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Top Five Natural Pain Killers For Severe Pain

Aching, agonizing, burning, dull, pounding, sharp, sore, stabbing, throbbing Care to
take a guess what these terms have in common? Yes, theyre the dierent descriptions
for the various types of pain that we know of. They might be of dierent sources, dier-
ent problem areas, but they all make the patient suer and miserable. This rings true
for chronic pain suerers, who know just how dicult it is to maintain their normal lives
whilst dealing with the pain.

How do we categorize pain?

Pain is pain, no matter where it originated or when it occurs. But if we want to be more
technical about it, pain can be categorized into two types. The first type is called the
nociceptive pain, which occurs when theres injury or damaging stimuli to the tissues of
the body. So for example, if you are playing basketball and you suddenly sprain your
ankle whilst jumping, the pain you experience from that is nociceptive. This type of
pain is usually acute and reversible, plus easily treatable.

The second type is called the neuropathic pain, which occurs when theres injury or
damaging stimuli to the nervous system. Any type of injury to the nerves, either in the
central nervous system or peripheral nervous system, would manifest pain. Certain ex-
amples include pain from cancer treatment, nerve compression pain and neuralgia
pain. Of the two types, neuropathic pain, often chronic and irreversible, is considered
to be more dicult to cure.

The feeling of pain is subjective

What might be moderate pain for one person could be severe for another person.
While its easier to categorize the type of pain, the severity can be harder to distinguish.
Only the person feeling the pain knows exactly how it feels. In this thread, you would
see many peoples experiences about cancer pain, but they were mainly spectators of
the patients who were suering from cancer. From their stories, you can actually feel
the pain of their loved ones, so just how much more intense could the pain be for the
patients themselves?

How to deal with severe pain the natural way

There are medications used to treat severe pain, some are easily available in pharma-
cies. But for pain caused by cancer treatment or other diseases, more often than not,
these medications won't work. In hospice settings, patients with cancer are given mor-
phine, a type of opioid, to ease their pain. However, they give them on very limited
dosage only and in the end, the patient might build tolerance for it even. The same
goes for other opioid medications.

It makes sense then to use natural alternatives instead. You don't need to suer or live
with the pain. There are many herbal options that can help you suppress the pain
youre feeling. Together with a healthier lifestyle and diet, give these natural pain killers
a try. Do understand that not all these natural alternatives might work for you. Try one
at a time and listen to your body, it can tell you if you can proceed with the alternative

1. Kombucha

Best For: Pain associated with arthritis or cancer treatment

Origin & Description: The true origin of kombucha is linked to the Chinese, specifically
the region of Manchuria, which existed over 2,000 years ago. In Klaus Kaumans
book, it was said that kombucha was known as the Tea of Immortality during the Tsin
dynasty era. Kombucha is a fermented drink made from tea, sugar and SCOBY (Sym-
biotic Colony of Bacteria and Yeast). Kombucha is commercially available in health
stores but can be quite costly. You can also easily make your own kombucha, as long
as you have those three ingredients mentioned above.

Mechanism of Action: Kombucha is usually mixed with black tea but generally, you
can use any type of tea you prefer. In one study, kombucha was mixed with oak leaves
and the researchers investigated its anti-inflammatory properties thereafter. The result
was that pro-inflammatory cytokines such as IL-6 and TNF-A were greatly reduced af-
ter the introduction of the mixture in the oxidative experiment. One of the main acids
present in kombucha is glucaric acid, which has potent anti-inflammatory actions.

Risks: If you want to maximize the full benefits of kombucha, its a must to hydrate
properly while on this herbal alternative. Since this natural alternative is a detoxifier,
your body needs lots of water in order for it to flush the toxins out. In relation to its
detoxifying eects, you can expect to feel some headaches, diarrhea, skin rashes and
insomnia on your first few weeks of drinking kombucha. If youre planning to make your
own kombucha, make sure you sterilize all equipments that youre going to be using.
Contamination is one of the risks of making your own kombucha tea and it can lead to
serious side eects.

2. Lobelia

Best For: Pain associated with cramps like menstrual cramps or muscle spasms

Origin: Lobelia is a flowering plant and was once unknown to the world as an herbal
alternative. This all changed when the Samuel Thompson, the Father of American
Herbalism, found the innate anti-spasmodic eects of the plant. Initially, Thompson
used the plant to trick his friends into chewing it and vomitting. But then one incident
lead to his discovery of the health benefits of lobelia, when one man who he gave it to
suddenly felt well and good for the first time after a long time.

Mechanism of Action: Lobeline, main compound of lobelia that has anti-spasmodic

activity, attaches to the cholinergic receptors. It induces relaxation by dilating the blood
vessels and decreasing blood pressure. This makes lobelia a natural alternative for
those suering from pain due to spasms. In a recent study, other compounds of lobelia
were tested for their anti-inflammatory eects. The results yielded were that these
compounds work by inhabiting the NF-KB pathway, thereby suppressing the pro-in-
flammatory cytokines such as TNF-A, IL-B and IL-6. Eric Yarnell, a licensed naturo-
pathic physician and registered herbalist, has recommended lobelia to arthritis patients
and they were cured successfully.

Risks: In smaller dosage, lobelia has a rare side eect of inducing vomiting. But in
higher dosage, the possibility of vomiting becomes higher. Other side eects such as
sweating, diarrhea, dizziness and coughing can also be experienced. In exceptionally
high dosage, it can even cause tachycardia, tachypnea and coma. If you want to avoid
these side eects, start with very low doses of lobelia first or better yet, use its tincture

3. Oregano (Leaves/Oil)

Best For: Pain associated with inflammation and cancer treatment

Origin: Oreganos origin can be traced back thousands of years ago. It is believed that
the Greeks were the first to have discovered the amazing health benefits of this herb.
While today oregano is regarded as an important spice for dishes, our ancestors have
already deemed its potential for pain healing even back then. In particular, it is the
leaves of the this flowering plant that is useful for healing pain, also the part where the
oil can be extracted from.

Mechanism of Action: Oregano oil contains carvacrol, a potent anti-inflammatory and

anti-bacterial compound. In a clinical study, carvacrol was given to CFA-induced paw
inflammation mice. They found out how carvacrol works, primarily by reducing the pro-
duction of pro-inflammatory cytokine IL-1B and at the same time, inducing the produc-
tion of anti-inflammatory cytokine IL-10. In another study, the other compounds in
oregano were studied. Their mechanism of action seems to be on the suppression of
nitric oxide production.

Risks: Oregano oil applied topically wont cause much side eects. It can cause aller-
gic reactions to some people who are allergic to the plant. Ingesting oregano can be
more dangerous, as it has a myriad of side eects this way. For instance, it can hinder
your bodys absorption of iron and can therefore cause anemia. It is not recommended
to be ingested by pregnant women as it can cause miscarriages too.

4. Lapacho (Bark)

Best For: Pain associated with arthritis or cancer treatment

Origin: Lapacho is native to South America, specifically to the regions of Argentina,

Brazil and Paraguay. For many years, it has been used by the natives of the region for
illnesses such as colds, arthritis, fever and more. Lapacho goes by many names such
as taheebo, Pau DArco, tajy, to name a few. It is the inner bark of this tree that is
known to have analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties.

Mechanism of Action: B-Lapachone is the main naphthoquinone component of lapa-

cho. Its action is two-fold, which is why lapacho works immensely for pain relief. First,
it suppresses the production of mediators like iNOS, pro-inflammatory cytokines and
MMP. Second, it enhanced the production of mediators like IL-10, HO-1 and TIMP-2.
You can learn more about its mechanism of action in this study.

Risks: Topical agents with lapacho rarely cause any side eects. But if you're planning
on taking it on tea or capsule form, there are some side eects that can be experi-
enced. With high dosage, vomiting, diarrhea and dizziness are some of the side eects.
For those taking blood thinning medication, you won't be able to supplement with la-
pacho as it can lower your blood clotting capabilities even more.

5. Uncaria Tomentosa

Best For: Pain associated with osteoarthritis, ulcers and gastric diseases

Origin: Uncaria tomentosa is commonly referred to as cats claw. It is a native plant to

the regions of central and southern America. Its common name was derived from the
appearance of its thorns, which resemble the claws of the cats. The best feature of this
herb is that every part of it seems to have some health benefit. But if you want to make
use of its analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties, its leaves, inner bark and roots
are your best options.

(Image from Forest & Kim Starr)

Mechanism of Action: The main alkaloid component of the herb is called mitra-
phylline. Its mechanism of action is to modulate the release of various cytokines in-
volved in the inflammation process. These cytokines include IL-1A, IL-1B, IL-17 and
TNF-A. In one study, the bark extract of the herb was tested for its anti-inflammatory
eects. The result was that the inhibitory eect of the part was largely upon the NF-KB
pathway of the inflammation process.

Risks: Like the other herbs, with short-term use and low dosage, uncaria tomentosa
poses little to no risks. But with long-term use and higher dosage, you might experi-
ence vomiting, dizziness and headaches. Those with prescription medication should
avoid using this herb for possible drug interactions. Pregnant women are advised
against this herb for possibility of miscarriages.

Say no to severe pain with these natural alternatives

Ever wanted to live your life without any pain? Ever seen your loved ones suer from
the pain of debilitating diseases? Weve all been there, whether as the direct pain suf-
ferers or spectators to the ones who suer from pain. The good news is, the world is full
of natural herbal alternatives that can treat the pain. We dont have to stand victim to it
anymore, we can take control of our health in the natural way.

Maybe you know of other natural pain killers for severe pain that you can share below.
After all, it is only with each other that we can make this world a better place. Interact
with us using the comments section below and we would try out best to reply to your

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