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Prof: __________________________________ Disciplina: ___________

Aluna (o): _______________________________________ Serie: ______
Traduza o texto abaixo e responda as questes. A traduo deve ser feita no caderno.


Technology and other recent social changes are affecting the way we learn, and schools of the future
will need to adjust to those new ways of learning.
Experts say that, in the future, school rooms will need to have the flexibility to enable pupils and
teachers to engage in different types of learning and recreational activities. In other words, rooms will have to
be flexible enough to be used in different ways. Folding doors and moveable partitions will allow teachers and
students to alter room shapes and sizes according to different circumstances. If there is a talk by a local
businessperson or community worker, the walls can be removed to create a larger room; if it is time to do
some independent or small-group work, the walls can be used again to create a quiet working environment.
It is easier to achieve flexibility if all rooms have more or less the same proportions and standard shapes.
Also, furniture will be kept to a minimum and it will be moved around daily to suit different activities. The
same will happen with equipment: boards will not be placed on walls but they will move around on wheels.
And say goodbye to black or white boards: they will be replaced by interactive white boards which can work
as a computer screen or as a traditional board.
Some of these changes are already taking place in some schools around the world. What do you think
about them? Will they make schools a better place to learn?

1) What option translates the title of the text?

a. Escolas do futuro: do que elas vo gostar?
b. Escolas do futuro: como elas sero?
c. Escolas do futuro: elas olharo o qu?

2) Find the corresponding English words in the text.

Paragraph 1: em outras palavras, _________________________
aprender,_____________________________ permitir, _____________________________
mudanas, _____________________________ envolver-se_____________________________
precisar, _____________________________ Paragraph 3:
aprendizagem_____________________________ formas, _____________________________
Paragraph 2: mveis/moblia, ___________________________
especialistas, _____________________________ adequar-se, _____________________________
suficiente, _____________________________ rodas, _____________________________
dobrveis, _____________________________ substitudos, _____________________________
mvel/transfervel, _________________________ tela_____________________________
ambiente, _____________________________

3) What option explains the meaning of The same will happen with equipment
a. Os equipamento no pertencero s escolas no future, mas, sim, aos professores.
b. Todos os equipamentos escolares no futuro tero mais ou menos o mesmo tamanho.
c. No futuro , os equipamentos escolares sero transferveis de um lugar para o outro.
d. Os equipamentos escolares no futuro estaro limitados a quadros interativos.

4) Based on the information in the text, write T if the sentence describes todays schools; write F if the
sentence describes the schools of the future.
a. ( ) Classrooms are divided by fixed walls.
b. ( ) There is not a lot of furniture.
c. ( ) Room shapes and sizes vary according to different circumstances.
d. ( ) Classrooms have white boards.
e. ( ) Classrooms have big screens that work as boards and computer screens.
f. ( ) The same room is used in different ways.
Traduza o texto abaixo e responda as questes. A traduo deve ser feita no caderno.

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