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Wronskian method for one-dimensional

quantum scattering

Article in American Journal of Physics July 2011

DOI: 10.1119/1.3596393


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1 author:

Francisco Marcelo Fernndez

National University of La Plata


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Wronskian method for one-dimensional quantum scattering
Francisco M. Fernandez
1INIFTA (UNLP, CCT La PlataCONICET), Blvd. 113 y 64 S/N, Sucursal 4, Casilla de Correo 16,
1900 La Plata, Argentina
(Received 5 January 2011; accepted 10 May 2011)
The use of Wronskians with properly chosen linearly independent solutions of the Schrodinger
equation greatly facilitates the calculation of the transmission probability for scattering in one
dimension and also provides a reliable test for the accuracy of the calculation. We apply the
approach to a Gaussian barrier and a Gaussian well, and test its accuracy for an exactly solvable
model. VC 2011 American Association of Physics Teachers.
[DOI: 10.1119/1.3596393]

Wy1 ; y2 y1 y02  y2 y01 (3)
Tunneling is one of the most striking predictions of quan-
tum mechanics and most textbooks discuss the few exactly is the Wronskian or Wronskian determinant.22 It is linear,
solvable one-dimensional models.15 There has been much
interest in the subject616 and in one-dimensional potential Wf1 f2 ; g Wf1 ; g Wf2 ; g; (4)
scattering in general.7,8,1719 Such interest has focused on the
analytical properties of potential scattering,17,19,20 and on the
numerical calculation of transmission probabilities and other Wcf ; g cWf ; g; (5)
quantities related to tunneling and potential scatter-
ing.9,11,12,1416,21 No less interesting is the effect of bound and skew symmetric
states on the scattering by potential wells.18,19
The purpose of this paper is to show that a straightforward Wf ; g Wg; f ; Wf ; f 0; (6)
application of Wronskians, which are well known in the
study of ordinary linear differential equations,5,22 greatly where f, g, f1, and f2 are functions and c is a complex
facilitates the calculation of the transmission probability in constant.
potential scattering. Our discussion is motivated by an earlier By a linear combination of y1(x) and y2(x), we easily
application of Wronskians to the analysis of one-dimensional obtain two new solutions C(x) and S(x) satisfying
models for resonant tunneling reactions.23
In Sec. II we outline the relevant properties of Wron- Cx0 S0 x0 1; C0 x0 Sx0 0 (7)
skians, apply them to the Schrodinger equation for poten-
tial scattering in one dimension and derive matrix
relations for the coefficients of the asymptotic forms of at a given point x0 so that W(C, S) 1 for all x. If we write
the wavefunction to the left and right of the scattering the general solution to Eq. (1) as
center. In Sec. III we specialize to a short-range interac-
tion and derive suitable equations for the transmission yx ACx BSx; (8)
probability. As examples we consider a Gaussian barrier
and a Gaussian well, and an exactly solvable problem. In it follows from Eqs. (4) and (6) that
Sec. IV we summarize the main features of the approach
and discuss why it is suitable for inclusion in a course on
A Wy; S and B WC; y: (9)
quantum mechanics.
Equation (9) is useful for deriving relations between the
II. WRONSKIANS AND THE SCHRODINGER coefficients of the asymptotic expansions of the wavefunc-
EQUATION tion in different regions of space as shown in the following.
To make the paper self-contained we first outline some Additional properties of the Wronskians are available in
properties of Wronskians, which are useful for the study of Ref. 5 and in the more rigorous discussion by Titchmarsh,24
ordinary differential equations22 and for the treatment of the which discusses suitable generalizations of the functions
Schrodinger equation in particular.5,23 To this end, we con- C(x) and S(x).
sider the ordinary second-order differential equation, The time-independent Schrodinger equation for a particle
of mass m in one dimension ( 1 < X < 1) with the poten-
Ly y00 x Qxyx 0: (1) tial V (X) is

If y1 and y2 are two linearly independent solutions, then h2 00

 w X VXwX EwX: (10)
y1 Ly2  y2 Ly1 Wy1 ; y2 0; (2) If we define the dimensionless coordinate x X/L, where L
is an appropriate length scale, we obtain the dimensionless
where eigenvalue equation,

877 Am. J. Phys. 79 (8), August 2011 http://aapt.org/ajp C 2011 American Association of Physics Teachers
V 877
 u00 x vxux u; (11) R J JR1 ; (18)
p which resembles the symplectic condition for a canonical
with ux LwLx, v(x) (mL2/h2 )V(Lx), and  transformation in classical mechanics.25 A matrix that satis-
(mL2E)/ h2 . The choice of the length unit L renders both  fies Eq. (18) is said to be symplectic.25 Equation (16) tells us
and v(x) dimensionless is arbitrary. that the determinant of every symplectic matrix R1, R2, and
In most cases of physical interest we can write the asymp- R is unity.
totic behavior of the dimensionless wavefunction u(x) as If the potential is parity-invariant, v( x) v(x), and
 x0 0, then C2( x) C2(x), S2( x)  S2(x), and
A1 C1 x B1 S1 x x ! 1
ux ! (12)
A3 C3 x B3 S3 x x ! 1:
WC2 ; S1  WC2 ; S3 ; (19a)
In the intermediate region  1 < x < 1 we have
WS2 ; S1  WS3 ; S2 ; (19b)
ux A2 C2 x B2 S2 x: (13) WC1 ; C2  WC2 ; C3 ; (19c)
The forms of the functions Cj(x) and Sj(x) depend on the WC1 ; S2  WC3 ; S2 : (19d)
problem and are real because of the boundary conditions (7).
In contrast, the coefficients Aj and Bj may be complex.
By repeated application of Eq. (9) we can obtain matrix so that we need to calculate only half the total number
expressions connecting the coefficients Ai and Bi in the three of Wronskians. In practice, the Wronskians W(f, g) and
regions, W(f, g) are calculated at xL  x0 and xR  x0 , respectively,
        after verifying that they are constant at such left and right
A1 A2 A2 A3 points to within a given tolerance.
R1 ; R2 ;
B1 B2 B2 B3
A1 A3
We assume that limx!1v(x) v1 and limx!1v(x) v3,
where R R1  R2, and
where v1 and v3 are finite real constants. If v(x) approaches
  those limits sufficiently fast, we know that the asymptotic
WC2 ; S1  WS2 ; S1  behavior of the solution is
WC1 ; C2  WC1 ; S2   0 ik x
  A1 e 1 B01 eik1 x x ! 1
WC2 ; S1 WS2 ; S1 ux ! (20)
lim ; (15a) A03 eik3 x B03 eik3 x x ! 1;
x!1 WC1 ; C2 WC1 ; S2
p p
with k1 2  v1 and k3 2  v3 , provided that
   > max{v1,v3}.
WC3 ; S2 WS3 ; S2 We choose
WC2 ; C3 WC2 ; S3
  sinkj x
WC3 ; S2 WS3 ; S2 Cj x coskj x and Sj x j 1; 3; (21)
lim : (15b) kj
x!1 WC2 ; C3 WC2 ; S3

in Eq. (12) and compare it with Eq. (20) to obtain

The subscripts  and indicate that the Wronskians are cal-    
culated in the limits x !  1 and x ! 1, respectively. If 0 1 Bj 0 1 Bj
Aj Aj  i and Bj Aj i : (22)
we repeat the procedure and obtain the inverse relations, we 2 kj 2 kj
  Suppose that we want to study the scattering of a particle
WC1 ; S2  WS2 ; S1  that comes from the left (x < 0). In such a case B03 0 and
1 ; (16a) the transmission probability is given by
WC1 ; C2  WC2 ; S1 

  k3 jA03 j2
WC2 ; S3 WS3 ; S2 T : (23)
R1 k1 jA01 j2
2 WC2 ; C3 WC3 ; S2
; (16b)
Because B3 ik3A3, we can rewrite the transmission proba-
from which it follows that bility in terms of Aj and Bj using
0 1 A03 2k1 A3
Rj J JR1
j ; J ; (17) 0 : (24)
1 0 A1 k1 A1  iB1

where stands for transpose. Because the skew-symmetric In the intermediate or scattering region we write u(x)
matrix J satisfies J J21  J, we conclude that as in Eq. (13), where C2(x) and S2(x) are two solutions of

878 Am. J. Phys., Vol. 79, No. 8, August 2011 Francisco M. Fernandez 878
the dimensionless Schrodinger equation, which satisfy the integration requires y(x0) and y0 (x0), which are already
Eq. (7). To obtain them we may use a numerical integra- known for the functions C2(x) and S2(x). We propagate the
tion method such as RungeKutta.26 Let y(x) be either solution left and right till the Wronskians appearing in the
C2(x) or S2(x). Typical numerical integration methods matrices (15) are constant up to a given tolerance. Then we
yield y(x) at a set of points x0 6 jh, where j 0,1, and calculate the coefficients A1 and B1 in terms of A3 by means
h is the step size. These methods simultaneously provide of Eq. (14) and finally the transmission coefficient from Eqs.
the derivative of the function y0 (x) at the same set of (23) and (24). The application of the numerical integration
points so that the numerical calculation of the Wron- method is straightforward because all the functions Cj(x) and
skians between the intermediate solutions and the asymp- Sj(x) are real.
totic ones is straightforward. In the simplest case of a parity-invariant potential we need
We used the fourth-order RungeKutta method intrinsic in half of the Wronskians to obtain the matrix R in Eqs. (14)
the computer algebra system Derive.27 The starting point of and (15). The transmission probability is

T h  i ; (25)
WC2 ; C3 2 k12 WC2 ; S3 2 WC3 ; S2 2 k12 WS3 ; S2 2

and we only have to integrate the differential equation for tion, Chalk mentioned the appearance of the Wronskian
C2(x) and S2(x) from x0 0 to the right: xj jh, j 0,1,,N. W(ue, uo) in the numerator of his expression for the ratio of
As an example we choose the Gaussian barrier the coefficients of the plane waves, but apparently over-
looked the Wronskians W(eikx, ue) and W(eikx, uo) in the de-
VX V0 eaX ; (26) nominator. The two main differences between our results
p and Chalks are that he considered a potential given by a
with V0, a > 0. If we set L 1= a, then v(x) v0ex2 and symmetric Gaussian barrier for |x| < b and zero elsewhere
the dimensionless Schrodinger equation depends on only one and he obtained the functions ue(ax) and uo(ax) as a Taylor
potential parameter v0 mV0/(h2 a). Because v1 v3 0, series about the origin. Chalks transmission probabilities ex-
k12 k32 2, where  mE/(h2 a). hibit oscillations that are probably due to the fact that his val-
We choose the integration step size h 0.01 and N 500 ues of b are not large enough. In contrast, we calculated
integration points so that the maximum coordinate value is C2(x) and S2(x) by a numerical integration method to large
x500 5. Figure 1 shows the behavior of C2(x) and S2(x) for coordinate values such that the Wronskians are practically
 1 and the Gaussian barrier with v0 2. In Fig. 2 we see constant (see Fig. 2) and, consequently, the amplitude of any
that the Wronskians approach constants as |x| ! 1 and that spurious oscillation in T() should be of the order of the tol-
x 5 is large enough for an accurate estimate of those limits. erance. This possibility of easily testing the accuracy of the
We thus calculated the transmission coefficients shown in results is a great advantage of the Wronskian method.
(Fig. 3) for three values of v0. Chalk9 calculated the trans- Senn18 and Sprung and Wu19 discussed the effect of bound
mission probability through a Gaussian barrier using expres- states near threshold on the transmission probability across
sions that closely resemble the ones we have derived. For potential wells. They illustrated their results by exactly solv-
example, Chalks functions ue(ax) and uo(ax) are equivalent able problems given by two delta functions18 and the square
to C2(x) and S2(x), respectively, and his Eq. (8) for the trans- well.19 We first consider the exactly solvable problem given
mission probability closely resembles our Eq. (25). In addi- by the potential well,

Fig. 1. (Color online) Functions C2(x) (solid line) and S2(x) (dashed line) for Fig. 2. (Color online) Wronskians for  1 and the Gaussian barrier with
 1 and the Gaussian barrier with v0 2 (solid line). v0 2.

879 Am. J. Phys., Vol. 79, No. 8, August 2011 Francisco M. Fernandez 879
Fig. 5. (Color online) Reflection coefficient calculated numerically for the
Fig. 3. (Color online) The transmission probability for Gaussian barriers Gaussian well with v0 1.342.
and three values of v0.

remains negative for all v0 > 0.) Senn18 and Sprung and
V0 Wu19 discussed the effect of bound states close to threshold
VX  : (27)
coshaX2 in more detail by considering other exactly solvable models.
This exactly solvable problem is useful for testing the ac-
This potential is a member of a family of reflectionless curacy of our program for the calculation of the transmission
potentials constructed with the purpose of studying full probability. We calculate the transmission probability for
transmission of a plane wave through a stratified dielectric v0 2 with the Wronskian method and compare our approxi-
medium.28 If we set L 1/a, v(x)  v0/cosh(x)2 and the mate results with the exact ones in Fig. 4. The error roughly
dimensionless Schrodinger equation depends only on decreases with the energy from 0.45% for  0.01 to
v0 mV0/(h2 a2) and  mE/(h2 a2). In this case the transmis- 4.1  105% for  2.
sion probability is4 If   1, then T  1 for values of k that are not too close
 p 2 to kn (or v0 too close to v0,n n(n 1)/2). Therefore, the
sinh p 2 transmission probability as a function of v0 shows sharp
T  p 2 ; (28) peaks at v0 v0,n if   0. We will also find this behavior in
sinh p 2 sinpk2 the Gaussian well.
 p The Gaussian well is defined by
with k 12 1 1 8v0 . Note that T 1 for all energies
when sin(pk) 0, that is, when k is an integer greater than VX V0 eaX :
one. To understand the meaning of these particular values of
the potential parameter we pay attention to the bound states4 As before, 2we obtain the dimensionless potential
vx v0 ex , where v0 and  are the same as for the Gaus-
n  k  1  n2 n 0; 1;  k  1: (29) sian barrier.
2 By means of a variant of the Wronskian approach for
We see that complete transmission occurs when one of the bound states we calculated the potential parameters v0,n for
excited bound-state energies (n > 0) lies exactly at the onset which n 0; the first three values are v0,1  1.342, v0,2
of the continuous spectrum n 0 in which case  4.325, and v0,3  8.898.29 In this case T is not exactly one
k kn n 1. (The ground-state energy 0  (k  1)2/2

Fig. 6. (Color online) Numerical results for the transmission probability for
Fig. 4. (Color online) Exact (line) and approximate (points) transmission the Gaussian well as a function of the well depth for a small energy value.
probabilities for v(x)  2/cosh(x)2. The vertical lines mark the location of v0,n.

880 Am. J. Phys., Vol. 79, No. 8, August 2011 Francisco M. Fernandez 880
ces.23 We can also apply the Wronskian method to bound
states and calculate their energies by selecting the appropri-
ate asymptotic behavior of the wavefunction that makes it
square integrable.29

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