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Camping Trip 2010 Packing List


I will have several tents, and other necessities. I am also going to pack games and
cards, etc. However, if you want to bring your own... that's fine!

A little Spending money, they have a camp store and ice cream shop :)
Appropriate clothing for the campsite and other destinations
SNACKS / Drinks - (NO GLASS) Nothing Messy that will ruin a tent
Bring some closed toed shoes... not just flops
A rain jacket
WARM jacket
Blankets/ camp chairs
Personal Hygiene products (feminine) - Deodorant!!!! SMELLY FEET LOL
Bathing Suit / T-Shirts
Pack lightly / luggage room
Pack a Sleeping Bag AND/OR Air mattress
Pack Sheets and Pillow
Bathing stuff - including an extra towel, the campground will not have these things!
Great adventurous spirits

What Not to PACK:

Lots of Money... You don't need it... PLUS you can't loose it if you Don't Have it!
You don't need Hair Dryers
NO PRANK EQUIPMENT or WEAPONS (Pocket knives, etc.)


It is our recommendation that all valuables be left at home! WE (Brian, Jacqueline, The

This List is not Exhaustive, but is a good place to start... Any questions should be
addressed to Pastor Brian!
Camping Trip ‘10
Because I am a child of God and a member of Portside Student Ministries...

1. I will obey and show respect toward Pastor Brian and all other chaperones, and all campground staff. I will adhere to all rules
and guidelines set up by Pastor Brian, Portside leaders, and campground Staff.

2. I will respect the rights and property of others, and display a patient, Christian attitude toward those in my group as well as
those in the other groups present.

3. I will be kind to everyone I come in contact with at Gettysburg campground while on this trip.

4. I will not leave the campground without asking permission, period. I will never leave the areas that my chaperone gives
permission for me to be.

5. I will not leave the campsite after designated lights out time and remain quiet during designated hours.

6. I will attend and participate in all required events, keeping in mind that sufficient free time will be scheduled for my

7. I will not deliberately cause any damage to anything. I realize that I am financially responsible for any damage I may cause
directly or indirectly to campground property or to another’s personal property. Any materials brought on this trip for the sole
purpose of trashing someone's property will be confiscated and will belong to Pastor Brian.

8. I realize that I am a representative of Portside Student Ministries and the Westminster Church of God and I will conduct
myself in a manner that would make my parents, pastor and leadership proud of me. I will make a special effort to promote good
relations between our group.

9. If one of my possessions is damaged or stolen, or I feel a leader is treating me unfairly, or I am unhappy for any reason, I will
notify Pastor Brian instead of complaining to everyone else. (Thou shall not gripe!!)

10. I will do everything in my power to assure that everyone in my tent and, when possible, everyone in our group has a good

11. I will use common sense to abide by obvious rules of Christian conduct, and will not do anything contrary to the teachings of
God’s Word.

12. I will not participate in any activity, prank, or practical joke that might offend someone, risk physical harm, cause property
damage, or in any way violate any of the rules of Gettysburg campground, Pastor Brian, our chaperones, or God.

13. I will allow anyone to take a picture or shoot video of me without making it difficult, such as turning my head and avoiding
the memory of a lifetime.

14. I realize this trip is a non-dating experience. I will respect the opposite sex with my conduct and discussion. I will focus my
attention towards relationship not romance. I understand that holding hands, hugging, kissing, lapsitting, pairing up and
separating from the group and any inappropriate conduct is prohibited.

15. Please don’t make the weekend un-enjoyable for staff by pushing the boundaries of #14!!

** I, the undersigned, agree to abide by this code of conduct to the best of my ability, so help me God.


Parent’s Signature:__________________________________________

Child Name: ______________________________________ Date of Birth: _____________

Social Security # ________________________ Grade: ____________________________


City: __________________ State: _______ Zip: __________________________________

Home Phone: ( )__________________Work Phone:( )___________________________

Parental Consent:

(I) (We), the undersigned, parent(s) of________________________, a minor, do hereby

consent to said Minor participating in Portside Camping - August 18-20, 2010.
conducted by: Westminster Church of God.

Authorization of Consent to Treatment of Minor:

(I) (We), the undersigned, parent(s) of ________________________, a minor, do hereby

authorize Brian Zdrojowy, hereinafter "Agent", for and on behalf of the undersigned to consent
to any x-ray examination, anesthetic, medical or surgical diagnosis or treatment, and hospital
care which is deemed advisable by, and is to be rendered under the general or specific
supervision of any physician and surgeon licensed under the provision of the Medical Practice
Act, whether such diagnosis or treatment is rendered at the office of said physician or at a
hospital, during all times that the Minor is in the presence of said Agent.

It is understood that this authorization is given in advance of any specific diagnosis,

treatment, or hospital care being required, but is given to provide authority and power on the part
of our aforesaid agent(s) to give specific consent to any and all such diagnosis, treatment, or
hospital care which the aforementioned physician in the exercise of his best judgment may deem

This authorization shall remain effective through the ____ day of ________________,
20___, unless sooner terminated in writing.

_______________________ shall indemnify, hold free and harmless, assume liability

for, and defend Westminster Church of God, its agents, servants, employees, officers,
and directors from any and all liability for personal injury or property damage and costs
and expenses including but not limited to, attorney's fees, reasonable investigative and
discovery costs, court costs, and all other sums for any claim or action founded thereon,
arising or alleged to have arisen out of ________________________(child's name) use
of the real or personal property belonging to or used by Agent while Minor is in the
presence of Agent.

Parent__________________________________________ Date:______________

Parent__________________________________________ Date:______________

Home Phone: ___________________ Work Phone: _____________________________

Other phone number: ______________________________________________________

Legal Guardian: ____________________________ Phone:________________________

Other Emergency Contact: ________________________ Phone: ___________________

Family Doctor: ________________________________ Phone: ____________________

Insurance Co.: _________________________________ If None Please Check: [___]

Insurance Policy Name and #:


Known Medical Conditions:




Last Tetanus Immunization?


Will You Allow Blood Transfusions? (check your response) Yes [____] No [____]

Other Comments:

Parent__________________________________________ Date:______________

Parent__________________________________________ Date:______________

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