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1 What is your full name?

2 Spell your full name?
3 Say the alphabet in English
4 When is your birthday?
5 When is your English class?
6 When is your Math class?
7 When is your Spanish class?
8 When is your Biology class?
9 When is your Religion class?
10 Where do You study?
11 Where do You live?
12 Where do You buy clothing?
13 Where do You pray?
14 Where do You do tasks?
15 Where were You born?
16 Who is your best friend?
17 Who is your favorite singer?
18 Who is your favorite actor?
19 Who is your favorite actress?
20 Who is your favorite painter?
21 Who is your favorite soccer player?
22 Who is your favorite teacher?
23 Who is your favorite neighbor?
24 Who is your favorite uncle?
25 Who is your favorite aunt?
26 How many brothers do You have?
27 How much money do You spend daily?
28 What is your favorite color?
29 Say 14 colors
30 What is your favorite day of the week?
31 Say the Days of the week
32 Say and sign ten objects in your classroom
33 What is your favorite number?
34 Count in tens from 10 to 100
35 Count in hundreds from 100 to 1000
36 Count in thousands from 1.000 to 10.000
37 Say the Ordinal numbers from 1 to 50
38 Say ten likes (sports)
39 Say ten dislikes (food)
40 Say the months of the year
41 What is your favorite month?
42 Say the verb TO be in affirmative
43 Say the verb TO BE in negative
44 Say th veb TO BE in interrogative
45 What time is it?
46 What are your favorite subjects?
47 Say 20 parts of the body
48 Who is your favorite singer?
49 Sing a song of HIM or HER
50 Say ten members of your family
51 Conjugate ten verbs in simple present (Aff)
52 Conjugate ten verbs in simple present
53 Are You Lawyer?
54 Are You Engineer?
55 Are You Married?
56 Are You Single?
57 Are You Teacher?
58 Are You a Woman?
59 Are You a man?
60 Are You student?
61 Are You a good friend?
62 Are You journalist?
63 Do You work?
64 Do You go to the movies?
65 Do You like dancing?
66 Do You smoke?
67 Do You drink?
68 Do You speak English?
69 Do You Speak Spanish?
70 Do You tidy up your room??
71 Do You like reading?
72 Do You like cooking?
73 Were You thin?
74 Were You oveweight?
75 Were You sad yesterday?
76 Were You happy yesterday?
77 Were You relaxed yesterday?
78 Were You worried yesterday?
79 Were You busy yesterday?
80 Were You sick yesterday?
81 Were You tired yesterday?
82 Were You drunk yesterday?
83 Did You work last Monday?
84 Did You study last Monday?
85 Did You cook last weekend?
86 Did You eat last night?
87 Did You buy a new car last month?
88 Did You save money last year?
89 Did You read some books last year?
90 Did You have responsible parents?
9|1 Did You drink last Friday?
92 Did You travel to Japan last month?
93 Can You swim?
94 Can You sing?
95 Can You paint?
96 Can You dance?
97 Can You play the guitar?
98 Can You play the piano?
99 Can You play soccer?
100 Can You play basketball?
101 Can You climb a mountain?
102 Can You ride on bike?
103 Can You ride on motorcycle?
104 Can You drive taxi?
105 Can You drive truck?
106 Can You cook?

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