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Book reviews, Politi~ka misao, Vol. XXXIV, (1997), No. 5, pp.

171180 171

Book reviews

Book review of a plethora of monographs and em-

pirical data published since 1989. The
democratic transition of Croatia fits into
this methodologically reflected
Mirjana Kasapovi} comparative context.
The book Demokratska tranzicija i
Demokratska tranzicija i politi~ke politi~ke stranke consists of four chap-
stranke. Razvoj politi~kih ters. The first, entitled Democratic
transition in Eastern Europe: ap-
stranaka i politi~kih sustava u proaches and interpretative patterns,
Isto~noj Europi includes a review and an assessment of
the most significant theoretical models
(Democratic Transition and usually used to explain the transition
Political Parties. Development of from the totalitarian/authoritarian re-
gimes into the democratic ones and in
Political Parties and Party particular the collapse of the communist
and the establishment of democratic
Systems in Eastern Europe) regimes in eastern Europe. Reviewed
here are the theoretical models of the
Fakultet politi~kih znanosti, Zagreb, so called democratic revolution
1996, 202 pages (illustrated by the influential studies by
Timothy Garton Ash and Ralf Dahren-
dorf) as well as the various models of
In the last eight years, both as a the democratic transition (illustrated by
researcher and a teacher, Mirjana the classic study by O'Donnell,
Kasapovi} has pursued the topic of the Schmitter and Whitehead and the works
formation of political institutions in the by Huntington, Przeworski, Offe and
process of transition from the totali- von Beyme). In the second chapter,
tarian/authoritorian regimes into demo- entitled Democratic transition and
cratic ones. She is also an expert on formation of political institutions, the
elections and electoral systems and the author looks into the theoretical ap-
formation of parties and party systems proaches to the process of the forma-
in the newly-created democracies of tion of political institutions and offers a
Central and Eastern Europe. She fo- comparative review of the patterns of
cuses on the analysis of the democratic the emergence of basic political in-
transition in Croatia from a comparative stitutions in the post-socialist democra-
perspective. The results of her work cies of Central and Eastern Europe.
were published in 1993 in the book The author concentrates on the issue of
Izborni i strana~ki sustav Republike the constitutional choice of the
Hrvatske /Electoral and party system of electoral system, on the parliament
the Republic of Croatia/ (Alinea, structure and on the organisation and
Zagreb). position of the executive government
The book Demokratska tranzicija i (parliamentary vs presidential system).
politi~ke stranke deals with the demo- In the third, and the most extensive
cratic transition in Central and Eastern chapter, entitled Political parties and
Europe, both at the level of different party systems in Eastern Europe:
theoretical models and the level of the emergence and growth, the author
presentation, structuring, and evaluation gives an account of the formation of
Book reviews, Politi~ka misao, Vol. XXXIV, (1997), No. 5, pp. 171180 172
political parties in new democracies, Book review
looks into the relationship between the
electoral and party systems, and focuses
on the theoretical models in the
explanation of the genesis and the
Radovan Vukadinovi}
structure of party systems, starting from
the already classical theoretical model Postkomunisti~ki izazovi
of socio-political rifts by Rokkan and
Lipset and its elaboration by Ingelhart, europskoj sigurnosti od
and analysing the application of that Jadrana do Baltika
model in the new theories that
thematise the East European party sys- (Post-Communist Challenges to
tems (von Beyme, Korosenyi, Roskin, European Security From the
Markus, Agh, Kitschelt). In the last
chapter, entitled Croatia: democratic Adriatic to the Baltic)
transition, political institutions, and po-
litical parties, the author investigates Grafotisak, Grude, 1997, 258 pages
the applicability of the expounded
theoretical models in the case of
Croatia and gives a concise review of The changes in international rela-
the features of the transition, the tions, together with numerous new
choice of political institutions and the trends in economic, political, social and
party system in Croatia. cultural/scientific development pose the
question of security on the European
It should be pointed out that this is continent in a new form. The creation
the first scientific effort by a Croatian of the new democratic and liberal re-
author on democratic transition. The lations in the vast space of Eastern
topic is exceptionally fresh and Europe and Russia in the sphere of
important for social sciences, particularly security has not brought about the cor-
for political science, political sociology, responding growth that would reflect
and constitutional law. The author the positive tenor of these changes
demonstrates a profound knowledge of within this new framework. The existing
foreign literature on the problem of period of changes, together with the
democratic transition; at the same time, instilling of the democratic values of
in an original manner, she synthetises it the western lifestyle into the eastern
and applies it to the Croatian scene. European regions, opens new problems
Her original contribution to political and lends itself to breakouts of crises
science is her interpretation of the vast which can lead to open conflicts and
empirical material about the processes global insecurity. This is not a phase
of political transformation in Eastern which is soon to run out of breath and
Europe and the elaboration of her own make for a faster entry of the eastern
model of structuring party systems in parts of Europe into the western system
the post-socialist countries. of relationships. These are the
Nenad Zako{ek challenges that are here to stay and
that are going to be felt with a
bigger or smaller intensity in various
parts of this unstable region.
Radovan Vukadinovi}, Professor of
international relations at the Faculty of
Political Science in Zagreb, analyses
these significant issues of European se-
curity in his book Postkomunisti~ki iza-
Book reviews, Politi~ka misao, Vol. XXXIV, (1997), No. 5, pp. 171180 173
zovi europskoj sigurnosti od Jadrana South-eastern Europe: they became EU
do Baltika. This is one in a series of associate members and would-be NATO
books by this world-famous author, the members (in spite of Russias
book which for the first time in Croa- opposition).
tia offers a comprehensive analysis of
the European security problems and the The third chapter is devoted to
chances for overcoming them at the Russias volatility, a serious threat to
end of the 20th century. European security. The author, an ex-
pert on Russian state of affairs, first
The book is divided into five analyses the reforms in Russia, their
chapters. In the first chapter, the protagonists and consequences. From
author looks into the challenges con- the geo-strategic point of view, the
fronting Europe. The first of them is present Russian plight is a danger for
the collapse of the blocs, which caused broader European setting, primarily due
regional instabilities. Starting from to a high concentration of nuclear and
European inter-dependence and the traditional arms (at present inadequately
danger posed by the upheavals in East- guarded) and to the inter-ethnic
ern Europe, the author sees the path tensions which might turn into an open
to European security in the build-up of conflict. The Russian politics,
a system of European security, in which somewhere between Westerners and
crisis-management, economic links and the Euro-Asians, determines the re-
the cooperation of the new democracies lations between Russia and the West,
are remarkably important. The author those between Russia and the Union of
pops the question: Can a system of Independent States and Russias place
security be built in Southeastern in Europe. The author looks into the
Europe? The answers to this question Russian security policy, Russias
are supplied by analyzing the conflict in reactions to the NATO expansion, the
the former Yugoslavia via the initial new Russian military doctrine and the
responses of the Balkan states and the Russian instability.
great powers to this conflict.
In the fourth chapter, the author
In the second chapter, the author talks about the Baltic security and its
deals with the visions and the realities most important parameters. First he
of the Central European security and talks about the relations between Russia
cooperation. Outlined here is the Cen- and the Baltic countries; then he
tral European trilateral and its launch- analyses Russian foreign policy regarding
ing at the summit in Vi{egrad on 15 the Baltic states and their position
February 1991, when the presidents of regarding national security and their
Poland, Czechoslovakia and Hungary attitude towards the West.
met. In this way, the three countries
strengthened their international position The fifth chapter is devoted to the
and displayed readiness for bolstering Croatian foreign policy. From an almost
democratic tendencies and European unarmed people who voted for the
links. For all Central European coun- creation of its independent state, via a
tries, the security issue is the top pri- tortuous process of state-building in
ority, as evidenced by their efforts to wartime conditions, the liberation of the
conform their defense systems with the homeland and the restoration of
NATO standards in order to join it as normalcy, the Croatian foreign policy to
soon as possible. The author is of the a large degree helped Croatia along on
opinion that, despite all the obstacles, its trajectory from the struggle for an
the Central European countries have independent Croatia to its being a
come farther in comparison with the regional East European power. The
newly-created states of Eastern and author divides the activities of the
Croatian foreign policy at the time of
Book reviews, Politi~ka misao, Vol. XXXIV, (1997), No. 5, pp. 171180 174
the normalization of the relations on temporary economic systems and inter-
the territory of the former Yugoslavia national relations, and post-graduate
into three concentric circles: the rela- courses in international relations, inter-
tions with the neighboring countries, the national economic organisations and the
efforts to join Europe, and fortifying European union.
national security by means of its
international activities. Croatian foreign He has written several books on the
policy is particularly important in European Union. Among them are:
strengthening its security, not only Europska unija gospodarski aspekt
through its strategic partnership with (in the book by V. Mileta, R. Vukadi-
the US as the only super-power but novi}: Europa iza ugla) and ABC Eu-
also through Croatias coveted prospec- ropske zajednice.
tive NATO membership. His latest work deals with the
The book Postkomunisti~ki izazovi European union concepts in the form
europskoj sigurnosti is essential in un- of a glossary. There are more than 370
derstanding the current security proc- items concepts, institutions and
esses in Europe from the Adriatic to processes characteristic for that
the Baltic region, both for those experts leading integration in today's world.
in Croatia but also in Europe and the The glossary includes all the key
world who explore the issues of EU institutions and the essential atti-
European security from the Adriatic to tudes of the EU towards the third
the Baltic. states. Also marvellously elucidated are
Sini{a Tatalovi} numerous items important for un-
derstanding the inter-relations among
the member states as well as the index
Book review of standard abbreviations enocuntered in
the literature concerning the European
Vlatko Mileta
The glossary also provides informa-
tion about the most significant facts
ABC Europske Unije from the Union's life and its devel-
(ABC of European Union) opment and offers a list of relevant
events on the Union territory since
[kolske novine, Zagreb, 1997, 301 its inception in the form of the Euro-
pean Steel and Coal Community to the
pages adopted projections until the end of
this century and the beginning of the
Vlatko Mileta's book belongs to the next.
category of indispensable books for The glossary is informative, intelligi-
Croatians, since it includes the concepts ble and up-to-date. In a way it is a
without which it is not possible to precis packed with knowledge and level-
understand the complexity of the headed judgements by the author who
economic and the political relations in has devoted several decades of his
the region which Croatia has been scholarly career to the exploration of
striving to join. the European Union and international
Vlatko Mileta is a well-known ex- integrations in general.
pert on international relations, the Darko Beki}
author of numerous books, essays and
articles. He teaches at the Faculty of
Political Science; his subjects are con-
Book reviews, Politi~ka misao, Vol. XXXIV, (1997), No. 5, pp. 171180 175
Book review antithesis between the immediate and
the representative democracy, the source
Jovan Miri} of the deepest rift in contemporary
politico-theoretical debates and the
manifestation of the two opposite
Demokracija u postkomunisti~kim democratic doctrines. And, finally, the
fundamental dilemma of the so called
dru{tvima: primjer Hrvatske elitist theory of democracy is over-
(Democracy in Post-Communist looked, the theory that reduces the
original liberal/republican concept of the
Societies: Croatian Example) democratic self-government to the level
of the competition among the elites
Prosvjeta, Zagreb, 1996, 304 pages and the possibility of voters to give
legitimacy by their choice to a
temporally unlimited rule of one of
This book consists of two parts them. The collected essays may be thus
which, in turn, comprise differently in- labelled a politico-theoretical optimistic
toned texts. The first part, entitled plea for democracy which staunchly
What and why democracy? includes a supports democracy as a political system
series of politico-theoretical essays on but lacks in differentiated and critical
the premises, genesis, structure and awareness of the issues which the
aporia of democracy as a polity. The present-day democracy is faced with.
author investigates the relationship of
the democratic system and various po- The second part of the book, enti-
litical doctrines and institutions that tled Democracy in post-communist so-
helped shape the specific form of de- cieties: Croatian example, contains ar-
mocracy established in the 19th and the ticles of different weight. These are
20th century (liberalism, pluralism, state committed political essays, aspiring to
of law, majority principle). The starting turn into a sort of critique of ideol-
point of the author's analysis is the ogy: the democratic shortcomings of
political philosophy of the the Croatian statehood project are
Enlightenment and anthropology: he looked into from the point of view of
claims that the sine qua non of de- the normative theory of democracy,
mocracy are autonomous individuals, elucidated in the first part. The author
morally responsible for their acts, who convincingly proves that making the
establish polities as associations of free establishment of an independent state
citizens, the result of their will and the absolute priority and neglecting the
interests, and not as a quasi-natural liberal/democratic qualities of its insti-
entity, determined by origins, social tutions result in major democratic fail-
status or cultural heritage. The author ings as well as populist and authori-
refers to a plethora of writers, both the tarian deviations. In his political dis-
classical theoreticians of liberalism and course, the author does not hide his
democracy and the contemporary own political affiliation: this is a book
political scientists. The character of this by a Serbian intellectual in Croatia, a
collection of essays is at the same time member of the Serbian minority, who
its shortcoming: some key categories sees Croatia as his political community,
and controversies of the contemporary in which he fights for both human and
democratic practice are not sufficiently political rights of all citizens and for
discussed. For example, he does not the minority rights of his ethnic com-
explain the origins of democracy in munity. Honesty, authenticity and the
antiquity, nor the difference between committment of the author's discourse
the ancient and the modern concept of give these texts a special quality.
democracy; he has not gone into the
Book reviews, Politi~ka misao, Vol. XXXIV, (1997), No. 5, pp. 171180 176
We may conclude that the book ous authors.
Demokracija u postkomunisti~kim
dru{tvima primjer Hrvatske makes Central to this book is the concept
for interesting politico-theoretical and of political decision-making from the
political reading. The collected essays point of view of the type and quantity
are undoubtedly going to attract much of power. In analysing various phases of
attention, not only of the academic but the decision-making process, the
of the broader political public, since in author's main subject is political initia-
the last few years the Croatian public tive which he broadly defines as politi-
has rarely had an opportunity to come cal innovation (applying new ideas,
across the manifestos of Serbian intel- methods, subjects, and alike, to social
lectuals from Croatia. and political context).

Nenad Zako{ek The author has given an original

contribution to the new subjects and
methods of political science, especially
Book review to the establishment and development
of political analysis. The book is a
valuable contribution in diverting the
Croatian political science from the
Ivan Grde{i} doctrinal and ideological subjects and
topics to the scientifically- and expert-
Politi~ko odlu~ivanje based analyses of complex and eventful
political processes in Croatia. Thus, it is
(Political Decision-Making) not only a scientific study but a useful
guidebook for various subjects of
Alinea, Zagreb, 1995, 137 pages political life.
Zdravko Tomac
The author is an expert on political
decision-making, a fairly neglected and
obscure subject-matter in the Croatian Book review
political science. This has prompted him
to define a series of political science
concepts used in the contemporary
political science literature. The Sini{a Tatalovi}
references, mostly by foreign sources
and authors, are the proof that this is Upravljanje u politi~kim
a pioneer undertaking, vital for the
development of political science in sustavima i sustavima obrane
Croatia. (Governing in Political Systems
Since these are new subjects in po- and Systems of Defense)
litical science, new theoretical models
and new methods, which are not only
insufficiently used but almost unknown Defimi, Zagreb, 1996, 160 pages
in the Croatian political science, the
author has done well to offer us a Sini{a Tatalovi}'s book analyses
concise and well-ordered explication and concrete forms and methods of the
systematisation of the most significant operation of the systems of governing
phenomena connected with political (political and defense) and searches for
innovation and decision-making and the answers to three basic questions:
succintly reviewed the major findings of what is governing in these two systems
the political science studies by numer- like, what the relationship between the
Book reviews, Politi~ka misao, Vol. XXXIV, (1997), No. 5, pp. 171180 177
two has been in certain models of or- at all levels. Military dictatorships are a
ganisation throughout history and what characteristic process of militarisation
this relationship characterises. In the that does not stop at the political
first chapter the author uses a com- sphere but extends to all the major
parative approach to come up with the areas of social life. Stamping out the
definitions of the basic categories: sys- independence of universities, trampling
tem, political system and system of on freedom of the press, freedom of
defense, governing and command. labour, plus the state control of eco-
nomic life, were their most important
The second chapter deals with the characteristics.
basic relations in the governing bodies,
both in the political and the defense The sixth chapter is devoted to the
system, which can be reduced to three republic as a polity, illustrated via five,
types of relations: the defense system as primarily normative, models: presidential
an instrument of civil administration, as system (USA), semi-presidential system
a party in decision-making and as a (France), parliamentary system (Great
regulator of political decisions. A part Britain), assembly system (Sweden) and
of the chapter is devoted to the transitional system (Slovenia). The case
sources of the power of the military of the USA is characterised by the
(or better to say, the defense system) constant endeavours to keep the de-
which would deserve a much more fense system under control by means of
detailed elaboration than the one set institutional innovations deep waters
forth. at the time of its increasing power.
The French system is mentioned as an
The third chapter describes the example of a successful control of the
afore mentioned relations on the ex- defense system by the political system.
ample of several primitive societies. The most important instrument in
The fourth chapter describes this France is the balance and synergy
relationship in transitional societies by between the gendarmerie and the army.
means of two models: the magistrate In Great Britain, governing is not
(the Athenian state and the Roman turned over to individuals or individual
magistrate) and the monarchy (the bodies that might independently create
Roman and the Ottoman Empires, the a defense strategy and decide on the
Habsburg Monarchy). This chapter un- use of the military force, but is in the
derlines the axiom according to which domain of several agencies of various
the concentration of power within a compositon and functions. In
political system leads to bolstering the Switserland, a country of immediate
military influence in a political system. democracy, in the last hundred years
more than 900 laws have been passed
The fifth chapter is devoted to via referendums among them the
dictatorships as a political system on one on the country's defense strategy,
the examples of its fascist, communist by which the military is excluded from
and military varieties. Within the fascist all decision-making processes. They are
model, particularly interesting is the responsible only for the operative and
Japanese system, in which only military tactical issues of the preparation and
officers could be ministers of war and the wartime deployment of the army.
navy and who in this way brought The example of Slovenia as a
pressure to bear on cabinets and influ- transitional country leaves an open
enced legislature, the organisation of question: should the army remain
administration and defense. One of the subservient to the new government or
most important features of communist fall back on the former habit of
dictatorships was the presence of the political meddling. The author describes
military in the communist party bodies the measures that the Slovenian
Book reviews, Politi~ka misao, Vol. XXXIV, (1997), No. 5, pp. 171180 178
authorities should undertake to assure try to forge a single nation, minority
the subordinate role for the military, peoples and minorities strive at
which would purport the Slovenian as- achieving cultural and territorial auton-
piration to turn into a democratic state. omy and, should an opportunity arise,
to leave a multinational community.
The seventh chapter deals with the This is illustrated by the example of
relation between the governing in the western democracies where one can find
political system and that in the defense practically all types of relationships. The
system of the Republic of Croatia. almost ideal model of the protection of
Sini{a Tatalovi}'s book is the first Swedes in Finland is, naturally, at the
on the relations between the political very top of the positive solutions but is
system and the defense system in hard to imitate in other western states.
Croatia. By describing the mentioned Hoever, there are less idyllic relations,
models, the author shows to what ex- indicating underlying problems which
tent they are in or out of sync with might in time lead to the partition of
the realization of democratic values, certain polities.
which are no doubt relevant for The author objectively, equably and
the young Croatian state. analitically investigates the present con-
Inge Perko-[eparovi} dition and the problems and tentatively
points to the possible future develop-
ments. At the same time, he is aware
Book review of the potential dangers as well as of
the general state of affairs in the in-
ternational community which, despite
the stepped up positive measures, is
Sini{a Tatalovi} still far from making certain principles
into norms entirely applicable to each
Manjinski narodi i manjine and every country. Mutual trust-
strengthening measures are important in
(Minority Peoples and the build-up of the protection that
Minorities) would not rely solely on the benevo-
lence of the majority nation or on the
so called friendly help offered to a
IP Prosvjeta, SKD Prosvjeta, minority by its parent-country. Interna-
Zagreb, 1997, 304 pages tional standards, buoyed up by the
permanent activity of international or-
The author analyses the position of ganisations of UN globally plus re-
minority peoples and minorities in gional ones should be the hub of
Western Europe, a challenging topic in the efforts to create a world in which
many respects. These are the countries a peaceful and happy co-existence of
which share the same civilisational, po- majority and minority peoples and mi-
litical, and economic values, they are norities would be secured. This is re-
members of the same international co- quired by today's living which is in-
operative bodies (EU, NATO, WEU), creasingly communication-oriented, but
but despite all this they still do also by the need for the creation of
not accept some common solutions. stable international relations. Without
From Finland to Canada, minority solving that question, for many coun-
peoples and minorities go through dif- tries it is impossible to speak of sta-
ferent forms of relations in which vari- bility. Only a thin red line divides the
ous instruments are sought out in order imperilment of a country from wider
to resolve the issue of co-existence. international imbroglios. By his pleading
While majority peoples in their states for such comprehensive solutions, the
Book reviews, Politi~ka misao, Vol. XXXIV, (1997), No. 5, pp. 171180 179
author correctly observes that for mi- Book review
nority peoples and minorities the inter-
national standards and the institutions Mate Pavkovi}
(regardless of their powerlessness) are
the sole support.
Hrvatske ratne {tete
In the appendices, the author pro-
vides passages from international (Croatian War Damages)
documents on minority peoples and
minorities, a laudable effort, since it Defini, Zagreb, 1997, 212 pages
brings this topic to Croatian readers
and puts in one place excerpts from
major international documents and the In the book Hrvatske ratne {tete
documents that regulate the position of (during the Patriotic War), the author
the minorities in the Republic of looks into the extent of the war dam-
Croatia. ages by means of a specific methodo-
logical device.
The first edition of Tatalovi}'s book
appears at the right time. It has helped Although recently the world has
us to look at this problem from the gone through two major wars, the
point of view of the developed world victors have not been able to agree
and to understand that it is not the whether the reparations are a compen-
privilege of post-socialist or developing sation for the direct and indirect dam-
countries. The minority peoples and ages or a punishment for what has
minority issues are a global question; been done (and not done), whose
the degree of democracy in a country purpose is to discourage and incapaci-
as well as the global picture depend on tate the defeated party from ever at-
its solution. As an expert on this topic, tempting another aggression.
he will probably lunge into broader-
based studies, and thanks to his style Since the author's intention is to
of presentation and the argumentation delve into the extent of the damages,
of his opinions, the readers may expect the entire research uses a corresponding
an equally thorough analysis of the methodological framework: first he tries
conditions in other regions of the to define what war damages are, and
world. By accepting the most positive then defines which of them belongs to
developments and shying away from the which category; and finally, he
objectionable ones, we can create the summarises them and explains how the
new openings for Croatia to join the damages can be restituted.
circle of democratic and developed Obviously, the author approaches the
modern states. This book has pointed issue of war damages from the
to democratic solutions which, naturally, standpoint of political science, particu-
cannot be achieved overnight, but are larly economic policy and international
necessary and viable. relations.
Radovan Vukadinovi} In line with the firmly outlined
methodological framework, the book's
contents have the needed concision and
discipline and enough tenability.
The author divides war damages
into four categories, each of which is
further divided, but are synthesized la-
ter on for the purpose of an analytical
interpretation of satisfactory credibility.
Book reviews, Politi~ka misao, Vol. XXXIV, (1997), No. 5, pp. 171180 180
The author achieved commendable
results which have enriched Croatian
economic and political science in that
extremely deficient field.
In its applied methodological pat-
tern, the book can bear comparison
with similar foreign books, while the
differences are more noticeable (though
understandable) in its pragmatic content.
The text is well-structured, well-laid
out and will be useful in case Croatia
sometime demands reparations from the
aggressor. Since it is one of the first
books in Croatia about this topic, it
will come in handy to future re-
Vlatko Mileta

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