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Student Employee Absence/Shift Switching Request Guidelines

General Guidelines
 Requests must be submitted to the supervisor one week in advance of the missed shift.
 Requests must be submitted to the supervisor’s mailbox or in person.

 Forms for sick absences must be turned in during the student’s first returning shift.
 If the student has a doctor’s note, it should be attached to the absence request form.
 Students are allowed three sick absences per semester. After the third sick absence, a doctor’s excuse (from the
campus nurse or other physician) is required to miss the shift without penalty.

Social Tickets
 A social absence is any activity that is NOT required by a professor, coach, scholarship program, convocation, or
academic department. This includes dances, movie nights, shopping trips, sorority meetings and events, club
meetings, or other social events (as determined by the supervisor).
 Students are given three Social Tickets per semester (they do not roll over into the next semester).
 Social tickets must be attached to the absence request form to use.
 A student using a social ticket must work a make-up shift.
 A student may switch shifts with an eligible coworker for equal hours instead of using a social ticket.

School-Required Absence
 A school-required absence is considered any activity that is required by a professor, coach, scholarship program,
convocation, or academic department (as determined by the supervisor).
 Such school activities are always excused – per university guidelines – but they are also often scheduled in
advance and students should give notice as soon as possible.
 Completing homework, group meetings, tutoring, and study sessions are NOT excused.

Switching Shifts
 A student may switch shifts with an eligible coworker for equal hours.
 Any coworkers with whom a student is switching shifts must also sign the form.

Revised 07/29/10
Student Employee Absence/Shift Switching Request
Must be submitted to the supervisor one week before the missed shift for approval.
See guidelines on the back of this form for more information.

Employee Information
Employee Name: Employee ID#:

Employee Phone: Today’s Date:

Reason For Absence (check appropriate box and fill out any additional information)
 Illness – Doctor’s Note? (attach if yes)
 Social Ticket – (attach ticket)
 School-Required – What activity?
 Switching Shifts – Switching with whom?
 Other – Explain:
Shifts Absent
Shift 1 (date, times): Total hours missed:
Shift 2 (date, times): Total hours missed:
Shift 3 (date, times): Total hours missed:

Intended Makeup Shift(s)

Shift 1 (date, times): Total hours made up:
Shift 2 (date, times): Total hours made up:
Shift 3 (date, times): Total hours made up:

Acknowledgement of Receipt of Request

Employee Signature 1: Date:

Employee Signature 2: (if switching shifts) Date:
Supervisor Signature: Date:

 
Approved Not Approved

Revised 07/29/10

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