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Scoot and Jigsaw Puzzle of the Regions of Texas

Name: Tiffany Novotny Date:9-11-17 Subject: Social Studies Grade Level: 4th

Interdisciplinary Connections:

Lesson Duration: 60 minutes 9:50-10:50


Students will understand the differences between the four regions of Texas. They will know the different landforms,
climates, economies, major cities, and other interesting facts.

4.7A- The student will describe a variety of regions in Texas and the United States such as political, population, and
economic regions that result from patterns of human activity.
4.7B- The student will identify, locate, and compare the geographic regions of Texas (Mountains and Basins, Great
Plains, North Central Plains, Coastal Plains), including their landforms, climate, and vegetation.
4.8C- The student will explain the geographic factors such as landforms and climate that influence patterns of settlement
and the distribution of population in Texas, past and present.
4.12B - The student will explain how geographic factors such as climate, transportation, and natural resources have
influenced the location of economic activities in Texas.

ELPS 2I: (Listening) Demonstrate listening comprehension by responding to appropriate questions relating to content and
grade-level needs.
ELPS 3E: (Speaking) Ask and explain information using key terms needed in content, and share in cooperative groups.
ELPS 4D: (Reading) Use pre-reading supports such as graphic organizers, illustrations, and pre-taught topic-related
vocabulary to enhance comprehension of written text.
ELPS 5B: (Writing) Write using newly acquired content information, vocabulary and skills.

Use of Formative Assessment to Inform Planning:

Students have been studying regions for two weeks, and this activity will go over every region, to help prepare them for their test on

Class Information:

Technologies and Other Materials /Resources:

smart board
Jigsaw puzzle handouts from TPT (fill in the blank, information passage, assessment, and puzzle pieces)
sheet protectors

Academic Vocabulary:

Sub regions, regions, economic activities, population, manufacturing, agriculture, services, technology,
industries, climate, landforms, location,

Lesson Procedures:


Memory trick with regions of Texas - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JkoPs5cwZso

Higher Level Questions:

Which region do you think would have a major industry through shipping? Coastal Plains because it is connected to the
Gulf of Mexico

Comparing the Great Plains and North Central Plains, in what ways are they alike and what ways are they different?

Which two regions in Texas are least alike? What are their major differences? - mountain and basins is least like coastal
plains because they are the farthest from each other and have different landforms, climates, animals, and plants, and
economies. The Coastal Plains is connected to to the Gulf of Mexico, and is the largest cities in Texas. Mountain and
Basins region has a low population because of the landforms and it is the smallest region in Texas.

Guided Practice:

Does anyone know what subregions are? --- subregions are regions within a region. Show picture from google

Talk about subregions, and explain what they are. Model for students how the group activity will work and explain the individual
assessments after the group work. Also, let them know about the jigsaw puzzle for enrichment. Write on board of list of activities
and set up timer.

Independent Practice:

GROUP ACTIVITY: Split up students into 4 groups. Students will get a fill in the blank handout with each region on it and a short
information passage about a region. Each member will read a paragraph from the passage and discuss as a group about what to fill
in. Each group will have start with a different region of Texas and they will work as a group to fill in the blanks on their handout
for that specific region. When the time is up, they will rotate the region information passage to the next group, this will go on until
each group has all 4 regions completed. 10 minutes for each group rotation.

INDEPENDENT:After each group has read about each region, they will individually test their knowledge with short region

ENRICHMENT: For those who finish the assessment early and there is still time, they can start the region jigsaw puzzle and match
the different region fact pieces to each region. They will do this from their knowledge.


EXIT TICKET: Memory left hand region lesson on their own. Wrap up with keeping the handout that they filled out today to study
for the unit test on Wednesday. Also, dont forget to study your study guide we filled out on Friday.


Enrichment activity for those fast finishers. Jigsaw puzzle of the regions for an extension of this activity.

Assessment Criteria for Success:

Students will be given enough time to discuss and learn about each region with their group. Once done, they will be able to apply their knowledge
on their individual assessment.

Anticipated Difficulties:
Keeping group conversations on task- this is can be a chatty class

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