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Presented by,
S K Veekshith
Robotics is an interdisciplinary branch of Engineering
and Science that includes Mechanical, Electrical,
Electronics and Computer systems along with smart
feedback mechanisms in order to control itself
independently to perform the assigned task(without
human intervention).
It is an advanced step in Automation.
They may or may not resemble the human shape, but
they are associated with movements and decision
making similar to human beings but within their limits
provided( both physical and intellectual).

Tethered and
Loading and unloading
Pick and place
Welding, painting assembly operations
Robot arm
350 B.C.E. Greek mathematician Archytas of Tarentum
constructs a mechanical wooden bird whose movements
are controlled by a jet of steam or compressed air.
322 B.C. The Greek philosopher Aristotle writes...If
every tool, when ordered, or even of its own accord, could
do the work that befits it... then there would be no need
either of apprentices for the master workers or of slaves
for the lords.
725 Chinese engineer Liang Lingzan and Buddhist monk
Yi Xing build a water-driven device with the world's first
clockwork escapement mechanism the first true
mechanical clock.
1495 Leonardos Mechanical Knight

Leonardo Da Vinci
designs a mechanical
device that looks like an
armored knight. The
mechanisms inside
"Leonardo's robots"
were designed to make
the knight move as if
there was a real person
1738 Jacques de Vaucansons Inventions

Jacques de Vaucanson begins

building automata in Grenoble,
France. He builds three in all.
His first was the flute player that
could play twelve songs. This was
closely followed by his second
automaton that played a flute and a
drum or tambourine, but by far his
third was the most famous of them
all. The duck was an example of
Vaucanson's attempt at what he called
"moving anatomy", or modeling
human or animal anatomy with
mechanics." The duck moved,
quacked, flapped its wings and even
ate and digested food.
1738 Jacques de Vaucansons Inventions
1822 Difference Engine
Charles Babbage
demonstrates a prototype of his
"Difference Engine" to the Royal
Astronomical Society. He continues
his work by designing an even more
ambitious project "the Analytical
Engine" that reportedly was to use
punch cards inspired by Joseph
Jacquard's invention. During his
lifetime he never produces a
functional version of either machine.
Despite this shortcoming he is often
heralded as the "Father of the
Computer" and his work lives on as
the foundation for the binary
numbering system that is the basis of
modern computers.
1921 Czech writer Karel Capek introduced the word
"Robot" in his play R.U.R (Rossuum's Universal Robots).
"Robot" in Czech comes from the word "robota", meaning
"compulsory labor".
1940 Issac Asimov produces a series of short stories
about robots starting with A Strange Playfellow (later
renamed Robbie) for Super Science Stories magazine. The
story is about a robot and its affection for a child that it is
bound to protect. Over the next 10 years he produces more
stories about robots that are eventually recompiled into the
volume I, Robot in 1950, his most important contribution to
the history of the robot is the creation of his Three Laws of
Robotics .
1962 The Unimate

The first industrial arm

robot - the Unimate - is
introduced. It is
designed to complete
repetitive or dangerous
tasks on a General
Motors assembly line.
It was invented by
George Devol.
1970 WABOT-1
First full-scale humanoid
intelligent robot and first
android. Its limb control
system allowed it to walk with
the lower limbs, and to grip
and transport objects with
hands, using tactile sensors. Its
vision system allowed it to
measure distances and
directions to objects using
external receptors, artificial
eyes and ears. Its conversation
system allowed it to
communicate with a person in
Japanese, with an artificial
1973 Famulus
First industrial
robot with six
driven axes.

1974 IRB 6
The world's first
microcomputer controlled
electric industrial robot
1989 Genghis
A walking robot named
Genghis is unveiled by
the Mobile Robots
Group at MIT. It
becomes known for the
way it walks, popularly
referred to as the
"Genghis gait".
1996 Robo Tuna

A RoboTuna is designed
and built by David
Barrett for his doctoral
thesis at MIT. It is used
to study the way fish
2000 ASIMO
Honda debuts new
humanoid robot
ASIMO. The Battle bots
event is held in Las
Vegas, Nevada.
LEGO releases the
Robotics Invention
SystemTM 2.0
2003 NASA launches both the Spirit and
Opportunity Mars exploration robot rovers.
SONY releases the AIBO ERS-7, it's 3rd
generation robotic pet.

2004 The robot rover Spirit and

Opportunity land safely on Mars.
Robonaut 2, a human-like robotic assistant
developed jointly by NASA and General Motors, is
launched into space on space shuttle Discovery as
part of the STS-133 mission to become permanent
resident of the International Space Station.
NASA launches the Mars Science Laboratory
Curiosity rover, which will assess the planet's
2014 HitchBOT
2012 The first driverless
car is licensed in Nevada.
2014 hitchBOT, a robot
created by a team of
Canadian researchers,
hitchhikes across
Canada and Europe on a
mission to explore
cultural attitudes toward
social robotics, hitchBOT
was destroyed in
Philadelphia (2015).
2015 NAO Humanoid Robot
25 degrees of freedom.
Voice recognition, color
recognition, express
emotions and voice
Linux OS, embedded
Wi-Fi and CPU.
Developed for research
and academic purposes
around globe.

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