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HTS tsxr

Fire Safcty & Engineering Consultant

To : srar$ooJ Horcl& llc,olr+ \hanghii Rcgionrlomce rSAMpLf for RETLRI\CE,

: Mr. Ross Crowder
From :DC
Date : May 26, 200x Nos. of pages : 27
Distrib tion: O$neris I'roject Teanl c/o Starwood, Hotel-cM/ CE
Projcct : STw ABC Hotel Project (Conversion), ABC, Thailand (SAMPLtr for REFERENCtr)
Fire & Life Safctv Visit- Iteport on Major Issues

A, Ceneral & Remark

We rcJer to the undersigned's sitc visil dated Ma]' I9. 200x (at presencc ofstanvood.s Ross Crowder.

Hotel C.E. and Osner representatives) for general ;nspection and brieflesring ol projec|s exisring FLS
provisions. to cstablish the F-LS requirenie.rs lb. Hotel to open ro guesrs. Ir is noted that tlris ir J
conveNion proiecl wilh building li!ring,out works already (or almost) completed.

Project is undentood largcted to open in Augrrstsept. 200x.

This Repot highlights the critical FLS issues thal need to be recrified/ complered soonesr before IJotel
opens to guests. We recomnend Orvner to engage profcssional turnkcy fire engineerjng contmctor(s). o.
altemali!ely a compelent cons lling cngineer to follorv up u,ith the implenrenlation ofworks. Ccrain
issues are related 1o upgrading or rectification ofexisting insrallatioIrs such as fire dereclion atarm s],srem.
sprinkler s)'slem. etc. and can be catrled out by the contracror u.der appropriate supervision.

- The site visit \las ou. filsl involvement on the project. on rcquesi of Stanood Division Ofitcei Horel
Management. Quite a number of Slar$,ood fLS standards have not been incorporated. h view ofsuch
late project stagc and mosl \\ orks were already done or ncarlo-completion. i1 would be very diillcult/
costly ro achievc full compliance and $,e have used a practical approach in preparaiion otlhis RepoI1.
- Local Fire Dept. approval cenificate has bccn obtained, as adviscd by Holel/ Owner
- It is undersiood that Hotel wants to open ir,^ugr$i 200x. Critical FI-S issues shall be rcctified soonesl lo
achieve minimum Stanvood FI-S standard befor Hotel opens to guesrs. and lor other less c.ilical or
time-consuniing non-compliance items shall be rcctitied within acceptable timeftame.
- The inspection has been significantly linited by time constraints, very liftlc system drawingj
information available and accessibiliti, ofcerlain areas. This Repo{ is intended for highlightirg maior
issucs lioln briefvisit alrd shall not bc trcaled as exhauslive chccking/ listing of atl single itens a.d
areas. I{ecomncnd Hotel ChiefEngineerto follow up wirh derailed sire checking and Sranvood
requiremenls. Project should bc inspected b)' Stanvood approvcd Fire Engineer bclbr.e openilrg to

- The reconmendations paficularly cefain waivers/ rela\a!ions made in this Repor in view ofproject's

STW ABC Hotel Proiect -FLS May 200x

HTS rHxi
Fire Safety & Engincering Consultant

practical consl.ainls are subjecied to Srarvood Regional Ofiice s final decision.

- Iror ludhcr deldils of requiremcnls. please refer 10 Starwood FLS Slandards and NFPA (US) codes.


To cUISTS (this section h'ghlights sunnnarized crilical issues for easy reference, in priorit], of
estirnared wo.k load required; refer to laler scctions for details):

a. Upgmde EVAC (Speaker) Sysiem- Add speaker in eacb guest room. BOH area. and nlissing required
areas. Add amplifiers as necessary to allo\! al1 call' ope.ation. Add manual selector switches in
Tclcphonc Opcmtor Room to allow broadcast to a paticular floor (or individual zone consisling ola
few lloors ofa Block ilrc wiring is dificuh). Complete installation and conmissioD system lor
opemtional ivith full automatic capabililic\.

b. Upgmde Fire DetecrionAlann Systenr- major items include: Replace existingheat deteclors !o smoke

dctcclolsi. most arcas as required. Add smoke dctcclols/ strobe horns/ manual stations in requircd
areas. Modil exisling system alann programning as required. Add Repeater Pancl in
Operator. Upgrade standby battery capacity- System to be comlnissio.ed and put on automatic

c. firc/ SDrokc Conpannentatlon- seal Lrp gaps in fire rated walls and floor slabs including shais, Mll:
rooms, between guest room-shaiis, guesl roon-corridor $,alls- e1c.. AHU/ PAU rooms, gensel room,
fire pump roon. Mair Swiicheear Room, maior M"E planl rooms should be separated $ith fire rated
walis and dooN.

d. Upgrade/ rectify Sprhkler Systen and Slandpipe System. Add sprinklers in mechanical plant rooms.
kitchen hood exhausl drcting, cedain tsOH areas wilh sprinkleN rnissing, inside combustible ceiling
voids, etc.. Rectiry sprinkler delects (overspaced. too low fion ceilins, possible wrong fl pe ln guesr
room sidewall heads, etc.). Add Firc Hose Cabinei to cover all occupied indoor arcas $ilhin l0 m
radius. Chcck pipi.g integriq; carrr_ out anli rud lreatmcnl/ painiing, llush piping and pui systems to

e. Clheck and co mission existirg fire pun1p. Add priming tank lbr suction-lift pumps. Add flowmeter
lbr llolv teslirg and commission systen-

il Dncrgcncy Powcr, Dssenrial Lighting and Emelgcncy Gerset- Add emeryency standby battery lights
in public areas (use flush mountcd ljghts or tJFOs). Check and add in rna.jor egress routes. BOII staiT
areas, major planl roons. c1c.

g. Egress- carry out a thorough sile check on exit signs/ signaee and add as required. Provide floor

STW AB{:l Hotel Proiecl fl-S Ma} 200x

HTS tnxt
Fire Safet] & Engineering Consultant

marking signs irside exit stairwell (referAppendix lor sample)

h. Prcvide LPGCas leakage detection system in kitchens and indoor areas where gas leak/ accumulation
is possiblc. Cas supply to be tdpped automatically.

i. Orhers
- provide Ansul extinguishing system lo. kitchen hoods.
provide podable fire extinguishers as required.
- ensure safety ofLPC system piping and LPG storage facilities.
- prcject shall be inspecled by Starwood approvcd Fire Engineer before opens to gucsts.

B. Maior FLS Issues to be completcd bcfore Hotel opens to gucsts

hote: items with *+ are MUST DO items. Other items may be compleied within an acceptable timeframe

as indicalcd, ifpmctical difficulties erist)

L Sprinklers, Standpipe and Suppression Systems

a. Fire Pump and Supply
General Informalion:
|ire walcr lanh provided- underground 270 cubic m capacity (information froln Projec!Team).
Fire pump (l duq and no standby. diesel. 'Resent' made. Cuflnrins dicscl), No system hydraulic
calculation data available (showing requircd hea.l flow); Test Report nor Pu p Duty Name Plate
(flow rate and pressure head) was available. Pump's name plate indicated 2800 RPM. 'Grundfos'
jockey pLrnp 1.5 kW I cubic m/ftr. 82-8 m. No flowmeter installcd and testing could only be done
based on visual estirnation.

- Fire Pump is end suction type working in suction lin condition. which is not pelmitled in NIrPA (shall
use turbine pump $'hich submerged). In view ofproject's sltuation. will accept if priming
iank (lnin. 500 li!er. 50 lnn dia. Prjming pipe) with low level alalm following European code practicc
can be added- An elect.ic pump oftype acceptable to NI-PA code 10 bc added in future. as dut) or

standby to existing pump.

- F'rom briefrunning test. fire pump's pressure head was 80-90 psi (note: al about 2000-2100 RPM.
lower than rated 2,800) when dmhing at 50 mm dia. pipe plus a 40 nm dia. hose. Wilh building
height of I6 m, the pressure head was noitoo bad, but need 10 verify pump head at a higher flow rate
o1750 1.000 gpm. Should try 10 contacl Fire Pump supplicr lbr punp test data.
- ** Add flowmeter $,ith return pipe to tank for verification ofpump performance (llow ralcs against
head). ShaU check for possible speed con!rol/ govemo./ lucl problem and rectifl' for prooer
functionins as necessary.

ST\\ ABC Hotel Pr^ject-FLS May200x

HTS tnxt
Fire Safety & Enginecring ConsultaDt

b. Stanvood FLS Slandard requires corrplete sprinkler protection th.oLrghour building inlerior, $,irh
pennifted exccpliors ofelectfical swilch rooms. bathrooms/ shalts less than 5 sq.m. and elevaror
mach;re rooms- Before hotel opens. ar least the following areas shall be added with sprinkler. other
areas to be conipleledsilhin I year unless olhenvise approved:
i) ** high temperature sprinklers inside kitchen hood exhaust ducrs- Rcmnrd to Lrse 220-260 deg.C
heads (manufacturers: Viking, lyco/ Centml. etc.) with small acccss panel (sealed by hish
tenperature sealanr to ach'eve liqu'd right/ odor free). Ifdelivery is an ;ssue, will be accepted 10

complele $,ithir 4 monlhs but pipirg to be allowed fimt.

ii). ** All rrechanical p1anl rooms including pump rooms. fan roonls, PAU/ AHU rooms. chiller roon.
Genset Room (notc: no1lo locatc sprinklers directly above genset). etc.
iii) ** ELV equipmeut.ooms (or use FM 200 gas slslem), small stores. etc. To be checked/ added. No

combustible stomge shall be penniited in unsprinklered roonrs.

iv) ** For enclosed corr dors. A relaxation lvill b given to senri open covered corridors (nol
spriiklercd a! present) outside guest roolns and public/ BOH areas [$,ithin I yearl
v) ** inside conibuslible ccili.g voids- For ceiling voids excecding 800 mm deep. shall be done wirhin
3 )ears and not later than conlirg renovation. Cuesl floor ceiling voids may bc cxcnlpled until next

c. ** Shal1 check and update the system piping layout plans (note: drawings including syslen schematic

outdated a.d lar fronl conplcte al p.esenq Hotel Engineering may assist in chasing). Sprinkjers at all
lloors shall be conpleted, charsed-up and kept iD operational (arto) mode.

d. *+ Shall add supervisory signals 'pump running', 'pump iault/ failure' and pump no1 in aulo node'
and repeat to FCC.

e- Cataloguc of side\!all sprinklcr used in guesl rooms indicated a slandard response and standard

coverage sprinkler. Sianvood Standard requi.cs Quick Rcsporse sprinklers inside guest rooms. and
bxtended Coverage sprinklrs shall be used due to ihrolv distance (to $,indo\\, excccds slandard
coverage distance. To verib and replace $'ith Quick Response Exicnded Covemge side$all sprinkler jf
found the installed heads are standard coverage sprinklen f*] Ilfo nd'e\lended coverage'(but not

Quick Rcsponse) sidewall sprinklem have bcc. installed. may accepl be replaced to Quick Response
$il,i1 i )edr. or lierLran.o,ngreno!ar'or.

f. *+ Recti! derncts ofspr'nkler/ standpipe nrstallatior includins:

i) no lower laler sp nklcr provided under large ceiling obstruclions mainly air ducts in tsOH areas and
plant rooms. lb be added \a here obstructionl duct width exceed ing I n. or wherc Lrpper la) er sprinkler
is being obstructed.
;i) *+ Sone spri*lers were found installed too 1o$, fion ccilillg (max. 305 mm). Ib be checked and

STW ABC Hotel Prcject -FLS May 200r

HTS rnxi
Fire Safety & Engineering Consultant

iii) ** u,eldingjoints have been Lrsed lvidely but lois found sratedto rust \r'ithout painring. Shallp.ovide
anti rust paint lreatmenl.
iv) *+ Checu rectify sprinklers for being damaged/ conlaminared by painrl plaster. or recessed too much
inlo false cciling.
v) ** check/ add pipe hangers/ supports as recessary.

g. *+ Add 50 nnn dia. nushillg valvc wilh drain afler cach flowswitch (refer Appendix B). llush piping
lhoroughly. Carry our hydrostatic tesr olmin. L3 8 bar or piping inregrity after insrallarion compleied.

h. *+ FM200 gas extinguishing systems to be completed/' conmissioned in PABX/ Server Rool. Note ro
provid.. evacuation $,arning signs/ flashing lights, and staffl.aining.

i. Add electric firc punip (as duly pump: kceping exisling diesel pump as standby) ofacceprable rype
(turbine pump wilh impeller sLrbmerged) within 2 years. This is sLrbjected to ihe exisli.g diesel pump
can bc proved to *,ork properly.

2. Fire DetectionAlann and EVAC (Speaker) System

General Infomiation:
Fire Delection System- 'Notifier AFP-200' single loop addrcssable panel has been used, but most
detcclo$ are conventional lype connected to modules in zones. The convenlionalsmoke detector in
each guesl room ofBlock A 10 D has been connected to a remote indicator oulside the room for
indication ol which room is acti!ated. Heal delectors instead ofsmoke delcctors have been used in most
non-guesl room areas includinC ofTices. public/ BOH areas. andneed to be replaced by snlokc detectors.
EVAC (Speakct Slstem- Syslln is irdcpcndcnl I'rom fire detection systenr and very little iechnical
infonnation on equipment system was available. EVAC speakcrs missing irr mary areas ;nclrdjng
guesl rooms. BOH areas. e1c.

a. Fire DclsclionAlarn Slslem
i) Remark on General Rcquircnrcnt Starwood SLandard asks lbr complete snokc detector proledion for
all indoor area, except kitchens. carpark, and areasi roons u,ith firmes/ steam- Deteclors na)' be
exempted for semi open corjdols and areas erposed to weather. Smokc delector in guesr room shall be
addressable with buzzer (willtolerate conventional smoke delcctolS in Block A-D unril .cxl renovatior.
in vie\r installatio. alrcady donc). Dach snokc delector should protect max. 85 sq.m. and for areas
alrcady done. will tolemte a max. area of 100 sq.lr1.. Tbe existing installation has quite a number ol
non-co diance items and shall be checked and upgraded.
ii) ** Replace exisring heat detectors by smoke detectors in offices. public/ BOH areas. etc- \a4rere therc is

no fumes/ steam nor exposed to weathe.that may cause nuisancc alarms. Addressable smoke delcctors
must be used for snall rooms and relatively liazardous areas (clectrical rooms, computed IT room. slore

Sl W ABC Hotel l,roject -FLS May 200x

HTS rHxi
Fire Safefy & Engineering Consultant

roons, e1c.). Conventional smoke deteclols (connected in zones) !1,illonly be permined for larse area
spaces where quick identification ofexact fire detector origin is relatively less important.
iii) ++ For Block E where installation srill proceeding, guesi roonrs shall be equipped
wirh addressable
smoke delccto.s equipped wiih soundcr base. For Block Ato D. exisling convenrional smoke dereclors
(with buzzer) can renain and upsrade in next renovation.
iv) *+ Add auto{ripping provision of PAUs, AHUs, main guest room bathroom exhausl fans (on Roo0.
and large ventilalion syslcms.
v) ** Add strobe horns at obvious positions in all public areas including F&B ouilets. Main Lobby.
Banquet (each conipadlnenl), niajor assenbly areas, etc-. May replace selectiveh alarm bells ai
srrategic posilions. Alarm bells nay remajn in usc in BOH areas and gucsl floors. All occupied arcas
including laundry kirchens, etc. should be able to hear alarm soundeN.
vi) ** Add smoke detectors in nissingl ove.spaced indoor areas as required by Starwood Standard.

includes store rooms, M/E rooms. olfices. intemal corridors. etc.. Semi-open colridor and areas
cxposed to weather and sprinkiered toilets,/ bathooms may be exempted. Each major public assembly
area (Main Lobby. F&B outLets, etc.) musl havc al lcast 1 manual stalion located near main exit.

vii) ++ Sepanre sprinkler flowswitch from detector circuit as in cunent irstailation. FCC shall be able to
distinguish alarm between detector. manual pull station and sprinkler flowswitch-
viii) ** Provide prcgramming on fire alarnr control acceplable io Starwood policy. one recommended melhod

Slstem shallbe kept under 'automatic mode at nonnalti'nes. When smoke delector activates, signalwillbe
sent to FCC immediarely; ifduly nallpresses an 'acknowlcdge' button (on FCC Fire Panel) within 20
seconds, alalm sounde.s at the floors should not sound until after 3 minuies' invcstigalion period. If nobody
presses 'acknorv ledge' button (i.e.. request for investigation) within 20 seconds, then I floors' alarm shall
actuale after the 20 seconds period. Smokc dclcclors ma) also have cross-deteciors or alann verificalion
(auto) features to reduce false alarms as local practice. before 3 floo.s'alam is given. Three floo.s' alarm

sounders drould be achrated u,ithout delay when spdnkler now srvitch (shall have 30-,10 seconds dela] b),
itsell or self-resettable verificalion at Fire Panelto reduce mis-actualion alanns). orwhen manualcall point

is aciivated.

ix) Provide ga-s leakage detectorwith auto-trip offuelgas supply in kirchens and where gas accumulation liom
leaks is possible. Alann signals shallbe displayed at FCC.

x) ** Systen to be completed, commissioned and fuily opemtional before Hotel opens.

b. EVAC System
i) Remark on Geneml Requirenent (little technical infonnation on system was available durirg
- Prolidc EVAC speakers at exil stanlvells (mftilnun] onc every alternate floor). Chcck and add EVAC
speakers at normallv occup ied areas mainlythe l:&B outlet. tsanquet. Swimming Pool, Houskeeping Roonr.
Business Centre, public toilels, meetirg rooms. BOH staft areas, office. kitchens. major plant rooms. ofilces,

STW ABC HoieL Projecl IrLS May 200x

HTS rqxt
Fire Safeq & Enginecring Coosullant

EVAC controls and audio ampUfieru shall allow lor manuil selection ofannouncenrent (pre-recordcd
message and mic.ophone) to floors and 'all call . Amplifiers shall have suuicient capacity for 'a:l
- lndividual spcaker zone $,i.ings (ifnot sbarnig $ilh BackgrouDd Music) should be supervised ararnsr open

circuitand shortcircuit. Speakerwiring shallnotbe permitled to have tee-offs (no1e:shouid use loop-through
method fronr speaker 1l) spcakeo and ibr line supervision and servicing purpose. lfdililcult to providc at this
.,.9-. ! rll be dLLcpred r rpg'ddc in con 1! ren. r. ror
- Provide pre-recorded audio nressage for aulo-annoLrncemcnt 0rote: 3 diffe.ent langLrages decided by Hotel
GM.. in I channels srored in memory chip).

ii). ++ Add amplifie$ as liccessar, to allow 'all call'operation. Add manual selector
swilches in
-felephone Opel"tor parlicular
Room to allow broadcast to a floor (or individual zone consisring ofa
fc$ Uoors ofa BIock ifre-w'ring is difficult).
iii). ** Add speaker in each guest .oom, BOH ofices, kilchens. laundr_.,'. staffareas. exir slairwells (min.
one every ahernate floor). major plant rooms and missing rcquired areas.

iv). ** Upgrade EVAC audio aniplifiers to allow'al1 call'annou.ccnent by manual selectio.. Add at least
I no. standby amplifLer. Complete system ;islallalionl cornmissioning and beforc Hotelopens.
!). +* EVAC speakers shall be equipped wirh melal. or at least rigid plastic non-ignitable backbox

vi). ++ Complete installation and commission systen for operationalwlth ful1 aulonatic capabilities.

c. *+ Eneryency battery for Main Fire Panel is considered ioo small in capacily. Check whether EVAC
systeff also backcd-up b]- slandby ballery or tJPS- Both s). stems have to maintain system 24 hrs slandby
plus I hour alarm operation during mains lailure.

d. ** Chcck and p|ovide overide lunction olI]VAC syslem lo lrip local BGM at lirnction rcolns. banquet.

e. ** Add Fire Repealer Panel in lelephone Opemror Room.

f. +* lmprove workmanship ofconduitr lviring/ fixing of detectors/ nodules/ speakem. Some detectors
and speakcN in coffidor were fbund conlaniinated b], insccls/ weather froln spot check, and shall be

checked/ rectified.

3. Fire/ Smoke Companmentation

a. Re ark on Gen cral Rcquircm ent: F ire doo.s of M, equipnrent rooms and e lectrical cab le shafts I .5

hours: shafi doo.s- I hour tbr connecting 3 stories or less. 1.5 hours tbr connccting more than :l stories.
1-hour rated wall ofreasonable snokclight belqeen adjacent guest rooms.

b. ** Seal up gaps in floors,'walls in electrical/ EI-V shans by approved fire sealant. The trunking cavity

STWABC Hotel Project -F'LS May 200x

HTS rlrt
Fire Salet] & Engineering Consultant

shall also be sealed by fire sealant al penelration oft'loor slabsl fire walls. Shall check and seal up gaps
in M/E shafts. plant rooms- etc. lo prcvcnl 1]rc/ smoke spread between floors/ areas.

c. *+ Cuest room-corridor walls have to improve in fire/ smoke seal,up to achieve l-hour fire ralirg. and
1o avoid smoke spreading quickly to block egress corridor

d. Rating ofexisting fire doors of M/B plant rooms. shafts, etc. (note: lhose open 1o exterior not
threatening building jnrerior may bc relaxed) to be verificd for fufherjustificaiion. Non rated doors
in .cquircd areas will have to be rcplaced by fire dools lw'lhin I n1onthsl- Slightly under-mted doors
may be toleraled untilconling renovation.

e. Due to liniilcd access and coveFup by false ceiling, fire dampers inside gucsl roollt ciling void and

olhcr areas could not be checked. Rennrd b check and provide wherc air duci penetrated shaft walls/
2-hour $alls.r floor slabs. [wilhin 6 nonths]

4. Egress
a. ** Check and rectify e\it dooN fbr defcctivc door closers. missing handles, erc..

b. ** Complclc rcquired signage, lloor marking signs (reler sample photo in Appendix), crc in egress
routes including exii slain and exit d'scharge.

c. Reminder: All exit stair and exit discharye doors shall NOT be locked (panic push bar to be added at
final exit dischargc doors ifsecurity is a problem).

and guest floon (note: obvious directional signs at ceiling levelro be addcd 10 irdicate exit stair
localion). Provision ofexil directional signs should be impro!ed/ added in publicl BOH areas. Add
exit sign in large publicr'BOH roons jncluding slaffchanging, kitchens. large meeting roons
(exceedine 50 sq.m or 50 persons), etc.

e. *+ Emergercy batiery lights to be added ;n exit stairwells, cgress coridor, maior egrss routes, etc. as
rlc previously commented. There should not be lighting swirches in exil s1ai.wells/ coridors that
could be switched ofTby anyone walk-by (tampernrs).

5. Emergency Power and Essential Lighting

a. *+ Around 20 30% geneml lightjng 0na) bc less in lighly areas such as Banquei, bulmorc
in egress routes/ stairs ) in public/ B Ol I areas shall be supported by cm crgcncy genset. I 00% in ex ir

STW ABC Hotel Proieci -FLS May 200x

HTS rnxi
Fire Safety & Engineering Consullant

b. ** Add emergency ba1tery lights (90 ninutet in BOH/ public areas, kirchcns. jaundry and egress
roLrlcs, to pro\ridc minim m salety illuminatlon in case ofmains/ gensel failrre.

c. +* cuesi rooln veslibule light (exisring connecting in same cjrcuit with I room light; no need to have
battery) shalleitherturn on aLrtomatically atpower failure (preferably 10 separatc fiorn other room light
to avold guest dislurbance; and get signal from guest roorn disiribulion board), or altematively is ro
have switch be corveniently available to guest e\en in darkness-

c. *+ l he 250 kVA emergency genset shall be tested on load and put on aulomatic to stat dur ing po\\er
failure. Check $'hether all reqLrired essent'alloads (including fire systems. essential lighting, cold stores-
kilchen hoods. PABX,/scNer. a po ion ofdomesiic/ drainage puInps. etc.) havc bcen connecled io
genset supply. Censet changeoler shall be iD automatic mode and u ithin I0,15 seconds (note: about l:l
seconds in resling).

d. ** Stanvood nandard asks for,18 houn luel storage lor energcncy genset. Should try 10 provide nrin.
24iours stomge but rcnri.d to ensu.c fuel safety and secondary contianment.

6. Others
a. Missing FLS provisions such as extinguishers, lloor mark signs, signage boards. elc. halc to be
completcd. Recliry' delects as conmented during inspection.

b- Very liftle systen dra$'ingsi technical inlormation were available al Holel site. Shall try to trace back

the system layoutsi conllgulr1lions on rccord plans for upgmde,/ maintenance purposes.

c. Poor/ insLrlUcient labeling has becn provided forequipnenli installations. Shallprovide proper labeling
for wiring tc ninalions. valves. equipment, indicators/ control swilches, equipmeni. etc. for Fire
Detection, EVAC. fire hydrantl slandpipe/ sptnkler/ syslems.

d. Fuel (l-PG and diesel) safet-y prccedures to be enforced. Explosion proofeleclrical equipment shall be
used inside Ll,G storage room (preferled nol to have Lighting. fans and switchcs inside) and keep dre

arca seni-open to exterior for nalu.al ventilation. Provide bund/ secordary contajnnenl to luel tank
room and fuel rooms.

e. Remind to note Starwood/ basic safety requirement ofswimming pools. pool srclion drains.
nachinc cs. salcly railingi guardrails (nax. gap notto exceed 120 nrn).

C. ttems to be complted within Acccptable Time Frrmc

I Main Lobby wilh bish ceilins- to have sprinklcrs addcd at hjghest areas within I year. ienition sources

STW ABC Llotel Project -FLS May 200x

Fire Salety & Engineering Cotrsultant

(includ;ng candles, Christmas tree electr;c bulbs, etc.) shall berestricted before spriDl{lers can be added.

2. Upgrade fire doors in M/E/ plpe shafts. to minilnum 1.s-hour rated fire doors. [not laterthan nexl
renovation and within 5 yearsl.

l- Upgmde EVAC system to allow 1;ne lnonitoring ofindividual (floor) speaker w;ring circuits. [$,ithin ]

4- All other missing/ non-compliance items should be checked, listed and rectified. Further ;tems for
future upgrade will be after final pre-opening inspection. lwith;n time fmme acceplable to
Starwood Resional Offi cel

Prepared by:

Fire Safety Consultant

STVy ABC Hotel Pro.jecr-FLS Ma) 200\ t0

HTS trrr;
Fire Saleti & Engineering Consultant


PhoLo I 2: Rcson Outlook and Corddor

Photo3&4:T)picalguestroomandvestibulc sidc$all!p nklertobeverifiedofcorrectquickrespo.se

extended-covengc model; EVAC speaker to be added. Exisling convenlional srnoke deteclors io be
upgruded not later than next renovalion. Ensnre al leasl I lighL is connecled to essential cxcuir

back-Lrp by genset.

STw ABC Hotel Projecl FLS May 200x

HTS rsxr
Firc Stfclv & Engineering Consultant

en.'a! a:i r .i::i,:::!,'..iij: ;:

Photo 5 & 6r sidc$all sprinkler in guest room- calalogue said ol 'standard rcsponse and slandard
covemge-nodel. ro be replaced wilh qujck .esponsc Exlended coverage sp.jnklers

Pholo 7 & 8:typical guesl rooln- con\,enlional smoke dctcck]l wilh buih-in bLzzer has been used. 'l here is

re otc indjcator fbr smoke detedor oulside each guest roo]n.

STW AB(l I loiel Pr.iecl-llS M.!200\ l)

HTS tnrt
Fire Safety & Enginccring Consultant


Pholo 9: l&B oullcl cach mLrsl have at least 1 manual pull station and I slrobe (may cornbine wirh hom)
at obvious localion.
Photo l0: Exit signage to be provided for exit stails.

PhoLo I I & l2: li rcrion add I slrobc hom

Banquet and prc in cach sLrb-division ofBanqLrel; add I strobc
ronr rr' l l n r
" pu r. io, irl'(- r .ri n.

STW ABC Hotel Proiect -FLS Ma\'200x ti

HTS inxt
Fire Safety & Engincering CoDsultant

Photo I3: BOH colridor- spdnklers too 1o\\ beloly ceilingt 10 be raised to not morc than i05 mm froni
Photo l4: BOH coridor- sprinklers and srroke deteclors 10 bc added.

Photo l5 & l6:Above ceiline void ofguest roorn bathrconl rYallgaps connecting 10 shafts and coridor
shall be propcrl)' scalcd up to achieve rcquircd lireismoke comapa{mentaiion.

STW ABC Hotel Projed -FLS Ma\'200x t4

HTS orxt
Firc S{lotv & trngineering Consultanf

PIrololT&18:\!allgapsfou.dinsideguestlloorcorridors lo be sealed Lrp properl). Fire danpercould

not be lornd at air ducl penetration through shall walls.

Pholo l9 & 20: Guest floor pipe shafts- man) wall glps $ ere foLrndr 10 Lre \calcd up properly to achjeve
required firel s oke conl paihentatio n. Shaft doors to be Lrpgradcd !o 1.5 hourrating ifco.ncclcd lbr
nro.c than: stories (l hour for i slories or lest..

STW ABC llolel Proiect-FLS May 200x 15

HTS rnxt
Fire Safet) & Engineering Consultant

Phoro 2l:sprinklcr alalnl !alve at h;gh levelin purnp.oom dilficultto access.

Pholo 22: prcssure regulating valves to be commissioncd.

Photo 2l: Main Firc Pancl 'NolifierAFP 200'(single ioop)

Plolo 24i EVAC amplifiers- could not access to inspect and no one ar sjlc k.ew the system configuralion.
To be upgraded as rcquircd.

STW ABC Hotel Proiect -fLS N4a\' 200x 16

HTS tnxl
Firc Stlct! & Engireering Consultant

Pholo 25: LPG leakage detector- to check tbr functions and collrl]lissioned.
Pholo 26: Heai delectors have bccn uscd cxlcnsilely for most areas. which should be rcplaced by smoke
detectors whcrc there is no nLrisance factors (exhaLrst fumes. slerm. clc )

Photo :7 & 28: delecLor and spcdkcr lakcn down lbr inspcction- poor \\irirg workman!hip wilh insects.
clc.. To be checked/ rectified for proper functioning.




Pholo :9: f ire detectior niodulcs/ tcnninations to be tidied Lrp and labeled.

l,hoto l0: fhis ducl probc dclcclor is wrc.gl)_ inllalled (acLuall) not required ilthe IIII room itself is
used as rclunr air plenum. that space smokc dclcctor can seNe ihe purpose).

SrW ABC Ilotel Proiect -fLS N4av 200x 1',]

HTS urxi
I'irc Salet! & Engineering Consultant

Photo : l: Sprinkler floor control valves and flowswitch

Photo i2: ircomplete spri.kler pipe w jth \reldingjoinls; anti-rust paint lo bc applied. Hansei supporrs r)

Pholo 33 & 31: Diesel fire pump $'ith suction lili from underyround tankr priming rank ro bc addcd as

I'hoto l5: Fire punrp conlroller running a.d nouble sigiral ro bc repealed at lLlC
Phoio l6: .Iockey pump

SI W ABC Hotel l,roiect -FLS Mar- 200x 18

HTS ruxr
Fire Safetv & Lngineering Consultant

Pholo 37: F'ire hose rest

Photo l8: High ceiling area olN4ain Lobby- spdnklers to bc ndded al highest poflion.

Pholo l9: pla. showing gucsl lloo. sp .klers.

STw ABC Hotel Projed FLS Ma) 200x l9

HTS tnxt
Fire Safeq & Enginccring Consultant

l'\oro n g,re r l^or tldn. or I'g ti . Jere. r.. rrd.lar n lar.,c'

Pholo ,12 & ,12: Eneryency genset- load rest to be done-

STW ABC Holcl Project -FI-S May 200x

HTS rsrt
Fire Safetv & Enginccring Consultant

Phoo,ll: kitchcn cooking hood- Ansul system to bc added. 220-260 C spri.klers ro be added inside hood
Photo 4:1: Laundry- sprinklels to be checked/ rectified on spacing and nounting height.

PIoro li& 16: IcB\ (ollprerRoorn- \4:00 \'ern obe.^),.n, io-.\

STWADC Holcl Project -Ft-S Ma) 200x 21

IITS orxr
Fire Safety & Engineering Consultanf

Phoio 47: schematic diagl?n showing genset amd essenlial supply.

Photo 48: Schematic showing wet fire l'ighting systems.

STWABC Hotel Proiect -FLS May 200x 22

HTS rsrt
Fire Safety & Engineering Consultant

Appendir B: Technical Illust'ation for Refercnce

L l{1v
in loo mnilin)
rarl tom 17 nJ

ELEVATON VrEW !31:igh r star)

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9ftrvrElt itu.n srat)

rrr:.i, r,ir.rii-!, $nrbr{!
l{allllil.ir!.t.2.2,1,1 llandnil Ddain_. 'x{r

Pictue l: Details of Handrail to be p.ovided al bolh side walls ofexit stair\vells. (reference NFPA l0l)
Piciure 2: Reference- Details of Stainvay marking Sign inside exit stairwell. (reference NFPA 101)

Requirement on Stairwav markinq Sien

'Stur's se^'i gtrwatnolestatie!sha be prctideditithspecialsignagevithinthe enclosure ur eachfloor

landing'rhesigndgeth.tlindbdtethafloorlewl,thetuminus4thetotadbottanafthesta enclaslne dnd

the Llentif.dtion ofthe stat enthsute. The signnee dlsa lha state theloot lerel af, dndttu lnectionta, e\it
di.tchdtge. The signage sha be locatetlinside fie en.lotLrc dpplaximately I525 nndbie th? fl.o/ ldndingih
a pasition that i risible vhen the daot is in the opeh ot clased positian '

STw ABC Hotel Project -FLS May 200x 23

HTS tnxt
Fire Safety & Engineering Consultant

Dre.tar.l er r arce.6lra'e

E 5 !n ,-r e.lel Ptrp.nLlrllar

Florvol peoDle

clr.lld ., ry t d.i*: l8-.1

olJ6l $ il .!l a...ss 1arl
F /--1

Il(;L Rl:,! h.rnrr !a lillr Sig.t.

Pjch e I 5. Aranger. en! of [x it \f lA l0l ) & . \dlpl. o .r .lJ. ,{r ,.1J"1 , r,rr.

STN ABa HotelP{riect lrl.S Mr\'200x

HTS rsrt
Fire Safetv & Engineering Consultrnl

'*q -;- {-j; "- ,t,

:''", ,",'"'.,

5 Fr""*d l!1,.*'"y*,*

Picture 5 & 6:Prefered Arrangement forMeasuring Fire Pump \Valer Flow and Dircct-read lrlorv Meter. Water
should discharge back to wate. tank. (rcference: NFPA l3)

Picture 7: Sprinklers (high tcmperalure 220-260 deg.C) inside kitchen hood c\hiust ducr (note: sprinklers noi

rcquircd under hood rvhereAnsulfixed extuguishnlg s,vslcn shallbc pro!ided for grease cooking boodt
Picture 8: Sprinkler at top and alternate floor of linen chule (indoot (ifexists in buildins).

ST\\ ABC H^te Projecr -l'LS Ma) 200\ 25

HTS tuxt
Firc Safei- & Engineering Consultant

Ansuls\steDr for grease cooking hoods.

STW ABC Hotel l'.oiect -FLS M.v?00\ )6

HTS rnrr
Fire Srfefv & En

Photo 14:50 dia. flush drain and l5 mm dia. test drain valve after sprinklcr llo{ srvitch.

Picrure I5: EVAC speaker shall bc equipped with proleclive backbox cnclosure (meial or at least dgid
non-isnitable plastic)
PictLrre l6: Sounder base for smoke deteclor inside guesl room. Addressable snoke delector 10 bc usd.

STw ABC Hotel Prciect -FLS May 200x 2',7

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