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We are a group of volunteers aged 12-15 years, part of YRE programme teams
implemented in Romania by CCDG Bucharest.
Within YRE programme we approach, in our research, environment-related studies,
analyses and topics at local, national, international level and we also try to find
practical solutions for their reduction or eradication.
One of the topics we investigate, which is promoted by YRE programme, is topical and
of much interest for us: CLIMATE CHANGES.
CLIMATE CHANGES affect us, the community we live in, at national and
international level.
We all know that the alarming increase in world population consequently leads to
increased consumption of natural resources and food supplies as well as artificial
resources and processed products. At the same time, all products are packed and
packaging, not collected and recycled properly and smartly, leads to increasing levels
of industrial and household waste and, implicitly, to environmental pollution.
The vast majority of packages is non-degradable and their production is expensive!
Everywhere, locally, nationally and internationally, we try to find practical solutions to
decrease the effects of pollution on the planet, our only home.
Our plan to protect the environment, to reduce polluting products that lead to the well-
acknowledged climate changes, was to organize work teams in school which created
impactful messages, followed by their display in the school halls, organizing
flashmobs, discussions, debates with local community representatives for drawing
attention that each and one of us directly or indirectly can have negative effects on the
We want to collaborate with young people from other countries for an exchange of
information on the Internet regarding a common environmental problem, previously
Teachers organizing

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