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‘Theorem Proof MTH 513 - Linear Algebra Chapter 4: Determinants Theorem 4.7 For any 4, B € M..,(F), det( AB) = det(4)det(B) Case 1: If-4 is an Elementary Matrix Defa: Elementary Matrix — An nxn matrix is considered to be an clementary matrix if itis, obtained by performing an elementary row operation on the nxn Identity matrix. The elementary matrix is said to be of Type 1 if it interchanges two columns of another nxn matrix; of Type 2 if it multiplies any row of another nn matrix by a non-zero scalar; or of Type 3 if it adds a scalar multiple of one row ofan mn matrix to another row of the @ a) ii) same nxn matrix. If A is an elementary matrix of Type 1, then det(4) = 1, but since the matrix AB is just the matrix B with two of it’s rows switched (By Theorem 3.1), then by Theorem 4.5, det( AB) = —det(B) = -Ldet(B) = det( A) det(B) IfA is an elementary matrix of Type 2, then consider that the :”” row of has been multiplied by c for some scalar, c, Then det(A) =e Proof: ‘Then we choose to expand the determinant along the * row of A. Let A = EM, where E is the Type 2 elementary matrix. So, det(EM) = cy M+ 0m gM et CM y = CCM, My mtg Mg +a MyM) = o(det()) If we let M be the Identity matrix, then det(M) =1. So,det(A) =e. ‘Then, AB is an nxn matrix such that 4B is the matrix B with one row being multiplied by a scalar. Refer to the proof above, to see that: det(AB) = edet(B) = det( A) det(B) If is an elementary matrix of Type 3, then by Theorem 4.6, dei(AB) = det(B) So, we must show that det() =1. Let A multiply the i row of a matrix by c, and add that to the 7” row of the matrix, Thon we can expand the determinant of 4 along the 7" row, as follows: Thus, det(A) = det EM) ny, + CP )M y+ (typ + OM ME py + ant My + eI )M jy = (11M jy + mj ght gM jy) + C(MQM py + MyM py +0 MigAd jn) =det(M) By Corollary to Theorem 4.4 ‘And, letting M-/, we have that det( 4) So, det(AB) = det(B) = 1det(B) = det( A)det(2) Case 2: If A is a matrix such thatrank(A)

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