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Chelsea Kroger

Theory Paper

Learning Theories

The three learning theories is the foundation of education and describes how information

is absorbed and processed by students. The three theories include; constructivism, behaviorism,

and social learning. Constructivism theory is based on observation and scientific study. It is

explained by how people understand and obtain knowledge through experience first hand and

reflecting on their experiences. Behaviorist learning theory is a learning theory that focuses on

objectively observable behaviors and has no regard to independent thinking. The learning with

behaviorism is a new behavior based on the learners surroundings. Lastly is the social learning

theory. This theory is explained by how people learn from one another. Learners use observation,

imitation and modeling to retain information.

I would like to focus this paper on the behaviorist learning theory. Albert Bandura

conducted an experiment with children in 1961 called the Bobo doll experiment. During this

experiment had a single child be aggressive towards a doll in front of other children. Soon, the

children observing the aggressive child mimicked his actions. Children pay attention to models

around them. These models include parents, peers, and teachers. Children are more likely to

imitate those who they perceive as similar to themselves.

Chelsea Kroger
Theory Paper

Children adapt to their surrounding and tend to copy what they find acceptable by

observing others. This is important to dissect in a classroom because a teacher needs to know

what type of atmosphere they are creating. I feel a good way to work the behaviorist theory to be

a positive is by having assigned seating. Sitting an underachieving student next to an

overachieving student could help the underachieving student to push themselves to work harder.

Another way to conduct a positive behaviorist learning theory in the classroom is with

positive reinforcements. Positive reinforcements are a great way for others to observe when a

student succeeds. All students want to feel praised and successful. By giving students small

incentives for complete a goal it will drive them to achieve their goals. Also, having the goals in

plain site is a good motivator for students. They can see how close they are to obtaining a goal. If

a student is having bad day and is close to making a bad decision they could glance at their goal

chart and that could change their attitude. Knowing that there is a positive in site can push

students to succeed.

Each of the three learning theories is important in the classroom. Being aware of the

positive and negative impacts they can have on a student with make the teacher closer to their

students and have a stronger impact on their learning.

Chelsea Kroger
Theory Paper

Work Citied

"Behaviorism." Funderstanding Education Curriculum and Learning Resources. N.p., n.d. Web. 21 Sept.


McLeod, Saul. "Bandura - Social Learning Theory." Albert Bandura. N.p., 2016. Web. 21 Sept. 2016.

Questioning, By. "Constructivism as a Paradigm for Teaching and Learning." Constructivism as a

Paradigm for Teaching and Learning. N.p., n.d. Web. 21 Sept. 2016.

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