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Extraction, Purification Procedures and HPLC-RI Analysis

of Carbohydrates in Olive (Olea europaea L.) Plants

A. R o m a n i 1 / A. Baldi 1 / M. Tattini .2 / F. F. Vincieri 1

2l I ) . ~partimento di Scienze Farmaceut~che,
9 . .
Umvers~ta ,
degh Stud~, Vm G. Cappom 9, 50100, Firenze, Italy
. . . .

Istituto sulla Propagazione delle Specie Legnose, Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche, Via Ponte di Formicola 74,
50018, Scandicci, Firenze, Italy

large amounts of plant phenolics and plant pigments [1,

Key Words 2, 8, 13]. These compounds interfere in sugar analysis
when using a RI detector and accurate sample clean-up
Liquid chromatography become essential.
Olive tissues In addition, as previously reported [6] olive tissues
Oligosaccharide quantitation contain a large number of soluble carbohydrates that
Refractive index detection also complicate qualitative analysis.
Among the fruit species, the olive represents a case of
Summary current interest since mannitol, instead of sorbitol and
or sucrose has been found to represent the main
Qualitative and quantitative analyses of carbohydrates component of the soluble carbohydrate pool [5, 12].
In olive (Olea europaea L.) tissues have been carried Recently it has been observed that mannitol is found
out by HPLC-RI. Sample purification was by two near to sites of QO 2 assimilation, in mesophyll cells, but
SUccessivesolid-liquid extractions to remove completely it is not the trang~orted sugar. Phloem sap principally
plant phenolics and pigments. Five carbohydrate peaks; comprises higher~\oligosaccharides, namely stachyose
SUcrose (staehyose + raffinose + sucrose), glucose, and raffinose [6]. Mannitol should be regarded as a
galactose, fructose (fructose + myo-inositol) and storage soluble carbohydrate, having high compatibili-
raannitol were detected when plant extracts were run ty with the cytoplasm function [6, 7]. In this regard
on a Sugar SC 1011 column operating at 75 ~ using detection and quantitation of.higher oligosaccharides
Water as eluent 0.5 ml min-1. The use of two serial become essential in the sugar metabolism of olive
Sugar SC 1011 columns operating at 90 ~ and eluting plants.
!he plant extracts with H20-CH3CN (95/5 v/v) enables The purposes of this work, carried out on different
!dentification and quantification of nine carbohydrates, olive tissues (leaves and stem), was to develop both
tncluding tetra and tri-saccharides. extraction and purification (fractioning) procedures
enabling qualitative and quantitative analysis of a
complex sugar matrix by HPLC and RI detection.

Carbohydrates play a key role in the plant world Experimental
ranging from the supply to the skeleton for aminoacid
and protein synthesis to the involvement in fruit quality Sampling Procedure
and composition. High-performance liquid chromatog- One-year old olive (Olea europaea L. cv. Leccino)
raphy (HPLC) in carbohydrate analysis of fruit species, plants were grown in a sand culture system in a green-
especially of olive (Olea europaea L.) plants, has not house (rain-max. temps. 16-26 ~ from Sept. 15th to
been widely used [4, 9, 14, 15]. Oct. 15th. The plants were daily supplied with a full
Recently, qualitative and quantitative analysis of solu- strength Hoagland solution [10]. At the end of the
ble carbohydrates of olive leaves has been performed culture period leaves and stem were collected. There
by Combined TLC and HPLC [6]. However, the use of were apical and basal leaves and the corresponding
two SUccessive chromatographic techniques adversely stem tissues. The tissues were immediately stored at
affects quantitation [9, 11]. - 8 0 ~ then lyophilised and finally crushed under
ItPLC analysis of carbohydrates in Olea europaea liquid nitrogen (Mixer Mill MM2, Retsch, Ge(many).
Should be theoretically complicated by the presence of Four replicates for each plant tissue were collected.

Qhrornatographia Vol. 39, No. II2, July 1994 Original 35

0009-5893/94/07 0035-05 $ 3.00/0 9 1994 Friedr. Vieweg & Sohn Verlagsgesellschafl mbH
Extraction and Purification Procedures olive tissues, was used as internal standard and added
to the crushed material. The recovery was estimated for
100-300 mg plant tissue were extracted overnight in
each carbohydrate. Thus 0.25, 0.50, 0.75 and 1.0 ml
10-30ml 75 % E t O H (adjusted to p H 7 ) at room
1 mg ml- 1 carbohydrate solutions were fractioned and
temperature and the homogenate filtered through
analysed as described for samples. Recovery ranged
Whatman 42 paper. Extraction steps were repeated 3
from 92 to 99 %. Calibration curves were performed
times. The 30-90 ml solution was then evaporated to
for stachyose, raffinose, sucrose, galactinol, glucose,
dryness at room temperature under reduced pressure
galactose, fructose, myo-inositol, mannitol and sorbi-
(Rotavapor Buchi R-144, Switzerland) and diluted with
tol. The recovery and calibration curves for galactinol
1 ml, pH 7, water (Milli Q grade, Millipore Italia).
were constructed after preparative HPLC using cucum-
The samples were fractionated using liquid-solid ex- ber extracts.
tractions carried out by eluting samples through:
a) pre-packed 3 ml Bond-elut CH cartridge (Varian,
CA, USA), a reverse-phase cyclohexyl resin, insert- Results and Discussion
ed on a Bond-elut SAX cartridge (Varian), a qua-
ternary-amine, strong anion-exchange resin; Sample clean-up,.using both Bond-Elut SAX cartridge
b) pre-p~ :1 3 ml Bond-elut SAX cartridge (Varian, and Bio-Rex 5 resin was satisfactory when analysing
CA, USA); stem tissue. Following the fractionation of olive leaves
by both SAX cartridge and Bio-Rex 5 resins, the final
c) 10 ml poly-prep column (Bio-Rad, CA, USA) filled colour of the solution was light yellow-green. The
with 500 mg of Bio-Rex 5 (Bio-Rad), an anion- presence of chlorophyll a and b was confirmed by
exchange resin (100-200 mesh, chloride form). absorption measurements, at 645 and 663 nm, on the
The cartridges were actived by 5 ml MeOH and leaf extract. Furthermore, detectable amounts of flavo-
conditioned by adding 10 ml pH 7 water. The elution noids in the leaf extract were observed by thin-layer
was performed using an additional 10 ml pH 7 water. chromatography, as previously described [8]. This
Finally the eluate was evaporated to dryness under finding agrees with the presence of large amounts of
vacuum and then diluted with pH 7 water. flavonoids, flavoinoid-glycosides and bi-flavonoids in
olive leaves [8].
Analytical Equipment A satisfactory cleaning-up of the leaf tissue was by
serial utilisation of CH and SAX cartridges. In this case
Analyses were carried out using a binary LC pump 250
the major part of both plant phenolics and plant
(Perkin Elmer, USA) equipped with an automatic
pigments were fixed by the cycloexyl resin in the c H
injection system (ISS 101, Perkin Elmer).
cartridge, as observed by the absence of any colour in
A Waters column heater module (Waters Division, the SAX cartridge. Furthermore, following the two
Millipore, Milford, MA, USA) controlled by a Temper- solid-phase extractions, diode array analysis of the leaf
ature Control Module (Waters) maintained the column extract did not detect compounds other than carbohy-
at 75 ~ The column was a 8 x 300 mm Shodex Sugar drates and the final solution only constituted the sugars
SC 1011 (Showa Denko Europe GmbH, Germany) reported in Figure 1 and Table I.
equipped with a Guard-Pak Insert Sugar Pak II Both extraction and purification steps, carried out
(Waters). The mobile phase was water, Milli Q grade, using pH 7 water, did not cause sucrose hydrolysis as
at 0.5 ml rain- 1 confirmed by the behaviour of a sucrose standard
We also tested the performance of two serial SC 1011 solution treated in the same way as olive tissues.
columns operating at 90 ~ using H 2 0 - C H 3 C N 95 : 5,
as eluent at 0.20 ml rain- 1. Qualitative and Quantitative Analysis of
A refractive index detector was employed (LC-30 RI, Carbohydrates in Olive Tissues
Perkin Elmer), while a HP 1040M Diode Array
Detector (Hewlett Packard, USA) was used for moni- Use of a single SC 1011 column. In Table I, amounts
toring the presence of substances other than sugars in and retention times of carbohydrates in both olive
the purified samples. leaves and stem, using a single SC 1011 column, are
Qualitative and quantitative analysis of soluble carbo- reported. We clearly detected glucose, galactose, fruc-
hydrates was performed with the help of a work- tose (fructose + myo-inositol) and mannitol. We also
station; HP 9000 (Hewlett Packard, USA). detected an un-resolved peak having a retention time
of 11.2 min; it comprised (see Figure 2B) three co-
eluting carbohydrates, namely, stachyose, raffinose and
Identification and Quantitation of Soluble
sucrose (Figure 1). Quantitative data is reported i~
Carbohydrates Table I as mg sucrose.
The identity of soluble carbohydrates was confirmed The peak at 17.2 min was assigned to fructose, but
using authentic carbohydrate standards (Sigma, USA). samples enriched with both fructose and myo-inositol
Identification of galactinol was after Madore et al. [9] always increased the peak at Rf 17.2 min. This result
and Mitchel et al. [11]. Sorbitol, a sugar not detected in agrees completely with findings of previous experi-

36 Chromatographia Vol. 39, No. 1/2, July 1994 Original



49' o o 0
+ I c
0 "~ g o
N - tl o
,> 9 E u ~"
E ry o
~9- +
0 t.n

297 /',.
' ....... s / -.~
Ttme (m.t n . )

Figure 1
C h r o m a t o g r a m o f 20 p.l leaf extract, a f t e r B o n d - e l u t - C H + B o n d e l u t - S A X solid-liquid e x t r a c t i o n .
C o n d i t i o n s as T a b l e I. Sorbitol internal s t a n d a r d .

T a b l e !. R e t e n t i o n t i m e s a n d a m o u n t s ( p m o l (g dry w e i g h t ) - 1) o f s o l u b l e c a r b o h y d r a t e s in d i f f e r e n t
tissues o f olive plants. C h r o m a t o g r a p h i c c o n d i t i o n s : 8 x 300 m m S C 1011 c o l u m n at 75 ~ flow rate
0.5 ml rain- l H 2 0 solvent.

Retention Sugar Apical Basal Apical Basal

time leaves z leaves stem stem

11.2 Sucrose* 7.97 + 0.96 8.43 + 0.81 11.12 _+ 0.95 11.54 + 1.32
14.0 Glucose 75.27 + 4.15 79.32 + 5.98 70.77 +_ 6.17 68.32 _+ 4.16
15.6 Galactose 3.89 + 0.61 4.45 + 0.78 5.17 _+ 0.98 3.32 + 0.64
17.2 Fructose** 9.16 +_ 0.32 7.55 + 0.36 10.23 _+ 0.56 9.39 + 0.44
19,8 G l u c u r o n i c Ac.
21.8 Mannitol 65.65 +- 4.12 51.14 + 3.98 63.11 _+ 5.00 40.95 + 2.74

* S t a c h y o s e + r a f f i n o s e + s u c r o s e r e p o r t e d as m g s u c r o s e
** F r u c t o s e + m y o - i n o s i t o l r e p o r t e d as m g f r u c t o s e
z D a t a m e a n o f four m e a s u r e m e n t s (+__SE)

rnents [4, 6, 9, 11] where the separation of fructose and The calibration curve for sorbitol was also constructed
raYo-inositol in the carbohydrate pool did not occur. since HP integration software correct the quantitation
l~inally we observed a peak at 19.8 min corresponding of each soluble carbohydrate by mean of this curve. In
to the retention time of glucuronic acid. We did not fact, small variations accompyining the extraction and
Carry out any molecular identification of this com- cleaning-up procedures can be usefully corrected, using
pOUnd; however, enriched samples in glucuronic acid the different response factor for the tested sugars, by
trlcreased the peak at 19.8 min. means of the calibration curve and response factor of
9A. relationship between relative additions ofglucuronic sorbitol.
acid and the area of the peak at 19.8min was not The use of a single SC 1011 column was unable to
Observed. There were (data not shown) difficult-to- detect or separate all the carbohydrates recently found
control equilibria between dissociated (co-eluting with in olive tissues using other analytical procedures [6]
SNvent peak) and undissociated forms (retention and our results agree with the findings of Drossopoulos
19.8 rain) of glucuronic acid. This largely complicated and Niavis [5] and of Priestley [12].
the quantitation of glucuronic acid and, for this reason, The use o f two serials S C 1011 columns. In Figure 2A a
~Vehave reported in Table I only the retention time of typical chromatogram of a 201al injection of 0.1%
this compound. standard solution of stachyose, raffinose, sucrose,
~Uantitation of soluble carbohydrates was carried out glucose, galactose, fructose, myo-inositol, glucuronic
Or each carbohydrate, using calibration curves for the acid, mannitol and sorbitol is reported. The chromato-
flange 0-35 lag. Regression coefficients (n = 5) ranged gram was obtained using two serial 8 x 300 mm Sugar
torn 0.9989 through 1.00 using a linear model9 SC 1011 columns, operating at 90 ~ and eluted with

Q h r o m a t o g r a p h i a V o l . 39, N o . 1/2, July 1994 Original 37

47 o
o "o
o o o
7o~ 4
o n-
o i.

D o b.
O} o
60"4- o0
c 0
J, 9 c L

o q.. D
0 o
50~ o
> o
u c o

~- .o


' I 9 . . i . . . . i

3O 40 5~ GO 7~ 8O 90 i00
Ttme (mtn.)

7o! fP

0 "G
a ~ c
so 'G o

o .~ co
E , O I) C m ID .~ ~.
0 0 ,, +~ n 0 ~ 0

.x. ~ L " (j u C
O q- , ,.- ii 3 , t~ .o
la q- ~ 9 L o -- L
1 4 i 9- - r ~ - ~ - ~ - - - ~ - i ~ - - - ~ - - ~ . ~--'t 7" - ~ " - ~ - ' r - ~ - ~ o ~'-'~--T --~ -~-~--~---r'--~. -

4~ 50 GO 70 8~ EB~ 1OO
Tiros (rain.)
Figure 2
A) C h r o m a t o g r a m of 20 I.tl 0 . 1 % carbohydrate mixture, using two serial 8 300 mm SC 1011 columns at
90 ~ flow rate 0.20 ml rain- 1 H 2 0 _ C H 3 C N (95 : 5 v/v) solvent.
B) Typical chromatogram of 20 pl olive leaf extract, after Bond elut CH + Bond elut SAX. Conditions as
Figure 2A. Sorbitol internal standard.

95 : 5 (v/v) water-acetonitrile, at 0.2 ml min- 1. These inositol. It was the first time that myo-inositol was
sugars with the addition of galactinol were also detect- detected, and in appreciable amounts, in olive leaves.
ed in leaf tissue of olive plants (Figure 2B), confirming This fact assumes a particular relevance, since inositol
the results of Linda and Madore [6]. metabolism in plants, especially the biosynthesis of
The identity of galactinol, that co-eluted with glucose, inositol lipids, is assuming increasing interest for plant
when using a single SC 1011 column at 75 ~ was physiologists.
confirmed by injecting an extract of cucumber [9, 11] The presence of the component, having the retentioJa
and following the increment of the galactinol peak in time of glucuronic acid, was again observed by the
the analysed samples. Verbascose, a penta-saccharide serial use of two SC 1011 columns, as a peak at 75.8 mi~
detected in mesophyll tissue of Olea europaea by Linda (Figure 2B).
and Madore [6] was not detected in the test samples.
Retention of verbascose was within that of the eluent Carbohydrate Composition o f Olive Tissues
peak. Relative amounts of the detected sugars changed
It should be mentioned that an excellent separation was according to the type of olive tissue. The sucrose pool
obtained between the peaks of fructose and,myo- (stachyose + raffinose + sucrose) was lower in leaves

38 C h r o m a t o g r a p h i a Vol. 39, No. 1/2, July 1994 Original

/ The use of a single column enable quantification of 5
BO soluble sugars, namely, the sucrose pool (stachyose,
raffinose and sucrose), glucose, galactose, fructose +

70 : o c
myo-inositol and mannitol. These sugars represent
more than 90 % of total soluble carbohydrates in the
tested olive tissues (Figure 3).
| ,=, This rapid H P L C method is particularly suitable for
E 30
m studies involving synthesis of sugars in plants under
o .... stress conditions in which glucose and mannitol seems
to play the unique role of osmotica [3, 7].
i i 1 i F i i J i The use of two serial columns and RI detection is
1 2 3 4 /5 6 7 8 9 suggested for experiments concerning carbohydrate
Oligosaccharides metabolism and transport, in studies of compartmenta-
Figure 3 tion of photosynthates. The analysis time is increased,
Relative amounts (mg/g dry weight) of soluble carbohydrates but we have a one-step analysis giving good compound
from olive leaves collected 15th October. Data mean of four quantitation compared to the use of 2 or 3 different
replicates. analytical techniques during the same analysis [6], that
interfere on sugar quantitation.
Further investigations are in progress to characterize
than in stems; mannitol was relatively higher in apical completely and quantify the compound having the
parts of both shoots and leaves (Table I). same retention time as glucuronic acid.
Glucose was detected in higher amounts than mannitol,
in agreement with previous results of Linda and
Madore [6]. These findings do not fit with the results of References
Drossopoulos and Niavis [5] and Priestley [12]; the [1] M.J. Amiot, A. Fleuriet, A. Macheix, J. Agric. Food Chem.
authors cited, in carbohydrate metabolism of Olea 34, 823 (1986).
europaea, assigned a minor role to glucose with respect [2] M. J. Amiot, A. Fleuriet, A. Macheix, Phytochemistry 28,
to that of sucrose and mannitol. In this regard, it should 67 (I 989).
be mentioned that the qualitative and quantitative [3] A. Blum, Plant Breeding for Stress Environments, CRC
analysis of carbohydrates of the experiments cited Press, Inc. Boca Raton. Florida, 1988, p. 223.
largely differed from our conditions. Their analyses [5, [4] P.M. Dey, in "Methods in Plant Biochernestry" vol. II.
Carbohydrates, P. M. Dey, J. B. Harborne, Eds., Aca-
12] were mostly carried out using colorimetric determi- demic Press, London, 1990; p. 657.
nations. [5] J. B. Drossopoulos, C. A. Niavis, Annals of Botany 62,
Furthermore, relative amounts of glucose and mannitol 321 (1988).
largely depend on the harvest time. We detected in [6] L.J. Flora, M. A. Madore, Planta 189, 484 (1993).
leaves of olive plants harvested at the end of Novem- [7] H. Greenway, R. Munns, Ann. Rev. Plant. Physiol. 31, 149
ber, comparable mannitol and glucose concentrations
[8] D. Heimler, A. Pieroni, M. Tattini, A. Cimato, Chromato-
(data not shown). graphia 33, 369 (1992).
Finally, the use of two serial columns operating at 90 ~ [9] M. A. Madore. D. E. Mitchell, C. M. Boyd, Plant Physiol.
With 5 % of acetonitrile in the eluent ( C H 3 C N - H 2 0 87, 588 (1988).
5/95) enable us to estimate the relative influence of [10] D.R. Hoagland, D. L Arnon, Calif. Agric. Exp. Sta. Circ.
each carbohydrate on the soluble carbohydrate pool of 347 (1950).
[11] D. E. Mitchell, M. V. Gadus, M. A. Madore, Plant Physi-
the leaf (Figure 3). The minor role, in Olea europaea ol. 99, 959 (1992).
Species, of stachyose and raffinose, as well as the [12] C.A. Priestley, J. Horticultural Science 52, 105 (1977).
marginal role of sucrose to leaf mesophyll sugar pool is [13] E. Rughfi, E. Fedeli, in "Biotcchnology in Agriculture and
definitively demonstrated here (Figure 3). Forestry" vol. 10. Legumes and Oilseed Crops I., Y.P.S.
Bajaj, Ed., Springer Verlag, Berlin, 1990; p. 593.
[14] J.D. Timpa, J. J. Burke, J. Agric. Food Chem. 34, 910
Conclusion 115] M. Wodner, S. Lavee, E. Epstein, Scientia Hortic. 36, 47
]'he suggested procedures of extraction and purifica- (1988).
tion were able to give a fraction containing exclusively
Received: Nov 4, 1993
Soluble carbohydrates from difficult-to-work olive tis- Revised manuscript
SUes, usually very rich in phenolics and pigments received: Marll, 1994
[1, 2, 8]. Accepted: Apr 11, 1994

Chromatographia Vol. 39, No. 1/2, July 1994 Original 39

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