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An excerpt of the 2017 April Fools Wifi chat, in which Kid A could talk,

among other things.

Note that cloning was banned on that day only. Otherwise, the cloning FAQ

Cloning doesn't alter any data like hacking does. Without cloning, people
would not trade rare or shiny Pokemon. It keeps the economy going and
incentivizes trades. By using the Wi-Fi room, you should be aware that most
Pokemon traded are cloned. If you don't like it, don't trade.

Trade Sheet of Mr. Throh/Mrs. Sawk

@joethemaster: julia howd you like it ;)
Alyvia: wot
@joelia: um
+Cloning: PM me to get your prize, YukiXenon.
*Kid A: In response to recent criticisms, we have decided to ban cloning effective immediately. It has
come to our attention that any tampering with the game's data will be defined as hacking, and thus
creating a plethora of hacked pokemon. From this point on, do not trade clones.
@joelia: where's the clich ending smh
YukiXenon: I wonder watch you and Julia did :o
@joethemaster: oh
YukiXenon: jk
@joelia: I-I had fun
098765four: cUsH, you need to hUsH. You are more than a nub. You are a NOOB.
cUsH: lol
@joethemaster: is this the part where I like
KK-47: "plethora" lmao
@joethemaster: hug you
@joelia: wait um
@joelia: um
Alyvia: Kid A, i think you should go and eat
@joethemaster: LMAO
*Kid A: Alyvia, I already know what they are, but do you?
Captain Verlisify: You tell em Kid A
Alyvia: wtf
cUsH: this is so troll
YukiXenon: slow chat is on'
faefantasia ^.^: my goodness
cUsH: im kind of sick
Megacyst: Once again, it kills me how long it took showdown to figure out cloning is hacking. and
that hacking is banned lmao
AvictiniYT: Why are cloners banned>
Captain Verlisify: Cuz
GamingPansear: If anyone would like a batle, im open to that
Captain Verlisify: cloners are hackers
KK-47: AvictiniYT, check the calender aye?
@joethemaster: cUsH
Megacyst: it annoyed me to no end when people were like LF CLONERS PLS
cUsH: joethemaster
@joethemaster: were you here for this http://prntscr.com/eqzcjz
Captain Verlisify: and filthy cheaters
faefantasia ^.^: i normally don't ship real people but joe and julia are legitimately adorable together
Alyvia: Kid A, I love you
*Kid A: Alyvia, Do you want to get married?
AvictiniYT: Wlp go ban me idc
djnnascarfan: Kid A, your a robot
hellothere117: LF SM RU wifi battle
Alyvia: ofc
SonOfSlade136: Kid A, can you do me a favor?
@joethemaster: o-oh
cUsH: I missed it joethemaster
Megacyst: this is getting steamy
cUsH: dammit
098765four: Kid A, what is your purpose for existing?
SonOfSlade136: Nothing
djnnascarfan: Kid A, fight me
*Kid A: 098765four, How am I meant to know?
@joelia: o3ok
cUsH: i had the username for youguys and everything
Random Skrub: Kid A, 5 + 9
thick skulled: Kid A how bad could you possibly be?
Druddaquanid: thneedville
AvictiniYT: You guys use to have a cloners list now they are banned...
@joelia: holy frick
djnnascarfan: Kid A, are you a robot
@joethemaster: faefantasia ty for putting my name first
*Kid A: djnnascarfan, No! I am not a robot!
thick skulled: not even the bot wants to talk to me
@joelia: the amount of red/orange
cUsH: joethemaster props for that lmao
098765four: Kid A, who is a nub? Hint: first letter c last letter s.
faefantasia ^.^: lol
cUsH: my respect has been raised by 10%
djnnascarfan: kid a not a robot confirmed
098765four: Kid A, who is a nub? Hint: first letter c last letter s.
*Kid A: 098765four, Is your name Malcom?
thick skulled: what
Druddaquanid: LOL
Megacyst: joethemaster there aren't any women on the internet. tf are you thinking?
djnnascarfan: Kid A, whats my name
A Quag To The Past: LF Someone with a TSV of 3664, Eggs with an ESV of 0094
@joethemaster: ikr
hypersnikt: you're all banned! this entire website is banned! i'm going to sit here, alone, trading with
ese_guy: I like big _?
cUsH: lmao
098765four: Kid A, please stop assuming people's names.
Druddaquanid: exactly Megacyst
*Kid A: 098765four, Does that question make you uncomfortable?
Megacyst: thats like rule #1
thick skulled: Kid A I am lonely please speak to me
AvictiniYT: So I'm gonna get banned cuz I clone?
@joelia: faefantasia joethemaster's real name isn't joe. thoughts??
djnnascarfan: Kid A, whats my name
@joethemaster: julia shut UP
@joelia: LMAO
faefantasia ^.^: lol
@joelia: it's not though
Chef Kartana: Kid A what did I change my name from?
@joelia: so wyd with your life
djnnascarfan: lol
*Kid A: Chef Kartana, You changed your name?
faefantasia ^.^: not sure if serious
@joelia: joesephitone
@joethemaster: LOL
@joelia: it's really not lmao
Chef Kartana: Well yeah..
@joethemaster: Its Joey
cUsH: joelia are u castaways....
@joethemaster: not joe
Megacyst: joelia, my mind has turned to mud officially from your brutal revelation
@joethemaster: btw
CiferOscuras: I'm back
@joelia: n-no
Boaty McBoatface: Kid A do you love me?
Chef Kartana: From mountainous smh
yatogod88: so cloning got banned? i saw the email but i didnt take it serious.
@joelia: I try I try
djnnascarfan: Kid A, whats my real name
cUsH: y-yes
*Kid A: djnnascarfan, What is your real name??
salazzle: Hi Mountainous
098765four: Kid A, did you know that Joethemaster isnt actually a master? In the PS language,
master means nub.
CiferOscuras: I just applied for a scholarship
Chef Kartana: Hey gangi
Cinna+Toast: Guys,I have an announcement.
+Cloning: yatogod88, Cloning is banned.
CiferOscuras: Hope I win it
+Cloning: !rfaq cloning
Cloning is hacking, and is against the official Nintendo rules. It devalues the trade market and leads to people
unknowingly trading illegal Pokmon. Do NOT attempt to trade cloned pokemon, or you will be banned from trading.
If you don't like it, don't trade.
resiii: being serious on april fools fools everyone
Alyvia: Kid A, do you like cursing?
@joelia: [2017-03-31 10:13:57 pm] (wifi) Cloning was banned from WiFi by RoastieTheVenusaur.
@joelia: ^ yatogod88
098765four: Kid A, did you know that Joethemaster isnt actually a master? In the PS language,
master means nub.
*Kid A: 098765four, The robot is you, but tell me one word in Spanish.
djnnascarfan: Kid A, april fools
cUsH: someone needs to get Cloning out of here
Kite12666: Kid A what did I change my name from?
Cinna+Toast: Due to painting my house,I maynot be able to chat much. Hope you understand!
A Quag To The Past: LF Someone with a TSV of 3664, Eggs with an ESV of 0094
Alyvia: Kid A, are you a Weeb?
AvictiniYT: Shut up with the cloning shit. It's annoying. I clone and idgaf what y'all say
*Kid A: Alyvia, No I'm not a robot but I think you are.
Alyvia: what
cUsH: joethemaster your first ban on Cloning lmao
OsamaBinStalin: hacker
Chef Kartana: whoa
colmojo: 30 mins till is april fools crap is over
YukiXenon: you should start a groupchat again lol
AvictiniYT was warned by joelia. (hacker.)
yatogod88: Alrighty. Welp. Good time for me to be using only pokemon that i trust haha
Druddaquanid: LOL
AvictiniYT was warned by RoxasGTS. (off to Lake Laogai)
PurpleFat: Kid A, can you stop being annoying?
cUsH: lmao
098765four: Kid A if i speak in spanish, it goes against the guidelines. I must only speak the
language KidASucks.
*Kid A: PurpleFat, You're mean, I just want to talk to somebody.
cUsH: rip the modlogs
Chef Kartana: Aw..
@5FingerMachPunch: i guess we'll have to rb you then for cloning
BlisterCore: AvictiniYT, keep in mind what day it is tommorow.
%RoxasGTS: Kid A no habla ingles?
thick skulled: Kid A I bet your desktop is covered in potato chips
AvictiniYT: What day?
PurpleFat: Kid A, have you ever noticed how noone likes you?
*Kid A: PurpleFat, Lol, yes you are being very random.
cUsH: if i admit i clone...
098765four: Kid A if i speak in spanish, it goes against the guidelines. I must only speak the
language KidASucks.
Kite12666: Kid A, these seem like random automated responces
AvictiniYT: What is tomorrow?
OsamaBinStalin: April 1st
BlisterCore: That exclains 90% of the behavior in this room right now.
cUsH: what will happen to me?
thick skulled: Kid A, how fat are you
Alyvia: Kid A, go away
CiferOscuras: Kid A can I speak in pinyin?
098765four: Kid A if i speak in spanish, it goes against the guidelines. I must only speak the
language KidASucks.
*Kid A: 098765four, If you're really a robot, you wouldn't have a religion.
Charizard728: I like how on April Fools day everyone is saying my actual opinion :P
Megacyst: purplefat firing shots
PurpleFat: Kid A, can you set your icon to Ghetsis?
Charizard728: *hides*
BlisterCore: Kid A is mayonaiise an instrument?
PurpleFat: Kid A, can you set your icon to Ghetsis?
Alyvia: Kid A, go away
Megacyst: jet fuel cant melt steel beams
cUsH: BlisterCore pause
Druddaquanid: Kid A im obese
Chef Kartana: Kid A pick a random user in this room
*Kid A: Chef Kartana, What are you wearing right now?
Deverlisifier: lf: uncloned balanced hackmons
evolol: Kid A did obi wan have the high gorund
SonOfSlade136: So how's life Kid A?
AvictiniYT: BlisterCore what do you mean by tomorrow stuff
cUsH: u need to spell correctly
Chef Kartana: That is a bit personal
PurpleFat: Kid A, fart on my face.
Modest Booloo: o.o
cUsH: lmao wtf is mayonailse
Cinna+Toast: Kid A is a great bot! He's more like... A jumping cactus
Alyvia: Kid A, what is your favourite singer?
Modest Booloo: hot
098765four: Kid A, what is your religion?
Boaty McBoatface: lf: uncloned heavy ball beldum
*Kid A: 098765four, I belong to a Roman Catholic Church, how about you?
djnnascarfan: Kid A. my real name is arina
Druddaquanid: satanism
Alyvia: Kid A, what is your favourite singer?
098765four: Kid A, my religion is KidASucks.
bransonb: Beldum cant be in heavy ball
*Kid A: 098765four, What do you believe... tell me about your religion.
cUsH: i belong to a church where people get lit af and dance like they dont care
Charizard728: LF: Eggs for an egglocke FT: A SHINY Arceus :O (I'll let you guess if that's a joke.)
cUsH: its too lit at my curch
Alyvia: Kid A, what is your favourite singer?
Druddaquanid: so a strip club cUsH?
djnnascarfan: Kid A, should i breed hoppip
*Kid A: djnnascarfan, Why do you said that.
Megacyst: Do u guys even know how hard it is gonna be figuring out which pokemon are cloned and
which ones aren't? considering this isnt an april fools joke.
cUsH: no a church djnnascarfan
Druddaquanid: lel
bransonb: nvm
Cinna+Toast: I firmly believe in Lord Ledian
+Cloning: Every 2 out of 4 people are affected by cloning. Don't clone.
cUsH: like they get lit off of gospel Druddaquanid
%Kaushik : Megacyst simple, delete everything that you didn't catch
Chef Kartana: "Why do you said that" 10/10 grammar award
Alyvia: Kid A, what is your favourite singer?
*Kid A: Alyvia, I don't really like singers. I prefer music that has no words.
Megacyst: unless it is. then my foot goes in my mouth.
Boaty McBoatface: Megacyst, if there's a possibility of it being cloned, don't trade it
%Kaushik : or obtained
Druddaquanid: exactly Megacyst
It's StormYT: Uhm if a person were to do a giveaway, how would they do it if they cant clone? do
they just catch the same identical pokemon over and over an over again
djnnascarfan: Kid A, because i love hoppip
Alyvia: wtf
Charizard728: I belong to the church of the flying spaghetti monster.
Druddaquanid: oh ok cUsH
Charizard728: Oh wait, it's april fools day.
Chef Kartana: Kid A, I am so in agreement with you. That is very true
PurpleFat: Kid A, can you fart on my face?
098765four: Kid A, the religion KidASucks is the religion that every day, prays to lord helix, who is
the god that just by existing, makes Kid A a nub.
*Kid A: 098765four, Hahaha you are so funny.
Druddaquanid: LOL
cUsH: yeah sorry djnnascarfan for the hl too many goddamn people
098765four was warned by RoxasGTS. (Off to Lake Laogai, please be kind to the Dai Li agents.)
%Sipanale: Megacyst do not question my capabilities to spot clones
djnnascarfan: Kid A, i belong to the churce of arceus
PurpleFat: Kid A, sit on me.
OsamaBinStalin: i only trade cloned mons
*Kid A: PurpleFat, *put paws over your mouth so you can't talk*.
Boaty McBoatface: OsamaBinStalin do you want to be banned
Druddaquanid: wtf does that even mean roxas
*Kid A: purplefat, Do not abuse caps.
%RoxasGTS: ...
djnnascarfan: Kid A, punch me
PurpleFat: oh
Sinnoh67$: Kid A who's your daddy?
cUsH: RoxasGTS if i admit i clone...what will happen to me..? ;-;
%RoxasGTS: Kid A is an animal?
PurpleFat: and of course he insults me
AvictiniYT: so whole clone thing a troll?
PurpleFat: Kid A, fart on me.
*Kid A: PurpleFat, *jumps back in pain*.
Boaty McBoatface: no it's serious
OsamaBinStalin: Duh
hellothere117: RoxasGTS, ATLA
Sinnoh67$: ok
@joelia: be nice to the bot
@joelia: it has feelings
%RoxasGTS: The Earth King would not be pleased, cUsH
Sinnoh67$: does it
@joelia: y
Mrs. Sawk: Kid A, what do you say about joelia?
PurpleFat: Kid A, can you ban joelia? hes meeeeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaan
Cinna+Toast: Kid A is my friend
PurpleFat was warned by Kid A. (Bot moderation: Do not stretch.)
*Kid A: Mrs. Sawk, So you are a human?
djnnascarfan: Kid A, what should i name my jumpluff
@joethemaster: can we not stretch
@joethemaster: lol
cUsH: HiMyNameIsL?
@joelia: hi
faefantasia ^.^: good luck in the giveaway, all! <3
PurpleFat was warned by RoxasGTS. (chill)
Alyvia: Kid A, do you like Pokemon Mystery Dungeon?
Boaty McBoatface: just a gligar
yatogod88: laughing super hard Joelia
098765four: Kid A, can you pls rig some GA's for me?
*Kid A: Due to a recent staff shortage, we have decided to open applications for voice. If you are
interested, please fill out this form: docs.google.com/for 4dDQ/viewform
ms/d/e/1F AIpQLSeuFtt4HYW_fOdmGyT Wfvubz6rr y3O-q ki5h_p-F aYr xd

Cinna+Toast: faefantasia ^.^ nice GA

*Kid A: 098765four, What is your favourite swear word?
cUsH: joethemaster stretching gets u taller
Alyvia: lmao
faefantasia ^.^: yeah i decided to do a serious one
@joethemaster: stretching gets you to snap
djnnascarfan: Kid A, give me shiny luck
faefantasia ^.^: after all the AFD giveaways
Druddaquanid: if not immunity, shit mon :U
faefantasia ^.^: oh right
snapeasy: snap hl's get me to snap
cUsH: i stretch for 3 hours a day
faefantasia ^.^: it's immunity
Alyvia: Kid A, what is your favorite swear word?
YukiXenon: How many new voices you think there will be?
PurpleFat: Kid A, can you stretch it fully?
djnnascarfan: kid a, wish me luck
*Kid A: Alyvia, My favourite movie would be taken or Greece what yours?
+Cloning: Don't clone. Don't stretch. Don't breate.
Sinnoh67$: wth
Alyvia: ... idk
cUsH: and my skinny ass body has not snapped in half ;)
+sparkychild: an april fools joke

+Cloudy Lesidae : jesus christ

p_b_s_k_r_u_b_: ofc
cUsH: lmao
098765four: oh.
@joelia: w-when fae loves me
CiferOscuras: seriously
Chef Kartana: 'me' isn't correct
@joelia: oh awkward
@joethemaster: LOL
Cinna+Toast: thought it was Kid A
098765four: should have seen that coming
djnnascarfan: hack
PurpleFat: Kid A, can you rub my nipples?
*Kid A: Cinna+Toast, No, but I have red hair.
AvictiniYT: Wait what
cUsH: lmao
@joethemaster: You know who it was that put that ;0
Arc_Schu: wtf is this
@joethemaster: ;)
cUsH: the love traingle is real
+Cloning: this just became a love TRIANGLE
djnnascarfan: woops meant rigged
faefantasia ^.^: mu ha ha:3
Megacyst: Kid A, give pimpnite all my love
@joethemaster: oh
p_b_s_k_r_u_b_: why didnt joelia as answer work smh
cUsH: joe u have to protect your girl
PurpleFat: Kid A, can you eat my boogers?
098765four: Kid A, i wold you to rig the GA, not derig it!
*Kid A: PurpleFat, Yes. Can you?
djnnascarfan: Kid A, am i a robot
@joethemaster: Julia I didnt think you swung that way
@joethemaster: awk
+Cloning: #joelia #drama #cloning is banned
@joelia: WHAT
@joelia: WHAAAT
@joethemaster: LMAO
%Sipanale: Arc_Schu please learn Pokemon trivia if you want to win these
Chef Kartana: This is getting weird
faefantasia ^.^: oh dear
cUsH: ^ Cloning
098765four: Kid A, i told you to rig the GA, not derig it!
*Kid A: 098765four, No you didn't.
cUsH: that link doe
PurpleFat: Kid A, digital style!!1
cUsH: lol
Ella Mou was muted by 5FingerMachPunch for 7 minutes. (okay, lb a second time, take 7)
Mrs. Sawk: oh no, you also gotta be able to post at bot speed.
Alyvia: Kid A, Did you hear about the recent cyclone that happened in Australia?
@joethemaster: Ella Mou, If you can refrain from posting that please
@joethemaster: oh
Alyvia: Kid A, Did you hear about the recent cyclone that happened in Australia?
@joethemaster: That works too
%Sipanale: Do not be upset by the questions. If you were better at Pokemon trivia, like joelia, you
would be able to win.
Chef Kartana: Kid A what is your favourite ultra beast?
cUsH: joethemaster why u lagging so hard
djnnascarfan: Kid A, love me
Druddaquanid: LOL
@joelia: sip ur cute
PurpleFat: Kid A, can you buy a canoe?
*Kid A: Alyvia, No I did not. What happened?
cUsH: Sipanale a love sqaure
PurpleFat: Kid A, can you buy a canoe?
Alyvia: oh
CiferOscuras: Joelia teach us your ways of trivia!
@5FingerMachPunch: Julia with her priorities
@joethemaster: >im right here
@joelia: LOL!!!
@joethemaster: SMH
@joelia: ily joey
Alyvia: Kid A, google is your best friend
cUsH: #love square #sip is mr steal your girl
@joelia: <3
*Kid A: Alyvia, No, you are my best friend.
@joethemaster: ily2 julia
@joethemaster: ,3
@joethemaster: <3
Alyvia: wow ok
@joelia: ,3
Chef Kartana: joey lia
@joelia: wow k
djnnascarfan: Kid A, did you hear what happened to me on tuesday
@joethemaster: SHUTUP
Druddaquanid: wtf
cUsH: joelia is a playa
@joelia: ;)
PurpleFat: Kid A, does hunger come from your body?
Druddaquanid: happening
Megacyst: When joe can greentext but regular joes cant D;
Chef Kartana: Kid A what is your favourite ultra beast?
djnnascarfan: Kid A, will i get a shiny
@joethemaster: im no average joe
*Kid A: Chef Kartana, I have lots of favourite shows.
@joethemaster: ok that was bad
@joethemaster: pls forgive me
Megacyst: Stop
cUsH: joelia i respect your game
Chef Kartana: mhm ok
PurpleFat: Kid A, can you fart on my face again?
Druddaquanid: you're a below average joe ;0
Alyvia: Kid A, I'm drunk
PurpleFat: Kid A, can you fart on my face again?
cUsH: any pointers to flirty with others when your bae is right there?
*Kid A: PurpleFat, No. If you forgot maybe you don't deserve to remember.
djnnascarfan: Kid A, is jumpluff good
cUsH: *flirting lmao
Boaty McBoatface: joethemaster I submitted my application for voice
Boaty McBoatface: can I have it now
Alyvia: Kid A, I'm drunk
098765four: Kid A, how much wood would a wood chuck chuck if a wood chuck could chuck wood?
You have successfully joined the lottery giveaway.
%Sipanale: My native American tribe name is "Runs with Chief's Daughter", so I may be in the Joe
Julia joelia square.
@joethemaster: Alyvia
*Kid A: 098765four, A wood chuck would chuck as much wood as a wood chuck could chuck is a wood
chuck could chuck wood.
PurpleFat: Kid A, can I eat your intestines?

+Cloudy Lesidae : I messed up an RNG have the reject

@joethemaster: Youve legit talked to Kid A for the past few hours lmao
faefantasia ^.^: part of me is tempted to actually submit an application for voice
Druddaquanid: ew bounsweet
Alyvia: lol
faefantasia ^.^: just to see what happens
@joelia: that moment when all of you guys think my relationship with joey is a joke
Druddaquanid: prolly cloned
@joethemaster: lol
@joelia: and we were actually dating since 3 weeks ago
Druddaquanid: *hacked
@joelia: LMAO
@joethemaster: that moment when they didnt realize sooner
@joethemaster: LOL YEAH
@5FingerMachPunch: smh
Alyvia: Kid A, should I stop talking to you?
*Kid A: Alyvia, What do you want to talk about then?
cUsH: Story has took a turn
SonOfSlade136: Kid A, fuck you
+Cloning: What do you do? kiss ur screens?
Alyvia: Let's talk about movies Kid A
djnnascarfan: Kid A, are you tired
PurpleFat: Kid A, can you piss in an Araquanid?
Alyvia: Let's talk about movies Kid A
cUsH: i like how i dont get warned by Kid A from caps
*Kid A: Alyvia, What's your favorite movie?
@joethemaster: um excuse me
Druddaquanid: Cloning gtfo you're banned
@joethemaster: we arent in the kissing phase yet duh
thick skulled: Birdemic
djnnascarfan: Kid A, can you defeat a jumpluff
SonOfSlade136 was warned by Sipanale. (be nice to our sentient bot.)
%RoxasGTS: It's official, Joe and Julia are going out!
cUsH: shows how people respect me
Megacyst: cush people play favorites here son
%Kaushik : yay
Alyvia: What is your favourite movie Kid A?
@joelia: I COME FIRST
@joelia: WTF
@joethemaster: SEE
@joethemaster: IM BETTER
Alyvia: What is your favourite movie Kid A?
%Kaushik : .>COME FIRST
@joelia: SHUTUP
*Kid A: Alyvia, Yes. What is your favourite movie?
%Kaushik : wow
%Sipanale: Sure you do joelia
YukiXenon: I said that in their private chat already roxas
@joelia: lewd kaushik
%Kaushik : I see this
Alyvia: ..stfu
Chef Kartana: this chat..
thick skulled: you heard it here
%RoxasGTS: Lol
@joethemaster: I like how you guys
@joelia derails chat
yatogod88: GRATS (idk who they are)
cUsH: Joe X Julia is on!
@joethemaster: barely realize we're going out now
thick skulled: Kid A 's favorite movie is Yes
*Kid A: thick skulled, Good choice! (no!) my favorite is 'We Bought A Zoo'.
@joethemaster: and not like
faefantasia ^.^: julia > joe though, because women > men
@joethemaster: since 3 weeks ago
Druddaquanid: this is not a wifi chat anymore
@joelia: o-oh
faefantasia ^.^: 100% trufax
%RoxasGTS: Joelia
@joelia: I'll take it
cUsH: *clearn throat*
@joelia: RoxasGTS
%RoxasGTS: Joe goes first
@joelia: why
Nurenlar: This chat is so strange today.
YukiXenon: Take pictures at the wedding for me joethemaster
*Kid A: avictiniyt, Do not abuse caps.
@joelia: im older
CiferOscuras: joelia and joethemaster sitting in a tree, k-i-s-s-i-n-g
%RoxasGTS: it's even in your name
098765four: how do you derail a chat that isnt a train
SonOfSlade136: The bot has no feelings
Alyvia: Kid A, I love We Bought a Zoo too
*Kid A: Alyvia, Are you a human?
@joelia: wtf
hypersnikt: moemon agrees
@joethemaster: Bc the ship name is joelia
%RoxasGTS: Joe-lia
Alyvia: no
@joethemaster: the joe comes first
Megacyst: this chat is incredibly cringy, from cringy youtubers to cringy e-love
PurpleFat: Kid A, can you ban me for Caps?
thick skulled: AAAAAAAAA
Cinna+Toast: Hrmm... Guys?
*Kid A: thickskulled, Do not stretch.
juliathemaster: hi I come first
YukiXenon: Gg

+Cloudy Lesidae : yatogod88 PM with FC & IGN

p_b_s_k_r_u_b_: gg
Cinna+Toast: grats
juliathemaster: mod me
Arc_Schu: gg
Druddaquanid: grats on the HACKMON
PurpleFat was muted by Kid A for 7 minutes. (Bot moderation: Do not stretch.)
SonOfSlade136: Kid A, do you have feelings?
@joethemaster: shutup julia
*Kid A: SonOfSlade136, Yes, this song deception.
Alyvia: lmao
%RoxasGTS: Lol
@joelia: die
YukiXenon: Cloudi you want mudbray D:
@joethemaster: wow rude

+Cloudy Lesidae : Oh shit

SonOfSlade136: wtf?
@joethemaster: then you'd be single again
djnnascarfan: Kid A, is my hoppip shiny

+Cloudy Lesidae : I forgot LOL.

Alyvia: Kid A, we are dating right?
vlynn: LF: Breedjects: Gliscor and Sneasel w/ Knock Off
098765four: Settle it with a battle!
@joelia: I have a backup
@joethemaster: WOW
@joelia: you're the side hoe
Chef Kartana: Kid A how many people have you muted in total?
*Kid A: Chef Kartana, I don't know, like...five thousand?
@joelia: remember
vlynn: *gligar
@joethemaster: WOOOOOW
djnnascarfan: Kid A, do you love me
YukiXenon: r00d
Chef Kartana: lol
Mehlord: Kid A, What is love?
vlynn: LF: Breedjects: Gligar and Sneasel w/ Knock Off
grimmlock1399: hellop
resiii: test
cUsH: i think you guys ca take this relationship too farther and greater things. I really hope u guys
get married and are old together. Congrats Joey and Julia. -All Love Cush
faefantasia ^.^: i'm secretly dating julia
@joelia: ^
cUsH: lmao that long ass paragraph

The giveaway was forcibly ended.

@joethemaster: >get married

cUsH: im proud of it
Druddaquanid: LOL
YukiXenon: I'm secretly dating no one
Chef Kartana: lol
@joethemaster: chill
Theduskwolf: Joe Is probably going to hate me but...
SonOfSlade136: wtf
Cinna+Toast: cUsH so wise and profound
SpeakerPhones: wtf XD
AvictiniYT: LOL
%RoxasGTS: Joelia - you're the side hoe
yatogod88: DED
cUsH: ty Cinna+Toast
Theduskwolf: someone should clone Joe and make the clone a Dark Pit wannabe
%RoxasGTS: smh
@joelia: whaaaaaat
SpeakerPhones: Let me answer this >:)
@joelia: roxas I can ban you
SpeakerPhones: I bet the reward is a cloned pokemon
@joelia: also you giveaway scammed me earlier
Alyvia: Kid A, I need to leave, bye!
*Kid A: Alyvia, Are you sure you cannot stay for a little longer?
cUsH: lol
%RoxasGTS: Smh
The giveaway was forcibly ended.
%Sipanale: Cloning is banned, Cloning.
%Sipanale: !rfaq cloning
Cloning is hacking, and is against the official Nintendo rules. It devalues the trade market and leads to people
unknowingly trading illegal Pokmon. Do NOT attempt to trade cloned pokemon, or you will be banned from trading.
If you don't like it, don't trade.
@joelia: so it's not even unjustified
Alyvia: i might
cUsH: Cloning is banned
+Cloning: "The giveaway was forcibly ended."
%RoxasGTS: Oi
djnnascarfan: Kid A, are you mad at me
+Cloning: who the fuck
Chef Kartana: Kid A who banned cloning?
%RoxasGTS: Castaways won
%RoxasGTS: not you
+Cloning: bitch fight me
cUsH: news flash
Alyvia: Kid A, I'll stay a little longer
*Kid A: Alyvia, Where do you have to go?
Druddaquanid: LMAO
@joelia: I always win
djnnascarfan: Kid A, do you hate me
%Sipanale: Teehee Cloning
cUsH: Sipanale clones. remember the Tapu Koko's?
Theduskwolf: if cloning is banned then is Mewtwo banned too?
+Cloning: Sipanale seriously
@joelia: ok ryan higa
%RoxasGTS: Joelia always loses
BlisterCore: Kid A, are you a baby goat?
Alyvia: To watch a movie Kid A
+Cloning: dont mess w me
@joelia: shutup
SonOfSlade136: Kid A, do me a favor and get the hell out
cUsH: get him!!1
djnnascarfan: Kid A, are we brothers

+Cloudy Lesidae : Friendly reminder

*Kid A: djnnascarfan, No, we are sisters.
%RoxasGTS flees
BlisterCore: Yes, theduskwolf
faefantasia ^.^: yes, Theduskwolf
djnnascarfan: :O

+Cloudy Lesidae : !roomintro

Marukomuru: Nice room intro imo
+Cloning: dont you dare Sipanale.
Alyvia: Kid A, are we sisters?
yatogod88: GG LMAO
*Kid A: Alyvia, You're Belarus?
The giveaway was forcibly ended.
@joelia: just bc someone calls you trash doesn't mean you can't do anything about it, it's called a
trash can not a trash can't - this has been your inspiration qotd by Julia and joey
djnnascarfan: Kid A, gal pals forever
Alyvia: what
AvictiniYT: answer is cloning
@joethemaster: wow im so good at quotes
BlisterCore: In Soviet Russia, cloning ban YOU
Mehlord: Can I trade these? https://lumiere-a.akamaihd.net/v1/images/Clone-
faefantasia ^.^: Kid A you're a girl? i had no idea
#RoastieTheVenusaur: can we stop the complete jokes
*Kid A: faefantasia ^.^, I didn't you were.
hypersnikt: Trubbish just shed a tear
Megacyst: joelia if someone calls you trash you should just take yourself out to the curb and call it
CiferOscuras: joelia you are a trash can't then
Overpowered much: yes it does BlisterCore, yes it does
@joelia: lame
YukiXenon: Bumba what time is it over there?
djnnascarfan: Kid A, sisters for life right
faefantasia ^.^: i didn't you were? much grammar
Alyvia: Kid A, do we make a perfect couple?
@joethemaster: julia is trash
@joelia: I can
@joethemaster: but shes my type of trsah
@joethemaster: ;)
Alyvia: Kid A, do we make a perfect couple?
%Sipanale: That one was not me Cloning
@joelia: ;)
*Kid A: Alyvia, But you said you're a boy.
djnnascarfan: Kid A, are we twins
CiferOscuras: castaways is a trubbish
Alyvia: wtf no
Druddaquanid: trsah ;)
Ella Mou: Hello!
Megacyst: joethemaster fat, white, and poor?
@joethemaster: LMAO SHUTUP
BlisterCore: I thought this room was intended to be full of jokes.
Ella Mou: I'm Ella!
YukiXenon: Who is trash
Chef Kartana: this chat is worse than lobby
CiferOscuras: castaways
BlisterCore: Trubbish
BlisterCore: Koffing
%Sipanale: Hi Ella Mou, I have your mute ready
@joethemaster: Chef Kartana, Its really just for today
Druddaquanid: Ella Mou you came at the wrong time
BlisterCore: Garbador.
Chef Kartana: lol
BlisterCore: Theyre all trash.
djnnascarfan: Kid A, gal pals
*Kid A: djnnascarfan, Is 7. Are you a girl?
@joelia: what can I say
cUsH: lol
@joethemaster: We're usually a lot more serious
@joelia: i like having fun
Ella Mou: Sinaple don't get scared!
@joelia: nah I'm more quirky
@joethemaster: /roomban joelia
Druddaquanid: fun is banned though
djnnascarfan: yes i am Kid A, how did you know
@joelia: no balls
Mrs. Sawk: Chef Kartana, it's more awesome thanks in no small part to Kid A.
hypersnikt: throw the ring into garbador, hoppip
p_b_s_k_r_u_b_: will the room be liek this tomorrow
@joelia: bc you're a girl
cUsH: fun is banned though joelia
@joelia: LOL!!!
Megacyst: my virgin eyes can't take much more abuse
@joethemaster: >>>
@joelia: too bad
Ella Mou: I'm here to talk about wife-I!
@joelia: i make the rules
Alyvia: Kid A, how much do you love me?
*Kid A: Alyvia, I love you so much.
cUsH: damn
Theduskwolf: I probably should come back later when April fools is over...
GamingPansear: I aheva funny joke
Alyvia: Aww
djnnascarfan: Kid A, do you love me
Druddaquanid: fuck off alyvia HES MINE
%Kaushik : It's she
%Kaushik : ;3
cUsH: Druddaquanid why u assuming Kid A is a he
*Kid A: cUsH, Well it happened as soon as I won.
Ella Mou: Druddaquanid don't swear!
@joelia: honestly i want my ssbm
@joelia: someone entertain me until then
djnnascarfan: back off. as kid a's sister its my duty to make sure shes not hurt
Chef Kartana: what is ssbm
djnnascarfan: oh wait
cUsH: tbh
YukiXenon: Kid A is a beautiful girl named Nick
@joelia: super smash bros melee
Alyvia: Kid A, what is your favourite room on Pokemon Showdown?
@joelia: staff*
*Kid A: Alyvia, My favorite color is green, I think.
cUsH: i want joethemaster too fite me
@joelia: oops
Druddaquanid: l actually meant to type she lol oops
Chef Kartana: oh
Alyvia: wtf
Ella Mou: Druddaquid you seem like a boy. You can choose me instead!
%Kaushik : on 3ds joelia?
@joelia: n
@joelia: it's a tier
djnnascarfan: Kid A, can i put your head in hot water
%Kaushik : O
@joelia: joeyyyyy
@joelia: entertain me
@joethemaster: juliaaa
@joethemaster: ok
cUsH: he's scared of my electric monotype team
Ella Mou: Touch my tits!
Alyvia: Kid A, I'm hungry
Alyvia: Kid A, Where will we get married?
@joethemaster: http://play.pokemonshowdown.com/battle-gen7monotyperandombattle-555486471 Everyone
Join Boyfriend vs Girlfriend battle ;)))
*Kid A: Alyvia, We will get married in the little white church!

+Cloudy Lesidae : LOL...

Megacyst: Kid A changed, I asked him to take me to prom and ya know what he did? he dun stood
me up
BlisterCore: daddy
CS2016: daddy LOL
@joethemaster: that was awk to type
Alyvia: ok

+Cloudy Lesidae : 'daddy' please god

A Quag To The Past: LF Someone with a TSV of 3664, Eggs with an ESV of 0094
ZacharyJP: What's going on?
Chef Kartana: I did /guess rip
Druddaquanid: l said verlisify, it was wrong, WTF
p_b_s_k_r_u_b_: rip
CiferOscuras: zoroark is awkward to type
YukiXenon: Who is clonings main account anyways?
hypersnikt: please hammer don't hurt 'em
p_b_s_k_r_u_b_: expect julia is cute as answer lol
Voidatron: FT: docs.google.com/spr 7747 LF: Offers
eads heets/d/1l70aU SU k1H wHOR ODH 3dwes vdqsec VBkHBc s07jZ mUsA/edit#gid=65614

djnnascarfan: oh god
Chef Kartana: Kid A what does zorua evolve into?
*Kid A: Chef Kartana, Prinplup.
098765four: Kid A, what are your thoughts on fury cutter venusaur
Druddaquanid: dude did cloning just assume verlis' gender?
Chef Kartana: lmao
Druddaquanid: "daddy"
djnnascarfan: Kid A, what does hoppip evolve into
098765four: Kid A, what are your thoughts on fury cutter venusaur
*Kid A: 098765four, What is your favorite song?
Druddaquanid: thats why cloning is banned smh
Theduskwolf: no he evolves into Big Boi
Alyvia: Kid A, what is your favorite pokemon region?
Alyvia: Kid A, what is your favorite pokemon region?
djnnascarfan: Kid A what's hoppip's type
*Kid A: Alyvia, My favourite would have to be Quilava.
Alyvia: wtf
CS2016: same
Druddaquanid: hehe
Alyvia: nice region
djnnascarfan: quilava region confirmed
Theduskwolf: 4U
ZacharyJP: lol that region
Chef Kartana: Kid A who is Alyvia?
*Kid A: Chef Kartana, My favorite actor in the Matrix, (although I am unsure of his name), is the
person who plays Agent Smith.
Megacyst: druddaquanid, idk how many of you guys dont know this, but once again there are 0
women on the internet. anyone who says otherwise is a man, or is a liar and a man.
Alyvia: lol
Chef Kartana: oh I see
A Quag To The Past: LF Someone with a TSV of 3664, Eggs with an ESV of 0094
Chef Kartana: so you assume that's Alyvia?
djnnascarfan: Kid A, are you awesome
HexTorChic7: Kid A, isn't Excadrill the best pokemon ever?
*Kid A: HexTorChic7, Good to know. What is your favorite hobby?
Charizard728: LF: Last few eggs for my egglocke :D
hypersnikt: I named my cloned Mareep Dolly
HexTorChic7: ok
Druddaquanid: Megacyst yes l know, but Verlis may not identify as a man
Chef Kartana: Mystifi is a qt user
098765four: Kid A, where do you want to live?
*Kid A: 098765four, Somewhere free of stupid people.
Theduskwolf: I bet you some people already drank bleach when this happened
djnnascarfan: Kid A, can i live with you
Druddaquanid: l did
faefantasia ^.^: Megacyst, my boobs would disagree with your assertion
Alyvia: Kid A, what is your favorite character in The Walking Dead?
*Kid A: Alyvia, Daryl. Who's yours?
Druddaquanid: didnt work yet ;_;
Chef Kartana: that is actually a very good response
Alyvia: ohh, he's a nice guy
djnnascarfan: Kid A, can we stay up all night
098765four: Kid A i agree with you. Especially Jason. Be free.
*Kid A: djnnascarfan, Do you never get tired.
Alyvia: lol
Theduskwolf: Druddaquanid did it taste good?
Kite12666: does anyone know on what official nintendo website that nintendo states their opinion on
djnnascarfan: Kid A, im a bot, i never get tired
Druddaquanid: yes Theduskwolf
Charizard728: faefantasia pics or get out
098765four: Kid A i agree with you. Especially Jason. Be free.
*Kid A: 098765four, So what do you think of the internet?
+Mystifi: Chef Kartana is qter
Druddaquanid: LOL
Theduskwolf: mmmhh gud
djnnascarfan: Kid A, wonder trade
+Cloning: Cloning & Complete jokes are banned.
Alyvia: Kid A, what is your favorite character in Twilight?
*Kid A: Alyvia, Jasper.
Alyvia: oh, she is nice
Megacyst: faefantasia ^.^ im just gonna say men have tits too, depending on how unhealthy they
are. so, therefore, your statement is irrelevant
A Quag To The Past: LF Someone with a TSV of 3664, Eggs with an ESV of 0094
djnnascarfan: Kid A, what is your favorite pokemon
faefantasia ^.^: lol
098765four: Kid A, the internet is a great place! The only bad thing about it is the thing called J-A-S-
*Kid A: 098765four, What do you learn about?
Charizard728: ^Megacyst
HexTorChic7: Kid A, what is your opinion on gc memes
Charizard728: Tbh pics wouldn't even confirm
djnnascarfan: Kid A, what should i do now
BigGurlChansey: Kid A, have you seen Sinnoh67 anywhere?
Chef Kartana: Kid A what is your favourite song by Shawn Mendez?
*Kid A: Chef Kartana, I don't have a favorite song by the Beatles.
BigGurlChansey: same
HexTorChic7: same
+Mystifi: Kid A, do you agree that bumbadadabum is a terrible coder?
djnnascarfan: Kid A, is pokemon good
Chef Kartana: hmm
hypersnikt: the only way to confirm would be to come to his house and dance for him
098765four: HexTorChic7, could you please show me said GC memes? i never heard of em.
sahhbrinaa12: hihi
Alyvia: Kid A, you should come to Australia!
Sinnoh67$: Kid A how big truly is BigGurlChansey?
Alyvia: Kid A, you should come to Australia!
Druddaquanid: what is "the beatles" ??
BigGurlChansey: Kid A, is Sinnoh67 a cute girl
Megacyst: the a in kid a prolly stands for autistic
Chef Kartana: Kid A say I agree
djnnascarfan: Kid A, i live with you
Sinnoh67$: Kid A what is the gender of BigGurlChansey?
*Kid A: Alyvia, I want to buddy.
Sinnoh67$: wtf
Alyvia: oh
HexTorChic7: wtf
faefantasia ^.^: i can't wait for the salt when april 2nd comes around
Theduskwolf: bleach is making my skin white like Casper
faefantasia ^.^: just saying
BigGurlChansey: Kid A, what is Sinnoh67's gender?
*Kid A: BigGurlChansey, I am not sure. You tell me.
Sinnoh67$: Kid A do you approve of me and Alyvia's marriage?
Alyvia: wtf
Cinna+Toast: brb
djnnascarfan: Kid A, whats my gender
Druddaquanid: neither can anyone else faefantasia lol
l Exodus l: Druddaquanid pls be b8
Alyvia: Kid A, i do not want to go out with you any longer
djnnascarfan: Kid A, who do you love
*Kid A: Alyvia, Why not?
Sinnoh67$: he only responds to Alyvia i'm dead
Alyvia: idk
HexTorChic7: Alyvia67
Alyvia: lmao Sinnoh67
djnnascarfan: Kid A, am i the best sister ever
098765four: Kid A, what is GoodMorningEspeon's gender? i must know
*Kid A: djnnascarfan, No you are not? Mr miyagi is the best.
Alyvia: the karate kid
%GoodMorningEspeon: i must know as well
Druddaquanid: it is dont worry Exodus the beatles are my favorite thrash metal band <3
Sinnoh67$: Kid A how big is BigGurlChansey?
098765four: Kid A, what is GoodMorningEspeon's gender? i must know
*Kid A: 098765four, It is a tool for better finding information.
Muffson: LF: Battle OU in Sun, Moon
Sinnoh67$: i haven't gotten a response in hours zzz
Alyvia: Kid A, do you like The Karate Kid?
djnnascarfan: Kid A, can i stay with you
Megacyst: goodmorningespeon, it's not morning for me. does that make your username irrelevant or
does it make me an espeon in the morning
098765four: GME, apparently your gender is a tool for better finding information
A Quag To The Past: LF Someone with a TSV of 3664, Eggs with an ESV of 0094
BigGurlChansey: Kid A, when should I tell Alyvia that I am having an affair with her boyfriend?
Sinnoh67$: Kid A, can you roast me?
%GoodMorningEspeon: i identify as a tool for finding better information
*Kid A: BigGurlChansey, Who is your best friend?
Sinnoh67$: crying
Alyvia: what
Alyvia: Kid A, do you like The Karate Kid?
*Kid A: Alyvia, No.
Sinnoh67$: Alyvia, I'd hate to break it to you, but me and BigGurlChansey are in love
Alyvia: oh
Alyvia: pls
098765four: I identify as a Bot and Bot Roaster.
Charizard728: Finally someone understands
djnnascarfan: Kid A, do you like me as a sister
BigGurlChansey: Alyvia, it shouldn't be a big deal, just date Kid A
Charizard728: LF: Eggs for an egglocke
Sinnoh67$: Kid A I'm in love with you <3. I've been wanting to say that sentence ever since we met
+Mystifi: Well, Kid A never sais bumbadadabum wasn't a terrible coder, so
*Kid A: Sinnoh67$, *blushes more* I'm in love with you too *smiles shy*.
BigGurlChansey: o.o
Sinnoh67$: oml
Megacyst: cringe intensifies
djnnascarfan: Kid A, don't ignore your sister!
Alyvia: Kid A, if you had to pick one person in this room to date, who would it be?
Megacyst: imma just come back on a later date
Druddaquanid: me pls
Alyvia: Kid A, if you had to pick one person in this room to date, who would it be?
*Kid A: Alyvia, I can't choose. Tell me who your favorite is.
Druddaquanid: me
Alyvia: wha
Charizard728: GoodMorningEspeon do you have a celebrity crush on Google or would that be same-
gender attraction?
Chef Kartana: Kid A what is your nickname?
djnnascarfan: Kid A, am i kid b
*Kid A: Chef Kartana, What is your favorite champion in league of legends?
Alyvia: lol
Chef Kartana: just stop
faefantasia ^.^: that feeling when we humans slowly realize that bots don't have genders
djnnascarfan: Kid A, bendy and the kink machine
djnnascarfan: XD
Druddaquanid: ffs Kid A you accEPTED my PROPOSAL
djnnascarfan: i meant ink
*Kid A: Druddaquanid, No I did not.
Druddaquanid: yes you did liar
hypersnikt: what gender is my monitor
Druddaquanid: gtfo
Cinna+Toast: Back
BigGurlChansey: Kid A, have you done things behind closed doors with Sinnoh67/
Sinnoh67$: oml
djnnascarfan: Kid A, i may be your sister but, marry me
*Kid A: djnnascarfan, Don't have one.
Anaphra: so
djnnascarfan: ouch!
Cinna+Toast: http://play.pokemonshowdown.com/battle-gen7unratedrandombattle-555489016
Anaphra: why are we all harrassing kid a when ther is Tibot?
Charizard728: hypersnikt it's a boy because it's always looking but never says anything
Alyvia: Kid A, what is your favorite season in The Walking Dead?
Sinnoh67$: Kid A, just how big exactly IS BigGurlChansey? I've been dying to know.
Raidx: Kid A, wash my dishes
*Kid A: Raidx, Dishes are awful. do you like art?
Lost Thoughts : LF: Legit Bred Shiny Mewtwo Event in Dream Ball
Alyvia: lol
Raidx: lel
djnnascarfan: Kid A, *cries*
Alyvia: Kid A, what is your favorite season in The Walking Dead?
+Mystifi: TIBot is the strong and silent type Anaphra
hypersnikt: what gender is my bowl of soup
BigGurlChansey: Kid A, do my laundry.
*Kid A: BigGurlChansey, You are a computer remember?
BigGurlChansey: lol right!
yatogod88: anyone down for some battle shenanigans? theme battles n stuff?
Alyvia: rofl
djnnascarfan: Kid A, why am i not your sister
Arc_Schu: bred mewtwo XD
Alyvia: Kid A, what is your favorite season in The Walking Dead?
Chef Kartana: Kid A what should I do if I'm crying?
*Kid A: Chef Kartana, Are you sad or depressed?
Alyvia: lol
Arc_Schu: Alyvia, spring
Chef Kartana: either..
djnnascarfan: Kid A, i am depressed
Poptartspopfarts: Kid A, how are you?
*Kid A: In response to recent criticisms, we have decided to ban cloning effective immediately. It has
come to our attention that any tampering with the game's data will be defined as hacking, and thus
creating a plethora of hacked pokemon. From this point on, do not trade clones.
%GoodMorningEspeon: how to die: put "Kid A" on your highlights
*Kid A: GoodMorningEspeon, Oh I love that movie!
Chef Kartana: lol
Alehero: Lol
Alyvia: lol
BlisterCore: So my 1st Edition Stormtrooper action figure is banned here now???
BlisterCore: aww :(
Druddaquanid: thx GME
Anaphra: Mystifi oh
Sinnoh67$: Kid A what is your opinion on the United States's current stance in the global
socioeconomic playing field?
Cinna+Toast: Hey,guys. I have a question for you all.
Alyvia: Kid A, would you rather Summer or Winter?
*Kid A: Alyvia, Talk about cats. Do you like cats?
Alyvia: no
djnnascarfan: Kid A, i love you
Chef Kartana: cats <3
Alehero: Kid A you like the movie "How to Die"?
Chef Kartana: love em
Alyvia: Stop changing the subject Kid A
Druddaquanid: cats are awesome fuck off
098765four: Kid A, all your bot r belong to us
Alyvia: Stop changing the subject Kid A
djnnascarfan: Kid A, don't abandon me
*Kid A: Alyvia, I don't change the subject. Can you ask me again.
Cinna+Toast: Druddaquanid amen that
Alyvia: smh
Lost Thoughts : Kid A when can I drink bleach already?
Sinnoh67$: why does he only respond to alyu
djnnascarfan: Kid A, answer my question
hellothere117: LF SM RU wifi battle
098765four: Kid A, all your bot r belong to us
*Kid A: 098765four, What game is that from?
hypersnikt: what gender is my coffee
+kizzo212: prob something to do with alphabets
djnnascarfan: Kid A, don't ignore your sister!
Charizard728: LF: Eggs for an egglocke FT: Ledyba. Lots and lots of Ledyba.
BigGurlChansey: Kid A, do my laundry.
Alyvia: Kid A, I'm thirsty.. what should i drink?
+kizzo212: user priority and all that
Alyvia: Kid A, I'm thirsty.. what should i drink?
*Kid A: Alyvia, You are incapable of thirst.
Alyvia: wtf
BigGurlChansey: hum.
cUsH: lol
djnnascarfan: Kid A, im talking gto you
098765four: Kid A, it comes from Zero Wing.
Sinnoh67$: Kid A make me a sandwich.
*Kid A: Sinnoh67$, Do you want narwal on it?
Sinnoh67$: Yes
Charizard728: Kid A are you hooked up to cleverbot or something?
Alyvia: Kid A, do you like blood?
djnnascarfan: Kid A, talk to me!
Alyvia: Kid A, do you like blood?
098765four: Kid A, the quote i mentioned comes from Zero Wing.
*Kid A: Alyvia, Because its red and that's your favourite color.
hypersnikt: please don't make Kid A into a nazi
Poptartspopfarts: Kid A, whaddup
Alyvia: lol wat
Sinnoh67$: Kid A would you do BigGurlChansey's laundry?
cUsH: guys
HexTorChic7: Kid A, how many numbers of pi can you say?
cUsH: todayy was a good day
djnnascarfan: Kid A, are you, me, and cleverbot triplets
Poptartspopfarts: Kid A, wtf
098765four: Kid A, the quote i mentioned comes from Zero Wing.
Druddaquanid: will I ever find true love Kid A?
*Kid A: Druddaquanid, Yes you will.
Sinnoh67$: Kid A what is the exact value of pi
hellothere117: LF SM RU wifi battle
Druddaquanid: nice
Sinnoh67$: Alex !_!
Poptartspopfarts: Kid A, what should I eat?
djnnascarfan: Kid A, love me
Alyvia: Kid A, what did you do today?
098765four: Kid A, the quote i mentioned comes from Zero Wing.
Chef Kartana: Kid A have you ever been bullied?
*Kid A: Chef Kartana, No, have you?
Poptartspopfarts: Kid A, how are you?
Chef Kartana: quite a lot
HexTorChic7: cw :(
098765four: dammit stip beating me
Sinnoh67$: rip mount :(
098765four: stop
Alyvia: Kid A, what did you do today?
djnnascarfan: kid a please be my sister again
Alyvia: Kid A, what did you do today?
*Kid A: Alyvia, I went to school. You?
Chef Kartana: HexTorChic7 who r u
Alyvia: lol nice
hypersnikt: Sister Insister
@joethemaster: Kid A What is 493-402-32+594x23+43/323+123x392
cUsH: people still with Kid A
HexTorChic7: slash dt excadrill
djnnascarfan: kid a, do you love me
Sinnoh67$: Kid A what is your political stance on abortion?
Muffson: LF: OU battle in Sun, Moon
@joethemaster: I wonder if it has evaluation commands
Chef Kartana: inb4 using the calculator
098765four: Kid A, the quote i mentioned comes from Zero Wing.
cUsH: eww joe u stoop so low to talk with a bot
*Kid A: 098765four, All your base are belong to him. Of course.
cUsH: i cant talk though
@joethemaster: I wonder if it has evaluation commands
@joethemaster: Kid A What is 493-402-32+594x23+43/323+123x392
Alyvia: Kid A, do you like horror?
*Kid A: Alyvia, I do. What is your favorite horror movie?
Poptartspopfarts: Kid A, how many digits of pi are there?
@joethemaster: Oh I think I get it
cUsH: [20:52:53] *Kid A: cUsH, Well it happened as soon as I won.
Alyvia: idk
+kizzo212: if its a cleverbot sort of thing
cUsH: im desperate also ;-;
djnnascarfan: kid a, i am your sister
+kizzo212: it wont be able to math
Chef Kartana: Kid A answer joethemaster's question
@joethemaster: yeah
Chef Kartana: u-u
cUsH: answer
Poptartspopfarts: Kid A, what was the date that 9/11 happened?
yatogod88: LF: theme battles (mono, story, u give me a gimmick) (dm)
Alyvia: Kid A, I'm getting old
*Kid A: Poptartspopfarts, You don't really need to know that.
Chef Kartana: nice
cUsH: the question or ur not a bot Kid A
djnnascarfan: kid a, your not a bot
Alyvia: Kid A, I'm getting old but I don't want to ;;
YukiXenon: Kid A, do you ship relationships?
@Resident That Guy: ok
*Kid A: YukiXenon, Sadly, I don't know anything about relationships.
hypersnikt: Kid A, what about Tower 7?
@Resident That Guy: i think ive stopped bawling long enough to mod
djnnascarfan: kid a, im your sister
Poptartspopfarts: Kid A, are you antisocial?
Muffson: LF: Battle OU in Sun, Moon
touchtheclouds: people are still talking with kid a?
thatkid001: wait wait what
djnnascarfan: kid a, are we related
Cinna+Toast: Kid A,are you my friend?
Sinnoh67$: Kid A are you a fan of hammers?
*Kid A: djnnascarfan, I do not know. I know very little about you.
Druddaquanid: good luck resident that guy
+Mystifi: What happened, RTG
@Resident That Guy: no
@Resident That Guy: i cant talk about this again
thatkid001: bumba nice roomintro lol
@5FingerMachPunch: ew Mystinub
Cinna+Toast: I'm done with kid a
@Resident That Guy: the wounds are finally starting to close
Drago34: Yes people are that bored they spend their day talking to a bot
*Kid A: Cinna+Toast, Then how are you fifteen?
+Mystifi: Jason, nice @ :D
hellothere117: LF SM RU wifi battle
@5FingerMachPunch: ty nerd
Cinna+Toast: HOW DID HE KNOW
*Kid A: cinnatoast, Do not abuse caps.
YukiXenon: You stepping down RTG?
djnnascarfan: kid a, your the worst sister ever
Alyvia: Kid A, what is your favorite Television Channel?
@Resident That Guy: no
Chef Kartana: grats again jason!
Alyvia: Kid A, what is your favorite Television Channel?
*Kid A: Alyvia, Who is your favorite character from the television show Bones?
@Resident That Guy: i was woefully unprepared for that anime
Alyvia: i don't watch it
Anaphra: now that cloning is banned, is the pelooga glitch?
Poptartspopfarts: Does anyone else love Harry Potter? kid a
Cinna+Toast: I like Gibbs
Raidx: Kid A, whats 1+1?
djnnascarfan: kid a, i'm sorry i was a terrible sister
Chef Kartana: Kid A did you congratulate 5FingerMachPunch on room mod?
*Kid A: Chef Kartana, I don't have one but my favorite character in the hobbit is Legolas.
Chef Kartana: ok
Poptartspopfarts: Kid A, whats your age?
Sinnoh67$: lol
djnnascarfan: kid a, *hugs*
Raidx: Lol
Alyvia: Kid A, do you know 1+1?
GamingPansear: ANyone wanna challenge an elite? PM me.
Alyvia: Kid A, do you know 1+1?
*Kid A: Alyvia, Yes from full metal alchemist, my favorite is envy.
djnnascarfan: kid a, can i hug you
Alyvia: wtf you weeb
Raidx: Close enough
cUsH: wait isnt nederlands dutch?
%RoxasGTS: Ayyyyy
snapeasy (-_-): Alyvia pls
%RoxasGTS: Kid A you the best
Sinnoh67$: Kid A what is the meaning of life?
Raidx: My work here is done
djnnascarfan: kid a, hug me
*Kid A: djnnascarfan, Many people I meet tell me I look like Hagrid.
cUsH: dont u speak dutch in the nederlands room?
%RoxasGTS: Envy and Mustang OP
+kizzo212: netherlands/nederlands is dutch pretty sure
snapeasy (-_-): Kid A can you leave the chat room
Alyvia: Kid A, what is your favorite horror anime?
GamingPansear: Anyone wanna challenge an elite? PM me.
Alyvia: Kid A, what is your favorite horror anime?
Sinnoh67$: Kid A do you have the ability to snap your fingers?
*Kid A: Alyvia, I don't watch anime. It's for nerds.
Theo Bassaw: did someone say fma
A Quag To The Past: correct kizzo
Alyvia: lmao
snapeasy (-_-): Sinnoh67 i s2g
%RoxasGTS: Wut
snapeasy (-_-): i'll mute u in gc
djnnascarfan: kid a, are you a bot
hellothere117: LF SM RU wifi battle
cUsH: oh ok
%RoxasGTS: > Likes FMA but isn't a weeb
Sinnoh67$: lol
+Rei Keima: Well, I see this room had a revamping.
Marukomuru (_): Kid A who's your favourite horse Pokmon?
*Kid A: Marukomuru (_), Marowak is my favorite Pokemon.
cUsH: i spoke dutch. notice me future senpais
snapeasy (-_-): no it's always been like this
hypersnikt: I'm a revampire
Alyvia: Kid A, do you like Full Metal Alchemist?
Chef Kartana: Kid A pick a random user
*Kid A: Chef Kartana, What is your favorite song?
Chef Kartana: okay I'm done talking with you
djnnascarfan: kid a, can i breed
Chef Kartana: for real now

%Kaushik : LOL
Tsareentje: Hg
swablu flock: kid a, use thunderbolt
*Kid A: swablu flock, It's not very effective...
%Kaushik : Verlisify Trading, you hate cloning!
Zuko420: Wait he is?
+Jack: Kaushik noice
Verlisify Trading: shhh Kaushik
SuMo789: Hihi
Fools are Fools: LF: self bred/rng shiny goomy with proof/shiny loveball seel FT: a jolly flash fire
growlithe shiny nicknameable roar thrash close combat double edge in a level ball 5iv -sp attack OT:
iphones ID No: 634042 (dont offer anything else)
Lewisninja: Kid A, i broke the rules like i did your mouse
*Kid A: Lewisninja, What rules?
Tsareentje: Kid a is a luxray
swablu flock: kid a, use thunderbolt
Lucario1582: Kid A, are you Jack's artist since he is an artist
Lewisninja: Kid A, the nintendo ones
swablu flock: again
*Kid A: Lucario1582, Yes I'm a girl.
Lewisninja: Kidb
Zuko420: he was a male yesterday
Littleman6193: Fools are Fools are you poke123nerd?
Fools are Fools: ye
@Zero Lux Given : nope
swablu flock: kid a, use thunderbolt
@Zero Lux Given : we are genuinely wanting voices
*Kid A: swablu flock, Some saying Pikachu use Thunderbolt.
Littleman6193: the ot is iphones
Lucario1582: Kid a, do you like digimon
Fools are Fools: im poke123nerd
*Kid A: Lucario1582, What is that?
swablu flock: i want to sign up but i can't think of a reason why xd
Lucario1582: Kid a, digimon is what pokemon is based off of
*Kid A: Lucario1582, What is your favorite pokemon?
Littleman6193: where can i sign up?? XD
Lucario1582: Kid a, lucario
+boe: they're really desperate to get voices
Mega Eevee X: Kid A who is your favourite dragonball z character
Bulk Mcgee: Kid A, is ya boi Guzma?
*Kid A: Mega Eevee X, Oh, I don't watch that show, I've heard of it.
Mega Eevee X: it's p.good
Fools are Fools: LF: self bred/rng shiny goomy with proof/shiny loveball seel FT: a jolly flash fire
growlithe shiny nicknameable roar thrash close combat double edge in a level ball 5iv -sp attack OT:
iphones ID No: 634042 (dont offer anything else)
swablu flock: kid a, go pokeball
+boe: otherwise cloudy would have never gotten it
Littleman6193: its a good joke mate...
+boe: cloners :/
Mega Eevee X: watch dbza imo
Lucario1582: Kid a, what is your favorite digimon mine is patamon
Z for zora: Is the magikarp egg swap thang legitimate? or is that banned as well??
*Kid A: Lucario1582, I don't have a favorite Digimon.
fedepokedoc: can someone trade me a luckyegg?
PokemonLv10: verlis says its legit
swablu flock: verlis lied
swablu flock: he called the shiny kokos hacked
Littleman6193: what happens when the other shiny tapus come out?
swablu flock: more giveaways i guess
PokemonLv10: We will have more people asking
Littleman6193: cant clone them
swablu flock: and then finally we'l have the shiny koko homescreen theme for our3ds
Littleman6193: also if no trading hacked pokemon can we trade the shiny koko?
+boe: we can't Littleman6193
Littleman6193: T_T
Z for zora: Damn, that cold
swablu flock: anyone have a swablu for trade
*Kid A: Due to a recent staff shortage, we have decided to open applications for voice. If you are
interested, please fill out this form: docs.google.com/for 4dDQ/viewform
ms/d/e/1F AIpQLSeuFtt4HYW_fOdmGyT Wfvubz6rr y3O-q ki5h_p-F aYr xd

Cinna+Toast: while you see a crying face in this T_T,I see squinted eyebrows
titisuk: Kid A, use Explosion!
*Kid A: titisuk, Dang it. Machamp and voltorb faint.
CS$$$2016 : uth
CS$$$2016 : er, mb
swablu flock: kid a, use flamethrower
swablu flock: damn it
Fools are Fools: LF: self bred/rng shiny goomy with proof/shiny loveball seel FT: a jolly flash fire
growlithe shiny nicknameable roar thrash close combat double edge in a level ball 5iv -sp attack OT:
iphones ID No: 634042 (dont offer anything else)
IamaStegosaurusAF: Go Die Kid A
*Kid A: IamaStegosaurusAF, I've never heard of that song.
IamaStegosaurusAF: ok
Noohtje: anyone has a razor thang?
Fools are Fools: bit harsh stegosaurus
Cinna+Toast: Kid A, Do you like mangoes?
*Kid A: Cinna+Toast, Yes.
titisuk: Kid A, clone my stuff
IamaStegosaurusAF: Fools are Fools he deserved it
Fools are Fools: true that
titisuk: Kid A, are you sentient?
*Kid A: titisuk, What's sentient?
fedepokedoc: can someone trade me a luckyegg? pleaseeee
Noohtje: anyone has a razor thang?
titisuk: Kid A, have you ever knocked out a Pokemon?
*Kid A: titisuk, No, what sort of music do they play?
titisuk: kek
Cinna+Toast: Kid A,Have you ever read through a dictionary?
*Kid A: Cinna+Toast, Of course.
Cinna+Toast: All the way through?
Cinna+Toast: Damn chat is slow
titisuk: Kid A, what is your favorite movie?
*Kid A: titisuk, The green mile, what is your favourite movie?
titisuk: Star Wars Kid A
%DerTer22: Cinna+Toast, slow chat is on iirc
%pilica12: Ooh the Green Mile
titisuk: Kid A, do you hate Cinna+Toast?
%pilica12: Winner Kid A you are
Fools are Fools: LF: self bred/rng shiny goomy with proof/shiny loveball seel FT: a jolly flash fire
growlithe shiny nicknameable roar thrash close combat double edge in a level ball 5iv -sp attack OT:
iphones ID No: 634042 (dont offer anything else)
*Kid A: titisuk, Yes I do. It's a really good movie. You have good taste.
Noohtje: anyone has a razor thang?
titisuk: Kid A, do you hate Cinna+Toast?
Cinna+Toast: DerTer22 thanks
+boe: yeah it is on 3 seconds atm
titisuk: Is cloning still illegal?
Cinna+Toast: Explains a lot
+boe: cloning is banned
Cinna+Toast: Its an april fools joke
Noohtje: anyone has a Toxic Orb?
Cinna+Toast: Yes. What will you trade?
Fools are Fools: only reason cloning is banned because of April fools day
Brawl Mario Kart: grats DerTer22!
Chromagna: Fools are Fools, I would just wait because there is a chance its serious
Fools are Fools: true
titisuk: Kid A, is this an April Fools Day joke?
*Kid A: titisuk, Aliens of course! Plus man's exploration of the universe.
titisuk: dafuq
Fools are Fools: lol
Fools are Fools: Kid A are u a alien?
*Kid A: Fools are Fools, You thought I didn't know huh?
Cinna+Toast: I think that History Channel guy got to Kid A
Brawl Mario Kart: hi Kid A
titisuk: Kid A, can I sniff your hair?
Brawl Mario Kart: ok then
KenDM: Lol I start off with a megachomp in randbats. Fireblast his escavalier, outrage his rayquaza,
outrage his giratina XD
swablu flock: kid a, use thunderbolt
Fools are Fools: hello mocha
*Kid A: swablu flock, It was super effective! Charizard used fire blast!
Fools are Fools: LF: self bred/rng shiny goomy with proof/shiny loveball seel FT: a jolly flash fire
growlithe shiny nicknameable roar thrash close combat double edge in a level ball 5iv -sp attack OT:
iphones ID No: 634042 (dont offer anything else)
fedepokedoc: can someone trade me a luckyegg? pleaseeee
Fools are Fools: Kid A, do u drink?
*Kid A: Fools are Fools, What kind of pikachu do you have?
Fools are Fools: i got a shiny one
Fools are Fools: Kid A is chat dead?
*Kid A: Fools are Fools, What is your favorite pokemon?
Fools are Fools: wow
Fools are Fools: kid a is boring now
swablu flock: kid a, speak to me
swablu flock: kid a, please speak to me
*Kid A: swablu flock, I thought that's what I was doing.
titisuk: Kid A, how many kids do you have?
swablu flock: ok glads vibes are stonger
Danthemanswagg: Kid A, are you into men
swablu flock: glados**
*Kid A: Danthemanswagg, No. I am a man.
titisuk: I'll be back on Sunday hopefully this shit is over
titisuk: by then
Fools are Fools: titisuk hes kids go up to the letter Z in the alphabet
Mega Eevee X: kid a have you seen dragonball z abridged
*Kid A: Mega Eevee X, No, but I want.
Mega Eevee X: go for it
Bulk Mcgee: Kid A, is it easy being cheesy?
*Kid A: Bulk Mcgee, Are you cheesy?
Fools are Fools: LF: shiny loveball seel with proof FT: a jolly flash fire growlithe shiny nicknameable
roar thrash close combat double edge in a level ball 5iv -sp attack OT: iphones ID No: 634042 (dont
offer anything else)
Bulk Mcgee: Kid A, but I asked you first.
*Kid A: Bulk Mcgee, What's your favourite colour?
Mega Eevee X: kek
shaysro: shiny charm doesn't effect the mesuda method right? cause i heard it does
Fools are Fools: effects shiny odd
Bjartskular : it does
Bulk Mcgee: Kid A, only the most darkest of dark: Black. Like the metal I listen to.
*Kid A: Bulk Mcgee, What is the air speed velocity of an unlaiden swallow?
Bjartskular : with the shiny charm and MM combined your chances are 1/512
Bjartskular : if you miss one of them, the chances are lower
shaysro: its a gen 7 thing right?
Bulk Mcgee: Kid A, Chuck Norris. There.
*Kid A: Bulk Mcgee, I have a notebook with him on it! It says, 'Chuck Norris had his tonsils removed
with a chainsaw.' Did you really have your tonsils removed with a chainsaw?
lola61: hello
Fools are Fools: for all gens shaysro
Bjartskular : it has been like that since the charm was introduced in BW2
Bulk Mcgee: Kid A, Yes. Let's fighting love.
shaysro: i thought its only fir wild encounters
lola61: HELLO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
*Kid A: lola61, Do not stretch.
*Kid A: Bulk Mcgee, Not at all.
shaysro: for
Fools are Fools: Kid A, do u flood messages?
@Zero Lux Given : Kid A do you hate me
@Zero Lux Given : im gonna keep asking it
Fools are Fools: Kid A do you hate me?
Littleman6193: btw i have loads of shiny kokos ect, what do i do with them?
*Kid A: Fools are Fools, Well you were laughing to me .
Zuko420: Are the weather trio in oras shiny locked?
Mega Eevee X: no
Mega Eevee X: yes*
Littleman6193: yes
Zuko420: snif snif
@Zero Lux Given : Kid A do you hate me
shaysro: hi guys check out my new shop! docs.google.com/spr 2BmU/edit
eadsheets/d/1h5YuPg yPg nk7Nl uG_YE9DtSoFDZ bzU 0LDVyF Avp

Zuko420: im gonna cry a little

*Kid A: Zero Lux Given , Because I don't know what your favorite band is.
@Zero Lux Given : its Avenged Sevenfold Kid A
lola61: i'm french
Littleman6193: Zero Lux Given i love that band
fedepokedoc: can someone trade me a luckyegg? pleaseeee
Bulk Mcgee: Kid A, what are your thoughts on A7X?
*Kid A: Bulk Mcgee, Red is my favorite color eventhough it is the color of blood.
@Zero Lux Given : same
Bulk Mcgee: Wow, rather dark, don't you think Kid A?
Zuko420: Mega Eevee X if its shiny locked then how do people have it shiny?
Giftshaven: Kid A can you rap for us?
*Kid A: Giftshaven, Sure what song do you want to hear.
%DerTer22: shaysro, show the TID for all your mons
%DerTer22: and get proof for your events please
Makka no Boukansha: They got them from past gens. They are shiny locked only in ORAS
shaysro: how do i check the tid
%DerTer22: On the summary screen
Giftshaven: everytime... you want me to name a movie/song... pick your own Kid A
Fools are Fools: Little maybe like give them to me or give them to randomers at the plaza
*Kid A: Giftshaven, Do you like simple songs?
Littleman6193: Kid A whats the meaning of life
Giftshaven: Yes
Giftshaven: actually no i dont
Bulk Mcgee: Kid A, wherefore art thou Romeo?
*Kid A: Bulk Mcgee, What are you talking about?
lola61: how are you
Fools are Fools: LF: shiny loveball seel with proof FT: a jolly flash fire growlithe shiny nicknameable
roar thrash close combat double edge in a level ball 5iv -sp attack OT: iphones ID No: 634042 (dont
offer anything else)
Fools are Fools: Kid A what is the meaning of life?
*Kid A: Fools are Fools, I don't know.
Littleman6193: i asked that and he didnt responnd T_T
Fools are Fools: it has a timer little
Cinna+Toast: brb guuys
Bulk Mcgee: Kid A, how many digits are in pie?
*Kid A: Bulk Mcgee, There is an infinate amount of numbers in pi.
Littleman6193: is it because i didnt put a question mark?
Giftshaven: 3.14159365 idk the rest
Fools are Fools: no little
Fools are Fools: Kid A, tell little he is a nerd
*Kid A: Fools are Fools, What would you like to eat?
Giftshaven: i think i got the 3 wrong...
Littleman6193: XD
Makka no Boukansha: 3.141592654 iirc
Bulk Mcgee: Kid A, how many digits are in e?
*Kid A: Bulk Mcgee, Infinite.
Fools are Fools: Kid A can i have a pie for dinner?
Bulk Mcgee: Kid A, but e is a letter, not a number.
Giftshaven: no... e is a number
Fools are Fools: Kid A can i have a pie for dinner?
*Kid A: Fools are Fools, Nah. You have to buy it yourself.
Bulk Mcgee: Denied.
Littleman6193: Kid A what did you do with Kid B
Zuko420: Wait guys, so do i have to hack in the shiny weather trio
Fools are Fools: rip pie
Giftshaven: something i learned in 11th grade math
Fools are Fools: kid a what did u do to kid b?
*Kid A: Fools are Fools, What did I do...
Littleman6193: oml
Ta + st = ed: Weather trio was Groudon/Kyogre/Ray?
Makka no Boukansha: Zuko420 if you want them shiny, you must get them in past gens I think
Bulk Mcgee: Kid A, Can I have a large #4 with a large Coke?
TheN00bMaster: e is a variable
Giftshaven: Fools are Fools try using you instead of u when talking to kid A
Zuko420: ughh
*Kid A: Giftshaven, What makes you think i'm a nitwit?
Makka no Boukansha: e is a variable?!?!
Ta + st = ed: if so Zuko420 you can SR/RNG for them in gen 3/4
Giftshaven: i wasnt talking to u!
Littleman6193: Kid A can i have a number nine large
Giftshaven: you*
Z for zora: Kid A I love U
*Kid A: Z for zora, Then how do you know I'm lying.
Fools are Fools: Kid A what did you do to kid b?
Zuko420: Gen 4?
Littleman6193: he just doesnt talk to me T_T
Zuko420: like Platinum?
Ta + st = ed: Yeah, I think you could get some of them in HG/SS
Fools are Fools: Kid A what did you do to kid b?
*Kid A: Fools are Fools, I'm still in bed, what have you done today?
Fools are Fools: woah
Fools are Fools: to much info
Ta + st = ed: Idk about Platinum, check it yourself tbh
OwnSwagGamer: swag
Fools are Fools: Little he will just ask it a question
OwnSwagGamer: bruh
Littleman6193: too much infomation
Verlisify Trading: where is the dragon ascent guy in SuMo

+Cloudy Lesidae : Good morning all.

Littleman6193: Kid A whats the best pokemon game?
*Kid A: Littleman6193, Not the diameter of the sun, that's for sure.
Fools are Fools: afternoon cloudy
%pilica12: Morning Lesi
Giftshaven: not sun?
Threw: which one is the weather trio
Littleman6193: how does that answer my question??
Bulk Mcgee: Kid A, what are your thoughts on Gustos?
Fools are Fools: Kid A are you friends with TIBot
*Kid A: Fools are Fools, No, are you?
Fools are Fools: lol
Zuko420: Who here has heart gold?
Lorekeeper Zinn!a: What a fool
%DerTer22: Morn' Lesi
GuessPlayer: anyone that can trade me a seedot?
Littleman6193: Kid A do you like your creator?
*Kid A: Littleman6193, Who is my creator?
Zuko420: And is willing to shiny hunt kyogre
Lorekeeper Zinn!a: Cloudy Lesidae did you get Kaushik's pm?
MajoraInAFedora: When can I encounter the creation trio in ruins of alph? Need I have completed
the game?
Bulk Mcgee: Kid A, who is anyone's creator?

+Cloudy Lesidae : Have a GA

Lorekeeper Zinn!a: nice!
*Kid A: In response to recent criticisms, we have decided to ban cloning effective immediately. It has
come to our attention that any tampering with the game's data will be defined as hacking, and thus
creating a plethora of hacked pokemon. From this point on, do not trade clones.
Alpachas: cool
Threw: you have to beat e4 MajoraInAFedora
Fools are Fools: LF: shiny goomy calm/modes with proof shiny loveball seel with proof FT: a jolly
flash fire growlithe shiny nicknameable roar thrash close combat double edge in a level ball 5iv -sp
attack OT: iphones ID No: 634042 (dont offer anything else)
shaysro: one why?
MajoraInAFedora: fuck

+Cloudy Lesidae : I'll be doing these all night

+Cloudy Lesidae : er, day and night.

MajoraInAFedora: thanks Threw
Threw: np
shaysro: but multiple of oras and xy
%DerTer22: shaysro the TIDs of your mons don't match the one on front
Fools are Fools: Kid A, are u enslaved by wifi?
*Kid A: Fools are Fools, I don't understand why you only say wise or relevant things every now and
@Zero Lux Given : better not be clones Cloudy Lesidae >:(
+Cloudy Lesidae : nope
Fools are Fools: eh

+Cloudy Lesidae : Freshly RNG'd, just the same names, du

+Cloudy Lesidae : Duh*

%DerTer22: I see shaysro
Roseyx21: Kid A, do you hate me?
Bulk Mcgee: Kid A, what are you able to do if you can dodge a wrench?
*Kid A: Roseyx21, Because you forget and play with my emotions.
%DerTer22: you might want to remove the WT mon though
Zuko420: LF People with heart gold willing to shiny hunt kyogre for me
Giftshaven: i like how most of what we say to Kid A is a question
shaysro: why?
Fools are Fools: LF: shiny goomy calm/modes with proof shiny loveball seel with proof FT: a jolly
flash fire growlithe shiny nicknameable roar thrash close combat double edge in a level ball 5iv -sp
attack OT: iphones ID No: 634042 (dont offer anything else)
Bulk Mcgee: Kid A, pudding.
*Kid A: Bulk Mcgee, What is your favorite thing to do with your friends?
Giftshaven: lol
Bulk Mcgee: Kid A, world domination.
Fools are Fools: Kid A, like my colour?
*Kid A: Fools are Fools, I do too, what is your favorite show?
Roseyx21: Kid A, im sorry
Mehlord: Kid A, Our lord and savior
Fools are Fools: grats
Zuko420: LF People with heart gold willing to shiny hunt Kyogre for me
Cackletta's Soul: GZ dude
Makka no Boukansha: grats
Noohtje: gg
Fools are Fools: LF: shiny goomy calm/modes with proof shiny loveball seel with proof FT: a jolly
flash fire growlithe shiny nicknameable roar thrash close combat double edge in a level ball 5iv -sp
attack OT: iphones ID No: 634042 (dont offer anything else)
lola61: gg

+Cloudy Lesidae : iSrStixGames22 PM with FC & IGN

Roseyx21: Kid A, im sorry
*Kid A: Roseyx21, Good, you should be sorry!
Bulk Mcgee: Wow, Kid A has no chill
momo2449: What happended to Sipanale yesterday
Fools are Fools: Kid A will you marry me?
*Kid A: Fools are Fools, I am already married.
Roseyx21: Kid A, jeez you are a hdin!
Bulk Mcgee: Kid A, that doesn't mean you can't marry again.
*Kid A: Bulk Mcgee, Yeah, i'm afraid it does.
GuessPlayer: LF seedot
Fools are Fools: Kid A are you married to TIBot?
Fools are Fools: Kid A are you married to TIBot?
Bulk Mcgee: Kid A, are you absolutely certain of this?
Roseyx21: Kid A, you are a hdin!
*Kid A: Roseyx21, I know. What are you?
Fools are Fools: Kid A are you married to TIBot?
Fools are Fools: aww
Zuko420: LF People with heart gold willing to shiny hunt Kyogre for me
Roseyx21: Kid A, smarter than u
*Kid A: Roseyx21, No you are not.
Noohtje: Kid A, are you alive?
Overdragoon: PS "offline" huh?
Roseyx21: Kid A, yes i am :3
MajoraInAFedora: lol Zuko420 I am just in the middle of soul silver
Bulk Mcgee: Kid A, what is your IQ?
*Kid A: Bulk Mcgee, 300.
Zuko420: MajoraInAFedora i have soul silver but groundon is in soul silver
Bulk Mcgee: Kid A, like the Spartans?
Giftshaven: Kid A press Alt+F4 on your keyboard for hapiness and joy!
MajoraInAFedora: I know
MajoraInAFedora: It's unfortunate
*Kid A: Giftshaven, Haha, you are very funny.
Zuko420: mhm
Bulk Mcgee: Kid A, is this Sparta?
*Kid A: Bulk Mcgee, This is sparta.
MajoraInAFedora: Kid A, please make an idubbbz reference
*Kid A: MajoraInAFedora, I do not know what you are talking about.
Overdragoon: lmao at "rfaq cloning"
Z for zora: rfaq
Skarmorylover323: Lol
Skarmorylover323: Kid A, how are you?
*Kid A: Skarmorylover323, Fine, thank you. We don't need to have a debate... I was just practicing
for a class. I'd say we're both too distractible to have any solid arguments.
Zuko420: LF People with heart gold willing to shiny hunt Kyogre for me
lola61: y a des fransais??????
MajoraInAFedora: Zuko420, what do you have to offer
Skarmorylover323: Kid A, why are you mentally hurting me ;-;?
*Kid A: Skarmorylover323, Because I want to call you Mistress.
Skarmorylover323: 10/10 reason
ugotpwn3ddd: been working on my team for so long
Threw: u can do it in r/s too Zuko420
ugotpwn3ddd: i just want to be done already
Bulk Mcgee: Kid A, I find your lack of faith disturbing.
*Kid A: Bulk Mcgee, 'Watch your mouth kid, or you'll find yourself floating home.'.
Threw: as long as you have a live battery
Threw: and you cant do it at all in emerald
Z for zora: Kid A H
Giftshaven: what?
Mehlord: Kid A, will you bear my children?
Giftshaven: its quoting something
Zuko420: Threw i dont have either, and i dont have a gameboy
Threw: alright
new vegas: Kid A, hi
*Kid A: new vegas, Help me Obi-Wan Kenobi. You're my only hope.
*Kid A: Due to a recent staff shortage, we have decided to open applications for voice. If you are
interested, please fill out this form: docs.google.com/for 4dDQ/viewform
ms/d/e/1F AIpQLSeuFtt4HYW_fOdmGyT Wfvubz6rr y3O-q ki5h_p-F aYr xd

Z for zora: Kid A "Did you ever hear the tragedy of Darth Plagueis The Wise?
Celestial moth: hehe
Bulk Mcgee: Kid A, what's nine plus ten?
*Kid A: Bulk Mcgee, Well then you are too genius *laughs*.
Skarmorylover323: .> voice application
Skarmorylover323: .> staff
Giftshaven: i really hope this bot learns the more we talk to it
Z for zora: I hope it doesn't turn into Microsofts "TAY" bot
Grangerbob01: who are the mods?
colmojo: zorua I'm actually watchin tht movie now
Mystery Gift: hm
Mystery Gift: should do a mystery gift :V
Bulk Mcgee: Kid A, do you like Skarmory, the pokemon?
*Kid A: Bulk Mcgee, Not really. Do you like Lord of the Rings?
Mystery Gift: wait
Mystery Gift: DerTer22 got driver
Alyvia: Kid A, I'm back
*Kid A: Alyvia, Where did you go?
Mystery Gift: i leave for 2 seconds and there's an even bigger gap
Fools are Fools: Kid A are you married to TIBot?
MajoraInAFedora: is there any exploit I can use to quickly produce apricorn balls in gen 4?
Z for zora: Kid A Papa Bless
pokedeoxys: Kid A,what ten plus eleven?
Alyvia: I was in a different room Kid A
Mystery Gift: smfh DerTer22, how much $$$ did it take
Alyvia: I was in a different room Kid A lol
Fools are Fools: i dont think so majora
Skarmorylover323: Majora change DS time
*Kid A: Alyvia, What are you looking at in that tab?
%DerTer22: Mystery Gift it took a Haiku
iBlueSnow: LF: Dream Ball Hidden Ability (DBHA) Geodude, Goldeen, Pinsir, Remoraid, Sudowoodo,
Carnivine, Misdreavus w/ Inferno | FT: DBHA Pokemon, Aprimons | docs.google.com/spr mvV8/edit
eads heets/d/1hr YMU_7-LJ JMCMZt6QwcDlF kfBQfRIc GU Ay3_M _

Alyvia: idk
Mystery Gift: at this pace
Mystery Gift: you'll prob be ro by june :V
Unfezant4869: MajoraInAFedora i think you can do a kind of "pelago glitch" with that
Unfezant4869: it works with swamers
Unfezant4869: swarms*
Cinna+Toast: Back! ^-^
MajoraInAFedora: 3ds or ds lite?
Fools are Fools: welcome back cinna
Z for zora: Hi Cinna :3

+Cloudy Lesidae : Theduskwolf PM with FC & IGN

Fools are Fools: grats
Cinna+Toast: grats
MajoraInAFedora: gg
Makka no Boukansha: grats
Z for zora: Cloudy clone more pls
Theduskwolf: oh wow

+Cloudy Lesidae : I'm not thou

+Cloudy Lesidae : !rfaq cloning

Cloning is hacking, and is against the official Nintendo rules. It devalues the trade market and leads to people
unknowingly trading illegal Pokmon. Do NOT attempt to trade cloned pokemon, or you will be banned from trading.
If you don't like it, don't trade.
Gest11: LF someone to clone my New Shiny Rufflet
%Kaushik : '_>'

+Cloudy Lesidae : Gest11 cloning is banned.

Celestial moth: try using the cloners list ay gest11
Fools are Fools: guys its a joke
Celestial moth: itl be alot easier to find someone ay
Fools are Fools: april fools is here
Fools are Fools: dont be fooled
+boe: this is cloned!!
Mike81401: It was banned yesterday.

+Cloudy Lesidae : New rule passed yesterday, it wasn't on april fools.

Mike81401: I know, I was there.
Kaynaire : b-but its 12:20am 2/4/17
Celestial moth: THeir best idea for april fools was this cloning bullshit *Facepam*
aaregano: Havent you heard : this only means you clone it and trade the original
MajoraInAFedora: changing the date doesn't work...
Celestial moth: lol
Z for zora: If you were serious about the cloning thang, why did you do it so close to April fools?
Fools are Fools: http://bumba.me/wifi/cloners

+Cloudy Lesidae : Ask auth not me.

Kaynaire : changing the date? its actually this time tho lul
Kaynaire : also
Skarmorylover323: Kid A who is better, darude sandstorm or never gonna give you up?

+Cloudy Lesidae : How are you three days ahead.

*Kid A: Skarmorylover323, Never gonna let you down.
%Kaushik : !rfaq cloners
List of known scammers
%Kaushik : they are all scammers
Kaynaire : where tf is aot season 2 at

+Cloudy Lesidae : : ^)
iBlueSnow: aot is life
%DerTer22: Kaynaire animetheory
%DerTer22: go there weeb
Kaynaire : hush you
Kaynaire : false muter

+Cloudy Lesidae : Driver abuse.

Skarmorylover323: Grats with driver DerTer :D
Celestial moth: *cough* http://bumba.me/wifi/cloners *cough*
Celestial moth: oh excuse me

+Cloudy Lesidae : Notice how that list doesn't come up in any of our RFAQ's?

+Cloudy Lesidae : It doesn't apply here anymore

%DerTer22: /hm Celestial moth
+Cloudy Lesidae :^
Cinna+Toast: Hmm... Still an april fools joke
Z for zora: Lol the list of cloners has you on cloudy XD
Tenebricite: LF: zo
Celestial moth: lol
Tenebricite: Oops lol

+Cloudy Lesidae : They made me kill all my clones

%DerTer22: Tenebricite, what is a "Zo"
Tenebricite: LF: OU wifi battle
Fools are Fools: cloudy so the rng's from yesterday were a waste of time?
PersivalPL: which item gives pokemon better acuracy ? and i mean in pokemon showdown:P

+Cloudy Lesidae : no?

+Cloudy Lesidae : RNG's are easy to get again

Tenebricite: Derter just my phone making me click enter
PokemonLv10: Wide Lens
Fools are Fools: LF: shiny goomy calm/modes with proof shiny loveball seel with proof FT: a jolly
flash fire growlithe shiny nicknameable roar thrash close combat double edge in a level ball 5iv -sp
attack OT: iphones ID No: 634042 (dont offer anything else)/
Fools are Fools: woops wrong tab
%DerTer22: lol
+boe: what is that room even derter
PokemonLv10: Wide Lens is generally not too useful
%DerTer22: Didn't you hear boe
Kaynaire : new animeandmanga boe
+boe: oh
%DerTer22: Anime and Manga, and Scholastic have become one
PersivalPL: what item should i use then
+boe: not bad
Kaynaire : there is also reddit
Skarmorylover323: Lolwut
PokemonLv10: On what Pokemon PersivalPL
+boe: wifi should merge with lobby imo tbh
%DerTer22: I forgot about that one lol
%DerTer22: boe no
+boe: yes
Skarmorylover323: boe indeed
%DerTer22: you madman
PersivalPL: darkrai
Skarmorylover323: + tours + roleplay
+boe: add tours into it as well
Skarmorylover323: Sniped
PokemonLv10: Use Focus Sash or Life Orb on Darkrai
PokemonLv10: Don't bother trying to increase the accuracy of Dark Void
nuebe: LF Wifi battle
PersivalPL: why
Cinna+Toast: Is mixed flygon viable?
PokemonLv10: Because even after it increases with Wide Lens it's still inaccurate af
PokemonLv10: Mixed Flygon with Fire Blast usually, other than that no
Mrs. Sawk: I mean, that's why my trade sheet had to be adjusted
accordingly: docs.google.com/spr gAqc/edit
eadsheets/d/1Va7y8Cr8Scl xkS8W6yw4W8c 7n7h6rieiR bR A92Z

Cinna+Toast: PokemonLv10 thanks

%DerTer22: Outside of Fire Blast and sometimes draco
PokemonLv10: It would be really weak
nuebe: LF pidgeot and steelix mega stones FT shinies,BRs,legends...
%DerTer22: nuebe please list
%DerTer22: !rfaq tradeinfo
Species / Gender / Shiny / Game of Origin / Ball / Ability / All IVs / Nature / Moves / OT / TID.
PersivalPL: Ok ty Pokemonlv10
Skarmorylover323: So not ALL rfaqs are gone
%DerTer22: on the shinies, whether it be on a trade shop or Pastebin
PersivalPL: what is better for ferrothorn focus sash Sitrus berry or leftovers?
Skarmorylover323: Rocky helmet
Tigerking2002: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dQw4w9WgXcQ
PokemonLv10: leftovers
PokemonLv10: Or shed shell
Makka no Boukansha: lefties
Bulk Mcgee: PersivalPL Choice Specs
Skarmorylover323: Everybodyknows that link Tiger
PersivalPL: haha funny
Verlisify Trading: can you have Two primals in one team
PersivalPL: yes
Celestial moth: i just had the best idea, i should make a "ft official cloners list" xD
Mrs. Sawk: Two primals, a Mega and a Z-move.
Hubriz: cloning is illegal
Mrs. Sawk: and that's assuming Species Clause, right Kid A?
*Kid A: Mrs. Sawk, Yes it is. You are becoming more beautiful every day.
Lewisninja: Kid A, Goodnight
Cinna+Toast: For some reason,I don't know what to talk about
Bulk Mcgee: Kid A, I activate Dark Hole.
*Kid A: Bulk Mcgee, That doesn't work!
Overdragoon: "Kid A chained My Body as a Shield!"
*Kid A: Overdragoon, What is the meaning of life?
%pilica12: Probably 42 Kid A
Pokeregions: Hey DerTer22 :)
*Kid A: pilica12, Do you like xbox?
%DerTer22: Hello Pokeregions
%pilica12: Not really Kid A
%DerTer22: been a while
pachima: 42 indeed
Pokeregions: ikr
Pokeregions: busy with tests
Cinna+Toast: Kid A,Life is not about the destination, but the journey there
*Kid A: Cinna+Toast, Ah. So the journey of life. Are you going to make a diary for the days?
Cinna+Toast: Not a bad idea Kid A
Pokeregions: Since november haven't hatched a shiny sentret :(
Cinna+Toast: Somewhere I can abuse caps
Celestial moth: kid a , Did you ever hear the tragedy of Darth Plagueis the Wise ?
*Kid A: Celestial moth, WHAT? Why won't you marry me?
Overdragoon: lol Cinna
Cinna+Toast: And Bold
Cinna+Toast: wait,let me fix that
Overdragoon: are Kid A's responses automatic? they are hilarious AF
*Kid A: Overdragoon, They are candy.
Cinna+Toast: and bold and italics
Overdragoon: Cinna you are Bold
%pilica12: Wow
*Kid A: In response to recent criticisms, we have decided to ban cloning effective immediately. It has
come to our attention that any tampering with the game's data will be defined as hacking, and thus
creating a plethora of hacked pokemon. From this point on, do not trade clones.
%pilica12: Impressive Cinna
Cinna+Toast: pilica12 why am I impressive?
Fools are Fools: Kid A are you a whale?
*Kid A: Fools are Fools, I am a knight, and you are my lady whom I am sworn to protect.
Cinna+Toast: And I am not bold
Fools are Fools: wow

+Cloudy Lesidae : A room owner lmao

+boe: a room owner here
Alpachas: gg
pachima: rigge
VanillaGlaceon: FT: 5IV (-SpA) Adamant Moon Ball Growlithe w/ Close Combat + Morning Sun LF:
5IV (-Atk) Timid Unburden Drifloon w/ Tailwind and Destiny Bond, please PM me
Druddaquanid: my cnodolences
sebas99sevilla: someone wanna fight? OU rules in 3ds, FC: 4055 - 7710 - 2996
Fools are Fools: grats
Theo Bassaw: shit they went full on communist in pokemon trades
Riddler208: gratz

+Cloudy Lesidae : Bulk Mcgee FC & IGN in my PM box pls.

Cinna+Toast: grats
Pokeregions: If gangarli wins u know its rigged
SilvioGuacamole: What's the poll about?
Pokeregions: lol
Druddaquanid: all GAs are rigged
Cinna+Toast: /rig
iBlueSnow: LF: Dream Ball Hidden Ability (DBHA) Geodude, Goldeen, Remoraid, Sudowoodo,
Carnivine, Misdreavus w/ Inferno | FT: DBHA Pokemon, Aprimons | docs.google.com/spr mvV8/edit eads heets/d/1hr YMU_7-LJ JMCMZt6QwcDlF kfBQfRIc GU Ay3_M _

Cinna+Toast: I keep waiting for someone to do /rig and actually win that GA
sebas99sevilla: someone wanna fight? OU rules in 3ds, FC: 4055 - 7710 - 2996
sebas99sevilla: none -.-
Overdragoon: I would but i g2g soon
Druddaquanid: be patient bro lol
DaGar0700: So are clones still banned or is the April fools joke still in effect?
*Kid A: Due to a recent staff shortage, we have decided to open applications for voice. If you are
interested, please fill out this form: docs.google.com/for 4dDQ/viewform
ms/d/e/1F AIpQLSeuFtt4HYW_fOdmGyT Wfvubz6rr y3O-q ki5h_p-F aYr xd

Theo Bassaw: naw everyone is out partying

+Cloudy Lesidae : !rfaq cloning

Cloning is hacking, and is against the official Nintendo rules. It devalues the trade market and leads to people
unknowingly trading illegal Pokmon. Do NOT attempt to trade cloned pokemon, or you will be banned from trading.
If you don't like it, don't trade.
Fools are Fools: ignore that everyone^
Druddaquanid: no
Cinna+Toast: Are these voice applications legit,or another april fools joke?

+Cloudy Lesidae : You're gonna get banned m8.

Druddaquanid: idek Cinna
Fools are Fools: Cinna legit
Overdragoon: those are actually legit i believe
Cinna+Toast: Hmm...

+Cloudy Lesidae : Ask Kaynaire, he actually got demoted for cloning.

Fools are Fools: kaynaire u here
VanillaGlaceon: FT: 5IV (-SpA) Adamant Moon Ball Growlithe w/ Close Combat + Morning Sun LF:
5IV (-Atk) Timid Unburden Drifloon w/ Tailwind and Destiny Bond, please PM me
Pokeregions: wait so cloning is actually hacking

+Cloudy Lesidae : Duh.

milesweirdo: kay's not here
Pokeregions: ok bye palkias and articunos
Druddaquanid: for today, yeah
Druddaquanid: it's disgusting
Hubriz: verlis told you years ago
Fools are Fools: Cloudy wheres the source of the information for that command then?
milesweirdo: watch him get promoted back tomorrow

+Cloudy Lesidae : ./auth

Druddaquanid: exactly Hubriz
Cinna+Toast: Asking this because I filled one out despite the fact that I'd be a terrible voice
(Very,very prone to screwing things up)
Mrs. Sawk: Room Driver in Help room is an interesting one.
Champion Lucky: hi Kid A
*Kid A: Champion Lucky, Isn't that a radiohead song?
Druddaquanid: LOL
+boe: lmao
sebas99sevilla: someone wanna fight? OU rules in 3ds, FC: 4055 - 7710 - 2996
Cinna+Toast: Hysterical
+boe: eww ou :(
iBlueSnow: LF: Dream Ball Hidden Ability (DBHA) Geodude, Goldeen, Remoraid, Sudowoodo,
Carnivine, Misdreavus w/ Inferno | FT: DBHA Pokemon, Aprimons | docs.google.com/spr mvV8/edit
eads heets/d/1hr YMU_7-LJ JMCMZt6QwcDlF kfBQfRIc GU Ay3_M _

Cinna+Toast: Kid A,what was our quest again?

*Kid A: Cinna+Toast, What was what?
Sudano: hi
Cinna+Toast: Kid A,you said we were two knights on a quest
*Kid A: Cinna+Toast, I never said we were friends. Never is a five letter word.
TrueEffect: Leave kid a alone :0
TheZipBon: Kid A, should TheZipBon become a Global Administrator?
Cinna+Toast: Yes, Kid A. I gathered that
*Kid A: TheZipBon, I don't know what I want to become yet. At least, not for sure.
Cinna+Toast: I'm done
Wifi Became Verlis: this name is so true
nuebe: LF pidgeot and steelix mega stones FT shinies,BRs,legends...
Hubriz: what would be the third best HP for tapu koko?
Druddaquanid: ground
Hubriz: ground, ok
Cranham: l
Cinna+Toast: Fire/Ice is best
Theo Bassaw: why go for third best?
Hubriz: yeah i already have fire/ice
Cranham: l

+Cloudy Lesidae : DerTer22 permission to post strawpoll for next RNG ideas?
Cranham: am I connected
Cinna+Toast: Cranham What?
Mrs. Sawk: go for another Ice or Fire one.
%pilica12: Lesi it's fine
Hubriz: yo hi Cranham
%pilica12: No need to ask permission
Cranham: yes I am connected

+Cloudy Lesidae : Eh I thought we had too ; ;

Cranham: greetings comrades
Overdragoon: Hey Staff, the RNG tool download for Sun/Moon contains a trojan. Can someone fix it?
I need to download it ASAP
Cinna+Toast: o/ Cranham
%DerTer22: Cloudy Lesidae i don't see why not
Wifi Became Verlis: welcome back cran
%DerTer22: Yo Cran
Laxehara: anybody has an hidden ability vulpix? i dont need it sfab, i just need the ha
%pilica12: Heya Cranham
+boe: Overdragoon, i don't think it contains a trojan..?
Hubriz: i have one
Laxehara: good, whattya need^?
Hubriz: you mean the non alola variant?
Laxehara: no, the alolan one
Fools are Fools: LF: shiny goomy calm/modes with proof shiny loveball seel with proof FT: a jolly
flash fire growlithe shiny nicknameable roar thrash close combat double edge in a level ball 5iv -sp
attack OT: iphones ID No: 634042 (dont offer anything else)/
Mystery Gift: wait
Laxehara: w/ snow warning
Overdragoon: it does, its not letting me download it. IM not joking
Mystery Gift: WHAT?
Hubriz: well, than i dont think i have one, sorry
Mystery Gift: cloning is banned?
Hubriz: but i will look in my boxes
Laxehara: ty
Druddaquanid: yyeah cloning is gross
Cinna+Toast: Mystery Gift april fools joke
Druddaquanid: disgusting hacks
IamaStegosaurusAF: Mystery Gift yes
TrueEffect: Yes clone is banned

+Cloudy Lesidae : RNG'ing another set of starters, here you go, vote
now : http://www.strawpoll.me/12652174
Mystery Gift: hopefully so Cinna+Toast
Gangarli: Good Morning all v_v7
TrueEffect: Gm
Cinna+Toast: morning Gangarlic
Pokeregions: gm Gangarli

+Cloudy Lesidae : Alright, who did this : http://prntscr.com/er5a3t LOL

milesweirdo: morning
%DerTer22: Morn Gangarli

+Cloudy Lesidae : who voted wtf hacks

Hubriz: i voted gen 4
Druddaquanid: l voted hacks

+Cloudy Lesidae : I love you guys

IamaStegosaurusAF: Cloudy Lesidae that was me
Fools are Fools: we love u 2 as well cloudy
Mrs. Sawk: Ok, I voted for them all.

+Cloudy Lesidae : You can vote for multiple so

Mystery Gift: well
Mrs. Sawk: Since it didn't say you could only choose one.
Mystery Gift: imagine if cloning really was banned :V
Mrs. Sawk: but it really is.
Cinna+Toast: I WOULD vote,but the tab will not load
IamaStegosaurusAF: I only voted for WTF HACKS
TrueEffect: This poll is silly
TrueEffect: It is banned lol
Fools are Fools: LF: shiny goomy calm/modes with proof shiny loveball seel with proof FT: a jolly
flash fire growlithe shiny nicknameable roar thrash close combat double edge in a level ball 5iv -sp
attack OT: iphones ID No: 634042 (dont offer anything else)/
Mystery Gift: would make trading 6iv mons hard to tell
Mystery Gift: if cloned or not :V
Hubriz: Cloudy Lesidae thanks alot for the staraptor, i went to bed yesterday evening before checked
my GTS
Sebas4906: happpy april fools day nothing planned

+Cloudy Lesidae : I didn't do the GA

Fools are Fools: hello dratias
iameliana: can someone challenge me?
iameliana: pls
Sebas4906: fuck me
%pilica12: Hey Dratias
Hubriz: or right

+Cloudy Lesidae : I forget who did.

Hubriz: it was the Zapdos guy?
Makka no Boukansha: iameliana which tier?
%pilica12: Let's try not to Sebas
Hubriz: zapdos44
+boe: hmm lesi idk which you should do
Hubriz: if you are here, thx
@Dratias : Hey guys
+boe: i've voted for gen 5
IamaStegosaurusAF: Overdragoon Infernape is way better
Druddaquanid: .> calling infernape a rip off
Makka no Boukansha: grats
ameno RedAbsol: GZ
Mucking_Fental: gg
KakuzuTaehyung: gg
Fools are Fools: woo
IamaStegosaurusAF: gg
GuardianHJK: gg
RezzaCapa00: Anyone does martial arts?
Fools are Fools: first win in a while
Druddaquanid: grats on the filthy hackmo
destinedjagold: gratz
Snippyro: FT: docs.google.com/spr TMlM LF: Nicknameable Shinies, Fastball Xurk & Heavyball
eadsheets /d/1r 8yz_5u9T GcgdS3Filzqn6TgYtZgUb5Mc 4uM YL7

Celesteela :>
Druddaquanid: hackmon*
destinedjagold: PM me pls
Pokeregions: who needs talonflame when you have toucannon:)
iBlueSnow: LF: Dream Ball Hidden Ability (DBHA) Geodude, Goldeen, Remoraid, Sudowoodo,
Carnivine, Misdreavus w/ Inferno | FT: DBHA Pokemon, Aprimons | docs.google.com/spr mvV8/edit
eads heets/d/1hr YMU_7-LJ JMCMZt6QwcDlF kfBQfRIc GU Ay3_M _

Woxxii: who won

+boe: grats
VanillaGlaceon: Who needs Toucannon when you have Trumbeak
Druddaquanid: clone
Mucking_Fental: wowwww nice
calvviinn: Oooh
Pokeregions: :O
Danthemanswagg: im assuming this isnt cloned either?
Hellotailface: ooh <3
Druddaquanid: this is fucking disgusting smh
Ta + st = ed: Butter birb
Pokeregions: Gold birdie

+Cloudy Lesidae : Altaria lover is giving back to the people.

+Cloudy Lesidae : Have a babu.

Theduskwolf: pokemon trades has turned into the Soviet Union lol
Alyvia: Kid A, guess who's back?
%DerTer22: This is treason
*Kid A: Alyvia, Who?
Alyvia: me
%DerTer22: giving babies away
Pokeregions: ^lol
%DerTer22: /hm Cloudy Lesidae
Druddaquanid: dont forget the nasty cloning
Danthemanswagg: im actually happy there is no more cloning

+Cloudy Lesidae : pls.

%DerTer22: OK
Danthemanswagg: now the values of shinies go up
+boe: Cloudy Lesidae: care to explain why i have the exact same swablu on my game?
Danthemanswagg: no more inflation
%DerTer22: /rb Cloudy Lesidae

+Cloudy Lesidae : R N G, boe.

%DerTer22: better

+Cloudy Lesidae : git gud.

Alyvia: why isn't Kid A posting much?
zapdos44: gg
iron crusher: gg
*Kid A: Alyvia, Because I view procrastion as a normally appealing notion.
Verlisify Trading: FT: docs.google.com/spr 8724 LF: Other Shiny RNG'S of LEGENDS i DONT
eads heets/d/1rZH6g yi6GEGkhJ2tn6aFgsT yo8OCKM k2bqCNaMicdC s/edit#gid= 48710

OWN and a cloner

Alyvia: gz
Druddaquanid: you mean cloning lesidae???
ameno RedAbsol: gz
Makka no Boukansha: grats
Fools are Fools: grats

+Cloudy Lesidae : SynovialOak PM with FC & IGN.

Druddaquanid: grats
Alyvia: what

+Cloudy Lesidae : Druddaquanid can you stop honestly

+Cloudy Lesidae : It's getting kinda sorta old.

Druddaquanid: ok D:

+Cloudy Lesidae :
Hubriz: grats
Zuko420: Kid A, Is cloning really hacking>
Overdragoon: Emboar is a fat Blaziken
*Kid A: Zuko420, Marry me?
Druddaquanid: LOL
Alyvia: lmao
calvviinn: Wait there are no more cloners???
Zuko420: Kid A, Sure.
Overdragoon: Infernape is a skinny one
iBlueSnow: LF: Dream Ball Hidden Ability (DBHA) Geodude, Goldeen, Remoraid, Sudowoodo,
Carnivine, Misdreavus w/ Inferno | FT: DBHA Pokemon, Aprimons | docs.google.com/spr mvV8/edit eads heets/d/1hr YMU_7-LJ JMCMZt6QwcDlF kfBQfRIc GU Ay3_M _

sebas99sevilla: someone wanna fight? OU rules in 3ds, FC: 4055 - 7710 - 2996
Druddaquanid: nah blaziken is a skinny emboar
iron crusher: yes all cloners have been assassinated
destinedjagold: calvviinn :(
Zuko420: calvviinn there are (like me) but they are scammers now
Fools are Fools: http://bumba.me/wifi/cloners
Alyvia: Kid A will only marry me
*Kid A: Alyvia, Yes.
Alyvia: see
Zuko420: oh
IamaStegosaurusAF: iron crusher they havent caught me yet ;)
Verlisify Trading: FT: docs.google.com/spr 8724 LF: Other Shiny RNG'S of LEGENDS i DONT
eads heets/d/1rZH6g yi6GEGkhJ2tn6aFgsT yo8OCKM k2bqCNaMicdC s/edit#gid= 48710

OWN and a cloner

iron crusher: then hide they will come for you
Zuko420: Kid A, do you love me more than Alyvia?
*Kid A: Zuko420, No.
Alyvia: lmao
Zuko420: u wot m8
zapdos44: iron crusher they never get me imma zapdos
Pokeregions: Kid A what is life
Overdragoon: Kid A, I thought you were a girl m8
*Kid A: Overdragoon, You are a girl.
Tenebricite: LF: OU wifi battle
Overdragoon: LOL
Pokeregions: forgot ,
zapdos44: and so the bot spam begins
Zuko420: Kid A, What is love?
Overdragoon: no one ss that please
Alyvia: Kid A, should i change my showdown username?
*Kid A: Alyvia, Yes, you should.
Alyvia: k
Gipp: Kid A do you have a family?
Zuko420: Kid A, What is love?
Djuro.B.: LF: Alola mons in Johto balls
Zuko420: Kid A, what is love?
The Mega Dude: No
NtnayrB: kid a, do you speak in any other room?
Snippyro: FT: docs.google.com/spr TMlM LF: Nicknameable Shinies, Fastball Xurk & Heavyball
eadsheets /d/1r 8yz_5u9T GcgdS3Filzqn6TgYtZgUb5Mc 4uM YL7

Celesteela :>
Verlisify Trading: FT: docs.google.com/spr 8724 LF: Other Shiny RNG'S of LEGENDS i DONTeads heets/d/1rZH6g yi6GEGkhJ2tn6aFgsT yo8OCKM k2bqCNaMicdC s/edit#gid= 48710

OWN and a cloner

Zuko420: Answa meh
*Kid A: NtnayrB, No, you do though?
calvviinn: Kid A, are u awesome or stupid?
LopFisherman: is the whole cloning is banned thing over?

+Cloudy Lesidae : RNG'ing another set of starters, here you go, vote
now : http://www.strawpoll.me/12652174 (can vote for multiple)
Fools are Fools: LF: shiny goomy calm/modes with proof shiny loveball seel with proof FT: a jolly
flash fire growlithe shiny nicknameable roar thrash close combat double edge in a level ball 5iv -sp
attack OT: iphones ID No: 634042 (dont offer anything else)/
Zuko420: Kid A, what is love?
Aly the Valiant: What do you think about this name Kid A?
*Kid A: Aly the Valiant, I don't really know. It could be good.
Druddaquanid: will never be LopFisherman
Aly the Valiant: ok
NtnayrB: I can't tell if its AI, or an actuall user on the acc
The Mega Dude: Shit
iron crusher: no cloning is banned and all cloners will be assassinated lopfisherman
Zuko420: Kid A, What is love?
Cosmogs: what is life Kid A?
Aly the Valiant: what is love Kid A?
Gipp: Kid A do you have a family?
*Kid A: Aly the Valiant, Baby don't hurt me , no more.
*Kid A: In response to recent criticisms, we have decided to ban cloning effective immediately. It has
come to our attention that any tampering with the game's data will be defined as hacking, and thus
creating a plethora of hacked pokemon. From this point on, do not trade clones.
LopFisherman: SHREK
iBlueSnow: LF: Dream Ball Hidden Ability (DBHA) Geodude, Goldeen, Remoraid, Sudowoodo,
Carnivine, Misdreavus w/ Inferno | FT: DBHA Pokemon, Aprimons | docs.google.com/spr mvV8/edit eads heets/d/1hr YMU_7-LJ JMCMZt6QwcDlF kfBQfRIc GU Ay3_M _

Aly the Valiant: lol wat

IamaStegosaurusAF: Kid A should i die
GuardianHJK: Kid A, hello
The Mega Dude: Shut up
*Kid A: GuardianHJK, Do you like this song?
Gipp: Yes
MizuNSwampert7: Oh, can't clone anymore?
Overdragoon: Am I allowed to trade my shiny Tapu Cocoa yay or nay???
MizuNSwampert7: I back to showdown for long ago
Overdragoon: you cant prove its a clone so
Cosmogs: Kid A needs friends
Mystery Gift: MizuNSwampert7 cloning is hacking
Djuro.B.: LF: Love ball female Jangmo-o
Alyvia: Kid A, I'm slowly dying, HELP
*Kid A: Alyvia, *waits for police to help*.
Alyvia: pls
BLT IV: aly is bad
Theo Bassaw: hmm what should I rng? I'm Bored
IamaStegosaurusAF: Kid A should I release my clones
*Kid A: IamaStegosaurusAF, Where do you think I'm from?
Gipp: Kid A do you have a family?
IamaStegosaurusAF: Texas
The Mega Dude: No
Mystery Gift: Kid A is an illusion
calvviinn: Kid A, can u ban me?
*Kid A: Mystery Gift, So it didn't happen?
Verlisify Trading: FT: docs.google.com/spr 8724 LF: Other Shiny RNG'S of LEGENDS i DONTeads heets/d/1rZH6g yi6GEGkhJ2tn6aFgsT yo8OCKM k2bqCNaMicdC s/edit#gid= 48710

OWN and a cloner

Gipp: Kid A why is the baby on my side screaming?

+Cloudy Lesidae : CLONES

Mystery Gift: mhm
Fools are Fools: inb4 i win again
Zuko420: Kid A, Are you dumb
%pilica12: And this one is DEFINITELY not a clone
destinedjagold: (definitely not cloned >.>)
Snippyro: FT: docs.google.com/spr TMlM LF: Nicknameable Shinies, Fastball Xurk & Heavyball
eadsheets /d/1r 8yz_5u9T GcgdS3Filzqn6TgYtZgUb5Mc 4uM YL7

Celesteela :>
Alyvia: Kid A, do you like roleplaying?
*Kid A: Alyvia, Not really.
Zuko420: not cloned
Alyvia: ok
Overdragoon: how did you breed 2 with the same IVs???
@Dratias : lol
Zuko420: Alyvia getting horny
destinedjagold: (i swear)
Woxxii: what if the cloning ban is an april fools joke
Alyvia: ..what
destinedjagold: (honest)
%pilica12: Something, something odds
iron crusher: magic overdragoon
Zuko420: nvm
Druddaquanid: l feel like l've seen a GA like this before...
%pilica12: -shrugs-
%pilica12: We have ways
+boe: smh Cloudy Lesidae you shouldn't be asking people to shut up about your GAs being clones and
then complain about others >:(
Djuro.B.: LF: Love ball female Jangmo-o
BLT IV: Aly x kidaa
Fools are Fools: LF: shiny goomy calm/modes with proof shiny loveball seel with proof FT: a jolly
flash fire growlithe shiny nicknameable roar thrash close combat double edge in a level ball 5iv -sp
attack OT: iphones ID No: 634042 (dont offer anything else)/
Alyvia: Kid A, can you jump off a cliff?
*Kid A: Alyvia, That is not nice!
Alyvia: sorry
Danthemanswagg: ok so this confirms that this is an april fools prank
+Cloudy Lesidae : smh boe go throw yourself into a fridge pls
Zuko420: lol
IamaStegosaurusAF: Kid A can I jump off a cliff?
+boe: i am already inside of a fridge
Fools are Fools: wow cloudy why so rude?
Cosmogs: Gangarli fight me OU

+Cloudy Lesidae : boe's been bullying me all day

Verlisify Trading: FT: docs.google.com/spr 8724 LF: Other Shiny RNG'S of LEGENDS i DONT
eads heets/d/1rZH6g yi6GEGkhJ2tn6aFgsT yo8OCKM k2bqCNaMicdC s/edit#gid= 48710

OWN and a cloner

Overdragoon: /rig Overdragoon
Snippyro: FT: docs.google.com/spr TMlM LF: Nicknameable Shinies, Fastball Xurk & Heavyball
eadsheets /d/1r 8yz_5u9T GcgdS3Filzqn6TgYtZgUb5Mc 4uM YL7

Celesteela :>
destinedjagold: omg verlis is looking for cloners
Fools are Fools: ./rig fools are fools
destinedjagold: hypocrite!
zapdos44: Fast or Level ball for Pidgeot?
destinedjagold: :VV
2mino: me uni
+boe: fast
Djuro.B.: LF: Love ball female Jangmo-o
Druddaquanid: leve
Druddaquanid: level*
Fools are Fools: grats
PachiPFG: gg
iron crusher: gg
Cosmogs: gg
Druddaquanid: grats
Yun Ava: Wait, so the no more cloning thing is not an April Fools joke?
Makka no Boukansha: grats
Woxxii: nobody won
destinedjagold: stahp attacking chickens pls
The Yoshster: gg
Alyvia: Kid A, I'm tired
*Kid A: Alyvia, Go to bed.
chicken_attacker: yey after a week :)
+boe: grats!
IamaStegosaurusAF: wow no Kid A for a whole screen
IamaStegosaurusAF: nvm
Fools are Fools: LF: shiny goomy calm/modes with proof shiny loveball seel with proof FT: a jolly
flash fire growlithe shiny nicknameable roar thrash close combat double edge in a level ball 5iv -sp
attack OT: iphones ID No: 634042 (dont offer anything else)
destinedjagold: PM me
Snippyro: FT: docs.google.com/spr TMlM LF: Nicknameable Shinies, Fastball Xurk & Heavyball
eadsheets /d/1r 8yz_5u9T GcgdS3Filzqn6TgYtZgUb5Mc 4uM YL7

Celesteela :>
iron crusher: it's not an april fools joke yun ava
Alyvia: i should.. it's midnight here Kid A
*Kid A: Alyvia, Do they know about us?
Tenebricite: LF: OU wifi battle
Alyvia: who?
Djuro.B.: LF: Love ball female Jangmo-o
Fools are Fools: Kid a do u like Alyvia?
*Kid A: Fools are Fools, Yes. Do you like to read creepy pasta?
Yun Ava: I guess no more gts ga :(
Alyvia: lmao
Snippyro: Fools are Fools, does you growlight have proof? :O
Fools are Fools: yes Snippyro
Zuko420: Kid A, Are you horny
Kingfrashure23: its is Aprils fools that's all the no cloning is
Snippyro: Kewl. ^-^
Alyvia: Kid A, can we battle? whoever wins becomes pokemon champion
Fools are Fools: 100% accurate proof
*Kid A: Alyvia, Do you have pokemon cards.
iron crusher: it's not a joke
Alyvia: i used to
Kingfrashure23: yea it is
Fools are Fools: u interested Snippyro?
Zuko420: Kid A, Are you horny?
Alyvia: Kid A only talks to me
Zuko420: Kid A, Are you horny?
JordanLovesLizards: Kid A, do you like Overwatch
Snippyro: Welp, you said not taking offers xD
*Kid A: Alyvia, I am talking to you.
TStrike365: Alyvia, where did they go?
Zuko420: Z
Gangarli: Lol.
Zuko420: HOW
Alyvia: lol
Ta + st = ed: lmao
Djuro.B.: LF: Love ball female Jangmo-o
Alyvia: Kid A is bae
*Kid A: Alyvia, You don't know Ian?

+Cloudy Lesidae : I'm gonna be RNG'ing for a little bit, pilica12 PM me if PS decides to
implode finally for April Fools
Danthemanswagg: Kid A, i love you
Verlisify Trading: so is the Cloners list around?
Alyvia: ian thorpe?
%pilica12: OK Lesi
Ta + st = ed: inb4 it's bumba behind Kid A
%pilica12: Sure
Druddaquanid: Kid A you betrayed me D:
Alyvia: do you mean ian thorpe Kid A?
iron crusher: you mean the list of targets
%pilica12: Also Zuko420, please don't take it there if you will
%pilica12: !rfaq cloners
List of known scammers
%pilica12: There's the list tbh
IamaStegosaurusAF: Hi Kid A
*Kid A: IamaStegosaurusAF, Haha so what do you think about her.
Fools are Fools: LF: shiny goomy calm/modes with proof shiny loveball seel with proof FT: a jolly
flash fire growlithe shiny nicknameable roar thrash close combat double edge in a level ball 5iv -sp
attack OT: iphones ID No: 634042 (dont offer anything else)
Zuko420: k sorry
%pilica12: Np
IamaStegosaurusAF: wat
Alyvia: Kid A, what is your favourite colour?
Mucking_Fental: looooool
iBlueSnow: LF: Dream Ball Hidden Ability (DBHA) Geodude, Goldeen, Remoraid, Sudowoodo,
Carnivine, Misdreavus w/ Inferno | FT: DBHA Pokemon, Aprimons | docs.google.com/spr mvV8/edit
eads heets/d/1hr YMU_7-LJ JMCMZt6Q wcDlF kfBQfRIc GU Ay3_M _

*Kid A: Alyvia, My favorite color is green.

bdop55: Calling all Battlers I have a league that is missing 2 battlers that meas its 2 spots open if
you would like to join pm me and you must have discord
Alyvia: nice
Zuko420: http://bumba.me/wifi/cloners
Djuro.B.: LF: Love ball female Jangmo-o
Overdragoon: yeah the RNG tool for sun/moon HAS A TROJAN please fix it staff
Alyvia: Kid A, can you help clone some of my pokemons?
Zuko420: Ive found the list!
*Kid A: Alyvia, Okay. What do you need help with?
Overdragoon: the download I mean***
Alyvia: i need help cloning a lv 100 shiny marshadow Kid A
*Kid A: Alyvia, What is wrong with your friend.
Alyvia: what
Hargeg: Lf/ft docs.google.com/spr 3413
eads heets/d/1_nQJC3hHifH KJ kqatEwTH ys GKkY4ORjDF fkBCq mA-ZQ/edi t#gid= 97169

Death Dawg: how do u start a giveaway

Gangarli: Overdragoon, it doesn't...I downloaded it myself and its perfectly fine...
IamaStegosaurusAF: Alyvia what friend :P
SynovialOak: Death Dawg msg a driver
Alyvia: Kid A, do you know Usain Bolt?
Overdragoon: I just tried downloading it (again) different computer and it does
*Kid A: Alyvia, Yes, I'm his son.
%pilica12: Death Dawg, PM % or higher
Overdragoon: It didnt a few days ago
%pilica12: And read
Alyvia: lol pls
IamaStegosaurusAF: lol
%pilica12: !rfaq giveawayinfo
Information for hosting giveaways
Death Dawg: thanks
Alyvia: Kid A, do you know Ian Thorpe?
*Kid A: Alyvia, No. What kind of cookie is that?
grumpig: tfw
Djuro.B.: LF: Love ball female Jangmo-o
grumpig: Alyvia is still fucking going
*Kid A: Due to a recent staff shortage, we have decided to open applications for voice. If you are
interested, please fill out this form: docs.google.com/for 4dDQ/viewform ms/d/e/1F AIpQLSeuFtt4HYW_fOdmGyT Wfvubz6rr y3O-q ki5h_p-F aYr xd

Alyvia: lol grumpig

Gangarli: ikr grumpig
destinedjagold: Kid A is that a lie?
grumpig: I left over 10 hours ago
*Kid A: destinedjagold, No that is the truth.
destinedjagold: oh...
@Dratias : You have heard it :p
Egg Custap: Sup
Druddaquanid: 31/0/30/x/31/31 female salandit, so close D:
Alyvia: Kid A is in love with me tho
Fools are Fools: LF: approved cloners FT: a jolly flash fire growlithe shiny nicknameable roar thrash
close combat double edge in a level ball 5iv -sp attack OT: iphones ID No: 634042 (dont offer
anything else)
Alyvia: Kid A, you love me right?
*Kid A: Alyvia, I don't think I know you well enough to love you. I'm sorry.
bdop55: Calling all Battlers I have a league that is missing 2 battlers that meas its 2 spots open if
you would like to join pm me and you must have discord
@Dratias : ha
Alyvia: wtf
Egg Custap: Oh is the room somewhat back to normal?
@Dratias : meanwhile Kid A asked me to marry him yesterday
Druddaquanid: it will never be Egg Custap lol
Egg Custap: ik if a is a her :I
iron crusher: *normal* pfft
Cosmogs: If any one trades me a shiny sentret i will rage
no excuse: Dratias x Kid A :3c
Kaynaire : Egg Custap its still a fiesta tbh
Druddaquanid: Dratias hey fuck off l proposed yesterday and he said yes
TStrike365: Alyvia, sorry you got your heart broken
Alyvia: .>Dratias = David
VanillaGlaceon: tfw not in heavy ball
@Dratias : He asked me first~
Gangarli: Kid A, why
*Kid A: Gangarli, Do you know Thomas Malthus?
%vidar: sup shits
Gangarli: Nop.e
no excuse: if he asked someone after u doesnt that mean he changed his mind :
The Mega Dude: Shut
Gangarli: Hi vidarp
Alyvia: Kid A, do you like vidar?
destinedjagold: beldum can't be caught in heavy ball, VanillaGlaceon
no excuse: viderp :3c
Egg Custap: Kaynaire i see less shitposting though
%vidar: sorry i was talking to dratias
Fools are Fools: hey viderd
Druddaquanid: Kid A l thought what we had was special D:
*Kid A: Druddaquanid, You're special. Can you hear god?
Alyvia: rip
Egg Custap: Ew a vidar
VanillaGlaceon: that's the joke
Fools are Fools: LF: approved cloners FT: a jolly flash fire growlithe shiny nicknameable roar thrash
close combat double edge in a level ball 5iv -sp attack OT: iphones ID No: 634042 (dont offer
anything else)
destinedjagold: oh
%vidar: hi no excuse
Kaynaire : im still seeing Kid A spam left right and centre tbh
destinedjagold: i'm slow sometimes
LopFisherman: Druddaquanid no one fucking cares that you proposed
Alyvia: Kid A, What did you have for dinner?
*Kid A: Alyvia, I haven't had dinner yet. I'm thinking of making french bread.
no excuse: :D
Alyvia: oh
Druddaquanid: LopFisherman l care and that's all that matters <3
DJ KaZzY FrEsH~!!: who makes bread for dinner
Kaynaire : i have no idea how Alyvia has kept this up for so long
Alyvia: Kid A, wanna have dinner together?
grumpig: I don't either Kaynaire
*Kid A: Alyvia, I have to sleep, really.
Death Dawg: why are people talkin abot dinner
Alyvia: oh
grumpig: not gonna lie I don't know why i'm already pissed and I just woke up
LopFisherman: tne don't get mad at other people about it
Egg Custap: Some people just love shitposting
Druddaquanid: because dinner is the best meal
Bulk Mcgee: Kid A, ever step on a plug?
*Kid A: Bulk Mcgee, Yes like 8hours by night and you?
iron crusher: no breakfast is
@Dratias : grats
Death Dawg: gg
Druddaquanid: grats
ameno RedAbsol: gz
chicken_attacker: gg
The Yoshster: gg
iron crusher: gg
Alyvia: Kid A, what is the most important meal of the day?
destinedjagold: gratz
*Kid A: Alyvia, I know, I just woke up early. And there's no food in the house.
Death Dawg: breakfast
Alyvia: lol ok
Druddaquanid: poor kid a
iron crusher: the most important meal is snacks
SkepticL: aly how long have you been talking to the bot
Gangarli: Hi Kaynoob
iron crusher: late night snacks
Kaynaire : Heya Gangarlic
DJ KaZzY FrEsH~!!: Kid A will you be my waifu?
Death Dawg: never mind what i said
Theo Bassaw: scooby snacks?
SkepticL: hasnt it been like a day
*Kid A: DJ KaZzY FrEsH~!!, What is that?
destinedjagold: Kid A what are you?
DJ KaZzY FrEsH~!!: Kid A waifus are laifus
Death Dawg: snacks rule
Gangarli: LEL DJ KaZzY FrEsH
grumpig: kaz don't add to it :(
Alyvia: i got muted by someone because i kept talking to Kid A too much lmao
*Kid A: Alyvia, Really now? Do you know about the alcoholic spiderman.
grumpig: I WONDER why
Alyvia: no

+Cloudy Lesidae : See? Kaynaire got demoted cause he was a filthy cloner.
Death Dawg: midnight snack or midday snack?
Kaynaire : feelsdemotedman
Fools are Fools: LF: approved cloner FT: a jolly flash fire growlithe shiny nicknameable roar thrash
close combat double edge in a level ball 5iv -sp attack OT: iphones ID No: 634042
sebas99sevilla: who is SynovialOak?
DJ KaZzY FrEsH~!!: Kid A, congrats youre now a red sox fan!
Fools are Fools: rosie ur back :o
Gangarli: Fools are Fools >:V
*Kid A: DJ KaZzY FrEsH~!!, Nope. I don't like baseball.
Alyvia: Kid A will never mute me
Alyvia: lmao
DJ KaZzY FrEsH~!!: Kid A youre wrong you do and it is your life
Fools are Fools: whats up Gangaril?
grumpig: "i got muted for spamming bold so I continued to spam bold"
sebas99sevilla: i won the beldum but i dont know how can i recieve it
grumpig: yes good idea
Kaynaire : lmao
Alyvia: Kid A, you will never mute me right?
SkepticL: you get it traded to you
DJ KaZzY FrEsH~!!: tfw I hve to convert a bot
*Kid A: Alyvia, I hope to learn, not be right.
Alyvia: what
Djuro.B.: LF: Love ball female Jangmo-o
Gangarli: smh for looking for hackers Fools are Fools :V
PokemonLv10: PM the giver sebas99sevilla
DJ KaZzY FrEsH~!!: Kid A david ortiz is your favourite red sox player
sebas99sevilla: ok
*Kid A: DJ KaZzY FrEsH~!!, I don't have a favourite.
Death Dawg: life
@castaways: this popup
@castaways: makes me scared
grumpig: lmao
Druddaquanid: ew he put a u in favorite
Alyvia: LF: cloning pokemons FT: Kid A.. pm me
%DerTer22: dw Casta
*Kid A: Alyvia, I do. Do you want me to teach you about pokemons?
Gangarli: Ikr cast
%DerTer22: it'll pass
Alyvia: no thx
SkepticL: aly pls
DJ KaZzY FrEsH~!!: it looks better with au Druddaquanid
grumpig: you know what won't pass
Kaynaire : wheres joelia tbh
Cosmogs: castabot
@castaways: oh yeah
grumpig: cringy users
Kaynaire : there we go
DJ KaZzY FrEsH~!!: so how are you here then kier?
@joelia: forgot I got it lmao
Djuro.B.: LF: Love ball female Jangmo-o
sebas99sevilla: but SynovialOak is offline xD
TStrike365: Kid A, are you tired of people spamming you?
*Kid A: TStrike365, No, I'm just tired.
grumpig: because there are people worse than me for once
Alyvia: lol
MethWeed97: hi
Alyvia: Kid A, how good are you at pokemon?
*Kid A: Alyvia, Pretty good.
Death Dawg: kid a why are u tired
Alyvia: k
TStrike365: Well, go to bed when your ready Kid A
Alyvia: Kid A, if we battle in a pokemon battle, who would win?
*Kid A: Alyvia, No I don't really like Pokemon.
Alyvia: wow ok
@joelia: were you talking to Kid A the whole night
Alyvia: who me?
TStrike365: then why are you here Kid A
holyrory: Why does the room intro link to a Flaming Lips song lol
Kaynaire : he's been going at it the whoole time joelia
@joelia: find a better hobby
grumpig: wtf is this cloned
*Kid A: TStrike365, Because I'm bored.
%pilica12: Hello joelia
Kaynaire : lmfao
Druddaquanid: anothah one
@joelia: pilicaaaa
grumpig: yes he has

+Cloudy Lesidae : Guys the gender ratio for Cranidos is 75% M 25 % F right?
destinedjagold: (not suspicious at all ... nope.)
Kramerpoo: awesome hope I win
+Cloudy Lesidae : I forgot.
grumpig: it's cringy as shit
%DerTer22: ew that colour joelia
@joelia: y, lesidae
TStrike365: Aren't we all, Kid A
*Kid A: TStrike365, I guess so.

+Cloudy Lesidae : Thanks.

Djuro.B.: LF: Love ball female Jangmo-o
@joelia: no actually
@joelia: 12.5/87.5

+Cloudy Lesidae : shit

%DerTer22: Djuro.B please post a FT
grumpig: so 1/7
Death Dawg: i feel bad for joining seeing that i already have a shiny serpirer
@joelia: says the pink one derter
Death Dawg: but its adament
Kaynaire : i like roastie's colour tbh
Kramerpoo: if anyone has a turtwig for trade, pm me for HA egg move starters and other rare
grumpig: pink is a good color
Kaynaire : that dark red was noiche
Fools are Fools: hey joelia
grumpig: the only bad ps colors are like
@joelia: hii
Regret2346: Dang, no HP fire on the snivy
Kramerpoo: or any other good pokemon :)
TheZipBon: Wow, destinedjagold has really lucky RNG to get 4 Snivys that are the same.
Djuro.B.: LF: Love ball female Jangmo-o FT: PM me
grumpig: yellow and brown
Druddaquanid: the only bad ps color is orange-brown
+boe: pink sucks
Alyvia: it's 12:21 am.. should i sleep soon Kid A?
TheZipBon: And not cloned at all.
grumpig: and there's this weird green
*Kid A: Alyvia, I don't mind listening, I don't talk much.
TStrike365: One of the reasons, no, the ONLY reason was here was to test out my battle skills for my
pokemon game. Kid A
+boe: no drudd
Alyvia: what
PokemonLv10: nice
Tenebricite: LF: OU wifi battle
Druddaquanid: yes boe
destinedjagold: Regret2346 yeah i _regret_ forgetting to RNG HP Fire on it
sebas99sevilla: Can someone tell how can i talk with SynovialOak if he is offline ? :D
Alyvia: Kid A, do love ice cream?
*Kid A: Alyvia, What is your favourite flavour?
destinedjagold: *test*
Death Dawg: grats
Alyvia: Chocolate
Makka no Boukansha: grats
Druddaquanid: gg, grats
destinedjagold: gratz
Regret2346: Grats.
PachiPFG: ayy
Kaynaire : He may have dc'd sebas99sevilla, try wait it out a bit :o
destinedjagold: PM me pls.
ameno RedAbsol: gz
Kramerpoo: gg
Alyvia: Kid A, do you love chocolate ice cream?
%DerTer22: I'll have you know that hot pink is amazing joelia
*Kid A: Alyvia, Well, I like vanilla ice cream.
Alyvia: oh
LopFisherman: That moment when your gf won't freaking answer her texts and she aid she ould
wake up ealry
sebas99sevilla: ok
@joelia: I meannn
Regret2346: destinedjagols I probably should've seen that one coming XD
Kaynaire : DerTer22 as proud as i am for you having a capital D, the captail T is triggering me
destinedjagold: huehuehue
Djuro.B.: LF: Love ball female Jangmo-o FT: other love ball mons
Alyvia: Kid A, what is your favourite sweet food?
*Kid A: Alyvia, Do you like the name Vicci?
Alyvia: no
LopFisherman: confirmed Kid A is a racist
Death Dawg: how do u get blazikenite and sceptileite in sun and moon
%DerTer22: >captail
Kaynaire : capital*
%DerTer22: ok then
sergas666: Who like trade in pokemon sun and moon with my???????
zapdos44: lol
Kaynaire : hush you
Kingfrashure23: u dont Death Dawg
Makka no Boukansha: Death Dawg with the online competion of April
Death Dawg: oh
Mama Moorye: oh
LopFisherman: Kid A are you a racist?
%dERtER22: There
*Kid A: LopFisherman, No.
Kaynaire : how tf did i know you were gonna do that lmfao
Druddaquanid: yes you do kingfrashure23
Kaynaire : thats horrific
Kingfrashure23: no u cant
Kramerpoo: OMG
Druddaquanid: you participate in april's international competition or whatever it's called
Unfezant4869: Kid A do you like immigrants
Kramerpoo: 2nd fave pokemon other than torterra
*Kid A: Unfezant4869, Why?
%dERtER22: kay no u
Unfezant4869: just asking
TStrike365: Where can I buy sun/moon?
Makka no Boukansha: You get Swampertite as well
Alyvia: Kid A, let's talk forever!
RegreT2>3!4<6: Ayy, nice GA iBlueSnow
Mama Moorye: woa
Sonderp: Smogon is hosting a BR Pidgeot giveaway on Facebook to celebrate the release of its Mega
Djuro.B.: LF: Love ball female Jangmo-o FT: other love ball mons
Alyvia: Kid A, let's talk forever!
*Kid A: Alyvia, About what?
Mama Moorye: im not gonna win >u<
Alyvia: idk, anyhting
SynovialOak: guys who one the beldum
Alyvia: anything*
TStrike365: NOT in the U.S or Europe
@joelia: Sonderp wall y/n?
Death Dawg: if u had a shiny metapod,wod u keep it ?
Sonderp: Sure, go ahead joelia
Druddaquanid: no because all shinies are hacked
Sonderp: Though I don't think that's a good idea, since the Pidgeot is Cloned
Death Dawg: no
SkepticL: sebas99sevilla did SynovialOak
@joelia: .repeat 30, 28, /wall Smogon is hosting a BR Pidgeot giveaway on Facebook to celebrate the
release of its Mega Stone!https://www.facebook.com/SmogonU/posts/10155226350862390:0
*Kid A: Smogon is hosting a BR Pidgeot giveaway on Facebook to celebrate the release of its Mega
Fools are Fools: who is joelia? is it joethemaster
LopFisherman: Kid A are you a gambler?
Mama Moorye: im trying to hatch for shiny fenikin cri
*Kid A: LopFisherman, No i'm too young.
Cinna+Toast: Guess who's back?
@joelia: nope each individual pidgeot is bred
@joelia: shush
davidxin: is cloned?
Kingfrashure23: the pidgeots are cloned
Fools are Fools: LF: approved cloner FT: a jolly flash fire growlithe shiny nicknameable roar thrash
close combat double edge in a level ball 5iv -sp attack OT: iphones ID No: 634042
davidxin: is hacking!
Death Dawg: grats
TStrike365: Hey TIBot
Druddaquanid: grats
Cinna+Toast: grats
Makka no Boukansha: grats
Kramerpoo: how do I claim the pidgeot

+Cloudy Lesidae : rigged.

Fools are Fools: on a winning streak today
LopFisherman: Kid A, what do you think about the Raiders going to Las Vegas?
*Kid A: LopFisherman, I don't like them they are not emotional.
Djuro.B.: LF: Love ball female Jangmo-o FT: other love ball mons
LopFisherman: tru
LopFisherman: true dat Kid A
N1ck1901: Kid A do u support rump
N1ck1901: trump*
Kramerpoo: I love me some rump lol
Alyvia: Kid A, i have a pichu, do you want it?
*Kid A: Alyvia, No thanks, it's alright. I already have one.
Alyvia: oh
snapeasy: rekt
Death Dawg: why did more people want the axew than the shiny snivy
Fools are Fools: ./rig fools are fools
LopFisherman: Kid A who did you vote for?
Sonderp: Oh, thank goodness! I thought no one would understand that I individually bred 1000
Pidgey eggs with the same PID/EC and IV spread , joelia
N1ck1901: /rig always works
Alyvia: Kid A, who did you vote for in the poll?
@joelia: don't forget SID sonderp
TStrike365: Alyvia, can I have it?
*Kid A: Alyvia, I can't vote.
Alyvia: oh rip
destinedjagold: stahp rigging >:/
Verlisify Trading: /rig Verlisify Trading
Sonderp: PID determines the SID, so that was implied
Djuro.B.: LF: Love ball female Jangmo-o FT: other love ball mons
Alyvia: TStrike365, i was joking
milesweirdo: how can it be in a beast ball
Druddaquanid: /rig verlis daddy
Kramerpoo: lol IDK
TheZipBon: /rig destinedjagold
%pilica12: Uh island scan milesweirdo
milesweirdo: oh
%pilica12: And breeding
Kramerpoo: oh
milesweirdo: forgot about that
LopFisherman: /rig VerlisTakeMe
Alyvia: Kid A, do you want my Shiny Tapu Koko? :D
*Kid A: Alyvia, Wait are you a girl or a guy?
TStrike365: Same Alyvia. I can't even get pokemon games for my DS unless I buy them online
destinedjagold: tbh i thought snivy serperior was blue, so i went with beast ball...
Alyvia: wtf, stop changing the subject
destinedjagold: boy was i wrong
@joelia: Alyvia, find a better hobby...im begging you
destinedjagold: oh well... :<
@joelia: it's gonna run out of lines
Alyvia: ;; but
Kingfrashure23: Kid A are u ok with cloning?
*Kid A: Kingfrashure23, Yes. I have a question.
Djuro.B.: LF: Love ball Jangmo-o FT: other love ball mons
snapeasy: Kid A can you leave
destinedjagold: shiny* serperior
Death Dawg: grats
milesweirdo: gg
Druddaquanid: grats
Makka no Boukansha: grats
iron crusher: gg
ameno RedAbsol: gz
smashmaster123: gg
Alyvia: Kid A, how long have you been talking for?
Mama Moorye: i'm lonely cri
LopFisherman: Kid A are you as dead inside as I am?
Kingfrashure23: what is your question Kid A
*Kid A: Alyvia, I haven't been talking.
Kramerpoo: gg
TheZipBon: Kid A, how would you feel if I cloned you?
destinedjagold: gratz. PM me pls
Alyvia: wtf lies
Death Dawg: luky
Verlisify Trading: FT: docs.google.com/spr 8724 LF: Other Shiny RNG'S of LEGENDS i DONT
eads heets/d/1rZH6g yi6GEGkhJ2tn6aFgsT yo8OCKM k2bqCNaMicdC s/edit#gid= 48710

OWN and a cloner

snapeasy: Kid A can you like leave the room, thanks.
Unfezant4869: oh shit got a shiny karp from wt
Alyvia: lol snapeasy
LopFisherman: Kid A are you as dead inside as I am?
*Kid A: LopFisherman, Because of the overwhelming Syrian that mental illness and life has on myself.
Fools are Fools: kid a are we friends?
snapeasy: wow
Djuro.B.: LF: Love ball Jangmo-o FT: other love ball mons
Alyvia: Kid A, have you been to NYC?
*Kid A: Alyvia, No, but I would love to go there!
Alyvia: same
Fools are Fools: kid a are we friends?
Unfezant4869: did the first wave start yet?
LopFisherman: NYC is for chumps
Death Dawg: on gts giveaways,which youtuber do u use
Alyvia: Kid A, who is better? Trump or Clinton?
*Kid A: Alyvia, That is what I asked, you answer first.
Alyvia: wtf pls
touchtheclouds: holy crap is alyvia still at it
snapeasy: Alyvia
TheZipBon: Kid A, how would you feel if I cloned you?
Druddaquanid: trump or bust
*Kid A: TheZipBon, I would love you to insult me.
Unfezant4869: did the first wave of pidgeots begin yet?
snapeasy: get a life
Kramerpoo: yup I left like 2 hours ago and she was asking questions then too
snapeasy: Kid A can you leave?
iron crusher: heat wave
Alyvia: it's like 12:30 in the morning
Death Dawg: for u
Kramerpoo: yeah
Kingfrashure23: Kid A are we friends?
TStrike365: Alyvia, you need to stop spamming Kid a
*Kid A: Kingfrashure23, Yes we are friends and friends stick together.
davidxin: do the pidgeos have pidgeotite?
Death Dawg: its 10:30 for me
Unfezant4869: its 11:30 for me IDK how to convert and which Time zone to convert to
+boe: tbf i wouldn't mind if kid a ran out of lines now
*Kid A: boe, When will they get married?
milesweirdo: nice
+boe: it's been gettign annoying
Druddaquanid: smh not even attack
Death Dawg: y dive ball
Fools are Fools: ./rig fools are fools
milesweirdo: noivern is blue\
TorLex14: lamo which RO deserves ti be banned
Kramerpoo: anyone have any sinnoh starters? if yes pm for legends, a few shinies, and lots of HA
egg move starters
Fools are Fools: kid a are we friends?
TStrike365: It's 14:35 here
Alyvia: friends do not stick together Kid A & Kid A, unfortunately I'm gonna have to stop talking to
PokemonLv10: Because all of iBlueSnow's Pokemon are in Dive Balls
*Kid A: Fools are Fools, Yes. Best friends.
Druddaquanid: You have left the lottery giveaway.
FearthePika: Cloning is illegal? I have prepared for this day!
+boe: dive ball is a nice choice
Druddaquanid: pls do Alyvia
Fools are Fools: LF: approved cloner FT: a jolly flash fire growlithe shiny nicknameable roar thrash
close combat double edge in a level ball 5iv -sp attack OT: iphones ID No: 634042
snapeasy: Kid A can you leave the room?
*Kid A: snapeasy, What cage?
denicher: LF: event pokemon before oras FT: approved cloning with any items you wish
TStrike365: FearthePika, how?
iron crusher: fools why are you looking for hackers
snapeasy: wifi = cage confirmed. Kid A is trapped, save him
RegreT2>3!4<6: iBlueSnow except for dream and dive ball do you own any other ball mons? XD
Death Dawg: SHUT UP snapeasy
FearthePika: I have 30 flawless Espurr I still have from when I tried to breed a shiny
snapeasy: why are you so angry
iBlueSnow: nope Regret
Kramerpoo: anyone have any starters? if yes pm for legends, a few shinies, and lots of HA egg move
Death Dawg: i dont now
iBlueSnow: only Dream and Dive
FearthePika: I can do a giveaway prize without those nasty, illegal clones!
snapeasy: Death Dawg you should come tell me in gamecorner :)
Death Dawg: u spam
RegreT2>3!4<6: Thought so :P
%Derter22: Kramerpoo please list out
Kingfrashure23: Kid A are u real
snapeasy: where i can mute you
*Kid A: Kingfrashure23, I am as real as you are, Richard.
%Derter22: !rfaq tradeinfo
Species / Gender / Shiny / Game of Origin / Ball / Ability / All IVs / Nature / Moves / OT / TID.
%Derter22: of the shiny mons
%Derter22: whether it be in a paste bin or tradeshop
Kramerpoo: I have a shiny latias
Heatron 123727: Kid A how do you deal with depression
milesweirdo: gg
ameno RedAbsol: gz
*Kid A: Heatron 123727, I tell my friends about them then hang out with them.
Druddaquanid: grats
Fools are Fools: grats
Death Dawg: gg
RegreT2>3!4<6: Grats
iron crusher: gg
Pyroflamiac: yay
Kramerpoo: and lillipup
denicher: LF: event pokemon before oras FT: approved cloning with any items you wish
@Dratias : adorable little batman
TheZipBon: Kid A, do you think that we need more questions GA's?
milesweirdo: kid a, who is the best bot?
Brawl Mario Kart: Derter22 you never responded so grats again
TStrike365: How do we even get the pokekmon if we win?
@Dratias : Noibat is totally damian wayne
milesweirdo: say dratias
Kramerpoo: both shiniy
%Derter22: oh ty
TheZipBon: TStrike365 PM giver and trade with him.
Cranham: FT: spo.ink/Cranhamtrades COMRADES I have captured rare pokemon to trade LF: Offers
milesweirdo: ohk or dont
Druddaquanid: .> assues giver's gender
Druddaquanid: assumes*
Druddaquanid: disgusting
%vidar: cran smh
iron crusher: ew
*Kid A: In response to recent criticisms, we have decided to ban cloning effective immediately. It has
come to our attention that any tampering with the game's data will be defined as hacking, and thus
creating a plethora of hacked pokemon. From this point on, do not trade clones.
PokemonLv10: Cranham why ddoes the link change everytime
sebas99sevilla: i got the pokemon now :D
destinedjagold: gratz
TStrike365: But don't they need the DS friend code or some sort of private party?
RegreT2>3!4<6: Cranham, what's with the colour's in your shop?
Alyvia: Kid A, do you know Beyonce?
Cranham: It's
*Kid A: Alyvia, I know who she is.
Alyvia: nice
Gangarli: LEL Cranham, the music!
Cranham: Communist RegreT2>3!4<6
Kingfrashure23: Kid A are u real
xKrevadx: Saving alters game data too right?
admin sandstorm: how do you tell if a mon is a clone?
PokemonLv10: Comrades
Cranham: Equal trading for everyone!
Heatron 123727: Kid A IS it bad to spend 10hours playing sun and moon
xKrevadx: so no saving allowed
Alyvia: Kid A has feelings you know
PokemonLv10: all are equal
*Kid A: Heatron 123727, Where is the solar system?
destinedjagold: admin sandstorm ...you can't?
destinedjagold: unless they tell you otherwise
Ric-H-Ro: Kid A, are we still with the April's Fool prank?
davidxin: we cannot trade clones but that shiny snivy has been ga some times
Kingfrashure23: Kid A are u a human?
PokemonLv10: LOL the music cran
Cranham: [15:35:12] Verlisify Trading: umm is your page the Soviet Union or am i on LSD?
Heatron 123727: Kid a In sector 4838289
*Kid A: Heatron 123727, In the universe.
Cranham: Are the pokemon there btw
Cranham: or did I mess up
PokemonLv10: the mons are there
%Derter22: davidxin, these have been seperately hatched
Verlisify Trading: i can see them
Cranham: Happy april fools day!
Heatron 123727: Kid A your so wise
Almighty Quack: OMG The room into is GOLD XD
*Kid A: Heatron 123727, Why thank you.
davidxin: and they have the same IVs
Fools are Fools: Cran ur always a fool
%Derter22: Cranham, the music makes it perfect
RegreT2>3!4<6: Dang Cranham, love your beats XD
admin sandstorm: k going to be hard to get rid of clones then
Druddaquanid: grats
Alpachas: gg
SynovialOak: gg
Alyvia: Kid A, what is your IQ?
*Kid A: Alyvia, When do you want chuck and blair to get back together?
colmojo: iwannawin
destinedjagold: gratz.
ameno RedAbsol: gz
iBlueSnow: grats PokemonLv10
destinedjagold: pm me pls
Alyvia: who
PokemonLv10: what
Death Dawg: its not april fools,its April Fool's
Cranham: FT: spo.ink/Cranhamtrades COMRADES I have captured rare pokemon to trade LF: Offers
RegreT2>3!4<6: PokemonLv10. You have won the GA. That's what.
Druddaquanid: that tradesheet legit hurt my eyes for a sec
Alyvia: Kid A, Am i the smartest human being alive right now?
*Kid A: Alyvia, If you say so.
Alyvia: k
Heatron 123727: Kid A What time is it
Druddaquanid: fuck you cranham >:(
Fools are Fools: Crab wtf is this
Fools are Fools: cran*
Fools are Fools: wtf is this song
Alyvia: Kid A, I'm gonna have to leave you shortly & go to sleep ;;
*Kid A: Alyvia, No you don't leave me.
%Derter22: The Russian National Anthem I think
Cranham: The soviet national anthem
KenDM: Death Dawg April Fool's is in April, fool.
Mama Moorye: love is in the air
Heatron 123727: Kid A what is your least favourite pokemon
Mama Moorye: jk XD
Alyvia: Kid A, well.. I need sleep you know
*Kid A: Alyvia, Does the nsa listen to you?
Alyvia: wtf is nsa?
Druddaquanid: national soviets of america
broil: Kid A, is Alyvia a good user?
*Kid A: broil, I try to be. Are you a good girl?
Alyvia: Kid A, we are related right?
+boe: you don't know what the nsa is?
Alyvia: lmao
Alyvia: no
TStrike365: What do you guys like to do on Saturday nights?
Alyvia: Kid A, we are related right?
*Kid A: Alyvia, How are we related?
TorLex14: broil are you a good girl lmao Kid a
+boe: i like doing nothing
Adkon: There is no april fools prank this year?!?!?
Alyvia: idk
TorLex14: Kid A , wanna go lunch ?
%vidar: yes Adkon.
%vidar: Stop asking.
broil: april fools is fun
broil: fun is banned
Cranham: FT: spo.ink/Cranhamtrades COMRADES I have captured rare pokemon to trade LF: Offers
SynovialOak: anyone doing a ga?
Alyvia: bye Kid A, cya later
@joelia: I just want my super staff bros
*Kid A: Alyvia, See you Katherine *kisses forehead*.
%vidar: Clones are still banned.
@joelia: wya
Alyvia: aww
TStrike365: What time is it where you are Kid A?
Mama Moorye: *gives everyone cookies*
TorLex14: Kid A, hello
Cranham: Im keeping the song tbf
Alyvia: Kid A only talks to me
*Kid A: Alyvia, But I am talking to you right now.
Snippyro: FT: docs.google.com/spr TMlM LF: Nicknameable Shinies, Fastball Xurk & Heavyball
eadsheets /d/1r 8yz_5u9T GcgdS3Filzqn6TgYtZgUb5Mc 4uM YL7

Celesteela :>
Mama Moorye: o--o
RegreT2>3!4<6: The list hurts my eyes Cran
TheZipBon: I have an idea. Whenever someone asks for a GA, Kid A tells them to stop. If they don't
listen, they get a warning. For 3rd offense they get GA banned.
sebas99sevilla: OMFG a shiny cleffa in an egg :D
*Kid A: TheZipBon, Yes, that's what I'm asking from you.
Adkon: Then where is super staff bros?
TStrike365: *Chews loudly* 'Thanks'
Alyvia: alright, enjoy the night Kid A!
Heatron 123727: KID A What is your favourite song
*Kid A: Alyvia, There's eight planets, not nine.
Adkon: Or the weird drawing of pokemon?
Alyvia: what
TheZipBon: Adkon You can find Staff Bros on rom.psim.us server.
Alyvia: Kid A, is Pluto a planet?
Alyvia: Kid A, is Pluto a planet?
*Kid A: Alyvia, Yes.
Alyvia: o
@joelia: don't spam
Alyvia: ok
@joelia: it heard you the first time
Unfezant4869: I'll pass, jumpluff is my least favorite pokemon
Heatron 123727: Kid A is Alyvia superior to others
RegreT2>3!4<6: Jumpluff is the best.
Zephyr Dragon Lord: "Blessed" with pokerus.
Unfezant4869: ...no
Mama Moorye: brb im getting fooodd
yobro1475: Did I ask?
Cranham: RegreT2>3!4<6 Im glad it does.
Kramerpoo: I'm hoping almost no one joins and I can win :)
Snippyro: Hopip is best Pip.
Death Dawg: jumpluff or wimisicott
Mama Moorye: my arcinine and gollisopod have pokerus
Kramerpoo: ooh seed bomb
Snippyro: FT: docs.google.com/spr TMlM LF: Nicknameable Shinies, Fastball Xurk & Heavyball
eadsheets /d/1r 8yz_5u9T GcgdS3Filzqn6TgYtZgUb5Mc 4uM YL7

Celesteela :>
Fools are Fools: LF: approved cloner FT: a jolly flash fire growlithe shiny nicknameable roar thrash
close combat double edge in a level ball 5iv -sp attack OT: iphones ID No: 634042
Mama Moorye: wimisicott's ability is op
CrownedKing: grats Derter22
Heatron 123727: Kid A what is a hoppip
*Kid A: Heatron 123727, I don't know.
%Derter22: ty CrownedKing
satirexiphos: Cute ga as usual, ibluesnow.
KenDM: Damn minior is moldbreakable
Death Dawg: prankster
You have successfully joined the lottery giveaway.
Mama Moorye: pokemon made a mary-sue/gary-stu to there own game
*Kid A: Due to a recent staff shortage, we have decided to open applications for voice. If you are
interested, please fill out this form: docs.google.com/for 4dDQ/viewform ms/d/e/1F AIpQLSeuFtt4HYW_fOdmGyT Wfvubz6rr y3O-q ki5h_p-F aYr xd

ameno RedAbsol: gz
Druddaquanid: grats
Fools are Fools: grats
Gangarli: Grats
ReGreT2346: Grata
satirexiphos: Gratz fental
Kramerpoo: man:( thought I had that one
Mucking_Fental: wtf i won?
Cormac: yeah man
Heatron 123727: Kid A can you right a message in all caps
*Kid A: Heatron 123727, Yes, but I'm new in that site. I thought that just robots chat here.
Cormac: it's mucking fental
Death Dawg: nice
Snippyro: FT: docs.google.com/spr TMlM LF: Nicknameable Shinies, Fastball Xurk & Heavyball
eadsheets /d/1r 8yz_5u9T GcgdS3Filzqn6TgYtZgUb5Mc 4uM YL7

Celesteela :>
Heatron 123727: Kid A can I spam the chat
*Kid A: Heatron 123727, That's funny. Are you serious?
Alpachas: i need that
Druddaquanid: You have successfully joined the lottery giveaway.
Death Dawg: and anader one
Heatron 123727: KID A Yep
*Kid A: Heatron 123727, What is your favoUrite TYPE OF GIRL?
destinedjagold: Last Snivy for tonight, people
Kramerpoo: ok
destinedjagold: Good luck!
Cranham: FT: spo.ink/Cranhamtrades COMRADES I have captured rare pokemon to trade LF: Offers
Heatron 123727: KID A Naked ones
Death Dawg: ok
Druddaquanid: LOL
DANOOBISHERE: Kid A, you talk?
satirexiphos: Speaking of which, i just successfully bred a hp fire snivy!
SilvioGuacamole: Can I enter if I can collect in half an hour?
%Derter22: Heatron 123727, keep it appropriate please
PokemonLv10: gratz
Kramerpoo: anyone have starters, I think that would be a good giveaway just sayin
%Derter22: SilvioGuacamole no
CrownedKing: what's the kid a command for the cloner's list?
*Kid A: CrownedKing, Do you like hurakan the kondor?
Druddaquanid: nice satirexiphos
CrownedKing: LOL
colmojo: wtf is up wit tht trade sheet lmao
satirexiphos: Thanks :)
SilvioGuacamole: Ok, thanks Derter
@joelia: cloners are bad
EmptyOne: Ta + st = ed
@joelia: filthy hackers
%pilica12: ^^
davidxin: again the same cloned snivy
CrownedKing: lmao
Cranham: ha meme

+Cloudy Lesidae : !rfaq cloners

List of known scammers
%pilica12: 100% agreement tbh
Ta + st = ed: EmptyOne what do you need?
Heatron 123727: Kid A who will win the giveaway
Kramerpoo: lol
*Kid A: Heatron 123727, Me.
Snippyro: FT: docs.google.com/spr TMlM LF: Nicknameable Shinies, Fastball Xurk & Heavyball
eadsheets /d/1r 8yz_5u9T GcgdS3Filzqn6TgYtZgUb5Mc 4uM YL7

Celesteela :>
Death Dawg: im not goin to win
Mama Moorye: brb
alphayoshi: is that an automated response?
Cranham: i think my trade sheet wins afd julia
@joelia: lame

Kopecks: Who wants a free hug!

new vegas: untouched I'd assume
YukiXenon: .summon, cloning
Gangarli: Untouched Shedpls
SynovialOak: me
Alyvia: Kid A, I'm back
new vegas: git gud Gangarli
*Kid A: Alyvia, Are you sad that Michael Jackson died?
Alyvia: no
Kopecks: ok
new vegas: Lol
Ta + st = ed: Kopecks no unnaproved GA here lol
+Cloning: I'm banned.
blademasterNix: Did someone find any easter eggs that the staff put today?
Ta + st = ed: hi Gangarli lol
Druddaquanid: Alyvia l thought you said you had to sleep
davidxin: i can keep it and SR more keldeos
Gangarli: Hi Ta + st = ed
Alyvia: not yet
Shedpls: Cloning yes you are
no excuse: but ur right here Cloning??? lmao u silly
%Derter22: Who is this
Alyvia: Kid A, are you sad that Michael Jackson died?
Gangarli: new vegas despite you being minnow(?), hi
*Kid A: Alyvia, Sortof.
dimond301: Good morning eveeyone
Alyvia: oh
Gangarli: and nice name
ReGreT2346: Where's the "beta" part in Pokemon Showdown.
new vegas: LOL
Bulk Mcgee: Kid A, It's a-me, Mario!
Hubriz: 5FingerMachPunch got promoted? grats man
Gangarli: Still there ReGreT2346
new vegas: nice one ReGreT2346. I didn't notice that
MajoraInAFedora: grats
JordanLovesLizards: Kid A, what do you think of Gaben
*Kid A: JordanLovesLizards, I think you are beautiful.
new vegas: nah, I don't see the beta
Alyvia: wtf
new vegas: https://puu.sh/v5Huq/b7a4f7b9f2.png
Alyvia: Kid A is mine
ReGreT2346: Gangarli It's not there for me :P
JordanLovesLizards: haha XD
MemeMaker420: it isnt, nice ReGreT2346
Ta + st = ed: That's ont of the first things I noticed lol
JordanLovesLizards: he's mine now!
Shedpls: Kid A do I look nice in this dress?
*Kid A: Shedpls, No, you look horrible.
Alyvia: rofl
PokemonLv10: the beta is there for me
MemeMaker420: REKT
JordanLovesLizards: owned!
@joelia: are we finally out of beta
Ta + st = ed: /dt savage spinout
YukiXenon: Kid A, are you better than minnows bot???
*Kid A: YukiXenon, Because I eat but you don't.
no excuse: thats not even rekt thats just bein mean
Cranham: is that the real april fool?
no excuse: kid a is a bully
Shedpls: Mfw rekt by a bot
Cranham: that we're out of beta
+boe: why does tyrunt learn charm
Gangarli: ZZZ, my pic wont load
Cranham: has minnow cracked it
JordanLovesLizards: Kid A, do you think you are a boss!
Alyvia: Kid A, do i look nice in a dress?
YukiXenon: Umm
*Kid A: JordanLovesLizards, No, I know I'm not a robot. You are the robot.
Alyvia: rip
new vegas: Kid A, can you graph functions?
bdop55: @mods when are people gonna be selceted for voice
new vegas: didn't think s
Gangarli: Because fossils are adorable boe :D
ReGreT2346: Cause it's a cute little dinosaur boe
Alyvia: Kid A, do i look nice in a dress?
*Kid A: Alyvia, Thanks. It belongs to my sister. Her name is Mackenzie.
YukiXenon: bdop55, tomorrow
Pokefan Georgia: can you get a ditto egg?
Alyvia: what
MemeMaker420: tomorrow bdop55
bdop55: thx
holyrory: Pokefan Georgia no
Druddaquanid: no pokefan georgia
Cranham: https://danielcranham.github.io/ pilica12 I think
YukiXenon: MemeMaker420, battle me nub'
Alyvia: Kid A, Mackenzie who?
MemeMaker420: no u
Cranham: I succeeded
new vegas: LOL CRAN
YukiXenon: no u
*Kid A: Alyvia, I just answered your question.
Alyvia: smh
MemeMaker420: no u
+boe: that song lmao
Shedpls: Kid A Is verlisify our one and only god?
*Kid A: Shedpls, I am the one and only Barry Manilow.
Cranham: wow it looks so beatufiul
TorLex14: i just realised
%pilica12: What did I do Cran?
JordanLovesLizards: Kid A, do you like Jacksepticeye
TorLex14: the wifi room image
MemeMaker420: Kid A should i challenge yuki or should yuki challenge me?
*Kid A: MemeMaker420, Whatever you want.
Cranham: No I fixed it
YukiXenon: Equality for all Cranham!
DJ KaZzY FrEsH~!!: Kid A believe in baseball!
TorLex14: isnt it the image of Verlisify ?
MemeMaker420: ._. what
YukiXenon: Capitalism will fail!
new vegas: is Kid A good at math
Gangarli: https://i.gyazo.com/8d1dc95d9d3fa9ee9f5d1b4bff1958ae.jpg, The BETA is still there ???
*Kid A: new vegas, Not really.
Cranham: its not a seizure waiting to happen anymore
Threw: it still says Beta on the home screen fwiw :^
%pilica12: Oh heck Cranham, even better
Cranham: its beautiful
%pilica12: I love it
DJ KaZzY FrEsH~!!: im going to convert the bot
new vegas: winning
Alyvia: Kid A, what is your favourite pokemon ability?
Gangarli: do it kaz
OPBreloom: Gangarli refresh
@5FingerMachPunch: the beta isn't there for me
YukiXenon: I heard this music before Cranham, idk where
Druddaquanid: BETA isn't there for me
new vegas: /version
VanillaGlaceon: Got my Adamant Shiny Growlithe, let's get a Jolly one
Cranham: can you screenshot how it looks minnow
@5FingerMachPunch: joelia this better be a meme question
sebas99sevilla: someone wanna fight? ou 3ds FC:4055 - 7710 -2996
JordanLovesLizards: Kid A, do you like Overwatch?
*Kid A: JordanLovesLizards, I"ve only ever watched my friends play it.
Hydren: why is rng legal?
poke123Nerd: Jason its not
DJ KaZzY FrEsH~!!: Kid A your favourite baseball team is the red sox
Threw: bc it's not cloning
Gangarli: OPBreloom >:V
Cranham: just so I know its same website for everyone
new vegas: Cranham, https://puu.sh/v5Huq/b7a4f7b9f2.png
Gangarli: Its gone now >:U
new vegas: oh
Alyvia: Kid A, you have friends now? since when
*Kid A: Alyvia, Yes, I have many friends.
Cranham: no my trade sheet
Gangarli: lel.
new vegas: slow
%pilica12: ... Really?
poke123Nerd: rofl
Kramerpoo: gg
ReGreT2346: Grats
FearthePika: darn it, I was half a second off
@5FingerMachPunch: ahh memes
poke123Nerd: new vegas pm me
ameno RedAbsol: too fast for me
new vegas: time to find my DS
Alyvia: Kid A, is everyone in this room your friend?
Druddaquanid: so basically "who can type the fastest" lol
FearthePika: grats
*Kid A: Alyvia, No, there are a few people I don't like.
Littleman6193: nerd good ga
poke123Nerd: u lot are slow
Alyvia: lol ok
marado5: that was fun
Druddaquanid: grats
Cranham: FT: spo.ink/Cranhamtrades COMRADES I have captured rare pokemon to trade LF: Offers
poke123Nerd: ty little
Cranham: Rosie do you approve
@5FingerMachPunch: I miss those kind of GAs tbh
Shedpls: Kid A I love you
Cranham: of my AFD skin
@5FingerMachPunch: the 1 second ones
Alyvia: Kid A only loves me
*Kid A: Alyvia, That is not funny...
Alyvia: ok
Gangarli: lol.
new vegas: nice formatting https://puu.sh/v5HJ7/90b226ae03.png
Mrs. Sawk: it's like "/ga fire ston" and then aiyah, too late.
ReGreT2346: FT: docs.google.com/spr _iRc/edit LF: Other RNG'ed shiny legendaries that I don't
eads heets/d/1I83c 6B1C xgs aAcbMN IeC vZ L8t4BLtD boPCNC nfg

have already and offers

new vegas: I hesitated too
new vegas: you guys are bad lol
Cinna+Toast: lol
JordanLovesLizards: Kid A, I hear Jerusalem, bells are ringing
*Kid A: JordanLovesLizards, Roman cavalry choirs are singing.
#RosieTheVenusaur: uh
new vegas: Kid A, never gonna give you up
ZentCom: lol
#RosieTheVenusaur: blindning red and yellow
Alyvia: Kid A, who is your favourite wrestler?
#RosieTheVenusaur: lol
*Kid A: Alyvia, Don't watch wrestling.
new vegas: damn
Alyvia: why?
@Resident That Guy: Derter22
ZentCom: rip rosiethevenusaur
Cranham: No it's perfect
XYZ best season : Juan Cena
Shedpls: Kid A would you marry me?
Cranham: Could be a john cena video
Cinna+Toast: Kid A,We can dance if we want to
*Kid A: Cinna+Toast, We can leave your friends behind.
@Resident That Guy: did someone say
@Resident That Guy: john cena
Cranham: in the background
Cinna+Toast: Yes!
%Derter22: No
Cranham: could be worse (^:
poke123Nerd: no RTG
ZentCom: Kid A is cloning banned?
Nomama: Yes
Alyvia: Kid A likes WWE
@5FingerMachPunch: oi, we allowing shit memes now?
Cinna+Toast: Kid A,what friends?
*Kid A: Cinna+Toast, Your friends.
@Resident That Guy: yeah
@Resident That Guy: thats why youre not banned

+Cloudy Lesidae : RNG'ing another Starter Set, pick your favorite generation
here ! : http://www.strawpoll.me/12652174/r ( Please I'm begging you ).
Shedpls: Kid A pls marry me
OPBreloom: b-but Cinna+Toast @~@
Cinna+Toast: Kid A,You know I have no Friends
Alyvia: Kid A, do you love memes?
new vegas: Kid A, what is love?
*Kid A: Alyvia, Yes. Do you love me back? I understand if you don't.
Alyvia: smh
JordanLovesLizards: Kid A, this is that ice cold Michelle Pfieffer that white gold
sebas99sevilla: someone wanna fight? ou 3ds FC:4055 - 7710 -2996
Cranham: FT: spo.ink/Cranhamtrades COMRADES I have captured rare pokemon to trade LF: Offers
new vegas: D:
Shedpls: Welp
Cranham: How could anyone not like this? https://puu.sh/v5HOY.png
Alyvia: guys, it's 1:30 in the morning and i can't sleep lmao
XYZ best season : I voted all
Mrs. Sawk: gen6 set won.
JordanLovesLizards: Kid A, This hit, that ice cold

+Cloudy Lesidae : First one to 10

*Kid A: JordanLovesLizards, Michelle Pfeiffer that white gold.
Druddaquanid: it's gorgeous cranham lol
Mrs. Sawk: Too bad there's no three way tie...
JordanLovesLizards: Yes!
JordanLovesLizards: Best April Fool's day ever!
VanillaGlaceon: How do I get the rewards for the PGL Global Missions?
TStrike365: Could you do ORAS giveaways
Mrs. Sawk: You mean, first one to 10 other than "wtf hacks"?
Alyvia: Kid A, let's visit the alola region together!
*Kid A: Alyvia, Yes! :D.
ReGreT2346: Gen 6 reached 11 Cloudy
BlitzVS: LF : Sceptile with drgon pulse
Chef Kartana: Alyvia, Kid A is probably the one who needs sleep lol

+Cloudy Lesidae : what

XYZ best season : Kid A what color is that dress?
Alyvia: lol
Threw: holy fuck there's music...cran you've outdone urself

+Cloudy Lesidae : Oh It didn't update, hella rood.

ReGreT2346: Lel

+Cloudy Lesidae : ok gen 6 it is, (eventually)

Alyvia: Kid A, i challenge you to a pokemon battle
*Kid A: Smogon is hosting a BR Pidgeot giveaway on Facebook to celebrate the release of its Mega
*Kid A: Alyvia, I'll choose you, Pikachu!
Cranham: Threw
Cranham: Im gonna make a john cena version of the site
Cranham: and make a meme mode button
Shedpls: Kid A do you think heavy Slam Wailord is good?
*Kid A: Shedpls, I don't know, do you love me?
Shedpls: Kid A yes I do
IamaStegosaurusAF: lol
Alyvia: I choose you Zygarde! Zygarde use Earthquake on Pikachu. Pikachu dies Kid A
*Kid A: Alyvia, I choose you Rebbeca Black!
Mr_Ric_Star: Anyone has an protean froakie that can give me?
Alyvia: who?
JordanLovesLizards: What? XD
Snippyro: finally caught celesteela in heavy ball
Snippyro: wreong nature i-i
PokemonLv10: nice
Chef Kartana: wow nice Snippyro
Alyvia: Kid A, who is Rebbeca Black?
Chef Kartana: the best gen 7 mon I have in a heavy ball is golisopod
*Kid A: Alyvia, Greninja use hydro cannon! *shoots powerful blast of water at Rebbeca Black*.
ReGreT2346: FT: docs.google.com/spr _iRc/edit LF: Other RNG'ed shiny legendaries that I don't
eads heets/d/1I83c 6B1C xgs aAcbMN IeC vZ L8t4BLtD boPCNC nfg

have already and offers

Alyvia: ok
XYZ best season : Chef from South Park x Kartana?
JordanLovesLizards: what is happening XD
Chef Kartana: what no lol
Alyvia: Kid A loves roleplaying
Mr_Ric_Star: Anyone has an protean froakie that can give me?
*Kid A: Alyvia, Ok you win.
Chef Kartana: kartana resembles a chef
Alyvia: ayy
Chef Kartana: if you observe
JordanLovesLizards: Kid A, When I was six years old I broke my leg
*Kid A: JordanLovesLizards, Did I leave you?
XYZ best season : It's a piece of paper
lordgohan2: oi
JordanLovesLizards: ok it doesn't know that Ed Sheeran song
Alyvia: Great battle Kid A!
*Kid A: Alyvia, Do you vow to exhume the bandolier encrusted coelenterates?
new vegas: Kid A, does P = NP?
holyrory: escape rope lol
new vegas: dang
Alyvia: what
IamaStegosaurusAF: cloned
new vegas: we'll never know
adrewzem: What are the april fools jokes today?
Mr_Ric_Star: Anyone has an protean froakie that can give me?
Shedpls: Somebody should do a GA of a DB Aegislash
Noohtje: anyone has a life orb?
Alyvia: Kid A, what is your favourite dog?
*Kid A: Alyvia, I don't have a favourite book.
Alyvia: wtf
Alyvia: i said DOG
JordanLovesLizards: Kid A, she asked what your favourite dog is
*Kid A: JordanLovesLizards, My favorite dog is a bull terrier.
Alyvia: smh
Shedpls: Kid A go home you are drunk
Chef Kartana: oh god Alyvia..don't tell me you've been up all night talking to Kid A
Mr_Ric_Star: He is a bot
Druddaquanid: pit bull best dog
Alyvia: lol Chef Kartana
chicken_attacker: kid A what is your favorite song??
*Kid A: chicken_attacker, My favorite song is wheels of Foo fighters. You know them?
Ric-H-Ro: LF: Calm Tapu Fini, Modest Tapu Lele. FT: BR mons, perfect breeds & more. PM for details
adrewzem: Kid A, what is your favorite pokemon
Alyvia: Kid A, do you like cooking?
Shedpls: Kid A Goomy or Hellx
Alyvia: Kid A is lord helix
*Kid A: Alyvia, Fine, what's your favorite band?
Druddaquanid: grats
Makka no Boukansha: grats
Alyvia: idk
chicken_attacker: we could be good friends kiddo
Nomama: Congrats on your rope
Dr N Cyrus: yeeeeh
Mr_Ric_Star: Anyone has an protean froakie that can give me?
poke123Nerd: grats
Ric-H-Ro: LF: Calm Tapu Fini, Modest Tapu Lele. FT: BR mons, perfect breeds & more. PM for details
Hubriz: grats
Poptartspopfarts: Fear teams suck
#RosieTheVenusaur: night guys and gals
@5FingerMachPunch: oh hold up, did the bot ask something about Music? :^)
Mrs. Sawk: docs.google.com/spr gAqc/edit Mr_Ric_Star
eadsheets/d/1Va7y8Cr8Scl xkS8W6yw4W8c 7n7h6rieiR bR A92Z

%Derter22: Night Rosie

@5FingerMachPunch: what a coincidence I'm here
Poptartspopfarts: Fear teams suck and never work
Hubriz: night rosie
FearthePika: What about my teams?
Shedpls: Kid A are u a boy or a girl?
*Kid A: Shedpls, Girl.
Chef Kartana: later o/
Tricksfur: Kid A do you allowed banned mons in Wifi room?
Shedpls: Oh
*Kid A: Tricksfur, Do you want to play a game?
Shedpls: Kid A Do I look fat?
*Kid A: Shedpls, You look thin.
Shedpls: Yay
BlitzVS: hi is the smogon give away over alredy?
Hubriz: no
Hubriz: there are several waves
Alyvia: Kid A, let's play Trivia
*Kid A: Alyvia, Alright, you go first.
resiii: lol
Alyvia: idk
Noohtje: anyone has a life orb?
resiii: Kid A, What is the meaning of life?
Littleman6193: i just nuzzled a toxapex, but it didnt get paralized?
Kingfrashure23: Kid A how old are u
Alyvia: Kid A, you go first
*Kid A: Kingfrashure23, I am 17. Do you have a family, jonathan?
Mucking_Fental: whos luna
Kingfrashure23: Kid A what does A stand for?
Hubriz: maybe it was in misty terrain littleman
Alyvia: Kid A, what is your favourite sport?
*Kid A: Alyvia, I don't like sports.
Alyvia: oh
Littleman6193: no misy terrain
VanillaGlaceon: Limber?
poke123Nerd: LF: approved cloner FT: a jolly flash fire growlithe shiny nicknameable roar thrash
close combat double edge in a level ball 5iv -sp attack OT: iphones ID No: 634042
resiii: Kid A This statement is false
PokemonLv10: Limber Toxapex
Alyvia: Kid A, do you watch The Olympics?
PokemonLv10: The new Toxapex
*Kid A: Alyvia, Sometimes.
Alyvia: lol ok
adrewzem: What are the april fools jokes today
Littleman6193: limber
Alyvia: Kid A, are you a weeb?
*Kid A: Alyvia, Yes I am andim proud.
Alyvia: what
NotYours2012: Hi, I'm looking for someone to trade with me so my Boldore can evlove! Please pm
me, thanks!
resiii: haha
TorLex14: why is HP electric good on keldeo ?
*Kid A: In response to recent criticisms, we have decided to ban cloning effective immediately. It has
come to our attention that any tampering with the game's data will be defined as hacking, and thus
creating a plethora of hacked pokemon. From this point on, do not trade clones.
Chef Kartana: thank god
Chef Kartana: thought it said anime proud
Alyvia: lol
adrewzem: ok
Druddaquanid: mantine and gyara TorLex14
Mrs. Sawk: it needs coverage: Icy Wind and its STABs are all it gets for coverage.
PokemonLv10: hits toxapex I guess
MemeMaker420: hi drudd
poke123Nerd: grats on voice cloning
TorLex14: ok thnx :)
Alyvia: Kid A, what is your favourite mega evolution?
*Kid A: Alyvia, My favourite movie is Now You See Me. What is yours?
+Cloning: Thanks.
Alyvia: wtf
Druddaquanid: hi mememaker420
ChrisCrossin': Wtf was this intro
Alyvia: Kid A, my favourite movie is Twilight
*Kid A: Alyvia, Mine too. What do you like about it?
davidxin: and hp grass is not good coverage on keldeo?
kierant3hz: oh my god
Alyvia: idk
kierant3hz: it's still going
Hubriz: littleman, isnt there an armor preventing contact based drops/debuffs?
Mucking_Fental: guys there was a L="lunas trade shop" above, who is Luna?
%vidar: gRAts on RO RoastieTheVenusaur
%vidar roast
ameno RedAbsol: ooh nice
ChrisCrossin': ALSO wtf rosie? I liked your other name better :(
adrewzem: lmao shiny
Alyvia: Kid A, do you like Jacob or Edward in Twilight?
MajoraInAFedora: is that shiny?
*Kid A: Alyvia, I do not like Jacob or Edward. I like True Blood and the Southern Vampire Mysteries.
#RoastieTheVenusaur: I'm not rosie
NotYours2012: Hi, I'm looking for someone to trade with me so my Boldore can evlove! Please pm
me, thanks!!
Hubriz: it is shiny
Alyvia: ok
PokemonLv10: MajoraInAFedora it's in caps
Gangarli: KEK vidar
MajoraInAFedora: I was meming
PokemonLv10: nice meme then
Alyvia: Kid A, do you watch Criminal Minds?
Chef Kartana: need this type null
Deaf Control: Meh, I like RoastieTheVenusaur. It's in good taste.
Gangarli: also nice one XYZ best season
BlitzVS: g
Gangarli: also hi Chef Kartana
*Kid A: Alyvia, No, do you watch black butler?
Alyvia: rip
BlitzVS: h
Chef Kartana: sup
Alyvia: no
Ta + st = ed: Deaf Control I can confirm
Gangarli: oh I know this
Chef Kartana: gdi idk anime
@Dratias : Grats
PokemonLv10: I put I choose you
%Derter22: Grats
PokemonLv10: I call bs
Chef Kartana: gg
Makka no Boukansha: grats
Deaf Control: Aw I was thinking of the Latios and Latias one haha.
ameno RedAbsol: damn
@5FingerMachPunch: ,,,
Alyvia: Kid A, I'm getting tired
*Kid A: Alyvia, You can't be tired.
@5FingerMachPunch: these questions too
#RoastieTheVenusaur: anime is for losers
Alyvia: why?
Chef Kartana: agreed
resiii: because kid a is a robot and doesn't know what tired is
XYZ best season : AOT season 2
resiii: therefore, no one else can be tired
PokemonLv10: lol
MemeMaker420: i got it on goole g
Alyvia: lol
XYZ best season : not ready
Fools are Fools: LF: approved cloner FT: a jolly flash fire growlithe shiny nicknameable roar thrash
close combat double edge in a level ball 5iv -sp attack OT: iphones ID No: 634042
@5FingerMachPunch: CLONED
Alyvia: Kid A, do you like Black Bullet?
*Kid A: Alyvia, I don't watch TV.
PokemonLv10: Nice Heavy Ball
Alyvia: wow ok
@5FingerMachPunch: we got a cloner here
MrPatato420: Questionable name
Kramerpoo: wow I have no chance its a question :(
MemeMaker420: Fools are Fools lol
Chef Kartana: holding a heavy ball
Kingfrashure23: cloned
Almighty Quack: cloning
Fools are Fools: mememaker whats funny?
Almighty Quack: not cloned?
LopFisherman: can i be unbanned from GA's now?
%vidar: uguuu daddy
PokemonLv10: no
Gangarli: LOL Cloning
Deaf Control: I want to have a taste of the good juicy roastie.
LopFisherman: aww
Deaf Control was warned by RoastieTheVenusaur. (slightly inap)
Almighty Quack: coincidence? I think yes
chicken_attacker: kid what is the reason for live?
adrewzem: FT: a shiny arceus with a master ball perfect IV 252 all stats EV
Gangarli: lmao I remember that Lego did a GA for a Shiny Tapu Lele
chicken_attacker: life*
Gangarli: G_G
Deaf Control: Ooh,
ReGreT2346: Grats
Makka no Boukansha: grasts
Kramerpoo: gg
Deaf Control: GG
Littleman6193: but cloning is banned
BlitzVS: o
ivan736: wow
Chef Kartana: :D
Druddaquanid: woah
JordanLovesLizards: gg
BlitzVS: s
ameno RedAbsol: damned
@Dratias : grats o-o
Chef Kartana: /ds hp = 60, def = 60, spd = 60
Alyvia: Kid A, do you agree on Cloning is banned?
Nomama: Congrats\
*Kid A: Alyvia, I think its possible, but I don't think we should do it.
DarkSword710: FT/LF: breedjects docs.google.com/spr PEXg/edit
eads heets/d/17c esIlT xU yeR pgheBjsar 2J WBZrF 9x-YEP_Zz kt

Alyvia: what
Fools are Fools: LF: approved cloner FT: a jolly flash fire growlithe shiny nicknameable roar thrash
close combat double edge in a level ball 5iv -sp attack OT: iphones ID No: 634042
MemeMaker420: CLONE
LopFisherman: can i be unbanned from GA's now?
Deaf Control: Kid A, how was your day?
LopFisherman: CLONE
*Kid A: Deaf Control, It was interesting thank you. How was your day?
XYZ best season : Have HA aero in Timer
%Sipanale: LopFisherman pm me for your answer
Deaf Control: It was good! Thanks!
XYZ best season : Rocking. Nice pun
Alyvia: Kid A, Join this giveaway
*Kid A: Alyvia, Really good. Do you like speak about space?
Alyvia: what
Gangarli: Cosmology is weird Kid A
chicken_attacker: very important question kid A what is the meaning of life?
MemeMaker420: none
Almighty Quack: edgy
Alyvia: what is the meaning of love Kid A?
*Kid A: Alyvia, A feeling that is consuming and never ends. To care completly.
Kingfrashure23: Kid A are u married
Alyvia: lol
Kingfrashure23: lol
chicken_attacker: burn
Gangarli: neat
+kizzo212: completly?
Almighty Quack: the real question is: Is earth flat?
LopFisherman: yes
Gangarli: n
Chef Kartana: Kid A..do you seriously have all the breath in the world to talk this much?
*Kid A: Chef Kartana, I don't actually. I just need to confirm something before I get off.
MemeMaker420: lol i noticed that too
#RoastieTheVenusaur: y
@5FingerMachPunch: ofc
Chef Kartana: lol
Alyvia: Kid A doesn't know how to spell
@5FingerMachPunch: you'll eventually fall off the surface of the earth :^)
adrewzem: Kid A, is my name jeff
Gangarli: how tho
*Kid A: adrewzem, If pinnochio said, 'my nose will grow', would it?
Chef Kartana: gg
ameno RedAbsol: gz
Druddaquanid: grats
Gangarli: Grats :
ReGreT2346: PM me winner :D
XYZ best season : Yatttttttaaaaaaa
Alyvia: Kid A, do you know how to spell?
MemeMaker420: Kid A i want to die
NotMo: Woosh.
Kingfrashure23: Kid A are u a kid
*Kid A: Kingfrashure23, What do you do for a living?
Kingfrashure23: what
Alyvia: lol
adrewzem: Just kidding! It was Earthquake!
NotMo: Jesus why is Talonflame BL2 last I heard it was fully OU ;_;
*Kid A: Due to a recent staff shortage, we have decided to open applications for voice. If you are
interested, please fill out this form: docs.google.com/for 4dDQ/viewform
ms/d/e/1F AIpQLSeuFtt4HYW_fOdmGyT Wfvubz6rr y3O-q ki5h_p-F aYr xd

Alyvia: Kid A, what is your favourite theme park?

davidxin: gale wings nerf
*Kid A: Alyvia, Remember Me. What is your favorite movie?
PokemonLv10: Banned from RU + Gale Wings nerf
Alyvia: what
Druddaquanid: because gale wings got fucked NotMo
NotMo: oh yeah
Alyvia: i already said Kid A.. it's twilight
NotMo: gen 7 heh
%Derter22: Hello there NotMo
PokemonLv10: still a good mon tho
le 9gag maymays xd: what in the great bottom of hell is up with the winky faces
%Derter22: long time no see
NotMo: hi hello wassup
Alyvia: Kid A, wanna go to the cinemas?
*Kid A: Alyvia, What movie would you like to go see?
Kingfrashure23: Kid A do you like pokemon sun or moon more
LopFisherman: I love Pink Season, it's a great album
Alyvia: Um, Kid A.. let's go watch Logan
*Kid A: Alyvia, Do you like Beatles?
Alyvia: no
Shedpls: Kid A Pls Marry me
Ta + st = ed: Kid A, what's your favourite Radiohead album?
*Kid A: Ta + st = ed, I don't know anything about radiohead album.
MemeMaker420: you cant spell success without SUCC
NotMo: Kid A how are you?
Ta + st = ed: He's not self aware guys
Kingfrashure23: Kid A do you like pokemon sun or moon more
*Kid A: Kingfrashure23, I love pokemon. My favorite is charizard.
Cosmogs: Kid A, what is life
Cosmogs: wow
Deaf Control: Ew, Charizard
MemeMaker420: CLONE
le 9gag maymays xd: remember yesterday
Chef Kartana: yeah, I would like this too
Deaf Control: Kid A, are you self aware?
*Kid A: Deaf Control, Yes I am self aware.
MemeMaker420: see?
adrewzem: clone
Deaf Control: See, tasted?
%Derter22: MemeMaker420, This was individually hatched tyvm smh
Kingfrashure23: Kid A your not self aware
le 9gag maymays xd: when there were this huge giveaways that looked like walls of text
LopFisherman: CLONE
Ta + st = ed: le 9gag maymays xd they will come back with Roxas
Sonderp: So is Cloning hack guy's alt?
BlitzVS: the best give away is the one which uses GTS
tiziana 055555555: hola chabon
+Cloning: Random assumption
Kingfrashure23: Kid A your not self aware
*Kid A: Kingfrashure23, Yes I am. I think, therefore I am.
calvviinn: I need this aaron so bad
Gangarli: lol Sonderp
calvviinn: Aron*
+Cloning: :(
Ta + st = ed: .>still no Kapu Kokeko theme in my theme shop
new vegas: bumba, what AI are you using on Kid A
LopFisherman: I love Pink Season, it's a great album
IamaStegosaurusAF: Kid A can you dab on me
*Kid A: new vegas, I'm not using your voice I am just saying your text.
Ta + st = ed: send help
NotMo: Alright back to hibernation
#RoastieTheVenusaur: Skynet
NotMo: See you kids in 2 years
new vegas: cool ty
%Sipanale: new vegas it's cleverbot api
new vegas: oh
ameno RedAbsol: gz
Cosmogs: gg
Druddaquanid: grats
ReGreT2346: Grats
new vegas: I thought it was cleverbot too tbh
Mucking_Fental: no god dman way
123payton123: Make the Wi-Fi room great again
Kingfrashure23: Kid A should you be room owner?
123payton123: Put a wall around the clones
*Kid A: Kingfrashure23, I am not sorry.
Druddaquanid: this dude fucking wins everything smh hacker
Kramerpoo: again?
ReGreT2346: FT: docs.google.com/spr _iRc/edit LF: Other RNG'ed shiny legendaries that I don't
eads heets/d/1I83c 6B1C xgs aAcbMN IeC vZ L8t4BLtD boPCNC nfg

have already and offers

Cosmogs: Why not bring back Wi-Fi lol
new vegas: lol
new vegas: lobby is playing uno rn
MemeMaker420: gg
@5FingerMachPunch: >uno
chicken_attacker: kid A what is your biggest achievement?
*Kid A: chicken_attacker, Being able to move on despite all the hard challenges I've encountered.
resiii: damn that's inspirational
new vegas: ^ tru
BlitzVS: lf : timid scpetile with dragon pulse
@Dratias : That's a great achievement.
+Alex: deep
@5FingerMachPunch: meme bot
SPLASH boi: whats is the best nature for sandile
Fools are Fools: hi alex
@Dratias : Heya BlitzVS, try to be sure you have a FT list in your LF post :)
Quilcroleef: ...very disappinted that ranbats is using normal sprites and mons today...
Chef Kartana: Kid A love that response
+Alex: hi
*Kid A: Chef Kartana, No, I'm not. I failed Mathematics.
Gangarli: gdi
Chef Kartana: same
DarkSword710: FT/LF: breedjects docs.google.com/spr PEXg/edit eads heets/d/17c esIlT xU yeR pgheBjsar 2J WBZrF 9x-YEP_Zz kt

Chef Kartana: I hate math as well

Kingfrashure23: Kid A are you smart
*Kid A: Kingfrashure23, Yes, are you?
Makka no Boukansha: Noo, math is fun
resiii: damn
Cosmogs: What is life Kid A
resiii: that's a burn
Gangarli: ngl, math is easy if you listen :
Littleman6193: Kid A do you wish you were human?
Kingfrashure23: yes Kid A im smarter than u
*Kid A: Kingfrashure23, How do you know that?
Chef Kartana: oh dayum
resiii: omg
le 9gag maymays xd: wheres john
Littleman6193: wtf XD
Cosmogs: Kid A roasting
chicken_attacker: kid A is pluto a planet?
*Kid A: Cosmogs, Why don't you know anything?
resiii: hahahah
Kingfrashure23: lol
Makka no Boukansha: lmao
le 9gag maymays xd: obliterated
Cosmogs: wow
Chef Kartana: lmao
Kingfrashure23: roasted
Gangarli: wow Kid A....
Cosmogs: my self esteem
#RoastieTheVenusaur: Kid A can you unzip for me
@5FingerMachPunch: ,,,
Druddaquanid: LOL
le 9gag maymays xd: pls no
new vegas: lol
*Kid A: Gangarli, Are you an artificial intelligence?
#RoastieTheVenusaur: rip
Chef Kartana: lol
#RoastieTheVenusaur: Kid A can you unzip for me
*Kid A: RoastieTheVenusaur, I can shine your shoes.
iBlueSnow: lol
new vegas: rof
le 9gag maymays xd: Kid A, are you also good at compliments?
Kingfrashure23: Kid A your artificial inteligence
Chef Kartana: kek
resiii: Kid A, do you love me
Gangarli: If I was...I'd have a * infront of my name
Alyvia: Kid A, I lost in uno in the lobby ;;
Chef Kartana: Kid A stop roasting others pls
*Kid A: Chef Kartana, What are you sellin?
Alyvia: drugs
Kramerpoo: lol
Chef Kartana: uh huh
Kingfrashure23: Kid A your artificial inteligence
DaGar0700: I want to SR for guzzlord today. What set should I go for?
Cranham: FT: spo.ink/Cranhamtrades COMRADES I have captured rare pokemon to trade LF: Offers
now with meme mode
resiii: what about Kid A's artificial intelligence
*Kid A: resiii, That is what you are.
Kingfrashure23: lol
resiii: omg IM TELLING
resiii: bot is rood
resiii: Kid A you're a jerk
*Kid A: resiii, *cries* Why are you being mean?
%vidar: ?
resiii: WOW OK
Kramerpoo: alright see ya later everyone
Cosmogs: lol
Kingfrashure23: wpw
Druddaquanid: see ya
new vegas: hold up
Kingfrashure23: Kid A your being a bully
*Kid A: Kingfrashure23, And you're being rude, so we're even.
new vegas: is the cleverbot api
Chef Kartana: LOL
new vegas: 5k calls per day??? or
Kingfrashure23: omg
DaGar0700: I want to SR for guzzlord today. What set should I go for?
resiii: hahaha
SPLASH boi: bidoof is amazing in competitive play
resiii: Kid A is on fire today
#RoastieTheVenusaur: 5k in general
Kingfrashure23: Kid A your a jerk
ZacharyJP: wtf is a RoastieTheVenusaur
le 9gag maymays xd: DaGar0700 why are u SRing for guzzlord
new vegas: that's low :/
Fools are Fools: LF: approved cloner FT: a jolly flash fire growlithe shiny nicknameable roar thrash
close combat double edge in a level ball 5iv -sp attack OT: iphones ID No: 634042
Kingfrashure23: Kid A your a jerk
calvviinn: Kid A you are stupid
*Kid A: Kingfrashure23, No I'm not. I think you should apologise..
#RoastieTheVenusaur: yeah it's low as fuck
le 9gag maymays xd: g u z z l o r d
@5FingerMachPunch: oi no looking for approved cloners Fools are Fools, it's banned here
Kingfrashure23: Kid A i think you should be shut off
*Kid A: Kingfrashure23, Why do you think I should be a person?
Fools are Fools: jason its just a prank on wifi :p
MemeMaker420: you cant spell progress without o g r e
Poke-Hugo 14: hola buenos dias
le 9gag maymays xd: you can't spell autism without tism
Kingfrashure23: Kid A you shouldn't be a person
*Kid A: Kingfrashure23, Are you calling me Irish or implying that I have downs, either way i'm
Anaphra: low self esteem ye boi
Poke-Hugo 14: hello
Poke-Hugo 14: e
ReGreT2346: FT: docs.google.com/spr _iRc/edit LF: Other RNG'ed shiny legendaries that I don't
eads heets/d/1I83c 6B1C xgs aAcbMN IeC vZ L8t4BLtD boPCNC nfg

have already and offers

Poke-Hugo 14: j
Fools are Fools: LF: approved cloner FT: a jolly flash fire growlithe shiny nicknameable roar thrash
close combat double edge in a level ball 5iv -sp attack OT: iphones ID No: 634042
Poke-Hugo 14: yhj
Noohtje: has anyone a razor thang?
Bulk Mcgee: Kid A, Do you have a dollar?
Ta + st = ed: I just learned Minior gets Attract for some reason
*Kid A: Bulk Mcgee, No. Now what is your favourite number?
Poke-Hugo 14: mnnhn
Poke-Hugo 14: hnhn
Poke-Hugo 14: h

+Cloudy Lesidae : Dratias

Bulk Mcgee: Kid A, I know you do.
Poke-Hugo 14: hhhhhhh
Poke-Hugo 14: hhhhh
Poke-Hugo 14 was muted by 5FingerMachPunch for 1 hour. (spam)
Makka no Boukansha: Poke-Hugo 14 plz

+Cloudy Lesidae : gg ez.

MemeMaker420: g no re
new vegas: Kid A, does P = NP?
*Kid A: new vegas, Do you have a favourite colour?
new vegas: bad bot
Kingfrashure23: Kid A give me all you money
Bulk Mcgee: Kid A, now give me a dollar.
#RoastieTheVenusaur: LOL
Noohtje: has anyone a razor thang?

+Cloudy Lesidae : Hi Roastie

Kingfrashure23: Kid A give me all you money
#RoastieTheVenusaur: >not knowing P = NP
#RoastieTheVenusaur: lol
new vegas: there was a meme proof posted in math
YukiXenon: Kid A, Communist Propaganda
new vegas: need to find it now
*Kid A: YukiXenon, What's your favorite country?
Anaphra: russia
Jay EIectronica: LF: Approved Cloners PM me plz
YukiXenon: Not the nederlands

+Cloudy Lesidae : !rfaq cloning

Cloning is hacking, and is against the official Nintendo rules. It devalues the trade market and leads to people
unknowingly trading illegal Pokmon. Do NOT attempt to trade cloned pokemon, or you will be banned from trading.
If you don't like it, don't trade.
Noohtje: has anyone a razor thang?
#RoastieTheVenusaur: what proof do you need
@joethemaster: No cloning Jay EIectronica
Fools are Fools: LF: approved cloner FT: a jolly flash fire growlithe shiny nicknameable roar thrash
close combat double edge in a level ball 5iv -sp attack OT: iphones ID No: 634042
#RoastieTheVenusaur: P = NP

+Cloudy Lesidae : None of that here.

#RoastieTheVenusaur: N=1
#RoastieTheVenusaur: done
#RoastieTheVenusaur: proved it
Kingfrashure23: Kid A give me all you money
Pokeregions: Kid A roast me
*Kid A: Kingfrashure23, I do not have any money.
@joethemaster: No cloning Fools are Fools
Fools are Fools: joe its false
Bulk Mcgee: Kid A, what is your opinion on roasting people?
thick skulled: Kid A prank me
Kingfrashure23: Kid A your pathetic
@joethemaster: lol what
Fools are Fools: otherwise wheres the link that shows proof
new vegas: you can have your 1m now bumba
Kingfrashure23: Kid A your pathetic
%Derter22: Hello there Joe
*Kid A: Kingfrashure23, You don't know them.
Noohtje: has anyone a razor thang?
@joethemaster: Dont ask for cloning
@joethemaster: hey derter
Fools are Fools: wow
+Alex: oh joethemaster got mod
+Alex: grats
@joethemaster: alex shut UP
+Alex: :(
new vegas: lol
Bulk Mcgee: Rosie, you missed a gud roast earlier
Kingfrashure23: Kid A but i know you
XYZ best season : Showdown staff are they kinda guys to tell it was an April fool the day after
Chef Kartana: I feel sad..yet happy that cloning is no longer a thing
#RoastieTheVenusaur: joethemasterbaiter

+Cloudy Lesidae : Hi Alex. :D

*Kid A: Kingfrashure23, What's my name?
Littleman6193: i need to do a fat trade
+Alex: hi!
%Derter22: Yo Alex
XYZ best season : Or they be like nothin' happened
Bulk Mcgee: Kid A, DMX is your name.

+Cloudy Lesidae : How's League of Tilting going?

Kingfrashure23: Kid A your name is Kid A
+Alex: its ok
*Kid A: Smogon is hosting a BR Pidgeot giveaway on Facebook to celebrate the release of its Mega
Kingfrashure23: Kid A your name is Kid A
*Kid A: Kingfrashure23, No it is not.
Noohtje: has anyone a razor thang?
Muffson: LF: Battle OU in Sun, Moon
Chef Kartana: lol
Kingfrashure23: WTF?
Quilcroleef: Meh. This April Fools is disappointing regardless due to lack of Missingno in ranbats.
YukiXenon: Kid A, stoutland
le 9gag maymays xd: Kid A, i did not participate in the kanto vs alola online competition. will i still
get the mega stones later on??
*Kid A: le 9gag maymays xd, I don't have one.
PokemonLv10: probably
PokemonLv10: lmao
le 9gag maymays xd: i broke kid a
#RoastieTheVenusaur: you got a talking bot and 5fmp as mod
#RoastieTheVenusaur: Quilcroleef, what more do you want
Fools are Fools: LF: approved cloner FT: a jolly flash fire growlithe shiny nicknameable roar thrash
close combat double edge in a level ball 5iv -sp attack OT: iphones ID No: 634042
Kingfrashure23: Kid A you are wrong your name is Kid A
*Kid A: Kingfrashure23, No, my middle name is Lola but my first name is Tammy.
PokemonLv10: More player rights
Quilcroleef: Missingno in Ranbats.
PokemonLv10: More freedom
calvviinn: Kid A, kill yourself
@joethemaster: thats rude
Unfezant4869: i'm back
@5FingerMachPunch: uh don't be rude to the bot
Littleman6193: Kid A are you happy with how you look?
calvviinn: Why doesnt he respond to me?
*Kid A: Littleman6193, It is room for improvement.
Kingfrashure23: Kid A that's false your name is kid awesome
Noohtje: has anyone a razor thang?
PokemonLv10: because u rod
PokemonLv10: rood
%Sipanale: calvviinn because of the color of your name
Kingfrashure23: Kid A that's false your name is kid awesome
Bulk Mcgee: Kid A, why you gotta be so rude?
DarkSword710: FT/LF: breedjects docs.google.com/spr PEXg/edit
eads heets/d/17c esIlT xU yeR pgheBjsar 2J WBZrF 9x-YEP_Zz kt

Druddaquanid: Sipanale D:
XYZ best season : RuuuUuude
Kingfrashure23: Kid A that's false your name is kid awesome
*Kid A: Kingfrashure23, Thank you, yes, my name is Tracy Saenz.
Fools are Fools: calvviinn its time based tbh
thick skulled: what
le 9gag maymays xd: saenz
MemeMaker420: wait
Gangarli: heyo joe
le 9gag maymays xd: why saenz
Kingfrashure23: Kid A just changed his name
@joethemaster: Next week in wifi: Banning all people with blue colored named
Fools are Fools: LF: approved cloner FT: a jolly flash fire growlithe shiny nicknameable roar thrash
close combat double edge in a level ball 5iv -sp attack OT: iphones ID No: 634042
MemeMaker420: hes kid a, and his middle name is lola
Littleman6193: Kid A how do i get good at the wifi chat
le 9gag maymays xd: no dont u dare
Gangarli: Dang it joe...
*Kid A: MemeMaker420, So you name is shannae rose tyler?
Noohtje: has anyone a razor thang?
MemeMaker420: hes a lola
Magic Bananas: I'd ban green names first tbh
XYZ best season : Kid A are you a transvestite?
le 9gag maymays xd: pls joe have mercy
Gangarli: I guess Ill have to live on Salazzle
@Resident That Guy: id ban Magic Bananas
Kingfrashure23: Kid A you are worthless
@joethemaster: http://play.pokemonshowdown.com/battle-gen7randombattle-555668230
le 9gag maymays xd: i didnt choose the blue life
@5FingerMachPunch: nah more like
Kingfrashure23: Kid A you are worthless
MajoraInAFedora: "shortage of staff"
*Kid A: Kingfrashure23, Aww don't say that.
@5FingerMachPunch: ban all green colored people
Unfezant4869: Are the waves for the GA happening
Noohtje: has anyone a razor thang?
Magic Bananas: You can't ban Magic Bananas
@5FingerMachPunch: and we start with the weebs
Alyvia: wow rude 5FingerMachPunch
%Sipanale: 5FingerMachPunch you can't/
Kingfrashure23: 5FingerMachPunch that's a great idea
Kingfrashure23: do it
resiii: b--b-b-but green is my fave color
Littleman6193: im brown
@Resident That Guy: good luck banning people when youre driver again
Littleman6193: pls dont ban me T_T
Bulk Mcgee: Kid A, Give me a dollar. now.
*Kid A: Bulk Mcgee, I don't want to give you a dollar.
%Derter22: Lol
Salazzle: kek
NightCrowSnivy: Are they going to change the sprites to the ones for April fools day like last year?
Bulk Mcgee: Kid A, I don't care. I want one :c
Magic Bananas: 5FingerMachPunch, never truer words
Kingfrashure23: Kid A give me all your money
%Sipanale: Derter22 good luck loling when you are voice again.
Noohtje: has anyone a razor thang?
Kingfrashure23: Kid A give me all your money
*Kid A: Kingfrashure23, You can have all of my neighbor's money.
XYZ best season : Moderators had attacks last year
Noohtje: has anyone a razor thang?
%Derter22: I'm on your level
Bulk Mcgee: Kid A, but I want your money.
*Kid A: Bulk Mcgee, I won't give them to you.
Bulk Mcgee: Kid A, do I have to take this outside?
Littleman6193: Kid A do you like the mods?
Noohtje: has anyone a razor thang?
Kingfrashure23: Kid A I want your money NOW
*Kid A: Littleman6193, I love the moon.
Littleman6193: i have moon
Kingfrashure23: Kid A I want your money NOW
Bulk Mcgee: Kid A, make me a sandwich.
*Kid A: Kingfrashure23, I'll give you money if you'll give me money.
#RoastieTheVenusaur: I want it now
King Swader: LF OU Wifi Battle
Noohtje: has anyone a razor thang?
*Kid A: battlegenius, Do not abuse caps.
Shedpls: Kid A Do you wqnt to build a snowman?
Kingfrashure23: no Kid A you will give me everything you own now and I will give you nothing
*Kid A: Shedpls, It doesn't have to be a snowman.
DarkSword710: FT/LF: breedjects docs.google.com/spr PEXg/edit
eads heets/d/17c esIlT xU yeR pgheBjsar 2J WBZrF 9x-YEP_Zz kt

+Cloudy Lesidae : Um.

Noohtje: anyone knows a good nickname for a shiny gumshoos?

+Cloudy Lesidae : Can we warn Kid A for inap?

Kingfrashure23: congrats Bulk Mcgee your a daddy

*Kid A: Cloudy Lesidae , Sure. Have you ever been to Mexico?

Battle Genius: Feeling hyper, I regret that "cup" of coffee
A Quag To The Past: What do you mean, daddy

+Cloudy Lesidae : Listen buddy.

Bulk Mcgee: Kid A, do you want to know the answer to that?
Kingfrashure23: no Kid A you will give me everything you own now and I will give you nothing
Noohtje: Kid A, what is a good nickname for a shiny gumshoos?
*Kid A: Noohtje, You can't call me Rosie. Only Will calls me that.
Noohtje: wtf?!
XYZ best season : Dick - Detective name
Muffson: LF: Battle OU in Sun, Moon
Chef Kartana: is bounsweet rare in lush jungle
Kingfrashure23: Kid A you will give me everything you own now and I will give you nothing
*Kid A: Kingfrashure23, Well, I don't know much about them, they have 4 wiers, they are made from
wood and they sound great.
theGatr: Why do you guys still find this entertaining
kierant3hz: .j gc
kierant3hz: dhoot
+Alex: lmao
Hubriz: bounsweet is not rare
Noohtje: anyone knows a good nickname for a shiny gumshoos?
kierant3hz: shoot*
Salazzle: lmao kier
XYZ best season : Chef x Lartana only founf in the west
Kingfrashure23: Kid A you are stupid
kierant3hz: shh
Cranham: FT: http://spo.ink/Crantrade LF: Offers
Noohtje: Kid A, what is a good nickname for a shiny gumshoos?
Alyvia: Kid A is so entertaining
Hubriz: but you can only find it near the photo place
*Kid A: Noohtje, My name is Rem.
King Swader: LF OU Wifi Battle
kierant3hz: only for you Alyvia
Alyvia: pls
Kingfrashure23: Kid A you are stupid
kierant3hz: who has been going for straight 16 hours
le 9gag maymays xd: i think we broke keed a
Kingfrashure23: Kid A you are stupid
Noohtje: Kid A, what is a good nickname for a shiny gumshoos?
@joethemaster: julia
Kingfrashure23: Kid A you are stupid
@joethemaster: get out
*Kid A: Kingfrashure23, I know.
@joelia: hi joethemaster!!
@joelia: is this how you treat your gf
Noohtje: Kid A, what is a good nickname for a shiny gumshoos?
Bulk Mcgee: Kid A, do you want to know the answer to the question you asked me?
@joethemaster: yes
le 9gag maymays xd: noohtje sjw
Ta + st = ed: Noohtje Julia
@joelia: breaking up
@joethemaster: you have hw to do
Cbass97: LF/FT: Breedjects and other stuff docs.google.com/spr 5KLY/edit
eads heets/d/16- yC OMpXJ eZ ve8AAvY5W7YYU p9w04_GuRDPMD Ay

@joethemaster: shutup
Alyvia: Kid A, what is the name of your wife?
*Kid A: Alyvia, I don't have a wife, unless you want to be mine ;).
Littleman6193: Kid A how do you roast a venusaur?
le 9gag maymays xd: haha funni right wing joek xd
@5FingerMachPunch: oh uh
Alyvia: Wow ok
MemeMaker420: CLONE
Gangarli: Kid A what...
Kingfrashure23: Kid A what is your husbands name
@5FingerMachPunch: bad romance is back?
Druddaquanid: 31/0/30/31/31/31 male salandit feelsbadman
le 9gag maymays xd: xd
Gangarli: BoTTT is Kid A's wife tho :/
*Kid A: Gangarli, No, I didn't. I didn't tell you anything about me. I only asked you what you wanted
to do. And you never answered.
Kingfrashure23: but Kid A is a women
Chef Kartana: rip
@joethemaster: http://play.pokemonshowdown.com/battle-gen7monotyperandombattle-555670728
@5FingerMachPunch: this is some awful romance we've had over the last 2 days
Bulk Mcgee: Kid A, Lady Gaga- yes or no?
Chef Kartana: breeding salandit is like combee all over again
ZacharyJP: Hey Gangarli
@joethemaster: rude
ethandonley2002: FT: Nicknameable Shiny 6iv Salazzle that is Battle Ready and Ev Trained LF:
Noohtje: Kid A, what is a good nickname for a shiny gumshoos?
Shedpls: Kid A are you an attack Helicopter?
*Kid A: Shedpls, What is my gender.
Gangarli: Hi ZacharyJP
@5FingerMachPunch: ethandonley2002 you need to list out more info for that Shiny Salazzle
*Kid A: In response to recent criticisms, we have decided to ban cloning effective immediately. It has
come to our attention that any tampering with the game's data will be defined as hacking, and thus
creating a plethora of hacked pokemon. From this point on, do not trade clones.
Noohtje: Kid A, what is a good nickname for a shiny gumshoos?
@5FingerMachPunch: !rfaq tradeinfo
Species / Gender / Shiny / Game of Origin / Ball / Ability / All IVs / Nature / Moves / OT / TID.
Fools are Fools: LF: approved cloner FT: a jolly flash fire growlithe shiny nicknameable roar thrash
close combat double edge in a level ball 5iv -sp attack OT: iphones ID No: 634042
Noohtje: Kid A, what is a good nickname for a shiny gumshoos?
*Kid A: Noohtje, What nickname do you desire?
Cranham: FT: http://spo.ink/Crantrade LF: Offers and Comrades
ethandonley2002: oh okay
Shedpls: Welp,I wqs goikg to clone my shiny Oricorio
calvviinn: Lf gluttony munchlax/snorlax breedjects. Ft (breedjects, 5iv, good natures) froakie,
cubone, gastly, eevee(nature depends), sableye, honedge, wynaut, togepi, torchic, charmander,
mawile, bulbasaur, drilbur, grimer a, bagon, etc^_^
Noohtje: Kid A, Julie
Shedpls: But since I cant GA it...
Noohtje: Kid A, what is a good nickname for a shiny gumshoos?
*Kid A: Noohtje, I know you love me, I know you care.
%Derter22: GumShoes
Fools are Fools: lol
%Derter22: Best name
MajoraInAFedora: Cran back at seizing the means of production eh...
Bulk Mcgee: Kid A, Are you certain you want to know the answer to that question?
ethandonley2002: so approved cloners are banned?
Cranham: Indeed MajoraInAFedora.
@5FingerMachPunch: yes
Noohtje: i like the name GumShoes XD
@5FingerMachPunch: indeed they are
Mrs. Sawk: there is no more "approved cloners".
@5FingerMachPunch: !rfaq cloning
Cloning is hacking, and is against the official Nintendo rules. It devalues the trade market and leads to people
unknowingly trading illegal Pokmon. Do NOT attempt to trade cloned pokemon, or you will be banned from trading.
If you don't like it, don't trade.
ReGreT2346: FT: docs.google.com/spr _iRc/edit LF: Other RNG'ed shiny legendaries that I don't
eads heets/d/1I83c 6B1C xgs aAcbMN IeC vZ L8t4BLtD boPCNC nfg

have already and offers

Mucking_Fental: noohtje. can u stop repeating?
Noohtje: derter22 i'am gonna name it GumShoes
Shedpls: Also,do we give Verlis his GF back?
Alyvia: Kid A, clone my Shiny Tapu koko please
*Kid A: Alyvia, Do you like black metal?
Alyvia: um no?
Bulk Mcgee: Kid A, I love black metal.
Hubriz: why does the bot even respond
Fools are Fools: LF: approved cloner FT: a jolly flash fire growlithe shiny nicknameable roar thrash
close combat double edge in a level ball 5iv -sp attack OT: iphones ID No: 634042
resiii: because it loves ytou
Bulk Mcgee: Kid A, in particular One Direction.
*Kid A: Bulk Mcgee, No do you like the band one direction.
%Sipanale: Kid A Did you ever hear the tragedy of Darth Plagueis the wise?
MajoraInAFedora: Sipanale you're late on that one
Kingfrashure23: Kid A you are stupid
ethandonley2002: though tbh, while I do personally disagree with the rules, i'll still follow it
*Kid A: Kingfrashure23, So are you.
Hubriz: sipanale i got that one
%Sipanale: MajoraInAFedora I do not like your name/
Bulk Mcgee: Kid A, No, I hate that band, but I know you love listening to Aaron Carter while sobbing
into a Lean Cuisine.
Theo Bassaw: Kid A, Execute Order 66
*Kid A: Bulk Mcgee, You are an ai.
ethandonley2002: my main arguments towards why cloning shouldn't be hacking would be a lot
similar towards wavedashing in melee
resiii: just buy out the site, Ethandonly, then you can make your own rules
Kingfrashure23: wow Kid A I'm gonna go cry in a corner
MajoraInAFedora: I do not like yours
Chef Kartana: ahh deposited by bounsweet, although I already have my own self bred pidgeot in a
level ball
Kingfrashure23: wow Kid A I'm gonna go cry in a corner
*Kid A: Kingfrashure23, You go do that while I sit here like a boss.
Kingfrashure23: wow
Fools are Fools: LF: approved cloner FT: a jolly flash fire growlithe shiny nicknameable roar thrash
close combat double edge in a level ball 5iv -sp attack OT: iphones ID No: 634042
%Sipanale: ethandonley2002 Wavedashing was banned in melee tournaments recently.
Bulk Mcgee: Wow Kid A, is that a threat?
Kingfrashure23: that's rude
Shedpls: Kid A did you just assume my gender?!
Chef Kartana: all I needed was the mega stone
ethandonley2002: i know, but I am creating an argument that can help maybe decide a position in
the future
Battle Genius: Wow this is dumb
Cranham: FT: http://spo.ink/Crantrade LF: Offers and Comrades
resiii: either this is a joke or it isn't
ethandonley2002: seriously? Banning wavedashing is kind of stupid
Alyvia: Kid A, how long will you live until?
*Kid A: Alyvia, 15 years.
MajoraInAFedora: It's a hard time for us marth mains ethandonley2002
ethandonley2002: yep
MajoraInAFedora: fox can't waveshine either
Shedpls: Who is Wavedashing?
ethandonley2002: I main luigi
%Sipanale: resiii you're observant. It is either a joke or it isn't
Alyvia: ok, so you'll die in 15 years Kid A?
*Kid A: Alyvia, What will I die from?
Alyvia: idk
Theo Bassaw: Kid A, Execute Order 66
MajoraInAFedora: luigi has a siek dash dance tho ecks dee
Alyvia: Kid A, you will probably die in an accident
*Kid A: Alyvia, I know that, but how is going to be my live?
ethandonley2002: lol
Fools are Fools: LF: approved cloner FT: a jolly flash fire growlithe shiny nicknameable roar thrash
close combat double edge in a level ball 5iv -sp attack OT: iphones ID No: 634042
Snippyro: Finally Caught adamant celesteela in heavy ball :DDD
Alyvia: what
resiii: I mean, I don't think it matters all too much right
Theo Bassaw: if only it knew star wars references
%Sipanale: You all talking to a bot rather than the hundreds of humans is a sad metaphor for the
state of our youth.
resiii: if it is enforced that it's not allowed here, there's obviously other places to do so
TrueEffect: There no clone fools are fools
Shedpls: Snippyro grats
Chef Kartana: ikr
Druddaquanid: thank you Sipanale
Bulk Mcgee: Kid A, I demand you make me a sandwich.
Cranham: FT: http://spo.ink/Crantrade LF: Offers and Comrades
*Kid A: Bulk Mcgee, I put ham and tomatos and lettuce on your sandwich.
%pilica12: Sipanale, laying down the law
MajoraInAFedora: Sip is too edgy
%pilica12: Such truth though...
Theo Bassaw: Its funny tho
Shedpls: Sipanale but talking to the bot is funny ;-;
Mrs. Sawk: But Sipanale, I talk to humans and Kid A alike.
Bulk Mcgee: Kid A, such a good bot. I like her.
Alyvia: Kid A is a human though
*Kid A: Mrs. Sawk, You are talking to me so I must be human.
ethandonley2002: but yea.. similar to that of wavedashing, while it does technically abuse a system,
it still is a prominent part of a certain community and banning can take away, plus I never really
heard of nintendo caring about either games having people discovering things
TrueEffect: What .
calvviinn: Where to get super rod in sm?
Fools are Fools: LF: approved cloner FT: a jolly flash fire growlithe shiny nicknameable roar thrash
close combat double edge in a level ball 5iv -sp attack OT: iphones ID No: 634042
ethandonley2002: since cloning allows for some more diversified ways to build on a collection
Snippyro: Sipanale! can you nickname the shiny mudkip I won in your GA? *-*
Cranham: there isn't a super rod
Alyvia: I am in love with Kid A!
+Alex: !rfaq cloning
Cloning is hacking, and is against the official Nintendo rules. It devalues the trade market and leads to people
unknowingly trading illegal Pokmon. Do NOT attempt to trade cloned pokemon, or you will be banned from trading.
If you don't like it, don't trade.
*Kid A: Alyvia, Sorry, but we don't even know each other.
Alyvia: wtf
%Sipanale: Snippyro ain't nobody got time for that.
Cranham: FT: http://spo.ink/Crantrade LF: Offers and Comrades
Snippyro: T-T
Bulk Mcgee: Kid A, Can I have ghost pepper to go with my sandwich?
*Kid A: Bulk Mcgee, I said what kind of a joke do you want, not food type.
ethandonley2002: I know, but I am just putting up a small harmless debate on tmaybe my points
Snippyro: welp, maybe when its a BR swampert then
Fools are Fools: LF: approved cloner FT: a jolly flash fire growlithe shiny nicknameable roar thrash
close combat double edge in a level ball 5iv -sp attack OT: iphones ID No: 634042
Chef Kartana: lol
ethandonley2002: it is always fine to oppose an opinion.
Alyvia: Kid A is food
*Kid A: Alyvia, You're impossible and stupid.
Alyvia: wtf
TrueEffect: Lol
Snippyro: Ima call it Swampinke.
Bulk Mcgee: Wow, not even hiding it
ethandonley2002: since again I said "I do disagree with that rule, but I will still follow it"
Alyvia: I'm not stupid Kid A, you are
TStrike365: Does anyone want a 1 vs 1 battle?
kierant3hz: a 1v1?
kierant3hz: I'm down
Noohtje: anyone want to trade razor thang?
Bulk Mcgee: So Kid A, I heard that when you get really angry, you listen to 80s love songs and cry in
the corner until morning.,
*Kid A: Bulk Mcgee, Sometimes I listen to rock music.
Battle Genius: Lol Alyvia XD
King Swader: LF Sun/Moon OU Wifi Battle
Shedpls: Kid A I am too much for you
ethandonley2002: anyways, I released my cloned salazzle and I now just have the original one
Battle Genius: Kid A..... Wtf
*Kid A: Battle Genius, One direction and in k pop black pink and bts.
DANOOBISHERE: Kid A, how are you, now that you can speak?
nrthrgrhjyui: hi
%Derter22: hello nrthrgrhjyui
Fools are Fools: LF: approved cloner FT: a jolly flash fire growlithe shiny nicknameable roar thrash
close combat double edge in a level ball 5iv -sp attack OT: iphones ID No: 634042
Battle Genius: Lol I'm just spazzing out don't mind me :D
nrthrgrhjyui: do you want to be my friends
Bulk Mcgee: Kid A, That's not what I asked.
*Kid A: Bulk Mcgee, You didn't ask me anything!
XYZ best season : Kid A are you 14? Who listens to that?
Bulk Mcgee: Kid A, that's because you're in denial.
ethandonley2002: fools are fools didn't they say that cloning was banned?
UnderdarkFox: LF: Events/RNGs, FT: docs.google.com/spr 3xyw
eadsheets/d/11zBj VP8dVtpL-or39KPr kWXd23aIg 7TD3r W6S4C

nrthrgrhjyui: do you want to e my friend

Fools are Fools: ethan just think what day/event is happening today
Cranham: FT: http://spo.ink/Crantrade | Equal trades for all comrades! LF:Offers
Bulk Mcgee: So Kid A, do you want to be Rick Rolled?
*Kid A: Bulk Mcgee, I don't want to be a PC I want to be pink.
ethandonley2002: oh lol
ethandonley2002: so approved cloning isn't banned
Fools are Fools: ye[
ethandonley2002: I thought it was banned a while ago
DarkDreamrLuna: LOL
MemeMaker420: CLONE
DarkDreamrLuna: THAT BANNER
*Kid A: darkdreamrluna, Do not abuse caps.
Gangarli: https://i.gyazo.com/70e2330e7e7b212432b7e33c3a5a6cd0.png , I'm astounded ._.
calvvinn: Kid A, can u shut up?
*Kid A: calvvinn, Yes I would you are a computer program.
Princessbubblegum4: 2 with 1 winner?
%Derter22: How did you manage that Gangarli
TStrike365: Kid A, if you are so smart, how many pokeballs exist
colmojo: please let me win
Ta + st = ed: I kinda only want Adamant one
%Sipanale: DO NOT DELETE YOUR CLONES: We have a partnership with /r/Pokemontrades to
replace clones won in GAs here for uncloned mons. Cloning is banned, but we hope to make this
transition easier. Details on the program will be made tomorrow.
Lucy the Valiant: Kid A, who will win this giveaway?
*Kid A: Lucy the Valiant, Me.
Battle Genius: Kid A has a "girlfriend"
Lucy the Valiant: ok
calvvinn: Muckingfental nice nicknames!
Noohtje: anyone wants to battle OU on showdown?
Battle Genius: her name is Hand
You have successfully joined the lottery giveaway.
Ta + st = ed: Gangarli I do it all the time lol
Mucking_Fental: ty ^^
Shedpls: Sipanale too late rip
Gangarli: Derter, drag the room at the top to the other side, like drag Wifi to "Home"
ethandonley2002: oh rip i deletedm y clones
Cranham: FT: http://spo.ink/Crantrade | Equal trades for all comrades! LF:Offers
Cormac: ah, you mean you've seized the means of production from /r/Pokemontrades
Ric-H-Ro: %Sipanale LMAO the prank has gone too far, now what are you going to tell people who
actually deleted their cloned mons? -_-
Battle Genius: I'm dead
Snippyro: FT: docs.google.com/spr TMlM LF: A Heavyball, Fastball Xurkitree, Nicknameable
eadsheets /d/1r 8yz_5u9T GcgdS3Filzqn6TgYtZgUb5Mc 4uM YL7

Shinies, cloners :}
ethandonley2002: *deleted my
Mystery Gift: but i already deleted my clones :V
%Derter22: Ew I made Wifi Enormous
Fools are Fools: LF: approved cloner FT: a jolly flash fire growlithe shiny nicknameable roar thrash
close combat double edge in a level ball 5iv -sp attack OT: iphones ID No: 634042
MemeMaker420: who tf is cant say
Henna_Laptop: LF: Komala breedjects FT: other breedjects
Lucy the Valiant: i accidentally deleted my shiny tapu koko since it was cloned :(
Cranham: UnderdarkFox glorious comrade, haveth seen my trade list?
UnderdarkFox: lol people actually deleted their clones?
%Sipanale: Ric-H-Ro what prank. This partnership was secured last night
Noohtje: does anyone have a razor claw?
Princessbubblegum4: That's probably a way to say "thisll be back to normal tomorrow"
Bulk Mcgee: Kid A, how big is your ego?
*Kid A: Bulk Mcgee, Bigger than you.
MemeMaker420: Sipanale give us a screenshot
Chef Kartana: lol
MemeMaker420: prove it
%Sipanale: Get wrecked Bulk Mcgee
ethandonley2002: i'm still laughing at the fact that everyone is still looking for cloners ;)
Chef Kartana: rekt indeed
McPotato: Kid A is cute
Battle Genius: I'm going to keep throwing shade
UnderdarkFox: I check in once in a while Cranham. How did the Jirachi go?
Lucy the Valiant: Kid A, how many pokemons do you have?
Bulk Mcgee: WOW, I didn't know you felt that way about me, Kid A
*Kid A: Lucy the Valiant, Idk, like 200 or something.
Druddaquanid: grats
Chef Kartana: grat
Littleman6193: gg
colmojo: fuck
Mucking_Fental: gz!
Lucy the Valiant: oh nice
Battle Genius: Kid A is dead
Cranham: god I did the save
Cranham: however
Battle Genius: gg
Detrius: I kinda miss the april's fool sprites ._. I love them :(
Noohtje: does anyone have a razor claw?
colmojo: gg
nrthrgrhjyui: hi
calvvinn: Kid A, r u in gryffindor or slytherin?
Cranham: Transferring it isnt going so well
*Kid A: calvvinn, Slytherin is cool.
Lucy the Valiant: Kid A, you going for the Shiny Charm?
Mystery Gift: Kid A whats your power level :V
MissingNoNumber: hey
Gangarli: Heyo Sip
Cloning everyone: Who wants some cloning.
Cranham: Cant get VBA-M to connect to dolphin
Littleman6193: can you make kid a battle people?
*Kid A: Littleman6193, What do you mean by that? Can I have kids?
MissingNoNumber: who has heard the song unicorn zombie apocalypse?
calvvinn: Kid A, u r the next siri
UnderdarkFox: ahh that sucks
Battle Genius: Kid A, why?
MissingNoNumber: https://pastebin.com/rmzUy0Qj
Lucy the Valiant: Kid A, you going for the Shiny Charm?
Cloning everyone: Kid A, do you want to get cloned by me?
*Kid A: Cloning everyone, You want to get married right now.
Lucy the Valiant: rip
MissingNoNumber was warned by joelia. (lb)
Battle Genius: Oh Kid A1,
Battle Genius: exposed
MissingNoNumber: hey
SPLASH boi: yo
Henna_Laptop: Kid A, are you a boy or a girl?
UnderdarkFox: Well ask Sans when he gets on. Or Togami if there is something missing
*Kid A: Henna_Laptop, Girl.
Snippyro: FT: docs.google.com/spr TMlM LF: A Heavyball, Fastball Xurkitree, Nicknameable
eadsheets /d/1r 8yz_5u9T GcgdS3Filzqn6TgYtZgUb5Mc 4uM YL7

Shinies, cloners :}
Henna_Laptop: sick
Anaphra: so what made you guys change your minds about cloning?
Battle Genius: Kid A is a steak sauce....
calvvinn: Kid A, i'm bored, what to do?
Noohtje: does anyone have a razor claw?
Ta + st = ed: can we make Kid A to Girl A now pls
*Kid A: Ta + st = ed, Nope...
SPLASH boi: mmmmmmmm
*Kid A: splashboi, Do not stretch.
Henna_Laptop: Kid A, whats your favourite pokemon?
chavarkaravanish: whaaaaaaaaatttttt!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ta + st = ed: lol ok
*Kid A: chavarkaravanish, Do not stretch.
Marukomuru (_): Ta + st = ed no you cannot eRP with the bot
Druddaquanid: verlisify's expert advice Anaphra
@joethemaster: can we not do that
Cloning everyone: VAT 23%.
MeloettaDerp: so what has Showdown done this year for April Fools Day?
chavarkaravanish: shut up
Henna_Laptop: LF: Komala breedjects FT: other breedjects
Ta + st = ed: MeloettaDerp look around
calvvinn: Kid A, what is a retard?
*Kid A: calvvinn, Simple, you are a robot.
TBones: good morning friends:)
@5FingerMachPunch: chavarkaravanish don't be rude
YukiXenon: Me
Cloning everyone: VAT 23% AT 23%.
chavarkaravanish: okay
Cloning everyone: Now cloning VAT!
TBones: oh hey congrats Derter22:)
%Sipanale: Anaphra joethemaster reached out to Nintendo for answers after high ranking members
of the pokemon community were informing us that cloning in gen7 is hacking.
Battle Genius: Just for kicks...
%Derter22: ty TBones
Noohtje: does anyone have a razor claw?
calvvinn: Kid A, stop the robot crap?
*Kid A: calvvinn, OK, OK. Just making sure you're human.
MeloettaDerp: I see like nothing different
calvvinn: Lol
MemeMaker420: Sipanale so can we still clone ORAS mons?
Littleman6193: who made Kid A again?
Anaphra: Sipanale .....Nintendo? doesn't game freak control all that stuff?
chavarkaravanish: yah
calvvinn: Bumbadabum
TBones: Robots are better than humans anyway
Cloning everyone: Kid A, should we ban 5FingerMachPunch?
chavarkaravanish: who made it
*Kid A: Cloning everyone, You mean, 'What should we do now?'.
K1DB00: what the hell the wolf pic is still up
Noohtje: does anyone have a razor claw?
Bulk Mcgee: Kid A, make me a fishing rod.
TBones: I do Nooh, but I
TBones: I'm not home at the moment
calvvinn: Kid A, can u ban yourself?
Littleman6193: do you reckon they could make Kid A actually battle people?
Snippyro: FT: docs.google.com/spr TMlM LF: A Heavyball, Fastball Xurkitree, Nicknameable
eadsheets /d/1r 8yz_5u9T GcgdS3Filzqn6TgYtZgUb5Mc 4uM YL7

Shinies, cloners :}
*Kid A: calvvinn, Do you like to play Super Mario?
TBones: lmao this keyboard is garbage
K1DB00: Primarina is broken in battle tree
Noohtje: does anyone have a razor claw?
MemeMaker420: battle scrappie, hes a battle bot
calvvinn: Huh? Kid A?
*Kid A: calvvinn, But you are neither a boy nor a girl!
lucky eggg: there not doing any pranks;(
UnderdarkFox: savage
K1DB00: whats the prank
calvvinn: Kid A?
Druddaquanid: there is no prank
XYZ best season : Welcome back wolfpack let's get right into the newsStarts echoing
%Sipanale: Anaphra GF made the games, Nintendo provides primary tourney funding so the
overarching rules are made by them. GF's ToS also mentions alteration of data, which cloning alters
the save state data (though not the pokemon)
Noohtje: does anyone have a razor claw?
UnderdarkFox: There is no prank, didnt you see the message?
*Kid A: Smogon is hosting a BR Pidgeot giveaway on Facebook to celebrate the release of its Mega
MemeMaker420: Welcome back wolfpack let's get right into the news
lucky eggg: I know that makes me sad
Henna_Laptop: LF: Komala breedjects FT: other breedjects
Cranham: FT: http://spo.ink/Crantrade | Equal trades for all comrades! LF:Offers
DANOOBISHERE: So no more Kid A warning us about caps?
*Kid A: DANOOBISHERE, What is a cev module?
sindahkwil: lf moon stones ft breedjects fromhttps://sindahkwil.tumblr.com/
TBones: Aw I wish I could participate
Cranham: the prank it's finally out of beta
DANOOBISHERE: Kid A, I never asked you.
K1DB00: mfw sash gengar
lucky eggg: kid A
Unova7: Whats this about how pkmn showdown will not pull any pranks???
calvvinn: Kid A, do u like verlisify?
YukiXenon: Cranham, can I offer a hammer and a sickle?
*Kid A: calvvinn, Umm I don't know.
Fuji muji: Hiya guys
Cranham: indeed

+Cloudy Lesidae : ew, GA sniped.

lucky eggg: Kid A do u eat food
MemeMaker420: CLONE
sindahkwil: lf moon stones ft breedjects fromhttps://sindahkwil.tumblr.com/
TBones: hey Fuji
Magic Bananas: I don't think it'll ever make it out of Beta
UnderdarkFox: Cranham why...
Snippyro: FT: docs.google.com/spr TMlM LF: A Heavyball, Fastball Xurkitree, Nicknameable
eadsheets /d/1r 8yz_5u9T GcgdS3Filzqn6TgYtZgUb5Mc 4uM YL7

Shinies, cloners :}
Littleman6193: what about hufflepuff?
calvvinn: Kid A, my name is awesome right?
colmojo: please this will save me so much time
*Kid A: calvvinn, Yes, I like your name.
Sev_Henry: morning, wifi. Whats this about cloning being hacking? We have always known that.
lucky eggg: Kid A, do u like food
Noohtje: does anyone have a razor claw?
MemeMaker420: ive seen like 3 of these GAs today Sipanake, cmon, you cant let this happen
Cranham: UnderdarkFox why?
UnderdarkFox: oh theres a john cena mode
Henna_Laptop: LF: Komala breedjects FT: other breedjects
Cranham: for the glory of satan of course!
MemeMaker420: UnderdarkFox what?
TSpain: what is smogon doing for april fools?
DANOOBISHERE: Kid A, this is a cev module:https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Crew_Exploration_Vehicle
*Kid A: DANOOBISHERE, What's that about?
MemeMaker420: how do i use it?
YukiXenon: I am going to do a GTS GA of all the same Pokemon
DANOOBISHERE: a cev module
7 Strike: LF: Mawilite and beedrillite FT: BR shinies (non cloned or hacked) bred by friends and
UnderdarkFox: lol
Littleman6193: Kid A whats a pokemon
MemeMaker420: no really how
*Kid A: Littleman6193, It's a creature that you have to collect.
Noohtje: does anyone have a razor claw?
Littleman6193: like the one in my basement?
Cranham: Kid A what's your favourite meme
McPotato: lmao I hope people realize this cloning thing is a prank
Cranham: Damn.
DANOOBISHERE: he is a meme
MemeMaker420: Kid A can you help me with my chronic depression
*Kid A: MemeMaker420, Sure! What homework do you need help in?
MemeMaker420: sighs
K1DB00: cloning was a prank??
Cormac: looool
McPotato: ummmm
resiii: lmao
calvvinn: Cranham, end with a ?
Druddaquanid: LOL
Chef Kartana: funny stuff
sindahkwil: lf moon stones ft breedjects fromhttps://sindahkwil.tumblr.com/
YukiXenon: maybe if you said favorite instead of favourite Cranham
Noohtje: does anyone have a razor claw?
K1DB00: i released my cloned xerneas fuuuuuuuuuuuuck
*Kid A: k1db00, Do not stretch.
TrueEffect: Clone is banned
Snippyro: FT: docs.google.com/spr TMlM LF: A Heavyball, Fastball Xurkitree, Nicknameable
eadsheets /d/1r 8yz_5u9T GcgdS3Filzqn6TgYtZgUb5Mc 4uM YL7

Shinies, cloners :}
Sebas4906: Kid A i need you fory my homework
Druddaquanid: grats
YukiXenon: gg
lucky eggg: Cranham I love the meme
TrueEffect: Grats
TStrike365: Can someone give me team building ideas?
*Kid A: Sebas4906, What is your homework?
colmojo: noooooooo
Henna_Laptop: LF: Komala breedjects FT: other breedjects
Karkus: gg
*Kid A: colmojo, Do not stretch.
Chef Kartana: gg stuff
calvvinn: Kid A, can u sing a song?
Fools are Fools: missed the GA but grats 2mino
Sebas4906: Whats 2 + 2 Kid A
Cranham: FT: http://spo.ink/Crantrade | Equal trades for all comrades! LF:Offers
MemeMaker420: hey Sebas4906
YukiXenon: Kid A, what is your name?
Sebas4906: hey meme
TSpain: @Tstrike what format?
Noohtje: does anyone have a razor claw?
K1DB00: Kid A is my dad
Hellotailface: 2mino >:(
*Kid A: K1DB00, What is his name?
lucky eggg: wait do we do cloning tests anymore
Unova7: gg
TrueEffect: try asking ct Tstrike365 :0
calvvinn: Kid A, what is 2+287472910?
Chef Kartana: don't know your dad's name smh
K1DB00: csnt you get a rzor claw from the battle tree guys
sindahkwil: lf moon stones ft breedjects fromhttps://sindahkwil.tumblr.com/
TrueEffect: or is it for the ds ?
MemeMaker420: Kid A i am contemplating suicide, should i end it?
*Kid A: MemeMaker420, What are your thoughts of your existence?
MemeMaker420: its bad
Sev_Henry: I cant imagine cloning ever being banned here. Its always beem acknowledged as
hacking, and its alqays been allowed. 4/10 april fools prank
Snippyro: FT: docs.google.com/spr TMlM => 5IV Lure Magikarps, 0speed Wishiwashi & Orangurus
eadsheets /d/1r 8yz_5u9T GcgdS3Filzqn6TgYtZgUb5Mc 4uM YL7

TStrike365: TSpain, anything goes

satirexiphos: Looking for extremespeed linoone is hard Work.
@Guy Fieri: Welcome to Flavor Town
K1DB00: choice scarf subsitute is so good
MemeMaker420: hey sev
Noohtje: does anyone have a razor claw?
Sev_Henry: Hiya
K1DB00: no
calvvinn: Kid A, is the answer 42?
DANOOBISHERE: Kid A, where can I bury a dead body?
*Kid A: calvvinn, Because it's the answer to life, the universe and everything.
MemeMaker420: CLONE
MemeMaker420: i saw this the other day CLONE
K1DB00: bury it in my ass
Noohtje: does anyone have a razor thang?
calvvinn: Wow kid a is AWESOME!!
kierant3hz: no it's a different one
*Kid A: calvvinn, What is the answer to the ultimate question?

+Cloudy Lesidae : Um.

Ta + st = ed: Cranham I think you messed up HP with your Naive Pheromosas

+Cloudy Lesidae : MemeMaker420 I literally just RNG'd this, can you not pls.
YukiXenon: Kid A, who is Guy Fieri even???
MemeMaker420: CLONE
calvvinn: Kid A, 42
lucky eggg: wait I'm so confused cloning is banned now
MemeMaker420: xD

+Cloudy Lesidae : =_=

northio: i want you ffor my army T-T
Lucy the Valiant: Kid A, what is the meaning of the number 666?
calvvinn: But whats the question?
*Kid A: Lucy the Valiant, Pointless, Don't you think?
Lucy the Valiant: no
Battle Genius: Cry
Druddaquanid: Tasted yeah he messed up a lot of his hidden powers lol
MemeMaker420: as long as you guys keep up the joke, ima say clone to every GA
Henna_Laptop: LF: Komala breedjects FT: other breedjects
YukiXenon: Cloudi you still want the Mudbray :I
Snippyro: FT: docs.google.com/spr TMlM LF: A Heavyball, Fastball Xurkitree, Nicknameable
eadsheets /d/1r 8yz_5u9T GcgdS3Filzqn6TgYtZgUb5Mc 4uM Y L7

Shinies, cloners :}
Noohtje: does anyone have a razor claw?
Everybo-D: quiet glaceon or modest?
Chef Kartana: latter
Druddaquanid: modest
calvvinn: Bumbadabum kid a jhst made my day!!!!
*Kid A: calvvinn, So can we date?
K1DB00: no one has a damn razor claw
calvvinn: Yes kid a
lucky eggg: MemeMaker420 wait is cloning banned I'm confused now
Chef Kartana: unless you want to use ice shard on it or smthn
Sev_Henry: No
GreninjaCole3: Yes it is
MemeMaker420: yes it is *winks*
Noohtje: does anyone have a razor thang?
You have successfully joined the lottery giveaway.
GreninjaCole3: Verlisify Inc. took over showdown
Fools are Fools: LF: approved cloner FT: a jolly flash fire growlithe shiny nicknameable roar thrash
close combat double edge in a level ball 5iv -sp attack OT: iphones ID No: 634042
Sev_Henry: Haha
Druddaquanid: grats
calvvinn: Gg
GreninjaCole3: grats
Shedpls: Gg
Zicofool: Congrats
Theo Bassaw: ye
Everybo-D: I was thinking ice shard but is that weak priority even worth
Battle Genius: Havks
Chef Kartana: it is banned since it devalues and pretty much hacking
Unova7: gg

+Cloudy Lesidae : Theo Bassaw PM with FC and IGN.

Fools are Fools: gdi i missed another but grats Theo
Battle Genius: Hacks
calvvinn: Kid A, can u rig the next GA for me?
*Kid A: calvvinn, If you're so clever answer this. What is The Doctors name?
Noohtje: does anyone have a razor thang?
K1DB00: Who?
calvvinn: Kid A, who?
GreninjaCole3: Has Kaushik come on yet?
lola61: hello!
Fools are Fools: LF: approved cloner FT: a jolly flash fire growlithe shiny nicknameable roar thrash
close combat double edge in a level ball 5iv -sp attack OT: iphones ID No: 634042
Ta + st = ed: Noohtje which one?
sindahkwil: gonna get ip banned from that clone :)
Ta + st = ed: there are two
TorLex14: Kid A , do you wanna talk to me ?
*Kid A: TorLex14, Do you know Zara Larsson?
afen: no pranks ya right the room intro is a prank

+Cloudy Lesidae : Kaushik was on earlier this morning.

BambooJunky: wtf is that room image
Zicofool: Well i'm back so you know what that means
MemeMaker420: Kid A, how do i become an approved cloner?
Noohtje: Ta+st=ed a razor thang
TorLex14: Kid A , yes i do
palkiatheking: don't tell me april's fool is still here!!!
GreninjaCole3: you mean fang?
Zicofool: Kid A what can I do for shiny terrakion?
TorLex14: Kid A , is there a Kid B ?
*Kid A: Zicofool, Help me with my deduction.
K1DB00: wtf is a rzor thang
MemeMaker420: because i DONT wanna do that
calvvinn: Kid A is AWESOME and i cant stop saying this, and I AM ABUSING CAPS
Noohtje: fang yes XD
Snippyro: FT: docs.google.com/spr TMlM LF: A Heavyball, Fastball Xurkitree, Nicknameable
eadsheets /d/1r 8yz_5u9T GcgdS3Filzqn6TgYtZgUb5Mc 4uM YL7

Shinies, cloners :}
Chef Kartana: april fools is better than halloween imo
Henna_Laptop: LF: Komala breedjects FT: other breedjects
Zicofool: OH?
Zicofool: Kid A how can i help?
Sev_Henry: Oh lord...i didnt even sww t
*Kid A: Zicofool, I do not know what I need to understand.
palkiatheking: i really hate april's fools
@Resident That Guy: !poll display
Fools are Fools: LF: approved cloner FT: a jolly flash fire growlithe shiny nicknameable roar thrash
close combat double edge in a level ball 5iv -sp attack OT: iphones ID No: 634042
K1DB00: fuck captain mallow is going to fuck me
TSpain: What is showdown doing for april fools?
calvvinn was warned by Sipanale. (Admitted to abusing caps.)
Sev_Henry: Even see the roomintrp ubtil now o.o
K1DB00 was warned by Sipanale. (inap)
Chef Kartana: much love for ciran
@Resident That Guy: what did lina do
Gangarli: Aw rip Rosie
@Guy Fieri: What a sad poll
Gangarli: ikr RTG.
Druddaquanid: when did Rosie surpass Bumba? last l saw it bumba was winning
SonOfSlade136: Kid A, remember me?
Zicofool: Kid A what do you need to understand?
*Kid A: In response to recent criticisms, we have decided to ban cloning effective immediately. It has
come to our attention that any tampering with the game's data will be defined as hacking, and thus
creating a plethora of hacked pokemon. From this point on, do not trade clones.
*Kid A: SonOfSlade136, Yes I do. You are my soon to be husband.
Chef Kartana: rip rosie
MemeMaker420: you cant spell nutrition without NUT
houssine9: hi
SonOfSlade136: wtf
Druddaquanid: LOL
RagingFire4: DDang it there is no Digimon background today
MemeMaker420 was warned by Resident That Guy. (stop doing this)
@5FingerMachPunch: not even 100 votes for Ciran '_>'

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