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Assalamualaikum Wr.Wb.
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My name is Fauzan, I would like to presentation about bear brand.

If you have some question, you can ask to me at the end of
presentation. Ok audience, look at the slide.

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Keep your body health with bear brand.

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Facts about the bear brand

BEAR BRAND is made from one hundred percent high quality pure milk
that has undergone a sterilization process without the addition of
preservatives that can be directly consumed.
With all the goodness of milk, the purity of BEAR BRAND can help
maintain a healthy body.

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This is composition of the bear brand:

The first Made from low fat milk cow. Then, Added Milk cream powder,
sugar, Palm oil and Calcium carbonate.

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Variat of bear brand products:

Bear brand have three variant :

Bear brand original is one hundred percent high quality pure milk
without the addition of preservatives, has passed the process of
sterilization and can be directly consumed by the body. Many contain
all the goodness of milk and nutrients and do not contain sugar.
Bear brand gold white malt This type of bear milk has a malt content
that is used as a source of energy and is equipped with vitamins B1, B2,
B6, B1.

Bear brand gold whtie tea.With white tea content, derived from
selected tea leaves have higher antioxidant levels than the processing.
And comes with vitamins A, C, and E

Slide 6

The Price of bear brand products:

Bear brand 190 mililiter price Seven thousand two hundred rupiah
Bear brand gold white malt 140 mililiter price Seven thousand eight
hundred rupiah
Bear brand gold white tea 140 mililiter price Eight thousand rupiah

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The advantages of consuming bear brands are:

Cleans the chest cavity

Helps improve body power
Maintaining brain stability
Neutralize toxins in the body
Eat well for diet

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So, keep your bear body health with bear brand. Because bear brand is
one hundred percent high quality pure milk.

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Thank you very much for yout attention and partipation.
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Perkenalkan nama saya fauzan, saya akan menjelaskan tentang bear
brand. Jika kamu mempunyai pertanyaan, kamu bisa bertanya pada
akhir sesi presentasi ini. Baiklah, marilah kita lihat pasa slide.

Slide 2
Kamu bisa menjaga kesehatan tubuhmu dengan bear brand.

Slide 3

fakta tentang bear brand :

BEAR BRAND terbuat dari 100% susu murni berkualitas tinggi yang
telah mengalami proses sterilisasi tanpa penambahan bahan pengawet
sehingga dapat langsung dikonsumsi.
Dengan segala kebaikan susu, kemurnian BEAR BRAND dapat
membantu menjaga kesehatan tubuh.

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Inilah komposi dari bear brand :
Terbuat dari Susu sapi rendah lemak., ditambahkan Susu bubuk krim
gula. Minyak kelapa sawit, Kalsium kalbonat
Slide 5
Jenis dari produk bear brand :
bear brand original
Bear brand, 100% susu murni berkualitas tinggi tanpa penambahan
bahan pengawet, sudah melewati proses sterilisasi dan dapat langsung
dikonsumsi tubuh. Banyak mengandung seluruh kebaikan susu dan
nutrisi serta tidak mengandung gula.

bear brand gold white malt

Susu beruang jenis ini memiliki kandungan malt yang dijadikan sebagai
sumber energi dan dilengkapi dengan vitamin B1, B2, B6, B1.

bear brand gold whtie tea

dengan kandungan teh putih , yang berasal dari daun teh pilihan
memiliki kadar antioksidan lebih tinggi dari pemrosesannya. Dan
dilengkapi dengan vitamin A, C, dan E

Slide 6
harga dari produk bear brand :
Bear brand 190 mililiter harganya Rp. 7.200
Bear brand gold white malt 140 mililiter harganya Rp. 7.800
Bear brand gold white tea 140 mililiter harganya Rp. 8000

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Keuntugan dari mengkomsumsi bear brand ialah :
Membersihkan rongga dada
Membantu meningkatkan daya tubuh
Menjaga kestabilan otak
Menetralisir racun dalam tubuh
Baik dikonsumsi untuk diet

Slide 8
Jadi jagalah kesehatan tubuhmu dengan bear brand, karena bear
brand merupakan susu murni yang berkualitas tinggi

Slide 9
Terima kasih atas perhatiannya.

Wassalamualikum Wr.Wb

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