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BURHAN, "Factor Affecting The Granting Of Basic Immunization In Infants In

The Region Health Center Paccerakkang", (Guided By Arlina And Suhartati

Immunization is an attempt to inflict one's immune boosting/actively against

a disease, so if one time exposed by the disease will not only experience pain or
mild pain. The purpose of this research is to know the factors that influence the
granting of Basic Immunization in infants in the region of clinics Paccerakkang.
This type of research is a cross sectional study, research design of Case Control.
The population in this research is all the mothers who have a toddler/child with a
total of 77 mothers who have toddlers. Samples taken 43 number of mothers who
have toddlers, which is obtained using the formula Slovin. Data obtained in this
study are processed using statistical test of Chi-Square. Results of the study
indicate that there is a connection between the factors that affect Immunization
with the base and can be proven with a value of p = 0.012 to knowledge, p =
0.017 for family support and for the perception of the value of p = 0.028. This
indicates that the value of = 0.05 < p. From the results of this study, it can be
concluded that there is a relationship between knowledge and perception of family
support, with basic immunization. Expected mothers and families pay more
attention to children's health to avoid disease prevention through the granting of
full immunization.

Keywords: Mother, Family Support, Knowledge, Perception and

immunization Basics

Libraries: year 2011-2016


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