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LS final

Sabir Salamov Study online at quizlet.com/_3ij6vt

1. audience people who listen or watch a performer 27. consumer (n.) a person who buys goods or uses services
28. demand (v.) to ask for something very firmly
2. embarrass to make someone feel uncomfortable or shy
29. profit (n.) the money that you make in business or by
selling things
3. expose (v.) to show something that is usually hidden
30. fine (n.) a sum of money that must be paid as
4. financial connected with money punishment for breaking a law or rule
31. fair (adj.) acceptable and appropriate in a particular
5. funds (n.) a sum of money that is collected for a particular situation
32. ignore (v.) to pay no attention to something
6. income the money you receive regularly as payment for
33. impact (n.) the powerful effect that something has on
(n.) your work
somebody orsomething
7. model (n.) a good example
34. pollute (v.) to add dirty or harmful substances to land,
8. promote advertise air, water, etc.
35. betterment the process of becoming or making
9. publish (v.) print a book or article (n.) someone or something better
10. threaten to put at risk or in danger 36. stigma (n.) feelings of disapproval about certain
(v.) illnesses or behavior
11. discover to find or learn something that no one knew or 37. take it for be so accustomed to something that you no
(v.) had found before granted (phr.) longer think about its value
12. invention something that is made for the first time 38. developed having many industries and a complicated
(n.) (adj.) economic system
13. investigate to try to find out all the facts about something 39. appropriate suitable or right for a particular situation,
(v.) (adj.) person or use
14. locate (v.) to find the exact position of someone or 40. check up on to make sure someone is behaving well
something (phr.v.)
15. mystery a thing that you cannot understand or explain 41. guilty (adj.) responsible for doing something wrong
42. help out to assist by doing useful jobs
16. previous coming or happening before or earlier (phr.v.)
43. in charge of responsible for something
17. prove (v.) to use facts or evidence to show that something (phr.)
is true
44. influence (v.) to have an effect on
18. reputation the opinion that people in general have about
45. lie (v.) to say something that you know is not true
(n.) someone or something
46. obligation (n.) something that you must do because it is
19. retire (v.) to stop working, usually because you have
your duty or because you promised to do it
reached a certain age
47. sensible (adj.) showing the ability to act in a reasonable
20. solve (v.) to find a way of dealing with a problem or
48. trust (v.) to believe someone is honest and reliable
21. deflect (v.) to prevent something from being directed
toward you 49. acquire (v.) to get or obtain something

22. lava (n.) hot liquid rock that comes out of a volcano 50. circumstances the facts that are true in a particular situation
23. outrun (v.) to run faster than
51. complicated difficult to understand
24. retreat (v.) to move away or back
25. solidify (v.) to become solid
52. destructive causing a lot of harm or damage
26. benefit (n.) an advantage that something gives you (adj.)
53. dramatic (adj.) very significant 79. achieve (v.) reach
54. get used to to become familiar with 80. determination the quality that makes you continue trying
(phr.) (n.) to do something even when this is difficult
55. immediate happening or done without delay 81. downside (n.) disadvantage
82. frustrating (adj.) causing you to feel annoyed and
56. inherit (v.) to receive property or money from impatient
someone who has died
83. give up (phr.v.) to stop doing something
57. pleasure (n.) a feeling of being happy or enjoying
84. goal (n.) something that you hope to achieve
85. measure (v.) to judge the importance, value or effect
58. wear off (phr. to go away a little at a time
of something
86. realistic (adj.) sensible and appropriate; possible to
59. analysis (n.) the careful examination of something
60. associated connected to; involved with
87. ruin (v.) to spoil something
(adj.+prep.) 88. status (n.) position

61. burn out to become very tired though overwork 89. develop (v.) improve
(phr.v) 90. emphasize (v.) to give particular importance or attention
62. conduct (v.) to do, carry out, or organize something to something

63. demonstrate to show clearly that something exists or is 91. fear (v.) to be frightened of somebody/something
(v.) ture; to prove something 92. lack (v.) the state of not having something or not
64. independence the state of being free and not controlled having enough of something
(n.) by another person 93. permit (v.) allow
65. outcome (n.) a result or effect of an action or event 94. preparation (n.) the act or process of getting ready for
66. persuasive able to make someone do or believe something
(adj.) something 95. top (adj.) highest in position, rank or degree
67. somewhat a little 96. turn down to not accept an offer or request
(adv.) (phr.v.)
68. wholly (adv.) completely; fully 97. CEO (n.) chief executive officer (the
69. collateral (n.) property or something person with the highest rank in a business)
valuable that you plan to give to someone if 98. perk (n.) something extra you receive
you cannot pay back money that you in addition to your wages for doing a
borrow particular job
70. creditworthy able to be trusted to pay back money that is 99. puts himself at avoids having a close relationship with
(adj.) owed arm's length someone
71. hustle (v.) sell something (idm.)

72. profound very great 100. walks the walk acts in a way
(adj.) (idm.) that shows people you are really good
at what you do, and not just good at
73. taken hold become strong
talking about it
101. acknowledge to accept that something is true
74. welfare (n.) money the government pays regularly to
people who are poor, sick, unemployed, etc.
102. address (v.) to think about a problem or a situation
75. blown away impressed by someone or something
and decide how to deal with it
103. aspect (n.) a particular part or feature of a situation,
76. mayhem (n.) confusion
idea, or problem
77. pit crews (n.) teams of people that work on race cars
104. criticism (n.) the act of expressing disapproval of
78. tinker (v.) repair things someone or something
105. exemplify to be an example of something 128. open-minded willing to accept new ideas or opinions
(v.) (adj.)
106. expert (n.) a person with special knowledge, skill, or 129. point out to make something clear
training in something (phr.v)
107. favoritism giving unfair advantages to the people who 130. recognize (v.) acknowledge
(n.) you like best clearly, internationally
108. issue (n.) an important topic that people discuss or 131. stifle (v.) to prevent something from happening
argue about
132. stimulating causing enthusiasm and interest
109. negotiate to try to reach an agreement by formal (adj.)
(v.) discussion
133. stumble find by accident
110. outline (v.) to give the most important facts or ideas upon (phr.v.)
about something
134. turn out happen with a particular result
111. potential the possibility of happening or becoming (phr.v.)
(n.) something
135. anecdote (n.) little-known, entertaining facts of history or
112. staff (n.) the group of people who work for an biography
136. appropriate right for the particular situation
113. advance (v.) to make progress in a career (adj.)
114. assess (v.) to make a judgment about someone or 137. associate (v.) to make a connection in your mind
138. cautious careful about what you say or do
115. capable having the ability or qualities necessary to do (adj.)
(adj.) something
139. conduct (v.) to organize and do something
116. contact (n.) a person what you know, especially somebody
140. cycle (n.) a series of events that always repeat in the
who can be helpful to you in
same order
your work
141. enthusiasm a strong feeling of excitement and interest in
117. effective producing the result that is wanted or
(n.) something
(adj.) intended
142. investor (n.) a person who puts money into a company to
118. ethical morally good or correct
make a profit
143. morale (n.) the way a group feels at a particular time
119. executive a person who has an important job as a
(n.) manager of a company or 144. norm (n.) a situation or pattern of behavior that is
organization normal

120. perspective a way of thinking about something 145. reward (n.) something that is given to someone for
(n.) doing a good job

121. style (n.) the way in which something is done 146. trend (n.) a general change or development

122. title (n.) a word or phrase that show a person's 147. clutter (n.) things that make a place messy
rank,profession,or status 148. efficiency (n.) the ability to work well without wasting time
123. bias (n.) an unfair personal opinion that influences your or energy
judgment 149. filthy (adj.) dirty
124. chaos (n.) a big mess 150. tidy (adj.) arranged in good order; neat
125. embrace to accept an idea with enthuiasm 151. assume (v.) to think something is true although you have
(v.) fully, genuinely no proof
126. inflexible unwilling to change 152. carefree happy because there are no worries or
(adj.) (adj.) problems
127. moderately fairly,but not very 153. contradiction the fact of two things being opposite of
(adv.) (n.) each other or not matching
154. contribute to be one of the causes of something
155. initiation (n.) the act of someone becoming a member of a 181. convention a large meeting or conference
group (n.)
156. marker (n.) a sign that shows the position of something 182. development change or growth experienced by someone
157. milestone a very important state or event in the
(n.) development of something 183. encounter an unexpected meeting
158. morally according to principles of good behavior and
(adv.) what is considered to be right or wrong 184. expand (v.) to make bigger in size
159. pinpoint (v.) to find and show an exact time or place 185. generation all of the people born at about the same
(n.) time
160. run (v.) to manage or control something
186. panel (n.) a group of people who are chosen to
161. transition (v.) change from one state or condition to
discuss or answer questions about
162. barrier (n.) a thing or situation that makes something
187. recall (v.) to remember something
difficult or impossible
188. series (n.) a number of books telling stories about the
163. burden (n.) a responsibility that causes difficulty or hard
same characters
189. take note of to pay close attention something
164. confusion the state of being uncertain or not clear
190. amateur (n.) a person who does an activity for
165. frustration to feel angry about something because you
enjoyment, not as a job
(n.) feel it is unfair
191. apprentice someone who works for an expert to learn a
166. guidance help or advance
(n.) trade; learner
192. clone (v.) to produce an exact copy of something
167. in charge of in control of something or someone
(phr.) 193. gallery (n.) a room or building for showing works of art,
especially to the public
168. isolation (n.) the state of being seperate from other
people or being alone 194. identify with to feel that you understand and share the
(phr.v.) feelings of somebody else
169. resent (v.) a feeling of anger or disappointment
195. marketing the act of presenting, advertising, and selling
170. reverse (v.) to change something to the opposite
(n.) a product
171. satisfaction a feeling of pleasure when you get something
196. operation a business or company
(n.) you wanted
172. sibling (n.) a brother or sister
197. overseas in or to another country
173. the flip side a different way of looking at an idea, (adv.)
(phr.) argument, or action
198. regard (v.) to think of somebody or something in a
174. incorrigible having bad habits that cannot be changed or particular way
(adj.) improved
199. unique (adj.) being the only one of its kind
175. priority (n.) something that is more important than other
200. architecture the style or design of a building or buildings
176. punch a work a conventional job with regular hours
201. developer a person or company who plans new
time clock
(n.) projects, such as buildings
202. reclaimed used for a new purpose
177. tech-savvy knowing a lot about technology
203. specimen (n.) a single example of something, especially an
178. appreciation the feeling of being thankful for something
animal or a plant
204. timber (n.) a long, heavy piece of wood used in building
179. breed (n.) a particular type of something
a house or ship
180. circulation the passing of something from one person to
205. deliberately done in a way that was planned, not by
(n.) another
(adv.) chance
206. in your face obvious 233. climb the to make progress in a career muchlike
(phr.) ladder (phr.) using a ladder (climbing device) to move
207. palatable having a pleasant or acceptable taste
(adj.) 234. count on (phr. to rely on someone or something
208. stimulating making you feel more excited and healthy
(adj.) 235. currently at the present time
209. adverse (adj.) making something difficult
236. devote (v.) to give a lot of time or energy to
210. artificial (adj.) not natural; made by people
211. consist of to be made up of
237. loyal (adj.) not changing your friendship or beliefs
238. model (n.) a simple description of a system
212. consume (v) to eat or drink something
239. radically (adv.) very great (used about change)
213. identical exactly the same as something else
(adj.) 240. stable (adj.) not likely to move, change, or end
214. optimal (adj.) the best possible 241. structure (n.) the way the parts of something are put
together or organized
215. controversy public discussion and disagreement
(n.) 242. commensurate matching something in size, importance,
(adj.) quality, etc.
216. significant great or important
(adj) 243. disingenuous not sincere, especially when you pretend
(adj.) to know less about something than you
217. substantial very large or important amount
really do
244. exacerbate (v.) make a problem worse
218. superfluous more than what you need or want
(adj.) 245. interns (n.) people, usually students, who often work
for free while learning about a job or
219. alter (v.) to make something different
220. commodity something that you buy or sell
246. sue (v.) to make a claim against somebody in court
about something that they have said or
221. compound to make something worse done to harm you
247. commute (n.) to travel from home to work every day by
222. debate (n.) a general discussion or disagreement about car, bus, or train
248. concept (n.) an idea or basic principle
223. disturbing making someone worried or upset
249. dare (v.) to be brave enough to do something
250. face (v.) to deal with something unpleasant
224. ethics (n.) moral beliefs about what is right and wrong
251. figure (v.) to think or guess
225. hurdle (n.) a problem that you must overcome
252. log (v.) to keep a written record of something
226. modification a small change made to something
(n.) 253. particular one specific person, place, thing, or time
227. reaction (n.) something you do or say because of
something that has happened 254. peer (n.) people who are of the same age or social
228. trait (n.) characteristic
255. point (n.) the purpose of something
229. ultimate (adj.) the greatest, best, or worst
256. rigorous (adj.) strict or demanding
230. advancement a move forward
(n.) 257. serve him well be an advantage to someone
231. attitude (n.) the way you think, feel, or behave toward
someone or something 258. stand out to be easily seen or noticed
232. career path the progression someone makes through his
(n.) or her profession 259. frivolous (adj.) silly, unnecessary
260. leverage (n.) the ability to influence 288. conclude (v.) to reach a belief or opinion as a result of
what people do thought or study
261. steer clear avoid a person who 289. dominate (v.) to have more power or skill and to control
(phr.) may cause problems someone or something with it
262. tack (n.) stickiness 290. era (n.) a defined period of time in history
263. adhesive (n.) glue 291. funding (n.) money given to support an event, program,
or organization
264. exploit (v.) to use something for benefit
292. integral (adj.) being an important, basic part of something
265. flammable easily burns
(adj.) 293. intensity (n.) a quality of great strength or seriousness
266. inadvertent not done on purpose 294. invest (v.) to put money, effort, time, etc., into
(adj.) something good or useful
267. inconceivable hard to imagine 295. modest (adj.) not talking much about one's own abilities
(adj.) or possessions
268. interact (v.) talk with other people 296. ambition (n.) a strong desire to achieve a goal
269. mandatory required 297. burnout (n.) a state of being very tired or sick because
(adj.) you have worked too hard
270. obvious (adj.) easy to see, understand 298. escalate (v.) to become or make something greater,
worse, or more serious
271. synthetic not natural
(adj.) 299. former (adj.) of an earlier time
272. unreliable cannot be depended on 300. fundamental important or basic
(adj.) (adj.)
273. vastly (adv.) very greatly 301. journalist (n.) a person whose career is to collect
information and write news stories
274. ache (v.) to feel a dull, continuous pain
302. obsession (n.) the state of being able to only think of one
275. adopt (v.) to become the legal parent of a child who is
not your own
303. reasonable fair, practical, or sensible
276. alert (adj.) quick to notice things; aware
277. biological connected by direct genetic relationship
304. regret (v.) to feel sorry or sad about something; to
wish that you had not done something
278. deprived without enough food, money, or other basic
305. spectator (n.) a person who watches a sport
(adj.) things
306. ultimately in the end
279. face to face close together and looking at each other
307. vulnerable easy to hurt; open to danger
280. in all very likely to happen
(phr.) 308. prod (n.) an effort to make someone do something
he or she may not want to do
281. miracle (n.) a lucky event that you did not expect or
think was possible 309. temper a sudden burst of anger, especially in a
tantrum (n.) child
282. odds (n.) the chance of something happening
310. turn off (phr. find something uninteresting
283. reunion (n.) a social event for a group of people who
have not seen each other for a long time
311. boundary (n.) a real or imaginary border; a dividing line
284. apex (n.) the highest or best part of something
312. consciousness the state of being aware of something
285. beneficiary a person or group who gains (usually
(n.) money) as a result of something
313. external (adj.) happening or coming from outside a place
286. brutal (adj.) extremely difficult or painful
or your situation
287. collapse (v.) to fall down suddenly
314. fascinating extremely interesting 344. demographics data relating to populations and groups
(adj.) (n.) of people
315. function (n.) the purpose of someone or something 345. enticing (adj.) very attractive and interesting
316. insight (n.) an understanding of what something is like 346. range (n.) a variety of things or experiences of a
particular type
317. overall (adj.) general; considering everything
347. raise awareness to increase knowledge of or interest in
318. perceptions awareness; how things are noticed by the
(phr.) (something)
(n.) senses
348. ecological (adj.) connected to the relation of living things
319. recovery (n.) the process of becoming well again after
to each other and to their environment
an illness or an injury
349. atmosphere (n.) a mood or feeling in a particular location
320. regain (v.) get back something you no longer have,
especially an ability or quality 350. collaboration the act of working together
321. structure (n.) the way in which the parts of something are
arranged or organized 351. coordinator (n.) a person who manages
322. tranquil (adj.) quiet; peaceful 352. exhibit (n.) a show or display
323. imitating duplicating 353. familiarize (v.) get acquainted with conditions
324. gesticulated made signs 354. impact (n.) a powerful effect of one thing on
something else
325. incident accident
355. interactive (adj.) involving the input or actions of audience
326. intense powerful
members nature
327. adequate sufficient
356. outreach (n.) designed to provide a service to
328. invariably consistently underprivileged people in a community
329. outburst quick explosion of feeling 357. pioneer (v.) to be the first to try something
330. tangible clearly visible or concrete 358. resources (n.) materials that can be used to help
331. revealed explained, shown achieve a goal

332. persist keep up 359. restore (v.) repair; return to its original condition

333. fragment little piece 360. site (n.) a place or location testing

334. sentiment emotion 361. boat people (n.) who escape their country in small boats
to find safety in another country
335. demeaning insulting or disrespectful
(adj.) 362. enriching (adj.) improving the quality of something

336. dementia (n.) serious mental disorder caused by brain 363. irrigation (n.) a system of pipes used to supply water
disease or injury that affects the ability to to an area of land
think, remember, and behave 364. mass exodus (n.) situation in which many people leave a
337. incompetence lack of skill or ability to do your job or a place at the same time
(n.) task as it should be done 365. transformational causing a complete change in someone
338. preservation the act of maintaining something in its (n.)
(n.) original state or in good condition 366. backwards (adv.) in the opposite direction from the usual
339. validate (v.) to state officially that something is useful one
and of acceptable standard 367. detect (v.) discover or notice something, especially
340. immerse to become completely involved in something that is not easy to see, hear,
oneself in something etc.
(phr.) 368. flicker (v.) move with small, quick movements
341. diverse (adj.) very different from each other 369. shutter speed the length of time that a camera's shutter
342. expedition (n.) an organized journey with a particular (n.) (the part that allows light through the
purpose lens) remains open

343. prompt (v.) to make somebody decide to do 370. spoke (n.) a thin piece of metal that connects the
(something) center of a wheel to its outer edge
371. adapt (v.) to change in order to be more suitable for a new situation
372. camouflage (n.) the way in which an animal's color or shape matches its surroundings and makes it difficult to be seen
373. elaborate (adj.) complicated; done or planned carefully
374. infinite (adj.) without end or limits
375. mature (v.) to become fully grown or developed
376. mimic (v.) to copy the behavior of someone or something
377. obvious (adj.) easily seen or understood; clear
378. predator (n.) animals that kill and eat other animals
379. prey (n.) animals that are hunted, killed, and eaten by other animals
380. resemble (v.) to be or look like something or someone else
381. survival (n.) the state of continuing to exist
382. virtually (adv.) almost or nearly
383. accurate (adj.) correct and true
384. adversary (n.) an enemy
385. capability (n.) having qualities or resources necessary to do something
386. caught off guard (phr.) unaware of what was coming next
387. distract (v.) to take your attention away from something
388. enhance (v.) to improve the quality of
389. illusion (n.) visual trick
390. manipulate (v.) to control or influence someone in a skillful way
391. objective (n.) planned purpose or goal
392. operation (n.) an organized activity involving many parts
393. revolution (n.) a complete change in methods
394. utilize (v.) to make use of

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