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Meissner and Ochsenfeld revisited

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1983 Eur. J. Phys. 4 117


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Eur J . Phys. 4 (1983) 117-120. Printed In Northern Ireland


Meissner and Ochsenfeld revisited

Allister M Forrest
Department of Physics, Paisley College of Technology, Paisley, Renfrewshire, Scotland

Received 4 July 1983

Abstract To mark the 50th anniversary of its original Zusammenfassung AnlaBlich des 50sten Jahrestages der
publication atranslation of the Meissner and Ochsen- Veroffentlichung des Meismer-Ochsenfeid Effektes wird
feld article describingthe exclusion of magnetic field hier eine kommentierteUbersetzungdesOriginalartikels
from superconductor
a is presented
together with a vorgelegt.
brief commentary o n its significance.

The paper by Meissner and Ochsenfeld which ap- remain constant, unaffected by subsequent changes
pears below in translation was first published in Die in the magnetic field outside the loop. This argu-
Naturwissenschaften in November 1933.The dis- ment can be extended to describe the behaviour of
covery described in that paper represents a major a bulk specimen of a perfect conductor. Since an
and crucial landmark in the development of our infinite number of perfectly conducting paths can
understanding of superconductivity and it would be postulated in such a specimen and since the flux
seem to be appropriate to acknowledge the 50th througheach must be fixed it follows that within
anniversary of its publication. It is an indication of the bu!k the rate of change of magnetic field with
its significance that it is frequentlycited,particu- time, B, must be zero. For example, if a magnetic
larly in reviews and textbooks on superconductiv- field is applied to a superconductor above its criti-
ity, and consideration of the details of the original cal temperature and if it is then cooled below that
Meissner and Ochsenfeld work isof morethan temperature the magnetic field will be frozen-in
simple historical interest.A well respectedtext- assuming the behaviour is that of a perfect conduc-
book describing, in its thirdedition, the Meissner tor. Meissner and Ochsenfeld demonstratedthat
effect states, Careful measurements of the field this certainly did not happenandthat fluxwas
distribution around a spherical specimen by Meiss- actually expelled from the superconductor as it was
ner and Ochsenfeld (1933) however, indicated cooled below its transition temperature, Although
that . . . the magnetic fluxis expelled from the in- the quantitative evidence in their paper is limited
terior of the superconductor andthe magnetic their results suggested that virtually all the flux was
induction B vanishes. Although this statement in- expelled leaving no magnetic field in the interior of
dicates how the Meissner effect might be described the superconductor. In other words, the supercon-
in an ideal superconductor it presents an entirely ducting material appeared to be perfectly
misleading view of the original Meissner and diamagnetic. Of course, it isnow recognised that
Ochsenfeld experiment. this magnetic behaviour represents a clear distinc-
The importance of the Meissner and Ochsenfeld tion between a superconductor and a perfect con-
experiment has been discussed in many texts (e.g. ductor. In fact, even for an ideal superconductor,
Rose-Innes and Rhoderick (1969), which is not the the magnetic field is not completely excluded but
text quoted above!) and only a brief outline needs exists in a very narrow layer, the penetration depth,
to be presented here. For 22 years prior to that which is about 10-cm thick at the surface of the
experiment the most significant characteristic prop- specimen.Adetailed analysis indicating how the
erty of a superconductor was assumed to be its zero magnetic field falls off within the specimen has
DC resistance. If a superconductor can be described been given by London and London (1935).
simply as a perfect or resistanceless conductor it In their second set of experiments Meissner and
may be discussed in terms of classical electromag- Ochsenfeld used a hollow lead cylinder, a tube, and
netism. In particular, if one considers a closed loop investigated the magnetic field variation both inside
of a perfect conductor it can easily be shown that and outsidethe tube as it cooled through the
any magnetic flux enclosed by such aloop must superconducting transition temperature. O n the
0 1983 The Institute of Physics & the European Physical Society
118 A M Forrest

assumptionthatthemagnetic fieldis excluded The demagnetising factor would be greatly reduced

from the lead one might expect that the magnetic for a long thin cylindrical specimen positioned in a
flux density should increase both inside and outside magnetic field which is parallel to the cylinder axis.
the tube. However, while a superconductor is not just This difficulty andothershavebeendiscussed in
a perfect conductor, it is, inter alia, a perfect con- detail in a series of papers by Mendelssohn and his
ductor and hence the magnetic flux threading the coworkers (see, for example, Keeley and Mendels-
tubeshouldremainconstant. The field variation sohn1936) in theirstudies of themagneticbe-
observed by MeissnerandOchsenfeld within the haviour of superconductors.
Shoenberg (1965) has suggested that the Meiss-
ner effect wasconfirmedbyTarrandWilhelm References
(1934) in Toronto. They used a single, shorter tube Keeley T C and Mendelssohn K 1936 Proc.Roy.Soc.
of polycrystalline tin with five fixed search coils in A154 378
variouspositionsbuttheirresultsarenot really London F and London H 1935 Proc. Roy. Soc. A149 71
Rose-Innes A C and Rhoderick E H 1969 Introduction to
much more conclusive than those of Meissner and Superconductivity (London: Pergamon)
Ochsenfeld. A major difficulty for both groups lay Shoenberg D 1965 Superconductivity (Cambridge: Cam-
in the fact that the magnetic field used was trans- bridge University Press) p S2
verse to their cylindrical specimens and hence de- Tarr F G A andWilhelm J 0 1934 Trans. Roy.Soc.
magnetisingeffectswere likely tobe significant. Canad. 28 I11 61

Ein neuer Effekt bei Eintritt der Supraleitfahigkeit

Translated bv Allister M Forrest from Meissner W and Ochsenfeld R 1933 Die Naturwissenschaften
21 787.

A new effect concerning the onset of superconduc- Eh neuer Effekt bei Eintritt der Supraleitfiihigkeit

If one places a cylindrical superconductor, e.g. lead BringtmaneinenzylindrischenSupraleiter,z.B.

or tin, above its transition temperature ina uniform Blei oder Zinn, oberhalb seines Sprungpunktes in
magnetic field perpendicular to the cylinderaxis the senkrecht
ein seiner
field lines pass virtually unhindered through it be- homogenesMagnetfeld, so gehendieKraftlinien
cause of the very weak susceptibility of the super- wegendersehrgeringenSuszeptibilitatderSup-
conductor(tin is slightly paramagnetic, lead, raleiter(Zinn ist schwachparamagnetisch,Blei
diamagnetic). According to
previous views the diamagnetisch) fast ungehindert durch sie hindurch.
field-line pattern would be expected to remain un- Nach den bisherigen Anschauungen war zu erwar-
changed if, without altering the external magnetic ten,
field, the temperature was lowered below the tran- bleibt,wennmandieTemperatur,ohneandem
sition temperature. Our investigations on tin and IuBeren Magnetfeld etwas zu andern, bis unter den
lead which contradict this view produced the fol- Sprungpunkt erniedrigt. Unsere Versuche an Zinn
lowing: undBleihabenimGegensatzhierzufolgendes
(i) O n cooling below the transition temperature Beim
1. Unterschreitendes
thefield-linepattern in theregionoutsidethe andert sich die Kraftlinienverteilung in der auBeren
superconductor changes almost to that which would Umgebung der Supraleiter und wird nahezuso, wie
be expected if the permeability of the superconduc- esbeiderPermeabilitat 0, alsoderdiamagneti-
tor was zero, or the diamagnetic susceptibility was schen
-1/(4~). zu envarten ware.
(ii) O n t h e inside of a long lead tube the magne- 2. ImInneren
tic field in the central section of the tube remains bjeibt-trotz derdem 1. Effektentsprechenden
almost the same below the transition temperature Anderung des
in auUeren
as it was above in spite of the corresponding change Umgebung-beim Unterschreiten des Sprungpunk-
in the external magnetic field described in (i). tes das oberhalb desselben vorhandene Magnetfeld
Two different
experimental arrangementswere im mittleren Teil des Rohres nahezu bestehen.
used: Es wurden 2 verschiedene Versuchsanordnungen
In the first, two parallel cylindrical superconduc- benutzt: Bei der ersten wurden zwei parallele zylin-
tors approximately 140 mm long, 3 mm thick and drische Supraleiter von etwa 140 mm Lange, 3 mm
Meissner and Ochsenfeld revisited 119

1.5 mm apart were used. Between them a search Starke und 1,5 mm Abstand venvendet. Zwischen
coil approximately 10 mm long was positioned ihnenbefand sich eine Spule von etwa 10 mm
which could be rotated parallel to the axes of the Lange, die parallel zur Achse der Supraleiter
superconductors.It was connected to a ballistic drehbar und mit einem ballistischen Galvanometer
galvanometer so that the induced current in the coil verbunden war, so daR der InduktionsfluB durch sie
could bedetermined.Theratio of the induced ermittelt werden konnte. Es ergab sich bei zwei
currents above and below the transition tempera- Einkristallen
aus Zinn, wie schon auf der
ture was foundto have the value 1.70 for two Wurzburger Physikertagung berichtetwurde, fur
single crystals oftin-a result already reported in das Verhaltnis des Induktionsflusses unterhalb und
the Wiirzburg Physikertagung. Further measure- oberhalb desSprungpunktes der Wert 1,70, fur
ments on two polycrystalline lead cylinders gave a zwei polykristalline Bleizylinder nach weiteren, in-
value of 1.77. The field strength used was about 5 zwischen angestellten Messungen der Wert 1,77.
gauss. According to Maxwell's theory forthe Die Feldstarke betrug hierbei etwa 5 GauB. Nach
perfectconductor, with the help of formulae der Maxwellschen Theorie fur den vollkommenen
which have beenderived in the calculations of Leiter ergibt sich mit Hilfe von Formeln, die sich
v. Laueand Moglich', t h e ' zero value forthe aus Rechnungen von v. Laue und Moglich' ableiten
permeability yields in both cases the value 1.77. lassen, mit dem Wert 0 der Permeabilitat in beiden
Discrepancies, within the possible error, arise be- Fallen. der Wert 1,77. Die Abweichungen liegen
cause the spatial distribution of the windings of the wegen der nicht genau bekannten raumlichen Ver-
search coil is not known exactly and also, in the teilung der Spulenwindungen und beim Zinn auch
case of the tin, the single crystals are not uniformly wegen der nicht genau kreiszylindrischen Form der
cylindrical. Einkristalle innerhalb der moglichen Fehler.
In the second experimentalarrangement a Bei der zweiten Versuchsanordnungwurde ein
cylindrical lead tube was used;length,approxi- zylindrisches Bleirohrchen von etwa 130 mm
mately 130 mm, outer diameter, 3 mm and inner LangC, 3 mm AuBen und 2 mm Innendurchmesser
diameter, 2 mm. The search coil connected to the venvendet. Die mit dem ballistischen Galvanome-
ballistic galvanometer was again rotatable about an terverbundene Spule war wieder parallel zur
axis parallel to that of the lead cylinder and it could AchsedesBleirohrchens drehbar und konnte im
be positioned within or adjacent to the cylinder. On Inneren und nebendemBleirohrchenangebracht
cooling through the transition temperature the flux werden. Im Inneren stieg der MagnetfeldfluB durch
of the magnetic field in the search coil increased by die Spule beim Unterschreiten des Sprungpunktes
about 5 per cent inside the cylinder. The external um etwa 5 % an. Die Feldstarke im AuBenraum
magnetic field was again about 5 gauss. It could not betrug hierbei wieder etwa 5 GauB. Ob das Feld im
be established if the field o n the inside remained Inneren homogen blieb, konnte nicht festgestellt
uniform since the search coil almost completely werden, dadie Spule den inneren Querschnitt
filled the inner cross-section. Outsidethe lead nahezu vollig ausfullte. AuBerhalb desBleirohr-
cylinder the field variation at the onset of the super- chens war der Feldverlauf nach Unterschreiten des
conducting transition was again approximately that Sprungpunktes wieder etwa so, wie er bei der
which would be expected if the permeability of the Permeabilitat 0 des Supraleiters zu envarten ist.
superconductor is zero. Beim Ausschalten des auBeren Feldes im sup-
O n switching off the external field with the lead raleitenden Zustand des Bleis blieb das Feld im
in the superconducting state the field on the inside Inneren desBleirohrchensunverandert bestehen.
of the cylinder remained unchanged. O n the out- Die Feldstiirke in der auBeren Umgebungwurde
side the field strength was not completely zero. For nicht vollig Null. Zum Beispiel blieb an der Stelle
example, near the surface of the lead, where in the der Bleioberflache, WO im nichtsupraleitenden
non-superconducting statethe field was & - m a l , Zustand das Feld normal zu ihr stand, bei verschie-
several measurements indicated a field strength of denen MeBreihen eine Feldstarke von 5-15% der-
5-15 per cent of that which previously existed on jenigen des auBeren Feldes bestehen.
the outside. Wurde das BuBere Feld nach Eintritt der
If the external field was turned on after the onset Supraleitfahigkeit eingeschaltet, so blieb die
of superconductivity the field strength on the inside Feldstarke im Inneren des Bleirohrchens, wie schon
of the cylinder remained zero as was expected from nach den bisherigen Anschauungen zu envarten
the earlierevidence. The path of the field lines war, Null. Der Kraftlinienverlauf in der a u k r e n
outside again correspondapproximately tothat Umgebungentsprach wieder etwa dem bei der
which would be expected for zero permeability in Permeabilitat 0 des Supraleiters zu Envartenden.
the superconductor. Die .. Darstellung des BefundesdurchAngabe
The representation of the results in terms of a der Anderung der makroskopisch definierten
statement about the change in the macroscopically Permeabilitat stoBt vielleicht fur die Vorgange im
defined permeability perhaps gives rise to difficul- Inneren des Bleirohrchens auf Schwierigkeiten, da
ties concerning the processes inside the lead cylin- moglichenveise kein eindeutigerZusammenhang
120 A M Forrest

der since possibly no unique connection any longer zwischen Induktion und Feldstarke mehr besteht.
exists between the induction and the field strength. Statt dessen kann man offenbar, tiefer gehend, die
Instead of that one can obviously go more deeply Ergebnisse darzustellen suchen durch Angabe von
andattemptto explain the results in terms of mikroskopischen oder makroskopischen Stromen in
microscopic or macroscopic currents in the super- den Supraleitern unter Annahme der Permeabilitat
conductor with the assumption that the permeabil- 1 an den stromfreien Stellen. Diese Strome andern
ity is 1 for current-free regions. In the neweffect sich offenbar spontan oder treten spontan neuauf
such currents obviously adjust themselves spon- beim Eintritt der Supraleitfahigkeit entsprechend
taneously or develop spontaneously at the onset of dem neuen Effekt.
superconductivity. Mit dem neuen Effekt hangen folgende weitere
The following further experimental results, which experimentelleBefundezusammen,diehier nur
can only be briefly mentioned here, are connected kurz erwahnt werden konnen:
with the new effect: Sind dieparallelenSupraleiterdurch eine an
When the parallel superconductors are connected einem Ende angebrachte Verbindung hintereinan-
end-to-end in seriesand an externalcurrent is dergeschaltet und wird durch sie von auBen ein
connected to flow through them above the critical oberhalbder
Sprungtemperatur eingeschalteter
temperature the magnetic field between the super- Strom hindurchgeschickt, so wird der Magnetfeld-
conductors is increased below the transition temp- fluB zwischen den Supraleitern ,, beim Un-
eraturethe externalcurrent being unchanged. If terschreiten des Sprungpunktes ohne Anderung des
the superconducting transition forthe tin single auBeren Stromes groBer. Wird die Sprungkurve an
crystals is investigated with an uninterrupted exter- Zinneinkristallen bei niemals unterbrochenem
nal current flowing, in the absence of an external auReren Strom aufgenommen, so treten auch ohne
magnetic field hysteresis effects appear in which the auReres Magnetfeld Hysteresisercheinungen auf,
transition point depends on whether the tempera- indem die Sprungpunkte beim Steigen und Sinken
ture is being raised or lowered. der Temperatur nicht zusammenfallen.
Finally the analogy with ferromagnetism has al- SchlieRlich sei nochauf die Analogie zum Fer-
ready been pointed out by Gerlach who has indi- romagnetismus hingewiesen, den schon fruher Ger-
cated the parallel with superconductivity. lach in Parallele zur Supraleitfahigkeit gestellt
Berlin, Physikalisch-Technische Reichsanstalt, Oc- Berlin, Physikalisch-Technische Reichsanstalt,
tober 16, 1933 W Meissner, R Ochsenfeld den 16 Oktober 1933. W. Meissner. R. Ochsen-
1. Bed. Ber. 16 544 (1933) Berl. Ber.16, S44 (1933).
2. Metallwirtschaft 9 1006 (1930) Metallwirtschaft 9, 1006 (1930).

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