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System. Appl. Microbiol.

27, 238252 (2004)


Phylogenetic Analysis of Partial Bacterial 16S rDNA Sequences

of Tropical Grass Pasture Soil
under Acacia tortilis subsp. raddiana in Senegal
Moudjahidou Demba Diallo1,3,4, Miet Martens1, Nele Vloemans1,2, Sylvie Cousin1,2,
Tom T. M. Vandekerckhove1, Marc Neyra3, Philippe de Lajudie4, Anne Willems1, Monique Gillis1,
Wim Vyverman2, and Katleen Van der Gucht1,2
Laboratorium voor Microbiologie (WE10), Universiteit Gent, K.L. Ledeganckstraat 35, B-9000 Ghent, Belgium
Department of Biology, Section Protistology and Aquatic Ecology (WE11), Universiteit Gent, Krijgslaan 281/S8, B-9000 Gent,
Laboratoire de Microbiologie des Sols Tropicaux, IRD (Institut de Recherche pour le Dveloppement), BP 1386, Dakar, Senegal
Laboratoire des Symbioses Tropicales et Mditerrannennes (LSTM), UMR 1063 IRD/CIRAD/INRA/AGRO-M TA 10 / J Campus
International de Baillarguet, 34398 Montpellier, Cedex 5, France

Received: July 22, 2003

We used direct recovery of bacterial 16S rRNA gene sequences to investigate the bacterial diversity under
Acacia tortilis subsp. raddiana, a legume tree naturally growing in the dry land part of Senegal (West
Africa). Microbial DNA was purified directly from soil samples and subjected to PCR with primers spe-
cific for bacterial 16S rRNA gene sequences. 16S rDNA clone libraries were constructed from two soil
samples taken at two dates, i.e. June 25th 1999 (dry season) and August 28th 1999 (rainy season) at
depths of 0.250.50 m and at 3 m distance from the stem. The 16S rDNA of 117 clones was partially
sequenced. Phylogenetic analysis of these sequences revealed extensive diversity (100 phylotypes). Com-
parative sequence analysis of these clones identified members of the Gammaproteobacteria (35% of the
phylotypes) as the most important group, followed by the Firmicutes division with 24%. Alpha-
proteobacteria, Betaproteobacteria, Acidobacteria and Actinobacteria were found to be less represented.
Our data suggest that bacterial communities under Acacia tortilis subsp. raddiana might differ according
to the season. The relative compositions of the populations is different in both samples: the Acidobacte-
ria are present in a much higher percentage in the dry season than in the rainy season sample while the
inverse effect is observed for the members of the other groups. Within the Gammaproteobacteria we
found a shift between the dry season and the rainy season from pseudomonads to Acinetobacter and
Escherichia related organisms.

Key words: Bacterial diversity 16S ribosomal RNA clone library tropical soil Acacia

In the semi-arid region of West Africa, soil fertility 40007000 different bacterial genomes per gram of soil)
under the canopy of leguminous trees is frequently supe- [71]. They represent a functionally diverse group of or-
rior to that in open grassland areas [23] and this benefi- ganisms known to play crucial roles in decomposition,
cial effect is exploited by the farmers [47]. Legume trees food chains, and biogeochemical cycling. Different
play an important role in reforestation and maintenance micro-organisms might be expected to grow in soil under
of soil fertility [7]. Vegetation is one environmental factor Acacia tortilis subsp. raddiana, often called the umbrella
thought to be a major determinant of the composition of thorn for its distinctive spreading crown. Some acacia
the soil microbial community since it provides the prima- trees are native to the Sahelian and Saharan areas of the
ry resource for heterotrophic growth. Bacteria are known African continent, and are valuable for their symbiotic
to have a high abundance in the soil (up to 109 cells per bacteria fixing atmospheric N2. Some of them prevent
gram of soil) [62] and a high diversity (a minimum of wind and rain erosion, control sand dunes and are impor-

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Phylogenetic Analysis of Partial Bacterial 16S rDNA Sequences 239

tant sources of wood and fodder for browsing livestock. and R1492 (5-GRTACCTTGTTACGACTT-3). Numbering
Additionally, bound nitrogen is returned to the soil by the refers to the Escherichia coli 16S rRNA gene position corre-
roots and by the natural loss of leaves, resulting in humus sponding to the 3 end of the primers. PCR amplification was
enrichment, which is advantageous for the fertility of the performed by means of a Genius temperature cycler (Biometra,
Gttingen, Germany) in 50 l reactions containing approxi-
soil and its physical properties. Except for our previous mately 100 ng of purified DNA, 10 mM Tris/HCl pH 8.3,
study in which these populations were studied by DGGE 15 mM MgCl2, 500 mM KCl, 0.1% gelatine, 10 l g1 BSA,
and sequencing of some abundant bands [24], to our 1U l1 of Expand high-fidelity DNA polymerase (Boerhinger,
knowledge no other data exist on the composition of soil Mannheim, Germany); and 200 M of each deoxyribonu-
communities under this tree in the dry land part of Sene- cleotide. The temperature and cycling conditions were as fol-
gal. Nowadays it is established that more than 90% of lows. First, preheating at 94 C for 5 min; then 25 cycles at
the micro-organisms existing in nature are refractory to 94 C for 1 min, 55 C for 1 min and 72 C for 1 min, and a
selective enrichment cultures [74]. To overcome these final incubation at 72 C for 5 min. The presence of PCR prod-
drawbacks, interest is currently focused on the use of ucts and their concentration were checked by electrophoresis of
5 l product on a 2% agarose gel, stained with ethidium bro-
molecular biological techniques, given their powerful ca- mide. A molecular weight marker (Smart ladder-Eurogentec)
pacity to allow the analysis of bacterial communities in was included.
their natural habitats. In this context, since 1990 [74],
analysis of the 16S rRNA molecule or its corresponding Clone library construction
gene (16S rDNA) has been by far the most widely used To generate nearly full-length 16S rDNA clones, the PCR
approach in the last decade. product was ligated into the pGEM-T vector (Promega, Madi-
The aim of the present work was to study bacterial di- son, Wis. USA) and the ligation reaction was used to transform
versity associated with Acacia tortilis subsp. raddiana competent Escherichia coli strain JM109. Recombinant colonies
were selected on Luria-Bertani agar plates containing 20 g ml1
and to compare the bacterial communities from the same
X-Gal (5-bromo-4-chloro-3-indolyl--D-galactopyranoside), 0.5
soil taken at 2 different sampling dates (rainy and dry mM IPTG (isopropyl--D-thiogalactopyranoside), and 100 g
season) in the Northern pastoral-forestry zone of Senegal. ml1 ampicillin. Plates were incubated overnight at 37 C. The
To obtain phylogenetic information, we used the classical presence of inserts was determined by direct PCR on a sample
cloning-sequencing approach on DNA directly extracted from white (positive) bacterial colonies, using primers flanking
from soil. Universal Bacteria primers were used to ampli- the cloning sites on the vector.
fy cloned 16S rDNA. The 16S rDNA of the various dif-
ferent clones was partially sequenced and the sequences DGGE analysis
To screen the clones, the V3 region of the 16S rDNA of each
clone was amplified by using 1 l of each clone culture directly
as a DNA template. The primers used are: F357GC (5-CGCCC
Material and Methods TACGGGAGGCAGCAG-3) and R518 (5-ATTACCGCGGCT
GCTGG-3). The PCR amplification procedure was performed
Study site and sample collection as described by Van der Gucht et al. [73].
The study was carried out in Souilne (IRDs Biological Re- The DGGE technique was performed using the D-Code Sys-
search Station in North Senegal), in the grassland part of the tem from Bio-Rad Laboratories. PCR products were loaded
Ferlo Region near the village of Windou Thiengoly and onto 8% (w/v) polyacrylamide gels, 1 mm thick, in 1 TAE
Mbeulekhe, situated between 154016 N, 1540 W. The soil buffer [20 mM Tris-acetate pH 7.4, 10 mM acetate, 0.5 mM dis-
of the region consists of degraded red/brown ferruginous sand, odium EDTA]. The denaturing gradient contained 35% to 70%
which extends to a depth of at least 30 m [23], and is character- denaturant (100% denaturant corresponded to 7 M urea and
ized by a low organic matter content, and poor water and chem- 40% (vol/vol) deionized formamide). Electrophoresis was done
ical retention properties. Consisting almost completely of quartz at a constant voltage of 75 V for 16 h. The temperature was set
it has a very low cation exchange capacity. Annual long-term to 60 C. After electrophoresis, gels were incubated for 1 hour
rainfall, which occurs in a single rainy season between July and in TAE containing ethidium bromide (0.5 mgl1). The bands
October, was on average 297 mm for the period 1981-1993 but were visualized on a UV transillumination table equipped with a
more recently, it has decreased to about 150 mm. A comprehen- digital CCD camera.
sive description of the area is given by Le Hourou [47], and As standard, we used a mixture of DNA from 9 clones [73].
floristic details of the district were reported by Miehe [55]. Two On every gel, three standard lanes were included in parallel with
soil cores (2.5 by 25 cm) were taken under Acacia tortilis subsp. the samples in order to compare the patterns formed in different
raddiana at depths of 0.250.50 m beneath the canopy at a dis- gels. This procedure was semi-automated using the software
tance of three meters from the stem. Sampling was done at the package BioNumerics 2.5 (Applied Maths BVBA, Kortrijk, Bel-
end of the dry season (June 25th 1999) and in the middle of the gium).
rainy season (August 28th, 1999). These samples were selected, The similarity between the profiles was calculated using the
after examination of the banding patterns of various soil sam- Dice correlation coefficient and a similarity matrix was con-
ples analyzed by DGGE [24], to capture the samples with the structed. The data were clustered by UPGMA.
most bands.
Phylogenetic analysis
DNA extraction and PCR amplification of 16S rDNA Representatives of the 16S rDNA clones were partially se-
Bacterial community DNA was extracted from soil samples quenced; the sequence of 500 base pair long fragment was deter-
by a direct-lysis method described previously [24]. The extracted mined with an automated sequencer (ABI-Prism377) combined
DNA was subjected to PCR amplification with the bacteria-spe- with a Sequencing Kit (PE-Biosystems) and the primer R519 (5-
240 M. Demba Diallo et al.

A GenBank BLAST search [2] was performed for each of our Actinobacteria showing 96% similarity with Strepto-
sequences in order to sort out the closest relatives. The selected myces diastatochromogenes. Forty-seven and 53 phylo-
sequences were aligned automatically with BioNumerics 2.5 and types were identified in samples from the dry and the
manually corrected. Phylogenetic reconstructions were per- rainy season respectively.
formed separately for the Alphaproteobacteria, the Betapro-
teobacteria, the Gammaproteobacteria, the Firmicutes and for
As indicated by the coverage analysis (Fig. 1) the num-
the Acidobacteria. A final alignment of 413 bases was imported ber of clones screened and sequenced in this study was
into BioNumerics 2.5. Distances, including deletions and inser- not enough to cover the full bacterial diversity.
tions were calculated according to Jukes and Cantor [39],
whereupon the overall neighbour-joining (NJ) phylogenetic den-
Gammaproteobacteria clones
drogram was inferred, rooted and bootstrapped 500 times [34].
Identical sequences were considered as a single phylotype. The largest number (35) of phylotypes (35%, repre-
senting 108 clones) was found to belong in the
Rarefaction analysis Gammaproteobacteria (Fig. 2). Within this lineage our
Rarefaction curves [33] were produced by using a web-based
program written by C.J. Krebs and J. Brzustowski (University of
phylotypes belonged mostly in the Acinetobacter, the
Alberta, Edmonton, Canada) available online at http://www. Pseudomonas and the Escherichia clusters. Two phylo-
biology.ualberta.ca/jbrzusto/rarefact.php. types (ARDS22, ARRS142) clustered with Lysobacter
and one with two uncultured bacteria occupying a sepa-
Nucleotide sequences accession numbers rate position. Lysobacter contains non-fruiting gliding
The sequences obtained in this study have been deposited in bacteria with a high % G+C; they have been isolated
the GenBank database under accession no. AY344844 to from soil and water and can lyse all kinds of micro-or-
AY344960. ganisms [18].
Fifteen phylotypes from both seasons clustered in the
Acinetobacter group (supported by a 100% bootstrap
Results value). Acinetobacter consists of aerobic, oxidase-nega-
tive, penicillin-resistant rods that are common soil and
Clone library construction and screening
water inhabitants [12, 16, 37, 57]. Their nutritional prop-
of the library
erties and ubiquitous occurrence in soil and water suggest
16S rRNA gene clone libraries were constructed from that they may be very important agents in the aerobic
DNA extracted from 2 Senegalese grassland soil samples mineralisation of organic matter in nature [12]. Amongst
[24]. Nearly full-length 16S rRNA gene clones were ob- the phylotypes of the Acinetobacter cluster, 4 [ARRS110
tained by PCR amplification with primers near the ends (= ARRS40, ARRS49, ARRS105), ARRS32 (=ARRS124),
of the gene and cloning into a TA cloning vector. ARDS92 and ARRS41] representing 36 clones had the
Felske et al. [29], and Bano et al. [8] showed that clone highest sequence similarity with a subcluster containing
screening by DGGE or TGGE is a convenient and effi- Acinetobacter lwoffii, a soil bacterium [41]. Another 4
cient way to detect and retrieve the most abundant 16S phylotypes (ARRS48, ARRS125, ARRS28 and ARRS39,
rRNA sequences. representing 7 clones) were related to the subcluster con-
One hundred and forty-nine 16S rDNA clones were taining the type strain of Acinetobacter johnsonii (DSM
collected from the dry season sample and screened by 6963T). Clones ARDS48 and ARDS8 constitute another
DGGE. Ten clones delivered a single band corresponding Acinetobacter subcluster together with Acinetobacter sp.
to the place of the E. coli band and four contained three BC187 isolated from activated sludge of a treatment plant
bands. From the remaining clones, 48 representing vari- collecting wastes enriched in ethoxylated nonylphenols
ous band classes containing in total 120 clones, were se- [10] and more closely related to A. calcoaceticus. Phylo-
lected for sequencing. One hundred and forty-eight type ARDS100 has A. schindleri [56] as its closest rela-
clones were isolated from the rainy season sample. Four tive. Phylotypes ARRS20 (= ARRS 60) belongs to a sepa-
contained three DGGE bands, and 10 contained a single
band corresponding with E. coli. After further screening,
68 clones were selected for sequencing.
The representative clones were partially sequenced
producing on average 450 bp long quality sequences.
After a BLAST analysis, phylogenetic reconstructions
were made on an alignment of 413 bases.

Comparative sequence analysis and coverage

of libraries
All the sequences appeared to cluster in bacterial phyla
and classes, which are generally found in soil: Alphapro-
teobacteria, Betaproteobacteria, Gammaproteobacteria Fig. 1. Rarefaction curves generated for 16S rRNA genes in
as well as Firmicutes, Acidobacteria and Actinobacteria. clones libraries from samples collected in the dry season (DS)
Only one clone (ARDS52) was found to belong to the and rainy season (RS).
Phylogenetic Analysis of Partial Bacterial 16S rDNA Sequences 241

rate subcluster containing also ARRS70 and ARDS125 with Bacillus sp. LMG19415 [32]. ARDS4 and ARRS19
which has an aberrant sequence. Their closest relative is formed a distinct lineage encompassing also Bacillus fir-
Acinetobacter sp. Hop10 [9]. mus and two clones of uncultured bacteria (335-1 and
Thirteen phylotypes (mostly from the dry season) clus- 511-1) described by Valinsky et al. [72]. Three other phy-
ter in the Pseudomonas group, supported by a 97% of lotypes (ARDS149, ARRS109 and ARDS64) constitute
bootstrap value. The authentic pseudomonads contain another subcluster containing Bacillus niacini, a nicoti-
many species isolated from soil [3, 4, 20, 71]. Phylotype nate-metabolizing mesophile isolated from soil [56].
ARRS47 clusters together with the type strain of Pseu-
domonas oleovorans (IAM1508T). Ten phylotypes
Betaproteobacteria clones
(ARDS25, ARDS28, ARDS60, ARDS76, ARDS75,
ARDS102, ARDS121, ARDS90, ARDS42 and ARDS99 Fourteen phylotypes (14%, representing 27 clones) be-
comprising 22 clones) fall in a subcluster containing P. long to the Betaproteobacteria (Fig. 4). Two phylotypes
marginalis, P. veronii, P. trivialis and P. poae. The lat- [ARRS26, (= ARRS4) and ARRS2, representing 11
ter two species have recently been created for strains iso- clones] grouped together in a cluster containing Massilia
lated from the phyllosphere of grasses, [13]. Phylotypes timonae isolated from human patients [49]. Three dry
ARDS127 and ARRS96 grouped together with P. putida season phylotypes (ARDS96, ARDS108 and ARDS14)
and a Pseudomonas isolate NZ17, a pathogen of Agari- grouped with Pseudomonas mephitica belonging to the
cus bisporus [31], while phylotype ARRS44 clustered Janthinobacterium lividum cluster [3], Duganella
with Pseudomonas sp. NNO16893 [38] and Fa20 [43]. zoogloeoides and Zoogloea sp. BAL15. Zoogloea sp.
Four phylotypes, all from the rainy season [ARRS45, BAL15 is the closest relative of ARDS14, ARDS108 and
ARRS9 (= ARRS85), ARRS62 = (ARRS150, ARRS74, ARDS96. The sequence of Zoogloea sp. BAL15 has more
ARRS53) and ARRS25)] grouped with Escherichia coli similarity with that of Duganella zoogloeoides indicating
strain PK3 and E. coli ATCC 43895 [20, 40]. All the that the former species is probably not a genuine
clones related to the Escherichia group were from the Zoogloea member because Zoogloea ramigera
rainy season sample while 12 clones out of 14 related to IAM12137T belongs in the same cluster but on another
the Pseudomonas group were from the dry season sample. branch also containing phylotype ARDS127 and Be-
taproteobacterium MC10 that is capable of catabolising
biodegradable polymers [68]. Three phylotypes
Firmicutes clones
[ARRS46, ARDS36 and ARRS66 (= ARRS114)] were
The second largest series with 24% phylotypes repre- found in a cluster containing the sequences of two
senting 64 clones belong to the Firmicutes (Fig. 3); several unidentified bacterial clones oxSCC-6 and oxSCC-26 iso-
clusters and subclusters were found. One phylotype lated from flooded paddy soil [51]. Three phylotypes
[ARRS100 (= ARRS65 and ARRS121), representing 18 [ARDS84, ARRS51 and ARRS27 (= ARRS18)] clustered
clones] grouped with the formerly called Bacillus within Acidovorax with the highest similarity to a strain
flavothermus now reclassified as Anoxybacillus thermi- (B2/74) isolated from the pupa of Wohlfahrtia magnifica.
flavus [60, 61], while phylotype ARRS6 clustered more Phylotypes ARRS101 occupies a separate position. One
remotely from the other Firmicutes related phylotypes. sequence, ARRS29, clustered with Comamonas.
Phylotypes ARDS81, ARDS79 and ARRS55 (together 8
clones) occupied separate positions. Three phylotypes Alphaproteobacteria clones
(ARRS113, ARRS126 and ARRS42) clustered with both
species of Ammoniphilus [76] obligately oxalotrophic Eleven phylotypes (11%, representing 29 clones) be-
ammonium-dependent organisms isolated from the rhizo- long to the Alphaproteobacteria (Fig. 5) of which 4 clus-
sphere of sorrel (Rumex acetosa). Within the Paenibacil- tered with members of the rhizobia: two sequences
lus cluster we found 2 subclusters one with P. turicensis (ARRS139, ARRS10) clustered with Mesorhizobium sp.
[15] and another one containing the potato endophytic WG detected in a bioreactor and characterized by Costa
bacteria described as an uncultured Paenibacillus sp. et al. [21]. Phylotype ARDS107 occupied a separate posi-
[63]. Phylotype ARRS33, clustered in the P. turicensis tion close to the Mesorhizobium cluster; sequence
subcluster while phylotype ARRS132 (= ARRS143) were ARRS102 had the highest sequence similarity with
more closely related to potato bacterium B9 [63]. Several Sinorhizobium sp. C5 [17] a halotolerant rhizobia isolat-
clones were found in the Bacillus cluster: phylotypes ed from root nodules of Canavalia rosea from seaside
ARDS51 and ARRS3 were related to the Bacillus areas and clustered with Sinorhizobium meliloti including
litoralis sublineage [30], two phylotypes (ARDS93, S. meliloti LMG 15285 isolated from Acacia tortilis
ARDS62) were related to Bacillus methanolicus [5] and subsp. raddiana nodules [7]. Four phylotypes belonged to
ARRS94 and ARRS77 grouped with Bacillus licheni- the Sphingomonas cluster: sequence ARRS82 grouped
formis. Two phylotypes (ARRS123 and ARDS67) form a closely to Sphingobium yanoikuyae strain B10 isolated
group affiliated with Bacillus sp. (strain MKO3) isolated from soil [69], while sequence ARRS57 was closely relat-
and described by Suzuki et al. [69], and, interestingly, ed to Sphingomonas sp. SIA181-A1 isolated from Lake
also with bacteria from very cold habitats, like the glacial Vostok accretion ice [19]. The phylotypes ARRS63 and
ice bacterium G500K-19; phylotype ARRS83 belongs in ARDS47 had the highest similarity with members of
the same subcluster and has a higher sequence similarity Caulobacter leidyi and Caulobacter subvibrioides , now
242 M. Demba Diallo et al.
Phylogenetic Analysis of Partial Bacterial 16S rDNA Sequences 243

Fig. 2. Neighbour-joining tree depicting the phylogenetic relationships among the Gammaproteobacteria sequences in this study.
Species or strain names are preceded by their GenBank accession numbers. Clones detected in this study are given in boldface. Boot-
strap values above 50 are shown, representing the percentage support for clusters out of 500 replications. AR = Acacia tortilis subsp.
raddiana, RS = Rainy season, DS = Dry season. The scale gives genetic distances. Bold lines corresponding to a separate scale are
used to reduce long branches.
244 M. Demba Diallo et al.

Fig. 3. Neighbour-joining tree depicting the phylogenetic relationships among the Firmicutes sequences in this study. Species or
strain names are preceded by their GenBank accession numbers. Clones detected in this study are given in boldface. Bootstrap values
above 50 are shown, representing the percentage support for clusters out of 500 replications. AR = Acacia tortilis subsp. raddiana,
RS = Rainy season, DS = Dry season. The scale gives genetic distances.
Phylogenetic Analysis of Partial Bacterial 16S rDNA Sequences 245

Fig. 4. Neighbour-joining tree depicting the phylogenetic relationships among the Betaproteobacteria sequences in this study. Species or
strain names are preceded by their GenBank accession numbers. Clones detected in this study are given in boldface. Bootstrap values
above 50 are shown, representing the percentage support for clusters out of 500 replications. AR = Acacia tortilis subsp. raddiana, RS =
Rainy season, DS = Dry season. The scale gives genetic distances. Bold lines corresponding to a separate scale are used to reduce long

reclassified in Sphingomonas [1]. Sequence ARRS67 was tained in other studies and belonging in the Acidobacte-
very similar to Brevundimonas sp. FWC 43 and My- ria phylum (Fig. 6) [52]. Except one (ARRS99 having
coplana bullata a species that has to be transferred to the same phylotype as ARSD39) they all are from the
Brevindumonas [1]. Phylotype ARRS17 has a separate dry season sample. The sequences found in this phylum
position. are very heterogeneous. Based on our partial sequences
Finally, an unidentified soil bacterial clone 1035-2 re- we found 5 clusters: a first one contains phylotypes
trieved from soil by Valinsky et al. [72] proved to be clos- ARDS3 and ARDS1 only distantly related to an uncul-
est relative of phylotype ARRS115. tured Acidobacterium clone W2a-4C detected in rocky
mountain alpine soil [50]. Within the second cluster we
found 2 phylotypes [ARDS17 (= ARDS12) and
Acidobacteria clones
(ARDS112)]. Phylotype ARDS112 was more closely re-
Fifteen phylotypes (15%) were most closely related lated to an uncultured soil bacterium clone 513-2 [73]
to environmental clones of uncultivated bacteria ob- and to an uncultured soil bacterium Ac74 cluster [64].
246 M. Demba Diallo et al.

Fig. 5. Neighbour-joining tree depicting the phylogenetic relationships among the Alphaproteobacteria sequences in this study.
Species or strain names are preceded by their GenBank accession numbers. Clones detected in this study are given in boldface. Boot-
strap values above 50 are shown, representing the percentage support for clusters out of 500 replications. AR = Acacia tortilis subsp.
raddiana, RS = Rainy season, DS = Dry season. The scale gives genetic distances.

A third cluster contains phylotype ARDS88 closely re- Discussion

lated to a British Columbia forest soil clone NM8.
79WL [6]. This work is part of a comprehensive study on the mi-
A fourth cluster contains phylotype ARDS122 closely crobial diversity in tropical semi-arid soil under Acacia
related to uncultured bacterium Br-z33. A fifth cluster tortilis subsp. raddiana in the Northern pastoral-forestry
contained three subclusters: in a first one we found phy- zone of Senegal using culture-independent molecular ap-
lotype ARDS45 containing the sequence of uncultured proaches. In a previous study we assessed the bacterial
bacteria OF20 and Ac37 [64]; three phylotypes (ARDS7, community structure in various soil samples from a tran-
ARDS2 and ARDS105) constitute a separate subcluster sect under this tree by DGGE analysis of the 16S rDNA
and ARDS99 (= ARDS39) group in a third subcluster to- V3 region combined with sequencing of the excised dom-
gether with an uncultured soil bacterium 576-2 detected inant bands [24]. In the present paper, we phylogenetical-
by Valinsky et al. [72]. Phylotypes ARDS146, ARDS6 ly analysed the 16S rDNA clone libraries of two samples
and ARDS103 occupy separate positions. from a single place from this transect but from different
Phylogenetic Analysis of Partial Bacterial 16S rDNA Sequences 247

Fig. 6. Neighbour-joining tree depicting the phylogenetic relationships among the Acidobacteria sequences in this study. Species or
strain names are preceded by their GenBank accession numbers. Clones detected in this study are given in boldface. Bootstrap values
above 50 are shown, representing the percentage support for clusters out of 500 replications. AR = Acacia tortilis subsp. raddiana,
RS = Rainy season, DS = Dry season. The scale indicates genetic distances. Bold lines corresponding to a separate scale are used to re-
duce long branches.

Fig. 7. Distribution of 16S rDNA clones

derived from the rainy season and the dry
season within the bacterial phyla.
248 M. Demba Diallo et al.

dates (one in each season). The sampling site (3 m from nodulated by Mesorhizobium plurifarium and members
the stem and at a depth of 0.25 to 0.50 m) was chosen for of Sinorhizobium these organisms are presumed to be
its highest diversity as found by DGGE [24]. Our first in- present in this soil. A possible explanation for the absence
tention was to study the diversity of the bacterial commu- of representatives of Mesorhizobium and Sinorhizobium
nities and not to fully characterize the diverse members of in our DGGE study might be their low abundance in
the bacterial population; consequently we preferred to comparison with other organisms. Also in our 16S rDNA
only partially sequence the various 16S rDNA clones. clone libraries their presence is low (only four clones)
After screening by DGGE and sequencing we obtained which confirms our DGGE results unless PCR or cloning
100 different phylotypes. Most of them (35%) were iden- bias can also be invoked to explain the low coverage of
tified as members of the Gammaproteobacteria, 24% be- these sequences [22].
longed to the Firmicutes, 14% to the Betaproteobacteria,
15% to the Acidobacteria, 11% to the Alphaproteobacte-
Comparison with similar studies in the literature
ria and only one (1%) to the Actinobacteria.
As we only analysed one sample in the rainy season In other studies characterizing the soil microbial diver-
and one sample in the dry season, caution is needed inter- sity by culture-independent methods most clones found
preting the results. The differences detected in this study were also members of the described bacterial lineages but
are not based on replicates and therefore have no signifi- with varying percentages of participation depending on
cant values. We also did not characterize the full bacterial the soil, sample origin and plant growth. Felske et al. [29]
diversity present in tropical soil under Acacia trees but and Duineveld et al. [26] described members of Bacillus
only offer a first glimpse of this bacterial diversity as is as the most predominant in grassland soil in Drente and
shown by the low coverage of our clone libraries (see in a loamy sand soil from Ede (the Netherlands). Also,
Fig. 1). Smalla et al. [65] studying the bulk and rhizospheric soil
under three different plant species showed that Bacillus
Comparison with previous results megaterium and Arthrobacter spp. prevailed in temperate
loamy sand soil in Germany. Arthrobacter spp. were also
In our previous study, where we sequenced the most found as dominant populations in the TGGE molecular
prominent bands of the DGGE profiles, we found [24] fingerprints of 16S rDNA fragments amplified from the
that members of Bacillus and Acinetobacter, represent rhizosphere of maize grown in tropical soil [31]. In other
the most intense bands in all the samples studied. In both studies using comparable techniques on other tropical or
16S rDNA clone libraries, members of the Bacilli repre- subtropical but forest soils, Alphaproteobacteria are de-
sent the second largest group after the Gammaproteobac- scribed as most abundant sequences (as high as 40%) in
teria with almost half of them being representatives of the Scottisch grassland soils [54], in soil from a Hawaian
genus Acinetobacter. We found 55 and 70 Acinetobacter rainforest, [58] and in subtropical acid forested soil in
related clones in the rainy and dry season respectively for Australia [67] in which the bacteria customly identified
36 (rainy season) and 16 (dry season) clones related to by culturing in acid soils could not be detected in the16S
the Bacilli. It was to be expected that we found a much rDNA clone library approach. In a forest soil of Central
higher diversity in the 16S rDNA clones than in our pre- Java (Indonesia) Krave et al. [43] also found a strong
vious work in which we only sequenced the most intense dominance of Alphaproteobacteria (especially members
bands of the DGGE profiles. of the Rhizobium-Agrobacterium group) and Actinobac-
The diverse groups of bacteria found in our former teria. However, in other studies [14, 46, 59], Alphapro-
study were confirmed by the results of the current study teobacteria clones accounted for maximally 3% in a li-
except that we did not detect 16S rDNA clone sequences brary obtained from Wisconsin soil and were absent, in a
corresponding to Arthrobacter members nor to represen- clone library from another Hawaiian rainforest sample
tatives of the TM7 lineage [36] and to the Bacteroidetes and pinyon-juniper woodland soil. The composition of
phylum although a representative of this lineage was our samples is different since we detected mostly
found in many samples in both seasons and as a rather in- Gammaproteobacteria followed by the Firmicutes. Rep-
tense band present in part of the rainy season samples. A resentatives of the Alpha and Betaproteobacteria were
possible explanation for this might be that the Bac- less abundant. The reasons for this can be that the semi-
teroidetes cluster is under-represented in our clone li- arid tropical soil may contain other dominant bacterial
braries. Kirchman [42] showed in his review on the ecolo- populations than temperate soil or other sub or tropical
gy of Bacteroidetes in aquatic environments that 16S forest soils and that the populations are influenced by
rDNA clone library construction is often biased against growth of the tree. Another explanation can be that we
the Bacteroidetes cluster. extracted and/or amplified only a selection of the abun-
On the other hand solely by using the 16S rDNA clone dant DNA from the soil or that our experimental condi-
library approach we found members of the Acidobacteria tions were different from those used in the other studies.
phylum, typical for many soil bacterial populations [27, Smit et al. [66] who studied the bacterial community in a
28, 47, 64]. The 16S rDNA clone library approach re- wheat field in temperate soil (The Netherlands), found
vealed many more members of the Alphaproteobacteria e.g. no Gram-positive bacteria by using molecular tech-
amongst which 4 clones belonging to Mesorhizobium and niques, while these organisms dominated in the cultured
Sinorhizobium. As A. tortilis subsp. raddiana can be isolates.
Phylogenetic Analysis of Partial Bacterial 16S rDNA Sequences 249

Comparison between the samples and the season 72]. Approximately 24% of our clones belonged to the
Figure 7 shows the percentages of the clones belonging Furthermore, our data suggest that bacterial communi-
to the various bacterial divisions in both seasons. Based ties under Acacia tortilis subsp. raddiana might differ ac-
on the number of different phylotypes found, 39% of the cording to the season.
clones represent a unique phylotype in both samples. For
Betaproteobacteria, the Gammaproteobacteria and the
Firmicutes more clones are present in the rainy season Acknowledgements
sample than in the dry season sample. These high per- This investigation was supported by the Commission of the
centages may be linked to the rainy season, when more European Communities project, INCO-DC (International coop-
nutrients become available for micro-organisms. This in- eration with developing countries) contact ERBIC18CT98-0322.
dicates that various micro-organisms could profit from M. D. D. is indebted to Research Institute for Development
these nutrients. (IRD) for PhD research grant (February 2000- January 2003). A.
In contrast, Acidobacteria and Alphaproteobacteria W. and M. G. are indebted to the F.W.O (Fund for Scientific Re-
are more represented in the dry season than in the rainy search-Flanders, Belgium) respectively for a position as postdoc-
toral research fellow, research and for personnel grants.
season. The vast majority of Acidobacteria have not yet
been cultured and their ecological functions in soils re-
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