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Chapter 10.

1: Reactions & Equations

Important table to know:
- 10-1, pg 278

Discovery Lab
Colour & Clarity Other Observations


Water + Ammonia

Water + Ammonia +
Water + Ammonia +
Phenolphthalein +
Effervescent tablet

- Chemical Reaction: the process in which atoms of one or more substances
are rearranged to for different substances
- Diatomic molecules: molecules that are found in nature in pairs. They are
o I2, N2, F2, Cl2, O2, H2, Br2. (I Never Fail Class On Holiday Breaks)
**you will need to know these for when you write formulas.

Evidence of a Chemical Reaction

- change in _______________
o _______________ - heat taken in
o _______________ - heat given off
- _______________ energy given off
- _______________ energy given off
- _______________ change takes place

- a _______________ substance is produced
- a _______________ may be given off

Representing Chemical Reactions

Reactants: the _______________ substances in a reaction
Products: the substances _______________ during a reaction

Symbols used in Equations

Symbol Meaning
Separates two or more reactants or
Separates reactants from products

Identifies solid state

identifies liquid state

identifies gaseous state

identifies water solution

Why is an arrow used in an equation rather than an equals sign?

Types of Equations
Word Equations
- Write the names of the chemicals youre combining (_______________), an
arrow (), then the names of the chemicals formed (_______________)
o eg.

Skeleton Equations
- Similar to word equations, but you write the _______________ for the
o eg.

Practice Problems #1-3, page 279

Chemical Equations
- Similar to skeleton equations, but they are _______________.
o See below for example

Balancing Chemical Equations

Coefficient: describes the lowest _______________ - _______________
_______________ of the amounts of all the _______________ and

Example of a balanced chemical equation

- (label the coefficient, atom symbols, state of element & subscripts)

Steps in Balancing a Reaction

1. Write the _______________ _______________ for the reaction.

2. Count the _______________ of each of the elements in the


3. Count the _______________ of each of the elements in the


4. Change the _______________ to make the number of atoms of each
element equal on _______________ _______________ of the equation.
** Never change the _______________
** Start with the elements that are in compounds first it is easier to
change single elements than combined elements.

5. Write the coefficients in their _______________ possible ratio.

6. Check your work.

Practice Problems #4-6, page 282; balancing equations handouts (1 with

skeleton equations, 1 with word problems).

Assessment Questions: #7, 8, 10, 12 page 283; #71 & 75 pages 304 & 305

Chapter 10.2: Types of Reactions

Types of Reactions
- Synthesis: Two elements combine to form one now compound.
_____ + _____ _____

- Combustion: oxygen combines with a substance and releases energy in the

form of _______________ and _______________. Combustion reactions
can also be the same as a _______________ _______________.

Practice Problems #14-17, page 285

- Decomposition: One compound breaks down into two or more elements or

compounds. An energy source is usually needed for this reaction (eg. heat,
light, or electricity)
_____ _____ + _____

Practice Problems #18-20, page 286

- Single-Replacement: atoms of one element replace the atoms of another

element in a compound. _______________ take the place of anions and
_______________ take the place of cations.
_____ + _____ _____ + _____

Not all elements will react. They have to have more energy than the chemical
they will replace in order for a reaction to occur. (see Fig. 10-10 on pg 288)
eg. Lithium can replace Iron; Iron cannot replace Lithium.

Practice Problems #21-23, page 289

- Double-Replacement: involves an exchange of ions between two
compounds. _____ + _____ _____ + _____
A & B = _______________
X & Y = _______________


** When you are rewriting the equations, dont forget what youve learned in
previous chapters you need to make sure the charges of the compounds are
balanced and the whole equation is balanced, too!

Practice Problems #24-26, page 291

Assessment Questions: #29, 30, 31 on page 291; 85a, 86a, 87b, 88a & b, 89a on
page 305
**Make sure you include the states for any element or compound you can!

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