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1. Choose the correct answer (1 x 7 = 7)

a) Hydrogen bomb is based on the principle of
i) Nuclear fusion ii) Nuclear Fission iii) nuclear fusion and nuclear fission iv) none of these
b) The arrangement in which biogas is obtained by the fermentation of biomass is called:
i) Mixing tank ii) Digested tank iii) Biogas plant iv) None of these
c) In an endothermic reaction heat is
i) Absorb ii) liberated iii) give out iv) created
d) Which one is used as cathode in the electrolytic refining of copper?
i) Pure copper ii) impure copper iii) Graphite rod iv) Pure iron
e) Lymphocyte present in the lymph help in
i) carrying O2 ii) carrying CO2 iii) blood clotting iv) fighting infection
f) the reaction 2Al + Fe2O3 Al2O3 + 2Fe is an example of which of the following
i) decomposition reaction ii) displacement iii) combination iv) double displacement
g) calcination is used to concentrate which ore of the following
i) sulphite ii) oxide iii) bauxite iv) carbonate

2. What happens to the resistance as the conductor becomes thinner? (1)

3. When does an electric short circuit occur? (2)
4. State two precautions that should be taken in using fossil fuels to reduce pollution (2)
5. With the help of a labelled diagram, establish the relationship for the equivalent resistance of
three resistance connected in parallel. (4)
6. Give an example of metal which is liquid at room temperature. (1)

7. What is balanced chemical equation? Write balanced equation for the following chemical
reactions. (1 + 1+ 1 = 3)
a) Hydrogen reacts with chlorine producing hydrogen chloride or hydrochloric acid
b) Barium chloride + aluminium barium sulphate -> aluminium chloride + barium sulphate

8. a) what is reactivity series of metals? What will happen if a strip of zinc is immersed in a
solution of copper sulphate? (1 + 1 = 2)
b) Why zinc metal can displaced copper from copper sulphate solution but copper cannot
displace sinc from zinc sulphate solution? (2)

9. Choose the correcct answer (1 x 7= 7)

a) The bending of copper pipe in the form of a coil in a solar heater increases its
i) Price ii) surface area iii) shape iv) none of these
b) To obtain steady generation of electricity in a windmill, the speed of wind should be more
i) 20 km/h ii) 15km/h iii) 25 km/h iv) 30 km/h
c) Reduction is a process which involve
i) Gain of oxygen ii) loss of oxygen iii) loss of hydrogen iv) none of these
d) Which one of the following metals will be displaced from its salt solution by copper?
i) Fe2+ ii) Ag2+ iii) Zn 2+ iv) Al3+
e) Tidal energy can be harnessed by using
i) Bridges ii) roads iii) pipes iv) dams
f) The temperature inside a solar cooker is about
i) 80oC 100oC ii) 100oC 140oC iii) 100oC 120oC iv) 140oC-180oC
g) the voltage of domestic supply in india is
i) 220volts ii) 120volts iii) 230 volts iv) 330 volts

10. Differentiate between inexhaustible and exhaustible natural resources (2)

11. Describe the mechanism of breathing in human beings (3)
How does exchange of gases takes place at tissue level (3)

12. Explain the depletion of ozone layer. Write any two effects of ozone layer depletion (2 + 1 = 3)
Write any three differences between biodegradable and non-biodegradable wastes (3)

13. In series combinations, which remains the same through out the component? (1)
14. State the two advantages of of energy systems using nuclear Fission over fossil fuels (2)
15. A) I) Define electrical energy (1)
II) a torch bulb is rated 4 Volt; 500 mA. Calculate its power ans resistance. (3)
B) I) state joules law of heating. (2)
II) state four reasons why tungsten is used as a filament in an electric bulb. (1/2 x 4 = 2)

16. Describe the method of electrolutic refining of the metals and give a labelled diagram of the
method (3 + 2 = 5)
17. Write the chemical reaction that are taking place in every day life (2 x 3 = 6)
18. 1) Name the enzyme present in the human saliva. What is its function? (1 + 1 = 2)
19. Differentiate between food chain and food web (2)

20. A) with the help of diagram, describe the structure and working of a human heart (2 + 3 = 5)
B) With the help of labelled diagram, describe the structure and function of nephron (2 + 3 = 5)

21. Define (2 x 3 = 6)
i) resistance ii) peristalsis iii) catenation

22. What are metals and non-metals? How does the metallic characters and non-metallic character
of an elements change on moving from left to right in a period? (2 +2 = 4)

23. A) Mention the steps involved in metallurgy (2)

B) which gas is produced when dilute hydrochloric acid is added to a reactive metal? Write the
chemical reaction when iron react with dilute H2SO4 (1 + 2 = 3)

24. Fill in the blanks (1 x 5)

a) Ozone layer is mainly damaged by ..
b) Sodium is kept in .
c) The site of gaseous exchange in lungs is .
d) Conversion of bare or cultivable land into forest is called..
e) Bile is secreted by ..

25. Why do plants look green? Briefly explain the structure of chloroplast. (2 + 3 = 5)
How is haemoglobin associated with respiration? Explain. (5)

26. Mention any two adverse effects of ozone layer depletion on human health (2)
27. How does excretion takes place in a plant (3)
28. State any four limitations of windmill (4)

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