with their
Of course, there were different types of male heroes on Megans
wallor different images representing how her sexuality might
eventually be channeled. In the same manner, for boys, different
types of performingsports, scholastics, or stealingare differ
ent kinds of experiments to become heroes, to be wanted by
different types of girls.
Why is it that so many girls first posters on the wall are male
and boys first posters on the wall are also male and only later
female? And why are boys male heroes also male performers?
Because a boy must learn to performto eam a female. For
him, the more attractive the female the less likely she is just

*Forhes reports its readership as 95 percent male.


magically to come along. He must eam his way to equality with

her. So his posters are of male role models: the role he must play
to have access to his fantasy female.
When can a boy make the transition to the female on the wall?
When he has tried his hand at performing and is ready to make
the relatively short transition between fantasizing and being di
rectly sexual. At that point, he usually changes to nude or
seminude posters of women. Similarly, a girls male-performer
posters reinforce her unconscious notion that its fine for the man
to do the performing for her. That ideally she can skip the
performance stage herself and can magically musk or magi
cally make up her way to his performance, tame it, and call it
She is deciding the type of performer she should be sexual
with; he is deciding how to perform to get sex. The bodies a boy
puts on the wall are Miss June, Pet-of-the-Month. etc. Not
names of real people. Rather they are interchangeable parts. A
girls heroes do not appear like interchangeable parts; they have
real names. But the moment Michael Jafkson fell out of favor
with the press, he came off Megans wall. Her heroes actually
are interchangeable parts. Their interchangeability is simply bet
ter masked, which makes us think better of the female, that
women dont exploit and objectify. Underneath, its his sex
object and her success object.
What is the relationship between the horn on the white horse,
the prince on the white horse, and the hero on the wall? They all
offer the female child the ideal of skipping sex itself, skipping a
career, and being flashdanced magically to security, adven
ture, and fame by a male performer.
What arc some alternative gifts or posters I consider healthy?
What do 1 buy Megan that I think she should have? Posters of
female Olympic gymnasts to tie into her gymnastic interests, a
baseball bat, a soccer ball. But more important than buying the
baseball bat is using it with hersetting up games with rules that
allow her a 60-40 chance of winning if she really tries. So she
can become her own hero.

Falling in Love within a Framework

Item: Good Housekeeping, February 1985: Fifty eligible
bachelors chosen. Only two sentences describe what makes
them eligible: their exact salary, their title, their source of
What W om en Want: The M essage the Man Hears 41

power, their availability (if they were rich enough they could
be engaged and still qualify as eligible").

In the film The World According to Garp we can observe how

little Garps future wife was interested in him during his first
overtures. Then he told her of his plans to be a serious writer.
She showed some interest. So off he went to prove to her he had
what it took to be a great writer. He proved it. She read it, was
overwhelmed with what he had proven. Then she fell in love
with him. She did not go off to prove anything to him. His
interest in her came on first glance and evolved toward love as
they got to know each other; there was no test of her greatness.
I call this falling in love within a framework." A mans
experience teaches him a woman is more likely to fall in love
once he makes it within a certain framework. And since sex
comes much more easily with love, making it" also seems to
open her up sexually. Making it" means getting love and sex.
Not making it" means rejection, less sex, and tenuous love.
Once Garps future wife loved his manuscript she fell in love and
then they fell in bed.
How does falling in love within a framework work from the
womans point of view? Here is an example from a woman in
Who are some men you could easily fall in love with?" I
asked a community audience in Waco, Texas.
My husband . . . all over again," was the first replyto
The next day Mary, the woman who had so replied, came to a
workshop. This time she was talking among women only, the
men watching silently from a distance. I repeated the question.
This time Marys answer was, Well, ideally. Phil Donahue."
The other women were hotter for Tom Scllcck and Paul Newman.
I asked her to fantasize being single and bringing Phil home to
her parents for the first timeassuming Phil were single again.
She answered: I watch the shock on my fathers face. His
newfound respect, barely concealed. I giggle with delight. No,
with pride. I have made it in his eyes. He doesnt say much,
but. oh, can I feel it. And my mother? Well, she is beside
herself. Just beside herself. I imagine her. well, I shouldnt say
this, but I imagine hermetaphorically speakingpeeing in her
pants. I can feel her look us over with disbelief as I introduce
him to her. I can feel her eyes direct a shocked-with-pride stare

as he plays with my fingers, as he plays with my fingersright

in front of my mothers eyes. Wow! My mother is Catholic.
Bringing Phil Donahue home would be like, Goodness and
mercy shall follow you all the days of your life.
What about your friends? I asked.
Oh, my God! The high school prom queen would turn queen
. . . er, green with envy. I wasnt exactly the most sought-after
girl in school.
Phil Donahue falls in love with you. Do you fall in love
You must be kidding . . . wouldnt you? The group laughed.
After some discussion, 1 chimed in. Lets look at part of
what love meant for Mary. Mary felt a terrific feeling. She felt
this feeling even though the love consisted of her receiving
approvalit wouldnt be the same if he didnt like herand the
promise of a secure attachmentit wouldnt be the same if she
brought Phil Donahue home for a one-night standto someone
who fit her ideal. For Mary, love involved receiving approval
and security from an ideal image. Most of the approval did not
even come from Philit came from others, others who knew
little about their real relationship.
"Image?" a woman piped up.
Yes. The ideal was in fact largely an image. It had nothing
to do with her interaction with Phil: how they talked together,
whether he spent time helping her define her goals in life (as
opposed to running off and producing shows), or whether he was
receptive to her input about his goals in life. It had little to do
with their chemistry. Little to do with mutuality of tastes, atti
tudes toward child-rearing, or how they listened to each other.
Little to do with love."
Why do you think women do this hero selection? a
woman asked.
1 replied, Lets look at the pressures on Mary not to look
carefully at love. For example, imagine her parents preparing for
Phil to come over for Christmas. The special cakes being baked.
Telling the neighbors. The local paper running stories. Photogra
phers calling the house. Excitement coming into the life of this
average family.
Now suppose Mary realizes that shes fallen in love with an
image. And she finds Phil doesnt have the time for her that she
needs. She needs someone to need her more. She calls her
parents and tells them shes decided to ask Phil not to come over
What W om en Want: The M essage the Man Hears 43

for Christmas until she can get herself together.' Imagine Mary 's
parents calling their friends. Calling their neighbors. Calling the
paper. Facing how many special things they had baked for Phil
to eat. These are the pressuresmasked as supportfor Mary
to commit without falling in love. Her pressures to confuse love
with her primary fantasy. And to confine her search for love to
the framework, so that at best she falls in love within a
How can we determine whether we are falling in love within a
framework in the reality of everyday life? Take this test:

Case 1: You are a single woman. You are about to bring

home to your parents a man you are about to marry. He is tall,
handsome, articulate, warm, tender; he listens carefully, under
stands you thoroughly, and expresses his feelings. He works as
a night watchman in a local junkyard.
How do you feel your parents would react to your marrying
Enthusiasm level on a scale of one to ten (one is lowest):__
Would you, in fact, seriously consider marry ing him?
___ Yes___ No.
Enthusiasm level:_________

Case 2: You are a single woman. Your friend would like you
to meet and go out with a short friend of hers. She explains he
has had plastic surgery four times, often wears makeup, and
has a high, squeaky voice. Some people think he is gaybut
she is fairly sure he is not, and he has taken an interest in you.
He docs have some odd habits, like watching some movies as
often as sixty times. It seems he may even have a glove fetish.
___ Yes___ No. His name is Michael Jackson.

How to Marry Money

In New York City a therapist and author teaches a popular course
called Marrying Up. She has written a book of the same
name. In San Diego there js a highly popular course called
How to Marry Money. Note that the marriage is to money
not to a person. I inquired about the percentage of men attend
ing. Oh, I have to warn men." the instructor replied. They re
welcome to attend, but the course is really for women. 1 mean,
it's not relevant to men.


North Pvk U>lvenlty/I-15
"It's u easy to fall In love with a rich man as
with a poor one." The fantasy can come true If
you're willing to pay the price In planning,
patience and persistence. Well look at where the
wealthy are and how to decide If you have what
it takes, prepare for the search, develop your
strategy, make connections, and enjoy the whole
Barbara Jones is a hum an relations a n d co m
m u n ica tio n co n su lta n t, a researcher into
u pw ardly m o b ile m arriages, a n d an a stu te
observer o f the s o c ia l scene. She directs H um an
P o ten tia l U nlim ited.
Fee S25. ose seetieg dees rise 6-15
Sec. A: Mob. Job. 14 6:30-9:34
Sec. B: The. Feb. 21 4:30-9:30 p a

Access to Learning Catalogue (San Diego, 1985)

Both courses are taught by women involved in self-improve

mentone is a therapist, the other the director of Human Poten
tial Unlimited. There is no course for men called Marrying
Down. But what would a course parallel to How to Marry
Money" be for men? Would it be How to Find Great Sex ?
No. Because men also give sexin fact, sometimes they beg to
give it. (Women attending How to Many Money" are not
begging to give money equally.)
Would it be How to Pick Up Girls"? No. How to Pick Up
Girls" describes the work a man must do to get someone equivalent
to himself. It implies he is not equal until he does this work. A
legitimate equivalent for men would in fact be How to Marry
Money." But that is the title. And almost no men attend.
What if they gave sexism and no one came?

The Back to Home Movement

Ladies' Home Journal (September 1984) runs a cover story:
I'm Sick of Work: The Back to Home Movement." Imagine,
on the front cover of Playboy. Im Sick of Work: The Back to
Home Movement." And yet we think of the playboy as not
What W om en Want: The M essage the Man Hears 45

being commitment-oriented, as wanting to keep his options open.

In Working Woman (November 1984) there is a cover article
called How to Work Part Time Without Smashing Your Ca
reer. Imagine in Forbes: How to Work Part Time Without
Smashing Your Career. This attitude makes some men wonder
whether work is a right women want, instead of a responsibility
women realize they must share.
Has there been a marked switch in mental attitudes among
women who work away from soap-opera-as-fantasy to equal
sharing of all roles? With some women, yes. But there are more
and more evening soap operas, and daytime soaps are now
recorded for evening viewing. In fact, the Nielsen surveys6
disclosed that in 1984 the most frequently recorded TV program
was All My Children. The second most frequently recorded
was General Hospital, the third, Days of Our Lives, then
As the World Turns, Guiding Light, and One Life to
What is the message to men? The soaps do not. show an
admired male hero caring for the children and housework while a
woman supports him. None shows a woman focusing on a career
with the expectation she will support a man from her career
earnings. The men she fights with other women over have
incomes large enough to give her the option to quit work, as in
General Hospital. There is no General Custodian.

Prepare for Greatness

In five recent issues7 of the three best-selling magazines for
teenage girls there was not a single article on careers. And there
was just one ad entitled: Prepare for Greatness! Finallyreal
equality! What will make her great? A career in hairstyling with
a Redken certificate. Where can she prepare to be great? Try
Aura School of Beauty in Texas, or Allure Career College of
Beauty in Arizona.
Are there smaller ads offering more options? Yes. Tucked
away in the classifieds are columns of smaller ads for careers in
fashion, retailing, and modeling. One of the largest is for the
Barbizon Schools: Train to be a model (or . . . just look like
If there is no encouragement to pursue careers, how is a
woman expected to survive?

How to Get a Yale Law Degree with a Pair of Jeans

The Zena jeans ad offers diverse career optionsfor the price of
jeans and a ski vacation.* Note that the Zena teenager finds
herself plowing into a Yale Law School grad. By wearing the
right jeans she can search for the right career. So her options are
more diverse than twenty years ago: there are more ski slopes.

Zena Jeans
Fit for the Way You Live
Sue . . .
There I was, on top of Mt.
Snow, trying desperately to
avoid a mogul, when I found
myself plowing right into
this hunk from New Haven.
Id say he was a cross be
tween . . . uh . . . Sting and
my beagle.
He has those sad puppy dog
eyes . . .
So we shook hands and by
the time we disentangled our
legs, I knew everything
about him I needed to know.
Law School grad from Yale.
Likes his mother. (Hope.)
Seventeen, December 1984 No steady girlfriend.
Hates French Films. (Ditto.)
Sue . . . youll love him.
Absolutely die for him.
I know you hate my taste in
men. but this ones an ex
Do you know what his opening
line was when I ran into him?
Those jeans sure are
Sue . . .
Im in love.
*Thc Zena ad is one o f the most popular in the best-selling girls magazines.
What W om en Want: The M essage the Man Hears 47

Note that the Zena girl plowed right into the hunk from New
Havenhe finds women by performing; she finds men by mess
ing it up. She did not do it purposelyshe found herself plowing
(she learns never to admit responsibility). Note that his gradua
tion from Yale Law School is called brainsa euphemism for
money, status, security, and ambition. And he even looked
powerful, intelligent, and famous, like the rock and movie star
Stingyet he was gentle, like a beagle. Of course, he created
the opening line, and he had to be uncommitted to warrant any
further attention. By the time we disentangled our legs I knew
all I needed to know . . . Im in love. So thats love.
It took the hunk a lifetime to prepare for and get through
Yale Law School. It took her a pair of jeans and a pair of
legs to get his law degree. With those and a Redken certif
icate she can Prepare for Greatness. Whats the message
to him? Yale Law isnt enough. He must be a hunk, have the
potential for fame, and be gentle. Then she might take her
jeans off.
Now suppose this ad were in a teenage boys magazine. A boy
whose career ambition is a Redken certificate from Aura School
of Beauty stumbles over a mogul and plows into a woman. He
writes his boyfriend:

Bob . . .
There I was, on top of Mt.
Snow, trying desperately to
avoid a mogul, when
I found myself plowing
right into this chick from
New Haven.
Id say she was a cross between
. . . uh . . . Madonna and my poodle.
So we shook hands, Bob, and by the
time we disentangled our
legs, I knew everything I needed to know.
Law school grad from Yale.
(Security.) v
Likes her father. (Hope.) . . . .
Bob . . . youll love her.
Absolutely die for her.
Do you know what her opening line
was when I ran into her?

'Those jeans sure are

"Bob . . .
" I m in love.

There is another path to greatness featured in Teen (in the

December 1984 issue): "Announcing Teen's Great Model Search
1985! . . . Heres Your Chance to Achieve Your Dream.
Arc there any articles or ads extolling inner values? An article
in Teen on soap opera star Catherine Hickland tells us how
self-confidence was important to her. But we discover she gained
this self-confidence in a week or soafter years of downgrading
herself. How? She "happened to be working for National
Airlines when they were looking for an employee to be a Fly
Me Girl (remember "Fly Me, Im Cathy, the campaign the
feminist movement protested as sexist in the early seventies?).
To her surprise, she was chosen, and she suddenly lost her
self-denigrating image. Is this beauty-based self-confidence pre
sented by Teen in magical terms? Judge for yourself. Heres how
the article opens: "Once upon a time in the faraway land of Fort
Lauderdale, Florida, there lived a young maiden named Cather
ine Hickland. . . . Later it continues: . . . she met a hand
some prince charming named David Hasselhoff. They fell in
love and were married. Now they live in a castle of a home
high above the glittering kingdom of Hollywood.
Seventeen does have a feature called Most Likely to Suc
ceed. Is it about a young, entrepreneurial woman or teenage
girl? No. It is about a man.
So a girl can prepare for greatness by a career in beautyor a
mans success. Whats changed?
Must the Zcna woman rely only on falling over ski-slope
moguls to fall in love with male moguls? No. It is clear that her
jeans and his Yale Law School degree are only symbols. But
symbols of what?

The Hint of Sex Brings the Lenox of Love

Gcttin into Mischief is the hint thrown out in Seventeen (see
ad at the top of the facing page), the best-selling magazine for
twelve- to ninctccn-ycar-old girls. If a girl gives a hint of mischief
she will be in demand among the boys. When she chooses a boy,
do she and he get into mischief together? No. She gets love. As
What W om en Want: The M essage the Man Hears 49


Mischief T-shirt,
Only S3,ae


Mischief* L 9
The Nfw .^-OvtfSojy P.*?graoce J v r r r .

Seventeen, December 1984

symbolized by the large heart into which all three boys have been
drawn, and by the small heart on the T-shirt to which the
mischief points. If the mischief actually led to the type of
mischief to which all the boys were drawn, the arrow might
point to a silhouette of two lovers. So a girl subliminally learns
that the sexual tease buys her both boys and love. And the
purpose of this love? Why, Love leads to Lenox. As Zsa Zsa
Gabor put it in a diamond ad: If I were good, why would
anyone want to give me a diamond . . , 8

The Commitment Dodgers Versus the

Commitment Giants
Its a race to the finishfor the Olympic Gold Medal. The ad
shows a black man in unifprm number 3 1 and a white man in
another uniform, a tuxedo. The tuxedoed white man wins! He
has gotten married. Tum the page. Now the white man is
number 17 and the black man is in a tuxedo. The tuxedoed black
man wins. He has gotten married. No racism here. But the
message? Gingiss formal wear makes it clear (in Bride's Magazine,

Seventeen, January 1985 *

October/November 1984) that the man who commits is hero for a

daya hero who can beat anyoneif only he commits himself.
Commitmentism as a form of sexism?
Throughout the womens magazines men are called names
commitment dodgers, 9 commitment phobic, and fearful of
maiTiagethe M word. 1 0 In contrast, if the man commits, he
is a heroat least for a day. This dichotomizing, like the
division of women into madonnas or whores, is a form of sexism
I call commitmentism.
When it comes to commitment, men and women, like the old
Dodgers and Giants, are pitted against each other in a battle to
the final inning. Men are freely branded Commitment Dodgers;
but commitmentism is such a deeply ingrained form of sexism no
one even thinks of calling women Commitment Giants.
Perhaps Brides Magazine can help us understand one aspect
of commitment, the way going shopping helps us understand an
important aspect of Christmas. The October/November 1984
Brides, which might be called the catalogue of love, features
four pages (two of them are reproduced on the following pages) of
purchases a woman might wish to consider as part of the ultimate
commitment. Not including the diamond. But including microwaves,
What W om en Want: The M essage the Man Hears 51

This checklist is the perfect helpmate tor keeping track of your wedding gilts. First, read
down the columns and mark the number of items you "want." Then clip and take these pages
to the Wedding Gift Registry at your tavohte giftware or department storeto list your
preferences. (Remember, that store is filled with everything from measuring cups to jogging
gear, so do list all "other" gifts that you wantbut don't see listedin the empty spaces at
the end.) When friends come in to shop tor your wedding gift, the Wedding Gift Registry
Consultant can offer perfect suggestions from your form on tile, and mark off what's pur
chased, to avoid duplications. Meanwhile, you keep these pages, and mark the number of
items "rec'd" in the boxes to the right. It wilTTeep you and your consultant up-to-date!

/ / / / / /
W i K D U l i y E W v p in t C o f l w v w

L ia t a m lM Sn *g id w i

--------------------- fc jffn p i n Tre n


CfeTW W T*W >


Gf v w

C o M to t S h M Salad t iw i

T iM n n O w n BMC b w * Ta m a

Sac v w Pvn D l C bowi S^ /tta C C

( n r O exPrrw M (tail

c m T a n if i'o f O w n /h JB C

M a in r i C ttw i c / n O w Gravy bon

D rrw tani m * t w / im *m B m d tray

S a * k r* Egg cup O w l

C ta S # w (| bo<^ Cm d t a h t l

S m n to t aa S v a paw

can Gr n r t e n N m tn r r p

CH tm m ta t tn w t Oatang *a<

G ^ *r t o * O it

Su g a /o w w


C ta a k r* S o / ia w a

tu W U M O ff v it a i i:

W t K n U ta w a a .

La m n ta t M O W A L O H M II9A M Gottar*

N tW : W ra w n

S n r iw W ta c tu to m O n

S A a tfW D n rw p m * O ic u v

O hr SM d EM t Cock tai

Boca B n rtf

C A M L **m *M M og i Lo w .

toad m

------------ O **/ ) M n O it

f*> i f f O it

O ra V C A J U A i Q L A M M -/ M A J W M

M o u o w A M /m v m P W ta ic

PO M M AI D M M M IM w * pnttrw M it a c t n r

S o w ^ j bowC Gottar*

Taa n rv e a W n

Bride's, October/November 1984

52 WOMEN C ^ N G E D W W ^ E N T MEN . . . ?


s s s s
What W om en Want: The M essage the Man Hears 53

lapmats, bar needs, televisions, stereos, and video systems, in

addition to the traditional silver and china * As 1 have said, there
is no Groom Magazine to develop an equivalent primary fantasy
for men.
In Cosmo the Commitment Dodgers article is subtitled, If
Your Lover Ducks and Hedges, Can You Possibly Pin Him
Down? Note that the underlying assumption is that hes the
problem. If an article in Playboy were titled Commitment
Dodgers: If She Wont Commit to Sex When You Want It, Can
You Possibly Pin Her Down? it would be considered male
chauvinist and verging on rape. If we were labeling women
Commitment Giants, Fortune might feature an article like
Commitment Giants: If She Tells You She Loves You, Dont
Take It PersonallyShe Just Wants Your Bank Account.
Commitment to an exciting career man whose income can
allow a woman to have the luxury of choosing a career by option
is still prevalent as the female primary fantasy in almost every
medium that sells best to both girls and women. It would be
unfair, however, to suggest that women are attracted only to men
who fall within a success framework. We can find in what sells
to women and in womens actual behavior a secondary fantasy.
What makes it secondary, and how does the primary fantasy
and secondary fantasy relate to intimacy and love?

The Secondary Fantasy Versus

the Primary Fantasy
A Womans Secondary Fantasy
Sometimes a woman will recall affairs that were purely sexual:
They had nothing to do with commitment, attachment, his
status, or whatever 1 just liked our chemistry and his body and
I wanted a good time. If anything, he was the one who wanted
commitment. As she says this, she convinces herself she is free
from the primary fantasy, that she loves sex and ideally would
like more of itboth in quality and quantity. If this man does

*The female fantasy, like silver and china, also serves men, just as the male
fantasy o f sexuality also serves women. The difference between a primary
and a secondary fantasy is the difference in importance attached to each
fantasy by each sex.

not meet her primary fantasy in addition to her sexual fantasies,

though, rarely will she consider commitment to him. Which is
why this is her secondary fantasy. And why she can legitimately
say if anything, he was the one who wanted commitment.

The Club Med Syndrome

One day she tells me, 7 can feel my sexual openness
to you will increase if I just feel more secureif I have
a commitment. Yet she told me once about the time she
went to Club Med and had passionate sex with four
different men in a week.
Hank, thirty-two

Why is it, Hank wanted to know, that his future wife, Linda,
didnt need commitment to really open up at Club Med, but
needs it with him? I call it the Club Med Syndrome. Consider
the womans side of this.
Many women approach Club Med wanting to experience what
it would be like just letting it all go. N5 reputation, no expecta
tions. This time I'm going to experiment . . . even use men.
Ive never had a surfer boy before. As a result, many report
they are as orgasmic and sexually open as theyve ever been. But
when a woman returns home and meets a man she is interested in
for a long-term commitment, and he is less certain than she, she
finds herself less open than she was with a Club Med stranger
yet she honestly knows she would open up should he commit.
The woman is caught between two cultures. The first is her
natural self, which the Club Med island-no-money-primitive
setting is calculated to tap into; the second is her socialized
self, which was taught to associate sex with love, and in the
context of which she may consciously or unconsciously use sex
to gain commitment.
She tries to achieve this commitment by being all-out one
day to show him how good it can be," as one woman put it,
and by withholding the next day so hell be tempted to commit to
get it good again. These all-out and withhold feelings
may appear manipulative to a man whos had enough experience
to know the pattern. But for a woman, they may be so built-in
that they accurately reflect her inner conflict of culturesone
day she may genuinely feel all-out and the next day hurt by
What W om en Want: The M essage the Man Hears 55

his not wanting more. Womens socialization keeps these feel

ings very much in tension; mens does not. Rather than assume it
is conscious manipulation, it is important for a man to under
stand a womans conflict in cultures. Mixed socialization pro
duces mixed messages. Conversely, it is important for a woman
to understand how a man can feel manipulated by her alternating
behavioreven if manipulation was not her intent.
Lets take a look at what happens when primary and secondary
fantasies fall short of reality.

When the Primary Fantasy

Tumbles Down
Womens primary fantasy is of marriage to one man who is able
to provide security, in which she has the option to devote energy
to work, home, children, or a combination thereof, as she chooses.
Ideally she wants her secondary fantasy as well: excitement,
passion, respect, attention, romance, gentleness, and firmness
from this one man. Often, however, the man is too busy provid
ing her primary fantasy to fulfill her secondary fantasy. She fears
that if she expresses this dissatisfaction, her primary fantasy will
also come tumbling down. So, both disappointed and depressed
about repressing her dissatisfaction, she resorts to female por
nography (romance novels, soaps, and Better Homes and Gardens
centerfolds), or she has affairs with someone more exciting. If
that doesnt work, she may sharpen her work skills and gain
advanced degrees while she is still married.
Then, she can reassess her options. If her disappointment has
leaked out and her primary fantasy has been dissolving, she may
work on ways to achieve for herself what he did not provide for
her. Rarely, though, will she have developed the financial tools
he has developed. Instead, she has developed a different set of
tools: self-improvement tools. And yet self-improvement tools
by themselves dont guarantee big bucks in the job arena. So
always lurking in the background is the old magical tool: the
man on the white horse.
A blend of the old magic and her new self-reliance prompts a
new search: The yellow brick road to self-improvement. Self-
improvement seems to imply a new role for the man. The
yellow brick roador magicseems to imply the old role for
the man. Lets look.

The Yellow Brick Road

to Self-Improvement
What is common to the following self-improvement articles,
in womens magazines? How You Can Lose 10 Pounds in 10
Days (Without Dieting) 11; Big Money Careers, M.B.A. Not
NeededFinancial Jobs in Which Women Can Out-Fast-Track
Men 12; Low Calorie Gourmet Cookbook 13; . . . How to
Win People Over in Seconds Without Saying a Word (. . . a
little paint, properly applied on a womans face . . .) 14; I Lost
283 Pounds 1 ; Conquering Your Shyness; At 23. 35 or Even
5 5 ' 6 ; Essential Career Readings: Business Buzzwords. 17

The common denominator is the do it without work, the

magical quality to these articles, which imply You can have it
all. Imagine Esquire printing an article, I Lost 283 Pounds.
Or The Wall Street Journal promising the ability to create funda
mental personality changes Conquering Shynessno matter
what the executives age. Or Forbes telling men they can lose 10
pounds in 10 days without dieting. Or Fortune suggesting
buzzwords as career readings. Such articles would not be sub
scription grabbers, but rather subscription stoppers. They are
comparable to a greasy snake-oil salesmans offering bottles of
cure-all serum from the back of a truck. What he promises he
cannot deliver.
Perhaps the greatest harm to women comes when these maga
zines, one and all, including Cosmo, are called self-improvement
magazines by people who should know betterlike the pub
lisher of Ms. magazine. By offering a woman the illusion that
she has improved, such claims cause her to become impatient
with a man who does not improve. She does not understand
that for many men those who can do, do; those who cannot do,
talk. Many men respect other men who shut up and act, so
when women talk about self-improvement they cringethey are
reminded of men who arc all talk and no action. And when
this gut reaction on a mans part combines with her criticism of
him for not improving himself, he withdraws from herthe
same way he withdraws from his braggart male friends.
The male-female tension about self-improvement is best illus
trated by a couple I met in 1976, the year after The Liberated
Man was published. Wilma had come to my workshop after
What W om en Want: The M essage the Man Hears 57

reading the book. She felt she had been helped beyond belief.
What had actually happened was the workshop illusion.
What is the workshop illusion ? Feeling she had changed so
much, Wilma now wanted Raymond to change just as muchto
keep up with me. It sounded like a reasonable request, so
Raymond tried. From Raymonds perspective, though, Wilma
had changed very little. He felt that Wilmas major change was
that she was more demanding of him. As a result he felt his
response to her new demands was the biggest change that had
actually taken place.
The belief in magical, overnight change is not a harmless
fantasy. Rather, it raises expectations of our partners, makes us
more demanding than our own real change warrants, and makes
us self-righteous. The combination wreaks havoc in relation
ships. And workshop leaders who play into it are letting their
egos interfere with reality.

What Does Romance Really Mean?

If a woman has security but lacks excitement, she can turn to
female pornography :

Item : Forty percent of all American paperback sales are ro

mance novels.
Item : Seventy-one percent of romance novel readers have
jobs outside the home. 19
Item : Between 98 and 99 percent of romance novel readers
are women20a total of approximately 25 million women. 21

The number of women who read romance novels25 million

is almost fifty times greater than the number of Ms. readers.
Romance novel readers are the real womens movement. The 98
percent female readership represents the real gender gap.
One of Americas most respected and popular romance novel
ists is Danielle Steel. Lets look at the message to men reflected
in the role of males in her books. The following descriptions are
taken from the sales brochures, which are what initially sell the
In Now and Forever, heroine Jessica has an extramarital affair
with Ian. Ian soon has another affair and is charged with rape!
The exclamation point is there in the sales brochure. Does she

leave Ian and return to her husband in remorse? No. After the
rape charge Jessica finds herself only beginning to leam the
power of her love for Ian. The point is not whether Ian
committed the rapeit is that rape! with an exclamation point
sells to a female audience. *
In The Ring, the male hero is a Nazi officer whom the
heroine, Ariana, falls in love with and marries despite her anti-
Nazi familys disappearance as a result of the Nazi activity. She
is described as saved by the Nazi officer.
In Remembrance, Serena is rescued by a wealthy American
officer after her aristocratic family has lost its fortune in the
turmoil of post-World War II Italy.
In Remembrance and The Ring, being an officer is primary
fantasy materialbut only when the settingthe stageis war.
What type of message does this give military men about the
value of peace?
In To Love Again, Isabella finds herself in love with the man
who wants to destroy all she has left of her husband. In
Thurston House, Sabrina falls in love with the fiercest rival of
her late father. In Crossings, a wild and impulsive love for an
American steel magnate destroys the heroines devotion to
her husband.
What is the message to men? Once a woman has her security
needs met, shell be off with someone else who is really
excitinga steel magnate or a rapist. And someone who will
destroy her love for the man who was devoted to her.
How do men pick up these messages when it is women who
read the romances? By the distance they feel when they are not
exciting enough, or their rejection by women if they dont have
their success act togethernot rejection or distance from all
women, but rather the women they are taught to want mostthe
women who have options.
In Thurston House, Sabrina is flashdanced to control of a
mining empire at her fathers death. Because of her education,
experience, and savvy in the mining field? Hardly. Sabrina is
eighteen. In To Love Again, Isabella is flashdanced to become
the sole head of a successful fashion business when her husband
is killed by terrorists (which makes his death glamorous). Wc
sec, then, a fantasy of male death bringing female fortune; male
death flashdancing women to power and status.
Of course, the fantasy parallels real-life examples. In real life,
almost all of Americas one hundred wealthiest women made
What W om en Want: The M essage the Man Hears 59

their personal fortunes on their husbands or fathers death, and

many women with power flashdanced to it on their husbands
death, such as Helen Copley, who quit her job as a secretary
when she married the president of Copley Enterprises and
flashdanced to president of Copley Enterprises on her husbands
death, or female U.S. Senators such as Muriel Humphrey, elected
with no prior experience upon the death of Hubert Humphrey; or
Margaret Chase Smith, elected after the death of Senator Smith;
or Katherine Graham of the Washington Post, or Joan Kroc of
Reality is one thing. But what will men think romance is when
they learn 25 million women are reading these as their have-it-all
fantasy every year?
Is this fantasy of the romances or soaps, that male death
equals female power and fortune, any better than Hustler maga
zines infamous front cover that processed a woman through a
meat grinder? Hustler claims the picture was not fantasy, but
rather a self-denigrating mockery of their own meat-market ap
proach to sex. But suppose the image served both purposes?
Both images involve deathhers through a meat grinder for
male pleasure, his via terrorists for female pleasure. Yet the
womans death is rightly condemned as the worst category of
pornography. The male death at the hands of terrorists is called
romance, akin to love.

Sexual Harassment Versus Sexual Flashdance

Item: Harlequin Enterprises is an old company, but until the
early seventies it was only moderately successful. In 1970, the
net earnings from sales of Harlequin Romances were $ 1 10,000.
By 1980, they were over $21 million. 2 2 An increase of 20,000

What created the sudden 20,000 percent increase in Harle

quins profits? The working womans romance formula. The
formula? A heroine who holds a dull to moderately creative job
is come on to by her older* wealthy, handsome, and powerful
employer (or financial equivalent). She repeatedly resists him.
Then he confesses the depth of his love, his desire for happiness
ever aftermarriage.
As in the movie Flashdance, the male employer comes on to
the female employee. In lawsuits, such coming on is consid

ered sexual harassment; by definition, it is considered a misuse

of his power. When she resists and he persists, as in both the
movie and the Harlequin formula, it is an even clearer form of
sexual harassment.
Why is sexual harassment the subject of a lawsuit in one case
and a female fantasy in another? When a woman buys a Harle
quin romance, the male employer, after a battle of wills, as in
Flashdance, eventually becomes the man on the white horse (or
black Porsche) who flashdances her to a more exciting career,
tossing in marriage and love to boot. Since she is married to
wealth, she now has the option to quit.
The female reader may well have faced the reality of divorce.
Her fantasy must now put her in a better position than the pain of
her last divorce. The Harlequin formula does just that: she has
been flashdanced by him to independence of him. She has the
option to quit the relationship in wealth, not poverty with
top-notch job experience, not secretarial experience.
Does the Harlequin fantasy of the working world include a
womans being valued as a person in her own right? Often.
How? By being applauded for her performance on a tightrope
showing her independence, daring, and talentbut there is a
safety net underneath that few notice. Her safety net is still his
underlying financial support. Since she does not view it as a
safety net, she feels justified in criticizing him as too preoccu
pied with his work. Her fantasy never involves having to support
him financially.
The Harlequin romance doesnt stop here. Its formula allows a
woman the fantasy of real powerexcitement, independence,
and securitywithout having to work so hard for power that her
femininity gets lost in the process.
If femininity got lost in the pursuit of independence, a woman
would lose power (because real power means having control over
ones life), which is having the option to work and not to lose
ones gentler side. Protection from tragic outcomeslike the
loss of femininity in the pursuit of independenceand safety and
stability are what Harlequin romances arc about. 2 1 Even much of
their cover artborders within bordersreflects this protection.
What does the female reader fantasize she will give in return for
these options? Sex and perhaps beauty. But in her fantasy she gets
sex, and always gets male beauty (she never fantasizes ugliness).
She fantasizes getting more than she gives. For example, it is never
a readers fantasy to give a man the option to quit. And it is
What W om en Want: The M essage the Man Hears 61

never her fantasy to work hard to get to the top, then have an affair
with a male employee whom she flashdances to the top, then
marries and protects while he quits work to care for their child.
How can she justify this gap? By an underlying belief that her
body is worth more than his. As is her sexuality. Especially if
she is beautiful.
Does the more sophisticated woman outgrow these attach
ments to this flashdance to independence? Some dosome do not.
Playgirl did interviews with professional women who are Hooked
on Romance: One Out of Three Women Reads Over 50 Romance
Novels a Year. 2 4 The interviewer asked one woman who read
between forty and fifty romance novels per month if she had ever
found a man she thought she could love. Her answer was one word:
No. In response to What do you do fora living that gives you
so much time to read? she answered, lam director of securities
(naming a Fortune 500 company], corporate vice president. 2 5

Did You Ever Think Youd Be So at Ease in a

Mans World?
Repeatedly, when women are pictured making it in a mans
world, there is a hint of sexuality and almost always a hint of
beauty. For example, note the position of this Calvin Klein
woman in the New York ad below.


N ew York, April 4, 1984

Note that her legs are spread open; she is on her back. Her
face does not appear focused on management decisions. And
now for the copy; . . . so at ease in a mans world.

Falling into Bed within a Framework

What do the ten sexiest men chosen annually by Playgirl from
1983 to 1985 have in common? All thirty have wealth, status,
and power. Theres Boy George and George Bush; Bob Hope
and David Bowie. Would George Bush be picked out from a
crowd of men for his sexiness were he not vice president?
Pets-of-the-Month and Playboy centerfolds do not have to be
famous. Or powerful. They can be, but they dont have to be.
The framework is different. Imagine Penthouse or Playboy choos
ing Betty Friedan and a famous female transvestite as two of the
sexiest women of the year?
Look at the subtle ways this message is run throughout videos
and movies. Rent a videotape of Reds. Observe how Diane
Keaton breaks up with Warren Beatty, jthen agrees to go on a trip
with him to the Soviet Union purely as a professional colleague.
She retains her professional distance every seconduntil he
gives a speech and is hailed by the Soviet audience. Her eye
contact changes. The next scene they are in bed together.
Does this hold true for the younger generation? Lets look.

Would You Give Up Your Boyfriend for a Star? Or

What Does the Rock Star Symbolize to Your Son?
Somehow boys are still not getting the message that sharing
the housework turns women on. Instead they hear the message
that the best foreplay is success. Heres how they hear it. . . .
In a promotion for the rock group Motley Criie, a San
Antonio rock station (KISS-FM) asked listeners to answer the
question What would you do to meet the Criie? 2 6 The winners
would get free concert tickets, and some would meet the Criie.
Be warned. The responses are X-rated; to be honest, I was
Well start easy . . . sort of. A fifteen-year-old wrote, I
really like Vince Neils body. When hes on stage he wears a
bunch of spikes and leather pants. She explains she would have
sex with Vince Neil's best friend to meet the Criie even if it
would mean losing my boyfriend. She would also do it with
What W om en Want: The M essage the Man Hears 63

the ugliest, fattest, most disgusting guy in the world if it took

that to meet them.
The interviewer called the girl, as he did the other respon
dents, Are you for real? Her response: I meant what I said. I
know theyre grown men and Im only fifteen but so what?
One thirteen-year-old girl volunteered to spread whipped cream
all over her body and have Vince lick it off. When she was
called, she said, I wouldnt make the same offer to my boy
friend I made to the band. It just wouldnt be the same with
One mother, who described her sixteen-year-old daughter as a
very Christian girl, read and mailed the letter in which her
daughter wrote, I would tie you up, spread-eagle and naked,
with leather straps. Then Id shave all the hair off your chest,
and if I should nick you, Ill suck up all the blood.
A fourteen-year-old boy offered his thirty-four-year-old mother.
The mother was called. Yes. I approved of his letter. Why
did the boy offer his mother? Even at the age of fourteen the boy
sensed he did not have access to men in powerbut a woman

R olling S tone, J an u ary 3 1 , 1 9 8 5


What makes these men so appealing to enough women be

tween thirteen and thirty-four to gain the Motley Criie millions of
dollars? What makes a fifteen-year-old girl say, Theyre like
God, but even better ? Is it the sadomasochistic elements of
whips, chains, leather, and spikes? Or, to mention other roc^
stars, is it Ozzy Osbornes biting off a doves head, Alice
Coopers tearing chickens to pieces on stage, or Billy Idols
(subtle last name) gold crucifix earrings and phosphorescent
rosary beads?27 Hardly. If these men tore poultry' apart in their
familys chicken coop, theyd get ostracism, not sex.
It is only if these acts translate into publicity and if the
publicity results in an audience (it helps Ozzy Osbomes career if
he almost dies of food poisoning from eating a live dove), that
their perpetrators become stars and get women. Then Billy Idol
can walk into a restaurant, be surrounded by groupies (or, as he
prefers dodgey birds ), look at the most beautiful, say Lets
go down to the mens toilets, and one minute later have her
follow him through the mens room door.28"29
It is only if publicity succeeds in creating the star that a
sixteen-year-old girl will want to suck the stars blood. This is
what I mean by falling into bed within a framework. Or, in
the case of the women wearing white wedding dresses to Billy
Idol concerts,* falling in love within a framework.
A boy gets the message, then, that though looks are ideal, if
he is successful, he can be the ugliest guy in the world and
his fantasy woman will have sex with him just to meet him. The
message is that women may miss male gentleness, but only because
it is missing in the men they choosemen who bite off doves
heads. He learns that if he develops gentleness but not success, hell
probably get rejected by the girls to begin with, and if he doesnt
get rejected, theyd leave him for a success at a moments notice.

The Female Frontier: Forbidden Love

What is the appeal of forbidden love in both prctccn ro
mances and award-winning adult romances?! For the most at

*Thc wedding dresses commemorate his video White W edding. in which

the bride drives away in a gleaming black Rolls-Royce,
t Forbidden Love is the title of a Sweet Dreams preteen romance and a domi
nant theme in Rangoon (New York: Avon, 1985), by Christine Monsoon,
who won the 1984 Romantic Times Award for "Best New Historical Author.
What W om en Want: The M essage the Man Hears 65

tractive girl in the Sweet Valley High romances, no boy is

enough of a challenge. Just as no frontier on earth is enough of a
challenge for the modem male hero. In Too Good to Be True,
Suzanne, a newcomer, is more attractive than any girl anyone
has ever laid eyes on. Even the cool, sought-after Bruce Patnam
is turned to putty by her charms. Suzanne has clearly never had a
challengea real frontier. So she challenges herself by hugging,
then kissing, the schools best, most respected teacher, Mr.
Collins, described as a Robert Redford look-alike. He gently
but unequivocally refuses to go further. Suzanne has never known
rejection. She is determined to make Mr. Collins pay, so she
retaliates by accusing him of molesting her. Fortunately, Su
zanne is caught stealing, and soon the truth is found out.
If this is the Bad Girl way of conquering forbidden men, what
is the Good Girl way? In Deceptions, Elizabeth would never
cheat on Todd, her steady. But along comes fabulously wealthy
and extremely handsome Nicholas. So Elizabeth says, Well,
just once . . .
In such story lines, there is a positive morality: the power of
beauty can be taken too far; it can be misused. The eleven-year-

Working Woman, November 1984


old girl learns how she can both use and abuse her body and her
beautyand what prices and costs different types of uses and
abuses have. But she also learns that unless she is beautiful she
is not even a player. At least, not for the most competitive and
successful boys. And she learns that the most beautiful girls, like
the most powerful boys, are always conquering new frontiers: if
not a Kennedy, then an Onassis. The distinction is between the
good and bad ways of getting heroesthe off-limits and within-
limits heroes. But no one questions the primary fantasy
conquering the hero. Nor the primary means: beauty. Or that the
best beauty can venture into frontiers not reachable by ordinary

Power Tools
Docs the new woman dance her part in the sex-role dance with
new stepsor the old ones? Does she focus on internal beauty
and find that men do not respond? Does she use honesty rather
than flirtation, and find she has no men'to be honest with? Does
she hope to be loved for her independence and search for men
who can express dependence? And if she hopes for all these
things, are her messages to men consistent with that hope?
Lets start with what happens behind her locker room door
the development of beauty power.

Beauty Power: The Three Career Opportunities

Why does advertising for beauty products and fashion occupy
approximately 90 percent of the full-page ad space in at least a
dozen of the best-selling womens magazines? What is the power
of beauty power?
Beauty power provides three types of career opportunities.
First, Max Factor explains, it helps her succeed in business.
That great career lookfrom sassy to sophisticated, heres how
to show you mean business. A detachable eight-page career
booklet in Cosmopolitan gives the woman her Make-Up for
Success Guide.
There are four rules for success (sec reproduction opposite).
Three of the rules involve making sure your lips always look
and stay luscious. Examples:
What W om en Want: The M essage the Man Hears 67

Rule 1: Outline your plan of attack. Line lips with a Lip

Contour Lining Pencil. . . .
Rule 2: Make sure your beauty lasts through the day. . . .

' s h o w s YOU HOW TO

3 ?:r'.z-s'A
,-t- r

A woman also gets secrets for successshe needs a well-

stocked briefcase with tools to be in control at the board
meeting. What tools should be in her briefcase? The tool of
Unshine 100% Oil Free Blotting Powder. Does this mean she
should have just the superficial appearance of control? Oh, no, a
good foundation is important. What type of foundation? The type
over which she can put Maxi-Fresh Blush.
Is this just the hype of the ads? No. Check out the only
article on Getting Ahead at the Office in the same issue. Is the
image (see illustration below) one of intense work-consciousness?


Cosmopolitan, September 1985

Isnt this woman just putting her legs up, as any man would
do ? Why does it have to imply flirtation if a woman does it?
Isnt that sexist? The power of studied casual beauty and
body language is the power of sending off multiple messages and
claiming innocence. As Jontue perfume puts it, innocence is
sexier than you think. Studied innocence can be an effective
cover-up. What we see in both the articles and ads is how
pervasive is the training to use beauty and the hint of sexuality as
tools in business success.
Back to the career guide. How is a woman instructed to show
shes done a good job? Heres how: . . . whether youre
making a point at the podium or holding a coffee cup, your
hands will show youre doing a beautiful job. Only if she uses
the correct nail enamel. She is told this look turns business into
And so we begin to see the connection between a career in
business and a career in men (husband as the source of income).
What W om en Want: The M essage the Man Hears 69

The career guide shows pictures of men touching a woman at

business meetings. And her eye shadow (see illustration below),
called eye for success, features names such as Lavender Kiss,
Goldilocks, Silver Fox, and Stormy Weather that are not in the
Harvard MBA curriculum.


-Ssv**/ feefefe t& m *-

Cosmopolitan, September 1985

A career in men might be called custom eyes for custom

home. In a different ad, Revlon explains what a womans
custom eyes are designed to achieve. Look at the names of
the colors from which she creates her Custom Eyes : Billion
aire Blue, Prosperous Plum, Society Mint, Black Diamond. How
does she get these billions? Well, she can choose Shy Brown. . . .
If she perfects her beauty, a^woman can enter the business of
beautythe third career opportunitywhich can mean (as with
Christie Brinkley) both becoming a multimillionaire and marry
ing a multimillionaire.
Sociologist Jacque Lynn Foltyn has found that despite our
focus on female achievements in areas other than beauty, the
most common denominator for women appearing on the cover of
Time magazine is the womans status as a professional beauty.,0
Is this changing? Yes. Between 1975 and 1985 beauty has been a
more important factor than it was previously. One front cover of
Time chronicled a major feminist convention, headlined After
Houston. Did Time select an acknowledged feminist leader like
Betty Friedan or Bella Abzug? No; they selected a very attractive
unknown blond woman. Why? Covers with attractive females
sell best to both sexes.
If beauty offers women so much power, why dont women
have their own equivalent of the Super Bowl, which exemplifies
the competition for power? They do . . .

The Female Super Bowl

The Super Bowl is watched by about 75 million Americans,
mostly men. The female Super Bowlthe Miss America
contestis also watched by about 75 million Americans, about
75 percent female.31 The Miss Universe pageant is watched by
600 million viewersin fifty-one countries. Beauty is an interna
tional passport.32
Are beauty contests dying out? Hardly. In the United States
alone, there are 750,000 beauty contests for women each year.33
The fact that the number entering the Miss America contest at all
levels has almost doubled in recent years, to 80,000, tells us of
their endurance.
Why are more women watching these beautiful women than
are men? Because both sexes are careful observers of the con
tests played out by their own sex. Each sex studies the tools that
bring us our primary fantasies. So a man watches the Super
Bowl and a woman watches the beauty contests. Most men dont
know the meaning of the Red Door (Elizabeth Ardens salon)
and cant tell a hairstyling mousse from a hairstyling gel. And
most women think the ERA is just an amendment and that
Montana is just a state. We all pay closer attention to our own
power tools.

The Birth o f Beauty

Bert Parks emcees the International Kiwanis Little Miss Peanut
contest, offering $10,000 scholarships to cight-year-old winners.
And Newsweek34 reports four-year-old Mandy Bennet crying for
an hour when she lost the Little Miss Pink Tomato contest in
What W om en Want: The M essage the Man Hears 71

Hooper, Utah. But what could be expectedshe lost to a girl in

her prime, Mandy Rankin, age two. And then there are baby and
toddler pageants . . . based on talent, of course. Some of these
girlsstill childrenhave three hundred crowns and two hun
dred trophies.35

Ms., January 1985

The babies entered into beauty contests are not the only ones
with parents who teach them beauty power. Studies show moth
ers hold, kiss, and cuddle attractive babies more than less attrac
tive babies and, more important, tend to limit their attractive
babys development in other areas by neglecting, for example, to
offer such stimuli as challenging toys.36

The Female Line

What is the subliminal message-female makeup delivers to mena
message men reinforce by choosing beautiful women? From
eleven to seventeen years old, a girl learns in a million ways to
look natural by being artificial. A boy is learning, subcon
sciously, that her makeup is the female line what she
says doesnt ring true. Makeup is her lie, her deception, the

equivalent of his bragging or exaggerating. The sexes learn not

to trust each other. Which is one way sex-role training becomes
divorce training.

The Female Locker Room: The Red Door

of Vulnerability
A 1985 study found that if they had to do it over, 97 percent
of women would spend as much time as, or more time than, they
do on appearance.17 Appearance was only one of twelve areas of
life about which they were asked this question. No other area
ranked even close in importance to appearance. The study, re
ported in Good Housekeeping, gives us a hint about the connec
tion between appearance and achieving the primary fantasy of
better homes and gardens.
Suppose a woman isnt naturally beautiful. Can she makeup
the difference? She is told she can.
In womens magazines we find two female equivalents to the
male locker room: woman-to-woman talk *about men, and women
applying makeup and face masks, in the process of becoming
beautiful. Men are absent in the full-page ads of women apply
ing makeup. One female equivalent of the male locker room is
Behind the Red Door, the symbol of the Elizabeth Arden
Salonthe home of female secrets, where the competitors let
their hair down. Female vulnerability is pimples, curlers, bags,
and sags. A womans techniques for obtaining her primary fan
tasy arc hidden from male eyes, just as men hide their strategies
for obtaining their primary fantasy of having sex with attractive
Exactly what happens behind the Red Door? Although it
features eighteen steps, the Elizabeth Arden ad on the following
page only scratches the surface. The eyes are not even mentioned
and for the eyes alone there arc not only eyeliner, mascara, and
eye shadow, but numerous double-page Elizabeth Arden ads
devoted to one eye product alone, such as Eye Fix Primer with
Primilin HI (sec Self, June 1984), which serves the sole function
of preserving the eye shadow.
Where docs the working woman get the time for this? And
where docs the nonworking woman get the money for this?
What W om en Want: The M essage the Man Hears 73

Vogue, October 1984

The Female Western

The Female Western is the battle between the good and evil
methods of getting the men who perform best. But whether good
or evil, the top female players are all beautiful. Whether Alexis
the Scoundrel or Krystle the Almost Pure; or in the preteen
romances, Jessica the Ruthless, or Suzanne the False Accuser of
Mr. Collins. In both scenarios, from evening soaps to preteen
romances, inner values are for losers. Unfortunately, the only
game in town is still beauty for women and performance for
Among the teen romances there are almost no positive images
of girls who think, who are intellectual, who question the
larger system, who run for student body president, or who mow
lawns or babysit a few extra times for the purpose of affording
tickets to take a boy out. Perhaps most sad, even the good girls
rarely understand anyone who deviateseither in looks or in

Beauty Power ? Bull All This Emphasis on

Beauty Makes Me Feel Inadequate
The irony of power is that both sexes often see themselves as
powerless in exactly the area in which the other sex sees them as
powerful. Why? A woman sees the inadequacy of her breasts
next to ideal breasts. Commercials bombarding her with the ideal
weight, rear, hair, and skin keep her aware of her imperfections
even as she is actually making herself thinner, firmer, and more
perfect. A man is exposed to commercials of the ideal female
as well; if he meets a woman who approximates that ideal, his
mind calls up images from millions of commercials, making him
feel nervous and unworthy. Most men around a very attractive
woman feel the way a fan feels around a movie stargrateful for
a second of attention. And they sense they must prove them
selves before they can be expected to be treated as equals.
Women see male external rewards as power. When confronted
with images of male success power, the average man sees his
comparative inadequacy next to these powerful males and feels
powerless. The average man does not feel more powerful be
cause of Michael Jacksons power. The fact that it takes six
Grammies in one night to get Brooke Shields to fly across the
country to be his escort does not leave most men much hope of
gaining the acceptance of the most attractive women unless they
produce more than they already have. A man may in fact have
more money, or a higher position, than the woman, but he may
also feel powerless next to his movie star ideal male image.
How does this happen? When Playboy takes 6,000 shots* for
each centerfold spread, and when movies substitute pictures of a
different actresss buttocks so we wont see the imperfections in
the rear of the star, we get some idea how every woman who
looks at a centerfold feels inadequate next to the airbrushed best
of 6.000 photos and replaced rears. This faked image is true with
hairstyles too. Remember the hairstyle on the career-for-
commitments-sake Cosmo woman? Notice how little has changed
from the hairstyle of this Vogue model (opposite) from May 1967.
Vogue was kind enough to show us how the hair got that way!
On the one hand, female checkbook stubs are a clear statement

*Thc Canadian National Film Board cites 22,000 snapshots. The Playboy
photo editor, Gary Cole, could not confirm that number. Based on in
formation from him, my estimate is 6,000 snapshots.
What W om en Want: The M essage the Man Hears 75

Vogue, May 1967 Vogue, May 1967

of the value women as a group place on the power of beauty. Yet
for any given woman these constant images of beauty only make
her feel more inadequatepowerless. And they make any given
man feel powerless next to herunless he compensates by earn
ing his Grammies.
If a woman values the leverage beauty can gain for her, cant
an increase in beauty give her more self-confidenceand make
a man feel like more of a man pursuing her?

If Beauty Gives a Woman Self-Confidence,

Why Should That Bother a Man?
The beauty-focused woman who depends on men to tow my
car, pick up my presents, and pay for the dates pays a high
price for her dependence on men. Her life cycle is often one in
which she feels less happy the older she gets. With the woman
less focused on beauty the opposite life-cycle pattern occurs: she
leams to depend more on herself, often getting happier as she
gets older.
Beauty can offer self-confidence. Anything that offers ap
proval can offer self-confidence. Gang leaders gain self-confidence
from approval. (West Side Story is the story of the search for
approval.) But to channel children into gaining self-confidence
by making them dependent on something they will have less of
with age (gangs or facial beauty) is self-destructive. To say

nothing of its shallowness. The impact on men is to be married

to women who become more dependent with age.
The beauty-focused woman has the most sexual problems
and simultaneously most denies her sexual problems, Dr. Gwen
Lcavcsley. a gynecologist who directs Western Australias Fam
ily Planning Association, says. When I ask her if she has
orgasms, she is the most likely to say, Its not relevant. She
has the most difficult time opening her legs for vaginal exams,
and tends to find problems with each type of birth control as an
excuse not to be sexual. Among beauty-focused women, the one
who has the most difficulties opening up is the one who sees her
beauty as essential to her climb to the topsuch as an ambitious
fashion model. 38
If beauty-focused women are the most likely to close off
sexually, and if most men learn to desire sex with whatever
version of beauty is being competed for most, we have the
perfect lose-lose symbiosis. The most beautiful women feel the
most objectifiedbecause they areso they close off. Other
women feel left out.
For men the gap between desire ancf fulfillment creates a
pressure cooker. And the mans role of taking initiatives and
receiving rejection puts an aggressive anger (as opposed to her
passive anger) in his pressure cooker. If there is no outlet, the
ultimate explosion can be violence, one form of which can be

Isnt It Wonderful That Older Women Are Models

Now Too?
Dynasty's Joan Collins, fifty-one, and Linda Evans, forty-one,
and Dallas's Linda Gray, forty-four, are considered role models.
But for what? For the dream that beauty can get diamonds and
oil barons for twice the number of years as they could before. If
a woman marries the right oil baron, she has two power options:
to be homemaker with oil barons money, or to be an empire
builder with her husbands or ex-husbands money. If she is the
latter, soon no one will ask how she got the money originally
any more than we question the original source of the money for
the Nobel peace prize. Now, beauty can get her indirect status or

*Scc Chapter 8, Why Did the Sexual Revolution Come and Go So Quickly ?.
for the stages that lead to rape.
What W om en Want: The M essage the Man Hears 77

direct status, indirect power or direct poweras long as the oil

baron flashdances her past the hurdles. This reinforces beauty
power; I predict it will create even more hurt, disappointed, and
frustrated women who will postpone even longer preparing them-
selves for financial independence from a man and dream instead
of independence through a man.
Can we develop alternative images? Yes: women who are
attractive yet make it from scratch (sometimes supporting a man
along the way, other times not); women who are sometimes with
a man, sometimes without one, and just as happy either way
and sometimes with a woman, without its being a big deal. Other
alternatives are women who are not so attractive, who do any of
the above. I am not talking about Eleanor Roosevelt, whose
initial credibility as a national figure came via her association
with a man. I am speaking more of the Shirley Chisholms, Mary
Lou Rettons, and Bella Abzugs, the Cathy Guisewites, Betty
Friedans, and Ursula Fairbaims; also of women who are inter
nally happy without making it, the unsung heroines. None of
these women signal to men the need to be oil barons.

Power Tools: Love and Moneyor the

Appearance of Love and Money

Love as a Power Tool Or Falling

in Love with Love
If love can lead to Lenox and diamonds, it is potentially a power
tool.19 Would love ever be used so cynically? Lets see. In
Working Woman Silences perfume advises Live like youre in
love and you will be. Is the woman learning to give the
appearance of love rather than real loveas a way of getting a
man to love her? If she does not really love him, what is the
purpose of this love? Is the appearance of love a power tool to
get security?
In mens magazines womeq,are pictured looking adoringly at
men, while the man is looking away from her, indicating that the
man is in control. In womens magazines, the man looks at the
woman and the woman looks away, indicating she is in control.
Both get their control by offering something. We saw this in
Chapter 2 in The Hint of Sex Brings the Lenox of Love in
Seventeenin which a girl is offering the appearance of mischief

to get love. If we look in Working Woman, we can see how this

message gets refined as a woman becomes older and worksshe
now offers a more explicit hint of sex (half-naked nymphs and a
half-naked self), but since the sex is more explicit, it should
attract male wealth (tuxedo). As an adult she offers the imagefy
of love (just as the girl offered the appearance of sex), to attract
a man. The hint of sex and the appearance of love together lead
to control.

W orking W om an, N o ve m b er 1984

In both ads, he looks at her; she looks away. And in neither

docs the man serve the purpose of companionship alone. He
leads to the Lenox of love or the tuxedoed wealth of love. Which
is why men are both womens primary fantasyand also part of
the primary means to her primary fantasy.
The White Shoulders ad is no coincidence. It is one of the
longest lasting and most widespread of ads. Cheek for it in
Cosmo or Working Woman. The primary fantasy is the same.
So while in mens magazines success is a power tool to get
sex and love, and therefore the look of success is crucial, in
womens magazines love and sex arc power tools to get success
What W om en Want: The M essage the Man Hears 79

and therefore both the look of love and the sexual tease/
promise arc crucial. If a woman gets the formula down, she is
promised a life of love meaning total security and wealth
via a man. In this way love becomes a power tool and a woman
is taught to fall in love with security euphemism love.

Love and Moneyor the

Appearance of Money

The Cosmo Cat . . . with a Moneyed Voice

The Cosmo article title: Pass Yourself Off as a Woman of
Wealth. The subtitle: Longing to Mingle with Moguls and
Millionaires . . . ? 40 How is the woman instructed to look
wealthy in order to get wealth? She can:

1. Take a limo to the airport when meeting a rich, eligible

out-of-towner. Hell love your thoughtfulness and the
fact that youre a woman of means. (Funny, werent
men supposed to be threatened by successful women?)
2. When youre short of money say youre not going to
Rio or Seychelles as planned. Cosmo discusses how
valuable it is to drop the names of various places a
woman is not going.

Among the other pieces of advice? Here are some of the

section titles: Develop a Moneyed Speaking Voice, Be a
Client of Big-Name Professionals, Have Fascinating Friends,
Talk about Mummy and Daddy ( They travel a great deal
and arc thinking about buying a house in Sardinia ), Use
Britishisms ( I know an awfully nice little man who repairs
zips ). The final section: Watch Out for Fortune Hunters.
Sandwiched within the article is a box, saying: Read Your
Fate in Tea Leaves. Within the box is the Cosmo symbol, a
cat. The article on tea leaves explains how tea leaves that fall
into the symbol of a cat indicate treachery. In my opinion,
reinforcing the stereotype of woman as treacherous is not the
sign of in Ms. publisher Pat Carbines wordsa self-
improvement magazine. Nor does it meet Cosmo's own stan
dards of We dont play games.

Vulnerabilityor the Appearance

of Vulnerability

She Gets Love by Messing It Up;

He Gets Love by Performing

Seventeen, December 1984

How docs Loves Baby Soft woman (see ad above) fall in love?
She falls. Literally. It used to be she drops hankie; he picks
hankie up." Now she just drops herself and he picks up the
whole hundred pounds. As she falls and he rescues, she falls in
love. Or perhaps she fell in love first and then fell. . . . Either
way she falls in love by messing things up; he gets love by
performing. She is like the Zena jeans woman who plows into a
Yale Law grad and gets love and status in one fall. The competi
tion to mess it up is fierce. How to succeed in business by
fallingin love.
What W om en Want: The M essage the Man Hears 81

How to Turn a Crush into the Real Thing

Seventeen41 gives women three steps to turn a crush into the
real thing": (I) Smile. (2) Become a master of eye contact. (3)
Learn where he works or what his schedule is so she can create
an "accidental meeting, such as buying aspirin if he works at
the pharmacy. Never is she instructed to initiate by beginning a
conversation. Only if all else fails should she add a " h i to her
Is this because a young girl cannot absorb anything too com
plex? Hardly. Two full pages of detailed steps tell her how to
apply makeup. No steps tell her how to take direct responsibility
for a conversation. Direct responsibility makes a person truly
vulnerableto rejection. Creating accidental meetings allows
her to appear vulnerable to his come-ons and claim to be
pestered by the employee at the pharmacy. So if it works
well, she can have her man; if it doesnt work well, she can
report him to the head of the pharmacy.
Suppose a crush doesnt turn into the real thing by saying
nothing? When she grows up, she can be a new woman. New
Woman magazine features an alternative: The Power of Seduc
tion at Your Fingertips. 42 But suppose flirting, accidental meet
ings, and seduction all fail? New Woman poses the hard question:
Should You Be Yourself? (or Will Taking on Another Per
sonality Make Your Life Terrific or Even a Little Better?) 43
Thats the new woman ?

How to Think
Making it in a mans world without depending on sex or
beauty power requires a complex blend of conformity and inde
pendent thinking. While some of the articles, especially in Ms.,
encourage this, a common denominator of womens magazines is
the quizfrom Redbook to Self to New Woman to Play girl.
Quizzes are fine, except there is almost always, in examining the
answer choices, a correct selection. Ms. rarely, if ever, presents
right answer quizzes to its readers. Articles, rather than quiz
zes, provide the right answer in Ms.
How does this relate to men? Women often accuse men of
being dogmatic. People who look for the right answer find
people who are dogmatic.

The Victim Dictum: I Found Myself . .

It Just Happened . .
The Zena jeans teenage girl finds h erself plowing into a Yale
Law School grad. The Sweet Valley High girls find them?
selves in dangerous positions with men with whom they find
themselves going too far; Ms. women find themselves in dead
end careers, blaming male chauvinism, male patriarchy, the male
system, and even male mentorsbut never their own Cinderella
adsfor holding them back.
For how long are women taught to use this victim dictum ?
Joan Collins teaches women that if they do the job of setting
themselves up to be come on to, they can sit back and
watch something happen well into their fifties.*
In mens magazines such phrases rarely find themselves
into print. Instead, phrases like find a way or make it
happen happen to appear. The first phrases, when used fre
quently, arc signs of victim dependence; the second, signs of

Power Tools: Sexor the Hint of Sex

Arc our daughters subject to pressures to use their sexuality
artfully and indirectlyor honestly and directly? Are they en
couraged to take sexual initiatives if they desire sex, so that even
the absence of any initiatives is an implicit no? If women say no
and mean no, why arent men listening?
The male misuse and abuse of sex has become the emotional
topic of the eighties. Lets see if the womens magazines can
give us a hint about the message men hear from women about

Sex for Security

What message docs the married woman receive about sex? Or
should I say, what is the message the married woman chooses to
purchase about sex? Claiming she only receives these messages
is part of the victim dictum. It is also condescending to
women. Look in Woman's Day: Can We Still Have Sex?:

*Scc The Art of Building His Fire, page 87.

What W om en Want: The M essage the Man Hears 83

Dont Let a Heart Attack Ruin Your Marriage. 44 It does not

say, Dont Let a Heart Attack Ruin Your Enjoyment of Sex.
The concern is more with a source of security, marriage. Imag
ine Esquire featuring an article, Can We Still Have Sex?: Dont
Let a Heart Attack Ruin Your Marriage. If Playboy concerned
itself with marriage, it would be, Will Marriage Ruin Our Sex
Life? The difference in priorities points up the difference be
tween the male and female primary fantasies.
If sex is secondary to security, how does that account for
Playgirl? What is most significant about Playgirl is how few
women read it. Playgirl, like Savvy, has fewer subscribers than
either the Mother Earth News or Workbench45 and with Playgirl,
half of the subscribers are not women.46 No wonder Viva, for
merly Playgirl's only competitor, went out of business.
Ninety thousand women responded to Ann Landerss question,
Would you be content to be held close and treated tenderly,
and forget about the act? The 70 percent of women who said
yes would seem to be content without sex.47 Notice how the
word sex is not used to describe sex. What most surprised
Ann Landers was that 40 percent of the women who would be
content without sex were under forty.
Most men dont read even popular findings like this. They dont
read womens columns, womens magazines, or womens
romances. These messages are transferred to men only indirectly,
as in the De Beers Transfer. So a wifes sex for security feel
ing may be picked up by her husband subconsciously, but neither
the sports pages nor the front pages articulate these feelings,
so he soon skips over them. The price of men getting in touch
with these feelings will be a series of new questions, like Is our
lovemaking her way of keeping her security blanket? Or Does
she want me for me as much as I want her for her? That is,
If we werent married would her sexual interest in me suddenly
drop off more than my sexual interest in her? These are male
questions. But then again these are male feelings.

How to Flirt
Getting ready for a social event without thinking about how
youre going to flirt, or if youre going to flirt, is like ironing a
dress and then not wearing it. 4X So advises Glamour, the
second-best-selling magazine in the fantasy-not-yet-fulfilled cat
egory, in an article on flirting.

Guess what the setting is in this article on flirtingwould you

believe a business convention? Featuring Cheryl, a woman de
scribed as average-looking, but who has three great-looking
men pursuing her at the business convention. Because she knows4
the fine art of flirting. Which is . . . ?
First rule: Picture a moth near a flame, as it dances in and
out. That first move (dancing in) is when you are as assertive
as you are ever going to be. So much for assertiveness training.
The second move? A complete back-off. The next rule is to
alter her normal rhythms of behaving; for example, in that split
second before you pass the salt . . . lock eyes for a half beat.
The key to all this? Keep all your actions a little ambiguous
. . . be a bit evasive.
What is the attitude a woman should hold if she is to flirt
effectively? At first, she is told: Flirting is childs play (after
all, she is only dealing with a man). Later, it gets more serious:
You should think of flirting as you would a job interview. Of
course. It is a job interview.
What is confusing to men at Cheryls business convention is
that they are told Cheryls primary focus is work. A man can be
sued, demoted, or not promoted for failure to recognize this. Yet
Cheryl is portrayed in the article as using business as merely one
more arena for getting a man. Remember that identical message
from Cosmo? These are the two best-selling magazines to women
in the fantasy-not-yet-fulfilled category.

Wife Beating Versus Violence as Sexy

Looking for Mr. Goodbar catapulted Richard Gere to stardom
and made his name synonymous with erotic violence. Yet the
two movies that put him on the front cover of Newsweek49 as the
symbol among male sex symbols involved another portrayal of
sex, violence, perpetual life-risking, and, finally, insane self-
destruction (Breathless) with the actors ability also to be An
Officer and a Gentleman. Gere was able to pull off appealing to
both fantasies. Most men find it hard in real life to kill women
(Goodbar), be an officer and a gentleman, self-destruct (Breath
less), and still make the front cover of Newsweek. In real life
there arc shelters for men who batter womenjails. Yet most
men would not protest the female approval Gere generates. By
1986 that approval was coming from Ms. magazine, which also
featured Gere on the front cover. He was interviewed by Gloria
What W om en Want: The M essage the Man Hears 85

Steinem and touted as the possible new male hero of the late
Male violence is declared sexy not only by box-office sales,
Newsweek covers, and Danielle Steel romances of Ian the Rapist,
but by serious nonfiction, like that of feminist writer Rosemary
Daniell, whose popular Sleeping with Soldiers was published in
1985. The macho man, the man who kills (as in soldier), who
sometimes displays a brutal brand of male chauvinism, is
found to appeal to such feminists. Appeals sexuallyas in sleep
ing with soldiers. The book was promoted under the headline Is
the Macho Man Todays Prince Charming?
On the one hand, I condemn this attitude in that it glorifies
behavior which is punishable as rape. It is one more way of
saying, Risk your life for mebe a man. On the other hand,
heres some honesty, finallyacknowledgment of the conflict
within women about men, an honesty that allows men to ac
knowledge the conflicts within themselves. Both sexes must
begin by acknowledging their internal conflicts before we un
ravel our societys rape socialization.

Nowadays, Girls Dont Have to Worry about

Reputation and Things We Worried about
When We Were Young Do They?
The plots of preteen romance novels say a great deal about
female sexual socializationand the roles expected of men.
Girls read all this much more systematically than boys. In The
Wrong Kind of Girl, another Sweet Valley High romance for
eleven- and twelve-year-olds, Easy Annie learns only one
thing can ruin the power of her beauty, talent, and spirit: a bad
reputationmeaning the same thing now as it did in 1950 and
1850. Easy Annie will be kept from becoming a cheerleader
because, if she gives it away too easily, it will ruin the other
cheerleaders images. The eleven-year-old female reader learns
not too subtly that if her body is not kept in scarce supply, she
will be psychologically killed (the teenage definition of not being
accepted). She learns about the existence of the female mafia,
without its ever being labeled as such.
Are the sought-after boys in the Sweet Valley High romances
those boys who arc respectful of the girls more cautious atti
tudes toward sex? Do the girls reward the boys who pay attention
to their messages of caution by paying more attention to those

boys? Hardly. The most sought-after boys are boys like Scott
and Bruce. The burning question in All Night Long is has
Jessica gone too far with Scott? In Playing with Fire, it is has
Jessica gone too far with Bruce? The boys the girls seek out
pay the least attention to the girls' nos. They are willing tq
challenge the female mafias strongholdthey play with fire
and challenge the girls to stay out all night long.
While male adventures pit man against nature and death,
Sweet Valley High romances pit girl against male and sex. Any
boy who doesnt create this tension is not worth being sought
after by a female heroine. Keeping boys coming after her body
and keeping them from going too far is the age-old game of
Playing with Fire. The game the eleven-year-old girl is excited
about enough to keep some of the countrys best publishers
churning out competing thirty-volume series of these romances
by the multimillions of copies. It is a game that starts at age
eleven. Does it continue in college? And how long does it last?
Lets look at the female mafia in college years and Joan Collinss
version of how to build a fire at fifty-one years.

The Female Mafia

Item: Cosmopolitan, September 1984. The lead cover story:
Make Love the Old-fashioned Way. Make Him Earn
Isnt this concern about reputation outgrown, at least by col
lege? It appeared that way in the sixties. And it seems that way
today, when many female college freshmen go on a sex spree.
But a research assistant of mine, Michie, explained that when
she engaged in just such a brief spree shortly after entering a
prestigious Eastern university, she was quickly labeled a slut and
therefore backed off. I began to inquire whether this was also
true out West. I heard stories of women publicly chastised in
open forum meetings for being too promiscuousnot by admin
istrators, but by the most popular and attractive women and their
henchwomen: the female mafia. I began to see that the spree was
a brief period during which women were acting on the rhetoric of
sexual freedom, believing it was only their awful parents and
the closeness of the high school female mafia that confined
them, but soon discovering that in the absence of their parents a
new female mafia had formed at college.
What W om en Want: The M essage the Man Hears 87

There is a male mafia that fuels the female mafia. Paul, a

summer intern who had just completed four years in the dorms,
described how the boys on his floor would pass judgment on
certain women as too unattractive or too not with-it. A
scholarly type, Paul had felt attracted to two girls in this
category. The male mafia put pressure on him to stop dating one
girl, although he sacrificed the mafias approval in that case;
in another case Paul admitted he had never even asked Sharon
out because it was not worth the disrespect, mockery, and cold
shoulders of the guys on his floor. Note that the male mafia
censures men who choose women who are not attractive enough,
because the man would be giving away what he has to offer for
too little in return. Both sexes mafias control their own kind by
not letting a person give away what he or she has to offer
without getting some of the primary fantasy in return.

The Art of Building His Fire

Want to be a Scoundrel? Revlon hires Joan Collins to instruct. A
woman is told implicitly that, even at age fifty-one, if she thrusts
one shoulder forward and lets her dress fall off the other, wears
the right perfume, the right diamonds, and gets high on a mag
num of champagne, she can build his fire, sit back, and watch
something happen. This is the receptive initiative: because she
is teaching women to be passive and to lead all men to be
activeso that she can reject all men except the one with whom
she chooses to be activethis is the perfect formula for leading
him on. Does this ad appear in Cosmo? No. In Working
Joan Collins is considered a role model. What profession is
she training women for? Of course, no ones quite sure whether
the game is how to keep a reputation, how to build a fire,
or how to make a fortune. Or whether theyre all the same
game: access to men who compete the best and perform the best.
That means the future lawyers and doctors.
Reputation as caution. Caution as fortune. Packaged as morality.

No Means Maybe Means Yes . . . Maybe

Go to your local video store and rent a few movies for a rainy
Sunday. In both Body Heat and The Verdict observe a woman
being approached by a man. She makes it crystal clear she is not

Working Woman, SepiemoeM 984

interested. Eventually they go to bed. Is that the point? No. We

later find out that in both movies, she was after him even before
they meteven while she was saying no. So we learn no
means maybe means yes. In both cases she could say no only
because she was beautiful, sexy, and indirect, and because he
could be counted on to pick up subliminal cues and keep
initiatingwith no awareness of how his socialization to initiate
made him vulnerable.
How early do girls leam this message? Open up Seventeen.50
Or Teen.5' Cotys Nuance perfume puts it into words. Nuance
always says Yes. But you can always say No. Does the mes
sage stop at Seventeen? Take a look at Glamour's Nuance ad.52
Nuance always says Yes. But you can always say No. Same
message, older woman. Judges are called male chauvinists if
they suggest a woman gives mixed messages. Yet Seventeen,
Teen, and Glamour are paid for by over four million girls and
women (or their parents) each monthfemales learning to make
their nuances say yes while their words say no.
Why cant Nuance find a market among Forbes readers with
an ad saying, Nuance always says Yes. But gentlemen can
always say No ? What do men have to offer that might have an
What W om en Want: The M essage the Man Hears 89

S e ve n te en , D e c em b e r 1 98 4

equal impact, if they promised it and withdrew it? Commitment.

Imagine an ad saying, Remind her of commitment with a
Zirconian diamond. You can always tell her later it wasnt for
real. Or Zirconian always says Yes. You can always say

Social Rape
Rape socialization? When twelve-year-old girls are taught to let
their nuance say yes while their words say no; when violence is
sexy; when the boys who get the most attractive girls approval
are the ones trying hardest to break through the barriers erected
most successfully by the most attractive girls in the name of
morality and reputation; when rape! carries an exclamation
point because it increases the sales of Danielle Steel novels;
when New Woman advises on the power of seduction and Cosmo
on the power of making hinveam it; when eleven-year-olds call
Playing with Fire a sweet romance . . . when all these are part
of our everyday socialization, is it any wonder that a large
UCLA study found that 54 percent of boys and 42 percent of
girls felt it was okay to force a girl to have sex under certain
circumstances?53 Or that Cosmo, after promoting seduction, then

cries Social Rape: When Seduction Turns to Horror.54 Who

are we kidding when we act confused about why America has
one of the highest percentages of rape of any country in the
world? The instructions for it are sitting in most American living
rooms at any given moment.*

*See Chapter 8, Why Did the Sexual Revolution Come and Go So Quickly?
The F la s h d a n c e Phenomenon

In tribal myths and Greek mythology, as scholars such as Carl

Jung and Joseph Campbell have documented, some themes are
enduring. One is the theme of men competing to get a womans
attention and avoid her sexual rejection. In American society,
movie stars are the equivalent of the Greek gods, and these
themes are played out in both the conscious story lines and the
subliminal messages of the most powerful and popular movies
whether its Fred Astaire pursuing a resistant Ginger Rogers in
Top Hat, the boss in Flashdance pursuing a resistant Jennifer
Beals, Superman performing his way to Lois Lane, or Madonnas
boyfriend Desperately Seeking Susan.
If this theme has been with us so long, why question it now?
Because, in the course of evolution, this theme meant that men
competed with each other, often killing each other off, and the
survivors and heroes produced offspring with the women consid
ered most desirable by that societys criteria. Nuclear technology
has made this system outmoded almost overnight, because the
process that formerly allowed the fittest to survive and breed
now would kill off everyone.
The enduring theme of male competition and female com
petition for the hero!survivor has taken us from the fittest surviv
ing to the brink of no one surviving. Sex roles have gone from
functional to dysfunctional almost overnight. That is why the
enduring theme must be questioned now.
In the last chapter we saw about fifty examples of how the
female participation in this theme is still with us (e.g., falling in

love within a framework).* But how do these themes work

together as a whole, in the context of one male-female relation
ship? Lets look at America's most enduring myth, Superman,
and a current adaptation, Flashdance, to tap into how the theme
operates on the conscious and unconscious levels in male-female *
One caution. We are told fantasy gives us hope. But when
fantasy leads us in the wrong direction it dries up hope, which
creates depression.

The Flashdance to Liberation

Both Flashdance and Superman involve working women. Theo
retically this should reduce mens performance pressure. Does it?
Lets start with Flashdance. Flashdance features the mid-eighties
version of the liberated woman. The film catapulted Jennifer
Beals from an unknown to what People magazine called the
image of her generation.
Beals lives alone (with a dog) in a Pittsburgh loft. She bikes to
work, weaving fearlessly among cars like a Jedi among trees.
She holds a second job by nightas a dancer in a sleazy
nightclub. Somehow she works out in between. And somehow,
she choreographs her complex and brilliant evening acts between
her welding, dancing, and working out. The urban single version
of Superwoman.
Yet our welder/dancer dreams of performing as an artas in
formal ballet. Dancing for the critics and wine sippers, not the
beer guzzlers. She has never taken a lesson, but her talent at
disco dancing is raw and real.
How does Superwoman achieve her goal? By giving up her
welding job and taking formal training? No. By keeping her
welding job and saving her money to train? No. Her handsome,
black-Porsche-owning, mansion-dwelling boss sees her dance.
The man on the white horse is replaced by the man in the black
Porsche. He pursues her. She turns him down. Quickly. Curtly.
He pursues repeatedly. She insults him. Why? I cant go out
with the boss!" she claims independently. In mock frustration

*For the male participation, see Chapter 4, Why Arc Men So Preoccupied
with Sex and Success?"
The F la s h d a n c e P henom enon 93

the boss responds, Have it your way. Youre fired. Ill pick
you up at eight tomorrow evening.
Now, heres the rub. Shes not fired. Nor did she for a second
respond to his declaration with the look of someone who thought
she was fired. So she goes out with him after all, and keeps her
job. We discover that a man unwilling to take no for an answer
will ultimately get the woman who may, in fact, have been
willing all along (of this were never certainbeing certain
would spoil the mystery). Her beauty and talent allow her to be
successful at playing harder to get. As her black woman friend
points out, letting the man do all the pursuing, playing hard-to-
get, playing pseudoindependent, never risking rejection directly
thats the honky way.
If she had really given up her job to go out with the boss, we
could appreciate her sticking to her principle. If she had kept her
job and refused her boss, we could appreciate that. But when she
keeps her job and dates the boss, her constant rejection of him is
not independence, but rather performance pressure to see just
how long and hard he will pursue, to see just what a fool he will
make out of himself for her.
It is one more condition. She can avoid responsibility for the
potential conflict of interest by passing it on to him. The proba
bility that they both do this unconsciously makes it all the
worseunconscious behavior must become conscious before
theres hope of stopping it; performance pressure is only exacer
bated by a lack of consciousness or perspective about what one is
Of course, this never would have worked were she pimple
faced and plump. And he would not have stood a chance had he
not been recognizable to her as the man who signs my pay-
check. But it wasnt just that he was successful and wealthy.
He had become successful and wealthy precisely because he
never took no for an answer. Whether it was her no or the nos of
the work world. So, the more attractive and sexy woman isnt
always conscious of choosing only successful men. But if shes
beautiful she often unconsciqusly protects herself with a certain
aloofness to keep away every male welder.
Which man gets past this aloofness? The one whose name
appears on her paycheck, the one who is unwilling to take her
nos seriously. So, unwittingly, she selects a man who has devel
oped a combination of status and a willingness to hold her nos in

Why, then, should she expect him to be the type of man to

listen to her in any other area?
Men who watch this movie learn unequivocally that ignoring
women who make their lack of interest crystal clear is self-
defeating. That theyll miss a beautiful, tender, and powerfhl
romance with a gorgeous and sexy woman. In other words, a
sexy woman will reward you if you ignore her nos. Sound like
rape training?
Our pseudolberated heroine still dreams of dancing. She fi
nally goes for an application. But when she sees the competition,
she runs away. When she finally returns, she is handed a ten-
page application and asked to fill in her years of experience and
training. She is competing not for a job, but merely for the
audition, with hundreds of others. It is obvious she stands no
However, the man in the black Porsche once again appears (a
device developed by Greek playwrights deus ex machina ).
He secretly calls a contact on the arts council. He gets her an
audition. But she discovers his interference. Outraged at his
insensitivity to her need to do it for herself, she jumps out of
his black Porsche in the middle of a tunnel as he begs her to
return, cars swirling and screeching all about them.
If she in fact went on to pursue the dancing career by herself,
it would be independence, not pseudoindependence. The struggle
would be slow, involving years of training at the ballet barre not
the comer bar. She would have to confront every priority' and
value in her life. She does none of this. Instead, she puts on a
charade of independence and then takes the audition arranged by
the man with the right contacts. And, magically, she does
Now what message does this offer? Simply, if you do take the
help of the man in the black Porsche, be sure to let him know
hes putting you down by helping you, then youll be able to take
the miracle hes created, and retain your pride. This miracle
will come to you if youre beautiful. Beauty is the credential that
attracted him. Then, because youve been a good girl and worked
hard at other things, like welding or barroom dancing, without
any formal education or training, without years of work like
hundreds of other women and men you will overwhelm every
one. After all, you deserve itthe other women dont.
But we have numerous new twists to this liberation. In the
process of refusing to take the arranged audition, the level of
The F la s h d a n c e P henom enon 95

his insult to her integrity justifies her slapping him, throwing a

high-heeled shoe in his face, and slugging him. How often?
Eleven times. Count them. This does not count the brick she
throws through his mansion window.
Imagine Alan Alda dreaming of getting a Ph.D. A lover offers
him a way to get it quicklythrough her help. He slugs her for
the insult. And then slugs her again. And again. And then he
accepts the Ph.D.
This sham independence is an insult to every woman who has
worked to make it big. I was married for ten years to a
woman who is now a vice president at IBM. Working until 5
a m . and getting up to return to work at 7 a m . was not unusual

for her. For years. In the process, she was supportive of my

workor she felt conflicted when she was not. But sacrifices
were made. Her dance to the top was a slow dance, not a
flashdance. And as every woman who has ever slowdanced to
the top knows, when another woman snatches up a position via
her sexual connections to a man, she forces everyone else to
work that much harder to get the remaining positions. If there are
any. Flashdancing is discrimination against the working woman;
it is also discrimination against the working man on the basis of
his sex. It makes people feel hopeless. Yet we call Flashdance a
fantasy. For whom?
All of this creates one more pressure on mennow we must
provide not only for ourselves, we must make miracles happen
for our womens egos as well.
A womans becoming successful overnight is like expecting a
man to become sensitive overnight. Yet the Flashdance phe
nomenon reinforces the ethic of magic without work repeat
edly. At eighteen Beals is a welder. There is no hint she is a
novice. Exactly when did she have time to get her apprenticeship?
Flashdance. The poster headlines: Take Your Passion and
Make It Happen. Yes. Pull your sweatshirt off your sexy
shoulder. And wait for the One Minute Manager in a black
Porsche. Take your passion and let it happen.

The Return of Superman, or Clark Kents

Finish Last
Perhaps the most prevailing expectation of men is our Superman
expectation: the fear we are merely Clark Kents who wont be

accepted unless we are a Superman. This myth is usually looked

at only from the perspective of how the man puts this pressure on
himselfas if that pressure were in isolation.
Has the pressure to be a Superman diminished now that women
are working and dont need rescuing? The answer is made clear
in Superman //, in which, as in Flashdance, a man encounters a"
working woman. Is the working woman attracted to a warm,
sensitive, vulnerable man like Clark Kent, a good, solid reporter
who's as handsome as Superman, but without the invulnerability?
No. While that might have been good enough for a woman who
didnt work, the working woman can expect more. We see her
condescending to Clark Kent, a symbol of the normal man, a bit
bumbling, mocked when his back is turned. Lois Lane is portrayed
as having no sexual interest. The message to men is: If shes attract
ive and working, hed better be even more successful to awaken
her sexually. (Also a message toand a pressure onwomen.)
How successful should he be? Well, for starters, he should fly.
His body should be bulletproof, but his mind sensitive. He
should never let on about these talents, but should be so brave at
just the moments her world is falling apart (as symbolized by
earthquakes, for example) that his hidden talents will be discov
ered despite his attempts to cover them with phone booths.
But he must do more than expose himself to assorted tele
phone directories before disasters. He must:

Have intergalactic ESP that focuses on Loiss needs

despite all impending disasters, always managing to han
dle both Lois needs and the disaster (Lois is not selfish).
Have eyes only for Lois, rather than all those beauties
who dont know the weak, namby-pamby Clark Kent
parts of himwhich she accepts only when she knows
he is also Superman (when she tells him his gentleness is
endearing, he feels accepted by her, which gives her
power over him).
Be unafraid of commitmentcommitment to Lois, of
coursegiving up all fantasies of other women (the
other career women back at the office will be so envi
ous). Of course, this is for his own goodtheyre only
after his stardom. Keep saving me, Clark: should my
career fail, should we have children, should those nasty
earthquakes come back again. . . . Oh, a white horse
would have been so insufficient. . . .
The F la s h d a n c e P henom enon 97

No wonder women are disappointed in men. Even angry at

men. Next to Superman, theres a lot to be disappointed in! I
made note of my feelings on a napkin when I left Superman II:
"On the one hand, want to fly through the air/save world
other hand, feel strangely incompetent."
There was never a hint Lois would fall in love with just the
reasonably competent career man, Clark Kent. And if she had,
would Lois ever have suggested using her income to support
himeven for a yearwhile he took care of the children and did
the housework? And if Lois had gotten a commitment from
Superman himself, can we imagine Lois having a fantasy of
financially supporting Superman while Superman retrained to
become a sensitive, underemployed artist?
All of this, though, is just entertainment if it doesnt translate
into reality. Lets look at reality. Christopher Reeve, who is
bland enough to play Clark Kent, becomes a national sex sym
bol, which he never had been before. And the image faded as he
played other parts. But as long as he was attributed Superman-
like qualities in fantasy, he became a sex symbol in real life. In
other words, we can say, "Oh, Supermans just a childhood
fantasyno one takes it seriously. But, if that were the case,
Christopher Reeve would not have risen and fallen as a sex
symbol in direct proportion to the degree of his association with
Superman. Fantasy does become reality, but m the crudest of
waysleaving women unfulfilled by real-life men, and men who
become heroes loved more for the fantasy they fulfill than for
who they are.
Womens depression about real-life men has many outlets
from withdrawal from men to the female versions of pornography
romances and soaps. When reality reveals a man is not a Superman/
rescuer after all, the romance novel rescues a woman instead.
The romance novel does not force her to choose between her
primary and secondary fantasies. It says, "You can have it all.
If. in real life, you only have your primary fantasyBetter
Homes and Gardens and Family Circleyou can feel okay about
having an affair with an exciting man who, by the way, happens
to be the man who will give k all to you, even though at first he
might appear like Ian the rapist, a Nazi officer, or a Clark Kent.
How can deserting a male security blanket be justified? In
some cases, via disappointment and anger. But in many ro
mances, as we have seen, the mans leaving can be justified only
by death. And if he dies, it is core to the romance that his death

bring her a fortune; her husbands disappointing her Superman

fantasy justifies her death wish.
I wet? ro u
I W TO bO RtiCutfb Them 0 pah I
noru Mi the P ttU fO T a li ^
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e m m e r um <; ^
H fW ff M t
fxwBirioMKr ureur traih- - '
Ic E iT iT f A U P
TMPiUC.f$. imhw i u h
she UAjJI- HHCii-
EP TP tpheie
uwu $KW
wh><r TIGHT
twr AMP
S P fup pipr
TlHg none.

i Tineo to T ea her AFWKALOTOP

jy p 6 f m e w r7 ^ T \ POET, r P lU A t-tif T<?0 /w the c/rv
uah me j ( ' 6 o r i c To AOHIT Awt? A M OlliE
/P P G E i ,-JUt u - t h a t A iT H o o iH i lU T H f
PEO P;/. SUPER,; wgRf
iHEJ/ST lu A i A t o r Both
HHHiAC T I ia m NAPPy.

(Jules Feiffer, Explainers, pp. 12, 13.)

N o te that the w om an still m arries the m an w ho rescues her. But now

she protests his role (as in F la s h d a n c e ) prior to m arrying him for his
role. In the final fram e, note w ho has, in fact, m a d e the change.
The F la s h d a n c e P henom enon 99

The consequences for men? His performing will ultimately

lead him into fights over limited resources, or even into fights
over being a better hero than another man ( My religion/ country/
racc/ideology/team/theory is better than yours ). His need to be
the Superman will lead him into making promises he cannot
keep. In politics, Jimmy Carter was very much a Clark Kent,
Ronald Reagan very much a Superman, who promised to make
America great again. The electorate, both male and female,
very much a Lois Lane. Just as both sexes vote for the beautiful
woman, so both sexes, like Lois Lane, vote for Superman.

Are These Images Changing for

Younger Menand Women?
Young men have not had a chance to earn their way to career
success, and ten- to fifteen-year-old girls are not into worrying
about how theyll finance their lives, via their own efforts or
mens. So how does a teenage boy earn his access to an attrac
tive girl? We can check that out by looking at some popular
younger females actual reactions to perhaps the only movie ever
produced at the request of and with the cooperation of a high
school, The Outsiders. The hero of The Outsiders, Matt Dillon,
became the heartthrob of teenage and prepubescent females of all
socioeconomic backgrounds.
What role made Dillon such a heartthrob? A modem version
of James Dean as he appeared in Rebel Without a Cause. Hes
introduced as the handsomest of the greaser crowd (from the
wrong side of the tracks), his hair is greased back, he is the
escaped convict type, eligible for Most Likely to Be Psychopath.
We first see Dillon coming on to a beautiful cheerleader type,
from the society side of the tracks, at a drive-in movie with her
girlfriend. A gang of greasers sits menacingly behind them.
Dillon spots the beautiful one. He comes on. She resists. He
comes on stronger. She pulls away. He puts his face and body in
her space, pushing her menacingly, putting her down every
time she gets turned off. STies trying to keep her cool, but the
viewer can cut her fear with a knife as she anxiously scouts for a
way out.
How scared was the cheerleader? She reveals the depth of her
fear to Dillons buddy. Keep that guy away from me. you
hear? You hear? I dont ever want to see him again, never . .

Why? Dillons buddy asks.

Ill fall in love . .
I saw The Outsiders with my woman friend, Anne, and her
daughter, Megan, who was ten at the time. Megan had not yet
learned to cover up her feelings with whats ideologically cor
rect. Two days later a poster of Matt Dillon appeared on her
bedroom door (Megans, that is!). Alongside it went a poster of
Scott Baio, who looks like Pat Boone with Latin blood: warm-
eyed, tender, handsome.
The next day, Megan and her twelve-year-old girlfriend were
giggling next to the posters of Baio and Dillon. I joined in their
kidding, and asked, If Matt Dillon and Scott Baio wanted to
kiss you, and you could only kiss one of them, who would it
be? Without a seconds thought, they both shouted, Matt
Dillon! I pursued. If they both wanted to marry you, and you
could only marry one, who would it be? Not even a seconds
thought: Scott Baio.
Anne and I rolled our eyes, and then broke up with laughter.
The ultimate ironytwo egalitarian-oriented over-thirty adults
with two preteenagers already desirous of the delinquent hero for
a kiss, and the tame hero for marriage.
What are you laughing at? Megan asked.
It makes so much sense, I laughed, with a twist of sadness.
Tell us why we said it . . . Megans friend asked.
Oh, boy, I thought. Now Ive done it. How do I explain that
to a ten-year-old? (Meaning: a two-sentence explanation, the last
sentence being a joke.)
Well, I attempted, you know how when we play hide-and-
seek, and the tension builds up, the more difficult I make it for
you to find me, the more you dislike it at the timebut later you
want me to do it over? Well, in a way, thats what Matt Dillons
likehe gets girls angry, thats like tensionand that makes for
excitement sometimes. So a kiss from him might seem exciting,
like hide-and-seek. But you saw in Scott Baio a type of gentle
ness you want to live with. So you chose to marry Scott
Baio. . . .
OhCan we go for an ice cream after lunch . . . ?
Conclusion to Part 2

What has and has not changed in the past two decades? Reality
has changed. The reality, for example, of divorce. As marriage
no longer provided security for a lifetime, it appeared women
adjusted by getting into careers. But when the fantasyof a
career created by ones own effortscollided with the reality of
what had to be sacrificed for a career, it faltered. Yet career was
an important safeguard and a highly successful career a wonder
ful fantasy. So man as flashdancer of woman to success began
to be an alternative fantasy a man could fulfill for a woman.
The teenage girls fantasy hero, whether a male hero on the
wall, a magical unicorn, or another combination of male and
magic, such as a guru, all have yet another advantage to the girl:
the association with a successful male image without having to
be sexual with the everyday man. Sex, like love, was to be saved
for a frameworka framework in which magic could occur.
The female primary fantasy, then, changed in only one re
spect: the women expects more of a man. Different types of
women have different expectations: for Ms. Equality, bigger
diamonds and salaries, while the man shares housework and
exudes gentleness; for the more traditional woman it is four
pages of wedding gifts plus income for a lifetime; for the teen
ager it is Lenox and a Yale law degree. The range is from man
as wallet to man as a financial safety net.
What is the best means of attaining this fantasy, as presented
in traditional magazines like Family Circle and Better Homes
and Gardens? Always a man. That is, a husband/man. Men and
marriage are the means as well as the fantasy. They become the
fantasy because they are the means.

Woman, New Woman, Self, Play girl, Working Woman, and

Ms. are all creations of the past seventeen years. All are maga
zines whose primary market is women who do not have men
providing the major paycheck. These magazines contain the most
anger toward men.* The more the orientation is toward women
working and women as independent, the greater the anger. And
the greater the orientation toward independence and equality, the
lower the sales. In the new woman magazines, articles like
That Jerk Wouldnt Commit portray men as both the primary
enemy and the primary fantasy. In the process, the tone of the
new woman magazines becomes Marry the Enemy.
The central problem in the fantasy-not-yet-fulfilled magazines
becomes how to get a man who is willing to commit to earn her
the home, garden, and family. The four best-sellers in this
category, Cosmopolitan, Glamour, Seventeen, and Teen, all an
swer the same way, as do the romance novels and soaps: femme-
fatale it all the way, baby.

How Do Men Adapt to Women?

Every time female beauty is flashed before a man, it raises the
value of the slender, made-up, beautiful female. And value
raises price. Just as any ad is designed to raise a product's price.
A perfume ad with a seductively dressed, beautiful woman is
also an ad for the female body. The more something is worth,
the less likely we are to give it away for free. So why should a
woman be free with her body when it and a Redken certifi
cate can be traded for a Yale law grad?
Selling a body outright is called prostitution. So euphemisms
must be developed: I dont feel its moral to have sex until: Im
in love . . . I feel secure . . . feel a commitment. . . . For the
male these become the conditions to which he feels he must
adaptsince they are not his conditions. The more sex is placed
in opposition to morality, the more morality can be used (or.
rather, misused) as an excuse to withhold sex Which turns
morality into an excuse to have a man earn sex by providing a
woman with security. In Chapter 8, Why Did the Sexual
Revolution Come and Go So Quickly?, we will sec how this
attitude, which seemed to be on the wane in the sixties, has
returned in full force in the eighties. And why.

*Scc Chapter 7, "The New Sexism ."

Conclusion to Part 2 103

All of this is no easier for a woman, who learns to build

security by keeping her body beautiful, only to find herself
sacrificing other priorities in the process. She may find herself
open with her sexuality when she is with a secondary-fantasy
man, and fluctuating between sexual openness and closedness
with a primary-fantasy man who is doubtful about commitment.
From the male perspective, when commitment is associated
with diamonds *nd mortgages, promises of love can feel like
promises of payment.
Our advertising has assigned the attractive fifteen-to-twenty-
nine-year-old-appearing female more power than her mother and
more power than most men are ever likely to have. The latest
twist is to suggest this power can last into a womans fifties.
Which makes the investment in beauty an even more worth
while investment. And therefore increases beautys importance
as a way of taking a receptive initiative, as in how to build a
fire and watch something happen.
Enough beauty may allow a woman to reject every man. At
every party. Except one man, at one party. Which keeps every
man wondering whether hes succeeded enough even to stand a
chance should he approach her. Will he, despite his human
qualities, be unable to treat her to a ski vacation like the man she
met last week? This dynamic creates a devastating impact on the
woman as well.
When women are at the height of their beauty power and
exercise it, we call it marriage. When men are at the height of
their success power and exercise it, we call it a midlife crisis.
The wedding is held in a church; the crisis in a therapists office.
Sow your wild oats, for a man, means get your primary
fantasy out of your system. The equivalent, for a woman,
would be sow your domestic oatsget married. Marriage
usually commits a man to a womans primary fantasy, though,
longer than a one-night stand commits her to his. Thats a lot of
adaptingfrom his fantasy to hers.

Is This Mens Fault? Or Womens Fault? Or Are

We All Victims of Capitalists?
This dilemma is no ones fault; we are all innocently bom into a
system in motion. It is also everyones fault, because men
continue to cater to beautiful women, so women continue to buy
the cosmetics and diet formulas; women continue to choose from

among successful men, so men continue to compete to be within

the range of female binoculars. Capitalists will not stop advertis
ing to appeal to the unfulfilled needs of both sexes until women
and men stop buying products on the basis of such an appeal.
Every time we buy a product we vote for the ad that sold it.
Its easy to blame the capitalist; the top capitalists are almost
100 percent menall with external reward powerthe perfect
enemy. But we forget that since only 13 percent of top male
capitalists wives work at all outside the home,1 the capitalist is
also a male feeding a female.
How do men compete to be within the range of female binocu
lars? Is male competition partly an adaptation to get within her
range? I think this consideration helps us understand why women
feel there are so few good menthe Great American Man

Where Are All the Good Men?

Dr. Donald Symons found that, cross-culturally, men judge women
primarily for attractiveness while women find men attractive
only if social, economic, and political status criteria as well as
looks are met.3 Women, he found, often perceive a man short
age much larger than is warranted statisticallybecause far
fewer men meet their greater number of demands. The graph on the
opposite page has been helpful to some women and men in
explaining what appears to be the great shortage of good men.
In future chapters well look at how to solve this problem.
In this graph we see a womans binoculars focused on approxi
mately 10 percent of men; those who come closest to meeting
her multiple criteria for her primary fantasy. In the meantime the
men, willing to start out by considering any woman who is
attractive for a one-night relationship, focus their binoculars
initially on a much larger percentage of womenwomen meet
ing that one criterion of attractiveness. So, for example, a woman
might warn her friend, Dont get involved, hes married,
meaning she is likely to make that a reason not even to consider
him in her binoculars. Conversely, a man will rarely not go to
bed with a willing and attractive woman just because she is
married. His binoculars take in a wider numberinitially. In
part because his initial goal is more limited. For exactly that
reason, the more serious things get, the more likely he is to be
the one to back off. He and she become selective at different
Conclusion to Part 2 105


Looking iorLcxe in A ll the Wronq Places.

V o m n u^0 rr<m 4
m a)or m altcnfenert

IM o n u h o fa tl fa m et womens n d iip f a >*"'*

m a isu m
DESIRABILITY fnct uownt enfeaa
(and am if It alive)

*My version of this chart is an adaptation of a combination of Symonss and

its adaptation in Success, October 1984.

points: she can be selective when he wants his primary fantasy

sex; he can be selective when she wants her primary fantasy
The graph can also help us see how male competition can be
male adaptation. Men learn they will get rejected less by compet
ing in business and getting within the view of womens binocu
lars than they will if they ask women to turn their binoculars
around, begging, Consider mejust for a moment. Im a
part-time house painter, but Im a wonderful human being.
Work rejection hurts less than personal rejection. But more
important, men feel better able to earn work approval than
personal approval: If I meet the quota, Ill make it; if I dont, I
should have worked harder. This is one reason men are so
preoccupied with success.
Many women have noticed that men often go out with a movie
star and marry a plainer woman. Why? We shall see in the
chapter on commitment the shift in what becomes important to
men once the basic attractiveness criterion is met. But if this is
so, why do women put so much focus on substituting hair
mousse for chocolate mousse? In part because, like the male
focus on work, it is what women can control. Women can play
with hair mousse in front of a mirror rather than risk rejection by
calling a man.

Both sexes work on their lines before they appear onstage.

His lines are a lifetime of work; her introductory line is her
appearanceor her lack of lines. Just as careers give men power,
so beauty gives women power. But just as the comparison
between herself and the most beautiful women makes a woman
feel powerless, so the comparison between himself and the most
successful men makes a man feel powerless.
The process it takes for men to earn their power is in conflict
with getting in touch with their feelings. Becoming a computer
whiz did not help Bart get in touch with any of his feelings.
When Bart saw pictures of male movie stars on his teenage
girlfriends wall, he used to feel a bit uncomfortable; but his
response was just to work harder at the one thing he knew would
get him respect: being a computer whiz. Which was his way
of dealing with his feelingsskipping past verbalizing his feel
ings of powerlessness in front of the movie star, and solving
the problem by digging in deeper. With his head in the sand,
furiously digging to earn respect, he missed the second, third,
and fourth components of power: internal, interpersonal, and
health power.
Womens underlying fantasies of men, then, have not changed.
But both sexes now expect more of themselves and the other sex
than ever before. As the preteens unicorn is transformed into the
man on the white horse, whose current form is the man in the
black Porsche, it becomes important to remember that the fan
tasy, which is often considered harmless, can ultimately destroy
both sexes. The twelve-year-olds fantasy that Mischief will
bring love in the form of Lenox, and the fifty-year-old's fantasy
that building his fire will bring love in the form of dia
monds and mansions, are both setups for a lot of disappointment
and anger among women. And setups for men who work to
make it as computer whizzes or owners of black Porsches, and
who arc then confused when theyre told they are not vulnerable
enough. We cant fall in love with men who appear invulnerable
and expect vulnerability. Why did he want a black Porsche?
Because he never saw an ugly woman get out of one.
Why Are Men So Preoccupied
with Sex and Success?

Encore! Encore! Sixty thousand people stomping

theirfeet, flooding the aisles. Entranced. Enamored.
The man focuses the microphone before his power
ful lungs. But there is no song. Here I am, Kathy.
The pimple-faced boy who sat behind you in seventh
grade. . . . Here I am. Neilwho wasnt good
enough to kiss you after class . . . the class frog. . . .
Well, your frog has turned into a Prince, Kathy.
Kathy, wherever you aretheyre eating out of my
hands, Kathy . . . eat your heart out now, Kathy
. . . eat your heart out . . . wherever you are . . .
Neil Diamond in live concert
Phoenix, 1976

Like millions of men, Neil Diamond has learned to perform.

Most men spend their lives performingin sports, at sex, on the
job proving ourselves in one form or another. Most women
sense how often this masks a deep insecurity. Why is male
insecurity so great that men will perform to the point of killing
for money, for status, for power ? Kill themselves and others
for what ultimately amounts to only one of five components of
real power?* Why do even men working for a good cause
become furious if the cause is achieved and they are not the ones
credited with the achievement? Why do they become attached to
supposedly ideological differences as if their personal identities

*See the end o f Chapter 1, The Five Components o f Power.


were at staketurning both Marxism and religion into holy

There are literally dozens of answers to those questions, from
genetic to environmental. Here I will focus on three important
stages, which are mostly environmental, and which women and
men can change more easily than they can genetic and parental
influence. These stages relate to the dynamic between almost
every man and woman, of no matter what class background or
sexual orientation. 1 will start with the five messages men hear
during Stage 1: The Genetic Celebrity.

Stage 1: The Genetic Celebrity

Male Message 1: Shes a Genetic Celebrity; Im a
Genetic Groupie
Lets start with Male Message 1. Billions of dollars worth of
subliminal advertising is flashed into.the prepubescent boys
unconscious, before his age of consent, subliminally building
his desire for the fourteen-to-twenty-nine-year-old model-type
womanliterally advertising her. This creates in his young mind
the seeds of a fantasy stronger and more powerful than any
other. A primary fantasy. We employ every means of technolog
ical sophistication to plant this in his unconscious. So that by the
time he is fourteen, any girl in his class who looks anything like
her feels to him like a movie star, a genetic celebrity next to
whom he, a fourteen-year-old, pimple-faced, bumbling adoles
cent, feels as nervous as a groupie.
The fourteen-year-old boy notices something about the genetic
celebrities in his ninth-grade class: They are going out with the
eleventh-grade boys. He does not feel equal to the most attrac
tive girls in his class. He feels unequal to his peers. Unless he
stands out as a performer. The genetic celebrities might be
willing to go out with him if he earns his way to their attention
by performing as a football player or class president. He feels
desperate. Why? The girls he has been socialized to desire have
beauty power before he has performance power. This socializa
tion is so powerful that the genetic celebrities in his class can
influence boys like a drug. He becomes addicted to an image;
anything less feels like an inferior fix.
For decades marketing researchers studying men have found
Why Are Men So Preoccupied with Sex and S u ccess? I ll

that the only common denominator that can appeal to men of all
classes is their desire to achieve acceptance by the cultures
most "beautiful women.' Or, conversely, the common denomi
nator is their anxiety about being rejected by these women.
(From the marketing perspective, the greater a mans anxiety,
the more likely he is to buy the product promising to make the
anxiety go away.)
Exactly what makes the beautiful girl/woman image so much
more powerful than other products that are also advertised?
Other products, like cars or beer, occupy only a tiny portion of
our subliminal seduction; the beautiful woman exists wherever a
woman is pictured. Why? Because the marketing researcher
knows the male does not feel worthy of her. And if the market
ing researcher can make the man feel that buying the product
will give him hope of being worthy of her, he will buy the
product. This is so much a part of our unconscious that we will
see, in Male Message 2, how the woman does not even have to
be pictured to restimulate his feeling that he will be worthy of
her if he does something.
Each culture has a different but overlapping standard of beau
tiful women. And in most cultures powerful males fight each
other to have access to them. Have we made progress in more
civilized societies? Not quite. In technologically advanced
cultures there is an advanced tension: on the one hand, the
rational mind has more information to fight this socialized and
genetic propensity; on the other, technology is better able to
penetrate the rational minds unconscious. In fact, the desire to
think of ourselves as rational often only increases our denial
("I'm beyond that . . . ), which puts us more off guard.
Somehow these ads never suggest to the adolescent boy that
he search within himself. The boy does not see a model-type
woman standing next to a product any man can afford as she is
watching a warm, sensitive man reading Im O.K., Youre O.K.
in an unemployment line. No matter that the man may just have
dropped out of a position selling something he didnt believe in
and is now struggling to bring integrity into his life.
Male Message 1 is subconsciously experienced by the boy like
this: "Some girls in my class already look like movie stars. If
they wanted me as much as I want them, then Id know I was
okay. They are genetic celebrities. I am a genetic groupie.
How can a woman be expected to believe this about men when
she has never heard a single man say, She genetic celebrity; me

genetic groupie ? Remember how, in the 1950s, no man ever

heard a woman say, 7 feel like Ill lose my identity when I get
married ? Yet when the feminist movement articulated it, mil
lions of women felt it rang true for them. In my work with over
three hundred mens groups from varied backgrounds, these
three stagesand the five male messageshave passed the ring
true test with men. Women can legitimately say they havent
been articulated. If they had been articulated, men would be in
touch with their feelings. Instead boys enter Stage 2 unaware.

Stage 2: The Male Search for Equality,

or the Way Boys Compensate for Feelings
of Powerlessness
How does a boy learn to bridge the gap between the genetic
celebritys power and his feelings of powerlessness? To make
him feel less like a puppy dog begging for a morsel? He learns
Male Message 2: I must do somethingperformto earn my
way to equality with the genetic celebritys first natural resource
her attention. / must defend against the genetic celebritys rejec
tion by performing to attract her respect.
How does he learn to perform? For starters, if shes a genetic
celebrity and does nothing, people say shes beautiful; if hes
genetically gifted in any way and does nothing, people say,
What a waste. No matter how powerful a man becomes
whether a Neil Diamond, a Henry Kissinger, or a Woody Allen,
he started out as a boy, drooling over a Kathy.*

Male Message 2: Perform for the

Genetic Celebritys Attention
I can recall my first three or four girlfriends during grammar
school and junior high school. They watched me perform athleti
cally with a special attentiveness. I remember how, as captain of
a small summer camp team, I assigned myself the pitcher role.
After a few innings I decided it would be nice to give some of

*And if he did not, he lived in fear of being rejected by both sexes, his
parents, and even himself. Each message that only heterosexuality is normal
leaves boys who discover they are gay between a rock and a hard place.
Why Are Men So Preoccupied with Sex and Success? 113

the other boys a chance. I exchanged positions with the second

baseman. His eyes lit up. After the game my girlfriend Joann
said, Why did you give up pitching? I explained. Thats
nice, she said, but disappointment flooded her eyes. The girls
thought it was great when you were pitching. I could feel
Joanns disappointment, not just in me but in the loss of her
status with her girlfriends as the girl the pitcher liked. I can
remember feeling, at age eleven, the pull between the human
parts of me and the part that wanted to maintain that look of
admiration in her eyes.
A boy learns to perform years before he learns what the
performing is foryears before he knows anything about the
genetic celebrity, peer-group approval, or parental respect. Both
parents teach boy babies to perform rather than cry by picking up
the male less frequently than the female infant when he cries/2
The result? By the age of thirteen months, boys who are picked
up less are already more likely to tough it out and refrain
from crying.3 By the time the boy child subliminally absorbs the
purpose of these messages, he is already more comfortable with
behavior such as solving his own problems or doing rather
than complaining or crying.
But now for the tricky part of Male Message 2. If hes
learning to be a doer, what does he do? The surface answer is
look cool and tough. But looking cool is a consequence. If he
looks cool and stubs his toe, hes a fool. The real answer?
Choose an environment; become its master. Whether in Marl
boro territory or sales territory, becoming a master makes him
successful enough to buy the car next to which a beautiful
woman stands. And from success all other forms of respect are
derivedfrom parental approval to peer approval.
All of this could be dismissed as arent those ads stupid if
they were not, in fact, reinforced by his reality. By junior high he
is observing the most attractive womencalled cheerleaders
paying attention to the most successful performersfootball and
basketball players. When a football player loses his position on
the team, he seldom sees a cheerleader run off the field, saying,
Wait, Im still cheering for youI love your openness and
vulnerability. He notices, instead, that she cheers for his re
placeable part. He learns, on some level, that all heroes are
replaceable parts. And so even if he makes it as a hero in his
field, he feels insecureshould he lose his position, his loved

one will cheer for his replaceable part. She senses this insecurity
and wonders how a man can be such a child.
In the process, he is learning many things. He learns it is not
popular to verbalize feelings, which he therefore keeps secret,
even from himself. He is learning, subconsciously, that femalev
support, nurturing, is conditionalit goes to the men on the
playing field. Therefore her support is really pressure to keep
Nor does he ever verbalize the subconscious feeling that the
cheerleaders are a socially sanctioned group of females using
their bodies to cheer on twenty-two males to their self-destruction.
Chcerleading is the socially sanctioned female encouragement of
male molestation. The message is that the molested survivor gets
the female. It is organized practice for a girl to learn how she can
get someone else to take lifes riskspreparation for financial
Not all boys earn attention via sports. For a different type of
woman a different type of boy might earn attention by becoming
newspaper editor or student-body president. That was my route.
For others, it might be speeding in a flashy convertible. Marc, a
man in our mens group, verbalized some of his own decisions
during a meeting.
The topic was the first crush that we never told anyone about.
Marc started. In the eighth grade I had a crush on Janice. She
had a sweet, innocent face, gorgeous hair, and great breasts. At
basketball games, Id watch her cheer. I fantasized approaching
her . . . even kissing her. I still have images of looking at her
from a distance. I mean, I knew there was no way I could really
get Janice to consider meand if I did, not for long enough to
admit I wanted to touch her all over her body. Other girls,
maybe, but Janice, no.
Did you ever try? Jim asked. You should have gone for
it was implicit in his tone of voice.
Nobody in our grade was worthy of Janice. She dated
Jeffa tenth-grader and basketball player, I think from a rich
family; he got a new car as soon as he could drive. The older I
got, the more I noticed who these beautiful girls went out with.
Maria was Italian, from a poor familyshe was so impressed
when Tony became a Green Beret. She fell in love with him. But
in college, some of the prettiest girls would hang out at the mcd
school and law school libraries. Or theyd somehow get invita
tions for weekends with the guys from the prestigious private
Why Arc Men So Preoccupied with Sex and Success? 115

schools. Theyd fall in love with one of them. I was doing pretty
well, but I didnt know if I could keep up. I didnt know whether
to give up marry Marge who wasnt so beautiful but loved me
and didnt expect all that or hold out and try to make it . . . until
I could prove myself to one of those girls.
Everything I considered to make it had its problems
acting might leave me waiting on tables; politics corrupt; engi
neering might leave me a bore; the military dead; sports might
turn me into an insurance salesman at thirty. It was so over
whelming . . . so lonely. I guess I felt if I married Marge we
could make it as a team.
Marc observed two types of compensations for his perceived
powerlessness. Or two types of defenses against rejection from
women: short-term and long-term. Short-termlike getting on
the basketball team, buying a flashy car, or building a muscular
bodyattract attractive women, but usually only for a short
time; long-termlike doing well in school, preparing for a pro
fession, or apprenticing for a union joblast longer. When
short-term defenses run out and the long-term ones dont look
possible, he may try desperate defenseslike gambling, steal
ing, or dealinghoping to make it big quickly. Or he may try
a combination of long-term and desperate defenses; if he is
caught, it results in a John DeLorean, a Watergate, or an Abscam
all replete with males.
None of these, of course, is necessarily a defense. All can
involve multiple motivations. And they can all offer internal
rewards, excitement, and respect from parents or peersjust as
being a cheerleader can for a female. But all these male
choices have a different meaning for the male than for the
femaleeven today. A woman is rarely motivated to be a doctor
to minimize her rejection from men. Or to assure her of the
money to support a man.
This is a boys perception of what it takes to earn attention.
Girls are also desirous of male attention and feel they have to
earn it by being attractive enough. Most girls do not feel they are
attractive enough to get easily the boys they want for what they
want them for. The more attractive a girl is, the higher she sets
her sights. For her, theres also a gap. She feels her other
options like becoming student-body presidentwill not have
the same impact on her as on a boy. They may make her
respected, but not necessarily more attractive to boys. The girl
learns she can fill the gap in a different way.

An ad for cottage cheese says it best. The camera zooms in on

the body of a beautiful girl/woman. The old fifties song plays:

She has an itsy-bitsy-teeny-weeny-yellow-polka-dot-bikini. . .

That she wore for the first time today.

How did she finally get into this bikini? The song continues:

She got into this bikini when she ate cottage cheese . . .
So get yourself a body thatll bring the boys to their knees.

Like the average girl, the beautiful girl, or genetic celebrity,

also has her own experience of powerlessness. This guy keeps
pestering me, she may complain. He follows me to my
locker, waits for me after school, asks me out, makes comments
about me to his friends. . . . I wish hed just drop in a ten-foot
hole. She experiences this as harassment if shes not interested.
The average boy looks at this harassment, sees it as attention he
would have to work all his life to get. Fpr him, this is just the
price of her being a genetic celebrity. Her complaints sound to
him like the complaints of a Princess Diana.

Male Message 3: Paying for Fem ales Sexuality

Both sexes have the desire for attention in common. His first
experience of inequality is how much less he feels she has to do
to get attention at age fourteen. The big gap starts when he
subconsciously feels that he and she want attention for two
different reasonsto fulfill two different primary fantasies. Girls
want male attention to lead to dates, going steady, a gold
bracelet, or other symbols of her primary fantasy. Boys want
the attractive girls attention for a different reasonphysical
Boys primary fantasythe exchange of physical intimaciesis
free for both sexes. The female primary fantasy requires male
paymentsdinner out, an engagement ring, better homes and
When a man hears women speak of getting a man, the
connotation is somehow different from when men speak of get
ting a woman. Getting a man often connotes getting a
relationship; getting a woman, especially when said among
men, usually connotes getting sex ( I got laid last night . . . ).
Why Are Men So Preoccupied with Sex and S u ccess? 117

So he begins to leam sex isnt free. Hell give his away for free,
but on some level, she charges for what he gives away. So, on
the physical level, as well as with attention, he learns: I must
earn my way financially and/or by making myself a hero to gain
equality with her second natural resourceher sexuality. This
is Male Message 3.
Isnt it a womans company that men pay for, not her sexual
ity? Think about it. Sue and Linda went to Grey Rocks, Canada,
for a ski trip with their two male suitemates, Jeff and Joe. They
were each looking for other partners; no one paid for anyones
dinner. Then Sue and Jeff found partners with whom they had a
sexual relationship. Once Sue found a man, her dinner and drink
expenses dropped to $11. Jeffs went up to $108. During this
period Joe and Lindas expenses totaled about $60 or $70
combined. If it was a persons company that was being paid for,
Jeffs woman friend would have been paying for his company

Men spend billions of dollars to expose women's bodies. When they

expose their own, theyre called exhibitionists. So men learn to fulfill
conditions under which their bodies can be exposed without imprisonment.

I showed this paragraph to the woman friend who had asked

the question Isnt it her company that is being paid for? Her
first half-facetious reaction was, Where can I find a Jeff?
The degree to which men desire sex is kept secretsince to be
open only creates the opposite result. In her measurements of
male sexual response, Dr. Shanor found men between twelve and
forty think of sex an average of six times per hour.4 Between
twelve and nineteen, it is twenty times per hour. Or every five
minutes. But even between thirty and thirty-nine, it is four times
per hour. Im glad Im forty-two.
Male Messages 2 and 3 combined create the basis for the male
search for equality, what I call the oil crisis of male puberty.

Item: 1973. The oil crisis hits the United States. Huge lines
form for access to short supplies of gas. Everyone is preoccu
pied with how best to solve the problem: Where do I go for
the shortest line to get the gas? How can I beat my neigh
bors to the pump? What time must I get up to do it?

Boys enter puberty in an oil crisis. Just as U.S. citizens felt

powerlessness when they had a high demand for a short supply
of OPECs natural oil, so boys feel powerless when they have a
high demand for a short supply of womens attention and sexual
ity. The more attractive the girl, the more the boy feels he needs
to prove himself to have access to her. At puberty, he may not
earn a penny more than the girl. So the more desire he feels, the
more insecure he feels.
Every day as he grows up his crisis is reinforced by little
giveaways in his vocabulary. Just as the words men and
girls for people the same age give away an unconscious
difference in our respect for men and women, women talk of
giving him sex. Meaning men must do something to earn the
gift. As he listens to what he can do, he hears phrases like,
Id feel better about giving a man sex if . . . Phrases that
subconsciously teach him what to do to meet womens conditions.
Whether sexuality is more conservative, as in the fifties, or
more liberal, as in the sixties, is not the issue. Both have
advantages and disadvantages. The issue is whether both sexes
learn to sexually desire each other equally and for the same
reasons, or with similar conditions. Oil crises are not created
when two countries consider their equal amount of oil of equal
value, with both desiring each others oil for similar reasons.
Why Are Men So Preoccupied with Sex and Success? 119

Men rarely talk about what we feel we must do to earn

womens gift. And least of all do we speak of what we
directly or indirectly feel we have to pay for her sexuality.
Which is why we decided to break the taboo during discussions
in one mens group. We started talking about high school and
moved to married years.
I still remember taking Donna to the senior prom, Bob
started. 1 took her to dinner at Elarios beforehand and a formal
Italian waiter handed me a wine list. I was so insecure, I ordered
a ten-dollar bottle I had heard my dad talk about. Ten dollars
. . . that meant mowing our lawn once a week for a month.
What with dinner, dessert, coffee, tax, and tip, the whole thing
ran over forty dollarsthree more months of lawns!
What about the corsage?
I got her an orchid; then there was the tuxedo, prom tickets,
and gas for the car. Another forty dollars. Oh yeah, and drinks
after the prom at some place she wanted to go that had a view of
the city. God, the whole thing must have been a hundred dollars.
And that was 1960 money.
Thats over three hundred dollars in todays money, Larry,
our group economist, calculated. Were you pretty serious about
/ was. I dont think she was. She never wanted to do much
more than kiss. And then we both went to different colleges. I
havent seen her since.
Myron volunteered: I didnt meet my first love until I was a
sophomore at Lehigh. She was a sophomore at Montclair State in
New Jersey. Id take a bus to New York City and the De Camp
Lines out to Upper Montclair almost every weekend. At that
point, the time was more a bother than the bus fare. But our
relationship got more expensive each year. Once a month wed
meet in New York or Philly and do a round of theater, dinner,
and drinks. That would usually run about eighty dollars, includ
ing the cab fare and buses. Until our junior year, when Id rent a
hotel room on Friday and Saturday and wed spend a weekend
Howd you afford that in college?
I had to work twenty hours a week at Lehigh as night
manager for a supermarket to save enough for that. Then shed
be angry when sometimes Id have to study during our weekend
What happened to you two?

She met some guy from Princeton, invited him for some big
weekend we had talked about going to together, and we broke up
a month or two after that.
Were you hurt? Bob asked. ^
Well, you know . . . I could quit my job at the supermar
ket! Myron laughed, avoiding the question.
Ski trips used to wipe me out, Glenn recalled. Rent a
lodge, rent a car, rent a slope, consume a drink, devour a meal
. . . and then I remember one girl thinking she was real indepen
dent because she treated me to one dinner and rented her own
skis. Sometimes those weekends ran three hundred dollars . . . I
could only afford one or two a year. 1 guess I paid about 90
percent. But then Mary would be able to afford another weekend
with her girlfriends, five or six girls to a lodge. Theyd meet a
bunch of guys whod buy them drinks and half their meals.
A1 chimed in: You guys seem to find women without chil
dren. Ive been involved with two women who have children,
and there was always this sense I felt that Id be a real nice
daddy/uncle if I paid for their kids at the movies, or dinner, or at
a carnival. Fun at a carnival meant financing the kids and trying
everything. Being a good sport meant doing it until they won a
prize. A weekend with Madeline and the kids could run into
hundreds without batting an eyelash. Its like I have to figure out
a career thatll pay for all that.
I have only myself to blame, Norm started. Im a sucker
for taking women Im serious about on European vacations.
Then buying them fur coats, lingerie, dresses, and once even a
Mercedes in Europe. Fortunately, the woman I bought the
Mercedes for became my wife!
Of course, all of these payments for a womans sexuality
are symbols of how effectively a man will be able to handle the
better homes and gardens, and the $140,000 per child in the
family circle. A mans consciousness of having to pay often makes
him avoid the humanities in college and enter the higher-paying
sciences; take hazardous construction, coal mining, or welding
jobs, and the jobs in cold and isolated regions like Alaska.
In the process, he somehow senses that the word love may
cost him. So professing love creates a built-in tension: on the one
hand, it is a way of reducing rejectionpromising her primary
fantasy to get his (he may not know about love, but hes begin
ning to leam about politics); on the other hand, love may mean a
lifetime of payments.
Why Are Men So Preoccupied with Sex and Success? 121

O 198) Universal Press Syndicate. Reprinted with permission All rights reserved.

Cathy Guisewite, A Mouthful of Breathmints and No One to Kiss, p. 49

Male Message 4: 150 Initiatives, or 150 Ways

to Lose a Lover (Before Getting Started)
All this gets worse as puberty progresses. Paying is a cinch
compared to initiating. A boy learns hes supposed to want sex
before he knows what it is, and now he learns hes supposed to
initiate before hes even seen what hes reaching for. He only
knows that the girls he most wants sex with seem to want it the
least, even if they do want his attention and Saturday-night
treats. A boy is actually in a worse position than being willing to
give his body away for freeevery other boy is trying to give
his away before he does. He has to earn the privilege to be
the one to give it away.
Its actually even worse than that. Hes so anxious to give it
away, no one even thinks of it as a gift! He has to add something
to it to make it palatable. He has to compensate by working for
her body. How? He has to initiate everything that has anything to
do with her body.
The pubescent boy rarely knows what hes doing. The assump
tion that he should initiate as if he knew sends the fear of looking
like a fool shivering through every cell of his nervous system.
Do girls appreciate his risking rejection? On the contrary. Risk
ing rejection could be seen as an act of givingtaking the
pressure off the girl. If it were seen in this way, girls might be
expected to compensateto pay for the boys dinner, or what
ever. But it is not seen this way because everyones bought the
line that he's getting the sexits for him, not for her. So hes
told he must pay for dinner, too. As if he had to compensate for
the rejection he risks.
Its not just that a Neil Diamond starts out drooling over

Kathy. He learns he has to risk rejection by asking Kathy out.

And if she accepts, it is he who has to reach out to put his arm
around her for the first time. I can remember, in sixth grade, it
took me all afternoon to work my hand from my side to aroun^
Joanns shoulder. By that time, my parents had come to pick me
up. On my way out, Joanns dog rushed up to her and she gave it
a big kiss.
If a woman is receptive to hand-holding, he thinks: Should I
caress her fingers a little, rather than let our hands get like two
lumps of clammy claybut suppose I caress her fingers too
soon, and she thinks Im forward and I lose everything? If
shes receptive again, he may try to crack a joke so he can hug
her during a moment of laughter, thereby reducing his risk of
rejection; he may whisper something in her ear and see if she
keeps her ear there; then kiss her on the lips and wonder, How
long? How hard? How much passion? If her lips arent closed
tightly, does that mean her tongue is receptive? Or would pursu
ing turn a kiss of affection into an act of intrusion? If she is
kissing him passionately, should he rub his chest against her
breast? Is it the right time for his hands to run over her breast
over her clothes? And now, under her blouse? Should he move
his leg between hers just a little? Or a little more? If she
responds, does that mean she wants more, or is enough enough?*
He soon begins to piece together the first of three commands
in the most devastating of all male messagesMale Message 4:
If you dont initiate, women won'tand what little there is will
go to those who ask for it. So be prepared to risk rejection about
150 times between eye contact and sexual contact." Start all 150
over again with each girl. The more attractive a girl is, the more
she can afford to reject you and know some other guy will
pursue her. The more attractive she is. the longer your period of
rejection. So compensate by becoming a star.
The first time is the important time, when the risk of
rejection is by far the greatest. Girls have greatly improved about
reaching out to a boy once a relationship has begun. But few
girls ever reach over to kiss a boy who has never before kissed

* ln the first draft o f th is b o o k , 1 fo llo w e d o n e c o u p le th rou gh all 1 5 0 sta g e s

o f sex u a l in itia tiv e s fr o m lau gh ter to fea rs. But the ch a p ter e n title d " T h e
A n a to m y o f a S e x u a l In itia tiv e " b e c a m e a m in i-b o o k u n to it s e lf and had to
b e cut. O r at lea st s a v e d for a n ext b o o k . T h e e x a m p le s a b o v e and b e lo w w ill
se r v e th e p u r p o se h ere.
Why Are Men So Preoccupied with Sex and S uccess? 123

them. The girl usually knows the boy is interested or he wouldnt

have asked her out. But the first time, the boy doesnt know
whether she just accepted because she didnt know how to say
no, or wanted something to do on Saturday night, or wanted to
look sought-after to some other boy she was really interested in,
or just felt sorry for him. With all these fears, which every girl
will recognize as often valid, he then risks rejection by reaching
out to hold her hand Will she reach for a Kleenex in her
purse, and if she does, is it because she sneezed or to give me a
polite hint to lay off?
All of this may seem like a bit much to many women. Why
not just let it happen naturally? women often ask. Why is he
so compulsiveit takes the romance and spontaneity out of it. If
its going to happen, it happens. This is like a man saying,
Why are you so compulsive about keeping the house clean?
He likes a clean house; she likes good sex. They both like the
outcome, and they both want the other sex to take care of it so it
looks as if it comes naturally. We both want it to.look like
great service at a great restaurantso we never even notice its
happening. She learns its her job to make it appear as if it came
naturally. And he learns it is his job to make it appear as if
taking the initiatives comes naturally. And then both wonder
why theyre not appreciated.
As with housework, unshared responsibility for the taking of
initiatives can turn a broad-minded human being into an obsessive-
compulsive. It has a way of transforming consciousness. When
womens consciousness was raised, women ended up seeing
housework as their shit work"; when mens consciousness is
raised, sexual initiatives will be seen as the male "shit work."
How does a boy learn this ultimate initiation riteto plan it
right, to time it right? By trial and error. Mostly error. Always
on trial. All the locker-room bragging"just increases a boys
insecurityeach boy knows he's exaggerating but hes uncertain
if the other guy is. The underlying message of locker-room
conversation is: Whats wrong with meI tried the same thing
with Susan and she rejected me.
The female perspective isdifferent. A woman may feel she
says yes to male initiatives even more often than shed like. And
that if she didnt slow down the process, hed often rush from a
kiss to intercourse like a railroad train. Shed like some time to
savor the process. Lets look at what happens to him when, to
savor the process, she says yes at the beginning, by, say, re

sponding to a kiss, and no shortly after, by cutting off the kiss,

to slow down the process.
He sees her slowing down as a possible no. He feels he has
been left holding the bag; he must choose whether to give up or
try again. Why? Because hes never seen a woman say no ancf
then later reach over to start again at the point where she stopped
him. He had never, for example, had a woman stop him at her
genitals and then, later, start kissing and touching his genitals
before he attempts again. Yet they may eventually have sex and
she may tell him she had a wonderful time sexually the very
evening she said no.
The male then learns a second command in Male Message 4:
discover which nos mean no, which nos mean maybe, and which
maybes mean yes. (He doesnt even consider the possibility of
saying no himself. Thats a luxury that comes from abundance.)
How does he do this? Joan and Harold are kissing for the first
time on a couch. Joan slows down the process by withdrawing
her tongue. Harold senses the withdrawal. Should he back off?
If I do, maybe shell feel Im sensitive. But maybe shell feel
Im a wimp. Should he pursue? If I do, maybe shell feel Im
overbearing. But maybe shell feel Im exciting.
Harold chose to be sensitive. But now, he wondered, Should
I turn the lights up or turn them down? Make the music lower or
change the music? Should I ask her questions about herself, or
tell her more about me? Should I give her a foot massage or back
rub, or just sit on my hands? Will more wine relax her or put her
to sleep? If shes sleepy, will coffee awaken her or just make her
less relaxed? If I kiss her again, should I kiss her on the cheek or
lips? If she withdraws again, should I back off again, or this time
should I pursue? . . .
Cutting off is part of what creates the 150 initiatives between
eye contact and sexual contact. In a typical first-time encounter,
some of these initiatives are recycled with a twist. Starting to
kiss again after a sign of sensitivity is different from starting to
kiss again with no prior sign of sensitivity. So the ego goes back
on the line. This means he has to do more than guess which nos
mean no. It means there is a third command in Male Message 4:
Take responsibility for turning nos into maybes and maybes into
yeses. Discover afterward whether youre right or a rapist. He
feels he must do this because if he waits for her he will miss out
on the sexual passion in his lifeeven much of the love
(which can be catalyzed by sexual passion). And besides, wimps
Why Are Men So Preoccupied with Sex and Success? 125

get rejected even more than men who dont take no for an
The core of this male neurosis comes not from taking the
initiatives, but rather from overcoming all the nos; from the fear
that if he asked a woman if shed like to participate in his sexual
fantasy as soon as he was willing, hed get almost 100 percent
nos; from the feeling that when hes first willing, theres no
word in the female vocabulary for yes, but if only he is good
enough, polite enough, persistent enough, successful enough,
romantic enough, gentle enough, if he earns enough, spends
enough, cares enough, commits enoughif, if, i f . . .
How he takes this responsibility determines whether he is a
hero or a jerk. (They are two sides of the same coina jerk is
often a potential hero who messes it up along the way.) From a
womans perspective, this may seem a bit exaggerated. Many
women say: I make my cues pretty clear. Men dont have to
take such a great risk. Or One thing that makes women mad
is when were giving off cues that were not interested and the
man keeps coming on. Ive discovered, though, that womans
set of cues can be clear to the woman. But every woman is an
individual, and to a man each womans set of cues is as individ
ual and unique as the woman herself He is expected to discover
just the right formula to determine which cue means what to
which woman at whichever stage of development in their sexual
relationship. When we multiply the options by 150, we have
full-blown obsession, which makes becoming a jerk quite easy.
For example, a woman might say I know the moment I meet
a man whether Im interested. So she may give off receptive,
excited vibrations immediately. For most women who know
immediately, though, it is not okay to act immediately. There
fore the man may feel positive vibrations at the beginning of the
evening and varied vibrations as he spends more time with her.
From his perspective, he feels her slipping away while hes
paying for dinner.
While some women know immediately, others say, With
most men I really dont thinkvmuch about sex until the man starts
coming on. Once he starts coming on, how he does it makes a
difference about whether Im receptive or not. A lot of women
identify with that sentiment. But it contradicts the expectation
that a man shouldnt come on until he feels receptive cues. On
the one hand, he should wait for receptive cues; on the other
hand, she wont give them until he comes on. If he waits too

long, he finds hes often told Youre such a nice man . . . Id

like us just to befriends. . .
Lets look at the female perspective. Women feel they help
ease this process for men by protecting mens egos. In the shoij
run, it does that. In the long run, the extent to which a woman
protects a mans ego is the extent to which she preserves ambi
guity about the real meaning of her signals.
Still more confusing is the enormous range of sexual moral
ity attitudes a man experiences among women. Ranging from
no sex before marriage to Im as interested in making love
as you are . . . I expect a few orgasms and no questions about
whether I had them. A statement like Im interested in you
may mean, from one woman, I liked your gentleness; please
ask me out again, and from a second woman, So initiate
already. They are both receptive cues. But receptive to differ
ent things despite the fact that they are the same words.
Even when women are clear about their own sexual desires for
a man, they often dont feel free to make their cues as clear as
their desires. A frequent admission from'women is: Im afraid I
have to calculate whether holding out will excite him or whether
appearing too interested will turn him off. A man may pick up
both receptive and calculating cues simultaneously. The as
sumption that a womans cues are clear, so why do men keep
coming on anyway? does not acknowledge conflicts within a
woman, and therefore the conflicting messages a man receives.
In all these ways, cues that are clear to a given woman may be
unclear to a given man. But even cues that are crystal clear to a
man can be tricky. Barry was a man for whom no means no.
In a workshop setting he explained, If a woman says no, I wait
until the next date before I try again. I thought that was only
right. But a few months ago I went out with two women and the
same thing happened. They were both receptive to kissing, but
gave a no signal before intercourse. And they both told me they
liked me more than anyone theyd met. But then I heard via the
grapevine that they were both having sex shortly after with guys
I knew didnt mean that much to them. Now theyre both serious
with these guys. I must be doing something wrong. . . .
Paula responded. Im married now, Barry, but when 1 used
to date, sometimes the clearer my no was, the more l would feel
released from guilt/ had fulfilled my obligation by saying a
super-clear no. Do you understand? I mean, like it was right
after 1 said that clear no that if a guy persisted, hed get some
Why Are Men So Preoccupied with Sex and S u ccess? 127

where. Then Id convince myself 1 really liked himor loved

him. Thats the way I got pregnant my first time and ended up
marrying the man who got me pregnant. I dont like to admit
that, but its true.
Paulas honesty helped us understand the extent of mens
dilemma in reading signals from women with different back
grounds. For Paula, the clearer the no, the clearer the release
from guilt. In essence, the clearer the no, the clearer the yes. For
some men, this is confusing.
Many women feel this may all be true for other women, but
that personally they take lots of initiatives. As they explain in
greater depth, though, we discover they have mostly taken receptive
initiatives. For example, if a woman is at a movie with a man,
she might place her hand on the arm of the chair common to both
of them. If her intent is to make it available, 1 call it a receptive
initiative. If her intent is for her to pursue further, I call it an
active receptive initiative; usually, though, such an act is to
make it easier for him to take the next step; I call this a passive
receptive initiative.
The hallmark of a receptive initiative, in either case, is the
lack of an ego on the line. Since she could have been resting her
hand there merely to rest it, nothing is risked. The difference
between the passive and active initiative is the intent. If the
intent is to leave the risk to the man, it is passive.
Men take receptive initiatives too, but usually only to put
themselves in a better position to take probing or direct initia
tives. A womans receptive initiative is usually a way of making
it easier for the man to take probing or direct initiatives. How?
To return to the movies, a man might place his hand for half a
second on hers as he asks her if shed like some popcorn. He is
probing to get a feel for whether her hand relaxes or tenses up a
bit. He does it lightly and quickly enough that it could be
mistaken for getting her attention. Probing initiatives test the
waters: Does she pull away; appear nervous; appear receptive
and relaxed? But probing initiatives leave doubts: If shes
relaxed, it could mean shes physically receptive. Or it could
mean shes just relaxed!
All these distinctions may seem ridiculous. But they are no
more ridiculous than the distinctions between Wisk and Woolite,
labels that come with the responsibility for housework. Men
have not had labels for their initiative-taking because no one
wanted to admit the work needed doing.

After the probing initiative, there is a greater level of risk:

shifting the intimacy level. For example, when Phyllis and Bill
meet at a party and are discussing their jobs, Phyllis will almost
never be the first one to shift out of that level of intimacy by^
volunteering: / like your eyes. She may say, 7 like your'
curly hair after he says, I like your eyes, but rarely will she
say it after a conversation on their respective jobs, before he has
taken the first risk to shift the intimacy level.
The biggest risk is the direct initiative, as when he takes her
hand directly for the first time. He risks total acceptance or total
rejection. In one respect, though, all these direct initiatives are
not direct. For many men, a direct initiative might be making
mad, passionate love immediately.

Male Message 5: Homophobia

As the adolescent boy learns that attention from attractive girls
and female sexuality are in short supply, he leams Male Message
5: Being attracted to other boys is off limits. Any hint of it will
leave him ostracized as a queer, beaten up; he will forfeit his
status as a human being in the eyes of other boys. Male Message
5 tells him to put all his eggs in one basketsexual response
from girls. The intensity of the fear of sexual contact with boys
also makes him withdraw emotionally from boys lest he be
suspect like a liberal in the McCarthv erawhich makes
him dependent on emotional response from females as well. This
combination, called homophobia, forces boys to be female-de-
pendent. The fear of emotional contact with men out of fear of
being a sexual suspect makes boys, ironically, even more
powerless before girls. Homophobia is like telling the United
States it will be a "sissy nation if it doesnt get all its oil from
It is the progression of the males oil crisis from sexual
dependency to emotional dependency.
These five messages are what a boy typically experiences
during puberty. None of the messages denies the fact that a girl
feels powerless too, especially if she is not attractive; if she is
attractive, she may have doubts about what she is valued for. As
with the boy, she hears messages that create double binds. The
pressure on her to enhance her attractiveness often leads to her
developing a lovc-hatc response to the attention she gets to the
attractiveness shes worked so hard to enhance.
Why Are Men So Preoccupied with Sex and Success? 129

Parents can feel as powerless as their adolescent. Raising a

boys awareness, they may fear, would relegate him to the
queer group of his peer group. Parents who persuade a boy to
be conscious risk turning him into a guinea pig of conscious
ness, isolated among his peers during the years when confor
mity is desperately sought as a way of setting his foot securely
on the ground. Of course he does not understand that this
security will become the core of his insecurity.
In the conclusion we will look at some alternatives. Any
alternatives, though, need to incorporate an awareness of the
defenses men use to compensate for their feelings of power
lessnessdefenses that can lead to male crimes. Well start with
the sexual defenses.

Stage 3: Sexual Defenses against Feeling

Female Rejection
The males feelings of powerlessness before a genetic celebrity
the feeling of having to beg like a puppy for every morsel of her
attention and sexuality by performing, paying, risking rejection,
and being told hes dirty or akin to a rapistmake his ego fragile
and his self-concept vulnerable. Vulnerability creates defenses.
How does he defend against this vulnerability? In the sexual
arena he discovers the first defense of Stage 3: It hurts a lot less
to be rejected by a sex object than it does to be rejected by a full
human being. So if a male can turn women into objects and sex
into a game (and call it scoring ), he will be able to treat
rejection less seriously. He will hurt less.
No sooner has a boy learned When the going gets tough,
objectify than he learns that objectifying by itself isnt enough.
His second defense can best be understood by a quick glance at
the male internal dialogue when a bov sees a girl he finds
attractive. Shes beautiful. It would be great to go to bed with
her. Yum, yum. . . . but if I tell her that directly, shell say
no. He learns that if he is honest with his sexual feelings the
moment he is in touch with them,* and tells her his desire
directly, he'll get the reaction Dustin Hoffman got in Tootsie
after he was direct with a woman who had told him how much

* T o th e d e g r e e h e is c o m p u ls iv e ab ou t s e x h e is r e a lly n o t in t o u c h w ith h is
se x u a l fe e lin g s in the fu lle st s e n s e o f th e w o r d .

she craved directnessa drink in his face. For a man, expressing

his sexual feelings as soon as hes in touch with them will get a
refusal almost 100 percent of the timeespecially from the
women he most wants.
The second sexual defense of Stage 3 is to suppress sexual
feelings and replace the feelings with dishonesty. Honesty guar
antees rejection. Dishonesty becomes a defense. He learns sexual
Needing to be dishonest and suppressing sexual feelings team
up to block any distant thought a boy may entertain of asking a
woman to share the responsibility for taking initiatives. Most
boys never even consider it, because they observe that the boys
having the most fun are not asking girls to share initiatives.
They begin to observe how sensitive behavior is not only devi
ant but also extends the period of potential rejection.
What does he substitute for asking girls to share sexual initia
tives? A third sexual defense: railroad sex. Railroad sex is
getting from eye contact to intercourse as quickly as possible. To
what end? The faster he gets from eye contact to intercourse, the
shorter the period of potential rejection.
Why dont men just let a friendship develop with a woman,
and then, if sex happens, it happens? Because, similarly, the
longer the friendship, the longer the period of potential rejection.
Will this change? Not until both sexes share the responsibility
for all sexual initiativesand therefore sexual rejection.
Boys move through three significant stages, then, in their
relationships with girls. During these stages they hear five major
male messages, which might be summarized like this:


Stage 1: The G en etic C elebrity

M a le M e s s a g e l: S o m e g ir l s in m v c la s s a lr e a d y lo o k lik e m o v i e
s t a r s . I f t h e y o n l y w a n t e d m e as m u c h a s l w a n t
t h e m , Id k n o w I w a s o k a v . T 'h e v a re g e n e t i c
c e l e b r i t i e s . I a m a g e n e t i c g r o u p ie .

S tage 2: The M ale S earch for E quality the Oil Crisis of M ale
M a le M e s s a g e 2: I m u s t p e r f o r m fo r t h e g e n e t i c c e l e b r i t y s a t t e n
t io n .
Why Are Men So Preoccupied with Sex and Success? 131

M a le M e s s a g e 3: 1 m u s t p a y fo r f e m a le s e x u a l i t y .

M a le M e s s a g e 4: 1 m u s t r is k r e j e c t io n a b o u t 1 5 0 t i m e s fo r f e m a le
s e x u a lity . D o n o t a ss u m e h e r n o s m e a n n o if h er
n u an ces sa y y es.

M a le M e s s a g e 5: I m u s t f o c u s a l l s e x u a l a n d e m o t io n a l e n e r g y o n
f e m a le s . H o m o p h o b ia is b e t t e r th a n b e in g a
se x u a l s u s p e c t .

Stage 3: S exual D efenses against Feeling Fem ale Rejection

D e f e n s e 1: T u r n w o m e n in t o s e x o b j e c t s . It h u r t s le s s t o b e r e
j e c t e d b y a n o b j e c t th a n b y a f u ll h u m a n b e in g .

D e f e n s e 2: S u p p r e s s s e x u a l f e e l i n g s a n d r e p la c e t h e m w ith d is
h o n e s t y p o litic s w o r k b e tte r th a n h o n e s t y .

D e f e n s e 3: P r a c t i c e r a ilr o a d s e x . D o n o t s t o p a t f r i e n d s h ip . T h e
l o n g e r t h e p e r i o d o f f r i e n d s h i p , t h e lo n g e r t h e p e r io d
o f p o t e n t i a l r e j e c t io n .

Is there an alternative to male feelings of powerlessness and

vulnerability? Sort of. A male senses only one thing that ad
dresses every need and every defense. It is called success.

Success as Panacea and Trap

How does the male adolescent avoid being a genetic groupie? By
success on the playing field. A few years later, when he is
successful at work, he can afford ski trips and theater tickets,
dinners, drinks, and rental cars. A few drinks after dinner and a
day of skiing tend to reduce his risk of rejection. Success reduces
the number of initiatives and increases the likelihood that an
attractive woman will be interested in accompanying him. It
seems like a panacea.
In each way that success is a panacea (it pays for the dinners
and makes him more interesting') it is also a defense against
female rejection. And a compensation for his feelings of power
lessness ( Why cant she want me without my paying? ). And
if a man gets too much female rejection despite his success (or is
not interested in women to begin with) success serves as the

perfect alternative. He can fall in love with success. It has its

own rewards, both inherently and externally. And it can be a
cover-up. If a man is successful enough, few people question
him about anythingfrom women to gayness.
Am I exaggerating all this? Lets do a reality check.
Think of women under thirty who are attractive enough to be
models the women with the most options. Write down their
names if they married men they felt had little financial potential:

2 _________________________________________________________________

The reader will doubtless find a few women who married men
who are supportive but less successful than themselves, like
Bella Abzug. But Bella Abzug fits neither the age category nor
the highly attractive category. She has fewer options. And be
sides, her husband is still successful enough to support them
both, should they desire that. So cross off names of such women.
If no one is left, we can add people we dont knowbut know
of. How many are left?
If anyone remains or appears in the know of category, is it
a woman under thirty driven to be a success in a highly risky
field who has married a man with the contacts and style to
manage her talents? That is, a man still playing a financial role?
Remember Marc? He married Marge, who wasnt his fantasy
woman, but she loved him. Some men like Marc team up with
women like Marge in the hope that theyll make it only to
face a male mid-life crisis if they do make it and a male mid-life
crisis if they dont. The more he makes it, the more attractive he
becomes to another woman, the more he is tempted away from
Marge. During the mid-life crisis, even happily married men
often feel that now that theyve made it to the point where
theyre successful enough to attract the women in the ads, theyre
married to a woman who doesnt fit the image. Few marriages
are strong enough for long enough to withstand the Kathys who
once rejected the Neil Diamonds when they were the class frog,
but now that the men are class princes, are eyeing them.
The more Marc is tempted away from Marge, the more he
feels guilty about betraying the woman who supported him, so
he would become, ironically, more attractive to other women.
Why Are Men So Preoccupied with Sex and S u ccess? 133

If he does find a younger woman, often hes never quite sure

whether she loves him for who he is or for what he has. (Ive
seen few men secure enough to give up their success or refuse to
spend their savings to find out.) So he still feels empty inside.
He loses if he wins, and he loses if he loses. Now that he has
power, he loses if he uses it.
Perhaps the astronaut Gordon Cooper knew what he was
appealing to, as he feared losing his wife before he was selected
to try out as an astronaut. Millions watching The Right Stuff,
based on the astronauts real-life experiences, saw Cooper trying
to keep his wife by pleading, Whos the best pilot in the
world? When he received no answer, hed volunteer the an
swer: Youre looking at him. Subtle. But he was simulta
neously moving her into a drab, plain, run-down house; bragging
about his potential was all he had. Holding out hope. He hadnt
proven himself. The house and hope, while good enough for
him, werent good enough for her. She left him. Then he made it
as a finalist in the astronaut program. She considered his plea to
return.* Then he made it as an astronaut. She returned.
Perhaps it was Gordon Coopers bravado personality, his
male chauvinism, that alienated her. But that wouldnt account
for her returning without anything changing but the proof of his
bravado. Called status. Nor does it account for the fact that 84
percent of top male corporate executives are mairied to their first
wives, compared to 53 percent for the total male population,5
even though the male executive is often emotionally cut off from
his wife, his children, and his feelings.
In another socioeconomic class, men who drop out of officer
training also find the women who love them dropping out of
their lives. I live near Camp Pendleton, one of the largest
military bases in the United States, just north of San Diego. One
man after another has told me that there is no way personality
is as important to a lady as my rank. They identify with the
man in An Officer and a Gentleman, who lost the love of his life
the moment he followed his integrity and dropped out of officer
*It appears h is p le a w a s b a sed o n the fea r that h e w o u ld n ot m ake it in to the
program if h e w a s n t m arried . W o u ld h e h ave p le a d e d w ith her to return i f he
fe lt he co u ld m a k e it w ith o u t her? O r w o u ld h e h a v e h eld ou t fo r all the
w o m e n h e k n ew w o u ld c o m e his w a y o n c e h e m a d e it? W e r e th ey both u sin g
e a c h o th er as o b je c ts?

Sam, a salesman in a Chicago mens group, put it this way:

When 1 was selling, my wife complained, Id like you to be
home earlier, to be more sensitive, to develop some of the
creativity 1 know you have. So 1 went into part-time sales and
set up a studio in our home. We both agreed I have lots of4
potential as an artist. But my sales income is one-third. And my
art barely breaks even. Our marriage suddenly started deteriorat
ing even though 1 was acquiring everything she had said I was
missing. 1 feel confused and, 1 guess, angry.
All this may remain on a subconscious level for most men,
who (like the women of twenty years ago) have not had their
consciousnesses raised. Once a man has raised his conscious
ness, he slowly understands that Alan Alda is loved not because
hes sensitive, but because hes successful and sensitive. I call
this the Alan Alda Syndrome.
Each sex strives to attain from the other sex the type of power
it is most discouraged from attaining itself. The more a person
expects from the other sex, the more trapped he or she becomes
by the expectations on himself or herself. The less a man is
willing to give up a sex object, the more he will be trapped into
becoming a success object. As he drops the hope of becoming a
Kissinger, a Woody Allen, or a Dustin Hoffman he may lower
his sights from the starlet. But if he still desires the female
model, he'll find himself becoming the medical model. Or a star.
As the five-foot-six-inch Dustin Hoffman put it, When I was in
high school, women wouldnt touch me with a ten-foot pole.
Now I cant keep them away with a ten-foot pole.
This distinction between the impact of success on men and
women helps explain why men are so compulsive and competi
tive about their pursuits. Either consciously or unconsciously,
the adolescent boy observes how much each option will help him
solve his oil crisis by getting him to the pump before his
neighbors. It takes a rare teenage boy not to need the approval
these options supply-to turn in isolation to questions of the
spirit, introspection, sensitivity, and love. (People who were
trying to beat their neighbors to the pump rarely found them
selves focused on questions of love.)
For each man who makes it to the top of a pyramid, there arc
a thousand who do nota thousand who live at least in part
vicariously through the superiority of my sports team,
my children, or my country. They get their women vicari
ously toothrough Playboy, Penthouse, or pornography. Its
Why Are Men So Preoccupied with Sex and Success? 135

neither mens fault nor womens fault. They are adult men still
playing out their oil crisis getting their rewards vicariously
to the degree they earned them vicariously.
Before we delve more deeply, Ill do some clarifying. The
difference between the desperation felt by men and that felt by
women as they pursue external reward power lies in mens
having to prove themselves worthy recipients not only of wom
ens attention and sexuality but also of the approval of parents
and peers. We mistakenly tend to see these as three separate
contributors to male pressure. They are not.
Take parents, for example. Most parents want to help their
child live compatibly with the other sex. Even when they dont
like what they see they consider it their duty to prepare the child
for hard reality. They dont tell their daughters, When you
grow up you should support your husband. A career womans
expectations are to support herself. Not her husband. Since men
observe that career women often marry up, a womans career
can actually increase the pressure on a man to perform to earn
his way to equality with her. By preparing boys for this reality,
parents unwittingly increase the pressure on boys. And it makes
proving ourselves to our parents not very different from proving
ourselves to girls.
I am increasingly impressed by the degree to which so many
men risk their lives, investments, and careers for an attractive
womans attention, especially her sexual attention. Think of the
men willing to risk their careers with charges of sexual harass
ment for an affair with a secretary or student. Think of the men
who risk years in prison, total humiliation, and the destruction of
career and family for the attention of or sex with an underage
female, the one female they believe they can have access toa
Think of how often we read of men throwing themselves into
cold rivers or hot fires to rescue a woman. We hear of women
performing such heroics for the sake of a childbut try to recall
one example of a woman doing that for a man, even her hus
band. It is not inherently good or bad to risk ones life for
another. But when men risk So much to be a hero or to get sex, it
makes one wonder about the limits of male sexual vulnerability.

Item: Look at the praying mantis or the black widow spider.

The male and female are making sex. The male gets so
involved he cannot undo himself. The female satisfies herself,

then bites off the head of the male. The male is so locked into
the sexual act that he cannot prevent himself from being con
sumed. The ultimate in vulnerability.

Like the praying mantis and black widow spider, a man may^
feel so vulnerable and powerless that, for the sake of visibility
and respect, he will risk his head being chopped off as a war
hero or boxing hero; as a fireman; as a president or an astronaut;
as the person who creates the master race or destroys the human
race or gets the Nobel Prize to save it from destruction. Or, if
national heroism is out of reach, as a volunteer fireman in his
hometown. Its all the same. In the process of gaining his
familys respect, peer group respect, female respect, and his own
respect, a man may forfeit his family, sacrifice his wife, destroy
his body, and lose his soul.
The male training to overcome sexual rejection also turns out
to be valuable for success. Both at work and with women, not
taking no for an answer creates the core of male strengths and
the core of male neuroses. Women are attracted to mens suc
cess; they hate mens defenses. They hate men who dont take
no for an answer; they love men who dont take no for an
answer. Both are ways of dealing with female sexuality: chang
ing nos into maybes with women is direct; changing nos into
maybes at work is indirect. Success is the most respected defense
against rejection. It is the male insurance policy. Success is
preventive medicine. But the characteristics it produces do not
always make the male lovable at home, or keep him alive for the
one he loves.

The Larger Implications

What are the deeper implications of these messages to women
and men? These messages say, Make yourself attractive to the
other sex by making yourself opposite from the other sex. The
problem? Opposites attract; they just cant live together. Sex-role
training becomes divorce training.
Is this just the way it isbiological and natural? In the 1860s,
Darwin documented how sexual selectionthe most powerful
males mating with the most attractive femaleswas a key cle
ment in the survival of the fittest. Yes, it is probably deep within
our genes that the most valued women choose the most competi
tive and surviving men. And vice versa. But genetic evolution
Why Are Men So Preoccupied with Sex and Success? 137

has also created technologyand the ability to adapt to what our

technology creates. And technology has made male competition
into a lose-lose game on the level of genetic survival. What was
genetically functional is now genetically dysfunctional.*
Has technology made sex roles dysfunctional in relationships
as well? Yes. (Women are more inclined toward computer tech
nology than hunting bear.) And in raising children? Yes. (Once
either sex can work, either sex can raise the child.) Technology
has made sex roles unnecessary. In the future, the fittest
relationships will be the ones that adapt to a new reality the
higher expectations of good communication, not mere survival.
How did this happen? First, lets look at the impact of technol
ogy. Technologys obviation of the need for brute male strength
made the workplace amenable to women at the same time that
technologys birth control led to smaller families and medicine to
longer life, which meant that a woman no longer needed to
spend her entire life at home.
But it is human nature to raise expectations once mere sur
vival is no longer the issue. So as we no longer required the
division of labor to survive, we raised our expectations and saw
how division of labor was leading to division of interestsdivorce
Sex roles, then; have quickly been made dysfunctional on the
survival level (nuclear war), the relationship level (divorce train
ing), and the raising of children level (absentee fathers) by the
part of our human nature that both created technology and raised
our expectations. All of which is in battle with another part of
our human nature: women choose the most performing man.
What will the future bring? Sex roles were functional. A
species always adapts to a new reality until it ends itself.

The Male Search for Equality: In Summary

Both sexes can enjoy sex and success for healthy reasons. But
men are so preoccupied with sex because: First, theyre sublimi-
nally socialized to be addicted to a drug in short supplythe
genetic celebrity. Anything less feels like an inferior fixbut
the inferior fix meets so many needs at so much less cost,
theyd take it rather than go cold turkey. Second, they are
socialized to risk constant rejection to get this short supply.

*See Chapter 3.

Third, theyre told to overcome the rejections by women to their

compulsive initiative-taking. But they do not experience women
sharing these initiatives. To defend against this rejection they
turn women into sex objects. Which further alienates women,,
from sex with men. So men become more desperate. All of
which creates preoccupation with sex.
Why are men so preoccupied with success beyond the intrinsic
rewards, peer group and parental approval of successto the
point of forfeiting life itself? Success is the form of power
women feel most deprived of. While women desire sensitivity in
men, men sense women are in need of their success. So men also
work to get what they feel deprived ofwomens respect, atten
tion, sexuality, and love. Men dont feel great about spending
their lives overcoming potential sexual rejection directly, so they
do it indirectly as wellthrough success.
Success is preventive medicine for the cancer of rejection. It is
the male form of power, designed to compensate for the male
form of powerlessness; it is the most respected defense against
vulnerability. In part, it is men earning their way to equality with
What Makes a Man Successful
at Work That Makes Him
Unsuccessful at Home? Or
Why Cant Men Listen?

If men earned incomes, came home, solicited their loved ones

feelings, listened attentively, and played with their children, few
women would complain. Put another way, if becoming a mil
lionaire didnt have its price, few women would object to the
Many women sense that the more successful a man becomes at
work the more unsuccessful he is at home. That the bottom
line conflicts with love. As women are becoming successful
competing in the male framework, some men find these traits
emerging in women as well. Yet until now very little attention
has been paid to exactly what makes a man successful at work
that makes him unsuccessful at home. We may be aware that
while playing goo-goo with our one-year-old is appreciated at
home, goo-goo training is not part of this years curriculum for
top management. But what about adult communication? Why,
for example, do so many men have so many problems listening?
Lets return to Ralph.*

Alan is making a presentation at a department meeting. Ralph
listens for a few seconds, "picks up the gist of what Alan is
saying, then, while Alan is still talking, Ralph is formulating in
his minds eye a contribution he can make the second Alan
pauses. As he rehearses his contribution, he may still listen to

*Sce Chapter 1, Men Have the Power . . .


Alan peripherally, so he doesnt appear like a jerk, but hes

mostly listening to himselfor self-listening. Once hes satisfied
with the contribution hes mentally created, he makes eye con
tact with Alan, nods a knowing yes, and inadvertently pressures^
Alan to a pause. The second Alan pauses, Ralph interjects with
his well-rehearsed contribution.
Both sexes self-listen, but men self-listen to prepare contribu
tions, to solve problems. Why? Ralph senses that the more he
listens to himself rehearse his contribution, the more likely his
interjection will command the respect that will shift his boss's
attention from Alan to him. And that is behavior for getting
Experience has also taught Ralph that if he finds the flaw in
Alans presentation ( Thats good in theory, but realistically),
his boss might perceive him as having critical faculties and
perceive Alan as having critical flaws. And that was functional
behavior for getting ahead. But is it functional behavior for
loving his wife, Ginny? Lets follow Ralph home.
Ginny has had a difficult day at wofk and a bad encounter
with their older son. Ralph listens for a few seconds, picks up
the gist of what she is saying, then forms in his mind both a
solution to her problem and a flaw in her approach. He nods his
head with a knowing yes and interjects at the first pause. He
feels proud of how hes helped her.
But Ginny hears a different message when it takes Ralph
only a few seconds to solve a problem that she may have
been working on all day. Whats help to him is a put-down to
What does Ginny want? She wishes he would just listen
with receptive, unrushed body languagethat he would let her
make her own discoveriesperhaps noting a couple of things
she had done well during the day, possibly with his hand lightly
caressing (not controlling) her kneethat he would just draw her
But suppose Ralph uses this drawing-out listening back at
work. First, he listens to Alan by being receptive and unrushed.
Consequence? Ralph never even gets a chance to speakthe
self-listeners, who rehearsed while Alan was presenting, speak
up first. Second, suppose Ralph does speak, and points out what
Alan did well. The result is that Alan gets recognition for his
discoveries. Third, Ralph gives Alan support by touching Alan's
knee. The result? Ralph has gotten his last promotion!
. . . Why Cant Men Listen? 141

U h a t Makes a Man Successful a t U o rk

T h a t Makes him Unsuccessful a t Hom e
f\H [iro u n o rv z S

Why was getting promoted so important to Ralph? In his

adolescent work of basketball, success made rejection by
women less likely. Now, in his adult work as a professional,
Ralph cant help but feel Ginny would lose respect for him if he

plateaued out. But the very traits that were keeping her
respect were losing her love.
Mens incentives to self-listen extend beyond the work arena.
For example, Jeff reaches out to kiss Amanda for the firs*
time. Amanda's interested, but hes moving too quickly. So
she stays with the kiss for a few seconds, then carefully with
draws. To reduce Jeff's burden, Amanda starts the conversation
As Amanda is talking, Jeff is running an inner dialogue: If I
try kissing her again immediately, while theres energy in the
air, maybe my persisting past her resistance will excite her. . . .
On the other hand, maybe Ill mess up my chances altogether.
Or maybe I should turn the stereo up, or turn it down, or
massage her feet, or rub her neck, or ask her a question, or
mention my last accomplishment
In the meantime. Amanda is still talking. Jeff hasnt heard
much of anything. Hes been listening to himself prepare his
next moveself-listening.
Why doesnt he just relax? Build some trust from which sex
can become meaningful? Or let Amanda return the kiss if and
when shes ready, rather than compulsively testing the waters?
Because, as I discussed in the last chapter, hes rarely been with
a woman who did initiate a kiss she had cut off. And, as
happened with Fran, if too much friendship time elapses, hes
afraid hell get the line about not wanting to spoil a friendship
with sex. But most important, as long as hes expected to take
the initiatives and therefore to risk rejection, the longer he
listens, the longer his period of potential rejection. The sooner
he has intercourse, the faster the period of potential rejection is
Arc women better listeners? Overall, yes. but women also
self-listen in their own way. When I studied women in mixed
groups. I found that they often listened for a few seconds, picked
up the gist of what was being said, and then formed in their
minds a question they could ask while the conversation was in
process. If they were interested in a man in the group, or if there
was a man of influence in the group, they often asked the
question with eye contact on that man. Even if they already knew
the answer.
While men self-listen by problem solving or faultfinding,
women self-listen by pseudo-questioning.
. . . Why Can't Men Listen? 143

Why this difference? A woman knows that if a man is drawn

into the center of attention by her questions, hes more likely to
notice hermore likely to feel secure enough to initiate asking
her out. Her questions, however, often lead men to think they
have answers women dont have. The man rarely understands
that a woman who asks a question may have her own version of
the answerthat the awe in her eyes at his response may be
flirtation or female awe training, not enlightenment created
by a Professor Henry Higgins. It is ironic that the very process
that makes a man secure enough to risk initiatives with a
woman is the same process that creates his contempt for
In the meantime, a man is often uncertain to what extent a
womans questions reflect an interest in him, and to what extent
they reflect an interest in the content of the question. The
confusion reinforces his inability to separate his occupational
identity from his personal identity. No wonder he defends his
substance as if it were his soul.
The misunderstandings resulting from the female training to
ask pseudo-questions and the male training to solve problems
often amount to divorce trainingif not legal divorce, at least
psychological divorce. Yet another way in which sex role train
ing is divorce training.
Couples are frequently disappointed in each other because
my therapist listens to me better than you do or Sally
understands . . . or John and I dont even have to discuss
this. The comparisons are false. Listening is easy when the
person were listening to is not complaining about us; when we
dont have to live with the outcome; when we dont have to
negotiate the everyday terms of life; when we dont have an
emotional and financial history and an emotional and financial
future. In contrast, when all these circumstances are combined,
our listening skills are tested.
What should we do when a loved one is complaining about
us? The following are the sjeps I use when I listen most effec
tively. When I follow these steps I am consistently amazed at
how almost any complaint can turn into a deeper love connec
tion. It is as if the complaint becomes an opportunity. When 1
dont follow these steps, the complaint remains and a new
complaint arises (that I have not listened).

Guide to Listening When Someone

Is Upset

The Complainer
Dont complain too often.
Dont ask the listener questions (Tell me why you did
that?) if you want the listener to listen.
Ask the listener to listen. Tell the listener you have a
complaint and ask the listener if he or she is willing to
follow the steps below.

The Listener During a Complaint (No One

Does This Perfectly!)
Listen by using supportive eye contact and drawing out:
for example, Tell me more . . . Yes, 1 see . . .
Explain. . . .
Do not correct distortions. Instead, reach inside yourself to
understand the complainers best intent and her or his under
lying hurts.
Allow time after the complainer finishes (30 seconds to one
Offer your understanding of the complainers complaint
from the complainers perspective only.
Ask the complainer to clarify anything that you misinter
preted or omitted.
When the complainer clarifies, restate the clarified complaint.
Allow more time.
Now. it's your turn to bring up your perspectiveobjections,
misinterpretations, etc. If you followed the first seven steps,
the complainer should now be ready to be a mini-listener.
If the complaining process has stimulated your need to
register a separate complaint, make an appointment to take
care of that some other time. Have some fun first.
. . . Why Can't Men Listen? 145

What Makes a Man Successful at Work That

Makes Him Less Successful as a Father?


Los A n g eles Times, April 2 8, 1 9 8 5

Item: As a boy I prided myself on playing soccer. When I

moved to a new school and they had no soccer ball ( soccer
that's European") I persuaded the PE director to buy one for
the school. 1 then went out and taught" my eighth-grade class
how to play. To illustrate I took on all the boys in the class. Of
course. I wasnt illustrating, but attempting to garner respect.
When I beat them and quickly discovered 1 had isolated myself,
alienated my classmates, and made few. if any, of the boys
interested in the game, I was learning you dont create enthusi
asm by defeating others.
My training to win, though, was strong enough that I had a
dj vu experience as I was teaching Megan, the daughter of
the woman 1 live with, to play soccer. Megan was ten, and it
was she and 1 against two boys who had been playing since
they could walk. The score was even, I had a clear shot at the
goal, and 1 took it, for us. When 1 saw Megans face I

realized 1 had taken it for me. Thats when I had the dj vu. I
started employing whatever kicking ability I had to pass more
balls to Megan. By the end of the game we had lost. But
Megan had won. And therefore, so had I.

Item: Mr. Polhemus was our principal at Midland Park High

School in New Jersey. As one of my classmates saw me come
out of his office, she came over to me and asked, You just
came out of Mr. Polhemuss office?
Yeah, I said.
Do you think hes a bit strange?
Not especially. Why?
Well, Ill tell you, she said confidingly, he just moved
into our neighborhood in Midland Park, and a few days ago 1
passed his houseand you know what he was doing? He was
doing somersaults all over the lawn with his daughter! Going
peekaboo through his legs and chasing her all around the
house. He didnt see me watching but 1 saw him in these funny
shorts, and a T-shirthe was so skinny without his suit! It was
just like he was a little kid. Can you imagineand he's our
principal! Weird, huh?
At the time I was thinking about becoming an educator
myself, so 1 guess thats why I registered her expectation so
clearly. I was learning: If youre going to have the respect of
the community, stop playing around like a child. I didnt
realize I was also learning how not to be a good dad; how not
to play at a childs level, on a childs turf. Hopefully, I learned

It is theoretically possible for people to maintain two sets of

behaviorsone at work and one at home. But after a while, the
executive who is not only dressing for success but also behaving
for success begins to develop body language that carries over to
the home setting and makes the daddy who used to go goo-
goo feel increasingly awkward. The conflict can occur with
either sex. Dorothy Schiff, former publisher of the New York
Post, showed how work influenced her personal life when she
remarked, Most people to me are nothing but personnel
problems. 1
How docs this occur? Behaving for success means developing
behaviors that arc so natural and integrated with a person's
personality they create a uniform and consistent image on which
people can depend. As with great actors, most successful people
. . . Why Cant Men Listen? 147

begin to live their parts at home. But behind the image often
hides a neurosis. For example, men professionally diagnosed as
neurotic cam 23 percent more than normal men.2 Dozens of
written and unwritten rules exacerbate a successful mans neuro
ses. No mens room ever features either a couch or a comfortable
chair. Coffee yes, couches no. And napsno, no, no. We can
drug up and drug down, but not lie down. Not if were on the
way up. And so when the children of a man on the way up take a
break, he tends to see them as lazy rather than well-paced.
Especially if they arc sons.
When Gary Hart was being discussed as a vice presidential
possibility after Mondale was nominated, he commented, I
would not make a good second man. 1 dont follow very well.
Many men, though, find themselves accepting positions for
which they are suited like a round peg in a square hole in
hopes of positioning themselves for two jobs down the road.
When men do this, studies show they are especially likely to
have spillover stressstress that spills over to the home
Many men I have worked with report themselves during these
periods as more critical than I want to be. . . . The kids get into
a little quarrel at the dinner table and I eat them up. We all leave
the table with indigestion. Other men confess, Its a tough
world out there, and when I see my kids being lazy, I cant stand
it. I criticize out of love, but Im overly critical.
Among the hundreds of womens groups Ive started, one of
the most common issues women deal with is self-concept. Al
most all the women with this problem also report having critical
fathers. Spillover stress makes many fathers far more critical and
stricter disciplinarians than they want to be. This seems espe
cially hard on daughters. Why? To a certain extent, sons can
take the criticism as role preparationthis is reinforced by what
boys do to each other all day in play groups. Girls, not preparing
themselves for toughness and criticism as part of their feminin
ity, tend to take it more personally.
With sons, the effect is often like that portrayed in East of
Eden. One son becomes the good boy, following in Dad's
footsteps or excelling in a different but compatible field. The
other son (James Dean), seeing he cannot compete, rebels. Nei
ther son is his own person: one imitates, the other reflexively
reacts against.

Item: Frank is a top sales rep for a midwest region of Xerox

Corporation. It is his turn to give his quarterly sales report. He
announces he just lost his main accountmeaning the entire
branch loses its rank as number one in the district and they all 1
lose the Caribbean trip with their families. Bob goes over to
Frank, puts his arms around him, brings his head gently to his
shoulder, and tenderly allows Frank the opportunity to cry. As
tears fall onto Bobs jacket, Bob holds Frank affectionately and
says gently that he knows the loss must hurt, that he would
have lost the account too, and that theyre all supporting him.
Obviously, the above item is Fictional. Had it been true,
both Frank and Bob would be suspect as the offices gay
squad. But imagine this item.

Item: Bobs son, Steve, has just gotten his first Din his
junior year in high school. He had hoped to get into the
University of Michigans honors program. Now, he fears, theres
no chance. Bob goes over to his son. He puts his arms around
him, brings his head gently to his shoulder, and tenderly allows
Steve the opportunity to cry.

Most of us would agree that it is desirable for Bob to go over

to his son and comfort him. Such behavior may or may not be
desirable for him in an office setting. This is not the issue. The
issue is that what is desirable behavior at home is considered
totally inappropriate at work. Again, there are two conflicting
sets of behavior expected of the same successful man.
We shall see that the more successful a man, the less likely his
wife is to work. And therefore his daughter is more likely to
have as a role model a mother who does not work full time. To
compensate for a lack of attention, some successful fathers give
things to their daughters, creating the message that men give
money, you dont have to eam that yourself.
One danger of a man succeeding is that it teaches his wife and
daughter not to worry about success.
In the effort to become successful at work, then, self-listening
and Finding the flaw arc rewarded; to be successful with our
wives and children, listening is helpfuland a dose of awe
training doesnt hurt. To be successful at home, it helps to hug
and hold; holding at work can lead to gossip. Saying oh, boy
is great for daddy at home; it provokes stares if said by a male
executive at work. At work, defeating an opponent is top prior
. . . Why Can't Men Listen? 149

ity; at home, helping a child win is top priority. At home, it

helps to roll on the floor, play peekaboo, go goo-goo; at work,
well . . .
Men try to make themselves attractive to women by the very
process that ultimately alienates them from women. And women
find themselves most attracted to men who have the most train
ing in distancing, then wonder why they cannot find sensitive,
vulnerable, intimate men. The very process that creates male
distancing leaves an intimacy vacuum. Which means men ap
proach commitment with a deep need for intimacy. So why are
men afraid of commitment?
Why Are Men So Afraid
of Commitment?

Why are men so afraid of commitment? Chapter 2 explained how

most mens primary fantasy is still, unfortunately, access to a
number of beautiful women. For a man, commitment means
giving up this fantasy. Most womens primary fantasy is a
relationship with one man who either provides economic security
or is on his way to doing so (he has potential ). For a woman,
commitment to this type of man means achieving this fantasy.
So commitment often means that a woman achieves her pri
mary fantasy, while a man gives his up. Commitment, then,
means almost exactly the opposite to a woman as it does to a
man. And legally, once a man commits to marriage, if he tries to
achieve his primary fantasy he breaks the law (adultery). Wom
ens primary fantasy is the law.
Because commitment means a man must forfeit his primary
fantasy, a man may need to be more in love to commit. Lets
look at that one more closely.
We know that we cannot assume a man is in love by his
willingness to go to bed with a beautiful woman. Similarly, we
cannot assume a woman is in love by her willingness to commit
to a man who provides a security blanket. She could be falling
more in love with the security blanket than with the manor
rather with the image of the freedom that blanket will give her to
do what she wants with her life; with the image that her parents
consider her mature for choosing a man who is mature ; with
the image of her children in good schools; with the image of
living in a good neighborhood; or with the image of trying a
fantasy career that will leave her independent, fulfilled, and a
respected role model. If a man provides security, commitment
Why Are Men So Afraid o f Com m itm ent? 151

can be her way of saying, I want that security locked in for

life. For a man it can mean forfeiting his fantasy for life. So
hed better be really in love.
None of this means commitment is bad for men. In fact,
married men live longer and are often happier than single men.
One of the reasons commitment is generally good for men is
precisely because it takes away their preoccupation with a de
structive, often no-win, fantasy. But it is often as hard for many
men to break with the fantasy as it is for a woman to marry an
unemployed house painter because it will make her shed her
Cinderella complex.
From a man, Im not interested in marriage is the equiva
lent of a womans first Im not interested in having sex. Just
as a man often tries to turn the sexual nos into maybes and the
maybes into yeses, so the woman often tries to turn no commit
ment into maybe, and maybe into yes. But the woman who
discounts the mans warning finds herself hurt when he is still
not committing two years later.
In the area of commitment, the man is in the power positionto
grant or deny a woman access to her primary fantasy. Just as the
woman is in the power seat with sex. Yet most women want to
have sex. And most men want to commit. So what is the
underlying meaning of both sexes nos? It is you dont meet my
Most women are quite good at supplying those conditions
from supportiveness and attractiveness to devotion and sex, and
now, even income. But men have begun to tune into the likeli
hood that her income will decrease after marriage, her weight
will increase, and, eventually, devotion, intimacy, and sex will
diminish. So why commit?
This places a different slant on the male fear of commit
ment. Behind that phrase is generally an accusation: Hes a
typical manhe doesnt know how to get close. I know he loves
me, but then he runs away as soon as we get close. . . . Both
sexes have difficulty with intimacy. But commitment does not
require intimacy. In fact, if a man doesnt know how to be
intimate, why, exactly, would a woman want to commit? Accus
ing a man of a fear of commitment is sometimes accurate. And
many men have difficulties with intimacy. But a woman cannot
suggest that she honestly want intimacy from a man and then say
she wants commitment from a man who is not intimate.

I98J Universal Press Syndicate. Reprinted with permission. All rights reserved.

C a th y G uisew ite, A M outhful o f B reathm ints a n d N o O ne to Kiss, p. 14

The Pressure to Commit

Do men in the micLTyhOs stilFgerpressure to commit? Yes. Men
who are afraid of commitment are called Peter Pans men
who never grow upin articles such as The Peter Pan Princi
ple in Esquire1 and even in the only book on male psychology
written by a man ever to make The New York Times best-seller
list: Dan Kileys The Peter Pan Syndrome: Men Who Never
Grow U p 2 By February 1986 the Literary Guilds portrayal of a
book, How to Get a Man to Make a Commitment, played on a
womans fear of a commitments being broken by showing the
man removing the diamond.

For those wom en win fare

looking for Mr. Right!
H ow to Get a M an to
M ake a Commitment*
*Or Know When He Never Will
by Bonnie McCammon Bame* and li*ha C larke
\ r e u u hre-J a tul d .n . w o?k a t-d e>. um e
at h u n it* A u t h o r ^ Ita rn e s a m i U u k c n v v h a \e th e a iv
s H iT .!> Jhfc V th e tr an a v o w iiin ; Vu V \ro n *,
" M r l& c h f ' a n d v w t u v n * : * Hu n
oil y o u V\ h e n - t o g* H> m u i O 'e n * I K m to
dew lopr v; nir ow n t t * f, , u i s *h -doom I un>
h tm to tnak-o a t t fT in rn ftio M t. o r ; or s u n if he
i w v o r w i l l - m ii t w o w v t 'K dav b\ <1,w p r o g r a m
P Up l ,i 5 - J M um . Id 5<> T9 t # iK 2 V * i

The Esquire article throws light on what underlies the pressure

to make men commit. The author interviewed women about men
who could not commit. They all gave him examples of such men
and wanted to know what was the matter with them. The exam-
Why Are Men So Afraid o f Com m itm ent? 153

pies, though, were, to a man, all very successful professionals.

The women were not complaining about unsuccessful men who
were afraid of commitment. They were complaining about men
who were very committed to work but not committed to them.
These men were committed enough at work to get the neces
sary advanced degrees (Harvard M.B.A.s, M.D.s, etc.). They
had committed their lives to becoming the success they felt these
women now wanted overnight. They learned that creating fanta
sies and achieving them requires perseverance, commitment, and
postponed gratification (as opposed to being a Playboy). For
most, it also meant minimal time spent pursuing women.
Some men were doing more than developing social lives for
the first time; they were exploring the values their parents may
never have had the chance to explore, and asking themselves,
Now that I have the option to make $100,000 a year writing ad
copy, do I want to spend my life actually doing it? For these
men, the exploration of such values means growing up.
In my own life, 1 explore my values best in a committed
relationshipwhether its marriage or living with a woman.
Some men do not. When Barry considered committing to Meg
and Megs two children, he knew the added expense would make
him less likely to give up writing ad copy. For Barry, holding off
on commitment was a sign of maturity. Nor did he want to
commit and be resentful of Meg.
Men who wont commit are often condemned for treating
women as objectshopping from one beautiful woman to the
next. Many men hop. But the hopping is not necessarily objecti
fying. Men who hop from one beautiful woman to another are
usually looking for what they could not find at the last hop; good
communication, shared values, good chemistry. These men are
pursuing what we all want, although most of us stop short out of
fear we cannot get it. Men who have enough security to demand
all these things leam they are as difficult to find with one woman
as they are to find with one man. Hopping is the male equivalent
of her saying, I cant go on this way any longerI need a
commitment. She is hopping to a commitment. He is hopping
until he finds someone he wants to commit to.
If a man cannot expect a perfect woman, what is he willing to
give up? Almost anything, if he gets enough. Including beauty.
But the process of learning he may have to give up beauty is a
hard one, especially if he is giving up his primary fantasy of a
variety of women and the one woman he chooses is not even

beautiful. In that case, commitment for a man is harder than it is

for a woman, who is achieving part of the female primary
fantasy merely by the act of marriage.
Some women who believe men cant commit may feel a need
to hold on to that position. As one woman confessed, He
rejected me. For a year I preferred to say, He couldnt commit.
Now Im ready to look at why. When a woman complains
about mens fear of commitment, she may also be avoiding
looking at why she was rejected. An understandable defense for
a while, to be sure. But if He was afraid of commitment
becomes a defense against looking at what created his fear, the
new men in her life will quickly sense her unresolved anger
toward men.
In fact, if a woman brings that anger to her next relationship,
it may well get off to a worse start than her last one. This may
prevent a relationship from happening at all. She will line up at
the starting block handicapped with the pain her body language
exposes to the man from the outset.
Commitment valued for its own sake,'then, tempts falling in
love to commit rather than genuinely falling in love. This
encourages a fragile family life. A parallel pressure occurs for
women when we call women selfish if they choose to not have
childrenwe generally recognize this now as unenlightened.
I have discussed how a single woman who supports herself is
called a career woman, while a single man who supports himself
is called a playboy. He may pay for her play as well as his
ownbut he hasnt grown up until he pays for her life.
Ironically, a woman who commits and becomes financially de
pendent is considered more mature than a man who does not
commit but is financially independent.
When we pressure a man to commit by implying he has not
grown up, we become like the coach who calls a man sissy to
egg him on to perform. Maybe commitment is just the modem
word for pressuring men to perform.
Women also get pressure to commit. The part of this pressure
that comes in the form of a fantasy is often not recognized for
what it ispressure. Just as a man who fantasizes being a war
hero is discouraged from questioning the purpose of war or the
possibility of his deathand he docs not realize that the fantasy
of being a hero is actually pressure on him not to questionso a
womans fantasy of better homes and gardens is actually pressure
on her not to ask herself, Is marriage for me? Is he for
Why Are Men So Afraid o f Com m itm ent? 155

me? or Are children for me? Both sexes fantasies deprive

them of power.
A womans commitment fantasies make her commitment
compulsive just as a mans work and sexual fantasies make
men workaholics and sexually compulsive. As one woman in a
womens group put it, Why did I rush into a twenty-year
sentence of children and housework? Her fantasy camouflaged
the pressure.

The Politics o f Commitment

Why Does He Say He Loves Me . . .

Then Backs Off from Commitment?
In a group I worked with in Stevens Point, Wisconsin, a woman
named Elena asked, Why do men hint at commitment if they
dont mean it? Its not to get sex, because thats already happen
ing. Her boyfriend Bob was standing next to her; and, to her
surprise, he volunteered an answer. When we started going out
Id say things like Next month it would be great to take off a
weekend and go skiingif were still together. Elena would
sulk and say Why do you always add, if were still to
gether ? So I stopped adding it. Now she says I shouldnt have
held out promises I couldnt keep.
Bob played into the system. He was fearful Elena would break
off the relationship or sexually withdraw if he said no rather than
maybe. So when Elena asked him his opinions about favorite
months for weddings and favorite styles of homes and Bob
answered, Elena translated his answers into Hes interested.
He may have been aware she was going down a different path,
but he was afraid to confront her out of fear she would withdraw.
Both sexes were behaving identically in one underlying respect
each was trying to feed the other sexs fantasy just enough to get
more of its own.

Do Women Have Fears of Commitment?

Many a woman is committed to a man who approaches her,
rather than to one of the hundreds of men she may have seen
during her life whom she might have approached had she been
socialized differently. This socialization to veto (I call it veto

power socialization ) may have left her committing to a man

who would have been her fifth or sixth choice had she initiated
with some of the hundreds of men who caught her interest. Her
socialization to veto or say Isnt he cute to a woman friend
but not to work past the barriers to initiate a conversation with
him, ask for his phone number, and get him to take out his
calendar for a follow-up dinnermeans she may have missed
many men who did not pursue her indirect cues. All this may
leave her ambivalent about the man she is committed to even
though she is not ambivalent about the idea of commitment.
Other women, like Jan, approach men who excite them. But
Jan married a man who was good for her. She told me that
she often fantasized about the one man who had broken through
to the real me.
During undergraduate school, I rented a room from a couple
who had been married for twenty-four years. Mrs. Levinson was
fond of telling me how much she had been pursued while she
was in college, and how two of her suitors, as she called
them, later went on to become well-known and wealthy. As she
would watch one of them on the news she would mention to me
repeatedly, sometimes in front of her husband, how she had
dated the celebrity. There was remorse in her voice: And I gave
up John for Barney. . . . 1 remember that the evening she and
Barney celebrated their twenty-fifth anniversary, she told him,
unconvincingly, I could have married John, but Im glad I
married you.
While theoretically symbolizing the female primary fantasy
fulfilled, a couples twenty-fifth anniversary can be built on a
deeper foundation of ambivalence for the woman who accepted a
man who pursued her, who was safe, or who didnt reach his
potential, than for the man who was able to get up the nerve to at
least ask his second or thirdif not his firstchoice.
Do men sense this ambivalence toward them? Yes. They hear
ambivalence when phrases like Youre always late for dinner
coincide with I need more time to myself. Among working-
class men, many of whom work close to home in mines, facto
ries, stores, or gas stations, for whom coming home for lunch is
a possibility, a favorite motto is, I mamed him for better or
worse-but not for lunch. This makes some men wonder ex
actly what they are wanted for. The fantasy may be intimacy, but
when it comes to the reality of a husband . . . well, not for
lunch, thank you.
Why Are Men So Afraid o f C om m itm ent? 157

Women, then, are much less likely to have fears of the idea of
commitment; they are quite likely to feel ambiguous about the
actual man to whom they are committed.

Afraid of Being Afraid

Women sometimes get men to commit by accusing them of
being afraid of commitment, which can workbut for the wrong
reason to prove hes not afraid. A man who can be manipulated
into proving that he is not afraid to commit can eventually be
manipulated into proving that he is not afraid to have a child,
and not afraid to try for a promotion he doesnt think suits him.
This manipulation comes with the price tag of eventual with
drawal whether at the bar or in front of the TV. The price tag is
the lack of intimacy. Yet another reason willingness to commit
may have little to do with intimacy.
The man who admits he is afraid of being manipulated into
commitment by appeals to prove he is not afraid of commit
ment is a man who is in touch with his feelings. He may not be
able to articulate what he is fearing, but he is at stage onein
touch with the feeling that something is wrong.

What About Women Who Have No Trouble

Finding Men Who Want Commitment?
Younger women are the least likely to say that men are afraid of
commitment. In fact, for women in their early twenties it is often
the reverse; they find that men are easy, easy commits. (If
our attitudes toward commitment were as negative as our atti
tudes toward sex, a man who was not afraid of commitment
would be called an easy commit. ) Why? In all age groups
prior to age thirty, men outnumber women.3 Including single
men. So women in their early twenties have more optionsand
people with options worry less about commitment.
Like young women, highly attractive women have little trou
ble getting men to commit. But what about women who are
neither young nor Charlies Angels? Do some of them have
men knocking down their doors to commit? Yes. They also
often have relationships that leave them and their men happy.
What distinguishes these women from the ones who have

In my work with some three hundred womens groups, I have

found significant differences between these two groups of women.
One is the difference in the attitudes they have about men. If I
were to apply this difference to how women might read thi
book, the women who have men banging down their doors
even at the age of fifty, when they are rarely part of the male
primary fantasyarc likely to have read everything preceding
this chapter rather than skipping to this chapter. She is less
concerned with the goal of commitment than with how men like
Ralph hurt or feel powerless. Second, as she reads she is much
less likely to be thinking, But he doesnt understand how /
feel. She reads to find the germ of truth rather than to find the
Third, women with little trouble with commitment only occasion
ally call their mothers or their women friends when they have a
criticism of their men. They use their energy first to consider his
perspective and second to confront the man directly with what is
still not understood. When they receive criticism in turn they
don't make a big thing out of itwhether its direct criticism ( I
dont like the weight youre gaining) or indirect ( I found
myself fantasizing about another woman). Fourth, they dont
focus on the verbal excesses of anger, whether its name-calling
or I hate you, but are more likely to look at the anger in the
entire context of the argument. They do not focus on the excess
of anger as a way of sidestepping the issues that led to the anger.
As a result, the men in their lives rarely resort to anger. In
brief, people who feel heard rarely explode. These four distin
guishing characteristics seem to attract men with the same four
In the work arena, these women like their work and have no
plans of forfeiting it after a man commits. She enjoys sex for its
own sake, not just commitment-related sex; she possesses a joie
de vivre. In the process, the men in her life sense the potential
for the fulfillment of their primary unfulfilled needintimacyas
well as a good sex life. And they bang down the door. And the one
who gets admitted rarely feels tricked or trapped, but rather grateful.

Is Conquest More Important

Than Commitment for Men?
The male conquest mentality docs exist. In the process of
turning women into sex objects in order to handle rejection,
Why Are Men So Afraid o f Com m itm ent? 159

some men prevent themselves from really getting to know women

as persons. And whenever either sex is getting its primary fan
tasy fulfilled there is a tendency toward conquestgetting it
fulfilledrather than truly understanding the person. But the
importance of conquest to men is greatly overemphasized. When
a man has sex, two things happen: first, the quality of the sexual
connection tells him a lot about whether his partner could be Ms.
Right; second, after sex there is less preoccupation with how to
get sex without getting rejected in the process. After sex, his
preoccupation is reduced, which allows him to make a shift in
priorityto determine more clearly whether all the time he spent
with a woman before sex has made her a candidate for Ms.
Right. It is less that a conquest has happened than the fact that, if
the woman isnt Ms. Right, other women still hold the potential
of being Ms. Right. Since commitment isnt his fantasy, he
doesnt fantasize commitment with her unless she meets his other
needsso he keeps on searching, especially if he senses strings
will be attached should he stick around.
We often say men are just after sex and conquest, as if they
were one and the same. If men were just interested in sex, they'd
stick around for the sex theyve invested all that time, money,
and potential rejection to get. Of course, most men will stick
around if the sex is terrific. But then we cant accuse them of
being just interested in conquest. The quality of the sexual
connection is an important ingredient of commitment. Sex itself
is not.

Why Do Men Commit?

The meaning of commitment changed for men between the
mid-sixties and the mid-eighties. Commitment used to be the
most certain route to sex and love, and to someone to care for
the children and the house and fulfill the family-man image.
Now men feel less as if they need to marry for sex; they are
more aware that housework can be hired out and that restaurants
serve meals; they are less trapped by family-man image motiva
tions, including the feeling that they must have children. Increas
ingly, that leaves mens main reason to commit the hope of a
woman to love. Which is why the changes stimulated by the
womens movement have contributed so much to the potential
for love.
Do men feel as if they get love from commitment? When more

than six hundred couples were asked, Do you love your spouse?
only 1 1 percent were able to respond with an unhesitating yes.4
Men are increasingly hesitant about commitment because when
they forfeit their primary fantasy they increasingly do so ir\
exchange for intimacy and love. Since the odds are almost 9 to 1
against their getting intimacy and love, they are hesitant. On top
of this, if a man is committing for love but is also successful, he
may wonder whether the woman has fallen in love or risen in



Family Man C are for Care for Consistent

Im age House Children Sex Love

Dow n arrow s m ean these reasons are less im p o rtan t than pre
viously; up arrow s in dicate increased im portance. "W o m e n s
In c o m e " is a new reason s o m e m en co m m it, but is not listed
because it was not previously a reason for a m an com m itting
to a w om an. As child ren be co m e less a p ro gram m ed assum p
tion of m ale m aturity, a m a n s need to find a m o th e r for his
c h ild re n " becom es secondary to fin d in g a w om an he loves
and then decidin g w h eth er or hot he w ants children. There is
less o f a need to look for a goo d m other; m ore o f a need to find
a g o o d w om an.

The Male Commitment Shift

Primary Fantasy to Intimacy
When a man commits, a crucial shift occurs. I call it the male
commitment shift. He trades in his primary fantasy and hopes
to receive his primary unfulfilled need: intimacy, respect, and
appreciationin essence, love. Survival and security are the
primary needs of all human beings,5 but male socialization suc
ceeds in training most men to take care of security needs for
themselves; female socialization leaves many women expecting
men to fulfill their primary need of security. So for many women
Why Are Men So Afraid o f Com m itm ent? 161

security is the primary unfulfilled need; for most men it is

intimacy or love since he expects himself to handle his security
needs. This frees more men to commit for love only.
Does womans primary fantasy already incorporate intimacy?
No. Her have it all fantasy does. But she does not tend to fall
in love within an intimacy framework (such as with an intimate
male secretary), but rather within a success framework. Which is
why her primary fantasy is security.
How can I call security a womans primary fantasy if I am
saying it is also her primary need? Because the fantasy is that her
primary needs get taken care of by someone else. Or at least that
a man has the responsibility to take care of them and she has the
option to take care of them.
Why do so many women focus so much more than men on
intimacy? Because within the framework from which they have
chosen their men intimacy is often the single biggest missing
ingredient. And because these men, by taking care of much of
their primary need, allowed them the luxury of focusing on the
neglect of intimacy.
Given the male pull between his primary fantasy and his
primary unfulfilled need, it is interesting that, after a marriage
ends, a man usually has more of a desire to return to fulfilling
his intimacy needs by remarrying than to reactivate his primary
fantasy of many women. Statistics show that a man is likely to
remarry much faster, especially if he is widowed, than a woman.
The extent of the male commitment shift can be appreciated if
we compare Dr. Shanors finding that the average man under
forty thinks of sex six times per hour6 to the fact that the average
married couple has sex 1.5 times per week.* So a man thinks of
sex over 600 times for each time he has it. Men in their forties
think of sex 336 times per week and have it 1.5 times per week.
The great majority of married men (three-fourths even in
Kinseys time) want extramarital relationships, but few men
enter a commitment with the intention of having them. Given the
extraordinary stimuli idealizing a variety of women and more sex
within a relationship, mens willingness to shift gears upon
commitment is perhaps the most unappreciated adaptation in all
human behavior. Almost as unappreciated as mens desire for
intimacy and for being understood and loved.

Couples married under two years have sex slightly more frequently; couples
married over ten years slightly less frequently (American Couples, pp. 19 5 - 196).

It also tells us much about how men change: slowly, but

deeply. Men may be slower to commit, but when they do (even
if they have outside affairs once a month), the change in relation
to their fantasy is enormous. Especially if a man was living out
the fantasy in reality prior to commitment.
The meaning of commitment for men cannot be appreciated
until that change of behavior is fully appreciated. Or until we
understand what the nature of intimacy is to a male.
A man often puts all his intimacy eggs in one basket: those of
his wife or woman friend. A woman distributes hers among the
children, her women friends, and him. Since a man is likely to
have fewer close male friends, and since after divorce he gets the
custody of their children only 10 percent of the time, when he
loses his wife all his intimacy eggs are cracked. When she loses
him, her women friends support her, womens magazines sup
port her, her ties with her family often improve, and her children
need her; her intimacy network may get stronger. Since intimacy
with one woman often means risking everything, it gives a man
caution about the woman to whom he entrusts himself. Yet once
he has admitted his need for intimacy, a womans compassion
and nurturing become a more potent drug than even his primary
fantasy. He can become so dependent that the woman resents his
desire for a mother.
How dependent? In a nationwide study, widowers were found
to suffer mental breakdowns, commit suicide, contract diseases,
and die in accidents at a much greater rate than widows.7 The
financial security a woman often gets from a man is generally
partially preserved by life insurance (if he dies) and by commu
nity property laws or alimony (if he leaves). The intimacy men
often receive from women is not at all preserved by insurance or
alimony. The male power structure docs not save a man from
the complete loss of intimacy. When he needs it most, his
power is powerless.
The solution? Men must take the primary responsibility for
developing emotional intimacy with other men and women. The
best women can do is to support this process and understand it may
mean forfeiting the power of his emotional dependency on her.
When men make the male commitment shift, they often fail to
get the things they committed forintimacy, being understood,
and feeling needed. The need they are most likely to have
fulfilled is the need of feeling neededalthough sometimes they
arc not aware that this can mean being financially needed.
Why Are Men So Afraid o f C om m itm ent? 163

Researchers at the University of Chicago and the National

Institute of Mental Health have pinpointed ten life strains that
increase mens stress. They discovered three were related di
rectly to marriage, two to parenthood, and the other half to work
traumas (being fired, demoted, etc.). Married men are almost
twice as likely to live longer than single men,8 despite the fact
that all ten of mens major life strains are exacerbated by com
mitment. Work failures obviously become more significant to a
man who is committed to supporting a family. And so, mens ten
greatest life strains are all increased during marriage. This can
help us understand both the male fear of commitment and the
extraordinary importance to men of an even partial fulfillment of
their need for intimacy.
Just as many women are now taking a conscious look at their
mothers lives to see if they want lives like that, so men look,
although less consciously, at their fathers lives when deciding if
they wish to commit. Buzz grew up in the suburbs of Detroit
before attending Wayne State University. Buzzs dad had spent
his weekdays working at the Ford plant, his weekends mowing
the lawn, fixing up the house, and watching TV. The only
excitement in his dads life, it seemed, came from the tension of
two teams clashing on a remote screen.
When Buzz was sticking his high school graduation pictures in
the family album, he asked his dad if he had any pictures of
himself from high school. His dad took them out and dusted
them off. Buzz was shocked. He saw the leanness of his dads
body, the glow in his eyes, the little-boy-devil carefree smile on
his face. I had a German girlfriend at the time, his dad
reminisced. She loved to call me Teufelthats German for
devil. Buzz had all he could do to keep from crying as his
dad rested the album on his beer belly. Gone was his dads glow.
He just wanted to put his arms around his dad and say, Was it
my fault, Dad?
Buzz was afraid that if he told this to his fiance Kerry, she
would take it personally rather than see it as something they both
had to work on consciously to prevent. He was afraid she would
claim it was part of his fear of commitment, that he should
grow up. But if thats what commitment and growing up was
about, Buzz thought he should search for a woman who would
search with him for a meaningful alternative.

Her Juggling Act, His Intensifying Act

As some women began to see their fantasy of better homes and
gardens as drudgery (Cleaner Homes and Housework), they
made shifts in their fantasy. But they expected men to pursue the
remaining housework and child care as if it were part of men's
fantasy. It was presented to men not as a fantasy, though, but as
"youd better do it or youre a chauvinist. Men became fearful
of committing to a fantasy that was never theirs.
Many womens fantasy shift actually was a fantasy expansion,
to include work but not exclude the original fantasy. This led to
the female "juggling act juggling children, home, and work.
But once men committed and had children, they underwent an
"intensifying actthey intensified their commitment to work.
If a woman works, she is forty-three times more likely than a
man to take off from work for six months or longer for family
reasons.4 Which means men are about fcyly-three times more
likely to intensify their commitment to work even if they have a

H f ir l
f d o llar s cwwt mm)
*12 r- *21.380

8 fwatH
7 S b .b 3 4


Source: Author's Graph, based on Current Population Survey, Bureau o f the

Census, series P60. # 1 4 6 (July 1985), Marital Status
Why Are Men So Afraid o f Com m itm ent? 165

working wife.* The expense of childrens clothes, doctor bills,

and home expansion forces a man to work more and work at jobs
which have more pay. The preceding graph explains the income
shift that occurs upon commitment, a shift that creates his inten
sifying act.
During a speaking engagement in Atlanta, one man said to
me: Hilda and 1 are talking marriage. This weekend we went
looking at homes in a nice Atlanta suburb. Hilda feels it would
be a good place to bring up children. Well, she fell in love with
a $165,000 house. But at 13.5 percent interest that was over a
half million dollars. Then I read kids cost $140,000 per, and I
figured, two kids times $140,000 equals $280,000. After taxes!
Shiiiit . . . then I got to figuring utilities, cars, gas, insurance,
clothes, and, oh yes, eating. That was enough to send the acid
through my stomach. I got so preoccupied with how to do it 1
couldnt get in touch with my feelings until tonight. Well, my
feelings are that Im scared. Real scared. Hilda says Im afraid
of commitment.
Womens magazines acknowledge womens problem with
words like the Superwoman Syndrome. 10 Women at least feel
some empathy. But Forbes and Fortune do not include stories
called The Male Intensifying ActAre You Feeling Helpless
and Out of Control? . . . Read about Other Gentlemen Who
Share Your Frustration. Women read ads, cartoons, articles,
and books on How to Get Your Man to Help with the House
work, which call men Neanderthal if they do not share it. It
took going back almost a quarter century to an issue of Playboy
for me to find a parallel critique of the traditional woman.1
Such one-sided portrayals, which leave out the never-ending
demands of traditional womens work, are similar to one-sided
housework articles that do not fairly portray the male economic
burden. The ad does portray, however, the burden felt by a
traditional man upon commitment that is almost never vented in
mens magazines like Forbes, Fortune, Esquire, Sports
Illustrated, or Popular Mechanics.
Women who expanded their fantasies, therefore also expand
ing their responsibilities, were quite resentful that men were
merely helping, not sharing the housework and child care. Arti
cles did not clarify the difference between a womans merely

^Statistically, a woman is still a married woman who works if her leave

is only six months.

helping with the breadwinningas opposed to her sharing life

time responsibilities for earning a half million dollars per decade,
no matter how unfulfilling it becomes. The parallel was unde
fined, and women were becoming angry at men for not doing
their share.



W ell, then . . . how w ould you like a chance to make

$6,000, $20,000 as m uch as $50,000 and m ore each
year, w orking at Hom e in Your Spare Tim e? No selling!
No com m uting! N o tim e clocks to punch!

Yes, an Assured Lifetim e Incom e can be Yours now, in
an easy, low-pressure part-tim e job that will permit YOU
to spend most of each and every day as you please!
relaxing, reading, watching TV, playing cards, socializ
ing with friends! All this, plus a Lifetim e Security Pack
age that includes free M edical Care, Insurance, and All
Retirem ent Benefits! A free Hom e of Your O w n Choice!
A free Late-M odel Car, with All Expenses Paid! Free
Food, Clothing, Telephone and Utilities! Free Vacations,
Travel, Entertainm ent!


Act NOW!
This O ffer M ay Never Be Repeated!!!

Can men justifiably expect anything but anger if women are

playing Superwomen while men are playing the same old roles?
The recent nationwide study by the University of Michigans
Survey Research Center combining all of mens and womens
contributions to the family and home shows that there arc only
two significant gaps between mens and womens total contribu
tions to the family. These can be seen in the first two pairs of
columns in the chart on the next page.
Why Are Men S o Afraid o f Com m itm ent? 167



also u cu A tft co* * u t i> * .m ou w (h k am w o A o u r v iw a , r a a i m , a *j D

CVEASLE i N G OF > L O ,P L A Y N *T E A IJ *| M a , A iA N ft, T A iA IM * T O AMD 1 A M H & C H ILD
FLAT A S . IF (M R v tlN 6 CH ILD O V tA L A F S WfTM O S -1 OW C T

Source: Authors Graph, based on U. of Michigan Survey Research

Center data by Martha S. Hill, Patterns of Time Use in Time, Goods,
and Well Being, ed. by F. Thomas Juster and Frank P. Stafford (Ann
Arbor: Institute for Social Research, Univ. of Michigan, 1985), Table 7.3
The career woman who supports only herself is like the bache
lor who cooks for himself and cleans his own apartment. If this
bachelor claimed he understood what it was like to cook and
clean for a wife and children, wed laugh at him. We would
claim he did not understand what it was like to pick up after
someone elses laziness, to be a servant to his partner, to take on
the burdens of a large home, to do it every day, and to be
expected to do it as part of his long-term role.
Similarly, the career woman may claim she understands what
men go through, but she does not really understand what its like
to pick up the financial needs of a spouse with an income
one-quarter of her own (which would be the case if roles were
reversed). The career woman who supports only herself does not
understand what its like to take on the extra bedrooms of a
larger home needed for her, her husband, and a growing family.
To say nothing of the mortgage, utilities, property taxes, second

car, clothing, and childrens needs. The career woman who

supports herself alone is the equivalent of a bachelor in terms of
understanding the other sexs burdens.
The career woman who also has full custody of her children,
in a home her own earnings have built, and without child support
or alimony, is the equivalent of a man in that position. We call
her Superwoman. Interestingly, many men are now arguing for
such a privilegethe privilege of custody in a home their own
earnings have built, without asking for child support or alimony.
We do not call those men Supermen.

Why Do Women Work? And How Does That

Relate to Their Enthusiasm about Commitment?
For both sexes work can enhance self-concept and serve many
needs other than financial. Yet two-thirds *of women who work
also do so because they have no choice. In a 1983 study by the
National Commission on Working Women in Washington, D.C.,
26 percent of working women had never married; 19 percent
were widowed, divorced, or separated; and 21 percent were
married with husbands earning less than $15,000 per year. That
amounts to two-thirds of all working womenwomen who work
out of necessity.
Of the remaining third, two-thirds have husbands who earn
$35,000 or more per year,12 giving them the option of either
choosing fulfilling work or stopping work if it becomes unfulfilling.
Work for married women, unlike work for married men, does
not mean supporting a spouse (unless its temporarily supporting
his schooling so he can become a better breadwinner). Marriage
retains its primary fantasy content because, in reality, it often
means a woman no longer has to work out of absolute necessity
(46 percent of married women still do not work at all11), but that
she may work as long as it is fulfilling and feels good.
When we picture a working woman, we picture a woman who
has outgrown the primary fantasy that a man will support her. In
fact, the woman who works because she has no husband may
actually strengthen her primary fantasy of how wonderful it
would be to be relieved of her burden by a man. The divorced
woman with custody of children and a poor job may have an
even more pressing primary fantasy. And the married woman
who works because her husband earns too little only strengthens
Why Are Men So Afraid o f Com m itm ent? 169

the fantasy of a husband who earns more. The woman who

works for fulfillment still often wants to marry up. So the
increase in the number of women who work has, for every
socioeconomic class, only increased the pressure on men to be
more of womens primary fantasy. It has given us the illusion of
independent-woman-not-interested-in-a-man-supporting-rne. In
fact, the independent working woman may be looking that
much more desperately for a man to support her.
Neither poor women nor wealthy women choose to provide for
their husbandsor even the family. The socialization to take on
financial responsibility for better or worse has not shifted.
When men are able to support women well, the statistics about
women working change drastically. In a survey of newly pro
moted male executives, 87 percent of these mens wives did not
hold paid jobs.14 In general, the more successful a woman's
husband, the less likely the woman is to work. This is not the
womans fault. It is a couples decision.

The Female Commitment Shift

Item: Trial marnage, the American Couples study found,
differs from the institution of marriage in one major respect:
A woman who intends to quit her job will not do so until the
marriage has occurred. 15
Item: Forty-five percent of single women (vs. 23 percent of
single men) live with their parents. For women, commitment
often means going from their parents to a man. And should
they break up with a man, their relationship with their parents
is ten times more likely to improve once again.16

Both of the above items reflect aspects of the female com

mitment shift. They are perhaps best illustrated by Colette
Dowling, author of The Cinderella Complex. Dowling recalls
how when she made a commitment to a man by moving in with
him, she found herself sliding from being a full-time professional
writer who supported herself and her three children before mov
ing into letting her new living partner become the sole sup
porter of her three children, herself, and himself. He resented her
shift. She recalls, I hadnt anticipated the startling collapse of
ambition that would occur as soon as I began sharing my home
with a man again, 17 and moreover, I didnt even seem to be
aware of the inequity. 18

How much of an inequity does this commitment shift create?

Imagine a woman telling her woman friend: When we moved
in together I supported him, his three children by another woman,
and myself. I didnt even seem to be aware of the inequity. It
would be impossible for any woman to be unaware of the
inequity of moving in with a man and immediately supporting
him and his three childrenwithout even a marital commitment.
Impossible because the womans mother, father, and women
friends would let her know in no uncertain terms: Hes using
you. Are you sure he really even loves you? If she defended
him with But he cooks the meals, makes the beds, and cares
for his kids, she would be met with Did you marTy your
housekeeper? They would both know the children were his, not
theirs, and that housekeeping could be hired; they would suspect
that he was at best a charming gigolothat is, if he were
A mans commitment to a woman can mean her shifting from
working out of necessity to working for fulfillment, thereby
postponing his ability to make the shift himself.
If a man wants to commit to an independent woman with a
blossoming career and believes he has found her, should he be
fearful that once he commits she will become pregnant to avoid
career anxiety? Drs. Ruth Moulton, of Columbia University, and
Judith Bardwick, author of The Psychology of Women, suggest
that he should. Even highly talented women, Moulton finds,
often become pregnant to avoid anxiety about their blossoming
,, 19
Suppose, though, the woman already has children and a career
and, as soon as the children get a year or two older, plans to
return to her career? Should he worry that she wont? Moulton
says that among her patients, at least half the women who were
about ready to return to work had another child to keep from
facing the outside world again. In what she calls the pregnancy-
to-avoid syndrome, Bardwick explains that college-educated
mothers complain about boredom and claim to want to return to
work: however, Its easy to talk, but difficult to face potential
failure and loss of self-esteem. As their children grow older and
the possibility of entering into a profession becomes a reality,
their interest declines. The logical and salient mechanism for
prohibiting entrance into the occupational world is an accidental
pregnancy. 20
Why Are Men So Afraid o f Com m itm ent? 171

Do Women Commit Desiring Equality, While

Men Commit Desiring Dominance?
Item: The largest study of singles in the eighties found that
women earning high incomes are almost twice as likely to want
to remain uncommitted as are women earning low incomes.21
Item: The authors of American Couples found that lesbians
were more likely than other women to claim that income and
status were irrelevant. However, the authors found, to their
surprise, that the high-income and high-status partner in a
lesbian relationship was almost always the one to leave.22

Taken together, what the items reveal is that the more income
a woman makes, the less willing she is to commit. Which makes
her just like a manand therefore helps us understand why men
(who earn more) commit more cautiously. Item two reveals that
among lesbians the female primary fantasy of desiring someone
with more income and statusmarrying up is still the control
ling issue. The study found this an important factor in lesbians
having the highest breakup rate of any group investigatedhigher
than gay men and 400 percent higher than heterosexual couples.23
Once a woman is committed, income affects her decisions
about leaving in a way that is opposite from men. Men who earn
more are less likely to leaveor be left. As mentioned above, 84
percent of top male executives are married to their first wives,
compared with 53 percent of the total male population.24
So if women commit in part to benefit from someone elses
income and break commitment when that income is not forth
coming, is it mostly because it is in the nature of men to want
dominance? A look at gay men gives us some hints. Men in gay
relationships resent it if their partners do not contribute equally.25
Gay men, the same research shows, have no problem sharing
housework equally, keeping their homes clean, and preparing a
variety of good-quality meals.2
Men are much more likely to provide economically for women
in marriage than in cohabitation.27 And women are 40 percent
more likely than men to prefer marriage over cohabitation.28
Once married, though, both sexual quality29 and sexual fre
quency decrease.30
In brief, the greater the level of commitment, the more the
man supports the woman, the less frequent the sex, and the

poorer the quality of sex.* This occurs not because women are
tricky. Both sexes are doing the same thingfulfilling role
expectations. But the more a man fulfills the role expectations pf
commitment, the less he fulfills the role expectations of his
fantasy; the more a woman fulfills the role expectations of
commitment, the closer to her fantasy.

The Just in Case Syndrome

When men see women exercising more options when they are
married, they sometimes wonder whether they are being married
just in case : just in case her career fails and she needs a
security blanket; just in case it gets too exhausting, or she wants
to switch careers or become a motherthe Just in Case
Syndrome. As a ten-year-old boy, I used to wonder what God
would feel if God felt I were going to church on Sunday just in
case. Would God be afraid of committing to me?

Why Does Commitment Usually Mean

Less Sex? The Marital Incest Taboo
What happens to reduce sex between married couples? Hundreds
of reasons fill thousands of books. An interesting one that I have
not seen discussed, though, is what I call the marital incest
taboo. I have found that, for many couples, if they go for about
a month without making love, and then one night either partner
contemplates initiating sex, he or she confronts a type of taboo
almost like reaching out to a brother or sister. I call it the
marital incest taboo. Our real incest taboo taught us not to
feel passion toward the people with whom we take out the
garbageour family; not to feel passion toward the familiar, or
those who know intimately our burps, snores, and curlers. Not to
feel passion toward the people with whom we survive. The taboo
on incest teaches us, rather, to direct our passion outwardly
toward those we can romanticize and idealize. Married sex is sex

*Less frequent and lower-quality sex is a deprivation to both sexes. But

studies show that the sexual frequency o f gay male couples is about twice
that of lesbian couples; this gives us some idea about which sex might feel
more deprived by a cutback in frequency. See American Couples, pp.
195-196; Karen Shanor, The Shanor Study (New York: Dial Press), p. 253.
Why Are Men So Afraid o f Com m itm ent? 173

with the familiar. Which may be part of the reason sex between
married couples becomes almost taboo.
Few men understand why sex diminishes (the taboo is only
one reason), but they do sense something about the familiar that
makes sex less likely; they fear it will happen to them once they
become day-to-day familiar with, or commit to, a woman. Men
articulate this indirectlyby turning up their noses at station
wagons and eyeing the Porsche with envy.
If the marital incest taboo helps make familiar sex taboo, what
is it about the first vacation, shortly after a couple meets, that
makes sex so passionate? Take Orin and Hope, who made
passionate love twice a day in the Caribbean shortly after they
met, but who, when they returned to the Caribbean four years
later to renew their vows, were more concerned about the night
life and the quality of the hotel.
What creates this Caribbean passion that no longer exists after
commitment? In the Caribbean, Hope had the fantasy of commit
ment in the wings, which gave her a kind of permission to open
up. Orins fantasies of passion and frequency were nurtured by
Hopes openness. And Hope was a new lover for Orin; her
newness represented the variety of partners aspect of his
primary fantasy. In the Caribbean, Orins and Hopes primary
fantasies meshed, and what emerged was passionate sex.

The Real Double Standard

It does not work to a mans advantage to have the primary
fantasy of a variety of women and an ideal of marriage that
excludes that fantasy. Nor does it work to his advantage that
marriage fulfills a womans primary fantasy and requires him to
forfeit his. The fact that we create different fantasies for each sex
and use marriage to fulfill one sexs fantasy but not the others is
the real double standard*

Male Intuition and the Secret Agenda

A woman marries a man expecting that he will change, but he
doesnt; a man marries a woman expecting that she wont change
and she does. This colloquial observation rings all too true.

*For a careful explanation o f why the double standard (men can have sex
more than women . . .) is a myth, see Chapter 8.

When a woman hopes that a man will change, she is keeping a

secret agenda. Here are two Ive overheard recently:
Tim says he doesnt want to get marriedjust live together
So well live together/o r now.
Oh, yeah . . . Vince says he doesnt want children, but you
know how Vince is . . . once we have one hell love it.
Men who suddenly stop calling a woman sometimes have
tapped into that secret agenda on a gut level. The woman is
angry that he cannot articulate why he suddenly wants to
back away from intimacy why he is unwilling to tell her
directly whats wrong. The man only has an intuition; hes not
comfortable telling the woman he senses something for which
there is no concrete evidence.
The man senses the secret agenda, but he also senses the
secret behind the secret agendaher contempt for him. The
contempt reflected in the phrase, You know how Vince is
. . the contempt reflected in hec willingness to make a
life-altering decision (children) behind his back as if she knows
what is good for him better than he does. The contempt in
planning for the short term with the long term in mind ( Well
live togetherfor now ). This contempt gets reflected in the
womans body language; few men have developed the skills to
do more than feel uncomfortable without being able to say why.
Sometimes a man who breaks off a relationship without articulat
ing why knows why he is doing it and is just being a coward.
Rather than rationalizing with I dont want to hurt the fragile
female ego, he just keeps quiet. Other times intimacy has
brought him closer to sensing her secret contempt, but not close
enough to articulate it. And if she is pressing for commitment,
he gets out rather than in.
The fact that a man cannot articulate what creates his fears of
commitment does not mean little things dont register on some
level. If hes a man who really does want an independent woman,
the first sign of whether she is independent or wants it both ways
comes with the first restaurant bill. The first time Lois and Craig
went out, when the check came, neither Craig nor Lois picked it
up. When Craig finally did, Lois asked, Can I help? Craig
responded, If youd like. Lois responded in two ways. Ver
bally, she said, How much do I owe? ; nonverbally, a look of
negative surprise crossed Loiss eyes. Despite her behavior of
volunteering to share the cost, her look of disapproval made
Craig feel like a cheapskate for agreeing.
Why Are M en So Afraid o f Com m itm ent? 175

Craig was not able to put his finger on this cheapskate feeling
until a man in a mens group happened to describe an almost
identical scene. For Craig, it was like recalling a dream. He
remembered feeling like the boy who believed his mother when
she said, I dont want anything for my birthday. Craig was
not aware that an accumulation of mixed messages made him
suspicious that committing to Lois would mean taking care of
Lois, even though Lois was proud of her work and the indepen
dence it brought her.
Men who get in touch with their feelings begin to be able to
apply them to the contradictions they see around them. If they
are honest, they will confront the woman with these contradic
tions. Thats the price of men getting in touch with feelings. The
reward is that when the contradictions are even partially re
solved, the path to commitment out of love becomes that much

The Special Fears of Men Who Have

Had Children
Once we had children our sex life deteriorated. I was told we
had to wait till the kids were sound asleep; I couldn't make too
much noise; she was tired; had to get up early. Do you think
this motherhood stuff is an escape from sexuality?
Brian, forty-six

"Once we had Sammy, it seemed she and Sammy were the

family and I was an outsider, just Daddy the Wallet. When
Sammy would ask for something, she'd be so quick to say yes /
felt Sammy was getting spoiled. So / became Mr. Discipline. I
dont want to be Mr. Discipline again.
Harvey, forty

At best, I admired my exs ability to love the kids; at worst, it
felt not like her love, but her neediness . . .
Tom, thirty-eight

The very real fear of commitment for many men who have had
children comes from the memory of their first wives becoming
childaholics, escaping from their husbands and the world through

their children. Some men feel children have the effect of forcing
them to distance themselves by having to become workaholics to
support them, making the home not his castle, but hers. As one
man put it, A mans home is his castle is bull; I came home
to my wifes rules. It was her castle, my mortgage.
Many men recalled that the biggest shift in their marriage
occurred when children arrived. The wife gets paid for intimacy
with the child. The husband loses pay when he takes time out for
intimacy. Intimacy, which is the job of the woman at home,
becomes a distraction from his job for a man. But intimacy is
what he committed for. So if he has already had children, the
thought of commitment to a second womans children can make
him wonder whether hell be forfeiting the very intimacy he
traded in his fantasies to attain. He experiences the intimacy
The men who seem to experience the greatest intimacy take
away are those who were married to women who felt children
were part of a programsort of the next stage in her primary
fantasy. At first these men are unable to let themselves admit
they feel used. They feel replaced by the child just as the
Velveteen Rabbit felt replaced when the boy substituted it for the
newest toy in his developmental stage. Men react not by getting
in touch with these feelings, but rather by withdrawing; not by
renegotiating the balance between her juggling load and his
intensifying load, but by increasing his intensifying and paying
for her intimacy.
For a man, not a scrap of his primary fantasy of Playboy and
Penthouse is met by having to provide for a home with addi
tional rooms, higher utility bills, baby-sitters, cluttered floors,
and dirty dishes, with rejection by the children and a woman
who feels pulled between him and someone else thrown in. Only
if she and he arrange their relationship to prevent the intimacy
take-away will he find his main purpose for committing
intimacysatisfied. And she will find herself with an identity
beyond their children.
As Frank, who had two children and was considering marry
ing Judy, who had custody of her three children, half-joked,
Every time I say I love you to Judy, I think of seven
mouths. For Judy, commitment to Frank meant less responsi
bility for feeding four mouths. There are plenty of joys in being
a new parent. There is a great deal of learning. Frank loved
Judys children. They were just not what he set out looking for.
Why Are Men So Afraid o f Com m itm ent? 177

If a woman has been father-hunting, she may not even let

herself be open to a man who does not fulfill his role. For her,
commitment and love to a role-fulfiller come more easily. For
him, commitment and love come less easily because of the role
he must fulfill.

The New Fear: Stepfathering

Fourteen million children in the United States now live with only
one parent. Because over 90 percent of these children live with
their mothers, men are approximately nine times more likely to
become stepfathers than women are to become stepmothers. 1
Stepparents of either sex (instead of saying step, I will use
newas in new father, new mother, and new parent )
face realities that previous generations rarely faced when mar
ried: they must deal with their new partners children, visiting
privileges, several sets of grandparents, and the relationships
among the new siblings. Into this complexity are blended the
adults conflicting theories of child rearing and the balances
between discipline, love, everyday schedules, fairness of treat
ment, and egos. This all requires such a change from the single
life that it might give pause to a single person of either sex.
On the one hand, it is amazing that these blended family
relationships last an average of almost five years.32 On the other
hand, a relationship likely to last only five years can help us
understand the special fears faced by menthe sex most likely
to make a five-year investment in children who are not his to
begin with and whom he may never see again should the com
mitment end.

New Dad as Rejected Dad:

The Two-Year Syndrome
The nine-times-greater likelihood of women to have custody of
children after divorce means that a man is much more likely than
a woman to experience the two-year syndrome : the almost
constant rejection of him by his new children for approximately
two years (experts say this is the average length of time it takes
for a new parent to be accepted by the partners children). For
the hundreds of thousands of these men who have never before
been fathers, the two-year syndrome means that their intro-

duct ion to fathering is two years of rejection. And no one can

reject more subtly and powerfully than a child.
1 have gained a special feeling for the hurt experienced by a
new father during my three years of living with Anne and her
daughter Megan. When I met Anne five years ago, Megan,
before meeting me, thought of me as the man Mommy stayed
out with longer than she said she wouldthe man who made
Mommy keep the baby-sitter waiting. Megan picked up on her
moms special interest immediately.
The result? When I first met Megan, her three main responses
to me were I dont know, 1 dont care, and It doesnt
make any difference. She and Mom had been alone together six
years. The first time her dad had remarried, his new wife showed
very little affection to Megan. And Anne had fallen in love only
once before during those six years (to a man who lived five
hundred miles away); Megan saw that as Mom was gone a lot
more often. . . . If Mom falls in love again, Im going to be
deprived of her love again.
So I was to be rejected before Megan got rejected.
To casually say that it took four or five months to move out of
this stage is to minimize the extraordinary pain I felt with every
overture that was unresponded to: the unspoken get out of
hereyoure just trying to be nice to me because you want to
take my mother away from me ; the distrust in the eyes of an
eight-year-old who seems to be saying, I know what youre
really up to ; the kiss good night with the cheek turning the
other way and the hands preparing to wipe away the residue of
any possible contact; the present received without a thank you;
the response to the offer to take time away from writing to pick
her up from a friends when her mom was too busy I want
Mommy to pick me up [not you, Warren].
Each rejection made each day of deeper commitment a day in
which I wondered whether I was setting myself up for years of
rejection. Each day eroded my image of myself as a loving,
giving man with enough patience and creativity to develop a
balanced and loving interaction with a child. Was I inadequate,
was I a masochist, or was this a stage? It was easy to know
intellectually that it was a stage, but calling it a stage feels like
telling an army private who has just engineered his way through
his first minefieldevery second knowing that one careless step
could destroy everything hes worked forthat what he just
moved through was just a stage.
Why Are Men S o Afraid o f Com m itm ent? 179

I know that while I was in the midst of this minefield it would

not have helped if Anne saw my caution and told me I was afraid
of commitment in an accusatory tone. Yet it would have been
equally off-putting for Anne to have said, Im glad youre not
afraid of commitment like most other men are. That would
have been an ego bribe to deny my feelings. What I wanted
was that my feelings of fear be acknowledged and the reasons
for them understood. 1 felt caution was a sign of maturityand
of respect for myself, Anne, and Megan. When I felt understood
on that level, I came to trust that I had met a woman who
understood my feelings even when they were feelings she would
ideally prefer I not have. That told me a lot.
In tum, it would have been unreasonable for Anne to do this if
I were not understanding her minefield in the process: attending
to the fragility of her new relationship and the fragility of her
child; the bind that if she understood me, Megan might interpret
it as proof that my inclusion meant her exclusion (which would
only force Megan to reject me longer); and the haunting fear that
if she didnt take my side, she would lose a man she loved and
resent Megan for it. I guess the more she understood me, the
more I understood her, the more she understood mebut most
of all, I felt good about commitment growing out of the cycle of
understanding rather than pressure.
The childs understandable adjustment period can create an
other fear for the new father: Is the childs mother really in love
with him, or in love with the fact that her child has a male role
model, and a nicer home than they could afford without him?
For most fathers, all this happens in a vacuum, without the
support groups women have developed over the past fifteen
years, an outgrowth of womens communication style. Instead of
support, magazines and newspapers announce, Incestuous fa
thers are often stepfathers who married the mother to have access
to the daughter. . . . There is no identifiable profile of these
men. . . . They can be the communitys most respectable church
goers. In essence, every father is suspect. This doesnt help the
new dad as he reaches out for a likely-to-be-rejected hug.

The Female Shift at Commitments End

My lady and 1just broke up. But our sex was always terrific
the electricity was so strong we never got utilit}' bills. 1 guess
you could say we were sexually 'hooked.' But the moment we

broke up, she was unhooked. I could understand if she needed

to stop having sex to get unhooked. But it seems she got
unhooked from the sex itself. That makes me wonder. . . .
Jonathan, twenty-nine

Before / was God; now Im the Devil."

Ned, forty-four

Millions of women and men who are now considering commit

ment are experienced. (Society calls it divorced. ) Both
sexes make shifts at commitments end. During four years of
attending NOW (the National Organization for Women) meet
ings and fourteen years of starting hundreds of womens groups,
I heard many legitimate complaints about the shifts men make
after divorcefrom not paying child support to physical abuse to
disappearing. Out of these experiences many women developed a
wariness toward men, although they still "retained their fantasy
about commitment. Do men have any special hurts or bitter
nesses that make them especially hesitant about committing
When I attended a meeting of recently divorced men, no hurt
was more bewildering to the men than the shifts they felt their
former wives had made after commitment was over: Yesterday
she was devoted to me; today shes devoted to getting every
penny from me. They couldnt fathom the suddenness of the
shifts. Or their totality. One man said, Only when it was over
did she tell me the things she had hated about me all alongif I
hated her half that much, I could never have lived with her.
The men shook their heads in recognition when Chuck said,
First she told me what a shit I wasas a human; then she told
me how helpless she was. It was like a one-two punch, and it
worked. I felt so guilty and shitty, I promised her everything.
A few men also said Neds experience rang true for them. I
felt that if 1 recommitted, Id be wonderful again; if I didnt, Id
confirm my status as a terrible human being. These shifts make
men feel like relationship objects. And wary about commit
ting themselves again.
Of course, neither sex comers the market for the terrible
things they do to make the other sex pay when commitments
end. Especially if he or she is the rejected party. Whether or not
one sex pays more is impossible to measure. It is possible to say
Why Are Men S o Afraid o f C om m itm ent? 181

only that men often report a shift at commitments end, from

lovely lady to vicious woman, whereas women often say,
1 always sensed this side of him. Men report feeling kept in
the dark longer and exposed to the sudden light when they are
most vulnerable. The female shift at commitments end is one
that hurts. Ironically, though, it is one reason men scamper to
another woman: to assure themselves all women wont see them
the way their last partner did; to lick the wounds that feel both
out of reach and too deep to heal alone.
If a man experiences the female shift after commitments end,
it can encourage a quick remarriage, particularly if the new
woman enthusiastically joins his negative view of his former
wife. This is a danger sign: the more unnecessarily suspicious
the second woman is of the first, the more she is likely to
demonstrate a huge shift should the new commitment endfor
the same reason that the person who gossips to you will be the
first to gossip about you.

1983 Universal Pirss Syndicate. Reprinted with permission. All rights raerved.

A Mouthful of Breathmints and No One to Kiss, by Cathy Guisewite, p. 25.

Women often feel their devotion is misused that it is being used to
make a man secure enough to pursue his primary fantasy. In the
second frame, Cathy, by attempting to close off Inrings misuse" of her
devotion, hopes to use it to achieve commitment. From some mens
perspective, this is also a misuse of devotion. It makes insightful men
feel devoted to women not fos.who they are but for what they provide,
reinforcing their fears of being replaceable parts, or relationship objects.

Why do some women seem to objectify the very men they

seemed to love so deeply even a few days previously? The more
the woman fears the world, the more she will make a shift by
objectifying the man who forces the world upon her. Her

devotion came when he protected her from those fears; the man
who provided protection can expect her objectification to be as
strong when the protection stops as her devotion was deep when
the protection was provided.
Devotion in exchange for financial support disappears when
financial support disappears. How can a man sense whether a
woman will react that way? A hint comes in a survey of women
marned to doctors published in MedicallMrs., which indicates
that the doctors wives, by their own evaluation, wanted security
from marriage more than anything else. According to Colette
Dowling in The Cinderella Complex, the conflict and hostility
they exhibited toward the men who provide them with all this
security is stunning to behold,33 yet many of these wives were
considered devoted.
If we apply the same understanding to women who fear rejec
tion by the world as we have for men who fear sexual rejection
( it hurts less to be rejected by an object than by a full human
being ) we can gain some feeling for the immense fear behind
the womans sudden objectification. Her devotion was not really
to him, but rather to his commitment. The shift after commit
ment is merely a shift in objectification.
How can a man distinguish devotion out of fear from devotion
out of love? If a woman can support herself financially and is not
attached to the idea of marriage, it is a good bet she is devoted
out of love. A man cannot tell whether a woman is in love with
him or his security blanket until she is financially and psycholog
ically independent enough to leave.34 Until a woman has learned
how to leave, even she cannot be sure she has learned to love.

Isnt There a Great American Male Shortage

At Least When It Comes to Commitment?
I mentioned above how women, who focus their binoculars on
10 percent of men who meet nine conditions, perceive a much
greater man shortage than actually exists.
Lets look at whether men would perceive a woman shortage
if they imposed some of the same nine conditions. Suppose a
man were looking for a woman who was more successful than he
is (so as not to be threatened by his independence and career
goals), and who was willing to use her income to support him
should his career fail. Would this limit his choices? But suppose
from among these women he were only interested in the attrac
Why Are Men So Afraid o f Com m itm ent? 183

tive ones, and waited for them to call him and offer to take him
out and take sexual initiatives. Might he perceive a Great
American Woman Shortage ?

Whats the Solution? How Can I Be Sure

Im in Love?
A woman or a man can be truly in love with someone who also
meets her or his primary fantasy. But if we see a man confining
his search to beautiful women or a woman confining her search
to men with more financial potential than she has, we can almost
guarantee that if the man loses his financial potential, or the
woman her beauty, the love would wane. Otherwise why would
they have limited their search to that framework?
For a woman, financial independence is a prerequisite to her
being able to say, Now that I dont need money, I can focus on
my strongest remaining needsa man who really understands
and supports me. From among these men, I can now look not at
whether they are successful, but at the impact of their work on
their lives. She can tell herself that if his work is exacting a
price on him, it will exact a price on us. This contrasts with
becoming financially independent and marrying up, which re
stricts her access to sensitive men.
When I was discussing this in an Oregon workshop, a woman
asked, Suppose I already love a man whos quite wonderful,
but his success is exacting a price on his life energy? Can I do
anything about it if Im earning a good salary?
Yes. You can ask yourself this: Can I use my money to help
him make a transition to work which may make him less success
ful financially, but which would create more life energy for
himself and for us?
Few women use their money this way. In my opinion, thats
using money to create love. Its very different from waiting for
Mr. Eligible Successful to gallop along. Mr. Eligible Successful
may have made it by himself (which is why hes eligible, but
also why hes a loner), or with an ex-wife (hes paying alimony),
or he may have made it among the wolves. But some of Ameri
cas finest men do not fight so well among the wolves. And
some who do have chosen not to.

With All This Work on Relationships,

Why Are There More Divorces?
All the work men and women have put into understanding the
other sex has definitely led to improved relationshipsbut rela
tionships in the eighties feature both greater complexity and
higher expectations, which has led to higher divorce rates.
Complexity first. Second marriages, for example, often in
volve blended families. And the presence of children, former
spouses attitudes, and legal custody are all factors with which
first marriages did not have to contend. Were there not some
improvement in the ability to communicate, forget it.
Second, expectations. In every revolution, the expectation
created by the possibility for change outpaces the ability of many
individuals to achieve it. For example, in the Industrial Revolu
tion, prior to the harnessing of electric power, no one expected
electricity in their homes. Soon, people were disappointed if they
didnt have it. Men felt inadequate if their incomes could not
provide it.
The Relationships Revolution is similar. Formerly, if men

. fw iM IM V J^-SiC U ftlTY PRISON {

N ew Yorker, December 1984

Why Are Men So Afraid o f C om m itm ent? 185

provided income and women raised a few children and gained a

little weight, not a lot more was expected. Now there are blended
families and multiple orgasms; dual careers and shared house
work, hyphenated names and communications seminars.
Twenty years ago, a father was barred from most delivery
rooms. Now he is expected. A family man was basically an
absentee father. Today a family man is expected to be a working
father. Twenty years ago, millions of married women didnt
think beyond giving a man sex. Today sex is also for women.
Twenty years ago a woman may not have known what an orgasm
was. Today she expects multiple orgasms, simultaneous orgasms,
sensitivity, and sensuality. Expectations have changed. And in
the process, yesterdays bonus can become todays disappointment.
The Industrial Revolution was called the revolution of rising
expectations. 35 Its fallout was disappointment, stress, suicide.
The Relationships Revolution is also a revolution of rising ex
pectations. Its fallout is anger, hurt, divorce. But the Industrial
Revolution improved our standard of living; the Relationships
Revolution is improving our standard of loving.
The New Sexism

The cover of a best selling book on men:


A g u id e t o s h a v in g a m a n

v Y h a l.r.^ , re !o r vfr'/.'herentai<.etthemi
'<''vhelhe! to k e e p ffie n W h a ! !o c a l! to s p d t a

by Stepbanie
S tep han ie Brush, M en : An O w n
e r's M a n u a l (N ew York: Sim on &
S chuster/Linden Press, 198 4 )

Would we recognize this role reversal version as sexism?


A coeprefceashre gakd lo bavteg a o u i u sd cvfoot

they're for Nov they think Where lo Like them
Whether to h o p them \9ti*l to call them Ho to spot a kmon

by George Brush

Author's role reversal

Introducing realitythe new sexism:

Things meti do that make women crazy

b y G e n e v ie v e R ic h a r d so n Illu stra ted b y R ick D e lo r ie

Original cover.
The N ew Sexism 191

No Good Men consists of almost one hundred cartoons depicting

one hundred despicable aspects of menpublished by one of
Americas most successful publishers (Simon & Schuster).

Did we laugh at this violence against men?

Barbara Lovehouse, No Bad Men

(New York: New American Li
brary), p. 66

Authors role reversal


Would we consider this reversal as violence against women?

If this were a real ad, would this product be worthy of boycotting ^

i. m b 9 n u m
Authors role reversal

Consider the actual ad, which no one boycotted:

Vogue, October 1984

The N ew Sexism 193

Cartoons like these arc examples of the new sex ism.

"Doesnt your tiny little mind get lost in

your big fa t head?
P laygirt, July 1 9 8 3

"Its not too serioushe just has delusions

of adequacy.
Playgirl, February 1 9 8 2

Introducing the New Sexism

Sexism is discounting the female experience of powerlessness; the
new sexism is discounting the male experience of powerlessness.
Reversing cartoons like these is consciousness-raising, one of
the most important aspects of the feminist movement and the
civil rights movement. People who do these reversals to raise
peoples awareness of the new sexism can be called mascu-
linists. The goal of each of these movements is to eliminate the
ways we objectify a group of people. Joking that a woman has
delusions of adequacy would be considered sexist, as we can
see in the cartoon below (a reversal of the last cartoon):

In the past quarter century we exposed biases against other

races and called it racism, and we exposed biases against women
and called it sexism. Biases against men we call humor.
Human beings have always had the need to find an enemy. As
The N ew S exism 195

black pride diluted racism, and as women raised consciousness,

men became the new enemy. We claimed mens egos were
fragile and yet attacked men as if they were invulnerable.
Something becomes racist or sexist when some truth gets
distorted to fit a preconceived image. The Hite Report found that
men prefer intercourse more than women; the American Couples
survey by Schwartz and Blumstein found that women prefer inter
course more than men.1 Hite interpreted her findings to mean that
men preferred intercourse because intercourse is male-centered,
focused on penis pleasure, an outgrowth of male dominance and
ego gratification/Schwartz and Blumstein interpreted their find
ings: Wc think women prefer it because intercourse requires the
equal participation of both partners more than any sexual act. Neither
partner only gives or only receives. Hence, women feel a shared
intimacy during intercourse. . . , 3 The findings are diametrically
opposed, yet both interpretations could only consider the possibility
that women favor intimacy and equality, and men favor ego
gratification and dominance. This is distortion to fit a preconceived
imageor, when it is applied to men, the new sexism.
How great is the need to distort when it comes to men?
Suppose the interpretations were Womens preference for inter
course means women prefer domination ; or Womens prefer
ence for clitoral stimulation over intercourse means that women
are focused on female dominance and self-centered ego gratifica
tion. There would have been an uproar-That is the real issue.
The real issue is not that three scholars both condemned men and
praised women no matter what their findings, but rather that
hundreds of millions of us watched them on television, or read of
their findings in Time, Newsweek, or local papers and did not
protest. In fact, they gave us the interpretations we wanted to
hear, as researchers throughout history have always donewhether
they were advertisers or research scientists. And the more we
hear them, the more these interpretations appear the only plausi
ble interpretations, no matter what the findings.
Perhaps the only study to receive more publicity than these
two was the Ann Landers postcard poll from ninety thousand
readers. When she found 70 percent of women would be content
without the act as long as they were cuddled, the interpreta
tion was that men were so bad at sex and so deficient at talking
and cuddling that womens deprivation was acute enough to
make them content with cuddling and tender talk. Now suppose
the findings were that 90 percent of women would not be content

without the act. We would have heard how women were now
sexually liberated and initiating.
Have women developed a deep-seated anger toward men? Yes.
I mentioned above how that anger at men is especially strong in
the fantasy-not-yet-fulfilled magazines like New Woman, Woman,
Playgirl, Ms., and Cosmo. Below is one example from Cosmo,
the best-selling magazine in the fantasty-not-yet-fullfilled category.

"My birth-control device "

Cosmopolitan, September 1984

One of the most common put-downs of men in these fantasy-
not-yet-fulfilled magazines is the cartoon depicting a man ap
proaching a woman. Below is one such cartoon from Woman
magazine, a fast-growing womens magazine.4 Next to the real
cartoon is an example of how an equivalent cartoon might appear
if it were about a woman.

"Are you trying to be macho o r "You haven't said much. Are you
just stupid?" trying to be feminine or just stupid?"
Woman, February 1985 Authors role reversal
The N ew Sexism 197

M arry the Enemy

In the next cartoon, also from Woman, Ive kept the headline
intactsince the cartoons often illustrate articles that also put
down men. Note that the headline not only calls the man a jerk,
but the section title is Hooked On A Heel.

c --------------------------- -o( HookJOnA Hed jo ------------------------------ q

How ToWipe That Jerk Right

Out Of >ur Mind
...A nd make him wish be utas back m your heart.

"Have you had much experience

as a human being?"

Woman, October 1984

Observe the revenge factor: it is not enough for her to get

that jerk out of her mindshe must make him wish he was
back in her heart. Its a perfect example of the marry the
enemy theme. If a mens magazine ran a title How to Wipe
That Jerk Right Out of Your Mind . . . and Make Her Wish She
Was Back in Your Heart, no one would refer to it as a
self-improvement magazine. Such titles cannot be found even in
current issues of Playboywhich is labeled not self-improvement,
but pornography. *
In the article accompanying the preceding cartoon, the man is
first condemned as incapable of commitment and later con
demned because he committed to another woman. It is easy
enough to see that the real issue is that the woman feels hurt and
rejected. Yet arent women supposed to be good at getting in
touch with their feelings?
What provokes this denial of feelings, this viciousness? The

woman felt not just rejection from a man; the rejection tapped
into her fear that she would never achieve her primary fantasy.
Are men any better when their primary fantasy is rejected? No.
Which is why putdowns of women and violence against women
are so often found in pornographywhose readers often feel
their primary fantasy is not yet fulfilled. Similarly, when the
female primary fantasy is threatened (as with the man who flirts,
as shown earlier in the illustration from the book No Bad Men
[page 191]), we see the man with a knife in his stomach.
Suppose a woman constantly rejects men but does not wish to
look at her fear of intimacy? How might she avoid looking at her
fear? She can group all men into categories, making each into a
different type of loser. Heres one example: the back cover of the
book No Bad Men:
HUMOR Z5502 M.9S
C A N A D A *
how to u co o m zB y o u * h a jt b b u x d
One cru cial asp ect of th e Lovehouse train in g m ethod la electing the
breed of m an that' rig h t for you. H ere is a am ple of a quiz
th a t will help you determ ine w hat category of m an you are dealing with:
You go to a party He Imm ediately.
(a) S tarts eyeing o th e r women.
(b) S tarts eyeing o ther men.
fe lls approached by people who want
h is advice on the atoch m a rk et
(d) Is ask ed to tell som e funny jo k e *
everybody loves h is se n s e o fh u m o c
(e) Is ask ed to leave.

If your
This one will never give up
th e h u o t. he may never learn POO O U.
the com m and Down, boy." T hese have their
uaca. b u t don't
expect them to learn
passionate bedroom trie
well-bred, and T .U B tA I D .
self-disciplined. He la big-hearted
th is m an l proud and cuddly, b u t ten d s
of th e fact th a t be to leave th e toilet seat
hides his em otions. up even after
ea rn e st training.


He a th e type of guy you m eet o n a
c V c y .-
blind d aten o t handsom e, n o t s a y .
n o t rich. Of co u rse, he does have ooe
thing going for him : No o n e will ever
try to stea l him away from you.

Barbara Lovehouse, Ato Bad Men, back cover
The N ew Sexism 199

Men as Poodles, Wolves, and Turkeys, as Sharks,

Worms, and Guppies
In the last two decades, we have stopped merely categorizing
menwe now blatantly objectify men into inhuman categories
of worms, turkeys, and wolves. Objectification of a group is a
prerequisite to not caring if the members of that group are hurt or
killed. Objectification of women is a prerequisite for the rapist;
objectification of Vietnamese as "gooks was a prerequisite for
dropping bombs on them. Until recently, we have objectified
men more subtlyby bribing them. We told men that if they
killed themselves, we'd call them heroes.
The new sexism is more like the "Vietnamese as gooks type
of racism than hero objectification. It prepares us not to care
whether the average man is hurt or killed. To do this, contempt
must be developed for these "dogs :

Men vs. Dogs:

Some Clear-cut

' ' J HEEL!

Barbara Lovehouse, No Bad Men, p. 11


for intelligence, loyalty and protection. I

usually find all that at the dog pound."
Playgirl, June 1980
Contempt for men ends up hurting women. Note that the
women in the Playgirl cartoon are giving each other an excuse
not to take responsibility for searching out the men they want ( I
dont need a dating service . . They are supporting each
other by complaining rather than doing. Yet the image is of
competent working women.
How is this categorization of men as losers really a fear of
intimacy? It creates a support system: We women all recognize
that men are the problem. So the woman who gets into a
conflict with a man never needs to look at herself. The institu
tionalized put-down of men is a careful out for the most difficult
prerequisite to intimacylooking at our own part in contributing
to conflict. This fear of looking inward critically is the real fear
behind the fear of intimacy.
Few people are afraid of intimacy per se; they are afraid of
the challenge to their self-centeredness that any relationship
requires. Looking inside does not necessarily challenge self-
centeredness. Looking inward critically does. Categorizing all
men as losers provides a 100 percent foolproof escape from
looking inward criticallythe perfect escape from intimacy.
I was surprised to see a whole section of a local bookstore
The N ew Sexism 201

devoted to cards that categorized men and put down men. The
bookstore buyer volunteered that it was her best-selling group of
cards. Here is one of the cards:

mu sHwieir-

p*klehdj w ith Urge F e d bnd on

" o k * / Imt o f C redit. Keep th e ir noils
f o r t y c lem m d w ont on lover*
*T A

MainLine Cards

If categorizing and objectifying can be done in the frame

work of self-improvement magazines and books, one can avoid
looking within and be self-righteous about it at the same

W hy smart women
make dumb choices
By Nancl Hellmlch
In Smart Women, the au
thors separate these men Into
ty p e of "rascals":
The Don Juan. Women
consider him challenging and
exciting. He m a k e a woman
feel cherished for a time, but
eventually g o e off to make an
other conquest
The Elusive Lover. He
has the ability to create and
somehow maintain a level of
promise and hope, but he nev
er c o m e through. He demands
his freedom while holding out
a vague promise for the future.
The M arried Rat. He pos
s e s s the critical element for
Intrigue: He Is off limits. He
prom ise to leave his wife, but
has no intention of doing so.
B eside the "rascals," there
are other ty p e who make
women want to scream.
The Gam . His tough mys
tique covers up a basically self
ish, withholding and guarded
nature. The woman thinks he Is
the strong silent type who Just
needs to be brought out, but
she's never able to penetrate
his shell.
The P ie u d o -L lb e ra te d
Male. Disarmingly attractive
to women, he seems sensitive
and vulnerable, but actually he
uses his new freedom to whine
about his problems.
The P erp etu al Adolea-
cenL He seems charming but
actually has shallow views and
Interactions with women.
The Walking Wounded.
R e ce n tly s e p a ra te d or d i
vorced, this man Is still recov
ering from the hurt bltterne
and rejection, and his self-pity
eventually becomes tedious.

Shown above are some examples drawn from an article

based on a best-selling self-improvement book, Smart Women,
Foolish Choices:5
The N ew Sexism 203

By the mid-eighties a New Sexism formula had emerged for

getting a book on relationships on to The New York Times
best-seller list. Women had to look wonderful, as in Women Who
Love Too Much6 or Smart Women: Foolish Choices; or men had
to look like the problem, as in The Peter Pan Syndrome,1 The
Wendy Dilemma* Smart Women: Foolish Choices; or at best,
peripheral, as in Men Are Just Desserts,y
While every one of these was a New York Times best-seller,
books whose titles ignored the New Sexism formula, like Mir
ror, Mirror,'0 failed miserably. And books with reverse titles,
like Smart Men: Foolish Choices, do not exist. Why?
Smart Women: Foolish Choices implies that women are the
smart ones; its just that they make bad choicesand since
almost any man a woman can think of can fit into one of the
bad choice categories, it is not the woman who is the
problem it is him. The book becomes the perfect complement
to her horoscope; in a horoscope a woman can find herself in
almost any of the descriptionsall of which are about 90 percent
positive; in Foolish Choices she can find a description for any
man with whom she is having a problemabout 90 percent
The reverse title, Smart Men: Foolish Choices, would imme
diately be seen as a self-righteous and sexist put-down of women.
No book with a title like that has made the Times best-seller list
in the seventies or eighties.
Why did Mirror, Mirror, published by the most commercially
successful publishing house of the early eighties (Simon &
Schuster), do so badlyalthough it was a thoughtful and ex
tremely well-promoted book (e.g., the subject of full-page B.
Dalton ads)? Its title recalls a woman who is vaintherefore
implying a criticism of womens vanity. Along with the subtitle,
A Fear of Aging, it implies a need to reexamine beauty power as
the basis for a womans power. So it failed, while diet books
Women Who Love Too ftluch shared The New York Times
best-seller list with Smart Women in early 1986. Imagine a book
titled Men Who Love Too Much. And a man reading that book
claiming to be introspective. When we saw he was defining his
one problem as loving too muchimplying that the real problem
is womens inability to handle all his lovewe would call it
male self-aggrandizement, not self-improvement.
The problem is not always with the book itself. Some of these

books have many valid points. The point is that they cannot be
sold on that basis. When they are, as with Mirror, Mirror, they

Peter Pan
In the mid-eighties, books that criticize men for not committing,
like Barbara Ehrenreichs The Hearts of Men: The American
Dream and the Flight from Commitment and Dan Kileys The
Peter Pan Syndrome, have appealed to both academics and lay
persons. Imagine how reverse titles would have been received:
The Hearts of Women: The American Dream and Womens
Flight from Earning a Living. Peter Pan was discussed in the
eighties as a man who had never committed and, therefore, never
grown up that is, he failed to fulfill the female primary fantasy
of better homes and gardens. What would an equivalent
self-improvement ad look like if it criticized women for not
fulfilling the male primary fantasy of bbing a woman who de
sired him sexually?

m a n i n y o u r lif e
w ho has nevar
g ro w n up?

Redbook, September 1984

The N ew Sexism 205

Wc were led to believe that The Wendy Dilemma was the

balance to The P e te r P a n Syndromethat it confronted women.
But it was, actually, the continuation of the attack on men, with
the focus on how a woman can stop being victim to an imma
ture, self-centered boy-child. The subtitle ( When Women Stop
Mothering Their Men ), and the promotional copy ( Do you
have to tiptoe around his temper, apologize to others for his
behavior, take on his neglected responsibilities at home . . . a
drama in which you get stuck with the worst end of the deal? )
reflect the emphasis. The woman is portrayed as putting on his
slippers. Nowhere in the promotion is the man viewed sympathet
ically. His dilemmas remain misunderstood.

The I Wish He Were Dead Fantasy . . . and

the Twenty-first-Century Dilemma
Womens feelings of condescension, anger, contempt, and disap
pointed dependency have led to objectification and the no-
longer subtle I wish he were dead fantasy toward men. How
does this happen? It starts with the fantasy of total control. Look
first at this ad in Vogue:

Vogue, October 1984

The ad symbolizes the female twenty-first-century dilemma. A

womans fantasy has expanded to the point of expecting not only

wealth, but enough wealth and control over her own life to have
sex on her own terms. The dilemma is that the fantasy has
expanded faster than has womens preparation to provide it for
themselves. The ad appeals to the pull between the traditional
part of many women, which wants a man to provide success, and
the independent part, which fantasizes control over her own
sexuality, his sexuality, and even him. The traditional part of her
is so furious at him for not providing success and sweeping her
away (hence the anger in the independent women magazines)
that his meager gifts must be met with her I wish he were
dead fantasy.

a man Go to hell! '

Woman, April 1985 New Woman, March 1985

I have discussed how the I wish he were dead fantasy is

also acted out in romance novels. The photograph from No Bad
Men showed a woman stabbing a man. In that case, the death
fantasy was directed toward a man who threatened to disappoint
a woman as a provider by flirting with another woman.

What Can We Reasonably Expect of a Man?

In those four cartoons, note that the women are not asking for
men to give up any of the traditional male roles in exchange for
adopting female roles. Instead they demand that the man adopt
The N ew Sexism 207

the female role as well. This makes us think of two liberated


"We should have brought along a

man to do the cooking!"
N e w W om an, M a y 1 9 8 4

But the reverse makes us think of two lazy men:

We should have brought along a

woman to pay fo r this!
Author's role reversal

This would seem like a reasonable expectation:

New Woman, August 1984

But would this reversal?

"How do you plan to support my

son financially?''
Authors role reversal
The N ew Sexism 209

Notice there is no indication that the woman is a working


N e w W om an, July 1 9 8 4

So the reverse must be a nonworking man:

Authors role reversal

The actual cartoon . . .

" I f he doesn V like your rough, red hands, J . .. . ..

_____ .___________________________ " H/W </o fA* dishes.
New Woman, June 1983

. . . and the role reversal:

"Ifshe doesn 7 like your competitive, insensitive manner let HER support the family."

Author's role reversal

The N e w Sexism 211

Why Are Men Such Jerks?

Note the distinction in the Cathy cartoon between the three bad
guys and the one good guy. Each bad guy failed to fulfill the
female primary fantasy in different waysPhil was a betrayer,
Tony a life-ruiner, and Nick, just stupid, a jerk. Frank, who
fulfilled the womans primary fantasy, is the hero.

1983 Universal Press Syndicate. Reprinted with permission. All rights reserved.

Cathy Guisewite, A Mouthful of Breathmints and No One to Kiss, p. 55

Once we understand how objectification is often a groups way

of handling rejection by its primary fantasy, the objectification of
men becomes more understandable. We can then see it immediately
in cartoons like this Suddenly Single in Woman magazine:

' Afte r my break up with Bill. I told m yself there's plenty o f other fish in the
sea. But so fa r all I've found are sharks, octopuses and helpless guppies!
Woman, December 1984

We can see the rejection by the primary fantasy man in the

cartoon title, Suddenly Single. In this light, the practice of

calling men wormboys, a current national craze, becomes

understandable. In the Washington City Papers article entitled
Wormboys, Deborah Laake describes wormboys as men who
shrink from marriage and even hesitate to ask a woman foi
dinner because that implies more commitment than a drink.
Again, the insult toward men is a clear reaction to being rejected
rather than being asked out, paid for, and paid for as much as
she deserves (dinner, not drinks). But it is also anger about
equality and the name-calling is a way of avoiding equality. A
woman doesnt get as much help from name-calling as she would
from an article encouraging her to be truly equal by calling a
man herself and paying for his dinner rather than complaining
that he is too cheap to buy her dinner. Or an article encouraging
her not to label as fear of commitment what may be his desire
to avoid another one-sided paying situation.
If real equality and intimacy are avoided via such objectifica
tion, and hopes for intimacy are repeatedly dashed, then new
relationships start through a filter of suspicion and mistrust.

/ want a turkey I can trust."

The N e w Yorker, N o vem b er 19, 1 9 8 4
The N ew Sexism 213

The woman in The New Yorker cartoon may be consciously

asking for a turkey she can trust, but her m/jtrust will create a
lack of intimacywho can be intimate with a turkey?and a
lack of equalitya turkey had better do something extra to prove
himself equal to a human, the essence of inequality. If he can do
all this, hell be wanted by everyone else, too; he will therefore
probably commit to someone else, and she will be looking for
another turkey she can trust.
There is hope, though. If the turkey cant be trusted, we can
tell ourselves Men Are Just Desserts. Whenever we cannot han
dle rejection, turn it into something less serious, into an object.
As men do with sexual rejection by turning sex into a game and
calling it scoring. Games are less serious. So why not turn men
into turkeys, and if they still seem too serious as a main course,
treat them as just desserts!

Why Women and Men Both

Experience Themselves as Powerless
The accusations about men giving lines are so frequent,
cartoons on the subject practically repeat themselves.

"I can't remember your name, but

your phrase is fam iliar.

New Woman, December 1983


I don't remember your"face, but

your line is fam ilia r.
Woman , October 1984

In these cartoons, the men obviously want the women, and yet
the women are still rejecting the men. Why? Because each man
is treating the w om an in a w ay that indicates to the w om an he
wants her f o r his fan tasy but not f o r hers. A woman who gets
treated this way feels powerless; after all, she needs a man
somehow, somewherebut damn it if she is going to be treated
like a piece of meat. Shed rather have self-respect than that.
To himself, a mans lines feel like the lines of a salesperson.
As a salesperson, he feels in the powerless position. It is the
person in the power position who can do the put-down. ( I dont
remember your products name, but the claim is familiar. ) The
more attractive the woman, the more likely she is to not even
give him the time of day.
By looking at examples in which both sexes give lines we can
tell when both sexes are feeling powerless. The men in the
cartoons are giving lines prior to sex. The power begins to
switch after sex, and the lines start to become hers: I dont
usually do this. The closer we come to commitment, the more
likely a woman who fears not getting a man to commit may give
a line like No woman will ever be able to love you the way I
The N ew Sexism 215

do. Both are giving lines when they fear not getting their
primary fantasy. Their lines are promises designed to tap into the
others real needs. When we give lines, we promise what we
perceive as the other persons real needsor their Achilles
heels. When a woman says No woman will ever be able to love
you the way I do, she is unwittingly recognizing how much a
man commits in order to get love.
An outgrowth of male line-giving is male bragging, the equiv
alent of female makeup. Both are attempts to present a bit more
than a person has. Both male lines and female makeup are
compensations for feelings of powerlessness.

Can I Be an Independent Woman

and Expect a Supportive Man?
Although studies of women making it in the work world show
the extraordinary dependence on and generosity of male mentors,
among the hundreds of cartoons reviewed in womens magazines
there were no women playfully putting themselves down for this
dependence, or giving a man credit for his mentoring. Instead,
the most common cartoon theme shows a woman putting down
her husband as being unwilling to give her a penny for her
thoughts, while Now Im being paid a fortune for them.
Ironically, the woman is giving her husband the power of depriv
ing her of her identity as a thinking person. One cartoon in New
Woman (September 1984) pictures a woman reporting her hus
band to the police for stealing her identity.
What are the hidden messages in the cartoon on the next page?
Imagine a man saying to another man Ive discovered it pays
better to be a public servant than to be my wifes servant. The
cartoon unwittingly reveals a womans three-option socialization:
income from husband, income from work, or some combination.
The anger in the cartoon comes from her husbands inability to
pay her enough. A man would never ever feel angry were his
wife unable to give him enough income so he could have the
option of not working.
In this cartoon, as in all the others, there is no hint of
preparation for the job, nor of gratitude. She does not say, My
husband supported me for ten years while I completed my law
degree, ran for state assembly, lost the first time for state senate,
and now hes willing to postpone having a child until I run for

Congress. There is no picture of her husband on her desk. He

didnt, after all, pay her enough to stay at home.
Neither this cartoon nor any of the hundreds of others I
reviewed dealt with disappointed fantasiesas in a second scene,
six months later: My husband is bailing me out of a hundred-
thousand-dollar debt for that run for Congress. And believe it or
not, his finances are being questioned by the IRS. There is no
portrayal in this or in any other womens magazine cartoon of a
woman sweating it out in the primaries.
Are these just cartoons, not reflections of real attitudes? Think
of the American presidential primaries. Since the beginning of
the womens movement, not one white woman sweated out the
primaries for a major party nomination* For the 1984 Demo
cratic nomination eight men killed each other off. The survivor
appointed a woman as the vice-presidential candidate. When
Geraldine Ferraro was questioned about her husbands withhold
ing his records from scrutiny, she responded, If you live with

In te r e s tin g ly , d u rin g th is p eriod b o th a b la c k w o m a n (S h ir le y C h is h o lm )

a n d a b la c k m an (J e s s e J a c k so n ) m a d e th e e ffo r t.
The N ew Sexism 217

an Italian man, you know how they are! Mario Cuomo objected
to her commentbecause it referred derogatorily to Italians, not
because it was derogatory toward men. Had Mondale or Reagan
ever said, If you live with an Italian woman, you know how
they are, the comment would have been seen as both an ethnic
slur and a sexist slur. Mondale or Reagan would have suffered.
A cartoon is not very distant from reality.
Underneath, though, the cartoon hurts women as much as
men. The underlying message to a woman is that she cannot
have intimacy with a man and career goals. We shall see below
why this is a false dichotomy.

If Im Successful, Will He Just Want Me for My

Money or Be Threatened That I Have Money?

Its you I'm crazy about, Gloria. The fa c t that you make $30,000 a year is
just frosting on the cake.''

Woman, October 1984

From the above and following cartoon we can observe that if a

successful woman rejects a man, she is justified because she
knew he only wanted her for her money. On the other hand, if he
rejects her, it is because he couldnt handle her success. Another
way to avoid introspection.
In these cartoons we can detect a double standard. When men

"Are you passing me because you don't like

lemonade or because you fe e l threatened by
a career woman like me?"
P la y g irl, D ecem ber 1982

in relationships have more money, we call it power. When women

in relationships have more money, we.say they are being used.
When a woman is sensitive about feeling used, we call her in
touch with her feelings." When a man is sensitive to his financial
support of her being termed power." hes called defended."
What happens when a man is neither competitive nor threatened
by his wifes or woman friend's success? Here is the reaction:

W h y i s i t th a t as w om en becom e successful,
the m en in th eir lives turn into w h in y
dorks who fo r g e t their ow n a m b itio n s?
P la y g irl, Decem ber 1981
The N ew Sexism 219

What is the message behind this message? Could it be that the

complaint serves to justify searching fora man who is so success
ful he couldnt possibly be threatened or be using me ? Is this all
a subconscious way of reinforcing the justification of marrying up?
The cumulative effect of these messages is to reinforce the
female fear of successthat success will force her to forfeit
men. Yet this contradicts reality. Contrary to popular belief,
husbands with successful wives are happier with their marriages.11
Does the complaint of pooping out accurately reflect male
behavioror female behavior? Among wives of executives in large
corporations, 87 percent are unemployed. 1 2 As mentioned above,
the more successful the man, the more likely the woman is to
not work at all. 1 3 Conversely, the more successful the woman,
the more likely she is to marry an even more successful man.

Daddy Knows Less

Just as Daddy knows best is part of the problem called
sexism, so Daddy knows less is part of the problem called the

Come off it. DaddyCinderella's an out

dated concept!'
New Woman, October 1983

Not only does Daddy know less than Mommy, but less than
child. No, not exactly. Less than female child. Among the
hundreds of cartoon- i looked at in the womens magazines, qjl
the put-downs ot men by children came from female children.
As with the cartoon that shows a girl selling lemonade and
telling a man passing her that he was threatened by a successful
career woman.

What does she need Daddy Warbucks for

when she's got the movie contract, the per
sonal appearances and the licensed prod
New Woman, May 1984

What would these cartoons look like in reverse? In the Little

Orphan Annie cartoon there are two components. The most
obvious is that a man is useless except for his money. A reversal of
this might suggest the situation depicted at the top of the facing page.
On a more subtle level is the underlying fantasy that even a girl
in the most hopeless position might get a mans money, be flash-
danced to fame and fortune, and criticize both the mans money and
the method by which he attained it (Warbucks) even while she takes
it. The reversal of this (opposite page, bottom) is quite revealing.
The N ew Sexism 221

"Why should the Prince marry Sleeping

Beautv? Wouldn't she be a drain on his
fortu n e when she got old and fa t and

If Annie were a boy would her name be

Horatio Alger?"
A uthor's role reversal

When we see how the put-down of men (as in Daddy Warbucks)

keeps all of us from asking why Little Orphan Annie doesnt
make her money the way Horatio Alger did, and when we see
Ms. readers buying enough Cinderella and heirloom dolls to*
support hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of advertising,
we see that Cinderella and the Flashdance phenomenon are not
outdated concepts.
Yet we would all object to the following cartoon if Esquire
were to print it.

Author's role reversal

We ask why fathers dont participate more in child care. Then,

when the\ do. we criticize how they do it. We call working
mothers Superwomen but dont call men who both work and
father working fathers. Instead of Supermen we say they arc
The N ew Sexism 223

sexist. If we were to put down working women similarly, Esquire

might feature cartoons like the following:

Authors role reversal

Kiss Daddy Goodnight. . .

Item: Don just came into my life. He loves my daughter
Carrie and Carrie loves him. On Sunday mornings, Carrie joins
us in bed and we frolic around with each othertickling,
kidding, hugging, loving. Last Sunday I left them together
while I made French toast and when I returned . . .

Complete the above item here:_________________________

Take five seconds to let the images run through the imagina
tion. What were Don and her daughter doing when she returned?
If the images involve some version of Dons touching Carrie
sexually, think of what that says about the trust level that is built
into our psyches about men and male sexuality. Every newspaper
article about incest in the past ten years has increased our

mistrust of men. Yet we still assign men the responsibility to

initiate sexually. This means men have an additional hurdle to
overcomeanother layer of distrust.
As Carries mother Kristin returned to the room she had
to deal with that distrust. Don and Carrie may play with
each other for ten years without her distrust ever completely
disappearing ( Shes growing breasts now . . Hes teaching
her how to dance . . . Shes modeling a bathing suit for
him . . . ). It is one more way men must prove themselves before
they even get to equality with women. Heres the way the
item ends:

. . . When I returned Carrie and Don were in the middle of

making a big drawing of me under the heading the best
mommie in the world. (Of course Don put a little asterisk after
mommie and wrote on the back etc. when Carrie wasnt

If Daddy is employed, he is criticized for not taking care

of the children. If he is unemployed, he is suspected of molest
ing them. If hes a biological father, he wants a son to carry
on his name. If hes a stepfather, he may be marrying the
mother to have access to the daughter. All of these accusa
tions have become commonplace statements about fathers
between 1976 and the present. In the past decade liberation has
meant fathers going from Daddy knows best to daddies
By 1986 department stores like J. C. Penney routinely allowed
mothers into their sons dressing rooms, but not fathers into even
a five-year-old daughters dressing room. When sued for
discrimination, J. C. Penney was able to explain the public
perception is that men are voyeurs and molesters. 13*

Respect to Suspect
In 1970, a person who spent his or her life earning a Ph.D.,
attending a decade of staff meetings, helping female and male
students on doctoral dissertations and masters theses, spending
evenings and weekends preparing articles for publication in the
most competitive journals, and spending four summers in a row
writing and rewriting a book, might earn respectas long as she
The N ew Sexism 225

or he became an associate or full professor. By 1977, the profes

sor role took on a different connotation with Philip Roths Pro
fessor of Desire.14
By the mid-eighties a successful book with professor in the
title was The Lecherous Professor. 15

This drawing is a precise rendition of the cover of the book.

Like professor, Daddy used to be a word that connoted

respect. Yet by 1980 Kiss Daddy Goodnight was one of the
best-selling books in the United States on incest. 16

The Ultimate Example of Male Dominance Is

Battered Women Especially Battered Wives . . .
Question: What is the ratio of battered wives to battered husbands?
____ (a) 4 to 1
______ (b) 1 0 2 to 1
______ (c) 2 to 1
______ (d) 34 to 1

Answer: None of these. These ratios reflect police records in

different cities. Police records reflect the incidence of com
plaints. If, instead of turning to police records of complaints,^
we turn to the only large nationally representative sample of
spouse abusea sample of 2,143 persons, conducted by Drs.
Murray Straus, Suzanne Steinmetz, and Richard Gelles1"we
find that 12 percent of husbands were violent toward wives
and 12 percent of wives were violent toward husbands. A ratio
of 1 to 1 . Frankly, when I first read this, I was angryI didnt
believe the findings. It flew in the face of everything I had
read. I asked immediately, How is violence defined? Who
inflicts more harm?
I found the researchers had studied violence in seven areas.
Rank these from one to seven according to which would violate
you most if it happened to you:

____ (a) Throwing things

____ (b) Pushing or shoving
--------- (c) Hitting or slapping
______ (d) Kicking or hitting with fist
____ (e) Hitting with something
------- if) Threatening with knife or gun
____ (g) Using knife or gun

Compare your rankings with the actual findings as reported by

Dr. Suzanne Steinmetz in Victimology: 18
Violence Husbands Wives

T h re w things 3 5
Pushed or shoved 11 8
Hit o r slapped 5 5
Kicked or hit with fist 2 3
Hit with som ething 2 3
Threatened with knife or gun 0.4 0.6
Used knife o r gun 0.3 0.1
Used any violence 12 12
This study w as conductsd w ith 2,143 parsons.
Source: S uzanns Steinm etz, Victimology, vol. 2 ,1 9 7 7 -1 9 7 8 ,
Num bers 3 - 4 , pp. 4 9 9 -5 0 9 .
The N ew Sexism 227

Although I have been trained in research methods, until doing

this book I had never questioned whether the publicized statistics
about spouse abuse came from police records and social worker
recordsindications of who complained the mostor whether
they came from a survey of a random population sample.
If women and men in fact do batter each other, how is it that
only men have gotten the bad reputation?
Look at how we view male and female death differently. We
feel horror when we hear that innocent women and children
are killed. Yet when men are killed they are, as Fredric Hayward
puts it, called soldiers, miners, workers, people, and, often,
just numbers, as i n Scaffold Collapses: 18 Plunge to Death. 2 1
By calling men who die i n war Americans rather than saying
Of Americans who died in Vietnam, 56,886 were male and 8
were female we cover up male death. We might respond,
Well, men sent these men to warso its hard to feel sorry for
men who are killed at their own self-destructive games. How
would this explain our lack of feeling for men when Margaret
Thatcher sent 473 men and no women to their death in the
Falklands. 2 2 We blame men for doing it to themselves.
I recently saw the movie The River. During the film Sissy
Spacek has her arm punctured by a farm machine. The audience
let out shouts of shock and revulsion. Several scenes later her
husbandisolated from his family behind a picket line, living
under conditions of squalor and low wages for weeks to earn
enough to keep his family back in the warmth of their home
gets his face smashed in by the picketers. There was absolutely
no reaction from the audience at the blood dripping out of the
punctures on his face.
By expecting men to play life-threatening roles, we are less
horrified when their lives are lost. By being less horrified, we
can continue the assignment rather than look at our roles in
making the assignment, our roles in sponsoring violence against
men by turning to war films, murder mysteries, westerns, or TV
movies in which men are killed routinely for our entertainment.
Women are often killed irihorror movies. Why horror movies?
Because the very purpose of horror is to break taboosthat is
what creates horror. Killing a woman is taboo. Killing a man is
not. In westerns and war films men are killed left and right, yet
they are not called horror films. When a woman is killed, as in
Death Wish, when Charles Bronsons wife was murdered and his
daughter raped, the sense of outrage was so deep that theatergo

ers all over the country cheered wildly for the rest of the movie
as Bronson shot mugger after mugger in revenge. The energy
from the outrage was strong enough to sustain an entire movie.
The producers were aware that they could not sustain this level
of audience outrage by opening the movie with a scene of a
mugger killing a man.
In non-horror films, women are not killed left and right, as
men are in war films and westerns. In fact, one way of predict
ing the outcome of all but three or four non-horror movies is that
if the life of a woman w ho has appeared in m ore than nvo scenes
is threatened, we can safely predict she will not be murdered or
shot. With a few exceptions, a womans murder takes place in
the opening scene in nonhorror films, before we can get to know
her as a woman. Such is not the case with male characters. As
with Alexis of D ynasty versus Bobby Ewing and J. R. of D a lla s ,
the excitement is women being threatened, but men being m urdered
or shot. When men are shot, it is not horror, but excitem ent
worthy of bumper stickers and guessing games (as in Who Shot
J. R.? ).
The most important part of this difference is that when women
are killed, they are recognizable as victims. When men are
killed, they appear to deserve it. After all, we say, the men are
killing each other in war. We do not acknowledge how they are
victimized by being assigned the role of protector and hero in
war films, westerns, or space movies. W e p ro tect women by not
assigning them roles in which they must k ill each o th e r; in the
process we make violence a g ain st th e ir lives m ore a p p allin g than
violence against m ens lives.
Once we are more shocked by violence against women it
becomes easy for hundreds of researchers, who would ordinarily
know better, to measure the amount of violence against each
sex by looking at police reports of those who select themselves
out to complain.
When we block ourselves from asking questions we are other
wise trained to ask, we know the subconscious is operating.
Could it be we have an investment in viewing women as victims
and men as perpetrators? If someone protested that the Who
Shot J. R . craze is the glorification of violence against men,
would he or she be told to go water some pansies?
The N ew Sexism 229

The Burning Bed

A television event watched by more viewers than the World
Series* was NBCs movie The Burning Bed, starring Farrah
Fawcett and based on a true incident in which a battered wife
murdered her husband.
Does The Burning Bed ever happen in reverse? What is the
reaction when a man retaliates by murdering his wife and is
freed? Lets look at a reverse Burning Bed that occurred in
Florida in 1980.
Betty King had beaten, slashed, stabbed, thrown dry acid on,
and shot her husband. 2 3 Eddie King had not sought prosecution
when she slashed his face with a carpet knife, nor when she left
him in a parking lot with a blade in his back. Neither of these
incidents even made the police records as statistics. She was only
arrested twicewhen she stabbed him so severely in the back and
so publicly (in a bar) that the incidents had to be reported.
All these stabbings, shootings, and acid throwings happened
during a four-year marriage. During a subsequent shouting match
on the porch of a friends house, Betty King once again reached
into her purse. This time Eddie King shot her. When an investi
gation led to a verdict of self-defense, there was an outcry of
opposition from feminists and the media.
Eddie Kings response was to an immediate threat; a two-
second delay could have meant his death. In The Burning Bed
the husband was asleep. It is more difficult to claim the only
alternative is murder when the threat is sleeping. Yet this was
the fifth such reverse Burning Bed handled by Eddie Kings
lawyer alone.t
Why do we feel justice is served when a wife murders an
abusive husband who is asleep but not when a husband murders
an abusive wife who is awake? Why was it important that one of
Americas most beautiful women (Farrah Fawcett) play the woman
in Burning Bed? Because the more beautiful the woman, the
more feminine, and the more feminine, the more empathy.
The image of a beautiful woman being hurt evokes subconscious
empathy, just as the man being hurt evokes a reaction similar to
that when a criminal is hurt.

*The film received an A. C. Nielson rating of 36.2. higher than the World
Series for the same week.
tFlorida public defender Pat McGuiness.

Woman-as-criminal does not register for usin part because

the image of man-as-complainer does not register. Man-as-
complainer never was in style. In post-Renaissance France, a*
man abused by his wife was ordered to wear womens clothes
and parade through the center of town on a donkeysitting
Recently in Great Britain, Christine English confessed to kill
ing her boyfriend by deliberately ramming him into a utility pole
with her car, but she gained acquittal by successfully arguing
that premenstrual tension had pushed her out of control. Both
historically and internationally, images of male as criminal and
female as Farrah Fawcett-fragile have distorted our findings,
leading us to avoid certain questions and find legal reasons to
reinforce our biases.
We have a conscious and unconscious history of protecting
women, while men practice killing each other to eam the role of
protector. Nobody kills a ladybug.

The Rites of Birth

Until recently circumcision was considered a way of preventing
infection, masturbation, and cancer (as if they were equally
harmful!). As of 1975, the American Academy of Pediatrics,
unable to prove those correlations, advised physicians that "there
is no medical indication for circumcision in the neonatal period. 24
Yet it is still done routinely. In three extensive research checks I
was unable to uncover a single study of the psychological differ
ences between men who are and are not circumcised, with
factors such as socioeconomic background and parental attitudes
statistically controlled.
Perhaps part of the reason men are the way they are is the
trauma perpetrated on males so early after birthperhaps not.
Do men who are not circumcised live longer, other factors being
equal? We have not cared to ask.
We were outraged at the medical community and blamed its
men for not researching the full price of the Pill before allowing
women to take it. Thousands of articles claimed that such a thing
would never have been done to men. Of course, the Pill should
not have been released to women without the risks being more
clearly publicized. But the very outcry showed we were con
cerned about womens bodies.
Lets look at whether we have shown that concern for mens
The N ew S exism 231

bodies. Never mind war, boxing, and footballthe societal bribes

to pay for men to damage their bodies. Start with birth. Within
moments after infant boys are born, 80 percent undergo surgery 2 5
Their penises are taken to the blade of a knife and cut. This is
done to the male child prior to the age of consent. If we had not
protested the inadequate research on the Pill, our silence would
have told us much about our attitude toward women. The fact
that we do not know the long-term impact of this surgery and
have not asked to know tells us about our attitude toward males.
Doesnt lack of circumcision make a boy child feel different?
Yes. Which is why, if circumcision creates birth trauma, it needs
to be publicized very widely so another 15 to 20 percent of
parents can be added to the 2 0 percent who already do not
circumcise infants, thereby minimizing the difference factor
once 35 to 40 percent of boys are either circumcised or arc
not, the numbers on both sides are large enough to minimize
locker room ridicule. Parents who have watched a film showing
an infants reactions to circumcision find it is so gruesome that
almost all of them decide against it. The issue is not to circum
cise or not, but the subconscious lack of caring about men that is
displayed when we do not even ask for the information we need
to make a decision. No one would say, We dont know whether
the Pill is harmful or not; lets not bother to find out.

Take This Quiz

Fred Hayward, one of the most insightful philosophers of the
new sexism, constructed a quiz* to help us stop the hardening
of our categories, as Gabriel Marcel put it. Here are a few
questions from that quiz:

Question: Womens organizations have raised our awareness

about the high percentage of violence against women. Which
do you feel is the main reason so many women are murdered?
--------- (a) Television and movies
______ (b) Pornography
______ (c) Bias in the legal system
--------- (d) Social acceptance of violence against women

*For the full quiz and Haywards other writings, write M ens Rights, P.O.
Box 163180, Sacramento, CA 95816.

Answer: None of these. So many women are not mur

dered. Three out of every four victims of homicide are male. 2 6
Men are also I Vi times more likely to be assaulted. The rules
of sexism do not free men from the terror of violence; they'
only keep men from complaining about it.

Question: The American legal system guarantees that a man

is considered innocent until proven guilty. True or false?

Answer: False. A simple allegation of battering or molesta

tion, or even the allegation of potential abuse, is sometimes
enough to get a man thrown out of his home and excluded
from his family. Divorced fathers frequently report that their
visitation rights are not being restored even after their success
ful defense against criminal charges.

Question: The most common child batterer is:

______ (a) a suburban father
______ (b) a middle-class father
______ (c) an uneducated father
______ (d) a divorced father

Answer: None of these. Most abuse occurs in households

headed by women.

Consciousness Balancing
Some months ago I was working in an office at the sociology
department of the University of California at San Diego. The
departments newsletter crossed my desk. 28 A female department
worker had filled in eleven examples of sexism in the blank
space at the end of a page. The observations of the womens
movement were so assimilated that she had no fear of stirring
controversy or losing her job by presenting them without present
ing the other side. Perhaps neither to her nor to anyone else in
the department was another side even possible. In the table
opposite some of the most potent of her examples are listed on the
left, and on the right some examples of the New Sexism that
would have resulted in consciousness balancing.
The N ew Sexism 233

Traditional Sexism The New Sexism

Devious men are considered When women use their

shrewd, while devious wo power at age twenty its
men are scheming. called a wedding; when men
use it at age forty its called
a mid-life crisis.
Angry men are called out When women hold off from
raged, while angry women marrying men, we call it in
are called hysterical. dependence; when men hold
off from marrying women,
we call it fear of commit
When men talk together A woman who supports a
its called conversation, but man for a lifetime is called
when women talk together crazy, while a man who
its called gossip. supports a woman for a life
time is called a breadwinner.
Forceful men are referred to When men die at age nine
as charismatic, while force teen in Lebanon, we call it
ful women are domineering. power; when women live to
the age of ninety in La Jolla,
we call it powerlessness.
* Obstinate men are called Why is it that we feel more
strong-willed, while obstinate sorry for widows than for
women are called stubborn. their dead husbands?
When men have pictures of An unemployed mother is
children on their office desk, called a dedicated parent,
its a sign of a loving fa and an unemployed father
ther; when women do so, is called a bum.
its considered the sign of a
woman who doesnt take her
work seriously.

Comic Relief
To give ourselves some comic relief my assistant and I reviewed
one thousand cartoon strips in 1985 issues of the Washington

Post, the Chicago Tribune, and the Los Angeles Timesto

examine the incidence of male versus female violence. 2 9 Here
are the findings in summary. Violence was eight times morg
likely to occur to men. Men were much more likely to do it to
each other than were women to do it to men. Strips in which
violence was about to occur were eleven times more likely to
have men as potential victims. The only taboo among the thou
sand strips was woman-to-woman violence.

The Womens Room

When racism or sexism is discovered, it is woven throughout
both the literary masterpieces and best-sellers of the day, as Kate
Millett illustrated in Sexual Politics. One of the best-sellers of
the late seventies and early eighties, Marilyn Frenchs The Wom
ens Room,i0 similarly reflects the new sexism. The Womens
Room could be outlined in five stages:

1. Dependent wife.
2. Wife realizes men oppress her.
3. Woman leaves husband, has nothing to do with men.
4. Woman meets Mr. Wonderful.
5. Even Mr. Wonderful is a jerk. Implication: All men are

If we look closely at The Womens Room we can see even

from the outline how the womans realization that she is
oppressed by men leads naturally to alienation from men, which
creates a self-fulfilling prophecy that all future Mr. Wonderfuls
will become Mr. Jerks. With that approach, liberation be
comes a room of ones own.
The anger feeds on itself. Writers need to get published to eat,
so they write what sells. If there is a growing constituency for
the bad rap on men, few writers can afford to buck the tide. So
they feed the fire to feed their families.

Are Women Second-Class Citizens?

In the past fifteen years even our portrayal of racism has under
gone a transformationfrom a system that oppressed both sexes
The N ew S exism 235

to a system that oppresses predominantly women. The civil

rights movement and Alex Haleys Roots allowed for both sexes
oppression. But by the 1980s, Alice Walkers The Color Purple
was portraying four black women oppressed and four black men
oppressors. Despite the time span, which included both World
War 1 and the Depression, not one black male was portrayed as
a victim.
The black males were portrayed rather as rapists, child molest
ers, child stealers, child sellers, incest perpetrators, wife beaters,
and self-serving on the one hand, or, on the other, as wimps. The
women were portrayed as victims who, through sisterhood and
confronting their black male oppressors, could emerge victori
ous. In reality, though, the emergence came when the indepen
dent Shug Avery married a rich man and flashdanced to wealth
and when the dependent Celie was first swept away by the newly
flashdanced Shug Avery and then flashdanced via her dead father
( death wish ) to an inherited home and business. How were
the two black male saviors portrayed? One as a self-serving jerk;
the other was never seen.
Could a black male do anything right? Yes. When all three
black women unite against the black oppressor he is shown
defeated. It is only by defeating him that he will rise again,
transformed into a savior (who returns Celies children and her
sister from Africa).
The result? The book received a Pulitzer prize, and the movie,
although receiving no Academy Awards, received eleven nomina
tions. Even racism had entered the era of the New Sexismthe
portrayal of only one sexs experience of powerlessness.
Women and men are both slaves and second-class citizens in
different ways. Just as the traditional woman can be seen as a
slave in a mans house, so the traditional man can be seen as a
slave in a womans house. We could portray the woman as a
slave master, assigning the role of tilling the field and earning
the income to the man, who would then bring it back so she
could spend it as she wished to run the plantation. In this
version, like the slave or the worker bee, the man brings back his
earnings to the queen bee. And like the worker bee, he dies off
sooner in the process.
Women are the only "minority group to be born into the
upper class as frequently as men. The only minority group
whose unpaid labor enables them to buy fifty billion dollars
worth of cosmetics each year; whose members have time to read

more romance novels and watch more television than men during
eveiy time category11; whose members earn one-third what white
men earn and outspend them for all personal items combined.1*
Women are the only minority group to systematically grow up
having a class of workers (called fathers) in the field working for
them; they are the only minority group that is a majority.
Does this mean women have more power than men? No. It
does mean the sexes, unlike the classes, have approximately
equal numbers of people bom into privileged and oppressive
conditions. It is in the interests of both sexes to hear the other
sexs experience of powerlessness.
Why Did the Sexual
Revolution Come and Go
So Quickly?

During the late seventies and early eighties, the focus of feminist
protest shifted. At first feminism was associated with sexual
freedom. Germaine Greer talked about having sex with your
local cabdriver. By 1984 Greers Sex and Destiny' was advocat
ing abstinence and celibacy. By the mid-eighties, U.S. govern
ment brochures, socialist feminists, the Moral Majority, and Dr.
Joyce Brothers all agreed on only one thingwomen should
hold back more on.sex. As in the old sex.

' a cco ro iko to Time a g a - Y ACROSS TMC COU*JTRV(

tinC'h stuck, coawmTmewT 600 0 . OtCCWT, O RAL '
C A R tfR U c a s u a l R IN G NEWS WITH THC S A *E
ts ' o u r iPASSONtO RCS^OWSE...

1984 Universal Press Syndicate. Reprinted with permission. All rights reserved.

Universal Press Syndicate, April 30, 1985

What happened? In the beginning of the sexual revolution,

during the late sixties and early seventies, birth control led to a
removal of the intellectual rationale supporting female sexual
restraint; women earning their own incomes meant there was less
of a need to hold out for economic security, and women depend
ing more on themselves were less dependent on orthodox reli
gions that had advocated sexual restraint. For a while, intellectual,

economic, and religious reasons for sexual restraint were weak

ened. But as female incomes allowed women to be more honest
in relationshipswithout the fear of being left penniless on the
street, supporting self and childrenmarriages broke up. Sud
denly this created a new pictureeconomic independence was
associated with economic insecurity. Work as freedom of choice
was much different from work as necessityto support oneself
and help to support the children.
Once marriages broke up, what started out as a right had
become a responsibility. It was no longer sexual freedom plus
economic freedom. As in the ads for I. Magnin and Wayne Clark
(which was for the woman who has every thing including a
horse and male sex object) the Ninja ad below portrays a woman
as wanting sex from a man for its own sake (without a mans
providing security). Women portrayed as wanting sex for its own
sake are almost always portrayed as not having to worry about

W orking W om an, N o vem b er 1984

This was not womens fault. If, from an early age and for
many generations, men had been told they could get their dinners
Why Did the Sexual Revolution Com e and Go So Quickly? 239

paid for by looking good, being supportive, and not being too
sexually free, men would be more supportive and less sexually
free. Traditionally, withholding sex until security was guaranteed
had worked as a strategy. As womens economic independence
was seen to be economic insecurity, there was a quick shift back
to a more conservative sexuality.
Whether the development was conscious or unconscious, coinci
dental or not, as soon as it became apparent that sexual freedom
was not coming hand in hand with economic freedom, it was
questioned. Erica Jong went from writing about sex with strange
men on Amtrak trains to warning against sex without commitment.
The Moral Majority, meantime, had never had any trouble
keeping sex and commitment linked via God and morality. Femi
nists dumped the morality rationale; instead they developed a
distrust-of-male-sexuality attitude, which was called upon as a
replacement for morality as the rationale for shifting back to a
more conservative sexuality prior to commitment.
The issues of the late seventies and eighties increasingly be
came distrust-male-sexuality issues: protests of pornography, pros
titution, sexual harassment, rape, child molestation, and incest.
This distrust allowed a woman to return to the position in which
a man had to prove trust before she would be sexual. It also
created an uneasy alliance between the religious fundamentalists
and feminists. Both groupswith different reasonshad arrived
at the same role for female sex as the lead article in Cosmopolitan:
Make Him Earn It.
By the 1980s, the new sexism and distrust male sexuality
messages combined so effectively that even magazines like
Glamourla could advocate female sexuality in ways they would
never advocate male sexuality. For example, Glamour's Sexual
Pleasures of Childbirth article explains how when mothers
breast-feed babies, mothers should experience the childs suck
ing motions in a sexual manner and achieve orgasms from the
contact of her nipples with the childs mouth and lips. Yet, in the
mid-eighties incest is often defined as any contact with a child in
which a man has sexual feelings.
A child needs both breast-feeding and bathing, but male par
ents were being arrested on the mere accusation they had touched
a child genitally for too long when bathing itparticularly if
the child was a daughter. In some areas, doctors literally hooked
the fathers penis up to a machine and showed him pictures of a
female child while the machine registered whether these pictures

excited him . 2 If they did. it was considered significant evidence

against him. Reputations were ruined whether the accused was
found innocent or guilty. Divorced fathers were deprived of their*
rights to their children before they were found guilty and many
never had their children returned once they were found innocent.
How is it that, by the mid-eighties, a womans sexual experi
ence with her child could be condoned whereas a man could be
arrested merely on the accusation of touching his child for too
long while bathing this child? How is it that in Glamour the
descriptions of sexual pleasure between mother and child are
more explicit than the descriptions of sexual pleasure between an
adult woman and an adult man?
Why, by 1985, was New Woman running a cover feature by
Dr. Joyce Brothers entitled Why You Shouldnt Move in with
Your Lover, 3 explaining that if a woman lives with a man
there is no way she is going to get as much out of the
relationship as he does ? 4 Because she provides him with. Broth
ers explains, the equivalent of marital sex without expecting
much except an orgasm in return. 5 And that is all she is going
to get, 6 Brothers observes (emphasis added). In short, he gets
sex and she gets sex. If that is considered unequal, we can see
why men are afraid of commitment. We have returned to the old
sex in the New Woman.
The distrust of men and male sexuality has become so pro
found that Dr. Joyce Brothers could say, and New Woman could
headline, that living together is a phony relationship, that it is
as destructive as cocaine, and that the woman always gets the
worst of it 7 (emphasis added).
Look at the cartoon on the next page, which ran under the
headline Why You Shouldnt Move in with Your Lover.
Does this man sound trustworthy?
Notice how the article condemns living together for women,
but if the cartoon had said I didnt mean marriage . . . I meant
living together, that would have made the man sound too
reasonable for the cartoon to be used as support for the article.
By making him sound unreasonable ( playing house from time
to time ), living together could be linked to stupidity. That
subconscious emotional link is needed to make him appear as an
opportunist who gets sex and she as a victim who gets nothing
rather than as equals who both want to know each other before
they make a lifetime commitment and perhaps raise children
Why Did the Sexual Revolution Come and Go So Quickly? 241

" / didn't mean actually living; together, Mitzi; u/ia/ / had in mind was
more like playing house from time to time."
New Woman, March 1985

The emotional association of living together is made to mean

for the woman: Its stupid and meaningless and you are being
taken advantage of by an opportunistic cad who just wants your
body. By consistently seeing men portrayed in this way, new
women are learning to combine the Old Sex (sex as a bargain
ing chip for a lifetime income) with the New Sexism (distrust of
men and male sexuality). The effect is to take the focus off
equality and self-responsibility.
How can we know when the distrust of male sexuality and the
old sex are being used to gain the outcome of income and
security? When a lot of excuses that do not stand up are given to
marry. In the New Woman piece, Dr. Brothers tells us that living
together docs not help a couple get to know each other because
both the man and woman arc on their best behavior, putting their
best foot forward. Yet obviously a year or two of handling
finances, housework, and cooking, of sharing closets, bathroom
sinks, and stereo albums, of working out a decorating scheme,
coordinating bedtimes, adjusting to moods, work schedules, val
ues. habits, relatives, and perhaps each others children, tells us
a lot more about a person than jumping from evening dates and

vacation sex into marriage. How could an intelligent person

make such a comment? Only as a strategyan ideology in which
common sense is blinded by the goal. *
As a strategy for lifetime income, the new sexism and the old
sex can indeed be effective. But they are also effective at getting
women literally raped. Lets look at how the old sex and new
sexism backfire against women, against men, and against love.

The Six-Stage Rape Cycle

All men are rapists and thats all they are."8
Marilyn French, author of The Womens Room

I would not be so concerned about the old sex and the new
sexism if they did not combine with sex roles to produce many
more problems than they solve. The combination of the old sex,
the new sexism, and sex roles creates a six-stage cycle. Lets
look at that cycle with an emphasis on the role of the old sex.

1. Sex is dirty (the old sex).

2. Initiating sex is mens responsibility (sex roles).
3. Men cannot be trusted since theyre just out to get all
this dirty stuff (old sex plus sex roles leading to New
4. A man must prove himself worthy of trust before a
woman has sex with him (she does not need to prove
herself worthy of trust before he accepts her sexually).
5. To handle rejection men learn to turn women into sex
objects, which reinforces the alienation necessary for
women to continue treating men as success objects.
The Sex Object/Success Object Cycle is established.
6 . Turning women into sex objects is a prerequisite to
rape, alienation from sexuality, alienation from self,
alienation from intimacy . . . which just proves Stage
1: Sex is dirty.
Why Did the Sexual Revolution Come and Go So Quickly? 243

Stage 1: We Used to Think of Sex as Dirty . . .

But Thats No Longer True, Is It?
Many women end up liking sex and feeling frustrated when they
are not sexually fulfilled. By understanding how sex-is-dirty
messages have returned, we can get a deeper understanding of
what we are doing to create the distrust toward men that leaves
women and men sexually unfulfilled.

Item: Backstage at the Merv Griffin show I am preparing for

a discussion on sex-role training as divorce training. Merv
Griffin is onstage:

Merv: E.T. has a sister. . . .

Merv's Straightman: Whats her name?
Merv: E.Z.

Dear Abby exemplified the return to the old sex when in

the 1980s she reran a column she had run years before on the
dangers of premarital sex, saying it was still relevant. I agree
with columns that, caution both sexes about their psychological
readiness for sexespecially the first few times. But Dear
Abby docs not caution boys; she cautions girls only:

Does he love you? Someone who loves you wants whatever

is best for you. He wants you to:
Commit an immoral act.
Surrender your virtue.
Throw away your self-respect. . . .
A boy who loves a girl would sooner cut off his right arm . . .
Why not prove your love by sticking your head in the oven
and turning on the gas . . . ?y

Imagine the reaction to the reversal of a column like this by

Dear Abbott. Abbott advises, A woman who wants you to
prove your love by fulfilling her primary fantasyby marrying
herwants you to stick your head in the oven and tum on the
gas. . . . Would we think Abbott had a neurosis about mar
riage that he was trying to impose on the rest of us? Would we
protest the newspapers that were syndicating this neurosis?
By the early 1980s, family planning information and govern

ment pamphlets were dispensing advice about intercourse as if it

were the same as pregnancy. The back cover of a health educa
tion bulletin on Counseling for Teens: The Consequences of
Sexual Activity answers its own back cover headline What
Happens When You Have Intercourse?

8 in 10 dropped out of high school . . .

their babies are twice as likely to die as other babies . . .
they are more than twice as likely to die themselves during
pregnancy. 10

Obviously. 8 out of 10 teenagers who have intercourse do not

drop out of high school. Many who do not use birth control do.
Teenagers often get negative messages about sex, one of which
is that they should not go around with birth-control devices
because it looks as if you want it. The message that sex is
dirty is reinforced by pamphlets like thispamphlets that help
create the disasters they ideally desire to prevent.
Has our vocabulary about sex really changed in the past
twenty years? Most of the words we associate with sex are still
swear words. Say sensuality and watch the warmth come into
someones eyes as he or she hears its implied contrast to sexuality;
say spirituality and watch for even more warmth as he or she
hears a deeper contrast. The dichotomizing of love and sex,
sensuality and sexuality, and spirituality and sexuality always
puts sex in the one down position: making it anti-sensual,
anti-spiritual, anti-love. This is either-or thinking.
Most people feel that violence is bad and sex is good. Yet
parents often will not ask their child to turn off a television that
has bullets ripping through male bodies as they fall off horses
and get bloodied by a stampede of hooves (in a G rated western).
Yet if we saw our child watching sex on Saturday-morning
television, most of us would be outraged, label it gross and
immoral, and write a letter of protest.
We claim to want our children to be sexually responsible, yet
most Americans support the continued television ban on birth-
control advertising. When we see what other advertising we ban
on television, like guns and cigarettes (with the capacity for
death) and alcohol and drugs (considered vices), we understand
that we still see sex as such a vice that being responsible
sexually is also a vice. We would rather risk abortion or protest
Why Did the Sexual Revolution Com e and Go So Quickly? 245

abortions than hint, via birth-control advertising, that we are

suggesting sex might be okay.
While most men have relationships with women who have
struggled to conquer the attitude that sex is dirty, many men find
its residue playing itself out in thousands of subtle ways. One
man was disillusioned to discover that women who scream dur
ing sex scream even louder on game shows for prizes." And
men who date single mothers often report the extraordinary
lengths to which the mothers will go to keep their sexual activity
hidden from their children.

You know why I'm so fond o f you?

Okay, okay, I ' l l stay on my own We can cuddle all night and you
side o f the b e d . never try to force sex on m e."

C o sm opolitan, A ugust 1 9 8 4 N e w W om an, F ebruary 1 9 8 4

How do children first pick up these messages? At first we

make it unconsciously clear to both sexes that sex should be
separated out from the rest of life by separating out their genitals
from the rest of life: many parents bathe their children on the
entire body, for example, but quickly skip by the genitals. Or,
when their child touches her or his genitals in public, they give a
disapproving look, or physically remove the childs hand, or
publicly humiliate the child. Sometimes the separation is ration
alized with the word private as we ask the child to put a
bathing suit over the genital area, or to change in a separate
room. We separate sex out from the rest of life and then wonder
why our children separate sex out from the rest of life.
Once weve made both sexes genitals unnatural, we are ready
to make the transition from genitals as nature to genitals as
Both sexes leam genitals are dirty. During adolescence a girl
eventually learns that although her genitals are dirty, for what

ever reason, those disgusting men want her dirty genitals. She
learns she has possession over something both dirty and valuable.
Is there a way to avoid appearing dirty? Yes. Assign th^
responsibility for the dirt to someone else. Whichever sex is
assigned the responsibility for the dirt will not be trusted. So
Stages 2 and 3, Initiating sex is mens responsibility and
Men cannot be trusted, go hand in hand.

Stages 2 and 3: Men Theyre All Alike . . .

An erect penis has no conscience ; yet when it is not erect, we
call a man impotent. Men are caught between a rock and a
soft place. The impact of mens taking sexual initiatives is
enormous in a culture that considers sex dirty.

No way, Joshand-holding
just leads to the hard stuff!"
N e w W om an, July 1984

In these cartoons we see the link between the male role of

sexual initiative-taking and the feeling that sex is dirtyeven in
Play girl and New Woman. Notice, in New Woman, that the
new woman does not initiate. So he is vulnerable to being
accused of giving the wrong line. Women often ask, Why do
men give the same lines to different women? The answer is: for
the same reason women wear the same perfume for different
men. We all try the things that work.
In Playgirl, the most positive about sex of the womens
magazines, we sec hundreds of male-sex-as-ncgative cartoons.
Imagine a cartoon in Playboy that said, Dont play house with
her. You'll never get out of the bedroom. Playboy would be
Why Did the Sexual Revolution Com e and Go So Quickly? 247

more likely to run a cartoon saying, Dont play house with her.
. . . youll never get into the bedroom.
The book No Good Men (see cartoon below) illustrates how
we ask men to initiate, leading to men activating their sexuality
(a prerequisite to initiating), leading to distrusting men as poten
tial rapists:

They oonsider all terms cf jiiysical

WHAT affection as foreplay

T h r Im t * th fall up, thy |
hog tha o o r a , thay n m r call
w h a n th* 7 u y thay will, thay
U ha p h o n a call* du rin g m b 1
and... 5

This cartoon was reprinted in Playgirl as part of a feature that

put men down more than forty times in nine consecutive cartoons.
If we did a reversal of mens overzealousness for sex, it might
look like this portrayal of a womans overzealousness for her
primary fantasy.
Tney ccfisider all [orms cf

71*9 leave th e toilet
s e a t down, they expect
me to call, they t i e aepirtr*
before sex and fantasize
prsgnancy after

Authors role reversal v

Why are these antisex and antimale cartoons in the only

female magazine that seems open to sex with men? Are we really
saying men should take responsibility for this dirty sex so they
can be accused of being disgusting and untrustworthy? This does
seem like the message, but why?

Stage 4: Reject Men Until They Prove Themselves

The less men can be trusted, the more they have to prove
themselves. We have seen that even in the eighties one of th
best ways men can prove themselves trustworthy, serious, and
responsible (as in not a Peter Pan ) is to promise to transfer the
fruits of any success to a woman via commitment and the
follow-up diamond. Now that sex is easier to get, has the
pressure on men to prove themselves trustworthy diminished?
No. While we loosened up on sex a bit. we tightened up on our
mistrust of men, meaning that men still have to prove themselves.
Whether the reason for a womans restriction is immorality (as in
religion), fear of pregnancy, or mistrust, her restrictions, how
ever legitimate, have become his conditionswhat he must do to
prove himself before he is allowed to have sex.
Im not saying sex should be unconditional. I am saying both
sexes should have about equal conditions, which will only begin
to happen when both sexes equally hare responsibility for
initiatingwhich will only happen when both sexes share equal
responsibility for earning the income. It would be neat and
simple to keep these issues separatebut such a separation has
contributed to mens and womens misunderstanding of each
Why has the Moral Majority been less harsh on male sexuality
than feminists? Partly because the traditional woman needed a
man for her security too much to risk being thought of as a
man-hater. Her man-hating discussions were with her women
friends, behind mens backs, not published in Ms. magazine.
Instead of overtly speaking out about her distrust of male sexual
ity, she focused instead on her opposition to birth control, fear of
pregnancy, fear of disease, and religious convictions to get a
man to prove himself before there was too much sex. Whether
these convictions were legitimate or not, their impact on men
was the same.
Dr. Kristin Luker, in a nationwide study of women who
oppose abortion and those who believe in abortion choice, dis
covered that the most significant difference was that women who
oppose abortion are almost always likely to perceive their major
income source as men. Therefore, the sacredness of such a
womans role as potential mother must not be tampered with via
abortions. Conversely, women who favor the option of abortion
almost always want to retain the option of a career. 1 2 They want
Why Did the Sexual Revolution Com e and Go So Quickly? 249

the option to choose career or childan option facilitated by

This does not make abortion beliefs or religious beliefs insin
cere or superficial. Our most sincere beliefs are those that emerge
from our self-concepts. Ideology, religion, and atheism all have
one thing in common: they follow self-interest. And so the
seventies and eighties returned to "abortion as fetus-killing" and
introduced "herpes as Gods message to the sexually promiscu
ous to counter the "progress of those who would separate sex
from commitment and recombine them by choice rather than
edict. Homosexuals were also to be condemned; they too threaten
the notion that marital commitment is a condition of sex. If that
notion did not apply to homosexuals, how could we make it
apply to heterosexuals? And if we couldnt, we feared wed be
giving sex away again.
Few people prefer sex without love to sex with love. But the
male approach tends to follow the old Irish saying: "Sex with
love is the best thing possible. Sex without love is the second
best thing possible. * For many women "just sex sounds like
just a housewife. Again, both sexes prefer sex under ideal
conditions. Men feel they have to prove themselves by meeting
womens nine conditions, while requiring women to only meet
their one condition (see Chapter 1).
When we link sex and love we get making love, and when we
link sex and commitment we get marriage. Yet when they are
separated, we get one-night stands, free sex, recreational sex,
casual sex, cheap sex, all implying sex without conditions. The
people who engage in cheap sex are cheap trash. The condemna
tion implies sex should cost and love should cost. Pay-as-you-go
sex. Pay-forever sex.
If men still pay to get sex, women still pay if they give it away
too easilythe slurs of promiscuous, whore, or prostitute are not
outdated, even though a prostitute is someone who does not give
it away for free. The more negative our attitude toward sex, the
more men have to pay to Veam it. And that maintains our
unconscious investment in keeping our attitude toward sex nega
tive with the unintended result of making our attitude toward
men negative.

For example: 91 percent o f American men do not feel love is necessary for
good sex. This statistic is taken from Anthony Pietropinto and Jacqueline
Simenauers Beyond the M ale Myth (New York: Signet, 1977), p. 230.

In a workshop in Maine, Carly said she felt used when a

man she slept with for the first time did not call the next day.
Carly was expecting something as a result of the sex. She did noj
question herself for not calling.
Do men suffer bad reputations related to sex? Once they
commit, yes. Alan Alda is praised for his fidelity. If a man has
sex with too many women without the apparent intention of
committing, he, like Ted Kennedy, is seen as a womanizer
and an exploiter of women. Why? Doesnt each woman agree
to have sex with him? Or is it assumed she is being used because
she gets nothing more than sex? If such men are womanizers,
wby are women not manizers ? What are they doing for him
after he gives sex? Both sexes can suffer bad reputations.
A man suffers rejection if he does not prove himself worthy
beforehand and is given a bad reputation if he does not give
more than sex later.

Stage 5: The Sex Object/Success Object Cycle

I have mentioned how mens role of taking sexual initiatives
teaches men to turn women into sex objects so rejection will hurt
less; and how the longer the period of friendship prior to sex the
longer the period of potential rejection. However, mens resis
tance to friendship prior to sex creates womens alienation from
men and increases the likelihood of the woman rejecting the
man, which leads him to further objectify her, which leads her to
further alienation and rejection of him, which leads . . . And so
we arc in a vicious cycle.
In the sixties and seventies the solution to this problem was
falsely seen as shortening the period of friendship prior to sex.
But once a short period became the in thing, it became part of
the problem, since by definition a fad denies individual needs
and feelings.
We have begun to see that the real solution to objectification
comes with sharing responsibility for earning income so that we
do not have a subconscious need to keep men desiring womens
sexuality more than women desire mens, in order for men to
cam womens sexuality by short- or long-term payments (e.g.,
At this point in our genetic history, much of the gap between
male and female sexual desire for the other is doubtless biologi
cal. The solution involves that much more effort to use the
Why Did the Sexual Revolution Com e and Go So Quickly? 251

socialization process to narrow that gap rather than using the

socialization process to widen the gap.
On an everyday level this solution includes sharing the 150
stages of sexual initiative-taking between eye contact and sexual
contact. We have seen how far from that sharing we are. And of
course, as long as womens bodies are advertised more, we will
reinforce mens neediness for womens bodies and therefore
the male incentive to initiate.
The cost of not sharing is remaining in the mire of the Sex
Object/Success Object Cycle : men turning women into sex
objects as a prerequisite to taking sexual initiatives; women
turning men into success objects as a prerequisite to marriage.
The consequences of turning women into sex objects include
rape; the consequences of turning men into success objects in
clude war.

Stage 6: Objectification Is a Prerequisite to Rape

Turning women into sex objects is a prerequisite to rape, just
as objectifying Vietnamese as gooks was a prerequisite to
The first five stages build a deep-seated anger in women
toward men for objectifying, and for not believing womens nos
when they do mean no. In men they build an anger toward
women that deepens each time a man is rejected. In women they
build a contempt for men who brag and give inane lines; in men
they build a contempt for women who do not share the adult
responsibility for taking initiatives and who cry wolfsaying no
at first and later enjoying sex. In women they build self-doubt
about what they are valued for even as they apply makeup that
reinforces the objectification and self-doubt; in men they build
self-doubt about their values even as they attain success that
reinforces their objectification as success objects.
The anger, contempt, frustration, insecurity, and self-doubt
lead to feelings of powerlessriess and violence on the part of both
sexes toward each other, to each sexs objectifying and raping
the other in its own way. All this will not stop as long as sex is
thought of as dirty and one sex is assigned the role of being the
dirty one.

I Feel Damned If I Do and Damned If I Don't

A feminist man is like a jumbo shrimpneither makes any
Comedienne Cassandra Dans of the High Heeled Women

Beware of the man who praises women's liberation; he is

about to quit his job.
Erica Jong (1980)

A parallel to the Jong quote above would be: Beware of the

woman who likes sex; she is about to press for marriage.
In many books and magazines men are accused of being afraid
to say, I love you because it will give a woman power13; in
others, they are accused of saying, I love you to get a
womans sexual power. 1 4 As long as a^man is put down no one
says, Wait a minute . . .
When women make love to men orally it is most frequently
described as servicing ; when men make love to women orally
it is often described as controlling. 1 3
In the past two decades the aware man has consistently heard
that monogamy is a male invention to control female sexuality
and at the same time that men are the advocates of smashing
monogamy as a way of exerting their male supremacy and
emotionally abandoning women. 16
Dr. Joyce Brothers writes that 100 percent of 40 women she
surveyed from a variety of backgrounds (not clients going for
therapy) had faked orgasms. 1 7 All, she found, fake them at least
half the time. Yet men are accused of being insensitive to
womens sexual happiness. How would a woman feel if a man
faked ecstasy about her new dress and then wondered why she
continued to wear it, concluding she was insensitive to his
dislike of the dress?
It is a sign of male adaptiveness that men havent gotten in
touch with their feelings about being damned if they do and
damned if they dont, and either withdrawn more or fought
back. Both sexes fake their emotional responses rather than risk
the disapproval of the other sex.
Why Did the Sexual Revolution Com e and Go So Quickly? 253

Why Do Men Separate Their Emotions from Sex?

Actually, men get quite emotional about sex. When we say men
separate their emotions from sex, we really mean they more
often separate sex from emotional commitments. That is, they
separate sex from the types of emotions women would more
often like men to get emotional about. Which is why this com
plaint usually comes from women.
Dennis gets emotional about sex in much the same way that
Dawn gets emotional about being asked to the senior prom. Both
are emotional about getting their primary fantasy met for an
evening. Neither is necessarily emotional about the person as
much as about the experience the person is providingsex or the
prom. If the person is also special, then the emotions increase.
But if Dawn feels her excitement will make Dennis feel she is
ready for sex before she is, or if Dennis feels his emotional
excitement will make Dawn feel he is ready for commitment
before he is, they will each be forced to cut off their emotions in
order not to mislead the other.
Regardless of our sex, we often separate our emotions from
what the other sex would really like us to be emotional about.
We do it especially if we feel that the other sex wants us to be
emotional about its primary fantasy before we are ready to fulfill

When I Take Initiatives Men Seem to Back Off . . .

Why Is That?
Many men do back off when women initiate. Just as women
back off when men initiate. The more a person initiates, the
more rejection she or he will getand the more likely he or she
is to get his or her ideal partner. People who initiate are selecting
people they want, not necessarily people who have an interest in
them. So they get rejected. It is not always because the man
cannot handle a woman initiating. Most men, if interested,
love it.
There is, though, one reason some men back off even when
they are interested. That reason is performance pressurethe
feeling that she wants me; now I must be erect when she
Unfortunately, the closer a womans publication like Playgirl
gets to giving its female readers the message sex is okay, the

more its articles and cartoons berate men for poor performance.
Note the pressure in the following cartoon.

"Oh nothing. Its ju st that you were better
as a fa n ta sy.
Playgirl, D e c e m b e r 198 2

Dozens of Play-girl's cartoons feature women mocking men

who are making jerks of themselves trying to please them. This
is distinct from anger toward women in'Playboy and Penthouse,
which is usually a defense against rejection, not criticism for a
woman who has accepted him but is performing inadequately.
If Playboy and Penthouse consistently featured cartoons of
men who were bored or critical when they were having sex with
a woman, we might get the feeling the men were putting down
women to cover up their own sexual aversion.

"Or nothing. Its just that you were better

a s 4 : h i r i ,4

Author's role reversal

Why Did the Sexual Revolution Com e and Go So Quickly? 255

Id like to go all the way with Ronald, but he can never last that long."
C o s m o p o lita n , Septem ber 1984, p. 356b

Fantasy versus Fear

The possibility that put-downs of men are covering up female
readers sexual aversion becomes clearer when we look at the
difference between cartoons in Playgirl, which criticize men for
sexual performing at more complex sexual acts, versus those in
Cosmo. In Cosmo the men are criticized for performing inade
quately at the basics. A survey of Cosmo readers own sexuality18
discovered the Cosmo woman is afraid of the basics (such as
lovemaking in daylight). By putting down men at the level at
which she is still making a transition to becoming comfortable,
the woman can say, / m not afraid of sex; its just that men do it
all wrong.
In the Cosmo cartoon we get another hint about this need for
reassurance by the fact that "the woman is talking to another
woman behind the mans back.

XDont Fee* Comfortable Having Children See

Me in Bed with Him U n til'[ Know Hes Not
Going to Disappear
Two new situations arc making the new sex become more like
the old sex: sexually transmitted diseases like herpes and AIDS
and the female as single parent. Herpes and AIDS for obvious
reasons. But lets look at the dilemma of the female as single
Sophie often had Henry sleep overnight, but leave before the
children awakened. Henry didnt like setting the alarm for 4:45
a m . to shower and shave and leave before the kids might awaken

to the sounds of his car pulling out of the driveway; he didnt

like eating breakfast out on the way to work, or killing an extra
hour before work and being exhausted before the day was half
over. Sophie was traditional. Henry first felt he had to prove
himself before he could stay overnight, and now had to prove
himself again before he got introduced as Sophie's sleeping
partner. Double jeopardy.
When I met Henry and Sophie at an Atlanta workshop they
were about to split over this issue. Henry did not feel he could
commit to Sophie before he had a real relationship with Sophies
children and more time with Sophie; he also wanted to continue
sleeping with her. Sophie felt she could not afford to have the
children see her sleeping with a lot of men and therefore
needed a stronger statement of desire to eventually commit.
Henry felt that was hypocritical; after all, she was sleeping with
him: If it is all right for you to sleep with me, isnt it all right
for the children to be told? And if it isnt all right, maybe you
shouldnt be sleeping with me at all. . . . Sophie knew what
that meant.
By focusing on sex Henry missed the issue of stability. It is
often upsetting for a child to get emotionally attached to a man,*
and then, when the adults break up, to have the man suddenly
disappear. And Sophie had missed how being introduced to the
children had become her substitute withhold now that she
was no longer withholding sex until commitment.

* T h is h a p p e n s m u c h le s s the o th er w a y arou n d b e c a u s e , a s m e n tio n e d a b o v e ,

w o m en arc over n in e lim e s m o re lik e ly to have c u sto d y .
Why Did the Sexual Revolution Com e and Go So Quickly? 257

Sophie had decided to withhold introducing-to-children af

ter an experience with her last male friend, Pat. When she and
Pat had broken up, the children were shocked and felt left out.
( Why isnt Pat coming to see us tonight, Mommy?) Could
Sophie have minimized her children s disappointment? Yes. So
phie had felt guilty about sleeping with Pat unless she and Pat
were serious. So she overstated Pats permanence, leaving her
children unprepared for the possibility of Pats leaving.
As Sophie felt less guilty and less as if she needed to withhold
something until Henry proved himself, she was able to introduce
Henry to her children without overstating Henrys importance.
To do this, she needed to forfeit the expectation that Henry had
to prove something in exchange for sexuality. As Sophie let that
go, Henry and she became more of a team, rather than working
at odds with each other. The team approach seemed like a more
natural path to commitment than a modem substitute for with
holding sex.

Men Are a Bit Perverted, Aren't They?

Your secretariat skills are perfect. How are you with a whip?
P la y g irl, July 1983

Even in Playgirl male sexuality is associated with the male

willingness to make S&M a condition for employment, as in the
cartoon above. Is this a realistic portrayal of males?
In the largest nationwide study of singles (by Jacqueline Sime-

nauer and David Carroll), heterosexual males were 2 percent

more likely to engage in bondage than heterosexual females: 3
percent to 5 percent. 1 9 Does this mean bondage is a particularly 4
male fetish? Among gay women, almost one-third reported en
gaging in bondage, compared to 7 percent of gay men. Simi
larly, Simenauer finds almost half the lesbian population reports
indulging in group sex, as compared to 30 percent among gay
men. 0 This does not mean men do not objectify, or have anony
mous sex in different ways (as in gay mens baths); it means
only that when sex is taken out of the male-female context, and
therefore away from its economic implications, both sexes en
gage in quite similar behavior. But the distrust is of men, not
women, almost as if the ostensible message in Play girl is to
enjoy sex, while the real message is distrust men and their
sexuality. Its effect? To keep men in the prove yourself

Male Power Controls W omens Bodies

Lately, we have all heard the history of men controlling
womens bodies via male opposition to birth control and abor
tion. But this ignores the tum-of-the-century feminists powerful
lobbying for the Comstock laws and the statutes opposing birth
control and abortion21; it also ignores the fact that the most
dedicated Right-to-Lifers are almost all women who stay away
from their families to such an extent that some of their resentful
husbands have dubbed themselves the Right-to-Wifers.
Rape is said to be an extension of male political power and
economic power. If that is so, why do women report black men
as rapists five times as often as they do white men? 2 2 Do blacks
suddenly have more political and economic power? Maybe rape
docs not derive from power, but rather from powerlessness.

Men Have a Sexual Double Standard, and Im

Fed Up with It . . .
Every study I have ever seen about the relative number of sexual
partners of women vs. men tells us that women have many fewer
sex partners than men do. But whom do these heterosexual men
have sex with? Could it be prostitutes? The statistics still reflect
a huge gap even when prostitutes are not counted. For example,
among singles, 61 percent of men have had sex with ten or more
Why Did the Sexual Revolution Com e and Go So Quickly? 259

women; 31 percent of women have had sex with ten or more

men. 2 1 Is this because married women are having sex with single
men? No. All statistics show every category of woman to have
sex with fewer men than men do with women. And to have sex
with less frequency than men. Of course, this is statistically
impossible. What the statistics really show is how many partners
each sex admits to.*
The double standard is the difference between what men and
women are willing to admit, not what they do. This is not
womens fault. We give women less permission to admit to
having extramarital sex, which makes it understandable that
women would admit to it less. So lets acknowledge that, rather
than believing statistics that do not add up merely because they
reinforce the stereotype of Man the Infidel.

I Have to Keep My Affairs S e c re t. . . It Would

Hurt His Ego to Tell Him
Once we understand that Man the Infidel is a statistical myth, we
are ready to understand how such a myth gets reinforced in our
everyday lives. Trish and Tom kept their sexual affairs secret
from each other. Trish because Tom couldn't take it; it would
hurt his male egohis male pride. Tom agreed it would, in
fact, hurt him. Why? Because Trish told me, point blank, that
Sex, for me, cant be just sex. I wouldnt just go out and have
sex unless there was something wrong with our relationshipor
at least unless I had an emotional involvement. How could she
expect it not to hurt if thats the meaning she attaches to it?
Tom explained he didnt reveal his affairs because Trish had
told him clearly, I cant understand how you can just have
casual sex. Since Trish had made it clear she could only
misunderstand him, Tom felt telling Trish would accomplish
nothing but jeopardize their relationship. And for Tom, an extra
marital affair did not mean wanting to hurt his relationship with
Trishs saying It would hurt his ego was her way of

* lt m ay b e sa id that m en e x a g g e r a te the n u m b er o f partn ers. In m y o w n

research 1 fin d m en e x a g g e r a te in h igh s c h o o l, but m arried m en a ls o adm it to
fewer extram arital a ffa ir s than th e y a ctu a lly h a v e , but th e g a p b e tw e e n
rea lity and a d m issio n is ju st sm a lle r .

keeping herself from being vulnerable to Tom. Blaming her

silence on his ego transfers the responsibility to him. In the
process, the contempt for his fragile male ego is reinforced. t
Imagine Tom saying, I didnt tell Trish because it would
damage her female identity. We would sense both his contempt
and his cover-up. What was Trish covering up? How Tom might
be hurt because he was taking Trish at her word Sex, for me,
cant be just sex . . . and how her hurt might stem from not
accepting Toms statement that sex means just sex to him, that it
doesnt mean a threat.
Since we dont have a significant difference between the
number of male and female sexual partners, no one knows
whether we have an actual (as opposed to admitted) difference
between the number of male and female extramarital relation
ships. We can see a difference between what both sexes say sex
outside of a relationship means. And what both sexes admit to.
That is the only double standard that can be validly documented. 2 4

Your Penis Is Bigger than a Gorillas

In the chapter on commitment, I discussed the male intuition
about a woman's secret agendahow a man backs off from a
woman when he senses subtle contempt but is usually unable to
put words on what he is feeling.
One of the most frequent forms of that contempt is felt by a
man when a woman protects his ego. A great deal of the
ego protection comes in the area of sexuality. What does it
say to a man? Usually that she feels sex is for him, not her, and
that he can be toyed with. A woman who can catch herself in
this can take the first step toward reexamining her contempt.
Heres an example of how it comes up in Dr. Joyce Brotherss
guide for women. Dr. Brothers shows us how a woman can be
helpful about a males penis size; two women are talking.
I tell him that its bigger than a gorillas. That really makes
them feel good, she said. You know how big a gorillas penis
I had to confess I didnt.
Its teensy, she giggled. About the size of my little
finger! 2 5
Why Did the Sexual Revolution C om e and Go So Quickly? 261

No Good Men, p. 8

When a Man Says 111 Call You in the

Morning" and He Doesn't, Is It Because Men
Are Basically Liars?
Many womens magazines run periodic articles about two as
pects of men not calling in the morning. First: a woman and man
have sex and he neither calls nor promises to call; second, he
says, Ill call you tomorrow and doesnt.
Men who do this with a woman are often unaware that she
may be saying to a woman friend before the next days evening
news, Why didnt he call me, that bastard. Especially if she
really liked him. And if they have just had sex for the first time,
her feelings are usually intensified.
A man who says hell call and fails to is at fault. As much at
fault as a woman who tells a man shell call and does notbut
no more so. If a woman sayishell call and she doesnt, a man is
likely to pick up the phone himself and call. He doesnt call
another male friend and say, Jeannie promised shed call me
and didnt. If he called a man with that complaint he would not
get empathy, but Whats the matter with youlost your fin
gers, Frank? In similar circumstances, we are very harsh on
men and empathize with women.
The underlying question is, though, Why didnt the woman

take responsibility to promise to call? The societal assumption

that the man will promise, or fail to promise, is the underlying
sexism. M
When sex is involved, even more deeply sexistand shocking
is the frequency with which liberated women who during
their workday initiate scores of sales calls are quick to blame
men for not calling the morning after, even when the man has
not promised to do so. This is clear evidence of the assumption
that the man owes the woman for sex. The unspoken presump
tion is: If I give him sex, he should at least give me a call.
But it goes beyond this. Often the hidden translation is, He
should ask me out again, meaning, I want him to see a future
in this like I do, meaning, If he had sex with me, he owes it
to me to give me the option of accepting or vetoing a future
with himand he should pay for it to boot. All of which is why
men sometimes do not follow through on their promisesor fail
to make a promise to begin with. And the man who feels
pressure to make the promise, is buying into the notion that he
owes her something more than she owes him.
Would more liberated men like the woman to assume she has
just as much right to call? No. Just as much responsibility to
call. I find that women who do share that responsibility have a
much different experience with men. Such a woman understands
how sometimes she does not want to call because she fears it
may lead to another time out with him fairly soon, when, in fact,
shed prefer to wait a while longer; although she liked him, she
is more interested in seeing Gary next week.
Women who share this responsibility share the male experi
ence, and their empathy is felt by men. Ironically, these women
rarely see men who do not call in the morning. Like impotence,
not calling in the morning is the symptomnot the problem.
Men who blame their penises and women who blame men will
find the problem that much deeper the next time around.

His Masculinity Is ThreatenedThat's Why

Hes Impotent
Legions of trees have spent their life after death thinly sliced into
a Redbook, McCalls, New Woman, or Ms. Each tells a woman
that she is the fairestthat he is the problem, he with the fragile
ego, the male pride, the threatened masculinity, the impotence.
Why Did the Sexual Revolution Com e and Go So Quickly? 263

the fear of commitment. Blaming him gives her a temporary fix,

but it keeps her worried about attracting men and continually
anxious about them. From the magazines perspective, it is neces
sary for her to retain this anxiety; diet articles and diet products
would sell less without it, as would makeup and deodorants.
But blame creates relationships with men that are close to hell.
Or, in the case of a Cosmo woman, relationships that were better
with her magazine.
How does the line His masculinity is threatened help a
womanor a manknow what to do to unthreaten it? How does
Men have fragile egos build a secure ego? How does The
womens movement causes male impotence help men, or women,
or the womens movement? All of these accusations can be
accurate in some instances. But none is helpful if it stops there.

Sometimes a Man Im with Is Impotent. Does

That Mean Hes Turned Off or Threatened?
I define impotence as a soft penis at a hard moment. It might be
thought of as Gods way of keeping a man in touch with his
feelings. But even God could not have contemplated we would
have created a word that condemned men for their powerlessness
to such an extent that they would forget what a soft penis is for.
A man can think of his penis as radar. Its softness is his signal
that his feelings are off. If it did not work by being soft, then
he would be impotent.

"I think this calls for a moment of silence."

P la y g irl, Decem ber 1983

By suggesting that a mans power is located in his penis, the

word impotence reinforces a mans self-consciousness about his
penis, thereby reinforcing a likely problem: self-consciousness.
In my work with men's groups, I find approximately 90 percenf
of so-called impotence to be catalyzed by some combination
of self-consciousness and fear of rejection or, on the other hand,
simple distraction. When the catalyst occurs at a moment when
we are expecting a body organ to change its shape, the body
organ cannot concentrate. Our self-consciousness prevents lov
ing consciousness.
Martin, a Cleveland area sales representative, had not lost his
job, but his career was not going as well as he and Glennis had
expected when they got married. Martin was becoming less
interested in sex and occasionally impotent. Glennis was
doing better at work than he, and they both agreed Martin felt
threatened. Which was true. But why? They had gotten mar
ried with the expectation of Martins doing better, or their having
children by this age, and of getting along better. Martin was
accurately sensing that Glennis was disappointed, open to stimu
lation by a man at her office, and having some doubts about
Martin. Martin was feeling more needy of Glenniss support
exactly when Glennis felt least desirous of offering it.
Martins feelings were fear of rejection and self-consciousness
( Am I disappointing her? Is she angry at me? Does she
feel Im not trying hard enough? ). His self-consciousness pre
vented loving consciousness.
What was the solution for Glennis and Martin? They had
started out as a team in it together. They had lost team
consciousness. Martin needed to feel they were still a team at a
time when he was not shining as the most valuable player. That
feeling could not be one of false assurance from Glennis. The
penis senses false assurance. It knows when team consciousness
has returned. (Just as a woman who finds herself withdrawing
from sexalthough she may have been told many I love
yous may, in fact, have been sensing something fade from
the man.) Claiming that Martins masculinity is threatened was
Glenniss and Martins mutual pact not to explore Martins
In The Liberated Man, I suggested redefining impotence by
using the word readiness. Implicit in the word readiness,
however, is that the man is not sexually ready. This is still
inaccurate, since, if two women can make love without a penis, a
Why Did the Sexual Revolution Com e and Go So Quickly? 265

man with a soft penis is every bit as ready as a woman. Perhaps

one of the most self-enhancing experiences a man can have is to
observe two women making love. To observe the caressing and
tenderness that creates fulfillment without a penishard or soft.
The security that it offers him about the nonessentialness of his
penis to sexual satisfaction can allow him to treat his penis as a
nice addition rather than a prerequisite to his sexuality.
Once the penis is seen as an addition to a mans sexuality, we
can see how the expression he is impotent would be like
saying about a person with a headache, He is a headache. We
make no attempt to separate impotence from the total personal
ity, as we do with a headache. All of this gives us little clues
about the degree of pressure on men to performturning penises
into machines, like airplanes. The penis is expected to do what
Delta Airlines gets paid to do: Penis is ready when you are.
Why is this part of the new sexism? When Drew called Susan
frigid she called him a sexist. When Susan got together with
Sheila, Drews former woman friend, and the two laughed about
Drews not being able to get it up the first time, they didnt
think of themselves as sexist. Drew called Susan frigid when he
perceived her as both emotionally and sexually unresponsive to
him. He would never have called her frigid had she actively
kissed him, touched him, and opened up, but had difficulty
receiving him because she was not lubricated enough. He would
never have gotten together with a man friend and laughed about
how Susan couldnt get it wet." The issue, for most men, is not
womens physiological functioning. It is their desire. Shouldnt
that, in fact, be what concerns us about our loved one male or
If desire and overall sexuality are our real concerns, how do
we describe what we formerly called impotence? We can substi
tute a description of the behavior, as in He is soft when he
would like to be hard. That keeps our mind open to discovering
the feelings that create the behavior. Is there a quick word or
two, like the word impotence, that can substitute for impo
tence while still not blocking access to feelings? Yes. We might
abbreviate to soft penis. If it is chronic, we call it Chronic
Soft Penis (CSP); if occasional, Occasional Soft Penis (OSP). As
long as we remember: OSP is a penis that is working/or us. Like
our ability to feel pain, it is our body working to give us a
The New Sexism, then, is part of our need to make our major

competition the enemy, a need that arose mostly for women who
were not being economically provided for by men. It occurred at
a point in history when women were getting divorces ftom men
and therefore men as their economic support system suddenfy
became men the major competitor.

Sexual freedom returned to the Old Sex when sexual freedom

could no longer be linked with economic freedom, when di
vorces created economic insecurity for women. Our natural
responseto make the competition into the enemy and put down
everything about him, from his competence to his penis size
has only created an emotional dilemma for women, the Marry
the Enemy dilemma. It has placed men in so many damned-if-
I-do, damned-if-I-dont positions that even being Superman is
no longer a solution. It has left the sexes more blaming than
introspectivemore at war and less in love. It has also made
people who pooh-pooh psychology and communication discount
them even further as they sense the *gap between the goal of
intimacy and the frequent outcomedisappointment. Somehow
they sense we are sharpening our tools of blame even more than
our tools of love.
Dialogues on Sex, Success,
and Fragile Egos

Q:* Why do men have such fragile egos?

WF: When I submit a manuscript to a new friendmeaning
one who does not believe me when I plead for a critical
readingthere is a tendency for him or her to give me
lots of support. Friends pay a price for rejecting us. But
employers pay a price for accepting us. In my business,
for example, Family Circle cannot accept more than a
few dozen of the 30,000 manuscripts it sees each year.
The marketplace rejects over and over and over. An ego
on the marketplace needs protection from that rejection.
Women still gain much of their feedback within per
sonal relationshipsfrom people who pay a price for
rejecting them.

Q: Now that many women are experiencing the rejections

of the marketplace are their egos getting like mens?
WF: Women who depend on reinforcement from the market
place are beginning to experience a fraction of the male
fragile ego in that area. It is rarely as intense, though,
because of an important distinction: Few women have
husbands who depend on their wives acceptance or

* Sometimes the best way to impart information is by responding to ques

tions. But a simple question-answer approach is an insult to the reader
because it does not encourage a person to pursue the answer. It encourages
passivity and acceptance of one answer as the answer. Q stands for ques
tioner and WF for Warren Farrell.


rejection by the marketplace. It is the providers ego on

the marketplace, with the pressure upon it. that gets
internalized to create a fragile ego. And that pressure i
his source of love. This creates for men a connection
between pressure and love that few women have to
For a man to see the person he loves try to cover her
disappointment as he tells her hes been rejected hurts.
The more a man sees a woman as fragile, the more he
will see his ego as fragile. The more he senses her
dependency, fragility, and disappointment, the more he
feels the emotions of the rejection. Which is why wom
ens liberation and mens liberation are so interconnected.

Q: Dont many men really love their work more than their
WF: Thats a tough question, because of the inseparabilit}-
for men of success at work and feeling loved by a
woman. And then, as a couple has children, the mans
intensifying act pays him to intensify his commitment
away from home so he can pay her to love the children
at home. Studies that find men love their work more
than their family are treating the two as if they were
separable. For men with families, commitment to work
is rarely separable from commitment to family. The
exception is the rare family in which both parents share
total responsibility for making an equal contribution to
all expensesfrom mortgages to college education. And
they commit themselves to that equal sharing no matter
how unpleasant the work gets. Then a womans fragile
ego will be connected to the workplace almost as much
as a mans is.

Q: Why almost as much? Why not equally, if she is shar

ing equally? And what about women who earn more
than their husbands, and women who are single parents?
WF: All three groups of women are doing things that exceed
societys expectation of them. Like a man who has
custody of the children and cooks and cleans. On some
level, whatever he accomplishes in this realm is beyond
expectations. He is not viewed as unmanly for burning
Dialogues on Sex, Success, and Fragile Egos 269

the frozen dinner. When we accomplish outside of our

expected role our ego is not as hurt by rejection because
the failure is not as important to our self-concept as
man or woman.
In part, the male ego is as fragile as it is because
there is so much that appears fragile that depends on it
(anything dependent must appear fragile in order to
continue getting support).

Q; Even at the moment of mens triumphs they still seem

to be searching for approval. Why?
WF: I agree. I began to understand more why this happens
when, a few years ago, I took a train from New York
City to Philadelphia to surprise a friend of mine who
received an invitation to speak at the University of
Pennsylvania. I had heard that he was a good speaker,
but as I saw his power, control, command, and articu
lateness, I was overwhelmed. On the way home, in the
car with his wife, he begged me to tell him everything 1
thought about almost every sentence he spoke, about
his response to almost every question, about his body
language, voice, everything. At first 1 was a bit put off
at this self-centeredness. After all, I thought to my
self, hes just had three hours of undivided adulation
doesnt he ever get enough? And then I tried to put
myself in his position. I remembered how, when I
finished speaking, I also wanted to know the reactions
of my friends in detail. He was just open enough to ask
for it. I felt I understood a bit more how the more I put
my ego on the line, the more I risk, the more I need
reassurance, need friends, need home. Fragile egos
come from risking rejection.

Q: How does a woman who heads a single-parent family

avoid the female equivalent of the fragile male ego,
with all the pressures on her?
WF: She often develops an equivalent in the form of anger
and the new sexism. Shes angry when her primary
fantasy is not fulfilled. This and vanity are her equiva
lents of the fragile male ego. The gut issue of the
mother heading a single-parent family is the multitude

of her pressures from so many directions, not the ex

pectation that she must help to provide for her former
husband, pay child support, or pay for the dinners of
the men she dates. All of her demands require money*
And that is what makes male as wallet as important
an issue as child care, housework, physical attractive
ness, and financial competence combined are for many
women. In essence, all mens eggs are in one basket.
Which is why mens egos are all in one basket. Each
person's ego is fragile in the places where his or her
eggs are stored.

Q: If women have fragile egos about their beauty and are

then rejected by an eligible man, are they like chil
dren in these areas of rejection?
WF: Yes. The more of her eggs are in the basket of beauty
and male dependence, the more she will be a woman/
child. Women who are beauty-focused have egos as
fragile about beauty as men do about success. Except
we call it vanity. An experience I had with a former
Miss USA illustrates the parallel dilemma for women. I
was asked to facilitate a mens beauty contest for
The Mike Douglas Show. The contestants were Alan
Alda and the men from the Fifth Dimension, a singing
group. The judges included Miss Universe and Miss
USA. Miss USA and I armed early. She wanted me to
tell her my feelings about beauty contests. I summa
rized how I felt they reinforced for women the feeling
that their self-worth was wrapped up in their bodies.
She appeared to be listening attentively. Six men walked
into the room during our fifteen-minute conversation.
She asked all six something about how she looked:
Does my dress fit okay over my hip area? Is my
eyeliner smudged? Are there any wrinkles in my
dress? Do I need more blush?
Here was a woman officially recognized as having
one of the two most attractive bodies of any woman in
the country. She also appeared the least secure about
her body of any woman I had ever met. She was a
woman/child, the female version of the man/child.
Why? All her eggs were in one basket. So her ego was
Dialogues on Sex, Success, and Fragile Egos 271

in one basket. She was both most developed (woman)

and most fragile (child) where all her eggs (source of
power over the other sex) were invested.
Women experience the woman/child dichotomy in
other areas as well. The desire to be taken out and paid
for is a childlike expectation. And just as we say war is
big boys playing with big cap guns, mothering can
sometimes be big girls playing with big dolls.
Q: Many women are getting a bit obsessive about success,
yet they did not grow up with an oil crisis,* with
male sex in short supply. Why is that?
WF: When women are obsessive about success, it is often to
prove themselves competent in a world in which they
were told they were incompetent. This can generate
almost as much obsessiveness as among men, but for
different reasons. A woman must overcome the subtle
and not-so-subtle barriers of sex discrimination plus the
normal barriers of any hierarchy; she must decide how
much to adapt to male values and socialization and
when to exert her ownall of which can generate
obsessiveness. The nature of female obsessiveness is
akin to that of the refugee from another country trying
to prove herself or himself in a foreign land.
Even the success-oriented woman is caught between
two value systems: one that tells her success is wonder
ful and one that says a relationship is wonderful. Which
ever path she takes will put the other at risk. Thats the
negative side. The positive side is her more likely choice
of a balanced life. In contrast, a woman rarely asks a
male surgeon, Have you been communicating well
with your wife today? Nor do his friends blame him
for missing his daughters gymnastics meet because he
had to perform surgery. Success is all or nothing for
him, his one way-of gaining almost everyones ap
proval for his entire life. The price is the greater likeli
hood of an unbalanced life.
Q: Do you agree with the theory that women have a fear of
See pages 116-120.

WF: Yes and no. The image of a successful woman still

does not enhance femininity in most womens or
mens eyes. Women fear their loss of their femininity,
power. But thats really a fear of failure. Women fear
that their own success will make them fail to get a
successful man.

Q: Well, is the fear based on a reality?

WF: Some successful men are highly attracted to successful
women, and a womans success places her among these
men. Successful men are taken up by women more
quickly and are divorced less quickly.* So more of her
successful colleagues are likely to be both married and
supporting a woman and children.

Q: You discuss how women arent looking for supportive

men unless theyre also successful. Well, Im a suc
cessful woman who is looking and Im still finding
few. Any suggestions?
WF: Yes. Go to your local supermarket and ask a man how
to choose a ripe cantaloupe. Or to a laundromat and ask
him his opinion of the difference between all-purpose
cleaner and Era detergent, or
Q: Great! But why arent they seeking me out? I do some
public speaking . . . men are often in my audiences.
WF: Lets look at the invisible curtain between support
ive men and successful women. Suppose Randy read
about a successful businesswomans desire for an intel
ligent, loving, sensitive, supportive, yet risk taking and
adventuresome single man. Randy feels he fits the bill.
The article mentions she lives in Chicago. He decides
to try her home phone. On the seventh directory call,
checking out seven possible Chicago area phone books,
he concludes her home phone is not listed. He is
undaunted; he knows the article also reveals she works
for AT&T. He asks information for Chicago headquar
ters. There are six offices listed. He finally makes it
through to her secretary. The secretary asks, Do you
*Scc Chapters 4 and 6.
Dialogues on Sex, Success, and Fragile Egos 273

know Ms. Arbenz? He cannot say he does. If not,

may I tell her what this is about? How does he say,
Well, I dont know Maria, er . . . Ms. Arbenz, but
Id just like you to tell her that I saw her picture in the
paper and . . . well, she looks like the type of person
Id like and I think Im the type of person shed like
. . . but of course, I dont know for sure, but Id like to
meet her and see . . . would you please leave her that
Then he hangs up and realizes he hasnt distinguished
himself from any other jerk off the street. Sending her
his picture probably wont do the trick! Being a real
risk-taker, he calls again: Hi, this is Randy Risk-
Taker once again . . . I just wanted you to know Im
not just, er . . . anybody. Id kind of like to get to
gether with her as . . . as a possible man who might be
willing to, er . . . support her work. Yeah. Maybe even
raise our children. Ummm . . . Well, would you leave
that message?
If Randy should overcome these barriers, Maria would
be suspicious: Am I being useddoes he just want
my money? (The shoe is on the other foot.) Ambiva
lence surfaces: I dont want a puppy dog, I want a
man." The combination of these barriers forms what I
call the invisible curtain that screens out supportive
men from successful women.
The invisible curtain is reinforced outside of business
by the successful womans tendency to frequent social
settings in which supportive men are not easily found.
Successful women go to fewer laundromats.

Q: Well, maybe its not that important to have a supportive

man. A career-focused man can be just as supportive by
understanding my career focus.
WF: If a woman is succssful, the importance of attracting a
supportive man who is not overly career-focused him
self is becoming increasingly clear in recent studies of
dual career couples.1 Successful relationships almost
always have at least one relationship gatekeeper.
Two people highly focused on their own success have
difficulty being more than economic partners. Dual

careers can work, with effort. Dual workaholism can

not work except to support each others workaholism.

Q: About your statements that men are addicted to genetic

celebrities: If this is true, why do some beautiful women
say they sit around on a Saturday night without a date?
WF: Her Saturday-night story is like Burt Reynolds com
plaining he sat home alone on Thanksgiving. It makes
him seem human, vulnerable, and reachablea nice
alternative to provoking jealousy. It spurs a thousand
phone calls inviting him for the next Thanksgiving
dinnernone of which can make it past his secretaries.
Her secretaries, or screening devices, are, for exam
ple, politely switching the topic, when she senses
Joe Average preparing to ask her out. Therefore, many
men screen themselves out rather than be screened out,
and occasionally this does leave a woman alone on a
Saturday night. But no one ever asks if Burt made any
attempt to ask anyone if she or he would join him for
Thanksgiving. Nor does anyone ask the beautiful
woman who sat home on Saturday night if she asked
anyone out. But it does make her seem human to tell of
the times when her screening devices worked too well.
And it increases the demand on herand therefore her
power, even though she feels powerless because she
has not developed her resources for Saturday nights

Q: What about a handsome mancant he attract a woman

sexually without enduring the 150 initiatives you
WF: He can attract a woman sexually, but handsome men
tend to seek out beautiful women, who, they report, are
more likely to hold back their sexuality as a prize
especially if she thinks it will keep the man interested
longer. So handsome men can undergo the same 150
stages of potential rejection as less handsome men. Not
all the timebut a third of the time is enough to hurt.
For the average woman this doesnt ring trueshe may
even have been rejected by a handsome man. But from
the handsome mans perspective, it docs ring true be
Dialogues on Sex, Success, and Fragile Egos 275

cause he wasnt interested in the average-looking

womanhis sights were on the beautiful woman. Thats
where he took his risks.
The handsome man is faced with another hazard. An
advertisement is likely to remind him of a beautiful
woman who may have broken up with him. Its like
being reminded daily of a former loved one. The man
addicted to a womans attractiveness is like a former
drug addict watching tempting cocaine ads.

Q: What about a handsome gigolo?

WF: A handsome gigolo cannot use his looks to get his
primary fantasy to support him. His primary fantasy is
not older women. An attractive woman, though, can
use her looks to get her primary fantasy to support her.
At first a gigolo might appear to have the same primary
fantasy as a womanusing his looks and body to gain
security from the other sex. But that would be like
saying that being a prostitute is the female primary
fantasy. Prostitutes of either sex have not achieved the
female primary fantasylong-term security from one
partner. So even a gigolo cannot do what millions of
women can do. Like everyone else, he must com
pensate for his powerlessness.

Q: If men feel this financial pressure, why do supposedly

powerful men turn into boys as soon as a woman offers
to pay for dinner on a first date? Why are men such
boys underneath?
WF: If a man were rational, he would accept the womans
offer to payas an example of a woman who is really
willing to help a man undo his financial pressure. But
he is not rationalhe is dealing with fear of rejection.
And the more attractive the woman, the greater the
odds that she will streen him out, so the more insecure
he feels and the more he compensates by paying for
herthe better the restaurant needs to be, the better the
wine, the more apparent the gold cardand the more
she will laugh inside at this man/child. After all, was he
worthy of the cheerleader if he didnt make the team?
A secure man will be delighted, and paying on the

first social occasion will make a woman special more

than anything she says. It establishes her as her own
person. If hes not secure with her paying, he wont be
secure with other independent parts of her . . . so she!
might as well find out before shes hooked.
Q: But it seems many men insist on paying. What can a
woman say if she doesnt want to turn romance into a
WF: She can say, Can you think of a nicer way for me to
tell you youre special? or, in a playful tone of voice,
whisper, Listen, handsomeif you insist on paying,
Ill insist on celibacy! If hes secure hell respond,
You win! immediately and, if hes the type of man
she wants, his respect for her will so a r. . . especially if
she pays without hesitating. From that point on he will
be unlikely to think your nos mean maybe. In fact, if
women refused to have sex with men who insist on
paying for them the first time because they fear getting
hooked into men who do not respect their indepen
dence, women would gain independence overnight.

Q: So paying for women is what insecure men do to

defend against rejection?
WF: Yes, but this defense, a form of quasi-prostitution,
alleviates insecurity only temporarily.
Q: Why only temporarily if the man has a dependable
supply of sex and an emotionally supportive woman
doesnt that take care of his primary fantasy and his
intimacy needs?
WF: It is temporary alleviation because underneath he be
comes more insecure that he isnt worthy of a woman
like her unless he pays. The woman rationalizes, Its
not prostitutionhe earns more, its only fair, or.
He asked me outso he should pay, or, Being
treated is just plain romantic . . .
Q: Wait . . . what you call womens rationalizations for
prostitution dont seem like rationalizations, they seem
valid. Men do earn more . . .
Dialogues on Sex, Success, and Fragile Egos 277

WF: They do. But have we ever seen two women go out on
a first social occasion, and say who earns more?
when the check comes? If a woman doesnt ask this
question of a woman, why should she of a man? As a
rule of thumb, unless a woman is treating the issue of
pay with a man just as she would with a given woman,
we have to ask exactly what is the man paying for?
But more important, every time a woman assumes a
man will pay (on the first social occasion, that is) she
reinforces the male image of the type of job he needs to
keep to earn money to take out women. The assumption
that he will pay puts pressure on him and takes it off
her. She contributes to the mentality that leads to women
earning less than men, and to men feeling that the more
they earn, the more they can take out women, and the
more desirable a woman they can take out (buy).
This is all part of what I mean when I say male
power is men earning their way to equality with women.

Q: Still, if he asks me out, isnt his paying just plain

WF: Unless a woman asks men out (the first time) as often
as they ask her out, then the statement He asked me
out, therefore he pays is just a double jeopardy of the
male role: he must not only do the asking, he must pay.
Its two conditions he must fulfill to be equal to her
company. It reinforces his feeling that he has to com
pensate for his powerlessness.
More important, though, a man asking a woman out
has put his ego on the line, exposed vulnerability',
shown interest. Isnt there a way she might show a little
interest aside from using her body?

Q: I hadnt thought of it that way . . . but I still find it

difficult to shake the feeling that its just plain appropri
ate for the person doing the asking to pay.
WF: If a woman said to another woman, You seem like a
nice person, would you like to get together for dinner
sometime? would we assume she was paying?
If the woman who asked also drove out of her way to
a restaurant in the other womans neck of the woods,

might not the other woman offer to pay for her? Yet if a
man did that, would she offer to pay for him (the first
time)? If not, what is the man paying for? *

Q: What about romance . . . who wants to split a check on

a first time out?
WF: Both sexes love to be romancedto be treated. But
romance is often a smokescreen for hard reality
among the more than 600 womens and mens groups /
have started, both sexes admit that on a first date
women almost never treat a man. They may split the
tab, or he treatsbut she almost never does. This is
even true among poor college studentsif there is sex
ual interest. So again, what are the men paying for?
Romance is often a cover for prostitution . . .

Q: You keep emphasizing the. first time or the first

WF: The first time is often when the man is most interested
in sex and when the woman is most uncertain. So he is
most insecure. Sex is in shortest supply at that point.
So its the clearest indicator of whats being paid for.

Q: Why are some men Don Juans? And why do I find

them appealing in spite of myself?
WF: Don Juans, like all women and men, do what works.
Because they are usually blessed with good looks by
nature, working the system is within reach for them.
They dont have to repress their instincts to go for it
because they can get it often enough without losing
their composure in the process. And it is the combina
tion of their acting out their instincts and not losing
their composure that is appealing to many women in
spite of themselves.

Q: Then why do 1 find myself hurt and feeling 1 got

involved in spite of myself?
WF: The woman who enjoys the Don Juan but says in spite
of myself is, in a sense, blaming herself for a fair
trade: her spontaneity, charm, and sexuality for his
Dialogues on Sex, Success, and Fragile Egos 279

spontaneity, charm, and sexuality. In fact, she may

have chosen him because she feels he is even better
looking or more spontaneous than she. So it can be
more than a fair trade. But she has come to expect
commitment or the potential of commitment as part of
the package of giving her body away, so she blames
herself for being used and blames him for using
rather than rejoicing in what she enjoyed and what she
learned from the spontaneity. She is trapped by her
need to impose her fantasy on each man rather than
enjoying him for himself and enjoying herself in the

Q: Arc you suggesting that Don Juans are not insensitive

to women?
WF: Don Juans are often quite sensitive to womennot to
what women say they want, but to what their experi
ence with women has taught them women respond to.

Q: Why is it I cant find a Don Juan type who is also a

deep and thoughtful thinker?
WF: They exist. But theyre difficult to find because the
Don Juan is often an adapter. One kind of Don Juan
finds out what women want and adaptsby making
money or showing charm. Because he gets so many
rewards from adapting to the system, he has little in
centive to do the work that is necessary to question
societys valuesand, in the process, deepen. It is a
rare person who questions what works.

Q: But he held out possibilities he didnt keepthats

what hurt. Why did he make those promises?
WF: Want a blunt answer?

Q: Of course.
WF: To get your juices flowing! Just as the woman wears a
low-cut dress to get his juices flowing with the implicit
promise of the rest of herif only he plays it right. His
verbal promises are part of what he uses to get her
juices flowing by holding out the possibility of the rest

of himif only she plays it right. Only the woman who

makes him into a primary fantasy object (who wants to
be swept away by someone she doesnt really know)
can possibly want what he is promising to begin with.
If she does, rest assured, there will always be someone
around to make promises. When women are given prom
ises that arent kept, we empathize with their hurt.
When men are given promises that arent kept, we deny
any promise was implicit. And often feel it serves men

Q: With all the problems both sexes have, there neverthe

less seem to be more women who have it together by
their thirties than men. Does what youre saying ac
count for that?
\VF: Yes. Women who had their primary needs taken care of
by a man could focus more on developing the other
four components of power dhring this period of their
life. Many of the women whose maturity we respect are
divorced. Children, divorce, and the need to support
themselves have added humility, too. Most men, though,
have never had someone providing for their primary
needs once they left home. They didnt have a genetic
celebrity source of power they could exercise to at
tract an income from women. By their forties, when
theyve developed their power enough to exercise it, we
dont say they have it together if they exercise their
power. And if they havent earned their power, they
have broken dreamsalso not a sign of having it
Every day in about half the advertisements, a man
sees the constant reminder of the woman he was not
worthy of. Yet if he goes for a nineteen-year-old when
hes forty-five, he feels like an immature jerk. Which
he could handle if his being a jerk werent so transpar
ent to everyone else. And if he doesnt go for it, the ads
are saying, in essence, What a jerk.
During this whole process men's deprivation is great
enough, and therefore their desperation is strong enough
that they may never see the forest for the treesthey
may never see the extent to which their jobs or their
Dialogues on Sex, Success, and Fragile Egos 281

image in the community evolved from directions begun

during puberty about how they could best prove them
selves to women. And the fact that many perceive their
lives as virtually gone by forty-five makes seeing the
forest so depressing they would rather avoid it.

Q: So what can a man do?

WF: He has options. He may say to himself, What Im
doing gives me more internal rewards than anything
else, no matter what I was originally motivated by. Or
he may decide, Those original motivations may have
gotten me into this, but Ill bet if I looked hard some
thing else would give me more satisfaction. On the
other hand, he may decide he likes attracting women
enough to keep doing things he doesnt like that much.
At least then hes making a conscious choice.

Q: Do you feel women should be helping men through this

process, or that men should be getting it together by
WF: A woman can help by sharing sexual initiatives, by
supporting herself financially, and also by encouraging
a man through the process.* Womens interest in this is
obvious, since mens private lives are in their homes
and mens political decisions could ruin their homes.
And to the extent women do not share initiative-taking
and financial burdens, they tempt themselves into lov
ing success objects more than full human beings.

See Part 5.
Should I Question My
Motivations for Changing Him?
Anyonewoman or manwho wishes to change another person
has to ask first whether the desire to change the other is basically
a desire to reinforce the he or she needs helpIm the better
one syndrome. When missionaries want to save natives, the
missionaries reinforce the rightness of their own ways of looking
at the world. They reinforce their specialnessthe natives
become conversion objects. The underlying (or is it overlying?)
assumption of the missionary position is superiority. Yet if the
missionaries had not needed the "fix of feeling superior, they
may never have focused their energies on changing the native.
Which is why when were feeling badly about ourselves, and
need a superiority fix, we criticize others. And later, when
were feeling better, the criticism fades.
The focus on wishing a man would change can become so
intent it masks the possibility that the womans underlying my
thology has not changedshe is playing the role of wanting to
be saved by a man who does it better or makes it better. She may
not yet have escaped from the most traditional assumption that
the man is responsible, and therefore to blame. She may not
have escaped the myth that shes helpless, that he should have
been the savior, but hes messed it up along the way.
What motivation needs to be behind change? Think for a
moment about the point in a relationship in which a person feels
most open to changing. Usually, its either at the beginning,
when a person feels most loved, and hopes that by changing she
or he will secure that love forever, or at the endwhen he or she
is afraid of losing love. In both cases a person needs to feel the
potential for love to be motivated to change; otherwise there's

little to lose by remaining the same. So before we can expect a

man to change, we have to communicate what we love about
So lets look at what there is about male socialization, and
therefore very possibly the man a woman loves, that is lovable,
or What I Love Most about Men. A woman who can do this
without saying, But wait a minute, I have that good trait too,
or I wonder if the authors suggesting that men are better than I
am, can be certain she is not trying to change a man out of a
need to feel superior. Her willingness to seek out the best in men
and apply it to the men in her life nondefensively is the acid test
of her not wanting to change him merely to get a superiority fix.
What I Love
Most about Men

Every virtue, taken to the extreme, becomes a vice. For the past
twenty years 1 have critiqued traditional masculinity because
masculinity has been taken to the extreme. And taken to the
extreme it creates anxiety, homicide, rape, war, and suicide; not
taken to the extreme it has many virtues not to be tossed out with
the bathwater.
Praise of men is an endangered species. But the good about
men is not. And when something good is being endangered it
needs special attention. And so, for a rare moment in recent
history, here is special attention to whats good about male
socialization. Ill start with a tongue-in-cheek poem I wrote for
the occasion. Imagine a woman saying it.

A Man Is Good For . . .

Taking out the garbage

and carving up the meat;
For driving when hes exhausted
and I want the passenger seat;
Hes good for changing a light bulb
and, oh yes, for changing a tire;
For taking the top off an uptight jar
and chopping wood for a fire;
Hes good for steering a car through fog and
fishing with our son;
For raking fallen leaves and
making up bad puns;

For spinning ghost stories to the kids

( Make it scary . . . but not too scary!;
For telling the children the quarters were left
by a magical tooth fairy; *

For reaching back into a cupboard high

while his fanny sticks out far,
(As he removes a rusty waffle iron
from behind a dusty jar);

For watching Monday Night Football games

and acting like hes the winner,
For taking me to restaurants and
reflexively paying for dinner;

For letting me stick a snowball down

into his private part;
For giving a head start in a race
(hes really just a kid at heart!);
For riding roller coasters, saying hes
glad I was bom . . .
For coaching the kids at baseball,
for returning to mow the lawn;
Hes good for painting houses
and for renovating a flat;
For keeping me warm when its freezing
despite one less layer of fat;
But most of all hes good for coats
he puts around my shoulder.
For the way he swings our
daughter about, for how he stops to hold her;
For the way he says, I love you
with his strong but tender hugs,
And, oh yes, men are good fo r. . .
killing spiders and swatting bugs!

Our first reaction to this poem might be that these are all male
stereotypes. A closer look reveals that they are also, for the most
part, verifiable descriptions of male as opposed to female reality,
which can help us see what stereotypes really arc. Stereotypes
What I Love Most about Men 289
are reflections of the need to get approval oy oenaving certain
ways or having certain attitudes. Those who say, Oh, thats a
stereotype, by which they mean either Dont pay any atten
tion to it, its not true or It doesnt match my egalitarian
desire for the world; therefore discount it are encouraging
themselves to ignore reality. Instead we should ask a different set
of questions. First, is it true? Second, if it is, and if we dont like
the outcome, how do we change ourselves so we can change the
Throughout this chapter, the female reader will see that she
has many of these positive characteristics of male socialization,
such as being giving. She may have these traits within the
framework of female socialization (being giving to her family) or
within the framework of male socialization (giving at work so
she can provide for her family). Nothing about mens socializa
tion is strong enough to prevent any individual woman from
attaining any of the characteristics that men are socialized to
have. The value of looking at the best and worst about men is
understanding mens pressures. Socialization is pressure. Men
are neither better nor worse than womenboth sexes respond to
the pressures that are aimed at them. In this way we are all
One of the fascinating parts about men is our tendency to
subject ourselves to war, physical abuse, and psychological abuse
and call it power. The ability to be totally out of control while
continuing to view ourselves as the ones with the power can have
certain advantages to a woman. As expressed in this poem:

One-Night Stand

He bought me drinks all evening

in response to just a wink
Then accepted my invitation to
repair my kitchen sink
Then I brought him into beddy-bye
to get a little sex
Then couldnt help but smile
when he called it conquest!

And now, here are The Thirty-One Best Things about

Men or, in some cases, the best sides of some bad things.
Writing this chapter helped me appreciate men more than I

anticipated. I started out telling friends I was doing a chapter on

the Ten Best Things about Men. The most common reply was
a half-joking Oh, yeah, tell me one!

The Best Parts of Male Socialization

Teach Men:

Why do we think of women as giving of themselves and men as
giving gifts? Because womens socialization teaches direct
givingas listening nurturers, cooks of mens meals, and doing
more of his wash than he does of hers. He may give by working
in a coal mine and contracting black lung so his child can attend
college as he never could, but his giving is done at the mine
where we dont see it. The result of his giving is a check. With
womens giving we appreciate more than'the result, we appreci
ate the process: we see her cook the meal, serve it, and usually
clean it up. We dont see him wading through water in a dark
and damp mine shaft, or driving a truck at 2 a m . on his fourth
cup of coffee, behind schedule in traffic and with no time to nap.
We see him at home withdrawing from the coffee.
He may spend much of his life earning money to finance a
home his wife fell in love with, but we dont think of him as
giving when hes away from home nearly as much as we think of
her as giving when she cleans up his dishes.
Sometimes a mans giving is reflexive and role-based, such as
when he reflexively picks up a tab at a restaurant. We forget this
is also giving: fifty dollars for dinner and drinks may represent a
days work in after-tax income. Theater tickets, gas, and babysitters
are another days work. We dont think of his picking up these
tabs as being as giving as when a woman spends two days
preparing a special meal for him. Both forms of giving are
role-based; hers are just more direct.
Mens driving cars is also role-based, and therefore we tend to
discount the giving involved when a man and woman are both
high and exhausted after a party and he reflexively takes the
drivers seat and she the passenger seat. We forget that mens
one less layer of fat means men are more likely to hit the wall
or to suddenly run out be exhausted and colderbecause
What I Love Most about Men 291

they have fewer reserves of fat to feed off. Yet men never use
this as an excuse not to drive. His giving by driving may be
role-based, but that is the pointhis role stimulates this type of
giving. When Ted got arrested for drunk driving his family
looked down on him. No one considered Ted as a giving person
because he drove when he and his wife both had drunk too
Every study of executive women has uncovered the generosity
(although it is rarely worded this way) of the man behind the
woman the male mentor. Like parents, mentors are often not
only not appreciated but even rebelled against. Which is under
standable. Women, flexing their desire to feel independent after
years of not feeling that way, are unlikely to call attention to a
man who helped them, which would reinforce the perception of
them as a woman who is just dependent on men. The willingness
of the male mentor to keep giving despite little recognition can
be seen, in part, as generosity.
Men tend to give reflexively in little ways. When I lived in
New York and occasionally took cabs, a cabbie would some
times ask me what I do. When Id explain that I was researching
male-female relations, more than a few volunteered their obser
vations about the difference between the way women and men
paid for cabs when there were two or three women together as
opposed to two or three men together. With men, each guy
volunteers to pay the full amount; with the ladies, they divide the
fare by two or threeright down to the penny; and then, as an
afterthought, remember the tip, debate about what they usually
give for a tip, and then divide thatalso to the penny.

The best thing emerging from sports, games, work rules, win
ning, and losing is fairness. Not necessarily honestyfairness.
In Little League, when I trapped a ball in my glove just after a
bounce, the umpire credited me with catching a fly. I volun
teered to the umpire that I hadnt. The umpire, embarrassed,
changed the decision. The angry coach bawled me out. The other
coach bawled out my coach for bawling me out. They disagreed
on honesty. But neither would have disagreed with the fairness
of a neutral umpire making the decision.
Male socialization teaches the value of a careful system of
rules, within which anyone can work to gain advantage, and

some of which can be gotten around (with possible consequences).

Once mastered, the rules give everyone a much more equal
chance than they would have had without the rules. To men,
mastering these rules feels like survivalsurvival of themselves
and their family. A lifetime of practicing these rules gives many
men a sixth sense for fairness. Groups of men and women who
have disregarded these rules as too male or too establish
ment, as did the Students for a Democratic Society in the
sixties and seventies, soon evolve into backstabbing elites which

Carl wasnt great at expressing feelings. And he didnt under
stand fully that sometimes Cindy just needed a listening ear. His
way of supporting her was to volunteer to help Cindy with the
problem that was making her upset. For Carl, taking Cindy
seriously meant taking Cindys problem seriously, and taking
Cindys problem seriously meant trying to find a solution. To
him this was an act of love. Anything less, like just standing
around when she was hurting, was an act of cruelty. If Cindys
bleeding, hed say, find a solution. . . . Dont just stand
there with that sickening supportive smile on your face while the
woman I love is bleeding to death! Solutions are male nurturance.
The other two forms of male nurturance are not usually thought
of as nurturance. The first actually emerges from what men do
badly: expressing feelings. One good thing comes out of mens
expressing fewer feelings: there is more air timefor women to
express theirs. Since we all feel time to express feelings is
nurturing, lets appreciate how nurturing its been not to have
had that time taken up.*
The second type of nurturing that is not referred to as nurtur
ing can be appreciated most by women like Fay. Fay was one of
45 percent of women who went directly from the nurturance of
her parents to the nurturance of her husband.1 Like her parents,
Gregory nurtured by offering a security blanket in which Fay
could choose among a wide range of options. Fay sensed that
Greg loved her so deeply that his encouragement of her, no
matter whether she chose to work part-time, full-time, or have

Better listening would, of course, lead to less air time needed for
What I Love M ost about Men 293

children, would be backed up by his commitment to working

however much she needed him to so she could choose among her
options and either succeed or fail. Greg was like a nurturing
parent who would provide the nurturancc through which Fay
could discover herself. But Fay paid a priceGreg wasnt avail
able as much as she wanted for direct nurturance. So she thought
of her women friends as being more nurturing than Greg because
she did not appreciate the indirect nurturance she received from
having the financial womb provided. She blamed Greg for it.
Now they are divorced; Fay now provides her own financial
support. Part of her now wishes she had understood the indirect
nurturance provided by Gregs financial womb.

Fathering through Coaching

We dont usually think of a father coaching a soccer, Little
League, or Bobby Sox team as sharing in child care, but he is,
and hes doing it in a way that creates a special memory for the
child. Children feel nurtured by my dad caring enough to be
the coach. A dad coaching is more vulnerable than hes seen
as being: any idiosyncrasy is quickly noticed and subject to
mockery within earshot of his daughter or son. Dad never knows
what his child has heard behind his back. Coaching pushes all
his compulsive-win buttons; he suddenly sees how the game
teaches fairness, responsibility, loss, the importance of attitude,
and so on. Is Dad trying to overteach and neglecting just plain
fun in the process? But if he treats the game as mostly fun and
his kids lose, will his child see him as a nice guy loser and
lose respect? How does he give his child that little something
extra without playing favorites?

Accusations that men have the power have appeared more
frequently in the past decile and a half than appreciation for
the billions of hours sacrificed by men to give themselves the
leadership training to get that power. Or the benefits of the
leadership itself. For example, few articles explain how male
socialization has trained millions of leaders to lead thousands
of businesses that are now providing millions of women with
opportunities for leadership that might not exist were it not for
male leadership.

While women are socialized to get male attention by being
good girls or not offending male egos, men are being social
ized to get female attention by standing out. One way a man can
stand out is to be outrageous. The best part of outrageousness is
the barriers it breaks to allow all of us more freedom to experi
ment with discovering more of ourselves. The Beatles hair,
considered outrageous at the time, permitted a generation to
experiment with their hair; Elvis the Pelvis allowed a generation
to experiment with their sexual selves; the Wright Brothers were
told it was scientifically impossible to flyand suicidal to try;
and Salvador Dali, Picasso, and Copernicus looked at the world
in ways considered outrageous in their time; in retrospect, we
can see that they freed us to live in it in a way we could not have
dreamed of before.

To Keep Emotions under Control

Although in relationships, this tight lid leads to a male vol
cano after months of repressed emotions, the flip side is our
dependence on this male trait in crisis situations. Dirk recalls a
head-on collision. Five cars crashed. There was glass and
blood everywhere. Four of us guys ran from car to car, following
the screams and preparing tourniquets. We stopped two cars to
recruit passengers to redirect traffic, called the police, and re
moved a woman and her son from a car that burst into flames a
minute later.
The newspapers reported the accident. But no headlines read
Men Control Their Emotions in Order to Save Lives of Women
and Children. They ran a picturenot of four men standing
next to the women and children they saved, but of the five cars
that collided.

Ego Strength
When women reevaluate what goes wrong in a relationship the
unspoken assumption is that this takes ego strength. When men
compete fiercely to be number one, we see it as a reflection of
their fragile egos (which it can be) and call it strategizing, rather
than recognizing the ego strength required to conduct a self
reevaluation immediately after a loss. A man needs to ask.
What I Love Most about Men 295

What did / do wrong? And then, when he finds the answer,

rather than credit himself with his introspection, he must focus
immediately on correcting it before the next game.
If he doesnt learn how to correct himself reflexively when
hes younger, the price will be one of not meeting sales quotas
and never making it to district manager when he is older. Be
cause the male training for quick recovery from a bad situation
has been labeled in macho terms ( when the going gets tough,
the tough get going ), we have missed the self-reevaluation
implicit in this recovery. It happens so quickly we focus on the
process of the game rather than on a mans introspectionjust
the way people who lose all the weight they desire in a week get
less attention than the ones who are forever on a diet. Doing
rather than talking takes ego strength.
If a career woman fails to get a promotion, she can turn to a
woman friend or her husband for emotional support. A family
man (someone whose career supports the family) can also turn to
his wife, but his wife is the person second most devastated by his
failure. So her support is almost always connected to pressure.
Because a businesswomans failure rarely devastates her hus
band, she docs not have to turn to a husband she has just failed
to feed and ask for his emotional support at that moment. Her
husband may listen less effectively in part because it matters less
to him. The positive part of this poorer listening is the smaller
amount of pressure attached.
All of this can help us understand why even though most
women work, the pressure on them to make a quick changeor
elseis rarely as great. The pressure on men creates both fragile
egos, of which we are well aware, and strong egos, of which we
are less aware.

To Separate the Issue from the Friendship

From grammar school to high school, every school-day lunch
hour meant gulping down a cafeteria lunch and running outside
to choose sides for the game. Along with the bad that came
out of the compulsive competition came much good: todays
opponent was tomorrows teammate; we reflexively called close
plays out if it was the other teams runner, safe if it was
our teams runner. We were emotional for the momentbut we
gradually learned that the Steve Garvey or Reggie Jackson we
cheer in 1986 we would boo should he switch teams in 1987. We

were slowly learning there are few inherently bad or good per
sons. but that everyone takes on roles.
My woman friend Anne describes a court scene between her
lawyer and the lawyer of her former husband. "They both called 1
the evidence of the other lousy, and each others preparation
incompetent. In public. Then the judge offered the decision. A
second later, my lawyer yelled across the courtroom, Hey. Bill,
how about some tennis Saturday?
We see this separation even when an entire career is at stake.
George Bush attacked Ronald Reagans policies as voodoo eco
nomics in July 1980; in August 1980, Reagan offered Bush the
vice presidential nomination. The best part of the intensity of
male competition is insight into the game of lifea philosophi
cal distance allowing men to separate the roles they play from
their friendships. Allowing for the gentleness of judgment that
comes when we experience in our own lives that "Where I stand
depends on where I sit. The man who does not separate the
issue from the friendship soon finds enemies on his way up the

To Express Anger
"One minute we were shouting and calling each other names. A
minute later we were concentrating on the next play. The male
tendency to take sports seriously combined with the willingness
to express feelings intensely leads many adult men to say, "I
lose my temper for a minute, then its done with. The positive
side of male anger is the quick, intense release of emotions, with
the subsequent calm that follows the storm. If the intensity is
understood, and not exacerbated, grudges are rarely held. The
intensity, like all powerful energy, can be harnessedand chan
neled into powerful lovemaking.

To Keep His Complaints about His Relationship

within the Relationship
In my travels I frequently sit alone in a restaurant, caf, or
cafeteriaand make a point of sitting a table away from same-
sex groupings. I am struck by the observationwhich has not
changed in seventeen yearsthat two women are roughly ten times
more likely to be talking about the problems with the men in their
lives as are two men to be discussing their problems with women.
What I Love Most about Men 297

The positive side of a mans being less relationship-focused

is that his luncheons with other men rarely find him talking
behind his female friends back. He gets most of his information
about her from her.
By seldom repeating private conversations out of context to a
male friend who judges a woman through the filter of his own
hang-ups. a man gets less negative feedback about her, and he
therefore generates less distrust toward her.
I remember working with a coupleTim and Iris. Iris often
complained, Every time I have lunch with Julie, Tim makes
some snide comment like Didnt you see her last week? in one
of his negative tones of voice. It makes me feel: If he cant even
handle my getting together for lunch with another woman, what
can he handle?
Tim had not articulated well enough what led to this feeling.
Finally he was able to say, The last few times you returned
from Julies I felt you were distrustful of m e. That led us to
understand how the distrust was generated. He felt Iriss feed
back about him from Julie was based exclusively on the image
Iris had created about himfrom Iriss vantage point.
As Iris began to see that occasionally she distorted Tim to feel
closer to Julie (she and Julie both felt closer to each other when
they could laugh and concur about the problems they had with
men), she began to work on discussing her problems more
assertively with Tim and less frequently with Julie. In the pro
cess, she came to appreciate Tim for not airing his complaints
about their relationship behind her back.

To Save Her Life at the Risk of His Own

I described in the introduction how my younger brother Wayne
died in an avalanche as he ventured ahead to check out a
dangerous area alone rather than have his woman friend share the
risk or do it herself. No news account of his death discussed this
as an example of mens willingness to forfeit their lives for the
women they love. We read of accounts of women lifting automo
biles to save the life of a child, but not to save the life of a
husband. Frequently, a woman who hears about this difference
gets defensive even though she says she wants to appreciate men
There is nothing to be defensive about. It is not a statement
that men are better. Members of each sex do what they are

socialized to do both to give themselves the feeling of being part

of a whole and to deviate a bit to feel like an individual. This
makes both sexes equalwith different programming. A mans
dying for a woman he loves doesnt make him better at all, but
part of his socialization leaves him vulnerable. My brother was
quite vulnerable.

To Give Up His Life for His Beliefs

or to Support a Family
Some men give up their lives at war because they believe in their
country; others do it because if they cannot be a hero theyd
rather not live; others do it to support families. Others risk their
lives in war so that if they live, they will earn enough money and
status to earn a wife. Men with different class or ethnic
backgrounds do the same in the CIA, FBI, State Department,
and Mafia: their beliefs or their willingness to support their
families are as important as their entire^existence.
For these men, these are not empty words. While the worst
part of this is an extraordinary statement of male insecurity and
compensation for powerlessness, the best part is the extraordi
nary conviction men have for their beliefs and their families. It is
a statement (within their value system) of the importance of
values, responsibility, and quality of life: theirs and their familys.

To Sort Out Our Own Values

Myron Murdoch and I used to debate values in the seventh
grade. Was there a God? What was the difference between
Myrons Judaism and my Christianity? We didnt know then that
this debate of our values was a sorting out of our values, which
was more important than the outcome. We didnt know that
whatever the outcome wed end up providing money for wom
ens socialized valuesthat our values might become largely a
way of earning mortgage money. In the process we did learn to
sort out values of our owneven though of our own meant
choosing from among those in style. Both sexes learned values.
Women learned to type up mens values so he could provide
money for her values. The difference in our values was more
than substance; it was the process. We valued debating the
values. The best part was a sorting out, a first step to a clarity
and the start of a philosophy of life.
What I Love Most about M en 299

We dont call men career men, because the word career is
built into the word man. Self-sufficiency is built into masculin
ity. I can remember a prerequisite to becoming a second-class
Boy Scout was being dumped on the shores of the icy Hudson
River. With the evening turning dark, I was told to fix myself
dinner in the snow. There was a catch. I had to dig up branches
from the snow and start my fire without paper and with only two
matches. Each time I used up two matches without starting a
fire, the Scoutmaster told me to bury the branches back into the
snow and start over again. I cheated a little (I was bad at
counting matches), but the lesson in self-sufficiency was clear.
Most male self-sufficiency messages are not so direct; they are
implicit. Implicit in the imagery of Superman and the man on the
white horse is self-sufficiency. Male socialization is an overdose
in self-sufficiency. There are no fairy tales of a princess on a
white horse finding a male Sleeping Beauty and sweeping him
off to a castle; no fairy tales glorifying a man who is not
self-sufficient. When the going gets tough, he doesnt talk it
through, he gets going.
How do these fairy tales translate into reality? Liberation has
been defined as giving women the right to choose : to choose
the option of being at home or being at work. Men do not learn
they have the right to choose to be at home. That would imply
someone else would have to take care of him at home. A man
doesnt learn to expect that. He learns, instead, The world
doesnt owe you a living. Self-sufficiency implies earning
rights. The right to choose, he learns, comes from choosing, for
example, to take a job that pays a lot so he has more choices
when he is away from the job. As a result of a mans training to
take care of himself, millions of women have been freer to look
at their own valuesand to criticize menthan they would be if
they had to support them.

If a man is in a bar feeling insecure, and hes interested in a
woman who is talking to someone else, he learns that if he
cannot self-start nothing will happen. If he feels underpaid on his
job or undervalued in his position, he doesnt feel he has a right
to better pay or a better position unless he makes himself no

ticed. That takes self-starting. He must self-start to create the

change or self-start to prepare for a competitive job that pays
more or self-start to search for a job. He does not expect to ije
discovered like Cinderella, or passive like Sleeping Beauty. He
learns that being the discoverer means perpetual self-starting.
Self-starting to get money, women, sex, jobs, and promotions.

Risk Taking
The male socialization to take risks on the playing field prepares
a man to take risks investing in stocks, businesses, and conglom
erates. To invest in his career with years of training, and then
extra training. A plastic surgeon may have risked from age five
to thirty-five as a student or part-time student, underpaid and
overworked, in order, during the second half of his life, to be
able to earn a half million dollars a year.
James Joyce received 200 rejections before he got one accep
tance for publication. George Washington risked his life in nu
merous battles and lost most of them as did Dwight D. Eisenhower.
Winston Churchill risked and lost numerous elections. Thomas
Edison failed at dozens of inventions, and Ty Cobb, one of
baseballs greatest base-stealers, was also one of the most tagged-
out baseball players of all time. Babe Ruth was a home-run
king because he risked being a strike-out king.
On numerous levels, male socialization teaches men to risk a
lot and be willing to fail a lotand all for the hope of being
rewarded a lot. (Conversely, if he doesnt risk, he doesnt expect
the rewards.) If he survives, he will then be able to provide a
security for his wife and children that he never had for himself.

To Challenge Authority
Although Myron and I debated values as peers, Walter OConner
and I took our tentatively sorted-out values and challenged our
parents, relatives, and even Sunday school teachers. We would
challenge our Sunday school teacher with our questions about
God, or about whether people should be allowed to be nude in
public. God created humans, not clothes, wed say. No.
the clothed Sunday school teacher responded, God created
modesty to punish Adam and Eve for disobedience. Whatever
the real answer, the class accepted the challenge from us boys. If
a girl had questioned whether clothes were Gods invention, all
What I Love Most about M en 301

we boys would have wondered about her, as the girls would

havefor different reasons. And so we all contributed to the
pressure on the girls not to challenge the laws established by
authority. In the process, Walter and I were learning to question
authority and risk authoritys rejection by challenging it.

To Invent
In the process of sorting out values and challenging authority, we
occasionally stumbled on ideas we thought were original. They
were rarely, if ever, original, but that made little difference we
were learning how to invent.

To Develop Identity
The pressure on men to be more than self-sufficient, which
forced them to take risks and self-start, to sort out their values
quickly, to leam how and when to challenge authority, and to
invent, resulted, at best, in the development of identity. Identity
arises out of seeing both how we fit in and how we dont fit
in but especially how we dont fit in. The foundation of society
is here before we arrive and after we pass. Identity is discovering
our uniqueness in that continuity. As we take risks, and chal
lenge what exists, the friction between ourselves and society
makes all the boundaries clearer. Which is how we develop
identity, and why the best parts of male socialization are helpful
in developing identity. Of course, most men sell a good portion
of their identity out to institutions just as most women sell out to
a man. But the part of a man true to the values he has sorted out
still challenges, still takes risks, still benefits from the develop
ment of identity.

The stories a man reads of men who succeeded may have told
him to try, try again (or risfc, risk again), but did not tell him
how often even the greats failed. But he knows when he fails.
So a gap develops between the image of success and the reality
of his own vulnerabilityeven if he is successful. And if he is
part of the masses at the pyramids bottom, he deals with his
failure every day. Moreover, he cannot give into this image; that
is bad strategy. This silent, internal confrontation of his own

vulnerability and failures, of the gap between image and reality,

creates the male version of humility. For many women the
parallel is when they compare their pimples to the commercial
models of airbrushed beauty. Reality versus ideal creates humill
ity. It also creates vanityor the male parallel of vanity, the
fragile ego.
We get a good understanding of male humility when we
contrast the attitude of someone who has never raised a child
with the attitude of a parent. A person who has never raised a
child is quick to tell us how to raise one. The parent is often
humbler. The person who has not had to succeed to the point of
supporting herself or himself, a spouse, a mortgage, and children
is like the know-it-all without a childor the recent college grad
who feels he or she can conquer the world. Humility time is
What happens to create this humility? In the areas of both
raising a child and success, lifes a compromise. A politician
who is honest about lung cancer soon sees himself or herself out
of a career in a district where tobacco employs the voters.
Should the politician give in on that one issue? If the politician is
a man who is supporting a family, the choice is to compromise,
or to let his children and wife suffer the consequences; if the
politician is a woman who is married and knows her husbands
income will support her if her honesty results in failure, little
confrontation with her ideal is necessary. The male success role,
because it encourages supporting more people, also encourages
more compromise. The humility' of compromise is intensified
because a man spends his prework lifetime sorting values and
developing ideals, only to spend a work lifetime compromising
those ideals. A parent of either sex can understand this as he or
she faces parallel compromises with ideals. I want a child with
a sense of responsibility leads to Clean your room. T want
a child who knows the consequences of not taking responsibil
ity leads to letting the child live in his or her own pigsty. For
the person who must be a success to survive, as for the person
who must be a parent, every day involves the compromising of
ideals which creates a humble soul.

Male socialization is a recipe book of taking responsibility. From
the responsibility of getting a job at age fourteen so he can pay
What I Love Most about Men 303

for his first dates food and tickets, to performing adequately

within view of the girl he wants to ask out to increase his
chances of acceptance, to actually asking his first date out, to
arranging for his parents to drive, then, in later years, to borrow
ing the car, then driving himself, then taking initiativesall of
these are responsibility.
As my research assistant, Paul, read this section, he laughed.
When I asked Cathy out for the senior prom, I not only drove,
I arranged to borrow the car from Dad the night before as well so
I could rehearse the route from my house to her house to the
dinner place before the prom, to the prom after dinner, and to
two alternative places I thought it might be nice to go after the
prom. As he was laughing at himself the woman sitting next to
us at the University of California at San Diego library laughed
too, then said, I didn't even get a license until a year after I
was of age. Why? we asked. She blushed. Well, guys always
picked me up there was no big urgency.
I can remember how once, when I wolfed down a meal with
the appetite of a six-foot-one-inch adolescent male, my mother
said, If you cooked it, you wouldnt inhale it. My dad might
have added, If you paid for it, you wouldnt have inhaled it. I
can remember thinking, shortly after, what it would be like to
have to pay for the groceries every week. And the toilet paper,
soap. Kleenexes, everyones shoes and coats, pants and dresses,
our carpeted floor, couch, car, gas, oil, and so on. This was
before I knew about mortgages. It was a shocking five minutes.
And perhaps my vision of that gave me a different view of the
jobs I took from the view my sister had.
When I mentioned this to my assistant, Paul, he asked me
what jobs I had held. I was surprised at how many flashed back
into my mind. During high school and the first year of college
alone, I could recall golf caddy, milk boy, paper boy on three
different routes, post office worker and mail carrier, and high-
school newspaper columnist for the Ridgewood (New Jersey)
News, meat wrapper at Grand Union, cabin boy on the Seine
River (age fourteen and fifteen), running a mini baby-sitting
business and a mini lawn-mowing business, and, by first year of
college, running a used bookstore.
Paul rattled off a similar list. Then I observed how the jobs
after thoseto help put myself through college and graduate
schoolforced me to integrate risk taking with responsibility
(like selling encyclopedias door-to-door). They were jobs in

which I often received no money unless I performed, but re

ceived a lot if I did. In our attempt to understand the changing
nature of female responsibility from home and children to jug
gling act, we have paid less heed to the male equivalent: If a
man increases his responsibility for home and children, he is still
expected to work, and therefore has his own juggling act.
My study of male-female language-pattern differences reflects
the male training to take responsibility. Men are much less likely
to use phrases like This happened to me, and much more
likely to use phrases like I did this.

Sense of Efficacy
In the process of learning to take risks, men get especially strong
training in learning what is and what is not effectivea sense of
efficacy. In the process of trying a wide variety of jobs, we leam
what we are effective at. We are socialized with a different
attitude toward lost investmentsas experiences that fine-tune us
to the questions we must ask to prevent the next loss. We see the
loss as an investment in investing. Tinkering for hours under a
hood teaches him by trial and error how to be effective with a car
(I said teaches himit hasnt taught me!).
Once again, this is reflected in male-female language differ
ences. Men are much less likely to say, Maybe we can get Bill
to do that, and much more likely to say, Maybe if I try . . .

Doing Rather than Complaining

To become effective, men leam to make the unarticulated dis
tinction between two types of complaining: Im helpless ver
sus This is the complaint, now heres the solution. Men are
not tolerant enough of other men complaining, Im helpless.
But the best part of this intolerance is the pressure it exerts on a
man to get rid of the problem that created the complaint.

Pushing the Limits of Ones Talents

Doing may be better than complaining, but doing is not enough.
A mans pressure to earn as much as he can with his talents
means a constant pushing of the limits of each and every talent to
discover which one can support him best. When people hear
pushing the limits of ones talents they think of talents as raw
What I Love Most about Men 305

capability; they feel that job advancement involves an expansion

of talents and an application of talents toward an appropriate job
and frequent promotions. Successful people learn that pushing
the limits of ones talents also means balancing the politics of
everyone elses egos while making themselves shine; balancing
faade with personal integrity; and selling themselves repeatedly
without appearing as if theyre selling. The struggle to master the
complex politics of advancement is the real pushing of the limits
of ones talents.
The recent focus on discrimination has made us feel that the
formula for success is qualifications plus lack of discrimination.
That one-two approach has limited our appreciation of the ex
traordinary subtlety and range of talents required for advancement.

Creativity and Problem Solving

In my research on male-female listening patterns I have found
that when both sexes are together in mixed groups, women ask
questions while making eye contact with a man much more
frequently than the other way around. A man feels the opportu
nity to get acceptance from a woman by coming up with good
answers. His mind races to solve the problems her questions
pose, which helps him become a problem solver; since he does
not always have the answer directly, he becomes creative. At its
best, his creativity stimulates him to piece together the informa
tion he has in ways he has not thought of before. At its worst, it
allows him to piece together imagined information he doesnt
have in ways that make him look foolishthe flip side of the
same coin.
The practical result of this on an interpersonal level is mens
particular form of nurturing: solving problems. On the business
level it is the development of washing machines, dishwashers,
electricity, and microwaves that have made womens roles more
flexible; the development of more effective birth-control mea
sures and medical breakthtpughs that have led to many fewer
women dying at childbirth and all of us living longer; the devel
opment of telephones that keep us in touch with our families and
airlines that take us home for the holidays. By focusing on all
this as male power, we have forgotten the creativity male-female
listening patterns stimulate in men.

Sense of Humor
Whether its Woody Allens ability to laugh at the schlemiel in
himself or George Carlins ability to laugh at masculinity itself,
one of the best things that emerges from mens training to see
life as a game is the ability to laugh both at our own roles in the
game and at the game itself. Even the most traditional and
serious of male systems are mocked, such as Bill Murray in
Stripes mocking the military. It is difficult to find movies simi
larly mocking the traditional female rolefor example, a movie
mocking motherhood.

Learning to turn nos into maybes and maybes into yeses has its
negative side in the sexual arena1 call it rape training. But in
the world of business it is called resourcefulness: in finding a
way around every no a salesperson getsfrom the first secre
tary to the final closing. Women are currently teaming to do this
in the business arena, but its not yet being incorporated into
their sexual socialization. They may take initiatives, but thats
different from resourcefulness.
The best part of football, more than any other sport, is re
sourcefulness training: Which of forty-two options can we use
to advance this ball as far as we can, given the constantly
changing circumstances? Chess is like that. too. In all these
areassex. sports, and chessmen are socialized to expand
their resourcefulness.

To Enjoy the Woman . . . Not the Potential

The positive side of mens being less focused on commitment is
a willingness to enjoy fully the here and now rather than post
poning a full emotional and sexual letting go until he is
persuaded she is Ms. Right and then only as long as things
arc going right. A mans male friends dont innocently ask if he
feels used, making him view women as users. This allows him to
enjoy a woman without making her feel she has to prove herself
first; because his socialization teaches him to enjoy her, she is
less likely to feel pressure from him to choose between making a
decision or losing the chance to enjoy him.
What I Love Most about Men 307

To Play with Kids on Kids Terms

As playmates, many dads provide a combination of physical risk
taking with physical protectionallowing their sons or daughters
to test physical boundaries and limits without risking their lives.
When Paul and his daughter Amy went to the park, Amy would
climb trees she would never have climbed alone, because Paul
would stand under her, always ready with a helping hand should
her foot slip.
At home I often play horsey with Megan. She lets me know
how hard I, the bronco, should buck to give her the right
balance between physical challenge and physical protection. I let
her know when horsey is exhausted.
Playing with kids on kids terms often moves to points at
which many mothers are uncomfortable. When Carl raced his
son and daughter down the icy street on their sleds, they all
crashed near the bottom. Some of the mothers looked a bit
askance, but the kids loved the fact that Dad let them crash. And
that Dad didnt just let them winalthough they didnt like
Joeys dad, who never let them win. Most of all, they loved the
fact that Dad, unlike kids their age, had a keener sense of when
things were going too far. And so they came back for more.
They liked that he played with them on their terms. Thats the
best part of mens being kids at heart.

Change without Blame

Although men have made fewer changes than women, what
changes they have madeas in fatheringhave occurred with
out movements that blamed women. Fifteen years ago, few men
were sensitive to orgasms or clitorises. Few had heard of the
ERA. Few fathers-to-bc joined their wives in the delivery room,
in the preparation for the birth of their child. But soon, men had
changed in all these ways.
The changes that occurred.happened without attacking women
with equal-but-opposite rhetonc. such as Women hold a mo
nopoly of power over the child, or Women have a fragile
mothering ego perpetuated by a quiet matriarchy that sends men
into the field to die while women conspire to sleep in warm beds
at home. Nor did men respond to blame by labeling it psycho
logical abuse.
When we hear the phrase the battle between the sexes,

there is an unspoken assumption that both sexes have been

blaming equally. The battle, though, could easily be called the
female attack on men, not the male attack on women. There
is a distinction between responding to blame and initiating it?
Men have changed less, but they have also blamed less.
Ill end with a tongue-in-cheek poem about what male social
ization does not teach men to do that indirectly amounts to a
good thing or two about men.

Our Mascara Doesn't Run

When we cry (if we cry) our

mascara doesnt run;
We dont stand at the mirror
asking, Whos the fairest one?

You can kiss our lips and

never send your collar to be cleaned;
We rarely disappear to prepare
for being seen.

You can beat us at a bet and

we won't offer to pay in kind ;
We can meet you at a restaurant
and not leave our cash behind.

So if male socialization
is mostly what weve got
Maybe what were good for
is also what were not!
How Can I Change a Man
(Without Just Getting Him
Ready for the Next Woman)?

A woman in love will do almost anything for a man,

except give up the desire to improve him.
Nathaniel Branden, author,
The Psychology of Romantic Love, in an interview

These days a guy cant have his neuroses in peace.

Vic, forty-nine

The Politics of Change

Item: In Greek mythology, Pygmalion is a gifted sculptor
who, disliking real women, tries to create a perfect woman in
the form of a statue. Years of practice result in the perfection of
every nuance, until the statue appears like the most perfect and
beautiful woman. He has created art so beautiful it no longer
appears to be art. Yet his kisses and caresses are met with the
response of stone.
After years of fruitless attempts to make the statue respond,
he beseeches the goddess Aphrodite to assist. She does. The
coldness of statuesque stone melts into the softness of human
flesh, into tender lips, responsive kisses, and a pulsating heart.
Which just goes to show, with the help of a god. you can
change anybody!

While Greek mythology often reflected a desire to change

womenand a subsequent frustration at its impossibility
American reality reflects a desire to change men, and a similar

frustration about its apparent impossibility. The New Yorker

cartoon below illustrates the American Plan.

The N e w Yorker, S e p tem b e r 12, 1 9 8 3

Until recently, the question was Why cant a woman be

more like a man? It should have been changed to Why cant
both sexes be more like the best parts of each other? Instead,
the pendulum swung to the 1960s feminist lapel button Adam
Was a First Draft. True enough. So are we all. Now, one of the
jokes floating about college campuses is:

Question: Why do men have fewer hemorrhoids than women?

Answer: Theyre more perfect assholes.

I shared this joke with a large midwestern audience. Gales of

laughter. Suppose I had asked the question the other way around?
If thats the state of the war, is there a path to peace? Yes. But
whether it is worth traveling with any one manor men in
generalcannot be determined until we know if change is possi
ble. If it is, do you want to change a man or change yourself?
Hopefully, the introduction to this part helped with that question.
If its a man you want to change (as well as yourself), the next
H ow Can I Change a Man . . . ? 311

question is, do you want to change your man or change men?

Then, if its your man you want to change, does he want to
change? If hes really open, do you know what you want him to
change to? No use traveling a path to nowhere.

Is Change Possible?
I have discussed how men spend their lives adapting to women
as much as the other way around. We just do it indirectlyas in
adapting to our bosses to support a woman we love. We have
seen how this performing makes men successful in attracting
women and unsuccessful with the women they attract. So men
are tom: what we did to get intimacy is the opposite of what it
takes to have intimacy.
Are men willing to adapt to new expectations? Yes. Men
adapt all the timeto the different expectations of different
bosses. How do we get men to adapt to new expectations from
women? By giving men different cuescues that make it clear
they will get more love from intimacy behavior than success
behavior. Why are men able to respond to love cues? Because
men have learned to provide for their own primary needs, and
are able to adapt to their primary remaining needlove. Per
forming creates an intimacy deficiency; when men arc convinced
that deficiency will be met, they are great adapters.
Adapting to expectations is not the best reason for change
internal approval isbut the former is the most common. And if
the changes themselves are healthy, and the relationship better,
why fight it?
In a sense, of course, we can only change ourselves. But that
changes the relationship formula. For this reason I will make
suggestions about what a woman can do differently even though
her question is about how to change a man. A woman might say,
Why should / changewhat about him? If either sex wishes
to change its partner, he or she can start the process only by
doing something differently himself or herself. Only because
women have posed most of the questions about how they can
change men do most of my suggestions concern how women can
start the process by doing something differently themselves.
When the complaints come from menabout changing women
the suggestions will be to men.
Unfortunately, men change the most after a relationship endsor
after a career failure. And few menor women, for that matter

easily change personality patterns that are fundamental to them.

For example, a non-self-starter rarely becomes a self-starter. But
it is possible to redirect that self-starting energy into a different
area. For example, a neglectful father, such as in Kramer vs. *
Kramer, redirected his giving energy from work to a balance
between work and home. If, then, a woman is not working or if
she is not changing a fundamental personality pattern, and is not
just into getting a superiority fix by convincing herself that
helping him implies it is his problem, the next question is: Do
you want to change your man or change men?

Do You Want to Change Your Man or

Change Men?
I remember going to a tailor and asking for so many alterations
in a sport jacket the tailor said, Perhaps you want a different
jacket. If the jacket were a person with feelings, he might have
said. It would be easier on the jacket for you to make a
decision first about whether you really want that jacket or a
fundamentally different one. Because changing relationships,
unlike changing jackets, involves the fear of hurting feelings,
acknowledging failure, and so on, we can justify not confronting
our secret desire to change partners by saying, Were letting
him/her down slowly. In fact, were sometimes altering our
jackets to buy ourselves optionsto see what the altered jacket
looks like while keeping an eye out for other possibilities.
When a partner keeps upping the ante, someone usually gets
more hurt than necessary. Vicki said she wanted Frank to change.
He changed. She upped the ante. He changed more. She still felt
frustrated. Vicki, it turned out, was not in touch with her feel
ings. She wanted out. Somewhere, somehow, she had turned off
to Frank. Franks changes left him humiliated and ultimately
bitter toward Vicki, toward himself, and toward the women he
later attempted to date. At the point he most needed security, to
make the transition to the meat market, he felt most insecure.
And Frank reinforced the problem. He was changing for her
not for himself. Frank was slaving, not changing.
For a long period Vicki did not understand she was upping the
ante. Neither she nor Frank understood perhaps the most impor
tant basic dynamic of change, what I call The Toilet Seat
H ow Can I Change a Man . . . ? 313

The Toilet Seat Analogy

You agreed to put the toilet seat down and you still always
leave it up, Vicki complained.
I almost always put it down, Frank retorted.
In fact, Vicki could recall half a dozen times she had almost
fallen into the toilet in the past month alone. And Frank could
recall at least two dozen times he had put it down. Change is like
that. The person changing is aware of each time the toilet seat is
put down. The person living with her or him notices only when
the toilet seat is up. The person who wants his or her partner to
stop burping still hears the burps, but not the effort to repress the
burp; still experiences the interruption, but not the effort made to
refrain from interrupting; still sees the clothes left around, but
not those picked up.
The best way to encourage change? Actively notice when your
partner completes a meal without burping, or when you complete
a sentence without being interrupted. Assume your partner made
an effort; thank your partner for the effort.

If Its Your Man You Want to Change, Does He

Want to Change?
Most men do not want to change. Not much, anyway. Why? For
the same reason few women wanted to change prior to the
breakdown of marriage as an institution. Both sexes socializa
tion defines our wants, and until we feel we are getting more
approval by changing what we want, we remain the same and
usually want to. But once the approval cues change, we both
change even what we feel we want. One day we want wide
lapels and miniskirts and the next, thin lapels and maxiskirts.
Some people rebel, but usually just with a different uniform,
seeking approval from a different source. Our biology, it seems,
wants approval. Our socialization tells us how to get it. Again,
this is true for both sexes. Men have changed less, then, because
their approval cues have changed less. We still get more ap
proval than women for succeeding and more disapproval than
women for desiring to be full-time homemakers. Even among
rebels, artists, punks, and individualists, its the leaders who get
approval, not the homemakers. Men will change when their
approval cues change.
We think of men as having many options: president, astronaut,

etc. But all those options are really subsets of one option: to earn
income. Earn income for everyone we ever expect to have an
emotional relationship with. Think about that message. No love
until we pay for it. So we earn income to get everything from
promotions to job satisfaction, from survival to love. For love
and money, earn income. One option.
When men want more approval we intensify doing what we
are already doing. We learn to change by doing more of the
Approval is a tricky subject. It kept our grandmothers in the
kitchen baking brownies and bread. Approval can keep the slave
a slave. Much of what men do is self-destructive. We might say
men get more approval than women for self-destructive behav
ior. If approval keeps the slave a slave we know why heroes are
often slaves.
What do mens approval cues need changing to? To defining
maturity as sorting out values rather than as commitmenta
dichotomy poignantly depicted in Somerset Maughams The Ra
zors Edge. Its only when a man takes the time to sort out
values (now this is called a mid-life crisis) that he sees the
incentive for changing the core of his relationship to women.
Why? Few working-class or middle-class men can afford to
arrange their lives according to their values and still support the
lives of a woman and children. But if a man believes he cannot
get a woman he is attracted to to share the financial responsibil
ity for herself, him, the children, and the mortgagefor better or
worse, he will stick with the socialization he has learned rather
than risk a life without approval. Most men never feel worthy of
asking women they are deeply attracted to to share that. So we
never allow ourselves even to want it.
Men wont change until we have a perspective on how power
less power makes us. A woman cannot help a man change until
she has a perspective on how powerless power makes men. Men
will not change as long as we convince women to marry up and
men to marry down.

Do You Know What You Want Him to Change To?

Item: Newsweek. Front cover. Househusband. Complete with
apron. Time. Front cover. Clint Eastwood and Burt Reynolds.
Complete with steely eyes. Time and Newsweek appear the
same week, same time.
H ow Can I Change a Man . . . ? 315

The above item illustrates the mixed messages men receive

daily. But the mixed messages are less damaging than the damned
if you do, damned if you dont messages in which men feel
damned no matter which part of the mixture is chosen. Women,
men are beginning to articulate, want us to be successful
without the traits it takes to succeed. Perhaps Natasha Josefowitz
expresses this best in The New Etiquette. 1

The New Etiquette

He hires her
It is reverse discrimination
He doesnt
Hes not complying with affirmative action.
He promotes her
Hes playing favorites
He doesnt
Hes sexist.
He opens the door for her
She doesnt need his help
He does not open the door
Hes a boor.
He lights her cigarette
Hes old-fashioned
He doesnt
Hes rude.
He picks up the dinner check
Shes offended
He doesnt
Hes stingy.
He greets her with a kiss
Hes unprofessional*
He doesnt
Hes cold.

He gives her a raise

He has ulterior motives
He doesnt
Hes a bastard.

This new etiquettea lose-lose etiquetteis especially effec

tive in getting men to shut up about their feelings. But if a
woman is reasonably clear about what she wants, or at least opefi
to confronting the damned if he does, damned if he doesn't'
messages, then she is ready for the next step: the one-way
street boomerang.

Is There an Overall Approach to Change That

Works Best?
Change Is a Two-Way Street
If you think he is changeable, the big problem arises: creating
the change without sacrificing the romance. If only one of you is
changing, you become the therapist. Therapists who sleep with
their clients take grave risks. Kramer and Kramer became Kramer
v.v. Kramer.
If change is a two-way street, does that mean men and women
should be working on helping each other with each and every
problem? Not quite. In some areas men will tend to need help
from women; in others women from men. Changing a partner in
one particular area is a legitimate one-way activity, as long as
there is an overall balance in the changing that occurs over a
period of, say, a year or two.

Im Sick of Playing Earth Mother . . . Let Men

Change Themselves
Im sick of playing earth mother, Allison exclaimed. When
I got married to Paul, I wanted a man, not a boy. Allisons
attitude toward Paul represents a growing and understandable
feeling among women toward men. Understandable because,
after a decade in which women have grown and changed signifi
cantly, it is frustrating now to be expected to mother men.
Yet there is more to this mothering than meets the eye.
Traditional male-female relationships are much like that of a
producer to a star. The producer takes care of the star; the star
takes care of the producer; the star feeds the producer; the
producer feeds the star. The producers mothering instinct
and willingness to provide stability only continue as long as
enough of the stars risks pan out; the stars risk taking, then.
H ow Can I Change a Man . . . ? 317

provides a type of mothering that allows the producer the luxury

to mother. It is fair for the producer to say, I want to be a star
too ; it is unfair to think she is the only one who has been
Executive women have also been mothered by men. Because
the mentors of successful female executives are men, no one
dares suggest they are mothering, or even nurturing. They are
seen as advisers and mentors. I would suggest that just as women
who make it in the world of business need male business men
tors, perhaps men who make it in the world of emotions will
need female emotional mentors.
Resistance to mothering can be quite complex. Allison wanted
Paul to be more emotionally vulnerable, yet when he was, she
lost respect for him. Im tired of playing earth mother was
actually her defense. Yet, asking men only to help themselves is
like the male chauvinist business executive who says, If women
want business success, they can help themselves. No one helped
me get here. The truth is everyone helped him get thereevery
man who was successful was a role model who helped him get
there. The images not only helped him get there, they left him
little choice but to get there or to drop out. In a parallel manner,
women were also born into a more emotionally supportive
The resistance to helping men is deeply embedded. Lois Lane,
after all, was swept away by Superman, not Clark Kent. Clark
Kent was emotionally vulnerable. . . . If Clark Kent and Super
man represent two sides of a total man, perhaps Allison was
falling in love with only one side of Paul.
Allison and Paul, like most women and men, were caught in a
transition period. If each sex does not share its power, it will
remain in the prison created by that power. The traditional man
who protests I dont want to give away my secrets of power
will find himself alienated from his wife and children even
though he supposedly has the power; the woman fearful of
helping men change will finii men will remain the same. We all
need mentors.

Im Working . . . How Can I Get Him to

Share the Housework?
How does this balance between one-way change and mutual
change operate in practice in a nitty-gritty area like housework?

Jia and Kirk are good examples. Jia felt she had a right to a
professional career. And, therefore, a right to have the house
work shared. Kirk felt that was fair. Over time, though, he found
himself very supportive of Jias career but not as supportive*
about sharing the housework. Jia felt she had to nag him and
treat him like a child. She began to feel it was easier to do it
herself than to remind him. She eventually stopped reminding
him, did the housework (and her career), and filled her vacuum
with resentment.
What went wrong? For a long time Kirk could not articulate
that he did not feel that the responsibility for producing the
income was shared. He felt he was taking on more of the
psychological responsibility of thinking about how to earn enough
for the childrens college education, the mortgage, and so on. Jia
talked of working or not working. He did not. Since he could not
articulate this, he just withdrew from certain parts of the house
work, waiting to be asked, acting as if he could do it or not do it.
The way Jia did with work.
I consistently find in my work with couples around the country
that good news in changing men requires a different formula
from bad news.
Here are the two major formulas: First, if the woman demands
her independence largely as a right, and she persists, either she
or he eventually splits; or she stays, but largely for his income;
or he conforms and stays. In what is probably the only accept
able one of the three alternatives (he conforms and stays), there
is a price. If he conforms to her demands without getting in
touch with his own demands, her respect and sexual interest in
him usually decrease. Ironically, his respect for her, and some
times sexual interest, too, increase.
Is this the good news? Fortunately, no. The second formula
for change is.
If the couple secs their responsibilities as shared, and both
undergo a simultaneous reexamination of their roles, dealing
with both of their gaps between theory and practice, then they
both have the potential for increasing respect for each other,
intimacy, and sexual energy. Depending on how they conduct the
reexamination. The increase in respect for the woman alone is
replaced more by mutual pride for their accomplishment as a
couple. If they do separate, they are more likely to remain friends.
These formulas may need a second reading. It's ten years of
research in one page.
H ow Can [ Change a Man . . . ? 319

Back to rights versus responsibilities. Dont most rights

entail responsibilities, and dont most responsibilities engender
rights? Yes. So why the big distinction? Simply, as in the phrase
fight for rights, rights, like anger, motivate. But they moti
vate the seeker of rights. It rarely motivates the person dealing
with the rights seeker. Not for long, anyway.
What happens if the couple does try to share responsibility for
both the income and housework? They muddle through together.
A difference from me-bad-guy-if-I-fail, good-guy-if-I-follow.
A woman often finds she has difficulty fully sharing responsibil
ity for the income. He finds, often, he has difficulty fully sharing
responsibility for the child care and housework. They both find
that the system discriminates against deviants. And they both
find their own childhood socialization is as difficult to undo as
syrup is from a pancake. And sometimes not worth the effort.
The differences with this approach? They both laugh, both cry,
and both compromise with ideals.

Are There Specific Steps to Changing Men?

Were already beginning to see that the very question, Are
there specific steps to changing men? gives us a hint that the
underlying assumption may be that the man is the problem, and
that such an approach backfires more than the joint responsibility
approach. However, if the questions intent is to look at the
initiatives a woman can take that also incorporate looking at her
part in the relationship, then were ready for Rick and Andrea.
Rather than leam from someones failures, lets look at a
couple who made changes that worked. Rick was in a mens
group I was part of when I lived in Manhattan. He had joined the
group only after Andrea had threatened to leave their relationship
unless he joined. He told the group she had previously threatened
to leave unless he changed, but he sensed that this time she
meant it. Lets become a fly-on-the-wall in the group.
Rick explained, Shes been doing better at work than ever
before. That seems to be making a difference. I dont know
whether its self-confidence or just plain having the ability to
leave mefinancially, I mean.
Rick said he promised her and himself he would change. Yet,
he said he also sensed she loved the lifestyle they were sharing:
his income was still paying for about two-thirds of it. When he

tried to change, he found it hard, on a daily level at work, to

stop short of doing the extras that would allow him to be
rewarded with an assurance of higher income. Why was it hard
to stop? Behind his pride in his work rested his fear that if he
stopped providing the better lifestyle, he would lose Andrea.
About a month later, in a joint group of men and women, Rick
and Andrea stumbled on the dilemma during an argument: You
want me to work less, but you admire all these homes we cant
afford, you talk about couples going on great vacations, and the
other day you mentioned an old boyfriend who had become a big
film producer. You should have seen the awe in your eyes . . .
like you missed the boat because you didnt stay with him.
I told you, Rick, that all that makes no difference. Id rather
be with you any day.
Somehow, thats not too convincing. It feels like me telling
you Id rather be with you than the beautiful woman Im ogling
as were walking down the street. . . .
Andrea retreated. The parallel hit hofhe. Andrea responded by
agreeing to put out fewer hints about ideal homes, gorgeous
vacation spots, special places she would like to eat, extra drinks
she would like to order, and so on. And Rick promised a
renewed commitment to discover and explore each others inter
ests and souls.
Gradually, though, Andrea complained the old patterns were
returning. Rick retorted that her hints were returning. And
theyre not all verbal hints. When we share the check at a less
expensive restaurant, even if we have a nice dinner conversation,
youre often too tired to have sex. Yet, when we have a
romantic evening outwhich translates into expensive evening
out that I pay for, youre almost always sexually responsive.
Could anything work? One of the group members suggested
an experimentall of us were good at suggesting experiments
for others! Since Andrea and Rick had little to lose, they agreed
to experiment by splitting every expense for a six-month period.
Heres the rub. To do it and still be able to afford the rent in the
apartment they were sharing meant cutting back their lifestyles to
a level at which Andreas smaller income could adjust. The
result? Andreas demands were fewer, since they became de
mands on herself.
Rick reported that without the pressure to pick up the extras,
he gradually became more his own person at work. Im still
producingbut I feel freer to produce what I know best, rather
H ow Can I Change a Man . . . ? 321

than always please my boss. I always thought women were the

adapters. I never realized l was spending my life adapting,
tooto a boss.
Andrea experienced a different impact. I feel our sexual time
is less planned and contrived. It grows out of our time together
rather than being an expectation.
Rick and Andreas experience contained a number of ingredi
ents crucial to influencing men to change.

Andrea was coming closer to sharing (as opposed to

helping with ) the financial burden. At that point,
as Rick put it, I was forced to alter my perception
of how I could keep her. I had to become sensitive and
attentive, and share the housework, because I had nothing
Andrea avoided one of the most destructive of the fe
male change fallaciessubstituting discussions with
women friends for discussions with Rick. (Yet she did
not avoid discussions with womenavoiding same-sex
discussions is one of the biggest male flaws.) Nor did
she agree to keep any part of her conversation that had to
do with Rick confidentialor just between us. She
recognized that perspectives gained in confidence (for
example, between you and me Rick really cant be
trusted ) are often the most hauntingthey create a
filter through which everything else about Rick is experi
enced. So she cleared up everything that might affect her
attitude toward Rick immediately. This step contains
more than meets the eye. (The eye can meet more on this

I TW.0 3WN HER 80V- th en joan told mt ^ then WE 6CflEAmtO AT N

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C 1983 Universal Press Syndicate. Reprinted uith p erm issio n . A ll rights reserved.

C athy G uisew ite, A M o u th fu l o f B reathm ints a n d N o O n e to Kiss, p.


Andrea used her newly found financial leverage (which

made it easier to leave) to get Rick talking with other
men. (A woman who is the only change agent rarely
succeeds without exhausting herself and the relationship.
She usually just prepares the man for the next woman.)
Most women suggest counseling or a mens group, but
if the man resists, they either back off (with a comer on
the virtue market) or continue complaining until the
point is made but the soul of the relationship is unmade.
The soul of the relationship unmade? Yes. As a rule
of thumb, relationship excitement diminishes when the
ratio of criticism to stroking is more than J to 4. When
that point is reached, get help or get out.
If you think this is a great idea, but impossible for
my man . . . (hed resist therapy and freak out at the
thought of a mens group), read on.
Rick and Andrea negotiated a practical, concrete experi
ment that allowed them to walk a mile in each others
moccasins. The experience addressed their particular
issue directly. They did not do what most couples do
when a temporary change of roles is suggestedmanu
facture a hundred reasons why it wont work.

Do Men and Women Change Differently?

Rick and Andreas case illustrates a fundamental difference be
tween the ways I have found that women and men change. When
it comes to relationships, as opposed to business, men seldom
change until they have to. But when they do, they often change
quite quickly. Once a man believes a woman might leave, he is
not as resistant as his appearance might imply; any more than the
traditional womans appearance of financial ignorance accurately
symbolizes her newly found ability to enter MBA programs in
Women, on the other hand, often relish the process of rela
tionship change. They soak it up watching the Donahue show the
way men soak up other men performing while watching Supcrbowl.
Donahue is to women what football is to men. Why? Because
the more traditional the woman, the more men (or relationships)
arc her source of income or survival. And the more traditional
the man, the more sports is the first symbol of how he performs.
H ow Can I Change a Man . . . ? 323

This prepares him for performancehis source of income or

Just as watching football does not necessarily mean a man is
good at it, so discussing relationship change does not necessarily
mean a woman is good at it.

The Politics of Honesty

What prevents a woman from being good at it? Lets look at
Mary. I was married to Jeff five years and during the first two
or three, everything was okay. Then we had Joshua. I stopped
working. I love that kid. But the more dependent I became on
Jeff, the more I was afraid to confront him. I kept picturing him
getting mad at me. Then I had fantasies of me and Joshua being
in some small slumlike apartment. By comparison, no issue
seemed worth the confrontation. So I didnt confront Jeff. I
talked with Mom and read books and magazine articles. But the
more I learned, the more my silence gave me a lump in my
stomach. I kept telling myself Jeff couldnt handle it. t seemed
the more dependent on him I got, the more fragile I thought his
ego was.
For Mary, relationship increasingly meant survival. Once
she had Joshua, honesty became more and more a high-risk
operation. More needed, yet more feared. Each day she adapted
more herself, and feared more asking hrm to adapt. She pro
tected him from anything that might create the risk of an explo
sion to protect herself from his leaving. Ultimately, Mary will
save enough to leave, or it will get unbearable enough that she
will have to leave earlier. When she is ready to leave she might
explode; he will finally get a sense of the problems importance
to her, and amazingly, he will be prepared to change (because he
has made the male commitment shift and gotten hooked on
intimacy) but for her, in her soul, she will already have left.
I find in my work with both sexes that the less a woman
supports herself the more she Jends to fear honesty with her man.
Why? She fears alienation from her bank account. Yet she often
maintains the belief that she is the one most interested in rela
tionship change because she talks more about it. Much of that
talk, though, occurs with women friends. If a woman under
stands exactly how female talk can be a substitute for intimacy,
she will have conquered the most common of female change

Avoiding the Four Female Change Fallacies"

The Substitute Woman Friend Fallacy *
Andrea avoided substituting discussions with women friends for
discussions with Rick. Exactly why is substitution harmful?
Substitution often leads a woman to believe shes communicated
more with the man than she has. How? The woman rehearses
her complaints about him dozens of times in her minds eye. By
the time she verbalizes it directly she feels as if its already been
said. She feels that getting a man to talk is like pulling a thread
on a sweater. She fears unraveling the whole thing for a small
alteration. So her first attempt is often a probing initiative
slipping it in during an argument about something else. Since
men tend to listen less than women to innuendoes concerning
relationship change, she feels hurt when he responds minimally
or not at all.
Frustrated, she airs her complaint with a woman friend. The
tones of frustration, though, signal to her sensitive woman friend
the need for support, nurturance, and empathy, which often
come in the form of "You dont deserve that. (Translation:
Whats a beautiful person like you doing with an insensitive
shit like that? ) By the conversations end, the woman is angry.
Not just at the man, but at herself for staying with such an
insensitive man.

C 1983 Universal Press Syndicate. Reprinted with permission. All rights reserved.

C athy G uisew ite, A M outh fu l o f B reathm ints a n d N o O n e to Kiss, p. 5

Back home, the man does not benefit from the energy his
woman friend pours into retelling the story to other women
friends. Especially if a woman friend wants her negative com
ments kept confidential. He has not absorbed the level of signifi
H ow Can I Change a Man . . . ? 325

cance the change has for her. He experiences only her mood
changes. Or her sexual withdrawal. And they confuse him.
When she ultimately announces shes going to leave, hes aston
ished. And shes astonished that hes astonished. Which rein
forces her conviction that hes not only in another world, but
hopeless. She wonders why she didnt see this before.
Talking to a woman friend occasionally presents yet another
complication. The woman friend may empathize, for example,
by sharing similar problems she has had with men. This rein
forces their feelings of intimacy. One woman put it this way:
I used to share everything with Mario what I liked and
hated about Tony. But then things got better between me and
Tony, and Mario said she felt I wasnt sharing as much as
beforethat she didnt feel as close to me. I felt a type of
pressure from Mario to discuss Tonys and my problemsso I
even exaggerated some so she and I could feel intimate again.
Unfortunately, this also reinforces the focus on the problems
with men and not on her role in contributing to the problem. A
setup to repeat her part of the problem with the next man. And
ultimately to develop a need-hate (sometimes called love-
hate ) hostility toward men.
This dilemma has its equivalent in the dilemma a successful
man who fails has when he tells a less successful man of his
failure: he sometimes sees a surface support that masks an
internal smile. Unfortunately the socialization of many women to
overvalue a man (sometimes any man) can lead an unattached
woman to harbor a perverse investment in having her woman
friend return to the unattached statusthereby making her feel
less isolated, less lonely. In this sense, the friend may harbor an
unconscious joy in adding to the dumping on the man. A joy
masked by surface support.

Y tm ! m e o h jin oo ' A H HE WAS J US t X

.W H IL E t h e y r e g o w e ! l TO 0 0 ON HIS T R IP f

1983 Universal Press Syndicate. Reprinted with permission. All rights reserved.

C athy G uisew ite, A M outhful o f B reath m in ts a n d N o O n e to Kiss, p. 7


The Im Too Adaptive Fallacy

Andrea knew she was often adaptive. Too adaptive. But she4
worked on her adaptiveness by becoming competent enough at '
work to create the ability to not adapt to Rick. She understood
adaptation was a way of getting poweror financial security
and one way to avoid adapting was to avoid the underlying need
for someone else to provide financial security. Finally, she did
not defend herself against hearing Rick by saying, Im already
too adaptive, Im tired of adapting, or Ive adapted all my
life, and Ive had it.

The I Need to Be More Assertive Fallacy

One of Andreas self-criticisms was that she was not assertive
enough. For some women, that self-criticism can become an
excuse to focus energy on preparing the next assertion rather
than carefully listeningwhich is, ironically, precisely one of
mens biggest problems. Andrea asserted herself by asking for
the time she needed from Rick, talking her issues through in a
womens group, bringing the issues back to Rick directly, and
asserting herself to attain a position at work that offered her more
self-respect. All were positive uses of assertion.

The Protect His Ego Fallacy

Systematic ego protection (as opposed to well-placed tact) gener
ally backfires. Why? To protect a fragile ego is to preserve it.
And to preserve fragility is to make it vulnerable to exploitation
and ridicule. Just as the "fragile, defenseless woman" men
protect is also raped by men, so the "fragile male ego," which
women protect, can be raped by women.
I call this a law, because it is true on an international political
level as well as an interpersonal level. Internationally, the Soviet
Union protects Soviet-bloc countries, then invades Czecho
slovakia and Afghanistan. The Monroe Doctrine protected
Latin America. Yet much of Latin America feels that we exploit
what we promised to protect. Unfortunately, the two often go
together. Intcrpersonally, each woman who protects the fragile
male ego is doing her part to reinforce the fragility of the male
ego, a fragility she can exploit. The fragility we protect, then, is
the vulnerability we can rape, the underdevelopment we can
H ow Can I Change a Man . . . ? 327

ridicule, the ego we can exploit. What we protect is what we


Am I Financially Able to Leave?

Four Litmus Tests
The self-help and feminist movements have helped millions of
women look inward to the point that most women are emotion
ally capable of leaving a poor relationship. In fact, womens
competence at expressing emotions, while interpreted by men as
dependence, actually creates their emotional independence. How
ever, we have seen that the movements have done little to dent
womens desire for a man to provide securityeven if security
means having a career she can leave if it proves unfulfilling.
How can a woman tell if she is putting up with him in
exchange for a safety net? Here are four increasingly challenging
litmus tests.

Test One
Are you willing to try a Rick/Andrea-type experiment of sharing
all expenseseven if it means cutting back the lifestyle so the
sharing can be done?

Test Two
Have you looked for an apartment or home you could afford on
your own income? Would you be as willing to live in that place?
If the answer is If things got tough enough, yes . . . , thats a
sure hint youre willing to put up with a certain amount because
of the monetary advantages. To that extent you will tend to shy
away from honesty and confrontation until it gets close to that
borderline. To that extent theres prostitution in the relationshipan
exchange of monetary advantage for tolerance.
Financial ability to leave does not mean merely the ability to
support oneself financially. Rather, it means the ability to sup
port yourself in a style not drastically different from the one you
are presently sharing with himunless the style means abso
lutely nothing to you. But this is as rare as a man with a
beautiful woman who doesnt care if she gets fat.

If this is getting too confrontational, avoid it. Skip to the next

section. If it is not, heres litmus test three.

Test Three
Reflect back on the househusband versus Clint Eastwood role
models in Newsweek and Time. (Notice that the househusband
has no name.) Imagine going home to your parents at Christmas.
Youve met a man who is slightly more tender, warm, sensitive,
and vulnerable than you imgine Clint Eastwood to be. As a
househusband he has plenty of time for you. How do you feel in
your gut about telling them Ive fallen in love with a
househusband. We re going to be married? Does that sound
better or worse than Id like to introduce you to Clint Eastwood.
Were going to be married? The degree to which your gut
would prefer to introduce a less sensitive Clint Eastwood is the
degree to which you value fame and fortune over tenderness and

Test Four
Think of how long you would be comfortable with a mans doing
something he wanted to do and earning half your income doing
it. Anne Goshen, a San Diego-based therapist and a business
consultant with a broad range of clientele, distinguishes between
two types of working couples: the dual career couple and the
career/job couple. The true dual career couple is one in which
both sexes match their career goals with their lifetime financial
goals and share responsibility. With the career/job couple one
spouse does this and the other docs not. Goshen finds most
working couples are actually career/job couples: Whenever one
cuts back and voluntarily works half-time, in my experience with
couples it is always the woman. An individual, however, may
be an exception. The test: Would you feel as comfortable with
your partner working half-time as you would working half-time

Six Creative Change Techniques

What are some creative alternatives women and men can work
on together to create change? Here are six exercises. They will
H ow Can I Change a Man . . . ? 329

seem a little artificial; everything is artificial until it becomes a

part of us. If constructive change were easy, everyone would
have done it already. However, as a male might put it, The
downside potential is nil. And the upside potential is intimacy.

Ask Your Man to Play Your Woman Friend

One of my own favorite ways of hearing a woman friend more
fully is to ask her to talk with me as if I were her best woman
friend. I actually pretend (role-play) to be her woman friend. 1
ask her questions like, How are things going between you and
Warren? Are there any things youve been telling him that he
doesnt seem to be hearing? Are there any things youre
having difficulty telling him? Sometimes I play a friend who is
critical of Warren: It must be a bit much to be involved with a
so-called expert on male-female relationships. I bet he thinks he
has an answer to everything. Then I reverse to an overenvious
friend, Boy, how did you luck out, getting a guy like him?
The implicit put-down of luck out usually draws out some
inadvertent remark like Wait a minute, hes not so perfect
. . . How daring I get depends on how secure I feel that day.
I learn an enormous amount about myself from these sessions.
They can take as little as a few minutes. Its like being a fly on
the wall in a private conversation, and its surprising how de
tached from my ego I get when Im playing my friends friendan
improvement over playing myself!
Its pretty easy to get a man to try this experiment, as long as
hes not approached with / have something Id like you to try.
Try, rather, Id like us to understand each other better. I read
about an exercise I think will help me understand more about
what you were telling me the other day. Each of the experi
ences that follow is best introduced in this manner. In fact, a bad
introduction can be a passive-aggressive way of setting up a
partner to be the one to reject the experience, giving the intro
ducer yet another comer on the virtue market.

Tape-Record Your Conversations

Rose and Sal used to fight a lot. We have Mediterranean
bloodwe fight with passion and love with passion. Their
passion for fighting, though, was beginning to take a toll on their
passion for loving. So we took a tape recorderone I had

bought Sal for his birthdayand placed it in the bedroom, which

seems to be where all our passion begins. The moment we felt
tension breeding, one of us turned the tape recorder onusually^
the one who thought the other was being ridiculous. But later,'
when we listened to ourselveswell, it was a real eye-opener.
Taking this a step beyond what Rose and Sal did, write down
what you each feel you did to escalate the argument, what you
might have done differently, and what you feel your partner
might have done differently.

Role-Reversal Conflict
Sal and Rose took a tape of their conflicts to a workshop I started
near my home in San Diego. They then did a role-reversal
conflicteach acting out the others role. They took the pas
sion they normally used to argue against each other and chan
neled the passion into taking the other persons position. Soon
they were arguing passionatelybut thfc opposite arguments to
those they had been arguing at homeuntil they and everyone at
the workshop broke down laughing.
How did they do this? They tried not to mock each other.
They imitated, but did not caricature, each others body lan
guage, silence, dominance, and passive-aggressiveness. How did
they reverse passive-aggressiveness? For example, Sal loved
Rose in a particular skirt; he told Rose; Rose agreed to wear it
more often, but Rose never got around to lengthening it. In
the role reversal, Sal played passive-aggressive by pretending not
to be able to find time to get his hair cut, as Rose preferred it.
Sometimes Rose, while playing Sal, was able to say things
like, I feel hurt because . . . and come up with a reason Sal
had never been able to get in touch with. They tried to get
themselves in touch with their partners underlying hurt. They
both had to give up power to do this. And in the process they
both gained power.

Role-Reversal Date
My favorite experiment to try personally and also to do in
workshops is a personal, private version of the role-reversal or
insight-reversal date. When Ive done it personally, its been
with a woman I already know. We exaggerate traditional roles in
reverseshe formally asks me out, makes dinner reservations,
H ow Can I Change a Man . . . ? 331

buys me flowers, drives, picks me up, and makes passes at me

all evening. In an exaggerated female role, I show a strong
interest in her career, listen attentively, ask her questions, draw
her out, dress appealingly, never make passes, am receptive
but not too receptivegently change pace when she comes on
too quickly or too soon, and fight very hard against anything
overtly sexual on our first date. The experience is a hilarious,
sometimes tiring, process allowing each of us to undo some of
the ruts our relationship may be falling into. Its also an amazing

Wipe the Slate Clean (or If I Met You for the First
Time, Id Fall in Love with You All Over Again )
Many couples have difficulty undoing a relationships history.
Each partner feels changing would do little good because, after
all, the other partner would retain old perceptions. How can we
get new perceptions of our loved ones? How do we wipe the
slate clean ? One way is to spend a fun evening picking up our
partner all over again. Here is how I ask couples in my work
shops to wipe the slate clean.
Each person is instructed to bring separate cars to the work
shop on Saturday. That evening they plan to arrive at a restaurant
about five minutes apart. They find a way of eventually discov
ering each other at the restaurantintroducing themselves,
asking basic questions about values, what they do, and what they
want out of life. The process helps a couple remember why they
chose each other, and to feel acutely how deep the loss of the
other would be. When we fear loss most, changing is put into
perspective before it is too late.

Design Your Own Experiment

Once a couple understands how to reverse roles, they can create
their own experiments. For example, most relationships reach a
sexual initiative imbalance. 2 That is, one person may be
moving too quickly sexually for the others moods. So they both
contract for a one-month experiment in which only the person
who normally initiates least does all the initiating. It changes the
dynamic, relieves the pressure, and even when it doesnt solve
the sexual problem, it deepens the understanding and therefore
the love.

Do you still feel hell reject these experiences as games?

Maybe he will. But each time a woman assumes that of a man,
she increases her contempt for him while remaining nice on ths
surface. If he doesnt like your suggestions, try this approach
which works for a friend of mine. I say to him, Id like to
understand you better-can you think of some way you can help
me do that?

In summary, how can a woman change a man? Without just
getting him ready for the next woman?

1. If you want to change a man who is resistant, be

certain you are not dependent on him for providing a
lifestyle youre not willing to forfeit. Hell be tom
between putting the energy into changing and putting
the energy into providing for your lifestyle. And most
men intuitively perceive a womans dependence on the
lifestyle he provides as gut-level fundamental. A man
must perceive that his changing is more important than
his providing; that you are willing to leave if he is
unwilling to listen.
2. Remember that while the ability to leave is necessary,
its not sufficient. Leaving is to a relationship what
nuclear war is to the world. It is the trump card. Once
its used, theres little left. Unless a woman who asks,
How much can I change my man? is willing to ask
the same question of herself she will find herself using
nuclear power before she has focused on her own con
tribution to the war.
3. Distinguish rights from responsibilities. If you approach
him with the idea of your sharing his responsibilities,
hell owe you. If you approach him with demands for
rights, hell soon want his rights (c.g., his right to quit
work). Few people remain motivated on a gut level if
they arc only being asked to give something up.
4. If cither his or your criticisms outpace your compli
ments by a ratio of more than one criticism to four
strokes, implement this chapter immediately, get help,
or get out.
H ow Can I Change a Man . . . ? 333

5. Practice doing simple insight-reversal experiences

with him by reversing roles. Get into his moccasins and
ask him to get into yours. Introduce this to him by
explaining you are willing temporarily to give up the
power of holding on to your perspectiveby under
standing his experience more thoroughly. Let him know
that youre offering this as a way of deepening the
relationship. That you want to deepen it so that the
question of leaving will never arise.
How Can I Get Him to
Express Feelings?

Myths about Feelings

Item: In an experimental setting, the Condreys asked observ
ers to comment on the feelings expressed by a nine-month-old
infant. If the observers were told the infant* was a boy, they
labeled the crying anger. If they were told it was a girl, they
labeled the exact same crying by the same child at the same
time fear. 1

By interpreting the same behavior as anger if were told it is a

boy, and fear if told it is a girl, we do more than reinforce the
stereotype of boys as angry and girls as fearful. Since we tend to
associate anger with people who are powerful and oppressive, and
fear with victims or potential victims, our images of man the
oppressor and woman the victim get reinforcedeven when
the behavior is identical. Even when the feelings are identical.
In similar ways we have arrived at the myth that women are
good at expressing feelings, and men are bad at it. Women are
better at expressing some feelingsbut we shall see why both
sexes are very bad at expressing feelings of vulnerability. Thats
the feeling thats usually implied when wc ask, Why cant men
open up?

The Male Volcano Versus the Female Volcano

In what ways do both sexes have problems expressing feelings of
vulnerability? Mens suppressed anger often leads to the vol-
H ow Can I Get Him to Express Feelings? 335

At l.oo pry. AI 2:*/ hinew
fttN W|LL- AU- o^ R
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ABo^f ifleip.

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Nicole Hollander, Sy/v/a, Rockport, Maine

cano effect an explosion characterized by a viciousness that

could not have been caused by the incident that supposedly
triggered it. Because we eventually see lots of anger, we tend to
think of it as evidence that a man is able to express at least one
feelingangerinstead of seeing that the volcano came as a
result of the mans suppressing his anger. Because the male
volcano is so powerful at the moment it happens, we sometimes
forget both the feeling of powerlessness that stimulated it and the
humiliation and powerlessness involved in the subsequent apolo
gies at having lost control. Sometimes those apologies last for
Womens suppressed anger is likely to lead to the female
volcano: either the suddenly leaving effect or the anger
phase of feminism. These both erupt after long periods of
playing the good wife. He experiences her suddenly leaving
as a volcano, not only because the explosion may follow years of
relative silence but also because she may keep the anger from
him until she has psychologically prepared herself to leave. In
this sense, her volcano has an impact which his anger is unlikely
to have for him. For him, it is more likely to be an outlet,
preparing him for peace and apologies after the storm; for her,
the explosion doesnt prepare her for anything with him it is
the symbol of her having accomplished the preparation to be
without him.
Many women get as upset as they do about male anger be

cause they subconsciously feel it must mean to him what her

anger means to her. That is rarely true. Similarly, many men
dont take female anger to heart because they interpret it the way
they interpret their own angeras an outlet, a passing phase.
The ability to understand the male and the female volcano can
allow us to use the volcanoes to communicate rather than
Both male and female volcanoes reflect the tendency on the
part of both sexes to suppress feelings.

Why Do Both Sexes Suppress Feelings?

And Exactly How Do They Do It?
Women fearful of losing economic security rarely express nega
tive feelings if they sense the feelings will result in the loss of
the security. This is their area of vulnerability. We all suppress
feelings in the areas in which we are vulnerable. Men fearful of
having affection, nurturance, and sexuality withdrawn rarely
express feelings they feel will jeopardize that nurturance. Since a
womans most unfulfilled primary need (financial security) is
also her fantasy, and since men often supply a lot of both, we
can see why she is tempted to withhold her negative feelings
from menand express them instead to other women.
The areas in which both sexes repress their feelings tell us
much about their unfulfilled primary needsthe areas where
they consciously or subconsciously feel their partner has a hold
over them. How does this work in practice?
I recently called the home of one of the veteran leaders of the
mens movement. Dwight isnt here anymore. Weve sepa
rated, WarrenIve asked him to leave the house.
Oh. I was more taken aback than usual. I had known
Eleanor and Dwight welland knew that she had thoroughly
experienced some of the ways he might be difficult to live with
during their years together. She had pressed for commitment and
he had agreed. Their wedding was beautiful.
I knew Dwight was never as committed as I was, Warren,
but he always denied it. Last summer he fessed up, admitted he
had not felt as deeply committed as he wanted to, but said he felt
a real change now. My anger at having my feelings discounted
for two and a half years just came pouring out. Now he wants to
stay. He says its historythat he can forget itbut its my
history, and it hurts too deeply for me to forget it.
H ow Can I Get Him to Express Feelings? 337

I felt sad after the phone call. I knew they both had wanted
very much to make it. I felt her hurt at having her feelings
denied. And I also felt sad that those few sentences reflected
much about the male and female dilemma concerning feelings.
On the first level, she was able to express her feelings and he
was not. On the second level, when he did, she left him which
may tell us a lot about why he held back his feelings to begin
with. His feelings of ambivalence came into conflict with a
second set of feelings: the fear of losing Eleanor. Dwight was
withholding his feelings about lack of full commitment while
working on himself to increase his commitment.
But it goes deeper than that. Eleanor did not want Dwights
feelingsshe wanted feelings different from his. She wanted
him to have the feelings she felt he should have. Or else. As
when a man asks a woman, How many lovers have you had?
and she says, Fifty or so, and he disappears, she knows he
really did not want the answer to his question. He wanted
reassurance. The next time shes likely to lie: Just enough to
appreciate you. Both sexes withhold the feelings they feel will
lose them the love of the other sex. Ironically, Dwights denial
of feelings was actually a statement of his commitment.
Dwight and Eleanor illustrate another common myth about
feelings: that all feelings are equal. For example, by telling
Dwight she doesnt feel enough commitment from him, Eleanor
is likely to get him to do things to demonstrate his commitment.
Eleanors feelings are her powerthey get Dwight to do things.
But when Dwight admits he does not feel as committed as he
would like, he is giving power away. He risks losing her
psychologically and physically. Just as a woman who says,
I dont feel committed to this relationship gives power
When we ask our partners for feelings that might result in their
expression of ambivalence, and they offer those feelings with
love, we are both vulnerable. Such feelings are only productive
if we are secure enough to hear them and focus our energies on
resolving the problems that led to the feelings. Otherwise, we
learn the lesson that reflected Jesse Owenss contempt for white
society while he verbally praised it: You dont get nowhere
giving people the low-down on themselves.
Negative feelings are the emotion both sexes express when we
feel our security will not be jeopardized by expressing them. In
the civilized world both sexes treat feelings as a luxury

secondary to their primary unfulfilled needs. Detecting the feel

ings we suppress is the Geiger counter to our vulnerability.
If we recognize this, can something be done? Yes. Six months
after Dwight and Eleanor separated I got a call from Dwight. He
and Eleanor are back together.
If both sexes have difficulty expressing feelings, why do we
think women are so much better at it? In part because they are
somewhat better at it. And this leads us to label other behavior
behavior that is quite similar behavior to mens business
behavioras feeling behavior (similar to the anger/fear la
beling in the Condrey experiment). Lets see how this works in
everyday life.
Joyce and Sheila meet for coffee. Sheila asks, How are you,
Im feeling wonderfulall over.
You look wonderful. Okay, tell me. What is it? Something
with you and Frank?
Would you believe it? Frank flew in from Chicago last week
and said he wants to spend his vacation with me in June!
Do you think that means hell get a divorce after all?
I think so. . . . I sense a different feeling from him this
Im so happy for you. But do be careful. A similar thing
happened to me a year ago when . . .

Six months later:

How are you, Joyce?
Terrible. You were rightI should have known about mar
ried men. Frank told me he felt he had to stay with her. I let
myself get so close to him. I think when it comes down to it, he
just cant handle me. He wants a nice, subservient wife. Hes
threatened by me.
Notice that the two women arc discussing feelings related
to success or failure in achieving their primary fantasya
Now for two men:
What you been up to. Jack?
A bunch. Harvey flew in from Chicago last week and said he
wants me to take a job at Headquarters. He wants me and the
family to move out there in June.
Docs that mean theyre gonna dump Sam and clear you for
the next promo?
H ow Can I Get Him to Express Feelings? 339

Looks that way.

Great shooting, kid! Be sure to cover your ass, though, Jack.
Bank of America did a similar thing with me a year ago, and

Six months later:

Hows the new job, Jack?
Terrible. You were rightHarveys afraid to get rid of Sam.
1 move the whole damn family out there for a promotion I would
have gotten the equivalent of six months later right here. When
push comes to shove, Harvey wants a nice subservient yes man.
Hes threatened by m e.
While Joyce seemed to be expressing feelings and Jack dis
cussing business, both Joyce and Jack were discussing the same
thing: success or failure at achieving security. In neither of these
conversations did either discuss feelings toward the other. Sheila
didnt tell Joyce, Your self-centeredness bores me ; Jack didnt
say, I felt hurt you didnt say youd miss me when I move.
Both talked about being recognized as special by someone who
could add to their security; and both attempted to assure their
friend someone else was to blame when the source of their
security fell through. Neither took the opportunity of failure to
reveal his or her deepest doubts about herself or himself to the
friend. But because we associate relationships with intimacy, we
assume women are being more intimate and vulnerable than

While both sexes avoid feelings, men do it by focusing instead

on one or more of the five male crutches :

Women (in a sexual sense)
Sports *
Equipment (cars, stereos, guns, etc.)

What are the female equivalents to these five male crutches?

Discussion of their primary fantasy (commitment, chil

dren, home, men)

Discussion of the means to achieving their primary fan

tasy (diet, cosmetics, clothes, men)

A mans happiness about a business event or a womans about*

a wedding date are feelingsbut not the feelings that create
intimacy and trust by risking vulnerabilities. Both sexes avoid
the feelings they feel will make them vulnerable in the area of
their primary needs or primary fantasies.

Are Women or Men More Willing to Express

Negative Feelings?
Wendy and Todd walk into a party on an evening they have a
couple of invitations. After a few minutes they both conclude,
No one here seems interesting, eh? They have both made
negative judgments about twenty people within a few minutes.
They have both ruled out the potential for friendships with
twenty people. Millions of decisions are "based on similar instan
taneous judgments based on the underlying feelings (such as
uncomfortableness or fear of rejection) that created these judgments.
Are women or men more willing to express such feelings or
judgments to the person being judged so they can be cleared up
directly? I received some insight to this when I asked workshop
participants to pair off at random and express their first positive
and negative feelings toward each otherso they could get in
touch with the feelings that led to attraction or avoidance of each
other before they were conscious of it. Before they expressed
their negative feelings, their partners had to volunteer I defi
nitely want to hear the negative feelings as well. 1 then built in
additional safeguards to avoid the damage of unsolicited criti
cism. (Unsolicited criticism in the name of honesty can be like a
punch in the stomach for which we are unprepared. The great
magician Houdini died of such a punch from a fan who didnt
allow Houdini time to prepare himself.) In this contextthe
beginning of a relationshipwomen were more hesitant to share
negative feelings directly (to the person about whom they felt the
feelings). When we discuss womens hesitation to confrontor
share negative feelingswe call it the good girl syndrome.
We rarely discuss it as part of the difficulty women have discuss
ing feelings. If we hear two women talking negatively in a
restaurant about a man in their lives, we dont say, Theres
another woman who has difficulty expressing feelings directly to
H ow Can I Get Him to Express Feelings? 341

a man. Wc focus more on how beautiful it is that two women

can be intimate. Should a woman fail to express her feelings
directly to a man, we talk about her adaptiveness and how shes
been trained to please men. We reinforce our view of her as
adaptive victim.
But what happens when a man expresses negative feelings
directly to a woman? For example, if he initiates talk about
ending a relationship, do wc credit him with the courage to
initiate those feelingsor put him down as afraid of intimacy?
Many books and articles add salt to the wound by condemning
men because they take a woman to a fancy French restaurant to
end a relationship, calling this sly, guilt-expiating behavior, 2
rather than seeing it as an act of generosity added to an act of
courage from a man who is in touch with his feelings of disap
pointment, hurt that the relationship didnt work out, yet willing
to pay to make the transition time as loving as possible rather
than use the money to take out another woman. When men do
express feelings, as in the Condrey experiment, wc tend to find
ways of reinforcing our view of men as insensitive, unfeeling
jerks. Put simply, this is sexism. The new sexism.

How Can I Get Him to Express Feelings?

The best way to get a man to express feelings is to choose a man
who already expresses them and avoid men who dontwhich
means making an active choice, rather than passively being
chosen. It also means that a woman must reexamine her values.
Our choice of partners is one of the clearest statements about
our choice of values. If a woman values feelings, but values
security more, the man she chooses probably reflects that.
Suppose a womans choice is already made? How can she be
certain she is doing what she can to facilitate his feelings? And
why should she take any responsibility? As Ive said, men need
emotional mentors just as women need business mentors. Just as
many women dont know where to begin on the stock market,
many men dont know exactly what is meant when theyre told
to get in touch with feelings. On a physical level, she can
encourage him to look at the five barometers of his feelings:
muscle tension, breathing patterns, sweat, his penis, and his
dreams. His penis and his dreams are like computer printouts of
his unconscious, and his muscle tension and sweat are a good

link between his conscious and unconscious. Getting in touch

with them or listening to his feelings means experimenting with
them, as he would with a radio he wanted to repair: just keep
testing until he sees what goes with what.
When he starts getting in touch with his feelings hell be able
to ask for what he really needs from herwhich may be a
different type of fidelity.

The Worst Infidelity

Whenever we get into a fight shes on the phone to
her girlfriend or her mother, complaining about me.
But if we've had a great day, she doesn't excuse herself
to call them to say how great she thinks l am."
Mel, twenty-two

One reason men are afraid to express feelings is that they fear the
one-sided distortion of these feelings to everyone else the woman
they love cares about. Once men become sensitive to these con
versations (many remain ignorant of them), the feeling of betrayal
runs deep. Why is it such a betrayal that I would label it the
worst infidelity-worse than her having sex with someone else?
The more successful a man is, the more mileage peopJe get out
of discovering his real vulnerabilities and discussing them be
hind his back. One discovery can lead to the loss of a promotion
to a close competitorwhich any successful man knows implies
the virtual platcauing of a promising career. The more successful
he is, then, the more a man has learned to cover his real
vulnerabilitiesand fake a few endearing ones.
Yet intimacy requires real vulnerability. And the more a man
protects himself at work, the more he needs someone with whom
he can be totally vulnerable at home. All his eggs of intimacy
and vulnerability arc in one basket.
When a woman reveals those vulnerabilities to a woman friend
a man may experience that as infidelity: he has opened himself to
her in an area that was as closed off by his socialization as
sexuality was by hers. When he senses that she is using his
vulnerabilities to build a relationship with a woman friend, he
feels like a high school girl who has finally opened up sexually
and discovers that she is being casually talked about by her
boyfriend to a buddy.
H ow Can I Get Him to Express Feelings? 343

Just as a married woman may value the sexual exclusivity of

her marriage, many men value the confidentiality of their vulner
abilities. They arc exclusively for his one and only. It is what
the man buys to gain intimacy when he commits. For men
who are struggling with opening upand who associate that
with a bad reputation that leads to failure, a woman who talks
about what he has privately revealed to her commits the worst
Sometimes the worst infidelity is exacerbated when a woman
agrees to talk confidentially with a woman friendwith the con
fidences including negative things about a man. She then sees him
through a filter she can never clear up because the confidentiality
requires her to not share it with him. It therefore becomes the
worst category of the worst infidelitybecause her intimacy with
her friend becomes a clear substitute for her intimacy with him.
Is there a way you can share negative feelings about a man
with your woman friend and not betray confidentiality? Yes, by
doing two things: First, clear with him ahead of time anything
involving him that you sense you would not share with your
woman friend if he were present. Check with him whether he
would mind its being shared. If he wouldnt, share it. Second,
make it clear to your woman friend that nothing will be kept in
confidence if it concerns you or your relationshipno percep
tions, no feelings, no in confidences, no just between you
and mcs. Its fine to keep in confidence what concerns the
woman friend and anyone or anything elsebut not what con
cerns you and your partner. That is salt on the wound of the
worst infidelity. It creates a self-fulfilling prophecy of inhibiting
men from revealing their vulnerabilities and opening up.

Creating an Atmosphere for Feelings

When a woman discusses feelings about her partner with her
woman friend, she is not being vulnerable; when she discusses
feelings directly with him, she is. The direct expression of
feelingsfeelings she fears may distance himbefore she is
psychologically prepared to leave him creates an atmosphere of
vulnerability that a woman can initiate if she really wishes to
facilitate his discussing his most vulnerable feelings. If she
wishes to prevent male withdrawal and male volcanoes. Once she
has explored her own vulnerability, the next task is to accept his

I Want to Accept Him, but Somewhere I Seem to

Get Stuck . . .
There is little incentive for a man to remain closed if he feets
understood when he opens up. But how can a woman tell what
he might not feel understood about? First, she can check every
place in this book in which she felt defensive. Thats a good hint
that if he revealed his real feelings about those areas he would
encounter defensiveness. Remember, men are great adapters.
The reason we don't know that about men is theyve adapted so
well even they are not in touch with the feelings to which they
arc adapting.
For example, men arc rarely in touch with their own sexual
powerlcssncss. The woman who responds to the chapter on sex
and success with "Im the one without power will never Find a
man in touch with his feelings of powerlessness. Conversely, the
woman who hears his feelings without being defensive will
rarely find herself with a man who is Irving The Secret Life of
Walter Mitty. A secret life is merely a better alternative than
rejection. Male socialization, like female socialization, has an
ugly side. And. as with female socialization, the two sides arc
connected. A man who feels someone understands how the part
of him that is most admired creates the part of him that is least
admired can release his defensive energy. Thats the change
were all awaitingthe change that releases a mans energy to
love himself and love a woman.
Second, she can be aware of which part of her listening skills
encourage and discourage men from expressing feelings. One
part is especially good for drawing men out, the other especially
good at cutting men off.

How Can I Get Him to Be Less of a Male Volcano?

A woman often feels in a dilemma about male anger. She
docs not wish to choose between his anger and his con
descending verbal niceties. She would like to be able to get
him to express without exploding. How does she prevent the
Many women have told me, "My husband says I push
him into a comer. But I dont know exactly what I do to
do that. Here arc a few checkpoints both sexes can use to
determine if they arc pushing their loved one out of love,
H ow Can I Get Him to Express Feelings? 345

to see if they are indirectly provoking the male or female


When your partner gets angry, do you:

______ (a) Criticize the style ( You exaggerated ; You
called me names ), or
_____ (b) Look beyond the style to the pain?
_____ (a) Point out shortcomings (especially if yours have
been pointed out), or
_____ (b) Empathize?
____ (a) Look for the flaw, or
_______ (b) Look for the fact?
____ (a) Sidestep the issue and counterattack, or
_______ (b) Ask for an elaboration of the cause of theanger?
______ (a) Say Its hopeless and begin to cry, or
_______ (b) Recognize the grounds for hope in the fact that
feelings are emerging?
____ (a) Wait for an apology, or
_______ (b) Apologize for the specifics you feel you contributed?
____ (a) Become more caring, or
_____ (b) Emotionally withdraw?
______ (a) Become more affectionate, or
______ (b) Sexually withdraw?

I almost eliminated sexually withdraw since it is perfectly

legitimate for someone to feel sexually distant after anger. There
is, however, a price for thatthe repression of anger. This price
should be understood even though the feeling is legitimate. The
possibility that sexual withdrawal is being used as a way of
regaining power at the point where a person feels criticized and
therefore powerless should not be discounted. Many women
withdraw sexually after an argument, while many men want even
more intensely to make lovefor acceptance after rejection, a
compensation for lost power
Is there a way to withdraw sexually without encouraging your
partner to withdraw from angry feelings? Yes. You can make a
special effort to initiate sexually after you are feeling sexy again.
And you can help yourself feel sexy by having a better feeling
about the anger to begin with. Part of that will come with using

*Use this in conjunction with the guide to listening to a complaint in Chapter S.


the two listening exercises; for a woman, part of that will come
by understanding the male style of anger and what anger means
to a man. But before we look at the male style of anger, let me^
confront a touchy issue: making love after making war.
Many couples feel funny making love after making war. Even
if the passion is not a substitute for communication. My re
sponse? You didnt repress the negative feelings, so why repress
the positive ones? They all come from the same deep well. In
fact, go one step beyond not repressing the passion. After a
fight, seek it out. Couples who punish bad communication with
bad passion have civilized themselves into a lose-lose situa
tion. They soon find themselves in the mire of the Marital
Incest Taboo. In brief, when it comes to making love after
making war, love it; dont leave it.

Dont You Ever Call Me a Bitch Again!

Just as the male and female volcanoes have different meanings,
they also have different styles. What does a mans swearing and
name-calling mean to him? Part of male socialization is to swear,
call names, fight it out, and forget it. Profanity was not censored
as being unboylike, so profanity has a different meaning to
the adult man than to the adult woman.
Not holding back his anger means hes treating a woman as he
would a man under similar out-of-control circumstances; hes no
longer protecting her with verbal niceties; hes unconsciously
treating her as an equal. An equal he may be angry at, in a style
that is not very endearing, but thats part of equality male-style.
Not understanding this style leads many women to make a big
thing out of these angry moments ( Dont you ever call me a
bitch again . . . ). She withdraws because she takes it in. She
demands an apology for being called a name. He sees her point,
apologizes, but now builds up real frustration because she has
used his name-calling to sidestep the issue that created his anger.
So he never feels heard. The message he gets is that if he lets his
feelings out he will be attacked.
Few men have educated themselves to put their fingers on
whats happening, so they feel helpless and out of control.
Which increases the intensity of his explosion and convinces her
that hes all-powerfulnot that he feels as helpless as she does.
From his perspective, the very moment he cries out helplessly he
has to withdraw quickly, become strong again, and pay attention
H ow Can I Get Him to Express Feelings? 347

to her feelings. Now she senses he is a bottomless pit of anger

without understanding how or why he got that way.
The solution? First, remember we are asking him to adapt to
the female style of expressing angerno name-calling and swear
ing. I consider this male adaptation preferable; name-calling and
swearing are degrading, humiliating, and objectifying and there
fore predictably lead to the substance of a discussion being
ignored. The easiest way to get a man to adopt the female style
is first to pay attention to the substance of whats bothering him.
In real life terms, heres how it might work;

He: God damn you, youre not listening!

She: Sorry. Ill listen.

In three words shes deflated his anger. She follows the listen
ing guide* and then its her turn to be heard. Now;
She: John, when you say God damn and shout, I feel like
you dont even like me. I agreed to listen and then
listened; I want you to agree to give me a chance to hear
whats bothering you without swearing or shouting.

She has done three things; (I) told John how she feels, (2)
reminded him how his need was addressed, and (3) given him
something specific he could do to replace what he should not do.
It is a fair exchange, which taps into his socialization for fair
ness. A solution is within reach, which taps into his socialization
to do something. He has felt heard, so he is in a more receptive
mood than he would be if he had not felt heard.
The biggest block for many women in getting a man to drop
his swearing and name-calling style is letting the style pass by
her for that first minuteuntil she has addressed the substance.
This is where it helps to internalize repeatedly where that style
came fromto remember that thirty seconds after he and a
member of another team had called each other all sorts of names
they were both concentrating on the next play.

*See Chapter 5, What Makes a Man Successful at Work That Makes Him
Unsuccessful at Home? Or Why Cant Men Listen?

How to Draw Out His Feelings:

The Politics of Awe Training
Female socialization has taught women an efficient process for
soliciting from men what they want men to say. It might be
called awe training. 1 have mentioned that in my research on
male-female listening patterns, women in mixed groups are more
likely to ask a question, often with their eye contact, on a man in
whom they are interested, thereby drawing him into the center of
attention. He notices the woman, which magnifies any possible
interest he might already have felt about her and makes him
secure enough to pursue this interest because of the decreased
likelihood she will reject him. She increases the look of awe in
her eyes when she is impressed, and decreases it when unim
pressed. Like a Pavlovian dog, if he is interested, he picks up the
cues: She likes it when I talk about my feelings, or She
likes it when I talk about computers.
If she has the skills to draw out from him much of what she
wants, why isnt she getting to his feelings of vulnerability? Why
does a man seem to open up more at the beginning of the
relationship than later?
Lets look at how he opened up at the beginning. If he was
interested in her, he responded to her cuesher awe training. If
she responded well to feelings, he gave her feelings. If he
thought she wanted vulnerability, he gave her feelings of safe
vulnerability. A contradiction in terms? Exactly. Why? Be
cause he felt she wouldnt respond well to real vulnerability. By
definition, real vulnerability would have made her distant from
him ( I would have preferred to ask out Michelle, but I was
afraid of being rejected by her, so I asked you out ). He sensed
she didnt want him to be really vulnerable, so he gave her
statements full of feelings like and then my dad died when I
was four . . or past mistakes: I got so into my work. I paid
no attention to my former wife . . . when she left me I learned
the most important lesson of my life.
Because he has learned his lesson, he appears willing to leant.
Because he admits his mistakes, he appears vulnerable. Because
he is discussing a hurt, a relationship, and feelings, he appears
sensitive. And, he has simultaneously left the impression of
being a dedicated worker ( I got so into my work ) who
doubtless built a firm foundation. In brief, hes rapidly becoming
primary fantasy material. None of his feelings of safe vulnera
H ow Can I Get Him to Express Feelings? 349

bility violate her security; all of his feelings offer her hope. So
she has no problems drawing out his feelings more and more
While awe training is like a biofeedback machine that actively
encourages selected feelings, most women have also been social
ized to subtly discourage a man from expressing other feelings.
When, in discussion groups, I observe a woman who fears her
man is going to say something that might threaten her security,
she often signals him not to continue by using either withdrawing
body language, a disapproving distance in the eyes, or watering
eyes. The opposites of awe training. If he says it anyway, a
frequent response is sidestep-ignore or sidestep-counterattack. "
If the sidestep leaves the man feeling unheard, the counterattack
also leaves him feeling acutely discouraged. The man responds
to cues to suppress feelings that would make her feel less secure
just as he responds to the awe training that solicits from him
feelings that make her feel more secure. The same woman who
started the relationship with a finely honed awe training when
she perceived her security as unthreatened now uses her relation
ship skills to cut off other feelings she feels might be threatening
to her security.
Since almost all relationship dynamics are symbiotic, a man
must take responsibility for the awe training he feeds into by
being hooked into a womans supportive expressions. If she
sidestep-ignores, he must take responsibility for not pursuing
the sidestep (as he would with a man) out of fear of being called
too logic-focused and out of touch with his feelings.
His adaptiveness to her supportiveness blinds him to the pres
sure he feels when she tells him, I just know you can beat
Stuyoure a hundred times better than he is. It appears
supportive to the man because he is not aware of how it discour
ages him from expressing fear of failure, feelings like, I feel
Stu is more qualified. The flip side of support is pressure to
perform. He has become addicted to her supportiveness and may
adapt by unrealistically discounting his competitors and therefore
overworking, and feeling even worse if he loses to an unworthy
competitor. Eventually he may turn to drinking or use women,
religion, or success symbols to relieve the pain. All these are
ways a man suppresses his fears of failureby not understanding
that the flip side of the support to succeed is pressure to succeed.
How can a woman actively draw out his feelings? By using
her awe training and body language to solicit his fears of failure

and the portions of his feelings that do not enhance her ego or
immediate security. The incentive for her? Intimacyand a man
who will stay with her because his primary needs that he cannot
meet by himself are being met by her. Female socialization
taught her the tools to solicit his feelings; the underlying question
is deciding whether she really wants his truly vulnerable feelings.

Big Boys Dont Fear a Tear

Crying is an excretory process, like urinating, sweating, and
exhaling, all of which remove impurities from our body. The
results of not crying are now well-documented. Dr. Margaret
Crepeau, a Marquette University behaviorist, studied a control
group of people who were healthy versus those who had colitis
or ulcers. All 150 participants were the same age and of similar
backgrounds. She found that the healthy group cried significantly
more than those who had either colitis or ulcers.
Children bom with a genetic disorder that prevents them from
crying (familical dysautonomia) respond to even mild anxiety by
a rise in blood pressure, breaking out in red blotches, perspiring,
and salivating excessively, according to Dr. William Frey, a
biochemist at Saint Paul-Ramsey Medical Center.
It is likely that the more men cry, the less we will need to
relieve tension by compulsive sex. Our role of taking almost all
of the 150 sexual initiatives that comprise the anatomy of a
sexual experience creates extraordinary tension; the fear of crying
seals in that tension. The more we cry, the less we will seek out
women as an outlet and release of tension, the less pressure we
will exert on women, the more relaxed both sexes will become,
and the less a man will become like a puppy dog wagged by his
How can a man get himself to cry more often? For me, it was
mostly an attitude shift. As I made that transition, instead of
holding tears back if I felt sadness or hurt I told myself that
crying will cleanse my hurt. I imagine myself preventing an
ulcer. This imagining encourages tears. Because crying is an
excretory process, like urinating, it can either be held back at
will or encouraged by relaxing our attitude toward it. Telling a
man Big boys don't cry is like telling him Big boys don't
How Can I Get Him to Express Feelings? 351

New-Age Feelings
Who can be politically correct about abortion and in touch
with all of her or his feelings? Being in touch with feelings
requires being in touch with what does not conform to either the
age-old or the new-age. Feelings have no constituency. To be
politically correct is to be a constituency conformer. In a sense,
to be politically correct is to be emotionally constipated. It
requires the suppression, not the expression, of feelings.
The expression of feelings can be misused to conform to
new-age expectations. I remember a man in a Manhattan mens
group who exclaimed, I cry more than anyone in this group.
By turning crying into competition he had turned it against itself.
He had become the biggest jock in the sensitivity group.

When Men Get in Touch with Their Feelings . . .

When and if men ever get in touch with their feelings on a mass
level, they will be venting anger and hurt both at their own
socialization and at women who go for heroes while saying they
want vulnerability. They will be asking, Why are women
threatened by unsuccessful men? Women who accuse men of
being wimps or worms will be seen with as much anger as men
who call women dykes or ballbreakers.
When a man recalls how his first sexual feelings may have
been rejected with no, no, no . . . , he will wonder how he
expresses any feelings at all. When he hears a woman say she
feels used, he will wonder whether that meant she was expecting
something in addition to sex. He may feel used by being ex
pected to pay for dinner or call afterward.
When a man gets in touch with his feelings of powerlessness
by seeing the extent to which the roles he playedwhich were
labeled power were actually bribes that kept him from choos
ing how he wanted to balance his five components of power, he
will experience a mid-life crisis. And he will welcome it because
he is directing itrather than being directed by it. If he is in
touch with his feelings early enough it will be an early-life
crisisa time to sort out his values and direct his life by creating
his own values.
As a man looks at what he was told about whom he can and
cannot touch, he will feel anger at the message not to touch or
kiss men while women get permission to touch and kiss women.

Each time he touches the wrong person the wrong way it could
mean his lifes workcareer, income, and salarydown the
drain. And his family, his daughter or son, lost forever. Instead*
of feeling his external reward power as power, he will feel the
powerlessness of accepting a preprogrammed definition and seek
to create his own. Instead of feeling guilt at his privilege to
initiate, he will feel the impact of being worse than Americas
second-class citizenan untouchable.

Dialogues on Feelings
Q: Some men I know seem really in touch with their
feelingsboth my therapist and a minister I know, for
example. How did they get this way?
WF: Male clergy and male therapists are experts at listening
to the feelings of others, but rarely at expressing vul
nerabilities of their own. They are feeling profession
als, who may only be feeling heroes. The reason
people come to them is that they maintain an image of
respectability. A woman plays into a mans being a
feeling hero if she is not giving him respect for the
feelings he expresses about himself that lead her to
admire him less.

Q: How can I respect what I admire less?

WF: By respecting his courage to reveal what is not admirable.

Q: For example?
WF: Suppose a Catholic woman goes to confession and tells
her priest she and her husband are having marital diffi
culties. She asks the priest for advice. Imagine him
saying, Well, I cant help you. The only human rela
tionship Ive ever had is with my parents and, to be
honest, one short-term relationship in a monasterywith
a man.

Q: Thats ridiculous. Why would he say such a thing? She

didnt ask for that type of revelation.
H ow Can I Get Him to Express Feelings? 353

WF: Thats the pointhis role makes the expression of real

vulnerability ridiculousand inappropriate. She didnt
go to him for his role as an expresser of feelings, which
is why when these men are mentioned as examples of
men in touch with their feelings, we must question
what she wants out of mens feelings. At most he has
shown himself to be in touch with her feelings. A
woman who considers a man in touch with his feelings
because he listens to hers is likely to select a man who
plays advice-giver but keeps to himself the things he
feels she will not approve of. Male feeling profession
als do that as a matter of professional role as well as
of male role. It is a very rare feeling hero who is
truly vulnerable with feelings he believes will be disap
proved of by the people he needs for his security. Even
feminist men limit most of their feelings to those feel
ings they believe will be approved of by feminist women.
Clearing the Way
for Love

One morning, the phone rang.

Hi, Warren, this is Rosemary. . . . Remember when you
spoke with Lynette Triers womens group some months ago and
encouraged us to look at men differently? Well. I decided to do
it, and the weekend after that I went up to San Francisco . . .
saw this guy at a disco and I thought, I wish a guy like him
would come my way. I kept remembering your saying, Some
of the happiest relationships Ive ever seen are relationships in
which the woman originally approached the man . . . and so I
went up to him . . .
Great! What happened?
Well, we had a terrific evening and the next day he didnt
call. Normally I would have said, And the next day he didnt
cal!, of course. My gut response was still to call Lynette and
bitch about men, but I took a different attitude and called him
And . . . ?
And, well, to make a long story short, its blossoming into
one of the best relationships I've ever had. Because Ive shifted
my approach and attitude every step of the way.
Fantastic! . . . What made you call me about it now?"
Last night we told each other what we loved about each
other, and one thing he said was, I feel so understood by
youmaybe because youre willing to take the risks I take.
Well, when he said that I knew I had to call you!
What a beautiful gift to give me, Rosemary, I said.
A few hours later, I realized Rosemary had given me a second
gifta beginning for my conclusion. For certainly few examples
Conclusion: Clearing the Way for Love 355

better represent how only when a woman shares male risks can
she really begin to understand men; how empathy without shar
ing is intellect without gut; how sharing male risks is part of
becoming independent of men and with men rather than indepen
dent and without men; and how the woman who shares male
risks stops categorizing men as heroes or jerks because she is
sharing that responsibility herselfsometimes being her own
hero, sometimes her own jerk.

Clearing the Way for Love

Item: Sun Up San Diego. Christmas 1984. Jerry G. Bishop,
the host, asks each woman in the audience, in the spirit of
Christmas, to list the things she loves about menor even
what is good about men. Not one woman comes up with one

When we are asked to list what is good about women we can

reflexively think of warmth, cooperativeness, nurturing,
gentleness, commitment, love, and struggling for in
dependence. This doesnt mean we cant come up with nega
tives as well, or that women are this way all the time, or that
these characteristics do not have their flip sidesit only means
our gut is so in touch with this side of women that it provides a
filter of love through which the less endearing qualities of women
can be seen.
Just twenty years ago feminists helped us understand that
when we heard the word femininity, we reflexively thought of
words like incompetent, irrational, inferior, etc. Today
the word woman incorporates more than femininity; it incor
porates struggles for independence on the one hand, combined
with victimization by divorce, battering, rape, pornography, sex
ual harassment, and incest. While the focus on independence has
given women a good name*beyond femininitythe focus on
battering, rape, and pornography has increased our view of men
as oppressors.
We have seen, though, by looking at the fantasy-not-yet-
fulfilled magazines, that the more the magazine focuses on inde
pendence and equality the greater the anger toward men; that, in
fact, at least part of the new focus on age-old issues like batter
ing, rape, and pornography has really derived from the underly

ing feeling that women have been victimized by, and are no
longer taken care of by, men. This could not be admitted di
rectly. So the focus on women as independent and men as even,
more oppressive had to be established before there could be an
emphasis on blaming men as too immature to commit. Hence the
popularity of books playing on the women-who-cant-get-a-man-
to-commit theme in 1983 to 1986: The Peter Pan Syndrome;
Smart Women, Foolish Choices; and Women Who Love Too
Much; all of which were on The New York Times best-seller list
for long periods. These books, as we have seen, could not have
made it far with reverse titles. So we entered the period of
Marry the Enemy.
What was the larger picture behind the way we got from
Daddy knows best to Daddy molests, or marry the
enemy ?
During the past two decades, women have been caught be
tween the traditional method of having their specialness con
firmed by the fact that a hero-type "male discovered their
specialness, thereby confirming it, and, on the other hand, creat
ing that feeling of being number one via their own achievements.
As women as a group strove more to confirm their number-one
status by their own achievements, it became functional to define
their major competitorwhite menas an enemy, just as the
United States and the USSR define their major competitor as the
enemy. The more men were the enemy, the more special women
were. The more men were the enemy, the more women could
feel solidly aligned and sisterly with other women. The more
men were the source of all evil, the more energy it stimulated in
the woman to sec her specialness as defined in put-downs of this
source of evil. These, then, are some incentives against change.
And they are part of human nature.
However, the part of many women that still desires a hero-
type man to confirm her specialness is in conflict with the
man-as-enemy approach. For many a woman this creates a con
stant hero/asshole dichotomy in her approach to men. And this
can wreak havoc on her personal life.
Some women, though, like feminist authors Robin Morgan
and Sonja Johnson, try to resolve this conflict. The Robin Mor
gan resolution: Men are the enemy, except a few special men;
one of these few, of course, chose me. Or the approach of
Sonja Johnson, author of From Housewife to Heretic, as spoken
before the profeminist National Organization for Changing Men
Conclusion: Clearing the Way for Love 357

in 1984: I make you honorary women. To extricate himself

from enemy status, a man need only deny he is a man. And then
we ask Why are men so resistant to changing?
How can we love men without making men into honorary
women? It can start with developing a willingness to associate
reflexively some positive images with the word men. Images like
mentor which would let us feel some warmth toward men
for their willingness to act as mentors even when they are
preparing women to compete with them, images like doer (as
opposed to complainer ) or self-starter. We can praise men
for their refusal to use words like love when they mean secu
rity, for playing with kids on kids terms, for their willing
ness to make themselves the butt of self-effacing humor, for keeping
complaints about a relationship within the relationship, for sepa
rating issues from friendship, for having enough ego strength to
risk being confronted by the cruelty of the marketplace (even when
theyre feeling as scared as a child on the first day of school),
for a mans willingness to give his life for a woman he loves, to
assume responsibility, to confront himself with the immaturity
of his male socialization enough to forfeit his primary fantasy
of many women for one woman whom he really loves.
Is there any fundamental switch in consciousness that must
precede our willingness to make parallel positive associations
with men? Yes. It requires looking withinand seeing how,
underneath it all, the reason we are different is because we are so
much the same. We all start life hoping everyone will approve of
us; we all adapt in order to get that approval, but each sex still
adapts to fundamentally different messages in order to fulfill an
identical need for approval. As we have seen, each sex gets
many of its cues about how it should adapt from the messages
the other sex gives it.
Both sexes dependence on approval is obscured by our de
light with the courage we muster to make the little deviations.
We call this our individuality. But when looked at closely, these
deviations are often derived from an assessment of whether our
weaknesses and strengths would allow us to make it in the
approval systemaccording to the values of our parents, friends,
and class background. In this underlying way almost all humans
are remarkably identical.
Applying this understanding to men coincides with the prag
matics of change: The more we make men the enemy, the more
they will have to behave like the enemy.

As a man, I know we must take much of the responsibility for

almost two decades of attacks, without expressing our own
feelings. I have mentioned how, in my case, my stake in female
approval kept me from doing that for years. As did my tendency
to just do things rather than express feelings that were making it
difficult for me to carry that out. For example, 1 can recall
Megan being depressed at dinner. After some prodding she
explained how her old girlfriend, with whom she had been
best friends, was now beating her up because she had a new
best friend. It seems Megan had already tried some self-help
solutions, like alternately ignoring her old friend and spending
time with her. She was afraid if she told the teacher or principal
shed get beaten up on the way home.
We eventually discussed the possibility of my calling her
friend. Megan felt the girl would pay attention to me. I explained
I would be willing to call if she was okay with my just talking
withnot lecturingher friend. In fact that was Megans
desire toowe both understood that anything else would result
in her friend calling her chicken for having me do her dirty
Frankly, I had never made a call like that before. It seemed
strange to call a twelve-year-old out of the blue. And I was
deeply touched that Megan trusted me to call.
After the call Anne came up to me and took my hand.
Honey, your hands all clammy.
Hmm . . . I guess I was nervous about making that call.
Really . . . ? Why is that?
I dont know. . . . I guess I didnt know what to say, or
where to begin.
It took me a while to let myself know that it was exactly
because I was touched by Megans trust that I didnt want to
mess it up.
The next morning Anne mentioned, I told Megan about your
nervousness about making the phone call. She was really sur
prised. I think it was good for her to know that.
Yes. It was good for her to know that. But I hadnt told her.
Nor did I tell her for a while how touched I was that she trusted
me to call. I was still defining love by doing. And then was
wondering why it took her so long to love me.

Both sexes use the other sex to feel special. One way is by
feeling needed. As we looked at the five components of power,
Conclusion: Clearing the Way for Love 359

we saw how each sex develops deprivation in different areas

(women, in things economic; men, in sex and intimacy). Both
sexes tend to feel neededor specialin the area where their
partner feels most deprived. Which gives each sex a short-term
investment in keeping its partner less than fully powerful.
Women and men both need intimacy. But when asked to name
the people toward whom they feel close or intimate, women
often name children or other women, and men often say women.
Why? We have learned to think of ourselves as intimate with
those who need us. Men have learned to feel okay about getting
the intimacy of feeling needed by a woman who is financially
deprived; in contrast women have received a conflicted message
in their attitude toward men: they want men to need them yet feel
neediness is unmanly. They turn off to a man they feel they
must mother so only a little leeway is allowed between his
showing neediness and being too needy. This also creates a
dilemma for men: he looks bad if he lets himself feel needy and
looks bad if he doesnt let himself feel needy.
How do many women satisfy this basic human need to feel
special to someone by feeling needed? By letting children need
them. So one incentive for women to have children is for women
to get part of their power of feeling needed from the appro
priate outlet of children rather than from the inappropriate
outlet of a needy man.
A needy man creates a fundamental void for a woman: he does
not confirm her specialness as a woman to her peers, to her
parents, or to herself; he does not confirm that she is able to
attract a hero man. On the one hand she wants a man to need
her, as Lois Lane wanted Superman to need her. But she wants
that neediness to fall within a framework: if his self-examination
or neediness develops to the point where he is no longer able to
provide her a security blanket should she fail, she often feels it
has gone too far.
A needy woman does not create such conflicts for a man in
American culture. But if his.feelings of intimacy derive from
her neediness, he then has an investment in her continued needi
ness. This inhibits a woman from developing sufficient indepen
dence and inhibits a man from developing sufficient dependence.
How much dependence is sufficient? Enough to fail. The free
dom to fail is a prerequisite to internal freedom. A prerequisite to
personal power.
Mens feelings of intimacy that are dependent on feeling

needed keep women in their place and keep women loving

children more than men.
This difference allows us to understand why women with 4
children have been known to lift a car off a childs body to save
the child but never to lift a car off a husbands body to save a
husband. The woman allows herself the power that comes from
feeling needed by the child but not the power that comes from
feeling needed by her husband. Especially not in the areas of
physical strength or fiscal responsibility.
The alternative? Helping our partners develop a balanced sense
of power in each area of the five components of power, redefin
ing intimacy to include helping our partner increase his or her
power in each area. If we do that, we will be getting our power
of feeling needed by promoting growth rather than nurturing
deficiency. And we will be allowing women to come close to
men as well as to children.

Understanding the Male Experience

of Powerlessness
Show me a hero and I will write you a tragedy.
F. Scott Fitzgerald

Our love for children is so immediate in part because we feel

their powcrlessness immediately; conversely, part of the way we
deny our love for men is by denying mens powerlessness. Too
often we have confused love for men with respect for them,
especially for their power to take care of uswhich is really just
love for ourselves. Lets review a bit and then enter into a new
way of loving men.
A girl of thirteen sees male power, and thinks of it as her
boyfriend's birthright. Her boyfriend sees male power and sees it
as his birth obligation. In fact, it is not his birthright; it is his
birth obligation. Until he gets it he gets told he is nothing
without it. So Men have the power translates to the adoles
cent boy, You, boy, have to try to get the power from men. It
is other men who have the power, not him. He must compete to
get power. A woman can then marry a survivor. Or get it
Men make the rules to benefit men means little to the
Conclusion: Clearing the Way for Love 361

eighteen-year-old boy who must register for the draft while his
sister does not. (If registering for death is a benefit, hed like to
see the punishment.) It means little to Phil, a thirty-five-year-old
veteran of Vietnam, who is just one of the estimated 1 to 1.5
million Vietnam War veterans to suffer post-traumatic stress.1
And it means little to Tony, who every morning looks at his
seven-year-old son, deformed without a right hand, try to pick
up a fork at the breakfast table, feeling guilty because, Agent
Orange gave that to him. To Tony, Men make the rules to
benefit men misses something. Tony never made any more
rules than his nine-year-old daughter. Men make rules to bene
fit men seems to tell Tony, Its your fault you got that Agent
Orange. Its your fault your son is deformed. To Tony, it is
blaming the victim.
By glorifying male death and calling it power, we have
been able to justify having men sacrifice themselves to save
others and then blame them for causing the war.
Our response is, Well, they do cause the war . . . as if it
were part of their power, rather than understanding that it is,
in fact, part of womens power to be able to be in a warm
home while men are sent off to die. But is it not mensome
menwho cause the wars? And dont most men behave in
warlike fashion? How can a sex that puts us all in danger be
To clear the way for loving men we must look carefully at our
unquestioned assumption that men cause warstherefore . . .
If our larger image of men is distorted, it will distort the way
we look at individual men. And the way we love them.

But Dont Men Cause Wars . . . ?

Men do not cause wars by fighting in wars any more than women
cause wars by raising the boys who fight in wars. Both sexes
carry out their sex-role obligations. And what we assign both
sexes is the responsibility o f both sexes.
War is the competition for territory, money, and resources
the competition for external-reward power. Most cultures have
assigned the gathering of external-reward power to men. The
assignment is to men. But the benefactorsor losersare both
The psychology of war comes from the neediness and greedi
ness for the approval, recognition, and respect that cultures have

made a by-product of external-reward power. Ferdinand Marcos

was greedy: Imelda Marcos was also greedy.
Both sexes are needy and greedy for this approval, recogni-*
tion, and respect. Both sexes give approval, recognition, and
respect to those with more external-reward power. Men are
assigned the role of dying to compete for this neediness and
But arent men the key decision-makers? It is both women and
men who socialize our sons to be decision-makers and our
daughters to marry them. And women and men teachers who
reinforce that socialization. It is both women and men who
choose to get their approval, recognition, and respect by either
making decisions or blaming others for decisions they did not
even make an effort to be elected to make. And it is both women
and men who cast the votes that elect the decision-makers.
Margaret Thatcher, Golda Meir, and Indira Gandhi are often
cited as proof that women in leadership positions can make
decisions that involve their nations in war. That is true. But to
blame the female leaders misses the point as much as to blame
the male leaders. Blaming the decision-makers is both sexes
escaping the responsibility for electing them. And both sexes
escaping responsibility for the neediness and greediness that
supports their leadersof either sexin the use of violence. In a
nation in which only 50 percent of the people vote in national
elections and 25 percent in most local elections and many na
tional primaries, a concerted effort on the part of either sex could
produce significantly different decisions about war. Blaming
men because they fulfill the responsibility we assign them to take
is part of the problem. It is the same problem as assigning men
the sexual initiative-taking.
Equality implies equal responsibility for what does and does
not happen. Our mutual responsibility for war happens on an
everyday level in our hometown. Both sexes give scholarships to
encourage our sons to enter a den of molestationcalled a
football teamprior to the age of consent. We take our
family to see this molestation on Thanksgiving. And to see the
most attractive girls give their attention to the boys who win at
this molestation.
Both sexes reinforce this association of glory and power with
male death every day as we createvia our choicesTV pro
gramming and films that feature a ratio of over 200 males to 1
female shown actually being killed on television or in the movies.2
Conclusion: Clearing the Way for Love 363

For our entertainment. We call male death heroism. Or villainism.

One minute we encourage it, the next we condemn it. And yet
this entertainment doesnt touch the reality: the ratio of actual
violent death in the Vietnam War was almost seven thousand
males to each female. And still we protest the violence against
innocent women more than the violence against guilty
men. We even care more about the death of whales than the
death of males. Because the underlying assumption is Males
cause warwhales dont ; and Males cause warfemales
dont, which is all a reflection of the stereotyped sex roles that
males take responsibility and women dont.
How do we get men less involved with war? We stop worship
ping them for performing. There will be fewer heroes. And
fewer wars. When the American officer or Nazi officer is no
longer the hero of romance novels, there will also be fewer
performers and fewer wars. And when men take responsibility to
stop performing for beautiful women, and confront the mecha
nisms that addict them to beautiful womenfrom Glamour to
Penthousethey will have less need to play hero to get the
genetic celebritys attention. Performers will always come into
conflict with each other, and the more holy their causes the
greater will be their wars (the Holy Wars were Christian wars,
and Hitlers crimes came from a Christian nation which, like the
United States, declared "Gott mit Uns, or God is with us ).
Women and men both cause war and both cause peace.
When we accept that mutual responsibility, we will do a lot to
end sex-role training (the assumption that men are responsible),
end divorce training, minimize war, and maximize women as
equals. As both sexes acknowledge our roles in reinforcing the
symbiosis of the sex-role dance, we will begin to see men as part
of usrather than as them.

The Politics of MakingJYlen Our Friends Again

It becomes easier to make men our friends again if we recall that
our choice of partners is one of the clearest statements about our
choice of values. Both sexes were socialized to seek some of
these values through others (as in financial security or tenderness
or innocence). We may thus have chosen a partner to balance out
our deficiencies. So our choice of partners can reflect both our
choice of values and our area of inadequacy, immaturity, or

dependency. Which is why making either sex the enemy is

merely an escape from introspection.
We are more likely to make men our friends again when wei
remember that both sexes often want results, but are intolerant of
the process. Men want womens beauty, but not the time in the
bathroom; women hate the male locker room, the Superbowl
preoccupation, the western shoot-em-up mentality, and the mafia-
type corruption. Yet they marry the performance orientation that
breeds these characteristics.
We can see men less as them when we see how both sexes
pursue our primary means to our primary fantasies in a competi
tive and aggressive manner. In the competition for the female
primary fantasy, women have their own Superbowl (Miss Amer
ica), locker room (the Red Door), western (watch any soap
opera), and mafia ( Protect Your Reputation ).*
Put-downslike the gender gap when it is used to imply
Women vote for peace and social issues, men vote for missiles
and war also alienate us from men. We could have chosen to
view the gender gap as the gap between the 99 percent of readers
of romance novels who are women and the 1 percent who are
men. Does this gender gap involve many women in absolute
numbers? It involves, we saw, over 25 million women, which is
4500 percent larger than the fewer than 500,000 subscribers to
Ms. magazine. And these women purchase an average of ten
romance novels per month versus one Ms. per month. So we can
begin to make men our friends again if we begin to be a bit
When we look at the whole gender dance we see how every
time a woman assumes a man will pay, she reinforces the mans
calculating the type of job he needs to earn money to take
women out. The assumption he will usually pay puts earning
pressure on him and takes it off herself. Which contributes to the
mentality that leads to women earning less than men. In a similar
vein, the more a woman experiences a man as not sharing
housework, the more she tends to take it on as her responsibility
and the greater the chance of her becoming obsessive. And
similarly again, the more a man experiences the woman as not
sharing responsibility for the first kiss or genital touching, the
more he tends to activate his sexuality until we blame him for
sexual obsessiveness. Overall, the area in which we blame the

*Sce Chapter 2 for all o f these.

Conclusion: Clearing the Way for Love 365

other sex reflects the area in which we need to look at our own
What tempted us away from seeing this gender dance, and into
saying Men have the power ? In part, it was that the Western
world has overvalued the one component of power which men
are assigned to gatherexternal-reward power.
We also viewed male adaptation to their jobs quite literallyas
if men were adapting only to their jobs. Men did, of course,
adapt to their jobsand their bosses, which is why IBM could
be called Ive Been Moved. But we tended to forget that male
adaptation to jobs was also male adaptation to women (as in
taking that responsibility to provide 76 percent of the average
familys income). We therefore thought of books on relation
ships and love only on the literal level, as if women were
the sex concerned with love, forgetting that books on love served
a second purpose for the married woman earning 24 percent of
the family incomethey were the equivalent of what business
school was to men.
In this atmosphere of forgetfulness in which men become
more and more our enemy, it was forgotten that male adaptation
to women was also quite direct. A restrained kiss was male
adaptation; or his saying, Id like to make love rather than
Id like to have sex ; or Would you like a foot massage?
rather than Id like to make love. Or his willingness to give
up a lifetimes stimuli of beautiful women in every commercial
to commit to sex with one woman exclusively, and less of it than
he wants. This is perhaps the most unappreciated adaptation in all
human behavior. And almost as unappreciated is what this willing
ness to adapt implies about mens desire for intimacy and love.

How Can We Change the System That

Creates This?
Todds parentsJeanne and Tombelieved Todd should be able
to cuddle with a teddy bear for as long as he wished. But when
Todds seventh-grade classmates visited his home one afternoon
and saw a teddy bear and a little stuffed sheep on his pillow,
they rode him mercilessly at school, calling him Toddy Bear,
going Baa-baa every time they passed him in the hall, and
making rhymes like Toddy Bear, Toddy Bear, bet he wears
pink underwear. Soon Toddy Bear was forced to show the
boys his pink underwear . . . or else.

When Todd buried his teddy bear and stuffed the sheep into
the garbage can with his dinner over it, Todds parents finally
put two and two together. They blamed themselves. Had they*
allowed their beliefs to make Todd into a social guinea pig?
In their attempt to allow gentleness had they fostered their sons
self-hatred? They felt themselves to be in a dilemmathey
wanted their son to have options they didnt have when they
were children, including the option of gentleness, but they couldnt
change the school system.
Or could they? Tom and Jeanne invited to dinner two couples
they respected who also shared their feelings about options. They
decided to run four of them for the school board over a period of
two years. Three of the four won. A year later, they influenced
the choice of a new school superintendent, arranged for special
staff training for the teachers, and perceived the impact as filter
ing down to their own children. Jeanne and Tom took a route
considerably distinct from most parentswho play victim to
the system, rather than understanding*that the inactive parent
is also part of the system. The educational system is quite
easily influenced, because schools are locally based; the child is
home-based; her or his peers are neighborhood-based; and the
television is bedroom-based. To suggest we cannot create change
because we cannot change the whole educational system is
usually an escape from changing the most resistant system:

How to Make a Living Changing the System

We cannot expect the system to change if people cannot make a
living changing the system. So how can a living be made? By
starting with a useful rule of thumb : For every societal dys
function there is an equal and opposite potential for profit. That
is. every time we complain about something thats wrong with
society, and others are nodding their heads, that is a sign of a
potential market. The complaint, in brief, often signals a need
waiting to be filled. For example, when women started working,
many complained of a lack of time to cook. Business-oriented
peoplewho knew how to turn others complaints into their
profits rather than be one more complainertuned into this
change (with fast-food restaurant profits doubling and tripling)
and responded by quadrupling the number (and quintupling the
profits) of fast-food restaurants and by creating gourmet frozen
Conclusion: Clearing the Way for Love 367

dinners and more luxury restaurantsall of which brought prof

its to the doers and filled the mouths of the complainers.
For years we complained about overcompetitiveness, which
produced everything from stress to alcoholism. The dysfunction
stresssoon created the need for seminars on stress manage
ment; drug and alcohol addiction produced everything from com
munity to corporate rehab programs; male socialization to find
the flaw has already spawned the One-Minute Manager (Catch
him or her doing something right ).
What will happen in the future? The problems of self-listening
have already begun to lead to business consultants in listening;
role-reversal techniques are beginning to be applied to listening
skills in business, government, academia, and international poli
tics; the need for paternal involvement in child care is currently
producing consultants in paternity leaves, which have recently
become part of many institutions benefits packages; womens
socialization to choose fields that pay less can lead to jobs for
school consultants to train guidance counselors to help girls
make the selections that create financial independence; the same
consultants can help boys question the human costs of choosing
only from careers that allow a man to single-handedly support
himself, a woman, and children.
The reality of dual careers creates the reality of dual parenting,
which is now increasing the need for corporate consultants on
flexible job arrangements. Companies are finding that many
forward-thinking and secure employees are the same types who
are forward-thinking and secure enough to want to work twenty
to thirty hours a week for five or six years while sharing child-
rearing. Joint custody, which has evolved out of the desire for
dual parenting, has led to mediators rather than lawyers in the
1980s and will lead to follow-up work with joint-custody fami
lies in the 1990s.
The imbalance in sex-role analysis has already led to over one
hundred courses in mens studies, to changing university depart
ments of womens studies Tnto departments of sex roles. In at
least five states1 proposals have been introduced to develop
commissions on the status of men. It will soon mean consultants
on male abortion rights, new experts on the multiple roles of
pornography; experts on everything from the two sides of job
discrimination to the complexities of sexual harassment. It im
plies more columns on mens issues (like those in The New York
Times and Los Angeles Times), developing television and radio

programming on men, and developing video and audio cassettes

on topics from male life expectancy to female sexual initiative
taking and draft registration laws.
Perhaps the most profitable and useful way of making a living
changing our sex-role training for divorce is by starting a small
advertising firm whose specialization is advertising free from
dependence on the old sexism or new sexism. The development
of ads like the ingenious, nonsexist series of old Volkswagen
ads, rather than Love is Lenox.

Are There Ways Womens and Mens

Movements Can Work Together?
Is loving men contradictory to feminism? Hardly. Every true
feminist, 1 believe, is deepened and matured by being also a
masculinista person who understands the male search for equal
ity and approval as the male experiences it. As is every masculinist
deepened by being a feminist (a person who understands the
female search for equality and approval as the female experi
ences it).
That is the point of this bookwhat most needs changing is
the neurotic need to see ourselves as right and someone else
as wrong. That change is the deepest paradigm shift, the
deepest shift in our world view. Understanding the male experi
ence of powerlessness is only a paradigm shift to the extent
that the understanding of men is not brought about by the blaming
of women. This does not mean blaming is verbotenthat
would only be a new artificial rule of liberation. It means
blaming as a defense mechanism against looking within is part of
the problem.
Minimizing blame and enemy creation is such a crucial prerequi
site for preventing nuclear war that the shift must be considered
our next step evolutionarily. If our attitudes are win-lose and our
technology is destroy-to-win, we are destroyed.
Exactly how do we go about doing this? It is worth looking at
three methods of bringing about equality without blame:

Alliance building
The listening matrix
Reversing roles
Conclusion: Clearing the Way for Love 369

Each of these can help us both on an international level and

with our loved ones.
First, alliance building, or alliance creation. How could alii
ance creation have been applied to pass an Equal Rights Amend
ment? Partly by changing the incentives. For example, change
Equal Rights to Equal Rights and Responsibilities and we sud
denly acknowledge that the male-female relationship is a written
and unwritten contract of rights and responsibilities combined
M/ilike civil rights. The new attitudereflected in the new
languagecreates new allies.
How can alliance creation be applied to the strongest oppo
nents of Equal Rights (and Responsibilities), like pro-family
women? Statistically, pro-family women are much more likely
than ERA supporters to be receiving their economic support and
emotional acceptance from men and marriage.4 Therefore, por
traying men as oppressors does not serve this woman well. Even
if she recognizes his oppressive characteristics, for this woman
the man is her source of income and emotional acceptance. She
fears divorce. Pro-family is pro-self-interest. So what can make
her an ally? The focus on sex-role training as divorce training.
That focus puts an Equal Rights (and Responsibilities) Amend
ment in her terms.
Alliance creation is applicable to almost everything in our
lifeto the unnecessary adversaries of good versus bad, us
versus them, nature versus nurture, holistic versus traditional (as
in medicine), democracy versus communism, logic versus emo
tion, and women versus men. And it is at the core of gossip
(theyre bad; were good).
But how can we listen carefully enough to want to create
alliances with the enemy ? The first step is the listening
matrix, which is also necessary to create love.

Love Is in the Balance


The womens movement has offered us part of a four-part listen

ing matrix; the female experience of powerlessness. And its
corollarythe female experience of male power. We have seen
how when only one part is heard, there is a tendency to arrive at
false assumptions, such as Men have the power that women do
not have. This reinforces the old adversarial win-lose approach
that looks like the illustration on the following page.

Listening only to the female experience of powerlessness has

resulted in the new sexism. In The Liberated Man I helped to fill
in this first part of the matrix by interpreting to men some of the
female experience of powerlessness as I had come to know it
from my position with NOW in New York City and from my
work in workshops. In this book it is my hope that I have added
the three dimensions to this matrix I proposed in the introduc
tion, creating, in total, a full matrix:

Fem ale E xperience M ale Experience

of Powerlessness of Powerlessness

Fem ale experience M ale experience

of pow er of pow er

There arc no boundaries to the matrix. The moment we begin

to argue my powcrlcssncss is greater than yours or me the
biggest victim in the self-help group we have an investment in
making ourselves look helpless. At that moment we cease hear
ing the other sex's experience. Nor must we deny that one group
has more or less power. So, for example, when we apply this
matrix to male-female relations, we find a much different out
come than we do in relationships between classes of people, or
between ethnic or racial groups. The ghetto Irish, Italians, and
Conclusion: Clearing the Way for Love 371

blacks did not share the homes, income, or children of the

people on the other side of the tracks. Women and men have
traditionally shared homes, income, and childrenour futures
have been bound together in ways those of different class,
ethnic, and racial groups never were or will be.
By hearing each persons experience in each of these four
quadrants we are able to keep love in the balance.
We are able to love blacks, whites. Jews, Arabs, Russians,
Americans, males, females, gays, straights, holistic medicine
and traditional medicine, nature and nurture, and, ultimately,
because we diminish the need to defeat another to make our
selves appear special, we can therefore relax and love ourselves.
Which is why love is in the balance.
I have mentioned how the adversarial approach of assigning
males to kill each other off so the winners can breed with the
cultures most attractive women was what Darwin discovered as
the sexual selection that was integral to the survival of the fittest.
And how suddenly, with nuclear technology, this approach leads
to the survival of nobody. What was once functional has become
dysfunctional.* This forces us to employ the adaptive part of our
human natureto adapt to the technology that has made our
win-lose adversarial system into a destroy-all system rather than
a destroy-the- weakest system. Suddenly problem-solving meth
ods like role reversal, alliance creation, and hearing the four
sides of a problem become more than topics of studythey
become studies of survival.
We think of ourselves as a generation in transition. But we
have also seen how our situation is more in transition than our
approach to each other; how our technology is in transition and
challenging our psychology to keep apace; how our survival
needs are in transition and challenging our problem-solving meth
ods to adapt.
For the first time in human history the psychology that is a
prerequisite for intimacy has. become the psychology that is a
prerequisite for species survival. Our need to find men as the
enemy in our interpersonal relationships is part of our need to
find an enemy in our international relationships. Our need to
look at only one sexs experience of powerlessness is only the
first of four quadrants in survival problem-solving. One quadrant

*See Chapter 3 for part o f this discussion.


developed alone reinforces the old methodwhich technology

has transformed into the annihilation method.
The part of our human nature that wants to find an enemy,
then, is in tension with another part of our human natureth
capacity to adapt to changing circumstances to survive. For this
reason, love is in the balance: and love is the balance.
Is there a precedent for humans taking such a radically differ
ent approach to each other to survive? Darwin and Galileo did
lead the world to look at itself from a totally different perspec
tive. And Darwin was trained as a clergyman and Galileo was
originally a professor of the Ptolemaic view of the earth as the
center of the universe.
As long as Galileo retained the Ptolemaic view and kept his
telescope away from the heavens, he was applauded with life
time tenure by the Venetian senate. As soon as he took his
telescope to the heavens and described what he saw as well as he
could, the special interests who were offended perceived their
interests as unreconcilable with his firtdings: The church has
said we are the center of the universe. It is blasphemy to question
this. . .
It is not important that Galileo was eventually deemed correct.
Because the telescope of human relations reflects varied human
experiences, each human peers at objective phenomena through a
different telescope. We view the world through the filter of our
special interests. Therefore, the best we can do is not prevent
ourselves from trying each others telescopes out of fear it will
hurt our special interests. Somehow, the church and the helio
centric way of looking at the world co-exist in peace today. If we
co-exist in peace tomorrow it will not be due to new Galileos; it
will be due to a willingness to share each others telescopes.


Men Have the PowerWhy Would They Want to Change?

1. U.S. Bureau of the Census, Current Population Reports, Mar
ital Status, Table P2, in press.
2. U.S. Bureau of the Census, Statistical Abstracts of the United
States, 1984, p. 79.
3. U.S. National Center for Health Statistics, Vital Statistics for
the United States, cited in Statistical Abstracts of the United
States, 973, pp. 57-59.
4. Ingrid Waldron and Susan Johnson, Why Do Women Live
Longer than Men? Accidents, Alcohol and Cirrhosis, Journal
of Human Stress, vol. 2, June 1976, pp. 19-30.
5. U.S. National Center for Health Statistics, Health Statistics
from the U.S. National Health Survey: Vital Health Statistics,
ser. 10, no. 72, and unpublished data cited in Statistical Ab
stracts of the United States, 1973, p. 81.


Women Have ChangedWhy Arent Men Changing Too?

1. Circulation of Leading 4J.S. Magazines, The World Almanac
1985 (New York: Newspaper Enterprise Association, 1984), p.
426. The Almanacs source is FAS-FAX Reports, Audit Bureau
of Circulations.
2. Forbes, November 19, 1984.
3. Good Housekeeping, July 1984.



What Women Want: The Message the Man Hears

1. Ms., April 1982.
2. Ms., March 1984.
3. Harpers Bazaar, August 1982.
4. Seventeen, January 1985.
5. Joanna Steichen, Marrying Up (New York: Rawson Associates,
6. A. C . Nielsen, 1984.
7. The December 1984 issues of Seventeen, Teen, and Young
Miss, and January 1985 issues of Seventeen and Young Miss.
8. Television advertisement for Weisfield Jewelry, Christmas 1982.
9. Cosmopolitan, October 1984, p. 51.
10. Ms., September 1985.
11. Woman, October 1984.
12. Self, August 1984.
13. The Ladies' Home Journal, September* 1984.
14. Working Woman, November 1984, p. 194.
15. Good Housekeeping, July 1984.
16. Woman, December 1983.
17. New Woman, October 1984.
18. Romantic Times, New York Office estimate, February 12, 1985.
This estimate is also the agreed-upon figure of the publishing
industry in New York.
19. Los Angeles Times, September 26, 1984.
20. John Markert, Romancing the Reader: A Demographic Pro
file, Romantic Times, no. 18, September 1984.
21. Interview, February 18, 1985, with John Markert, independent
researcher and contributor to Romantic Times and author of
Marketing Love, dissertation in progress.
22. Lawrence Heisley, president of Harlequin Enterprises, quoted in
Los Angeles Times, September 26, 1984, p. 5.
23. See Carol Cassell, Swept Awav (New York: Simon & Schuster,
1984), p. 128.
24. Plavgirl, October 1983, p. 53.
25. Ibid.
26. See Bob Greene, Words of Love, Esquire, May 1984, for
each quote from the letters.
27. Rolling Stone, January 31, 1985.
28-29. Penthouse, December 1984, p. 87.
30. Jacque Lynn Foltyn. Feminine Beauty in American Culture,"
doctoral dissertation. University of California at San Diego, in

31. M. Beck, A Controversial Spectator Sport, Newsweek, Sep

tember 17, 1984, is the source for the data in these paragraphs.
32. Interview with Jean Kilboume, producer of Killing Us Softly.
33. Newsweek, September 17, 1984.
34. Newsweek, September 17, 1984, p. 56.
35. Ibid.
36. Ms., December 1983.
37. Good Housekeeping, February 1985.
38. In-person interview, June 25, 1985, Perth, Australia.
39. Seventeen, January 1985.
40. Cosmopolitan, September 1984.
41. Seventeen, January 1985.
42. New Woman, October 1984.
43. New Woman (cover), August 1984.
44. Woman's Day, August I, 1984.
45. The World Almanac 985, based on FAS-FAX Reports, Audit
Bureau of Circulations.
46. Playgirl magazines estimate is that their subscribers are 50
percent male and 50 percent female. Telephone interview, Feb
ruary 15, 1985.
47. Time, January 28, 1985, p. 76.
48. Joyce Jillson, The Art of Meeting Men or Flirting, Glamour,
May 1984.
49. Newsweek, May 23, 1983.
49a. MS., February 1986.
50. Seventeen, December 1984.
51. Teen, December 1984.
52. Glamour, November 1983.
53. Jacqueline Goodchilds and Gail Zellman, Adolescent Sexual
Signaling. in Neil Malamuth and Edward Donnerstein, eds.,
Pornographx and Sexual Liberation (New York: Academic Press,
54. Cosmopolitan, February 1985, p. 150.


The Flashdance Phenomenon

1. H e r b e r t H ild e b r a n d t a n d E d w in M ille r , 1983-1984 Newly Pro
moted Executive, U n iv e r s ity o f M ic h ig a n , G ra d u a te S c h o o l o f
B u s in e s s A d m in is tr a tio n , M a n a g e m e n t S u c c e s s io n 1 4 th S u r v e y
(A n n A r b o r : 1 9 8 4 ) .
2. W i l l i a m N o v a k , The Great American Man Shortage and Other
Roadblocks to Romance ( N e w Y o r k : R a w s o n A s s o c i a t e s , 1 9 8 3 ) .

3. Donald Symons, The Evolution of Human Sexuality (New York:

Oxford University Press, 1979).


Why Are Men So Preoccupied with Sex and Success?

1. Leslie J. Friedman, Sex Role Stereotyping in the Mass Media:
An Annotated Bibliography (New York: Garland, 1977). See,
for example, Kirsten Amundsen, The American Woman. Myth
and Reality, The Silenced Majority, Women and American
Democracy (Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice-Hall, 1971), and
Warren Farrell, Masculine Images in Advertising, The Liber
ated Man (New York: Random House, 1974).
2. Susan Goldberg and Michael Lewis, Play Behavior in the
Year-Old Infant: Early Sex Differences, Child Development,
vol. 40, no. 1, March 1969, p. 29. Data are drawn from
children of parents from all classes, but limited to Caucasians.
3. Ibid.
4. Karen Shanor, The Shanor Study: The Sexual Sensitiviry of the
American Male (New York: Dial Press, 1978), p. 253.
5. Joyce Brothers, What Every1 Woman Should Know about Men
(New York: Simon & Schuster, 1982), p. 103.


What Makes a Man Successful at Work That Makes Him Unsuc

cessful at Home? Or Why Cant Men Listen?
1. Herb Goldberg, The New Male (New York: William Morrow,
1979), p. 56.
2. Lee Benham and Alexandra Benham, Employment, Earning
and Psychiatric Diagnosis, in Victor Fuchs, ed.. Economic
Aspects of Health (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1982),
pp. 203-220.
3. Fernando Bartolom and Paul A. Lee Evans, Must Success
Cost So Much? Harvard Business Review, March-August 1980.


Why Are Men So Afraid of Commitment?

I. David Hellerstein, The Peter Pan Principle, Esquire, October

2. New York: Dodd-Mead, 1983.

3. U.S. Bureau of Census, Current Population Reports, ser. P25,
no. 965, Estimates of the Population of the U.S. By Age, Sex,
and Race, 1980-1981, Table 1, 1985, p. 9.
4. See William J. Lederer, in Harold Hart, ed., Marriage: For and
Against (New York: Hart, 1972), p. 135.
5. Abraham Maslow, The Farther Reaches of Human Nature (New
York: Viking, 1971).
6. Karen Shanor, The Shanor Study: The Sexual Sensitivity' of the
American Male (New York: Dial Press, 1978), p. 253.
7. U.S. News & World Report, April 15, 1974, pp. 59-60, cited in
Herb Goldberg, The New Male (New York: William Morrow,
1979), p. 236.
8. Joyce Brothers, What Every Woman Should Know about Men
(New York: Simon & Schuster, 1982), p. 249.
9. U.S. Bureau of the Census, Current Population Reports, ser.
P23, no. 136, Lifetime Work Experience and Its Effect on
Eamings: Retrospective Data from the 1979 Income Survey
Development Program, 1984, pp. 6-7.
10. See, for example, Marjorie Shaevitz, The Superwoman Syndrome
(New York: Warner Books, 1984).
11. William Iverson, Love, Death, and the Hubby Image, Playboy,
September 1963, p. 92, cited by, Barbara Ehrenreich in The
Male Revolt, Mother Jones, April 1983.
12. Los Angeles Times, September 10, 1984, p. 2.
13. Howard Hayghe, Working Mothers Reach Record Numbers.
Monthly Labor Review, December 1984, pp. 31-34.
14. Herbert Hildebrandt and Edwin Miller, The Newly Promoted
Executive, monograph, University of Michigan, Graduate School
of Business Administration, Ann Arbor, 1984.
15. Philip Blumstein and Pepper Schwartz, American Couples (New
York: William Morrow, 1983), p. 320.
16. Jacqueline Simenauer and David Carroll, Singles: The New
Americans (New York: Simon & Schuster, 1982), pp. 229, 392.
17. Colette Dowling, The Cinderella Complex (New York: Pocket
Books, 1981), p. 5.
18. Ibid., p. 8. v
19. See Ruth Moulton, Women with Double Lives, Journal of
Contemporary Psychoanalysis, vol. 13, January 1977, p. 64,
and Judith Bardwick, The Psychology of Women (New York:
Harper & Row, 1971).
20. See Judith Bardwick. Ibid.
21. Simenauer and Carroll, op. cit., p. 15.
22. Blumstein and Schwartz, op cit., pp. 307-308.

23. Ibid.
24. Brothers, op. cit.. p. 103.
25. Blumstein and Schwartz in a lecture given at the department of,
sociology. University of California at San Diego, May 24,
26. Ibid.
27. Blumstein and Schwartz, op. cit., p. 125.
28. Ibid., p. 265.
29. Simenauer and Carroll, op. cit., p. 205.
30. Blumstein and Schwartz, op. cit., p. 195.
31. U.S. Bureau of Census, Current Population Reports, ser. P20,
no. 389, Marital Status and Living Arrangements, March
1983, Table 5 (Washington, D.C.: U.S. Government Printing
Office, 1984), p. 32. According to Table 5, 12.7 million chil
dren under 18 live with just a mother; 1.2 (or 1.3) million
children live with just a father.
32. National Center for Health statistics data, cited in S. B. Gar
land, Divorce Easier Second Time Around, Los Angeles
Times, October 28, 1983, part V, p. 2*3.
33. Dowling, op. cit., p. 141.
34. See Lynette Trier and Dick Peacock, Learning to Leave (New
York: Warner Books, 1983).
35. See Jacques Ellul, The Technological System (New York: Con
tinuum, 1980).


The New Sexism

1. Philip Blumstein and Pepper Schwartz, American Couples: Money,
Work and Sex (New York: William Morrow, 1983), p. 22.
2. Sec Shere Hite, The Hite Report (New York: Macmillan, 1976).
3. Blumstein and Schwartz, op. cit., p. 227 (emphasis mine).
4. Compare the relative circulations in The World Almanac 985,
total average paid circulation six months prior to December 13,
1983, based on Fas-Fax Reports, Audit Bureau of Circulations,
5. Nanci Hellmich, Why Smart Women Make Dumb Choices.
in USA Today, review of Connell Cowan and Melvyn Kinder,
Smart Women, Foolish Choices (New York: Clarkson N. Potter,
1984) .
6. Robin Norwood, Women Who Love Too Much: When You Keep
Wishing and Hoping Hell Change (Los Angeles: J. P. Tarcher,
1985) .

7. Dan Kiley, The Peter Pan Syndrome: Men Who Have Never
Grown Up (New York: Dodd-Mead, 1983).
8. Dan Kiley, The Wendy Dilemma: When Women Stop Mothering
Their Men (New York: Arbor House, 1984).
9. Sonya Friedman, Men Are Just Desserts (New York: Warner
Books, 1983).
10. Elissa Melamed, Mirror, Mirror (New York: Simon & Schuster,
11. Blumstein and Schwartz, op. cit., p. 161.
12. Herbert Hildebrandt and Edwin Miller, "The Newly Promoted
Executive," monograph, University of Michigan, Graduate School
of Business Administration, Ann Arbor, 1984.
13. Ibid.
13a. Los Angeles Times, February 24, 1986. Suit brought against
J.C. Penney in Canoga Park, Calif.
14. Philip Roth, The Professor of Desire (New York: Farrar, Straus
& Giroux, 1977).
15. Billie Wright Dziech, The Lecherous Professor (Boston: Beacon
Press, 1984).
16. Louise Armstrong, Kiss Daddy Goodnight: A Speak-Out on
Incest (New York: Hawthorn Books, 1978).
17. See Suzanne Steinmetz, "The Battered Husband Syndrome,
Victimology, vol. 2, nos. 3-4, 1977-1978, pp. 499-509.
18. Ibid.
19. Murray Straus, "Wife Beating, Victimology, vol. 2, Novem
ber 1977.
20. Observation is made by Suzanne Steinmetz in Victimology, op.
cit., about Richard Gelless The Violent Home (Beverly Hills,
Calif.: Sage, 1974).
21. Fredric Hayward, "Another WarAnd Only Men Die, The
Washington Post, June 5, 1982.
22. Ibid.
23. See Paul Dean, "Husbands Too Ashamed to Admit Abuse by
Wives, Newsday, January 20, 1981.
24. Committee on the Fetus and Newborn, Standards and Recom
mendations for Hospital are of Newborn Infants, 5th ed.
(Evanston, 111.: American Academy of Pediatrics. 1971).
25. American Health, September 1984, p. 54.
26. Federal Bureau of Investigation, Crime in the United States:
1983. Uniform Crime Reports for the United States (U.S. De
partment of Justice, Washington, D.C., 1984).
27. Hayward bases this on his interviews with prison officials.
28. UCSD Department of Sociology, Newsletter, fall 1984.
29. The 1,000-strip total came from the Washington Post, 44 daily

strips, ten days; the Los Angeles Times, 23 daily strips, ten
days; and the Chicago Tribune, 33 daily strips, ten days. No
one day was the same so that no strip was duplicated. My
assistant was George Lewis Singer.
30. Marilyn French, The Womens Room (New York: Summit Books,
31. A. C. Nielson ratings, 1984.
32. Jacque Lynn Foltyn, Feminine Beauty in American Culture,
doctoral dissertation, University of California at San Diego, in
progress. Foltyn measured square footage of departments offer
ing male versus female items in shopping malls and boutiques,
on the assumption that if womens departments were not creat
ing enough profit per square foot, they would be forced to give
way to mens or general departments. Foltyn found seven times
as much square footage was devoted to female personal items as
to male personal items.

C H A P T E R 8*

Why Did the Sexual Revolution Come and Go So Quickly?

1. Germaine Greer, Sex and Destinv (New York: Harper & Row,
la.Glamour, March 1984, Sexual Pleasures of Childbirth, ex
cerpted from Diana Krte and Roberta Scaer, A Good Birth, A
Safe Birth (New York: Bantam, 1984).
2. See The Champion: Official Journal of the National Association
of Criminal Defense Lawyers, Jan./Feb. 1986, Vol. X, No. 1,
pp. 16-18.
3. Dr. Joyce Brothers, Why You Shouldnt Move in with Your
Lover, New Woman, March 1985, pp. 54-57. Excerpted from
What Every Woman Should Know about Marriage (New York:
Simon & Schuster, 1982).
4. Ibid., p. 56.
5. Ibid.
6. Ibid., p. 54.
7. Ibid.
8. Gail Jennes, Out of the Pages, People, February 20, 1983.
9. Dear Abby, New York Daily News, May 15, 1982, and
syndicated throughout the United States.
10. National Clearinghouse for Family Planning Information, Health
Education Bulletin, Counseling for Teens: The Consequences
of Sexual Activity, June 1981, no. 22. Cited in Carol Cassell.
Swept Away (New York: Simon & Schuster, 1984), p. 188.

11. John Gordon, The Myth of the Monstrous Male (New York:
Playboy, 1982).
12. Kristin Luker, Abortion and the Politics of Motherhood (Berke
ley: University of California Press, 1984).
13. Cassell, op. cit.
14. Steven Naifeh and Gregory White Smith, Why Can't Men Open
Up? (New York: Clarkson N. Potter, 1984).
15. Philip Blumstein and Pepper Schwartz, American Couples (New
York: William Morrow, 1983), p. 304.
16. Barbara Leon, The Male Supremacist Attack on Monogamy,
in Redstockings, Feminist Revolution (New York: Random House,
17. Dr. Joyce Brothers, What Every Woman Should Know about
Men (New York: Simon & Schuster, 1982), pp. 175-176.
18. See Linda Wolfe, The Cosmo Report (New York: Arbor House,
19. Jacqueline Simenauer and David Carroll, Singles: The New
Americans (New York: Simon & Schuster, 1982), p. 198.
20. Ibid., p. 199.
21. John Gordon, op. cit., p. 194.
22. Ibid., p. 57.
23. Simenauer and Carroll, op. cit., p. 150.
24. The most recent extensive documentation is in Blumstein and
Schwartz, American Couples.
25. Brothers, op. cit., p. 165.


Dialogues on Sex, Success, and Fragile Egos

I. See, for example, Philip Blumstein and Pepper Schwartz, Amer
ican Couples: Money, Work and Sex (New York: William Mor
row, 1983).

C H A P T E R 10

What I Love Most about Men

1. Philip Blumstein and Pepper Schwartz, American Couples: Money,
Work and Sex (New York: William Morrow, 1983).

C H A P T E R 11

How Can / Change a Man (Without Just Getting Him Ready for
the Next Woman)?
1. Natasha Josefowitz, Is This Where I Was Going? (New York:
Warner Books, 1983).
2. See Ken Druck, Secrets Men Keep (New York: Doubleday,

C H A P T E R 12

How Can / Get Him to Express Feelings?

1. John Condrey and Sandra Condrey, Sex Differences: A Study
in the Eye of the Beholder, Child Development, vol. 47, 1976,
pp. 812-819.
2. See, for example, Carol Cassell, Swept Away (New York: Si
mon & Schuster, 1984), pp. 60-61.

C H A P T E R 13

Conclusion: Clearing the Way for Love

1. Roger Melton, Westwood, California, Vietnam Center, quoted
in the Los Angeles Times, November 14, 1983.
2. My own count of prime-time and daytime television from Janu
ary to September 1985 and of movies released from 1984
through September 1985.
3. Illinois, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, and New Hampshire.
4. Kristen Luker, The Politics of Abortion (Berkeley: University of
California Press, 1984).
Bibliography and Resources

Perhaps the most important resource we have is the sharpening

of our observation of reality. To understand how women are
objectified as sex objects, study Playboy and Penthousethe
pictures and the ads. To understand how men arc objectified as
success objects, read the womens magazines and romance nov
els, and watch soap operas. To understand the current roles the
two sexes still play, read Forbes and Sports Illustrated, and
compare them with Better Homes & Gardens, Family Circle,
and daytime television. Observe the differences in advertising
and make a quick list of the articles or TV programming in two
columns. Then go to an informal restaurant and listen to conver
sation differences, or to a schoolyard and watch the boys and
girls play patterns during lunch hour. Keep these realitiesyour
own researchin mind as you study the broader perspectives
discussed in the works listed below.

B a u m li , F r a n c is . Men Freeing Men. J e r s e y C i t y , N .J .: N e w A t la n t is

P ress, 1985.
B l o o m f i e l d , H a r o ld , w ith L eonard F e ld e r . Making Peace with Your
Parents. N e w Y ork: R a n d o m H o u s e , 1 9 8 3 .
B lu m s t e in , P h il ip , a n d S c h w a r t z , P e p p e r . American Couples. N e w Y ork:
W illia m M o r r o w , 1 9 8 3 . ^
B r o th e r s , D r . J o y c e . What Every Woman Should Know about Men. N ew
Y o r k : S im o n & S c h u s t e r , 1 9 8 1 .
C a s s e l l , C a r o l. Swept Away. N e w Y o r k : S im o n & S c h u s t e r , 1 9 8 4 .
D ia m o n d , J e d . Inside Out: Becoming M y Own Man. S a n R a f a e l, C a lif .:
F ifth W a v e P r e s s , 1 9 8 3 .
D o w l i n g , C o le t t e . The Cinderella Complex. N e w Y ork: P o c k e t B o o k s ,


D ruck, K en. w it h J im S im m o n s . S ecrets Men K eep. N ew Y ork:

D o u b le d a y . 1 9 8 5 .
E h r e n r e ic h , B a r b a r a . The H earts o f Men. G a rd en C ity . N .Y .: A n c h o r
P ress, 1983.
E l l i s , A lb e r t. Sex and The Liberated Man. S e c a u c u s . N .J .: L y le S tu a r t,
F a r r e ll, W a r r e n . The Liberated Man. N e w Y o r k : B a n t a m . 1 9 7 5 .
F r ie d a n , B e tty . The Second Stage. N e w Y o r k : S u m m it B o o k s , 1 9 8 1 .
G a r f in k e l, P e r r y . In a M an's World: Father. Son. Brother, Friend, and
Other Roles Men Play. N e w Y o rk : N e w A m e r ic a n L ib r a r y , 1 9 8 5 .
G e r z o n , M a r k . Choice o f Heroes: The Changing Faces o f American
Manhood. B o s t o n : H o u g h t o n M if f li n , 1 9 8 4 .
G o l d b e r g , H e r b . The Hazards o f Being Male. N e w Y o r k : N a s h P u b li s h
in g , 1 9 7 6 .
G o ld b e r g , H erb . The New Male. N e w Y o r k : W il li a m M o r r o w , 1979.
G ordon, John. The Mxth o f the Monstrous Male. N e w Y o r k : P la y b o y ,
H a p g o o d , F red. W h\ M ales Exist. N ew Y ork: W illia m M orrow ,
H a r r is o n , J im . W a r n in g : T h e M a le S e x R o l e M a y B e H a z a r d o u s to
Y o u r H e a l t h . Journal o f Social Issues, 1 9 7 8 , 3 4 ( 1 ) : 6 5 8 6 .
M a c c o b y , E le a n o r , a n d J a c k lin , C a r o l N a g y . The Psychology o f Sex
Differences. S t a n f o r d , C a lif .: S ta n f o r d U n iv e r s it y P r e s s , 1 9 7 8 .
M o n e y , John, and E r h a r d t, A n k e . Man and Woman, Boy and Girl.
B a lt i m o r e , M d .: J o h n s H o p k in s U n iv e r s i t y P r e s s , 1 9 7 2 .
M o n e y , J o h n , a n d T u c k e r , P a tr ic ia . Sexual Signatures: On Being a Man
or a Woman. B o s t o n : L it t le , B r o w n , 1 9 7 5 .
N a i f e h , S t e v e n , a n d S m i t h , G r e g o r y W h it e . Why Cant Men Open Up?
N e w Y o r k : C la r k s o n N . P o tte r , 1 9 8 4 .
N o v a k . W il li a m . The Great American M an Shortage an d Other R oad
blocks to Romance. N e w Y o r k : R a w s o n A s s o c i a t e s . 1 9 8 3 .
P le c k , J o s e p h H . The Myth o f Masculinity. C a m b r id g e , M a s s .: M .I .T .
P ress, 1981.
Schenk, R oy U . The Other Side o f the Coin: Causes and Consequences
o f Men's Oppression. M a d is o n , W is .: B io e n e r g e t ic s P r e s s , 1 9 8 2 .
S e x t o n , P a t. The Feminized Male. N e w Y o r k : V in t a g e B o o k s , 1 9 7 0 .
S h a n o r , K a r e n . The Shanor Study: The Sexual Sensitivity o f the Ameri
can Male. N e w Y o rk : D ia l P r e s s , 1 9 7 8 .
S im e n a u e r , J a c q u e li n e , and C a r r o ll, D a v id . Singles: The N ew Americans.
N e w Y o r k : S im o n & S c h u s t e r , 1 9 8 2 .
T r ie r , L y n e t t e , a n d P eacock, D ic k . Learning to Leave. N ew Y ork:
W arner, 1 983.
Z il b e r g e ld , B e r n ie . Male Sexuality: A Guide to Self-Fulfillment. B o s to n :
L it t le . B r o w n , 1 9 7 8 .
R e so u rc e s

C oalition o f F ree Men

PO Box 129
M anhasset, N Y I 1030

Joint C ustody A ssociation

10606 W ilk in s Avenue
Los Angeles, C A 900 2 4

M ens O rganizations & P ublications D irectory

68 D eering Street
Portland, M E 04101
(D ire c to ry costs $7 .00; updated m onthly)

M en s R ights, Inc. (MR)

PO Box 163180
Sacram ento, C A 9 58 1 6

N ational C on gress f o r M en
68 D eering Street
Portland, M E 04101

N ation al O rganization f o r Changing M en

PO Box 451
W atseka, IL 6 09 7 0
Index of Questions Women
and Men Ask

The questions below are the questions each sex most frequently
asks about the other. These questions are asked so frequently in part
because the answers normally given are rarely answered in the
numerous contexts which constitute life. By referring to each page
in the book in which the question is addressed, the reader or re
searcher can view the answers from a number of different contexts.
Pages in italics indicate the most direct answers. Other pages
give relevant background from which the reader may draw dif
ferent conclusions from my own.
Page numbers with descriptions in parentheses (e. g., Anal
ogy) indicate that the question is addressed in that particular
section of that page.
Questions like When women do make it in business, why
do they seem to become like men? imply that, in fact, they do
become like men. The pages to which I refer the reader do not
always agree with the underlying assumptions (that women do
become like men), or the underlying critique (that it is com
pletely bad to be like a man). Instead, pages refer the reader to a
number of considerations related to the question.

Questions Women Ask:

Why are men so threatened by successful women? 13-14: 24-27;
33-34; 35-39; 4(M4; 62-64; 103-06; 110-12; 131-38;
150-55; 168-73; 217-20; 272-73; 274-77; 327-28
Why arc men's egos their second most fragile instrument? 109-38
(esp. 121-28); 189-204; 217-19; 242-53; 258-66; 267-71;
294-95; 299-301; 309-11; 316-17 (Two Way and Earth);
322-23; 326-27; 335; 342.

How can I change a manwithout just getting him ready for the
next woman? 81 (Think); 82 (Victim); 104-06; 121-28:
158 (Men Commit)-163; 309-33 (Ch. 11-Change); 334-53
(Ch. 12-Feelings).
When I take initiatives, men seem to back off. Why? 13-14;
121-28; 155-56; 253-54 (Initiatives); 261-62; 275 (Power
ful Men/Boys).
Why wont men listen? xxvi; 81 (Think); 112-16; 121-28;
139-49 (Ch. 5-Listen); 304 (Doing); 313 (Analogy); 31719;
Why cant men get in touch with their feelings? xxi-xxvi; 9-12;
24-33; 34-35; 88-89; 102-06; 110-37; 157 (Afraid); 164-69;
173-75; 176; 177-79; 213-15; 232-33; 235; 248-53; 259-60;
262-63; 263-66; 267-69; 279 (Sensitivity); 296; 304; 317-19;
334-53 (Ch. 12-Feelings); 360-61; 369-72.
Why do men often say Youre special, and then I never see
them again? 13-14; 18-20; 40-43; 121-28; 129-31; 152;
755-56; 157 (Afraid); 159-63; 175-82; 199-203; 211-13;
253 (Separate); 261-62.
Why do so many men have so few men friends? 3-12; 12839;
139-49; 296 (Complaints); 360-64.
Why are girly magazines so big with men? 82-89; 11020;
121-31; 242-53; 274 (150 Initiatives); 276
Why cant men ask for help? 40-44; 46-48; 62-66; 80-82;
95-100; 110-16; 139^)9; 267; 276 (Paying); 293; 296-97;
299-301; 304-05; 316 (Earth); 334-50 (Feelings); 360-61.
Why do men spend so much time watching sports (even when
they say they want more time with their family)? 40-43;
46-48; 62-64; 112-16.
Why cant men let a friendship develop . . . and then, if sex
happens, it happens? 81-90; 121-28, 129-31; 137-38;
242-53; 278-79.
Sometimes when Im with a man I see his open and vulnerable
parts. And then when he gets around other men, he closes
them off. Why is that? xxi-xxvi; 80-82; 121-31; 155; 157;
173-75; 248-53; 262-63; 267; 296 (Complaints); 316 (Earth);
326; 351-53; 355-61; 369-70.
Why arc men so preoccupied with their jobs even when they are
losing contact with their family? 3-14; 18-20; 24-28; 40-43;
43-44; 62-64; 91-100; 109-38 (Ch. 4-Preoccupied); 152-54;
183; 197-98; 267-71; 292 (Nurturing); 299; 304; 317-18;

Why are men so often like boys underneath? 109-38; 157 (Afraid);
175-79; 213-14; 242-53; 262-63; 267-65; 269 (Searching);
274-75; 294; 296 (Complaints); 307; 316; 348-53.
Why do men seem to have contempt for women on the one hand
(witness their jokes) and put them on a pedestal on the other
hand? 3640; 59-61; 80-82; 85-86; 87-89; 110-28; 129-31.
If men arc just desserts, why am I willing to give up so much
for a little banana split? 18-20; 24-26; 77-78; 82-83; 87-88;
92-106; 150-55; 157-59; 164-72; 194-219; 2J7-^2; 208-69;
271-73; 278-81; 290-91; 292 (Nurturing); 297-98; 299-300;
317-19; 327-28.
Why do men rape? 82-90; 93; 116-28; 129-32; 242-53;
Arc men just interested in conquestis that the real excitement
for men? 18-20; 102-04; 110-12; 137-38; 150-51; 155-56;
157-59; 159-68; 168-73; 179-82; 232-53; 258-62; 278-80;
297-98; 317-19; 359-60.
Why do men always feel they have to promise loveeven when
theyre not in love ? xxi-xxvi; 13-14; 18-20; 121-28;
150-51; 152-54; 155; 157; 197-98; 246-51, 261-62; 279-80,
Why do women cam 59 percent of what men earn even when
their contributions are indispensable ? 18-20; 24-31; 33-36;
4349; 66-77; 82; 91-99; 112-20; 137-38; 139-45; 164-73;
276-78 (esp. 277); 291-301; 304.
Men have the powerwhy would they want to give it up?
xix-xx; 3-14; 66-89; 92-96; 102-04; 110-38; 171-72;
225-30; 235; 248-51; 258-59; 267; 290; 316-19; 326 (Ego);
351-52; 360-63.
Why cant men admit when theyre wrong? 81; 112-16; 121-28;
131-36; 39-49; 248-53; 261-62; 291-92 (Fairness); 294-95
(Ego); 301 (Humility); 311-14; 322-33; 324-25; 326 (Ego);
33440, 343-46.
Im an attractive woman. 1 have lots of options. Yet so many
men I end up with arc successful but insensitive. Why?
24-28; 31-34; 40-43; 62-66; 87-89; 104-06; 121-25;
129-31;139-49; 164-68; 242-53; 258-59;267-68; 272-73;
279-81; 317-19; 322-23; 342^13, 359-60; 363-64.
Why did my father criticize me so often? 81; 39-49; 295 (Issue)-
297; 304-05; 334-36; 344^17.
Why arc men so paranoid about homosexuality? 112-16; 121-28;
128-29; 129-31; 248-60; 257-58.

Id like to be able to get lovey-dovey without its necessarily

leading to intercourse. Is that too much to expect from a
man? 18-20; 87-89; 116-20; 727-2; 129-31; 137-38;
158-63; 242-53; 258-59; 261-62; 262-66.
When I first meet a man I often think hes wonderfulI tell all
my women friends and Im elated; then he disappoints me
once, then twice . . . before I know it I think hes a jerk.
Yet Im still tempted to stay with him . . . why is that?
13-14; 18-20; 31-34; 35-36; 40-43; 62-66; 77-79; 81;
131-38; 139-49; 150-55; 157-59; 164-68; 189-219; 261-66;
267-69, 278-80, 287-308 (Ch. 10-Love Most); 322-23;
324-25; 326 (Ego).
Why do male leaders get into so many wars? 91-92; 109-38;
199; 360-61; 361-63; 371-72.
Why is it that men who arent macho are often, well . . .
wimps? xxi-xxvii; 62-64; 87-89; 95-99; 112-38; 139-44;
242-53; 262-66; 279-80; 317-18; 363-65.
Why are men afraid of commitment? 33-36; 49-53; 102-03;
104-06; 150-85 (Ch. 6-Afraid); 197-213; 219-25; 256-60;
280; 296-98; 324-27; 358-60.
If I could wish one thing from my relationship with a man, it
would be to have more honesty, xxi-xxvii; 31-34; 35; 72;
87-89; 121-28; 129-31; 155-56; 159-60; 173-75; 179-83;
246-53; 259-62; 279; 291 (Fairness); 295-96; 313 (Anal
ogy); 323-26 (Honesty); 327-28 (Litmus); 334-46.
Are there any men who are both sensitive and strong . . . who
are not already taken up? 13-14; 40-43; 46-48; 62-64;
81-82; 95-99; 104-06; 109-38 (Ch. 4-Preoccupied); 739-49
(Ch. 5-Listen); 182; 242-53; 261-62; 271-72; 279-80;
292-93 (Nurturing); 298-301; 304.

Questions Men Ask:

Why do women often want friendships before sex and then, when
a friendship is developed, say I dont want to spoil such a
good friendship with sex ? 13-14; 46-49; 53-55; 59-61;
62-66; 82-84; 85-89; 116-20; 121-28; 172-73; 237^12;
255-59; 261 (Call); 279-80; 306 (Woman).
Why do women treat men like success objects ? 9-12; 18-20;
24-29; 29-39; 39-44; 45-49; 62-64; 77-79; 82-83; 102-04;
109-18; 150-51; 164-68; 168-72; 194-213; 272-73; 273-77;
327-28; 352-54.

Why do women complain that if they took the initiatives a man

would back off? 81-84; 85-89; 121-28; 253-54; 261-63;
276-77; 354-58.
Why do women want to have their cake and eat it, toothey want
to be independent, but they expect me to pick up the check?
13-14; 24-29; 31-34; 35-39; 40-49; 59-62; 66-70; 76-77;
80-82\ 87-89; 91-100; 102-203; 110-21; 150-55; 168-72;
173; 177; 197-205; 235-36; 237-41; 248-50; 256-57;
258-60; 271; 27!-80\ 317-19; 324-27; 336-40; 363-65.
Why are so many women so angry at men? xxi-xxvi; 18-20;
80-106; 121-28; 129-31\ 139^9; 150-56; 164-68; 173
(Standard); 189-236 (Ch. 7-New Sexism); 237-66 (Ch. 8
Old/Ncw); 275-76; 278-80; 296 (Anger); 313 (Analogy);
316-19; 322-23; 324-26; 334-36; 342-43; 346^7; 361-63.
Why do women always seem to need reassurance about their
place (status) in a relationship? Why cant they let a beauti
ful relationship just be? 1820; 24-28; 33-39; 40-53; 82-83;
103- 06; 150-55; 168-72; 179-83; 194-215; 267 (Rejec
tions); 271; 280; 306 (Woman); 327-28.
Why docs it seem as if women run when the going gets tough
financially? 18-20; 24-34; 43-49; 82-83; 92-95; 102-04;
104- 06; 112-17; 117-20; 131-36; 150-55; 164-72; 232;
267-69; 276; 292-93; 327-28; 360-61; 363-64.
Our relationship was going fine, but she was always pressing for
another level of commitmentsaying she couldnt open
up and really give until she had that security. I felt like
a relationshipobject. Why? 13-14; 18-20; 24-28; 33-34;
35-36; 40-43; 48-49; 53-55; 59-61; 62-66; 76-77; 77-79;
82-83; 104-06; 112-20; 131-38; 150-85 (Ch. 6-Afraid);
194-205; 211-13; 237^12; 248-51; 261-62; 279-80\ 306;
327-28; 334-41; 355-360.
When I first meet a woman she treats me like God. I cant do
anything wrong. By the end, 1 cant do anything right. Why
is that? 18-20; 35-39; 40^*3; 46-53; 59-61; 62-64; 65-73;
77-79; 81-82; 92-106; 139-49; 150-52; 152-55; 164-68;
179-83; 184-85; 194-212; 224-25; 234-36; 258-62, 267;
269; 278-79; 281 (Man Do); 313; 324-27; 334-44; 363-65:
I sometimes feel Damned if I do and damned if I dont. For
example, if a woman responds hesitantly to a kiss and I
pursue, Im insensitive; if I back off. Im not exciting
enough; if I stop and try again, Im incorrigible. Why

doesnt she take some responsibility? 31-34; 59-61; 62-66;

81; 83-85; 87-89; 92-95; 109-38 (Ch. 4-Preoccupied);
139-49 (Ch. 5-Listen); 150-51; 157 (Afraid); 172-75;
175-79; 217-25; 242-41; 252-53; 276 (Paying); 279; 296;
334-41; 343-44.
Why do so many women talk behind mens backs? Why dont
they confront the man directly? 77-79; 82; 173; 259-62;
294-97; 304; 316-17; 324-25; 326 (Ego)-30; 334-40;
342^3; 355-59.
One day a woman was totally devoted to our relationship and. I
thought, emotionally connected to me. When I said, though,
that I didnt want to get married, I hardly ever saw her
againshe didnt seem to care about what I did and seemed
able to cut off the sexual relationship without a problem.
Why? 18-20; 33-39; 40-43; 45-53; 77-79; 82-83; 102-03;
150-55; 168-72; 79-82; 194-205; 279-80; 295-96; 306
(Woman); 307-08; 327-38; 334-41.
When a woman is angry at me she often withdraws sexually. I
dont. Why? 13-14; 3 9 ^ 0 ; 4 6 ^ 9 ; 59-61; 62-66; 82-83;
85-86; 95-98; 237^42; 255; 256-58; 278-79; 306 (Woman);
Why are so few women at the very top in business? If its male
prejudice, why dont they start their own businesses? Men
did. 18-23; 33-39; 44-53; 56-57; 59-62; 66-70; 80-82;
91-100; 110-20; 131-36; 137-38; 145-49; 152-55; 164-68;
68-72; 217-19; 235-36; 267-69; 271-74; 277; 293; 294-96;
When women do make it in business, why do they seem to
become like men? 8-12; 66-70; 139-49; 150-55; 164-72;
237-42; 267-74; 293 (Leadership); 294-95; 298-304; 306;
317-19; 327-28; 358-60; 360-63.
I held a door for a woman the other day, and she looked at me as
if I was part of a conspiracy. Why are some women
paranoid-liberated ? 2934; 34-35; 66-70; 81-82; 91-99;
139-45; 213-19; 275-80; 290-92; 296 (Anger); 322-27;
355-59; 363-65; 368-72.
Why does my woman friend get preoccupied with makeup even
though I tell her I prefer her without it? 13-14, 66-77;
87-88; 92-95; 99-100; 110-38; 150-52; 213-15; 274-77;
Why cant more women just enjoy sex for itselfwithout having
to attach conditions? 9-14; 18-20; 39-40; 46-49; 59-61;

62-66; 76-77; 82-90-, 101-02; 116-28; 157-59; 169-70;

172-73; 179-82; 183; 2J7-57; 259-62; 279-80; 344-46.
I asked my girlfriend, Did you have an orgasm? She told me I*
was preoccupied with performance. So I didnt ask my next'
girlfriend, and she said I didnt care about her needs. I dont
get it. 29-34; 57-61; 82-83; 84-85; 88-89; 102-04; 121-28;
139^49; 169-70; 237-57 (esp. 252-53); 261-66; 290-92.
Women are always complaining about the way men are, but
arent they the ones who brought us up that way? 33-34;
39^49; 89-90; 99-100; 110-29; 145^49; 150-52; 157-59;
169-70; 175-79; 242-53-, 269-70; 316-17; 358-60.
Why do so many women play victim? 36-39; 46-48; 59-61;
64-66; 74-75; 80-82-, 89-90; 95-99; 103-04; 164-69;
197-205; 213-15-, 223-25; 225-30-, 234-36; 242-54; 257-59;
268 (Love Work); 272 (Supportive Men); 273; 276; 279-80-,
297-99; 304; 307-08; 325; 327-28; 346-53; 354-65; 368-69.
One day a womans devoted to a successful engineer; the next
day, to a drug-dealing artisttheyre like chameleons. I
dont understand. . . . Why? 9-12; 18-20; 24-55; 77-79;
95-99; 102-06; 102-06; 112-16; 131-38; 150-52; 168-70-,
182-83; 197-213; 271-73; 279-80; 298-304; 327-28;
358-60; 363-65.
Why do so many women give so many mixed messages? What do
women really want? 24-100 (Ch. 2-Women Want; Ch.
3-Flashdance): 125-28-, 139-45; 168-72; 173-75; 179-82;
197-207; 237-42; 271-73; 279-80; 285-86; 316-17; 326
(Ego)-28; 334-41; 344^16; 355-60.
If women want something, why dont they go out and get it?
118-112-, 116-20; 157-59; 164-72; 236-37; 237-42; 253-54;
271-73; 276-77; 293 (Leadership); 295 (Issue); 298-304;
316-22; 327-28; 355-59; 368-69.

I wish to acknowledge my dad, Tom Farrell, whose sensitivity

gave me permission; my mother, Muriel, whose life and loss of
life prompted me to look at womens lives; my new mother, Lee,
whose energy and independence stimulate respect; my sister,
Gail, who has fought the battles between dependence and inde
pendence on many fronts, and whose capacity for love reaches
me wherever 1 am; and my brother, Wayne, who taught me that
the best thing I could give him was to learn from him.
One woman, Anne Goshen, has grown with me through each
draft of this manuscript, testing each idea against her own life
experience listening, adding, refining, eliminatinguntil a syn
ergistic relationship emerged among the three of us (me, Anne,
and the manuscriptthe manuscript sometimes remembered what
I had forgotten by the next chapter!). Into that threesome often
entered Annes daughter, Megan Hubbard, thirteen, who became
my consultant on youth while quietly teaching me a new type of
A handful of people have offered me support at crucial turning
points of my life: my former wife, Ursie Fairbairn, a true
Superwoman who taught by example but never by rhetoric; Jim
Crown, Ziva Kwitney, Harold Bloomfield, Ken Druck, and the
San Diego authors groupv who taught me the meaning of
supportiveness; and Ted Becker, who pressed me into a mid
life crisis in my late twenties. These people will be part of
whatever I write.
Ellen Levine juggled the role of agent, critic, supporter, edi
tor, and wise negotiator through each stage of the manuscript
over almost half a decade; Tom Millers line editing clarified and

streamlined thousands of sentences in the book (with the excep

tion of a few in which I insisted on my way ). Toni Burbanks
contributions during the manuscripts proposal stages and Jacque
Lynn Foltyns insights throughout the writing of the book proved
Lin Richardson devoted thousands of hours to word-processing
all three drafts of the book, beginning with tens of thousands of
handwritten index cards, meeting deadlines, pasting up art, and
deciphering instructions. Her contribution was remarkable.
George Lewis Singer, Steve Fineman, and Paul Evans all not
only capably assisted me in research but sparTed with me over
dozens of ideas in their embryonic stages.
Especially careful and insightful editing and commentary were
offered by Fred Hayward, Annetta Mauch, and Richard Haddad
throughout every paragraph of the book. Careful readings were
also done by Ken Blanchard, A1 Crespi, Albert Ellis, Gail
Farrell, Holly Forcier, Alan Gamer, Harley Hahn, Natasha
Josefowitz, Gayle Kimball, Jane Navarre, Nena ONeill. Dick
Peacock, and Lynette Trier. The contributions of the cartoonists
I commissioned, John Ashley, Doug Dohrer, Michelle Fournier,
and Bob Lee, are in evidence throughout the book, as well as
those of the cartoonists who gave me permission to reprint their
cartoons. Jim Francis Miley is credited with the back cover
The reference staff of the Central University Library at the
University of California, San Diego, and especially Sue Gallo
way, offered generous support for over four years and three
drafts. The 106,000 women and men who were willing to walk
a mile in the moccasins of the other sex during workshops were
the pioneers who created the core research base for Why Men Are
the Way They Are and hopefully grew a little in the process. The
National Organization for Women, National Congress for Men.
National Organization for Changing Men, and Herb Goldberg
have all made significant contributions to my thinking on gender
roles and sexual politics.
I acknowledge the late John Lennon, who. when he joined a
mens group I had formed, gave life to my hope that successful
men could be sensitive too.
At various stages I benefited from the contributions of Pat
Chawla, Jim Cook, George Corey. Letty Cottin Pogrebin, Karen
DeCrow, Tom Dembofsky, Diana Finch, Lori Glazer, Frank
Goodall, Ron Graff, Joan Hennebury-Conrales, Spencer John-

son, Lyn Lindsey, Joyce McHugh, Joe Pleck, Alix Olsen, Ruth
Rogin, Gloria Steinem, Deborah Sundmacher, Chris Wimpey,
and the professional staff of McGraw-Hill, from administrative
assistants to Gladys Justin Carr, chair of the editorial board, all
of whom sought to make this book better than it would have
been without them.
General Index

Abortion. 248-49, 258, 351, 367 Amy (Little Women), 29

Abscam, 115 Androcide, 12
Abuse, spouse, 225-30 Anger:
Abzug, Bella, 70, 77, 132 male expression of, 296, 334-36
Adaptation, male to women, xxviii. volcano effect." 334-36,
365 344-47
Adequacy, delusions of, 194 women toward men, 102,
Advertising and sex roles, 21, 196-98. 234-35. 251,
22-23, 24 -3 9 . 46 -5 0 , 271-72, 334-36
61 -6 2 , 65, 77-79, 81, 82, (See also Feelings, expression of;
152-53, 166, 192, 238-39, Sexism, new)
251, 277, 280, 368 Appearance and achievement,
beauty power, 6 5 -7 7 , 102-04, 71 -72, 79, 102-03
110-12, 115-16, 251 (See also Attractiveness; Beauty
Aikido, xxviii power)
Alda, Alan: Alan Alda syndrome, Approval:
95. 134. 250, 270 cues and changes, 313-15
Alexis (Dynasty), 35-36, 73. 228 search for, 75, 113, 135, 138,
Alger, Horatio, 222 357, 361-62
All M y Children. 45 and stereotypes, 290-91
All Night Long, 86 Arden, Elizabeth: Red Door,
Allen, Woody, 112, 134. 306 36-37, 70. 72-73, 364
Alliance building. 368-69 Aj the World Turns, 45
Allure Career College of Beauty, 45 Assured Lifetime Income, 166
Ambivalence (see Mixed messages) Astaire, Fred. 91
American Academy of Pediatrics, Attention-getting, 112-20. 130
230 Attitudes (see Sex roles; Stereotypes)
American Couples study of trial Attractiveness, physical. 9, I2n.
marriage, 169, 171, 172n. 102-03
195 (See also Advertising; Appear
American Legion (magazine). 19. ance; Beauty Power)
20 Aura School o f Beauty, 45, 47


Authority, challenging, 300-01 Bondage, sexual, 258

Avery, Shug (The Color Purple), Boone, Pat, 100
325 Bowie, David, 62
Awe training, female, 143, 148, Boy George, 62
348-50 B oys Life, 20
Bragging, male, 215
Baby beauty contests, 7 1 Branden, Nathaniel, 309
Bachelors, eligible, 20-22, Breathless, 84
40-41 Bride's M agazine, 2 1
Back-to-home movement, 4443 ads, 49-52
Baio, Scott, 100 Bride's registry checklist, 51-52
Barbizon Schools, 45 Brinkley, Christie, 69
Bardwick, Judith, 170 Bronson, Charles, 227-28
Bassmaster magazine, 32 Brothers, Joyce, 237, 240, 241,
Battery, wives and husbands, 252. 260
225-28 Brush, Stephanie, 189
Battle o f the sexes, xxv-xxvi, Burning Bed, The (movie), 229
307-08, 369-72 Bush, George, 62, 296
making love after making war,
346 Calvin Klein, 61
Beals, Jennifer, 91, 92, 95 Campbell, Joseph, 91
Beatles hair style, 294 Canadian National Film Board, 74n
Beatty, Warren, 62 Carbine, Patricia, 24, 79
Beauty contests, xxix, xxx, 70-71, Career preparation, women, 45
270 Career and success, 3 -8 . 13
Beauty focus and sexual problems, (See also Marriage and options;
76, 272-73 Performance)
Beauty power, 6 5 -7 7 , 102-03, Career women vs. bachelors,
I 10-12, 115-16, 203, 251 167-68
Behavior, sets of, 146 Career women and pregnancy, 170
(See also Home life) Careers and commitments, 34
Bennet, Mandy, 70 (See also Commitment)
Benson and Hedges ads, 30 Carlin, George, 306
Belter Homes and Gardens, 18, 19, Carroll, David, 258
21, 55, 97, 101 Carter, Jimmy, 99
Beyond the M ale Myth (Pietropinto Cathy (cartoon), 8, 121, 152, 181,
and Simenauer), 249n 211, 237, 321, 324, 325
Billboard, 33n Change, 17-18, 101-06
Birth control, 237, 244, 248, 258 and approval cues, 313-15
Bishop, Jerry G ., 355 changing a man, and keeping
Black men, portrayal o f, 235 him, 309-33
Blame, areas of, 364-65 creative techniques, 328-33
Blame, sexual, 252-66, 368 and feeling of superiority,
Blended family" relationships, 285-86
177-79 female change fallacies, 321,
Body H eat (film), 87-88 324-27

Change (cont.) Cigarette ads. 30-31

financial adjustments, 327-29 Cinderella, 29-30, 82. 151. 219,
homework, sharing, 317-19 222, 300
and men as the enemy, 355-60 Cinderella Complex, The (Dowling),
men and women, differences in 169. 182
change. 322-23 Circumcision o f infants, 230-31
and mixed messages, 314-16 Civil rights movement, 235
and mothering men, 316-17 Club Med Syndrome. 54-55
obsolete sex roles, 91-92 Coaching as fathering, 293
overall approach, 316-19 Cobb, Ty. 300
politics of, 309-16 Cole. Gary, 74n
possibility of, 311-12 Collins, Joan, 35, 76. 82, 87-88
pressure for. men and women, Color Purple. The (Walker), 235
295 Commitment, male fear of, 150-85,
relationship formulas, 311-12 240. 260, 262
resistance to, 313-15 and children, 175-79
rights and responsibilities, commitment and sexual fre
318-19 quency. 171-75
secret agenda, 173-75 commitment shift, 160-64,
self-improvement and m agic. 180-81
56-57 female. 169-70, 179-182
and socialization, female and equality and divorce, 171-72
male, 285-308 family and work, 268
specific steps, 319-22 and fantasies, 150-51, 154-55
toilet seat analogy, 312-14 and female fears, 155-57
two-way street, 316 love and dependence, 183
and upping the ante, 312 politics, 155-68
what exactly is wanted, 312, pressures. 152-55
314-16 reasons for commitment, 159-60
without blame, 307-08 and relations revolution, 184-85
and womens motivations, and working women, 168-72
285-86 Commitmentism, 49 -5 5 , 89, 102.
(See also Advertising; Commit 103, 197. 198-99, 212,
ment; Fantasies; Feelings; 214-15, 233. 316, 336-37.
Flashdance; Lovability; Love; 338, 356
Performance) Communication, problems o f,
Chauvinism, male (see Male 139-44, 153
chauvinism) Competition and friendship, 295-96
Cheerlcading, 113-14, 115 Competitiveness, female:
Chicago Tribune cartoons, 234 Birth o f Beauty, 70-71
Children, and male fear of Female Frontier, 64-66
commitment, 175-79 Female Line. 71-72
Children, playing with on their Female Locker Room, 72-73. 364
terms, 307, 357 Female Super Bowl. 70, 364
Chisholm, Shirley, 77, 2l6n Female Western, 73, 364
Churchill, Winston, 300 (See also Beauty Power)

Complaining and doing, 304, 357 Darwin, Charles, 136, 371, 372
Complaints of loved ones, 143-44 D ays o f Our Lives, 45
(See also Home life) De Beers Corporation ads ("D e
Compromise and humility, 301-02 Beers Transfer ), 27-29,
Condrey, John and Sandra, 334, 35, 83
338, 341 DeLorean, John, 115
Conquest, importance of, 158-59 Dean, James, 99, 147
Conquest and men's sexual Dear A bby, 243
interests, 278-81 Death, male and female, view of,
Consciousness balancing, 232-33 227-30, 231-32
Consciousness raising, 123, 134, Death Wish (movie), 227-28
195 Deceptions (romance), 65
Constituency conformance, 351 Defensive sensitivity, xxiii
Contests and fantasies, 70-71 Depression, xix, 97
Control of ones life, 8-9, 60 Desperately Seeking Susan, 91
Conversion objects, 285-86 Dialogues:
Cooper, Alice, 64 feelings, 352-53
Cooper, Gordon, 133 sex, success, and fragile egos,
Copernicus, Nicolaus, 294 267-81
Copley, Helen; Copley Enterprises, Diamond, Neil, 109, 112, 121, 132
59 Diamonds, diamond ads, 24-29,
Cosmo cat, 79 31, 35, 49, 89
Cosmo Reports, xxx Diana, Princess, 35, 116
Cosmopolitan magazine, 20, 21. Dillon, Matt, 99-100
53, 56, 74, 79, 84, 87, 89, Dishonesty, male, about sexual
102, 239, 263 feelings, 130, 131
ads, 32 -3 3 , 6 7 -6 9 , 78 Divorce, 101, 136-37, 143, 180,
career booklet, 66, 68-69 184-85, 238, 266, 295,
cartoons, 196, 245, 254, 255 363, 366-68, 369
Coty perfume, 88 and female maturity, 280
Creativity and problem solving, 305 and success, 270
Crepeau, Margaret, 350 Doctors wives, 182
Criticism and change, xxviii Doing and complaining, 304,
(Sec also Change) 357
Criticism, unsolicited, 340 Dolls, 2 9 -3 0
Crossings (Steel), 58 Donahue, Phil, 41-43
Crying, male, 350 Donahue show, 322
Culture conflict, 54-55 Don Juans; Don Juan type,
Cuomo, Mario, 217 278-79
Doolittle, Eliza (doll), 29
"Daddy knows less, 219-23 Double standard, and fantasies,
Daddy Warbucks, 220, 222 173, 258-62
Dali, Salvador, 294 Dowling, Colette, 169, 182
Dallas (TV), 76 -7 7 , 228 Dual workaholism, 273-74
Daniel 1, Rosemary, 85 Dvnastv (TV), 22, 35-36, 76-77,
Dans, Cassandra, 252 228

Earning rights, 300 Family, male and female contribu

East o f Eden (film), 147 tions to, 166-68
Eastwood, Clint, 314, 328 Family man" image, II, 159
Edison, Thomas A ., 300 Fantasies, male and female:
Efficacy, sense of, 304 forbidden love, 64-66
Ego, masculine, 259-66 and handsome gigolos, 275
fragility of, 267-81, 302, 326-27 1 wish he were dead, 205-06
strength of, and lovability, not-yet-fulfilled, 83-84
294-95, 357 primary, 18-53, 55, 57, 60, 70.
Ehrenreich. Barbara, 204 76 -77, 78 -7 9 , 83, 87. 97.
Eisenhower, Dwight D ., xx, 300 101-02, 103, 110, 116, 120,
Eligible bachelors, 20-22, 40-41 150-51, 153-54, 155, 156.
Elizabeth Arden: Red Door, 36-37, 159, 161-64, 168, 172, 173,
70, 72-73, 364 176, 181, 183, 198,
Emotional control, 294 204-06, 211-14, 243, 253,
Emotional responses, faking, 271, 281. 336, 338,
252-53 339- 40, 350, 357, 364
Engagement rings, 24-31 and prostitutes, 275, 276-77
English, Christine, 230 secondary, 18-19, 53 -5 5 , 97,
Environment, mastering, 31 103
Equality without blame, 368-69 sexiest men, 62-64
Equality, male search for, 112-29, (See also Advertising; Commit
137-38, 212, 275-78. 368 ment; Flashdance phenomenon:
getting attention, 112-16, 130 Sexism, new)
homophobia, 128-29, 131 Farrell, Warren, xxv-xxxi, 369-70
initiatives, initiating, 121-28. and stepdaughter, 39-40, 100,
130, 131, 138 145-46, 178-79, 358
paying for female sexuality, Farrell. Wayne, xx, 297-98
1 1 6 -2 1 ,1 3 1 ,2 7 8 -7 9 Fathering and coaching. 293
ERA, 307, 308 Fathers, absentee and working,
Esquire magazine, 21, 56, 83, 152, 185
165, 223 Fathers as know-nothings, 219-23
Etiquette, the new, 315-16 Fawcett, Farrah, 229-30
Evans, Linda, 35, 36, 76-77 Feelings, expression of feelings,
Expectations, rising, 185 334-53
Explainers (Feiffer), 98 ambivalence, 337
Eye makeup, 69, 72 (See also Mixed messages)
crying, 350
Fads and feelings, 250 dialogues on, 352-53
Fairbaim, Ursula, 77 male and female differences,
Fairness, 291-92 334-41, 347
Families and work commitment, men, their difficulties, 341-52
268 myths about, 334, 337
Family Circle, 18, 19, 97, 101, negative feelings, 337-38,
267 340- 41
Family Circus, The (Keane), 145 and suppression. 334-40

Feelings (co m .) French. Marilyn, 234, 242

and vulnerability, 334-40, Freud, Sigmund, xvii
342-43, 348, 350, 352 Frey, William. 350
Feiffer, Jules, 98 Friedan, Betty, 62, 70, 77
Female change fallacies, 321, From Housewife to Heretic
324-27 (Johnson), 356
Female Frontier: forbidden love,
64-66 Gabor. Zsa Zsa, 49
Female Line, 71-72 Galileo. Galilei, 372
Female Locker Room, 72. 364 Gandhi. Indira, 362
Female Mafia, 86 -8 7 , 364 Garp. 41
Female pornography, 55, 57-62, G elles, Richard, 226
97 Gender gap, 364
Female Super bowl, 70, 364 General Hospital (TV), 45
Female Western, 73, 364 Genetic celebrities and groupies,
Femine Beauty in American 110-12, 129, 130, 131, 137
Culture (Foltyn), 69, 380n Genetic function and dysfunction,
32 136-37
Feminism, womens movement, Gere, Richard, 84
xix-xx, xxviii, I 12 Gigolos. 275
and barriers to love, 355-60 Gingiss formal wear, 49
and mens roles, xxiii, 85 Giving and generosity, 290-91
shift in, 237-42 . Glamour magazine, 20, 21, 83, 88,
(See also Sexism, new) 102, 239, 240, 363
Ferraro, Geraldine, 216 Glasbergen cartoons. 210, 211
Fifth Dimension (singing group), G ood Housekeeping magazine, 2 1,
270 40, 72
Fitzgerald, F. Scott, 360 Good m en, 104-06
Flashdance (movie), 59, 60, 91, Gorillas' penises, 260
9 2 -9 5 , 96, 98 Goshen. Anne, 328
Flashdance Phenomenon, 35-36, Grace. Princess, 35
40, 58 -6 1 , 7 7 .9 1 -1 0 0 , Graham, Katherine, 59
101, 220, 235 Gray, Linda, 76-77
Flirtation, 142-43 Greek mythology and drama, 9 1,
Flirting instructions, 80 -8 4 , 8 9 -9 0 94
Fly Me Girls, 48 Greer. Germaine, 237
Foltyn, Jacque Lynn, 69. 380n32 Griffin. Merv, 243
Forbes magazine, 20. 21. 45, 56^ Guide to Listening When Someone
165 Is Upset, 144
ads, 32. 39, 88-89 Guiding Light (TV), 45
Forbidden Love (romance), 64n Guisewite, Cathy, 8, 77, 121. 152,
Forbidden love. 6 4 -6 6 181, 211, 3 2 1 ,3 2 4 ,3 2 5
Fortune magazine, 21, 53, 56, 165
ads. 31 Hairstyles, 7 4 -7 5 , 294
Frameworks for falling in love, Haley, Alex, 235
4 0 -4 3 . 4 6 -4 7 , 62 Harassment, sexual, 59-61, 135, 367

Harlequin Enterprises; Harlequin Identity, developing, 301

Romances, 59-61 Ideologues and goals, xxvii
Hart, Gary, 147 Idol, Billy, 63, 64
Hasselhoff. David. 48 I'm O .K ., You're O .K ., 111
Hayward, Fredric, 227, 231 Images and ideals, 40-43
Health, physical, 9, 12 impotence, male, 262-66
Hearts o f Men, The (Ehrenreich), Incest, 223-25, 239, 240
204 Marital Incest Taboo, 172-75,
Hellmich, Nanci, 202 346
Heroes, 39 -4 0 , 199, 356, 359, 360, Income, assured lifetime, 166
363 Independence and femininity,
' hero selections, 40-43 6 0 -6 1 , 7 5 -7 6 , 77, 92-95,
Hickland, Catherine, 48 102, 166-72, 174, 183,
Higgins, Professor Henry, 143 205-06, 212, 215-19, 233,
High Heeled Women, 252 237-39, 276-77, 280, 281,
Hite Report, xxx, 195 318, 355-56
Hitler. Adolf, 363 and risk sharing, 354-55
Hoffman. Dustin, 129, 134 Industrial Revolution, 184,
Hollander, Nicole: Sylvia, 334 185
Holy Wars. 363 Initiatives, initiating, 80-84,
Home life, problems of, 13949 121-28, 130, 131, 138,
communication. 139-44 156, 242-51, 2 53-54, 281
leadership vs. cooperation, Insecurity male, 109-12, 113-14,
145-49 129, 137-38
Homophobia, 128-29, 131 International Kiwanis, 70
Homosexual couples and commit Interpersonal contact, 9, 11
ment, 171-72, 249 Intimacy, difficulty of, 151, 156,
Homosexuality, I12n 161-64, 175-77, 263-66,
Honesty as unsolicited criticism. 359-60
340 Intimacy, female fear of, 198.
Hope, Bob. 62 2 00-04, 212-13
Horror movies, 227 Invention and originality, 301
Houdini, Harry, 340
Househusband cover, Newsweek, Jackie O, 35, 66
314, 328 Jackson, Jesse. 216n
Housework, sharing. 317-19 Jackson, Michael, 40, 43, 74
Human Potential Unlimited. 44 Jewelry ads, and sex roles, 24-29,
Humility, 301-02 31 -32, 35, 49, 89
Humor, sense of, 306 Johnson, Sonja, 356
Humphrey, Muriel and Hubert, 59 Jones, Barbara, 44
Hustler magazine, 59 Jong, Erica, 239, 252
Jontue perfume. 68
Ideals and images, 40^43 Josefowitz, Natasha, 315
Identities, occupational and per Joyce, James, 300
sonal, 143, 215 Jung, Carl Gustav, 91
(See also Home life) "Just in Case Syndrome, 172

Keaton, Diane, 62 Little Miss Pink Tomato contest,

Kennedy, Jacqueline, 11 70-71
(See also Jackie O) Little Orphan Annie, 220-22
Kennedy, John F., 11, 66 Little Women, 29-30
Kennedy, Ted, 250 Living together, 240-42
Kent. Clark, 9 5 -9 9 , 317 Looking fo r Mr. Good bar (film),
Kiley, Dan, 152 84-85
King, Betty and Eddie. 229-30 Los Angeles Times:
Kinsey reports, 161 cartoons, 145, 234
Kiss Daddv Goodnight (Armstrong), mens issues columns. 367
225 on suit against J. C. Penney,
K1SS-FM, 62 224n
Kissinger, Henry, 112, 134 Louis XIV, 30
Kiwanis baby beauty contest. 70 Lovability, men to women,
Klein, Calvin, 61 xxiii-xxv, 136, 287-308
Kramer v. Kram er, 312, 316 beliefs, convictions and risking
Kroc, Joan, 59 life, 298
Krystle (Dynasty), 35-36, 73 challening authority, 300-01
and change without blame.
Laake, Deborah, 212 307-08
Ladies Home Journal, 44 coaching as fathering, 293
Landers, Ann, 83, 195 competition and friendship.
Lane, Lois, 91, 96 -9 9 . 317. 359 295-96
Language patterns, male and creativity and problem solving,
female, 304 305
Leadership, male, 1 4 5 ^ 9 , 293 doing and complaining, 304, 357
Leavesley, Gwen, 76 and efficacy, sense o f, 304
Lecherous Professor, The (Dziech), and ego strength, 2 94-95, 357
225 emotional control, 294
Lenox o f love. 4 8 -4 9 , 77, 78, 101, and enjoying the woman, 306
106, 368 and expression o f anger, 296
Lesbians, and income and status, fairness, 291-92
171 falling in love in a framework,
Liberated Man. The (Farrell), 264, 4 0 -4 3 , 4 6 -4 7 , 62
370 giving and generosity, 290-91
Life, giving up for commitments and humility, 301-02
and beliefs, 298 and identity, developing, 301
Life strains and stress, male, 163. and invention, 301
Listening and communication, v leadership, 145-49, 293
139-44 nurturing, 2 92-93, 336
Listening matrices, male and female outrageousness, 294
experience, xx-xxii, 369-72 and playing with children on their
Listening patterns, male and terms, 307, 357
female, 305, 348 relationship-focusing, 296-97
Literary Guild, 152 resourcefulness, 306
Little Miss Peanut contest, 70 responsibility, 302-04

Lovability (coni.) Making it in a man's world,

and risk-taking, 300, 354-55 6 1 -6 2 , 81
and self-starting, 299-300, 301, (See also Flashdance Phenomenon)
312, 357 Making love after making war, 346
and self-sufficiency, 299, 303 Male chauvinism, xvii, xxiv, xxvii,
sense o f humor, 306 30, 53, 85, 133, 164
socialization and vulnerability, and equality, 28
297-98 Man shortage, 104-06, 182
talents, pushing to the limit, Marcel, Gabriel, 231
304-05 Marcos, Ferdinand and Imelda, 362
values, sorting of, 298, 3 0 1 ,3 1 4 Marital Incest Taboo, 172-75,
virtues and vices, interrelation of, 346
287-90 Marketplace rejection and ego,
Love, forbidden, 6 4 -6 6 267-81
Love and money, 79 Marlboro man, 31, 113
Love and sex as power tools, M aniage, divorce and image, 11,
77 -7 9 , 92-94 101
Love and survival, clearing the way M aniage. trial, 169-70
for, 354-72 M aniage and options. 35-36,
changing the system, 365-68 4 4 -5 3 , 58, 60, 76-77,
equality without blame, 368-69 101-02, 168-69, 172, 215,
and feminist negations, 355-60 292-93
listening matrix, xx-xxii, 369-72 M any the enem y dilemma,
making men and women friends, 197-98, 266
363-68 Marrying money, instructions for,
and male experience of 44
powerlessness, 360-63 Masculinists, 194
risk sharing, 354-55 Masculinity, rewaving (see
and wom ens and mens Change)
movements, 368-69 Maugham, Somerset: The Razor's
Lovehouse, Barbara, 191, 198, 199 Edge, 314
Loving and sex in frameworks, Max Factor, 21, 66
4 0 -4 3 , 4 6 -4 7 , 62 Maxi makeup, 67, 69
Luker, Kristin, 248-49 M edicallM rs., 182
Meir, Golda, 29, 362
M cC alls magazine, 262 Men: An Owner's Manual (Brush),
McDonalds, 59 189
McGuiness, Pat, 229n Men Are Just Desserts (Friedan),
Machismo, xxv, 85 203, 213
Madonna, 47, 91 Men as the enemy, 355-60
Magic (see Flashdance Men proving themselves,
Phenomenon) 242-51
Magical Musk perfume, 37, 39 Mens groups, 3 -4 , 7, I 12, 175,
Maidenly power, 36-40 319-22, 351
Makeup Magic, 36 -3 9 , 40, 66-7 0 . Mens issues, newspaper columns,
72, 215 367

Men's magazines and fantasies, Murder, male and female roles.

18-23. 77 -7 8 , 82, 88-89 229-30
Mens questions about women, Murdoch, Myron, 298, 300
xv-xvi, xvii Murray, Bill, 306
Mentoring, mentors: "M y Fair Lady Collection (dolls),
female, 317, 341-42 29
male, 215-17, 291, 317, 341-12,
357 National Airlines, Fly M e Girls,
Mid-life crisis, male, 103, 132. 48
233, 351-52 National Commission on Working
"Mike Douglas Show, T he, 270 Women, 168
Milieu, Kate, 234 National Institute o f Mental Health,
Mirror. M irror (Melamed), 203-04 163
"M ischief and allure, 48-49, National Organization for Changing
77-78, 106 Men, 356
Miss America, 70, 364 National Organization for Women
Miss Universe, 270 (NOW), xxviii, 180, 370
Miss USA. 270 Neediness, male and female,
Missionary position, 285-86 359-60
Mixed messages, 88-89, 92-95, Neil, Vince, 62-63
121-28, 156, 314-16, "Neurotics, 147
337-38 "New Etiquette, The (Josefowitz),
Mixed socialization, 54-55 : 315-16
Molestation, child, 223-25, 239 New Woman, 20-21, 81, 89, 102,
Mondale, Walter, 147, 217 240, 241, 262
Money and love, 79 cartoons, 206, 207, 208, 209,
Monogamy, male dilemma, 252 210, 213. 215-16. 219.
Monsoon, Christine, 64n 220, 241. 245, 246
Moral Majority, 237, 239, 248 New Woman" magazines. 19-20,
"Morality as a weapon, 102, 21, 29, 102
126 New York magazine, 61
Morgan, Robin, 356 New York Post, 146
Mother Earth News, 32. 83 New York Times, The, xx. 152.
"Mothering men, 316-17, 359 203. 356, 367
Motivations for change. 285-86 New Yorker. The, cartoons, 184,
Motley Criie. 62-64 212-13, 310
Moulton, Ruth, 170 Newman, Paul. 41
Mouthful o f Breathmints and No * Newsweek, 84-85, 195, 314. 328
One to Kiss. A (Guisewite), Nielsen surveys, soap operas, 45
8. 121. 152, 211, 321. 324, No Bad Men (Lovehouse), 191,
325 198, 199
Ms. magazine, 21, 24, 38. 56, 57, No Good Men (Richardson),
79. 81, 82, 102, 222. 248, 190-91, 247. 261
262. 364 NOW (See National Organization
advertisements. 24-31. 34, 38. for Women)
39, 71. 82. 222 Now and Forever (Steel), 57

Nuances, 88-89 performance pressure, 253-54,

Nurturing, nurturance. 292-93, 336 3 4 9 ,3 6 3
Objectification of men. 198-215, pressure and ego. 267-81
235. 250 and sex, 109-38, 25.3-54,
O'Conner, Walter, 300-01 262-66
Officer and a Gentleman, An sexual defense, 129-31, 138
(movie). 84 success, panacea and trap,
"Oil crisis," male puberty, 128, 131-38
130-31. 135. 271 Perfumes, .36, 37, 68, 77, 88, 102
Onassis. Aristotle. 66 Peter Pan Svndrome, The (Kiley),
One Life to Live (TV), 45 203, 204-05, .356
Options, with marriage, 35-36, Peter Pans. 152, 248
44-5 3 , 58. 60. 76-77, Picasso, Pablo, 294
101-02, 168-69, 172, 215, Pietropinto, Anthony, 249n
292-93 Plavbov magazine, 18, 19, 22, 44,
Orgasm: ' 53, 62. 134, 153, 165, 176. 254
faking, 252 cartoons, 246-47
feminine expectations, 185, 240, centerfold spread, 74
307 Plavgirl magazine, 61, 62, 81, 83,
Oriental women, 30 ' 102, 258
Originality and invention. 301 cartoons, 117, 193, 200, 218,
Osborne, Ozzy. 64 246-47, 254, 255, 257, 263
Outrageousness, 294 Playing with Fire (romance), 86. 89
Outsiders, The (film), 99-100 "Playing house," 240-41. 246
Owens, Jesse, 337 Politics, women in. 215-16
"Popping out. 218-19
Parenting and humility. 302 Popular Mechanics, 165
Parks, Bert, 70 Pornography. 134. 197-98. 239,
Penis, the, and sexuality, 263-66 355, 367
Penney, J.C .. 224 Pots of gold. 36-38
Penthouse magazine. 18. 19, 62, Power and powerlessness, male and
134. 176. 254. 363 female, xx-xxii. xxvi-xxviii,
People magazine. 36. 92 xxx. 3 -1 4 . 106, 116, 134.
Performance, successful. 19. 172. 213-15. 219. 233.
39 -4 0 . 4 6 -4 7 . 6 2 -6 4 . 74. 236. 251. 252, 258. 264. 289,
91-1 0 0 . 109-49 337, 344. 345. 346. 351,
and changes. 311, 363 358-59. 360-63. 365
and commitment, 152-55 beauty power. 66-77. 102-03.
(see also Commitment) 110-12. 115-16. 203, 251
equality, male search for. 112-29. and change. 314. 317
137-38, 212. 275-78. 368 components o f power. 9 -12, 106,
genetic celebrities. 110-12. 129. 109
130. 131. 137 conditions. 13-14
and home life. 139-49 female fantasy. 60
and insecurity. 109-12, I 13-14. and homophobia. 128-29
129. 137-38 ironies of. 74-76

Power and powerlessness (con/.) Rankin. Mandy, 71

and leadership training. 293 Rape, xxvii. 57-58. 76, 85. 97.
and love, 77-79 227. 239. 242. 251. 258.
love in the balance. 369-72 355
maidenly, 36-40 socialization of. 8 8 -9 0 , 94. 306
and male equality, 112-29 Reagan. Ronald, 99, 217, 296
mid-life crisis, 103. 132 R ebel Without a Cause (film). 99
nature o f power, 8-9 Red Door, 36-37, 70, 72 -7 3 , 364
and racism. 235 Redbook magazine, 8 1, 262
sex as a power tool, 82-90 ad, 204
and volcano phenomenon, 334-36 Redford, Robert, 65
and widowers. 162 Redken certificate. 46. 47. 102
and women's success. 271-72 Reds (movie), 62
(See also Performance: Sexism, Reeve. Christopher. 97
new) Rejection, sexual, defense against.
Pregnancy and career women, 170 129-31. 136, 138, 182
Presley, Elvis, 294 Relations Revolution. 184-85
Pressure and response. 289 Relationship focus. 296-97
Princesses. 35-39 Relationship formulas. 311-12
Problem solving and creativity. Relationship objects, 180, 181
305 Remembrance (Steel). 58
Profanity, to men and women. Reputation, female. 85-88, 89. 364
346-47 Researchers and interpretations, 195
Professor o f D esire (Roth), 225 Resourcefulness. 306
Professors, views of, 224-25 Responsibility. 302-04
Promises and what works. 279 -8 0 direct. 81. 93
Prostitutes and primary fantasies, Retton. Mary Lou. 77
275 Reunion phenomenon. 17
Prostitution, sublimated. 102-03 Revlon. 69, 87
Prostitution and womens rational Rewards, internal and external.
izations. 276-77 9 -1 2 . 13. 74, 104. 135
Psychology o f Romantic Love. The Reweaving masculinity (see Change)
(Branden). 309 Reynolds, Burt, 274, 314
Psychology o f Women. The Richardson, Genevieve, 190
(Bardwick). 170 Ridgewood (New Jersey) News,
Pygmalion and Galatea, 309-10 303
Right Stuff, The (film). 133
Questions, questionnaires, xiii-xvii, Rights and responsibilities. 318-19.
xxiv, 8 1 ,3 4 5 '* 369
Quiz and murder and violence, Ring, The (Steel), 58
231-32 Risk taking and sharing. 300.
Racism, changing portrayal of, 235 River. The (movie). 227
Railroad sex. 130, 131 Rock stars, attraction of. 62-64
Rainbows and pots of gold, 36-39 Rockefeller. Nelson, 11
Rangoon (Monsoon). 64n Rogers. Ginger, 91

Role reversal (.see Sexism, new) Sex objects, xix-xx, 129, 131. 134,
Roles and friendship. 295-96 138. 153-54, 158. 182, 242
Rolling Slone, 63 and success objects, 250-51 .
Romance novels, 14, 55, 57-61. Sex roles, xxviii-xxxii
64 -6 6 . 73. 85-86. 97. 236, and advertising (see Advertising)
363, 364 analysis and training, 367-68
Romantic Times Award, 64n and causes of death, 12
Roosevelt. Eleanor. 77 and expression of feelings.
Roots (Haley). 235 340-41, 351
Roth. Philip. 225 and giving, 290-91
Rules, social. 291-92 injurious to both sexes, xxvii
Ruth. Babe. 300 and men's fragile egos. 268-69
and myths about feelings, 334
Smyv magazine, 32. 83 and power, 3-14
Schiff. Dorothy. 146 and responsibility. 363
Schwartz and Blumstein, 195 role-reversal exercises, xxx-xxxi
Security, xxiv. xxviii. 82-83, 97. (See also Sexism, new)
102. 150-51. 160-61, 182, sex-role training and divorce,
337^10. 359 136-37. 143. 366-68, 369
and awe training, 3 4 8 ^ 9 and success, 4-8
Self-concept, 147 symbiosis, xxii
and beliefs. 249 and technology, 137
Self-destructive behavior. 314 (See also Commitment; Perfor
Self-doubt. 251 mance; Sexism, new)
Self-fulfilling prophecies. 234-35, Sex symbols. 97
343 Sexism, new. 189-266, 369
Self-improvement. 55-5 7 . 79, 197. anger and vanity. 269-71
201-04 and battery, wives and husbands.
(See also Change) 225-30. 231-32. 234
Self-listening. 139-44 and bondages. 258
Self magazine, 21. 102 and circumcision, infant. 230-31
ads. 31 -3 2 . 34, 72 consciousness balancing. 232-33
Self-starling. 299-300. 3 0 1 .3 1 2 . double standard, 258-62
357 and expression of feelings. 341
Self-sufficiency and male lovable and fathers abusing female
ness. 299. 303 children. 223-25, 239. 240
Sellek. Tom. 41 fathers as know-nothings. 219-23
Sensitivity, defensive, xxiii and female as single parent.
Seventeen magazine, 20. 21. 36, 256-57
37. 48, 77. 81. 102 feminism, shift of. 237-42
ads. 37. 39, 46-4 7 , 4 8 -5 0 , 80. independence, feminine, 206.
88-89 212. 215-19
Sex. virginal. 39-40 (See also Independence)
Sex and Destiny (Greer). 237 intimacy, women's fear of. 198,
Sex as dirty. 242-51 200-03. 212-13
Sex and love, 249-50 and male impotence, 262-66

Sexism, new (coni.) Simenauer, Jacqueline, 249n,

male seuxality, distrust of, 257-58
239-51, 258 Sleeping Beauty, 221, 299, 300
marrying the enemy, 197-98, Sleeping with Soldiers (Daniell), 85
266 Smart Women: Foolish Choices
mother-and-child, 240 (Cowan and Kinder),
and objectification of men, 202-03, 356
198-215, 235-36, 250 Smith, Margaret Chase, 59
and old sex, 237-66 Soap operas, 14, 22, 35, 45, 48,
primary fantasy and success, 55, 59, 73, 97, 228, 364
269-71 Socialization:
program for rape, 242-51 and decision making, 362-63
putting men down, 252-66 male, and lovability, 258-308
and racism, 234-35 (See also Lovability)
role reversals, 189-96, 203, 204, mixed, 5 4 -5 5 , 85 -8 6 , 348
207-10. 220-23, 247, 254, veto power, 155-56
330-32, 371 Spacek, Sissy, 227
self-fulfilling prophecies, 234-35, Spillover stress, 147
343 Sports Illustrated, 20, 21, 22
womens room , 234 Spouse abuse, statistics, 225-30
Sexist advertising, 30-31 Standing out, 294
(See also Advertising) Stanton, Elizabeth Cady, 29
Sexual defenses, male, against Steel, Danielle, 57-58, 85, 89
female rejection, 12 9 - 3 1, Steinem, Gloria, 24
136, 137-38, 182-83 Steinmetz, Suzanne, 226
Sexual frequency and commitment, Stepfathering, 177-79
171-75 Stereotypes, 79, 288-89, 334
Sexual fulfillment, 9, 13-14, 243 Sting, 46, 47
Sexual harassment, 59 -6 1 , 135, Straus, Murray, 226
367 Stripes, 306
Sexual initiative, 80-84, 121-28, Students for a Democratic Society,
130, 131, 138, 156, 292
242-51, 253-54, 281 Success (see Performance)
Sexual Politics (Millett), 234 Success magazine, 105
Sexual problems and beauty focus, Success and ego-fragility,
76 267-81
Sexual revolution, 237-42 Success objects, xxv, 40, 104-06,
(See also Sexism, new: and old 134, 242, 281
.sex) v and sex objects, 250-51
Sexual teasing, 4 8 -4 9 , 77-79 Success, womens obsession with,
Sexuality, female, male paying for, 269-72, 273-75
116-20, 130-31 Successful women and supportive
Shanor, Karen: The Shanor Study, men, 273-74
118, 161, I72n Super Bowl, male and female, 70,
Shields, Brooke, 74 364
Silences, perfume, 77 Superiority fixes, 285-86

Superman. 91. 92. 9 5 -9 9 . 168, Values, sorting o f, 298. 301, 314

222. 266. 299. 317. 359 Vanity. 302
Superman 11 (movie), 96-97 Velveteen Rabbit, 176
Superwoman, 29 -3 1 . 9 2 -9 5 , 165, Verdict. The (film). 87-88
166, 168, 222 Veto power socialization. 155-56
Support groups and security, xxviii Victimology (Steinmetz). 226
Supportive men and successful Victims, victim dictum, 82-83,
women, 273-74 228, 235
Survival problem solving, 369-72 Vietnam war. xx, 8, 199, 227, 251,
Sweet Valley High romances, 361, 363
6 4 -6 6 , 82, 85-86 Violence, women and men.
Symbiosis o f sex roles, xxii 2 25-32. 234. 362-63
Symons, Donald, 104, 105 (See also War)
Violence, erotic. 84-85. 89-90
Talents, pushing to the limit, (See also Rape)
304-05 Virginal sex, 39-40
Teasing, sexual. 4 8 -4 9 . 77-79 Virtues and vices, interrelation of.
Technology and genetics. 136-37 287-90
Teen magazine, 20. 48, 102 Viva magazine. 83
ads. 34, 48, 88 Vogue magazine, 72 -7 3 , 74-75
Thatcher. Margaret, 227. 362 ads, 192. 205-206
Thurston House (Steel). 58 Volcanoes, male and female.
Time magazine, 27, 28, 29. 70, 334-36, 34446
195, 314, 328 Volkswagen ads. 368
To Love Again (Steel). 58 Vulnerability, male and female,
Toilet-seat analogy, the. 312-13 xxv-xxvii. 80-82, 88. 106,
Too Good to Be True (romance), 65 135, 298
Tootsie (film), 129 and defenses. 129-38
Top Hat (film), 91 and direct responsibility. 81
Treacherous-woman stereotype. 79 and expression o f feelings.
Trial marriage, 169-70 334-40, 341-43. 348,
Trier, Lynette. 354 349-50. 352
Tuileries. the. 30 safe vulnerability. 348-49

Unicorns. 36-39, 40. 101. 106 Walker. Alice. 235

University of California at San Wall Street Journal. The. 56
Diego, sociology depart Wars, causes of. 361-63
ment, 232-33 Washington City Paper, 2 12
University o f Chicago research in Washington, George, 300
life strains, 163 Washington P ost. 59
University of Michigan Survey cartoons, 233-34
Research Center. 166-67 Watergate. 115
USA Today, 202 Wealth, appearance of. 79
Wendv Dilemma, The (Kiley). 203,
Value o f an Independent Woman, 205
The (Farrell), xixn West Side Story. 75

Western Australias Family Plan quizzes, 8 1

ning Association, 76 self-improvement articles,
White Shoulders, 78 56-57
White Wedding video, 64n and sex as security, 82-84
Who Shot J. R .? , 228 and sexiest men, 63-64
Widowers and dependence, 161, Womens movement (see Feminism)
162 Womens obsession with success,
Woman/child dichotomy, 270-71 269-72, 273-75
W oman, connotations of word, Womens questions about men,
355 xiii-xiv, xvii
Woman magazine, 102 Women's Room, The (French),
cartoons, 196, 197, 206, 211, 234-36, 242
214, 217-18 Work and family, mens love of,
Woman's D a y, 82 268
Women Who Love Too Much Work, righs and responsibilities, 45
(Norwood), 203, 356 Workaholism, dual, 274
Women as second-class citizens, Workbench, 32, 83
234-36 Working Woman magazine, 21, 29,
Women's groups, xxviii, 18, 180, 45, 65, 8 7 -8 8 , 102
230, 278, 354 ads, 77, 78, 238
and commitment, 155, 158 Working women and control,
and self-concept, 147 168-72
Womens magazines: Workshop illusion, 57
advertisements and sex roles, World According to Garp, The, 41
24-39, 4 6 -5 0 , 65-7 1 , W ormboys, 212
77-79 Wright Brothers, 294
articles and features on men, Wrong Kind o f Girl, The
xxiv, 18-23, 262-63 (romance), 85
and calling in the morning,
261-62 Yale Law School, 4 6 -4 7 , 48, 80,
and male commitment, 165 82, 101
on men as the problem, 262-63
new wom an, 19-20, 22, 81, Zena Jeans ads, 46 -4 8 , 80, 82
356 Zimmerman, Al, xx
About the Author

Warren Farrell, Ph.D., is the author of The Liberated Man,

which UPI called the most important and incisive piece of
social commentary in more than three decades. Over a period
of twenty years, Warren Farrell has formed over 600 womens
and mens groups and has worked with more than 106,000 men
and women from all walks of life. Dr. Farrell is the only.man to
have been elected three times to the Board of the National
Organization for Women in New York City; he has also served
on the boards of the National Organization for Changing Men
and the National Congress for Men. He has been described as
the Gloria Steinem of Mens Liberation by the Chicago Tribune.
Dr. Farrell was chosen by President Johnson in 1965 as one of
the nations outstanding young educators. He has taught political
science, psychology, sociology, sexual politics, and public ad
ministration at Georgetown University, Rutgers, Brooklyn College,
American University, and the California School of Professional
Psychology. He received the highest honor at New York Univer
sity for his Ph.D. thesis on changing mens roles and behavior in
response to womens roles. Dr. Farrell has appeared seven times
on Donahue, and has also^appeared on Today, Good Morning
America; The CBS Morning News-, and Tomorrow, among other
nationally broadcast shows. He has written for publications rang
ing from The New York Times to The World Book Encyclopedia,
from Cosmopolitan to Ms., from Glamour to journals of sociol
ogy and psychology. Dr. Farrell is now teaching at the School of
Medicine, the University of California at San Diego. He lives in
Leucadia, a suburb of San Diego.
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H e r b G o ld b e r g , P h .D ., a u t h o r
o f T h e H a z a r d s o f B e in g M a le

E V E R W R IT T E N A B O U T M E N .

W AY A m a n w h o r e a d s th is b o o k
w i l l fe e l u n d e r s t o o d in a w a y
h e h a s n e v e r f e lt u n d e r s t o o d

b e fo re . H e w ill w a n t e v e r y
w o m a n h e h a s e v e r lo v e d to
r e a d it .
A l b e r t E llis , Ph D., a u t h o r o f

ARE A G u id e t o R a t io n a l L in in g
H A R D -H IT T IN G , C H A L L E N G
N a t h a n ie l B r a n d e n ,
a u th o r o f T h e P s y c h o lo g y o f
R o m a n tic L o v e
<rfT H E B E S T B O O K I H A V E E V E R R E A D O N M A L E - F E M A L E
R E L A T IO N S H IP S . . . S U P E R B A N D B R IL L IA N T .
K e n n e t h H . B la n c h a r d , P h .D ., c o - a u t h o r
of T h e O n e M in u te M a n a g e r
E v e r y m a n a n d w o m a n in A m e r ic a s h o u ld r e a d th is b o o k
It w i l l c h a lle n g e y o u r e v e r y a s s u m p t io n a b o u t t h e o p p o
s ite s e x . It w i l l e n l i g h t e n y o u , in f o r m y o u , e v e n s h o c k
y o u w i t h n e w in s ig h t s in t o y o u r lo v e d o n e s m o s t s e c r e t
f e e l i n g s a n d d e s ir e s . A n d it j u s t m a y c h a n g e y o u r l i f e
fo r e v e r ...
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b o o k w i l l le a v e y o u w i t h a d i f f e r e n t u n d e r s t a n d i n g o f m e n .
A n d w o m e n . S IM P L Y T E R R IF IC !
C a r o l C a s s e ll, P h .D , a u t h o r o f S w e p t A w a y
A N IN C R E D IB L E A N D I N S IG H T F U L B O O K . I f e lt a s if I w a s
r e a p in g t h e r e w a r d s o f D r. F a r r e lls l if e t i m e o f e x p e r ie h c e
w o r k in g w i t h w o m e n a n d m e n ." H a r o ld B lo o m f ie ld , M .D .,
a u th o r o f H o w to S u r v iv e th e L o s s o f a L o v e
S E X E S . W C B S R a d i o , S a n D ie g o


a c c la im e d a u t h o r o f T h e
L ib e r a te d M a n , has c o n
d u c te d w o r k s h o p s w it h
th o u s a n d s o f m e n a n d

w o m e n fo r m o re t h a n
t w e n t y y e a r s . H is
ground-breaking re
s e a r c h is t h e b a s i s o f
W h y M e n A re T h e W ay
T h y A r e , w h ic h m o s t e x
p e rts a g re e m a y b e o n e
o f th e m o s t e x t r a o r d i
n a r y , e y e - o p e n in g b o o k s
j o f o u r t im e .

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