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Worksheet 7

Comparative adjectives
1 Complete the table.

Adjective Comparative Form Remember

cold Colder Short adjectives + -er: cold colder
big Bigger Short adjectives ending in one consonant
difficult More Diffcult double the last letter + -er: big bigger
bad Worse Long adjectives (more than two syllables):
dry Drier more + adjective: more expensive
early Be careful of irregular adjectives e.g. good,
good Better bad
high Higher
hot Hotter
long Longer
More popular
2 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the word in brackets.
1 Britain is hotter (hot) now than at any time before.
2 Its usually colder (cold) in winter than in autumn.
3 Places that are sunny are more popular (popular) than places where it rains a lot.
4 I think the weather is worse (bad) than ten years ago.
5 India is sunnier (sunny) than Britain, but it is also wetter (wet)!
6 The sea is getting higher (high).
7 Summer is shorter (short) now than 25 years ago.

3 Circle the correct form. 4 Circle the odd one out.

1 Its hoter / hotter in July than in September. Example: cold difficult short
2 The weather is badder / worse in London 1 hot big bad
than in my city.
2 dry long new
3 I think its more beautiful / beautifuler
3 popular sunny famous
when it rains.
4 Is it drier / more dry now in the summer? 4 easy early expensive
5 I think summer is getting shorter / more 5 good cold late
short. 6 big wet old
6 Its always raining so its weter / wetter than
earlier / earlyer.

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Adjetivos comparativos
1 Complete la tabla.

2 Completa las frases con la forma correcta de la palabra entre parntesis.

1 Gran Bretaa es ms caliente (caliente) ahora que en cualquier momento antes.
2 Por lo general es ms fro (fro) en invierno que en otoo.
3 Lugares que son soleada son ms populares (popular) de los lugares donde llueve mucho.
4 Creo que el tiempo es peor (malo) que hace diez aos.
5 La India es ms soleado (soleado) de Gran Bretaa, pero es tambin ms hmedo (wet)!
6 El mar es cada vez ms alto (alto).
7 El verano es ms corto (short) ahora que hace 25 aos.

3 Circule la forma correcta.

1 Es hoter / ms caliente en julio que en septiembre.
2 El clima es ms malo / peor en Londres que en mi ciudad.
3 Creo que es ms hermoso / beautifuler
cuando llueve.
4 Es ms seco / ms seco ahora en el verano?
5 Creo que el verano es cada vez ms corto / ms corto.
6 Siempre est lloviendo, as que es weter / hmedo que
anterior / earlyer.

4 Circule el impar hacia fuera.

Ejemplo: fro difcil corta
1 caliente grande y malo
2 nuevos seca prolongada
3 populares soleado famosa
4 fcil temprana caros
5 buenas fra tarde
6 grandes mojada vieja

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