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Michael Ellner made a profound statement

Just look at us. Everything is backwards, everything is upside down. Doctors destroy health, lawyers
destroy justice, psychiatrists destroy minds, scientists destroy truth, major media destroys
information, religions destroy spirituality and governments destroy freedom.

Lets say you want to perfect health

Problem 1 - Doctors destroy health and only treat symptoms
Problem 2 - We are given misinformation about our health
Problem 3 - We have a distorted view of who we are
Problem 4 - Our view of the world leaves out consciousness
Solution - So how do we take back our power to achieve perfect health

It's in Our
Achieve Perfect

Key L earnings for

this a udio program
Discuss the history of the medical
mafia and how their drug agenda
has pervaded our society.

Explore who we are, the nature of
reality, and consciousness and the
part it plays in the grand scheme
of things.

Learn ways we can accelerate our
natural healing capabilities and
some different ideas and
modalities to increase our health.

Box 3: Mundane Agenda

So today what were going to explore is the history of the medical mafia and how their drug agenda has pervaded our society.
Next we will explore who we are, the nature of reality, and consciousness and the part it plays in the grand scheme of things.
Then last thing were going to cover is how we can accelerate our natural healing capabilities and some different ideas and
modalities to increase our health.

Part 1
The Medical Mafia?!? -Who are they and how do they

Chapter 1 : The American Medical Association(AMA) and
hard times

Chapter 2 : The medical takeover and the Flexner Report

Chapter 3 : The cast of the Medical Mafia

Part 2
Who are we?!?-What is reality? How do we interact with it?

Chapter 4 : Why Consciousness cannot be left out of the

Chapter 5 : We decode Waveform information into the
reality we see

Chapter 6 : The Holographic nature of reality

Part 3
Accelerate Natural Healing ?!? - Exploration
of different healing modalities

Chapter 7 : Dis-ease is a disharmony with spirit

Chapter 8 : Permission Slips

Chapter 9 : Different Healing modalities

Part 1 Chapter 1

Drama - Statistics `~"Health care spending per person surpassed $10,000 in
2016 to $10,345 and it's projected to march steadily higher to $14,944 in 2023."

Problem - Some illnesses are caused by the medical system. I
know you all have seen or heard the commercials for drugs
that are supposed to fix an illness but have so many possible
side effects taking the drug is worse than the illness you have.
The medicine we practice today is one of sickness but this is
not the way it has always been!

What is the concept about? - There has been a systematic
elimination of natural health practitioners by the authorities
to serve their own interests. From the beginning of time, the
authorities, whether they have been aristocratic, religious, or
financial, have fought to maintain their domination and
exploitation. And this is still very true today!!!

Why is it important - When Doctors only treat symptoms
our health will forever be lost to pain, illness, and disease.
We must understand that we must treat the cause not
symptoms. We have to wake up to our ingrained natural
healing ability and emerge from the maze of pain, fear, and
confusion that has been created by the status quo of the
Medical Mafia.

When?Who?Where?Why?How?Plus other assorted
In 1900 a time when herbalists, Homeopathic doctors, and
chiropractors flourished and were highly sought after.
Medical Doctors not so much as they had a problem making
a living. The AMA (American Medical Association) is weak,
unorganized and has very little money and respect from the
population for the most part. The AMA wanted to survive so
it established the Council of Medical Education and their
mission was to Upgrade Medical Education. Now this
sounds like a noble goal right? The counsel had devised a
devious plot to rank all the medical schools throughout the
country. Their guidelines were geared toward their success.
All competition became a target for instance just having the
word homeopathic in the name of a school reduced its
ranking because the AMA asserted that these schools taught
an exclusive dogma In 1910 the AMA was broke and didn't
have the funds to complete their takeover.

Chapter 2

The Carnegie foundation and the Rockefellers agreed to
finish what the AMA could not. They wanted them to finish
the takeover of the health industry that they had started.
Simon Flexner who was on the Board of Directors for the
Rockefeller Institute, proposed that his brother Abraham
Flexner, who had no knowledge of medicine be hired for the
project. The plan to restructure the AMA to certify medical
schools based solely upon Flexners recommendations. When
Flexner did submit his report to the Carnegie foundation it
was entitled Medical Education in the United States and
Canada better known as the Flexner Report. The basis of the
report was that it was far too easy to start a medical school
and that most medical schools were not teaching sound
medicine. The Flexner report also recommended
Strengthening medical courses in Pharmacology, otherwise
drugs, and in addition to this, they establish drug research
departments at all schools that they deemed to be qualified.
So what does this mean? These natural colleges were not
pushing enough chemical drugs manufactured by the
companies owned by Carnegie & Rockefeller. Carnegie &
Rockefeller began to shower hundreds of millions of dollars
on those medical schools that were teaching drug intensive
medicine. In return for the financing the schools were
required to continue teaching course material that was
exclusively drug oriented, with no emphasis put on natural
medicine. Every medical school that accepted their funding
had one of Rockefellers and Carnegies men planted on the
board of directors. The plan had come together medical
school were now heavily drug oriented. It was no longer
normal to be natural.
Medical Doctors don't even study what make a body healthy
they study disease.

Examples -
By 1923, the 22 homeopathic medical schools that flourished
in the 1900s dwindled down to 2

By 1925, over 10,000 herbalists were out of business

By 1940, over 1,500 chiropractors would be prosecuted for

practicing quackery

By 1950, all schools teaching homeopathy were closed

In 1977 the Declaration of Alma Ata gave the World Health
Organization (WHO) the means to extend the Flexner Report
not only in the united states, but throughout the entire world.
Under the Mafias terms we don't have a right to health we
have the right to medicalization. Now, there is a
globalization of medicine and sickness.

Chapter 3

Whenever a doctor cannot do good, he must be kept from
doing harm. -Hippocrates, The Father of Western Medicine

Mafia Structure -
Don/Boss - Health Industry
Consigliere - Rich Families (Merovingian, Rockefellers,
Carnegies etc. Real Bosses)
Underboss -Goverment
Caporegime- Health Insurance
Caporegime - The Board/College of Physicians
Caporegime - Doctors Associations
Soldiers - Doctors
Soldiers - Scientists
Associates - Drug Reps
Associates - Law Enforcement/Police
Associates - Media

A mafia, by definition is a parallel power, with its own laws,
its own justice. Parallel to our sovereignty. But just because
the government is the underboss in the medical mafia The
government is its own mafia. The boss of the medical mafia
wants money and the boss of the governmental mafia wants
power. If we reflect on what a government really is we can
quickly realize that it is merely a small minority of privileged
people who have appropriated the decisional, financial, and
judicial power of the majority. They have stolen our freedom.
With our consent, on top of everything else! They do it with
style by making us believe that it is in our best interest. For
our security and protection. Yeah right!

Objection - What about all the people that doctors help?
Now you could be saying to yourself but John what about all
the good that doctors are doing? They aren't all bad right?
Doctors are good in acute or emergency situations where you
need help right now. But they are essentially well paid
salesman selling drugs, surgeries, and procedures. They are
the high priests of this era and all that they speak is gospel to
the masses.

Brief Summary and Segue to the next section -

Part 1 Summary

AMA attempted to survive so they created the
Council of Medical Education to supposedly upgrade
Medical Education
The AMA attempted a takeover but ran out of money
before they accomplish their goal
In 1910 the AMA was bankrolled by Rockefeller and
Carnegie to complete the takeover
Carnegie commissioned Abrham Flexner to write the
Flexner Report that suggested we strengthen
medical courses in Pharmacology
Natural Healing was systematically shut down and
weeded out of society and focus was placed on drugs
and drug research

In 1977 the Declaration of Alma Ata gave the World
Health Organization the means to extend the
Flexner Report throughout the entire world
The Medical Mafia extorts us for our health and
wealth by making us believe that it is in our best
interest for our security and protection

Now, lets dive deeper into the nature of reality. When you
think of it, Whats the big deal we all know what reality is
or do we?

Part 2 Chapter 4

Drama - Story My father had hired a professional hypnotist to entertain a group of friends at
his house and had invited me to attendThe hypnotists subject was a friend named Tom. Tom proved to be a
very good subject, and within seconds the hypnotist had him in a deep trance. He then proceeded with the
usual tricks performed by stage hypnotists. He convinced Tom there was a giraffe in the room and had Tom
gaping with wonder, He told Tom that a potato was really an apple and had Tom eat it with gusto. But the
highlight of the evening was when he Told Tom that when he came out of the trance, his teenager daughter,
Laura, would be completely invisible to him. Then, after having Laura stand directly in front of the chair in
which Tom was sitting, the hypnotist awakened him and asked him if he could see her.

Tom looked around the room and his gaze appeared to pass right through his giggling
daughter. No, he replied. The hypnotist asked Tom if he was certain and again, despite
Lauras rising giggles, he answered no. Then the hypnotist went behind Laura so he was
hidden from Toms view and pulled an object out of his pocket. He kept the object
carefully concealed so that no one in the room could see it, and pressed it against the
small of Lauras back. He asked Tom to identify the object. Tom learned forward s if
staring directly through Lauras stomach and said it was a watch. The hypnotist nodded
and asked if Tom could read the watchs inscription. Tom squinted as if struggling to
make out the writing and recited both the name of the watchs owner and the message.
The hypnotist then revealed that the object was indeed a watch and passed it around the
room so that everyone could see that Tom had read its inscription correctly.

This story comes from michael talbots amazing book The Holographic Universe and I
think it gives us a profound look into what reality?

What is the concept about -

We are like the crest of a wave - we may seem different and
individual but we are all an expression of the infinite Ocean
of Consciousness our sense of individuality is merely our
point of attention.
We must create a new foundations for our perception. What
we are is Consciousness but you may be asking yourself what
is consciousness? It is awareness or the state of being aware.
What makes us feel individual is our point of observation,
our point of attention, within this infinite eternity. The point
of attention for almost everyone on Earth is that they are
their name, job, life story, income bracket, age, color, creed,
or religion. The last time you asked someone what do you do?
Did you hear them say I am infinite awareness having an
experience called a Bus Driver.

Why is it important? - changing our perception of who we
are and what our reality truly is is important for us to live our hearts desire
including having ultimate health. Our conditioning and programming begins
before we leave our mother's womb. It starts with your parents based on what
they were programmed with. Then layer after layer of self identity and
perception programming then continues to be applied through school, peer
pressure, group think, and media in all its forms. We are living a false self
identity which is nothing more than a programmed construct comparable to a
computer responding to downloaded software while believing it is real. The
human body is a highly advanced biological computer system that allows
expressions of Infinite Awareness (points of attention) to experience this
world, this reality, which is just a band of frequency within Infinite Possibility.
What we can See or DECODE is an infinitesimal fraction of what exists.

Chapter 5

When?Who?Where?Why?How?Plus other assorted
***The human body is a biological computer system and
what I mean when I say biological I mean that it is a living
organism capable of assessing data and responding to that
data. You don't have to tell your immune system to do this or
that, it is constantly scanning the operating system for
imbalances, distortions, and threats and then taking what it
believes to be the most appropriate action. It is the bodys
Anti-virus software.

What the hidden control systems seeks to do and are very
good at is making us self identify with the body vehicle rather
than your true self and higher levels of awareness. (Locked
into this 5 sense reality and our vibrations become dense)
Our body is a vehicle for our consciousness to experience this
reality. Humans are Infinite Consciousness but think they
are their name, job, race and income bracket. The
computer operator thinks he is the computer.

When we retain or regain our awareness of true self we are
in this world but not of it. We can see the illusion for what it
is because our range of perception expands beyond the

The computer analogy is very apt in many ways the most
important among them is the way that Body-Mind decodes
reality. People think they live in a physical universe, but
they dont. There is no physical. The foundation of the
universe is not the physical that we think we see, but an
energetic information construct very much the same in
principle as the wireless Internet. The universe is a tapestry
of resonating waveform information fields beyond visible
light from which we decode information and to which we also
post information with our thoughts and emotions some call
this waveform construct the Metaphysical Universe or the
Cosmic Internet. Waveform can store extraordinary
amounts of information and everything that we see is
decoded from this waveform level of the universe into the
reality that is called visible light the world of the
so-called conscious mind. The five senses of sight, hearing,
touch, smell and taste are decoding systems. They turn
waveform information into electrical information that is
communicated to the brain which, together with the whole
genetic structure, decodes the electrical into the digital and
holographic . It is the same information at all these stages,
but takes a different form. What scientists call atoms are
energetic expressions of this decoding process and so they
have no need to be solid to contribute to a world that isnt
solid. But dont we bang our head if we try to walk through a
wall? And have you ever tried to put your hand through a
concrete block? True, but the resistance does not come from
solidity. It is caused by the meeting of two different
electromagnetic fields is energetic resistance that we only
decode to appear like physical resistance.
The world is in your head. The brain decodes electrical
information into a holographic illusory reality and the brain,
too, is a holographic version of waveform information.

Ears are the most obvious waveform/vibration decoders in
that they transform sound wave information into electrical
information which is communicated to the brain. Only when
the brain decodes this do we actually hear anything. Or ...
When someone is talking to us we hear their words, but what
they are communicating only exists in that form in our
heads. What passes between their mouth and our ears is not
words, but vibrational or waveform information generated
by their vibrating vocal chords. While the hearing example
may be the most obvious, all the five senses operate in the
same way. When we bang our leg (sense of touch) we dont
say ouch until the electrical information has been
communicated from the point of impact for the brain to

The tongue decodes waveform information, but its the brain
that says Mmmmm or ugh. This is why there are different
parts of the brain that specialise in decoding input from
particular senses.These different parts of the brain (and the
brain, body and universe in general) are all waveform
information fields decoded by other waveform information
fields into holographic (illusory) physicality. Ill come to the
holographic principle shortly. The brain, with its billions of
neurons connected by trillions of synapses, is a decoding grid
of receiving and transmitting information

Real is simply electrical signals interpreted by your


The brain brings into conscious reality only 40 sensory
impressions out of every 11 million. It is worth taking that in
for a moment. Round this up to a minutes worth of reality
and it is constructed by the brain with 2,400 impressions
from a possible 660 million and it obviously gets more
fantastic the higher you go. How can people possibly think
they know what is going on when we perceive such a fraction
of what there is to perceive? We are seeing 40 impressions a
second out of 11 million and seeing a tiny band of frequency
that is an estimated 0.005 percent of what exists in the
universe (but it is actually far less even than that). The brain
is able to make the 40 impressions appear to be a seamless
reality because it fills in the gaps itself by what it thinks
should be there. A simple example is when you have written a
sentence with a word missing but you read it back as if it was
there because the brain is filling in the gap with what it
knows should be there. Someone else comes along who hasnt
written the sentence and they will often see the missing word
because their brain is not so closely associated with the word
arrangement. This is why books have to be read by a
proofreader before they go to print. The gaps and perceptions
are also filled in and constructed from a persons memory,
emotional state, desires and beliefs and so two people looking
at the same scene can have very different perceptions of what
they are seeing (decoding - They decode differently).

Chapter 6

The room that you are sitting in or the landscape you see
all around you only exists in that form in your head/mind.
You are not in the room the room is in you. The
apparently outside-of-you perception of the world is all
illusion. The brain is completely without light and only
interacts with the illusory external world by being
constantly fed an electrical copy of waveform/vibrational
light information. A pitch black brain allows us to
apparently see light because it decodes that reality from the
electrical information source. What we call life is only an
exploration of our own mind or awareness and for this
reason our perceptions of reality become our experienced
reality. You dont like your life? Then imagine something
else. We can only be ill or age because we allow that reality to
manifest in the few cubic centimetres in the back of the brain
where our visual reality is decoded into illusory form.

The world that we think is physical, but isnt, and that we
think is outside of ourselves, but isnt, is holographic
illusory physical. Now Im pretty sure you have heard of or
seen a hologram before right?

They are not three-dimensional, but they appear to be. They
are created by a laser beam divided into two beams. One part
of the laser (reference beam) goes directly onto a
photographic print while the other (working beam)
photographs the object in waveform. The working beam is
then also directed at the photographic print where it collides
with the reference beam to create what is known in
holographics as an interference pattern. This is the same
principle as two stones being dropped in a pond. As the
waves from the impacts expand, they collide and create a
waveform version of where the stones fell, the speed of
impact and so on.

The foundation of holograms, from which the apparently
three-dimensional objects are projected, is waveform
information. The process of transforming waveform
information into an illusory physical hologram is completed
when a laser is directed at the waveform information
construct and the hologram is projected into being. The best
of them can look as solid as you and me and the world that
we think we are living in, and yet you can put your hand
through them. Their physicality is illusory and so is our
reality. We decode the waveform information construct of the
universe into holographic reality in much the same way in
theme, if not detail, as conventional holographics. The
waveform passes through the five senses to become electrical
(same information, different expression) and then digital
(ditto) and holographic (ditto), but none of this exists outside
of ourselves however much of it appears that way. The
whole deal is going on inside us, within the decoding process
of brain, DNA and genetic structure in general. In fact, it is my
view that the major point of entry for the waveform information
into the Body-Mind computer is through DNA, which is a
receiver-transmitter system controlled and regulated by the
lesser-known RNA

the rabbit hole is incredibly deep and it is getting deeper all
the time as my mind opens wider to Consciousness. It really is
all an illusion and what we call atoms and even waveform
states only manifest as such when they are being observed.
They are created by the act of observing decoding
information or thought fields. When they are not being
observed (decoded) they exist only as pure potential.

one of the amazing characteristics of holograms is that every
part of a hologram is a smaller version of the whole. Put
another way, if you cut a holographic waveform print into
four pieces and point the laser at each one you will not see
four quarter-segments of the holographic image. You will see
four quarter-sized versions of the whole hologram. Clarity
may be lost as the hologram is reduced in this way, but it still
represents the information in the whole
hologram every part of a hologram is a smaller version of
the whole. The body is a hologram and so every part of the
body is a smaller version of the whole. This explains why
reflexology, acupuncture and other forms of alternative
healing can find areas in different parts of the body hand,
ear, foot, whatever that affect different organs and
processes of the whole body. It has to be like this because the
body is a hologram. The great majority of practitioners of
these healing methods do not understand that they are
possible because the body is a hologram.

One other point worth making is that a holographic universe
means that the human body must be a smaller version of the
universe and that there must be constant interaction
between the two. There are many similarities between the
human and planetary energy fields and electrical activity in
the brain and the universe. I dont suppose a scientist or
doctor has ever told you that mostly because they dont
know. They only know what they are told to know and
funded to know and research. We are the universe and the
universe is us. We are everything and everything is us.

Examples - The Aerospace Institute in Stuttgart, Germany,
has developed a technique for photographing information in
water and from this has come the confirmation that water
does retain information and about the holographic structure
of the universe. Researchers placed a flower in a tank of
water and when it was removed they observed droplets from
the water using the techniques the Institute has developed.
They found that all the droplets contained the image of the
flower (put water has a memory into YouTube to see a

Another experiment gathered together volunteers from the
local community and asked each of them to take four
droplets from the same container of water and place them in
a dish with their name on. They found in each case that the
batches of four droplets were all different, but the four
droplets in each batch were the same. In the simple act of
transferring a droplet from the tank to the dish the water
had retained the unique information field of the person

Objection - But, the world I see is solid and that makes me
believe in absolute reality. I can't believe it unless I see it.
This is not what I was taught in school.

Nothing can be credible without encompassing the quantum

realm because that is the information blueprint from which
the holographic physical world is projected and so anything
that focuses only on the projection for example, the body as
we see it can only ever treat the symptom not the cause. Do
you change a movie on the screen or on the DVD? A lot of
this information is kept out of the education system as this is
one of the control systems. without an understanding of the
quantum world from which the real world is made manifest
you cannot understand anything.

Brief Summary and Segue to the next section -

Part 2 Summary

We are Consciousness! We are Infinite Awareness

having an experience called Human
We are living in a false identity of self our
perception only allows us to see an infinitesimal
fraction of what actually exists
Our body is like an advanced biological computer
system that can decode waveform information - A
vehicle for us to experience physical reality
We are locked in our self identities and our five
senses and we cut ourselves off from our true selves
and higher levels of awareness
Waveform can store extraordinary amounts of
information and everything that we see is decoded
from this Waveform level of the universe
We perceive only 2400 out of 660 Million total
impressions per minute
Our brain fills in gaps with what it knows should be
there to create a seamless reality experience
Reality only exists in our heads
The world we think is physical is an illusory physical
holographic projection
Every part of a hologram is a smaller version of the
whole we are one with all that is

Having this information is great, but what if you want to use

it to your benefit?

Part 3 Chapter 7

Drama - A study published in the Health Services Research journal shows that
physicians and nurses are more likely to turn to alternative and complementary
medicine than the general public, when treating themselves. It found that 63% of the
general working population use some form of natural healing while 76% of those
working in the healthcare sector use complementary medicine. Breaking down the
statistics further, the study found that doctors and nurses were twice as likely to seek
treatment from a massage therapist, acupuncturist or chiropractor than other healthcare
workers. They were also three times more likely to be tapping into natural treatments
such as yoga and herbal supplements than those with a lower standard of education.

***Few doctors will prescribe or recommend natural health products to their patients.
They are unable to suggest any natural health therapies to patients due to their
employment contract. Regulations by health insurance companies prohibit doctors from
suggesting natural non-drug treatments as a condition of their employment, backed up
by Medical Board Regulations.
What is the concept about -
To experience ultimate health and wellness we must start to filter the information that
does not serve us or support our vision of health. You have to ask yourself Does your
doctor empower you to rise up and take personal action to heal yourself? If not you
need to get out of there.

Why is it important?
You are a Sovereign awareness, the divine multi-dimensional creator of your past,
present, and your future. You are solely and wholly responsible and accountable for
everything that happens to you physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually. You
can't change what you don't own. Realize that everything in life is just a permission slip.

When?Who?Where?Why?How?Plus other assorted

The state of our physical body is going to depend upon what
degree it is in harmony with the spirit. If the body is one with
the spirit, It will vibrate at the same frequency and it will
come to know the perfect and eternal health that the spirit
now enjoys.
Sickness occurs when the body shows its disharmony with its
higher self/soul. They are no longer on the same wavelength.
This disharmony blocks the transmission of the Vibration of
our spirit and is preventing them to spread throughout the
entire body. Sickness is a physical manifestation of a much
deeper issue. Sickness is seen by many as a misfortune that
happens out of the blue, by chance, attributable to something
outside of ourselves.Sickness is the manifestation of a
physical, emotional, mental, or spiritual issue. It sets off a
warning alarm. We are so lucky to have it! As long as we
listen to it and we know how to use it. We must look at
dis-ease and sickness as an ally. Rushing to decode the
message which it has transmitted to us and resolve the real
cause of the challenge. We must understand the holographic
nature of reality and realize that it is all an illusion going on
in our own heads. We have forgotten our inner divinity.

Chapter 8
Now this is a shorter chapter but, is vitally important to
understand and has to be covered before we go any further.
Before I talk about the different techniques and modalities there is something very
important to understand about all these things

What they really simply are, they are Permission Slips that you give to yourself to be who you are.

The power does not exist in those objects, techniques, or modalities no real effect per se comes from

So what about this ritual?

What is the best way to do this?

What is the best way to do that?

We use our belief system which sometimes we are not even aware of to attract to us
the symbol that best reflects the vibration within us, that will allow us permission to be
our self

So you are generating the effect yourself out of your own energy! Give yourself permission to
be more of your infinite self more of who you are. It is my sincere belief that each one of you is a
one-of-a-kind unique vibration and whatever tool, ritual, idea, information you attract to yourself is by
definition at the moment the one that is going to work best for you.. because it synced up like
bluetooth to your frequency.. that's why you attracted it.

Chapter 9
So the first technique to get you to perfect health is meditation. As I stated earlier the root of
an illness is in the mind/consciousness. So, by attending to the
mind, clearing it of any disturbances, the recovery speeds up.

Heal the mind through meditation

Meditation prevents stresses from entering the body system and

also releases accumulated stress.Health,happiness and a positive
state of Being wells up

The practice of meditation brings a coolness to the brain, its like

servicing the whole body-mind complex

Through meditation, you can nullify the negative vibrations in the

environment, thereby creating a more harmonious environment.
The second technique I want to talk about is hypnosis and if
you remember the story about Tom at the party being
hypnotized. a hypnotist can implant a false belief (sense of
reality) and the subject then experiences that belief
This belief (perception download) then influences the brain
to decode that belief into holographic reality
The brain/body is a form of biological computer, but its
function is not to produce Consciousness. Its role is to
decode, not create, and to process the information contained
within Consciousness. So the more expanded the
Consciousness that the brain is processing the more
expanded will be the Awareness that it is able to manifest as
experienced reality. The only creative function of the brain is
how it chooses, or is programmed to choose, the information
that it is processing. What it decodes and what it doesnt =
the persons experienced reality. The body is designed to heal itself.
Although this process does work automatically, it can be accelerated and enhanced by
hypnotic techniques. By directing the subconscious mind to focus energy on a specific
system in the body, more of your natural resources will go there.
The subconscious mind has been shown to direct all the energy of the human system, which includes healing. The
immune system can be strengthened and the time to heal shortened. Our subconscious mind is the most powerful
tool we have.

And the last technique I am going to talk about today is energy healing which is a
method of hands on and distant healing. You employ a very light touch on yourself and
others, and you can profoundly accelerate the bodys own healing response. Energy
healing is being used for structural alignment, pain, inflammation, and many other
illnesses. Beyond the surface of our awareness lies a vast world of vibration. How
energy healing works is through resonance and entrainment. When two systems are
oscillating at different frequencies, there is an impelling force called resonance that
causes the two to transfer energy from one to another. When two similarly tuned
systems vibrate at different frequencies, there is another aspect of this energy transfer
called entrainment, which causes them to line up and to vibrate at the same frequency.
Entrainment is the process by which things align their movement and energy together to
match in rhythm and phase. When two things are vibrating at different frequencies
through resonance and entrainment, either the lower vibration will come up, the higher
vibration will come down, or they will meet in the middle. Energy Healing practitioners
learn through breath and meditation techniques to raise the vibration of their hands to a
very high frequency. When they place their hands in proximity to someone else who is
in pain, their client's body, like a similarly tuned circuit, will resonate and entrain to the
practitioner's hands. Love is the universal vibration that allows people to transfer
healing energy from one to another. The practitioner simply holds a tremendously
strong harmonizing energy, and the client's match that vibration. The innate body
intelligence of the person receiving the energy will do whatever the body deems useful
to cause healing to occur. The body heals itself with an unfathomable level of
intelligence. Energy Healers know that Life-force energy is the animating current of life
operating with a level of intelligence that boggles human imagination. The life-force
permeates all living things. Life force has been acknowledged, appreciated, and utilized
by numerous cultures around the world for thousands of years. The Chinese call it
"Chi," and the Japanese call it "Ki." Energy healers believe that:

Love is a universal vibration; love communicates to all species, functions on

all levels and expresses our true nature. It is the foundation of all healing and
the core essence of the life-force.
The ability to assist in healing is natural to all people.
Healing is a skill that can be taught and that grows stronger with practice.
Practitioners become stronger at running the energy and in their healing
ability over time.
Energy follows thought. The practitioner uses intention and various
meditations to create a high-energy field and uses that field to surround the
area to be healed.
Resonance and entrainment cause the area being healed to change its
vibration to match that of the practitioner. The practitioner simply raises and
holds the new resonance.
No one can really heal anyone else. The person in need of healing is the
healer. The practitioner simply holds a resonance to allow the body to heal
Trusting the process is essential. The work may cause temporary pain or
other distressing symptoms that are all part of the healing. The life- force and
the healing process work with complexity and wisdom that are beyond our
conception and comprehension.
The energy follows the natural intelligence of the body to do the necessary
healing. The practitioner pays attention to "body intelligence" and "chases the
The practitioner is also receiving a healing by doing the work.
Breathing amplifies the life-force.
Combining breathing and meditation techniques together causes the energy
to line up, which increases its power many times, like a laser.
Synergy is the effect of multiple healers working together and is greater than
the sum of the parts. It can be very powerful.
Each person's gifts in life and in healing are unique. Some people are
especially gifted at treating specific conditions.
Healing can be accomplished from a distance and can be highly effective.
Energy Healing combines easily and effectively with other healing modalities.
The ability to connect with one's spirituality, in whatever form it is perceived
to be, and asking for help adds another dimension of power to this work.

Examples -

Hypnotherapy has been scientifically proven to improve the bodys natural ability to heal:

Hypnosis for Healing from Harvard Medical School

Study One: Healed 41% faster from fracture

Study Two: Healed significantly faster from surgery

Study One: Six weeks after an ankle fracture, those in the hypnosis group showed the equivalent of eight and a half
weeks of healing.

Study Two: Three groups of people studied after breast reduction surgery. Hypnosis group healed significantly
faster than supportive attention group and control group.

Harvard Medical School, Carol Ginandes and Union Institute in Cincinnati, Patricia Brooks.

In 1985, the Harvard research team made a video of monks drying cold, wet sheets with
body heat alone. Monks spending winter nights 15,000 feet high in the Himalayas is
also not uncommon.

Objection - Now you could be saying to yourself isn't this just the placebo
effect? If you get the desired result does it really matter if it is the placebo effect or not?
I would say no

Brief Summary and Segue to the next section -

Part 3Summary

We are responsible for our health and we can't

change what we don't own
Dis-ease and illness is a disharmony with our spirit or
higher self sickness is a warning alarm
We have to give ourselves permission to be more of
who we are (our Infinite Selves)
The power is not in any objects, techniques, or
modalities we generate the effect out of our own
Through meditation we can clear disturbances and
nullify negative vibrations by becoming still
Hypnotist's implants false beliefs and the subject
experiences that belief which influences the brain to
decode that belief into holographic reality
Energy healing works through resonance and
Love is the universal vibration that allows people to
transfer healing energy from one to another
Energy healers know that life force energy
permeates all things and is the animating current
with unimaginable intelligence
So now, let's review what we have covered so far repetition
is the mother of all learning right?


Part 1 Summary

AMA attempted to survive so they created the
Council of Medical Education to supposedly upgrade
Medical Education
The AMA attempted a takeover but ran out of money
before they accomplish their goal
In 1910 the AMA was bankrolled by Rockefeller and
Carnegie to complete the takeover
Carnegie commissioned Abrham Flexner to write the
Flexner Report that suggested we strengthen
medical courses in Pharmacology
Natural Healing was systematically shut down and
weeded out of society and focus was placed on drugs
and drug research

In 1977 the Declaration of Alma Ata gave the World
Health Organization the means to extend the
Flexner Report throughout the entire world
The Medical Mafia extorts us for our health and
wealth by making us believe that it is in our best
interest for our security and protection

Part 2 Summary

We are Consciousness! We are Infinite Awareness

having an experience called Human
We are living in a false identity of self our
perception only allows us to see an infinitesimal
fraction of what actually exists
Our body is like an advanced biological computer
system that can decode waveform information - A
vehicle for us to experience physical reality
We are locked in our self identities (ego) and our
five senses and we cut ourselves off from our true
selves and higher levels of awareness
Waveform can store extraordinary amounts of
information and everything that we see is decoded
from this Waveform level of the universe
We perceive only 2400 out of 660 Million total
impressions per minute
Our brain fills in gaps with what it knows should be
there to create a seamless reality experience
Reality only exists in our heads
The world we think is physical is an illusory physical
holographic projection
Every part of a hologram is a smaller version of the
whole we are one with all that is

Part 3 Summary

We are responsible for our health and we can't

change what we don't own
Dis-ease and illness is a disharmony with our spirit or
higher self sickness is a warning alarm
We have to give ourselves permission to be more of
who we are (our Infinite Selves)
The power is not in any objects, techniques, or
modalities we generate the effect out of our own
Through meditation we can clear disturbances and
nullify negative vibrations by becoming still
Hypnotist's implants false beliefs and the subject
experiences that belief which influences the brain to
decode that belief into holographic reality
Energy healing works through resonance and
Love is the universal vibration that allows people to
transfer healing energy from one to another
Energy healers know that life force energy
permeates all things and is the animating current
with unimaginable intelligence

In Closing

What to do? You are now a Holistic Alternative Health Explorer and we are on
a quest. We are going to explore the infinite possibilities of all that is and we
will all improve our health in the process.

How to do it? Be an active Explorer sharing what you learn because your
perceptions may give greater clarity to the group. Seek knowledge and be
relentless in your application of it!

When to do it? The past is gone the future is not here the reason why it's called
the present because it is a gift. Do it NOW because now is the only time that
there is!

How to get help if they get lost along the way? If you feel lost or confused on
your quest that's what the group is for. You can reach out to me anytime for
assistance by calling or emailing me. Remember to please bring someone with
you next time a friend or a family member that you feel will benefit.

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