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Bill Nye: Respiration

1. When you breathe, you bring air into your _________________________.

2. In your upper body there is a strong muscle called the ________________________.
3. When you inhale, your diaphragm moves ___________________ as your ________________ fill with
4. When you breathe in, your body gets ___________________________ from the air. The
________________________ is combined with your food to produce the ________________________
that you need to live.
5. Your ____________________ are full of tiny little passageways like sponges.
6. Your lungs have as much surface area as a ______________________________.
7. ___________________ _________________ refers to how spread out something is.
8. Your lungs have little passages that lead to little sacks called _______________________________.
These structures act to _____________________________ the surface area of your lungs.
9. Your _______________ lung is bigger than your _____________ lung.
10. Your right lung is divided into ______ parts, and your left lung is divided into _____ parts.
Explain why this happens.
11. An EKG (ECG) helps to determine how much ___________________ is delivered each time the
heart beats.
12. Accumulation of _________________________ in your muscles causes
13. Cellular ______________________ occurs when our cells combine chemicals in food with oxygen
to produce energy called ______________ - which stands for
14. ____________________ in your _________________ and ________________ helps to trap dust particles
and smoke, preventing them from getting into your lungs.
15. Cellular respiration happens in your ____________________.
16. As fish swim through the water, the _______________________ in the water moves over their
________________ and diffuses directly into their _______________________.
17. Some air-borne substances can make people _________________, others can cause
_______________________ reactions.
18. In a lifetime the average person will breathe in ___________ kg of dust.
19. Physiologically, what happens when a person becomes winded?

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