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cHasR ‘CHILDREN AND FAMILIES ‘TASK FORCE ON THE. DELIVERY OF SOCIAL SERVICES IN NYC ‘COMMITTEES: comes ‘CULTURAL AFFAIRS, TOURISM, PARKS AND RECREATION EDUCATION ELECTIONS ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION FINANCE HOUSING woiciary ‘TRANSPORTATION LIBRARIES SELECT COMMITTEE October 4, 2017 Senator Michael Gianaris New York State Senate 12" Senate District 31-19 Newtown Avenue, Suite 402 Astoria, NY 11102 BY FAX & MAIL Dear Senator Gianaris: THE SENATE, STATE OF NEW YORK TONY AVELLA SENATOR, 11TH DISTRICT ASSISTANT CONFERENCE LEADER FOR POLICY AND ADMINISTRATION OF THE INDEPENDENT DEMOCRATIC CONFERENCE, [ALBANY OFFICE: ROOM 902, LOB ALBANY, NEW YORK 17247 (518) 455-22100FFICE 1518) 426-8736 Fax pisTRIct OFF) 38-50 BELL BOULEVARD SUITES BAYSIDE, NEW YORK 11361 (718) 357-3098 OFFICE (718) 357-3401 Fax INTERNET ADDRESS: AVELLA@NYSENATE. COV 1am writing to express my disgust at what I believe are your continued efforts to spread disinformation regarding the Independent Democratic Conference and purposeful efforts to widen the divide between the Democratic conferences in the Senate for your own personal political gain. Your continued conduct as most recently evidenced during a political event in Sacramento. California, show that you are willing to continue this campaign of disinformation well beyond the boundaries of New York State. I was recently advised by a constituent who attended a fundraiser for Democratic Congresswoman Doris Matsui in Sacramento, that following a polite introduction you chose to embarrass this person by disparaging me when you asked who their State Senator was you responded with “tell Tony to stop caucusing with the Republicans”. As you know, yet continue to purposely misstate, the IDC is its own independent conference and its members donot caucus with the Republican Conference. 1 continue to vote exactly as I have always done. as a proud member of the Democratic Party, and will continue to do so as long as | am fortunate to Serve my constituents in the Senate, I find your continued conduct both disingenuous and disgraceful when your clear intent is to mislead and misinform the public on this issue. This leads me to wonder is your desire for a position of power so blinding that you are willing to purposefully mislead the public. Page 2 October 4, 2017 Ifthe Democrats in the Senate are fortunate enough to retake control of the chamber, I would hope that our colleagues would review your conduct over the past several years and deem you ineligible to be considered as a leader in the Senate. Sincerely Ti te Tony Avella Senator 11" Senatorial District

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