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Notebook Rubric

Students Name: Class: Date:


CATEGORY 4 3 2 1
Heading (H) Heading is Most headers Few headings are No Heading is
complete are complete. complete complete.
everyday. missing
Notes (N) All notes were Some notes Very little notes No notes were
taken; all work were taken; were taken; taken; no work
is shown. some work is minimal work is is shown.
shown. shown.
Diagrams (D) Diagrams are Diagrams are Diagrams are not Diagrams are
drawn/ taped missing taped in/not missing.
in. information. drawn
Neatness/Organization Overall notes Overall Overall notebook Overall
(N/O) are kept very notebook is is kept in below notebook is
neat. All kept a satisfactory unkempt and
assignments are satisfactory condition. Three disorganized.
kept in order. condition. One or Four More than four
or two assignments are assignments
assignments NOT kept in are not kept in
were NOT kept order. order
in order. Notes are not Notes are not
Neatness of always clearly clearly written.
notes varies. written.

Total grade
___ /16
Homework Rubric
0 Homework is not done/not handed in.

Little or no work is shown.

H 70 79% Work is not neat or organized.
O There are few or no correct answers with little or no explanations.
W Most answers are correct with explanations.
O Work is neat and orderly.
R Demonstrates a clear understanding of mathematical concepts and
80 89%
K skills.

All work (at least 90%) is completed and shown with explanations.
Work is neat and orderly.
Demonstrates thorough understanding of the mathematical concept
90 100% and skill.

Reminder: Make sure your name, class, color table, and the assignment number are noted on every
paper you hand in.
Note: Every unexcused absent result one grade-mark down for each day the homework is late.

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