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Re por t; Control 5yrbo l ''.'DSC:.

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Fi l o Nunbor T- 'SISl nn t o of R pc- rt Jo :zq 41..a...11........- -

Ti t l .:i o r C'lS') II, s , b tU'P'doM TQICUit.


1. N'lmos And N11 t iona l1 t t es o " ~ C Clt ~;~ d

Hi8ak1ch1 TOllJDl

_ 2., . fl1 ntur o , Fl nc o md Da ~o of Of rens c

Shingawa Hoepi tal Pri 'Joner of .n.r Cm:ip, Tok;yo, Jfonebu 1 .Japan.
Atne1n(.:, Doatint;, torturing a rd causing deat.h.

1 'aroh l9h.3 - i Se~ber "19li.S.

3. N~~0 s and Nntionalities of Victi~s

1Uoitiaht Dutch
tu u .. Holland (deoeuect) t erdinord Koaaing (deceased)
Thamaa llampaon (deoeued)
mrioan BnWat.o Saxida (deoeued)
Rijfuom Loaae (deceased)
Ollttord w. V\wlr:aan (deoeued)
JJerbert 1. lloOanta (deoeued)

4. r r obAble P l 3CC a nd Dgte of Trtol

Yokohama, Honmu, Japan l June 1947

. .. . - .
P,'\H T B

' Place ~nd D~to of Tri~l

WD AGO For m R- 5392

21 June 1 9~ 6

( Ov er )
. I ncl osur e 2 .t o WD .Lettor ( ,~G.'.lr ~~ P~.~ ..O.Q0 . 5 .(29 J"ury 46 }1\'!>SC:\ ) 2 1 June
' . 1<)4 6
6. J urbmc nt qnd Sen tc-nc (F .1 '1 t " ': 0 5 ... ~ t-:iflc .':cc1s 1Jd)

--- . -- _.... . . .._ .. .... ....... - . . .

7. r.ction of r.evic:win;; Au t hority ( S.,, e ci ~ :{ 'lUt a!) t y " nd d "tC 'lnd

r_cl'ltC to Sp0cific ~CCUS Cd )

8. J\cti on o f C 0nf t.r ::i_in~ ,~t._t;'1o r.1. ty ( Sr'. ci.f y ::iuthur i);y .., n<1 dftte f\f'ld
r e l ate to s;:iecific .' lc c1 ::JJ

........ - -- .-...- . _ ........ _ ---- - .....,._.............. _. ...,..-..411i& .. -

. -

9. Da t e ~ nd f l ae e of Execvt i bn 0f Sent en ce

f r e pare Tri ~ l Status ~eport s fc~ e ve ry c1J 0 i n tr 59l st~tus
promptl y a f ter r e f e r enc e f or t r i .ri l (F~ r t ,\ ) , ;lt th~ conclns ion o f
the trial ( Pa rt B) 3nd a t the c r~~ l : t i on of fi. n, 1 " ctic n in the css r
(Fart C) qnd tr ansl':'it by f.'\s t 0~:t me ~ ns in tri p lic ~ t o ~ t e1ch st:\ge
of the procoediltf:: S to the Dire c t or , Civi l .\ f f9 ir s Div:..s ion , V.'DS': ,
The Penta gon , ~qsh in~ ton 25 , D. c.

~- ..... . . - -- ~

.... ..................
.. ..
......... . . -
_ .... -...................... . . - ~

25- 8?621-300

- .. - ... ---... _,_.

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