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I.E.: Alberto Acosta Herrera
rea: ingls Tiempo: 60
Grado/seccin: 5/ nica Docente: Elvis Meja Burga.
Tema asignado: My day
Competencias Capacidades Indicadores
Expresin y Interacta mostrando Intercambia informacin oportuna con su
comprensin inters con su interlocutor sobre actividades y eventos.
oral interlocutor
Comprensin de Infiere el significado Deduce el mensaje de diferentes textos
textos de los textos escritos escritos en tiempo presente simple.
Produccin de Elabora textos escritos Utiliza diversas estructuras gramaticales y
textos con adecuacin, lexicales en la redaccin de textos cortos
cohesin y coherencia usando el tiempo presente simple.

INICIO (15 minutos)
Se saluda a los estudiantes.
Se muestra algunas figuras. Luego, los estudiantes relacionan el sustantivo con
el pronombre respectivo.
Voluntarios salen al frente de la clase, observan un verbo que el docente les
muestra y lo miman. El resto de la clase intenta adivinar el verbo en cuestin.
Se hace lluvia de ideas sobre las siguientes preguntas: What do you do every
day? When do we use do and does? Why do we use s and es at the
end of a verb?
Los estudiantes responden la siguiente pregunta: What do you think is the
topic for today?
Se menciona el propsito de la sesin y se escribe el ttulo del tema en la

DESARROLLO (25 minutos)

El docente recuerda a los estudiantes que durante sesiones anteriores han
trabajado lo referido al tiempo presente simple. Se promueve un repaso
funcional, gramatical y lexical.
Se presente vocabulario relacionado al tema:

Verbs Vocabulary
Read Reads After that.- Despus de
Go Goes Get dressed.- Vestir
Do Does Teeth.- Dientes
play plays Walk.- Caminar
Study Studies Come back.- Regresar / Volver
Watch watches Church.- Iglesia
Dance Dances Dishes.- Platos
Have has Food.- Comida
Finish Finishes Drink.- Beber
Kiss kisses Know.- Saber / Conocer

Con la ayuda de figuras y tarjetas lxicas se explica cmo formar oraciones

afirmativas (enfatizar el uso de s y es en la tercera persona del singular),
negativas, interrogativas y el uso de respuestas cortas afirmativas y negativas.
Los estudiantes cuentan del 1-5 en ingls repetidamente y se forma grupos
acorde al nmero.
Se entrega fichas de trabajo a cada grupo. A continuacin, desarrollan en un
papelgrafo la actividad asignada. Los estudiantes pueden agregar ms
informacin relaciona al tema; pero sin olvidar la adecuacin, cohesin y
coherencia de los textos.
El docente monitorea y acompaa el trabajo de los grupos.

CIERRE (20 minutos)

Los estudiantes exponen sus trabajos y responden algunas interrogantes de
sus compaeros de ser necesario.
El docente brinda retroalimentacin por descubrimiento o reflexiva
Que aprend? Cmo lo aprend? Cmo me sent?

Tarjetas lxicas

Mg. Elvis Meja Burga
Look at the verbs below. Then complete the sentences with the verbs in parenthesis.
Use s or es according to the case:
1. Wake up 5. Have breakfast 9. Come back home
2. Get up 6. Brush his teeth 10. Watch TV
3. Have a shower 7. Walk to school 11. Do his homework
4. Get dressed 8. Have classes 12. Go to bed

Example: He wakes up at 6 oclock in the morning.

First, He ........................ (get up) at six oclock in the morning. And he ........................
(have) a shower. After that, he ........................ (get dressed). Then, he ........................
(eat) breakfast at 6:40 am. And he ........................ (brush) his teeth. After that, he
........................ (walk) to school. And he ........................ (have) classes from 8 oclock in
the morning to 3.30 in the afternoon. Then he ........................ (come) back home at 3.40
and he ........................ (watch) TV for an hour. After that, he ........................ (do) his
homework. Finally, he ........................ (go) to bed at 10 oclock in the evening.


Complete the sentences writing the correct form of the verb in parenthesis.
1. I (not speak) . English.
2. You (not eat) . Fish.
3. The dog (not bark) ..
4. My friend (not like) . Math.
5. My parents (not go) . To the church.
6. We (not study) . French.
7. The teacher (not live) . in Paantam.
8. The children (not play) . volleyball.
9. My classmates (not ride) . a motorcycle.
10. Mary (not wash) . the dishes after lunch.


Read the text below and complete the sentences using do or does.
Carol: . you like Peruvian food?
Marcos: Yes, I do.
Carol: . you know how to cook?
Marcos: No, I dont.
Carol: Ok. . you eat lunch out of home?
Marcos: Yes, I do. I eat lunch in the school or my uncle.
Carol: What about your sister? . she cook at home?
Marcos: No, not really. She eats in the school, too.
Carol: What about breakfast? . you drink coffee, milk or juice?
Marcos: Yes, we do. I drink coffee with milk and my sister drinks orange juice.
Carol: And . she eat fruit in the morning?
Marcos: No, she doesnt. She eats fish.


Give short affirmative answers.
1. Do you study English?
2. Does your friend speak English?
3. Does Elvis teach English?
4. Do you play the guitar?
5. Does she like shopping?
6. Do you like fishing?
7. Does your sister like milk?
8. Do you swim in the river every day?
9. Does the bad fly?
10. Does he watch TV on Sundays?


Give short negative answers.
1. Do you study French?
2. Does your friend speak three languages?
3. Does Elvis teach Communication?
4. Do you play the piano?
5. Does she like shopping?
6. Do you cook every day?
7. Does your sister like coffee?
8. Do you swim in the river on Wednesday morning?
9. Does the dog fly?
10. Does he watch TV every morning?

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