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Pointing tlie (fat) finger

t's hard to keep up wirh so country that brought us Socraces, Aristotle, Homer and even
many dramas on che busi- Euclid, fell for ics own Trojan Horse.
ness front. I'm surprised In the United Scaces, we have finger pointing wich che so
Congress has time to do any- called "flash crash." On May 6, wich oil gushing in the Gulf
thing other rhan grill captains and che Greco wrestling macch happening in Europe, the
ofindustry and regulators about stock market fell dramatically close to 1,000 points on the
what happened, how did it go so Dow Jones Industrial Index before coming back almost as
v\ rong and whac can be done to fix it. fast as it fell. Ic ended che day down "only" 350 points (see
Let's start wich BP Petroleum. The firm has been associ- Trendlines, page 10). Why did this happen? Ac first che "fac fm-
ated with multiple disasters, including che Texas Cicy refineiy ger" reason was opined some large trader hit a 'b' instead
explosion (due to poor maintenance), che Alaskan pipeline leak of an 'm' when inputting a large trade. This was discarded a.s
(due to, well, more poor maintenance) and the currenc debacle soon as it came around.
happening in che Gulf of Mexico. BP especially stands out for Fingers also were pointed at the futures markets, echoes
me as it has requested to pollute Lake Michigan more than ic of the 1987 crash and a desperate move by some in the secu-
already does. Perhaps I should admire the full disclosure, buc rities industry. The most recent explanation, provided by
tliis is a firm with a questionable record. So what happened Mary Schapiro, Securities and Exchange Commission chair-
in the Gulf of Mexico wasn't a surprise, buc the response was. man, at a congressional hearing, was a "confluence of events,
Now BP is pointing che fmger at its rig operator, Transocean which, taken together, exacerbated wliat already had been
Deepwater Horizon drilling company, who is pointing the fin- a down day." That makes sense, and seems to happen regu-
ger at Halliburton (a favorite villain), who allegedly supplied larly. However, both she and Commodity Futures Trading
bad materials. HalliburCon says it followed BP's directions. Commission Chairman Gary Gensler noted that two factors
Meanwhile, more chan 5000 barrels (a low estimate) of oil might have been special exacerbaters: the fact the K\'SE hit its
has gushed into che Gulf of Mexico daily since che explosion mini-circuit breakers, which slowed trading on the Big Board,
(which killed several workers), potentially ruining livelihoods but not on other stock exchanges; and second, trading by high
and killing wildlife across the Gulf region and threatening to frequency traders (yet another favorice villian). which seems to
penecrace the Aclantic Ocean. The Three Scooges' solucions have a large hold on the scock market (it's estimated che vol-
for trying to stop the gush has only accomplished shutting ume done by HFTs is above 60% of all stock exchange volume;
down the effort to expand offshore drilling in the United on the futures side, the CME Group estimates it's close to
States. How, after drilling for decades, does the industry not 40% of exchange volume). Suffice it to say that no one knows
have a solution to fix a breached oil rig pipe? why the market did what c did yet but we certainly have a
Then we have the Greek tragedy in Europe, which actually long list of villains of who did ic.
stepped up to bail out its southern neighbor as well as prom-
ise help CO other troubled European nations, with close to a
Si trillion life line. When Greece's troubles first surfaced, who
did it poinc ics fmger at? Goldman Sachs {another favorite vil-
lain). Apparencly due to Goldman's fast talking bankers, the E-mail me at gszala@futuresmag.com


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8 FUTURES June 2010

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