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Name: ____Aya Alawar____ Hour: ____________

Tour of the Basics

Objective: I can describe how genetic information and inherited structural traits are passed from parent to offspring.


1. Prepare: Click on the Inside a Cell link on my web page or go to

http://learn.genetics.utah.edu/content/begin/cells/insideacell/ and review the parts before going to step 2.

2. Click onto the Tour of the Basics link on my web page or go to http://learn.genetics.utah.edu/content/basics/ . Explore this
activity to find the answers to the questions below.


1. What is DNA?

Is the information found in the nucleus of a cell that helps an organism to grow.

1. What does DNA stand for?

DeoxyriboNucleic Acid

3. What is the four-letter DNA alphabet and what are the special rules by which the alphabet pieces bond together?

___A__ ___C__ ___T__ __G___

___A___ is always attached to __T____ & __C____ is always attached to __G____

1. What is a gene?

They are the ones who control the creation of proteins for our bodies

1. What are genes made of?

They are made of DNA

6. How many genes do humans have?

There are 25, 000

7. For what molecule do genes contain the instructions for building?

Hemoglobin molecule

8. What is a chromosome?

Chromosomes are little units that contain the DNA

9. How many chromosomes does a human cell hold? 46

10. How are the human sex chromosomes labeled?

Male chromosome __X___ __Y___ Female chromosome __X___ __X___

11. How many different kinds of proteins does one cell contain? ____Thousands___________________

12. Why do scientists use computer programs to model protein structure and function?

Because in real world even if you use a microscope you cant see the proteins

13. What provides the blueprint for making a protein?

information encoded of the genes of a cell

14. What is heredity?

The passing of traits from parents to child .

15. Why arent children identical to either on of their parents?

because each baby have a unique combination of chromosomes even if some are from the mother and some from the father but
they always be some that are completely different.

16. In humans, how many chromosomes does each parent pass on to their offspring? __23_______

17. Does the second baby in the What is Heredity? animation inherit the exact same chromosomes at the first? Do both babies
have a complete set of chromosomes?

No, each baby receive different combinations of chromosomes.

18. What is a trait?

A trait is a notable feature in a person.

19. List the types of traits that exist.

Physical, Behavioral, and Predisposition to a medical disease,

20. Give an example of how an environmental factor can influence a trait.

The Sun: the exposure to the sun may change the hair color of the baby.

21. Briefly explain how the Hitchhikers Thumb trait is determined using the following words: allele, dominant, recessive,
homozygous, and heterozygous. You may draw punnett squares and pictures if you wish.

Homozygous describe someone who has the same allele trait but the heterozygous describes someone who has two completely
different alleles. The Hitchhikers Thumb has two alleles H and h. The H allele is called dominant and the h allele is called

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