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What Matters to You?

How do you measure a church's health? How healthy is

our church? How do we grow as a church family in the
years to come?
First Pres turned 140 years old this year, and we think
it's time for a check-up. This fall, we've invited TAG
Consulting Group to help us with our check-up.
It starts with a survey for every member, and we want to
hear from you:
Survey Passcode: fpco

Save the Date

TODAY: World Communion Sunday
October 8: Second Sunday, when we take a few
minutes to make new friends after worship. Join us
under the Angel Wing (between the Sanctuary and
Allen Hall).
October 15: Faithserves Forum. Hear how Biblical
entrepreneurship has transformed communities in
Madagascar. Register at fpco.org/businesses.
October 19: 6 Questions Lunch Series with Justice
Alan Lawson of the Supreme Court of Florida.
October 26: QCommons hosted by The
Collaborative, is a Christian TED Talk inspired event
on cultural hot topics. Learn more at qcommons.
May 2018: Scotland Trip. Attend 1-of-2 information
sessions: the ARISE AND BUILD Luncheon today,
or October 4 at 5:30pm, in the Legacy Room.


Generosity 39.6%
Stewardship Report as of
September 24, 2017. Thank you for your faithful generosity.
Because we believe participation (and not a dollar amount)
is key in our giving, we are now reporting our churchs
giving participation percentage weekly.
Our financial numbers will appear on a monthly basis for
continued transparency in budgeting.
Give easily and securely online from your smartphone at
OCTOBER 1, 2017

Congregational Care
As a caring body of believers, please remember in your
prayers those who have recently been hospitalized or are
recuperating at home: Woody Blaker.
To be added to our prayer list call the Pastoral Care office
at 407.423.3441 x1455, or submit an online prayer request at

500 Years of Reformation

While the Protestant Reformation rejected much of the
existing religious imagery of the church, to the extent of
destroying church artwork, new religious artistic traditions
emerged from the (sometimes literal) ashes of the old. In the
effort to reinforce the divinity of Christ alone, the Protestant
church reacted by moving away from icons and paintings
and in some cases, even crosses.

Our Art Nouveau treatment of the Reformation sermon

series was inspired by the original Luther rose woodcut,
a seal designed for Martin Luther in the 1520s containing
a flower with five petals; as well as the integral role of
the printing press in the spread of Reformation ideas.
Thoroughly different from the austere interpretations of
Luthers time, the Art Nouveau movement (1890-1910)
nevertheless reflects a similar spirit: like the transformation
in religious art sparked by the Reformation, the Art Nouveau
movement sought to abolish the traditional hierarchy of the
arts, and recall the value of workmanship.

Each week we will feature a different design treatment of

one Sola: this week's, Sola Scriptura, contains 5 five-petaled
flowers overlaid with text from historic Bibles (Guenteberg,
the first Welsh translation, Scofield, etc.), as well as a book
cover fabric treatment.


address 106 East Church St., Orlando Florida 32801
phone 407.423.3441
online fpco.org /firstpresorlando /fpcorlando

ARISE AND BUILD Testimony Rev. Tom Muir (9:45)

Rev. Keith Case (11:00)

Prayer for Illumination Dr. David Swanson

*Scripture Reading II Timothy 3:14-17
pew bible p. 843

At the conclusion of our Scripture reading, the leader will

say, This is the word of the Lord. The congregation is
invited to respond, Thanks be to God.

Message Sola Scriptura

* All who are able are invited to stand.


Invitation to the Table Rev. Tom Muir (9:45)
Rev. Keith Case (11:00)
Prayer of Consecration
Words of Institution
Serving of the Bread
Serving of the Cup

Assisting in Worship: Rev. Becky Davis and Wil Brown.

(Give securely on your smartphone at fpco.org/mobile)

Rev. Keith Case is the pastor at Providencia in West

Palm Beach. As we looked for ways to support church
plants through the ARISE AND BUILD Capital Campaign,
Redeemer Presbyterian Churchs City to City program
connected us to a church already well known and just
down the road. Providencia has a decidedly urban
edge, arts focus, diverse beginning, and 21st-century

Rev. Tom Muir is the pastor at Esk Valley Church in

Edinburgh, Scotland, a new Free Church of Scotland
congregation. Esk Valley Church is special to our church
family because we have supported the planting of their
church through our ARISE AND BUILD campaign. The
congregation meets at the National Mining Museum (a very
cool space) for worship, prayer, and sharing Gods word.
In a culture where peoples opinions reign supreme (in
their own eyes), it is only natural that the individual
would also determine for themselves what is their
truth. Tolerance receives high marks... as long as you
agree with me on what we should be tolerant about!
In short, our society and culture have lost home
plate. We dont know what game we are in. We are
making up the rules as we go, discarding thousands
of years of common practice. The cultural value is
that there are no absolutes. We are our own authority.
The idea that God would give the people made in His
image, people all of whom He created, absolutes is
most difficult for a self-centered, narcissistic culture
to accept. Through the centuries the word of God, the
Scriptures, have spoken Gods absolute, unchanging
truth. God has given His people an authoritative
book giving guidance and instruction regarding all
aspects of life. But more than that, His book is a living,
breathing library of eternal truth which leads us to
Himself, revealing who He is, what He has done, and
what He is doing in our world. Of the millions of books
in the world, the Bible stands alone as the unique,
authoritative Word of God. It is the Cornerstone upon
which all else is founded. Sola Scriptura!
-Dr. Dan Sharp

(Please silence all phones and electronic devices.)

A Spiritual for Organ gordon young


Call to Worship Rev. Keith Case (8:15)

Rev. Tom Muir (11:00)

*Processional Hymn of Praise no. 311

God Has Spoken by His Prophets Ode to Joy

*The Authority of Scripture no. 308

*Ascription of Praise Rev. Keith Case (8:15)

Rev. Tom Muir (11:00)
Organ Praise

Pastoral Report Dr. Case Thorp

ARISE AND BUILD Testimony Rev. Keith Case (8:15)

Rev. Tom Muir (11:00)

Pastoral Prayer Rev. Keith Case (8:15)

Rev. Tom Muir (11:00)

Thanksgiving Through Tithes and Offerings

*Doxology Old Hundredth

*Prayer of Commitment

(Give securely on your smartphone at fpco.org/mobile)

Musical Offering
Brother James Air arr. dale wood


Prayer for Illumination Dr. David Swanson
*Scripture Reading II Timothy 3:14-17
pew bible p. 843

At the conclusion of our Scripture reading, the leader will say,

This is the word of the Lord. The congregation is invited to
respond, Thanks be to God.

Message Sola Scriptura


Invitation to the Table Rev. Keith Case (8:15)
Rev. Tom Muir (11:00)
Prayer of Consecration
Words of Institution
Serving of the Bread
Serving of the Cup
*Hymn of Response no. 310
O Word of God Incarnate Munich

*Invitation and Charge


Siyahamba arr. john behnke

* All who are able are invited to stand.

Assisting in Worship: Dr. Case Thorp, Dr. Daniel Sharp,

Rev. Tom Muir, Rev. Keith Case, and interim organist
Dr. Glen Olsen.

We believe in an open table. We invite every believer
who has publicly professed faith in Jesus to join us in this
celebration. We believe by the power of the Holy Spirit, that
the bread and the cup become for us the living presence of
the broken body and shed blood of Jesus. We do not believe
it becomes actual flesh and blood, but the spiritually living
presence of God through the Holy Spirit.
Presbyterian churches do not have altars like other
churches may. We have a table, symbolic of the Great Feast
of Thanksgiving we will one day enjoy with Jesus and the
heavenly host, as illustrated in Matthew 26:29 & Luke 22:1618.
We view the cross of Christ as the final and sufficient altar, on
which the ultimate sacrifice was made.
Suggestions for Celebrating Communion. Before serving the
bread and wine (non-alcoholic grape juice), the pastor will lead
the congregation in a time of prayer. During this time, confess
your sins to God; ways you have violated His commandments;
areas of your life where you are not living by faith; things you do
in an attempt to earn His favor.
While the bread is being served, meditate on what the death
of Jesus means for you; how the sins you confessed were laid
upon Him and paid for with His body. Rejoice that you do not
suffer Gods judgment because Christ suffered this judgment on
your behalf.
While the cup is being served, let it wash away your guilt,
much the way we are washed spiritually by the blood of the
Lamb (Jesus). Take this time to confess specific things that
capture your heart more than God (approval of others, success,
your family, etc.). Rest in His presence.

If you would like to receive a gluten free sacrament this morning, there
will be an Elder in the Narthex (lobby of the Sanctuary) to administer it
for you.

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