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5/28/2017 Installation | Software Guide | 6.302.

0x Courseware | edX

MITx: 6.302.0x Introduction to Control System Design A First Help

Outline > Preliminaries - Hardware And Software For Labs > Software Guide > Installation

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Getting Started
The code distribution we'll use for this software introduction is found here. This is the base file
for testing and setting up. While the Python and html/javascript files are the same for all labs,
we use dierent microcontroller code sets for each lab so you will need to download them for
each lab.

Download the .zip file, extract it, and look inside. You'll see the following things:

An empty directory called csv_files. Don't worry about this thing for right now.

The file server.py. This is the Python script you will run on your machine for establishing
communiation with your Arduino and browser GUI (Graphical User Interface)

The file index.html. This is a webpage that acts as your GUI.

The file req.txt. This is a file that lists libraries needed in addition to normal Python. Don't
worry about it right now, but we'll use it during install.

The directory static. This has the javascript/css libraries your browser GUI uses. We use local
copies of these libraries so you can run this software when not connected to the internet. Just
leave this as it is.

Two directories called teensy_test and arduino_test. These contain simple communication
check microcontroller code files for both the Arduino Uno and the Teensy 3.2. They are good
"sanity check" files.

Ok onto the install. We'll first start with the Arduino Environment.

Arduino Install
In the standard way of taking this course, you'll be using an Arduino to directly control the
systems we're analyzing. As a result, you will need a functioning Arduino environment on your
machine both to upload code and to let your computer have serial access to it. We'll point you
to get the Arduino running (if you don't have that already). While Genuino is usually used to
refer to outside USA Arduinos, we'll just refer to everything as the "Arduino" in this class.

https://courses.edx.org/courses/course-v1:MITx+6.302.0x+2T2016/courseware/070553abf3be48faa964f9f6c7481803/f3a46c2d9f93474dbab1fe7e17a2d1 1/3

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