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Sl. No. Name of Centre Sub. Code & Sub. Code Syllabus for Entrance Examination Pattern of

1 School of Computer & Master of Computer Syllabus: General aptitude, reasoning and 10+2 and Bachelors level mathematics and Computer Science as per the topics specified as under: Paper will
Systems Sciences Applications- MCAM Objective
Maths: Differential and Integral Calculus, Vector Algebra, Trigonometry, 2D-3-D Geometry, Modern Algebra, Numerical Analysis, Probability & Statistics, Real Analysis, Theory of
(SC&SS) (224) type
Real Function

Computer Science: Digital Systems Design & Architecture, Programming (C), Data Structures, Operating Systems, Discrete Mathematics.

(The question paper will comprise 100 multiple choice questions. 1 mark will be awarded for each correct answer)

Sl. No. Name of Centre Sub. Code & Sub. Code Syllabus for Entrance Examination Pattern of

1 Syllabus: 50% of the questions will be from Research Methodology and remaining 50% from Bachelors/Masters level mathematics and Computer Science. The topics for both are Paper will
School of Computer & M.Phil/Ph.D - SCSP (158) specified as under: Objective
Systems Sciences Research Methodology: Experimental Design; Fundamentals of Sampling; Data: types, quality, measurement; Processing and Analysis of data; Hypothesis Testing (parametric,
(SC&SS) nonparametric).

Maths: Integral and Differential Calculus, Linear Algebra, Numerical Analysis, Algebra (Group theory, etc.)

Computer Science: Data Structures and Algorithms, C/C++, Operating Systems, Discrete Mathematics, Automata Theory, Computer Architecture, Computer Networks, Database
Management System.

(The question paper will comprise 100 multiple choice questions. 1 mark will be awarded for each correct answer)

M.Tech. (Computer Science and Technology)

Sl. No. Name of Centre Sub. Code & Sub. Code Syllabus for Entrance Examination Pattern of

1 Syllabus: General aptitude, reasoning and Bachelors/Masters level Mathematics and Computer Science as per the topics specified as under: Paper will
School of Computer & M.Tech MTCT (157) Objective
Maths: Differential and Integral Calculus, Vector Spaces (Linear Algebra), Numerical Analysis, Algebra (group theory, etc.).
Systems Sciences
(SC&SS) Computer Science: Data structures, Programming Languages (C, C++), Algorithms, Operating Systems, Database Management System, Computer Architecture, Computer Network,
Discrete Mathematics, Automata Theory.
(The question paper will comprise 100 multiple choice questions. 1 mark will be awarded for each correct answer and negative mark of 0.25 for each incorrect answer.)
M.Tech. (Statistical Computing)

Sl. No. Name of Centre Sub. Code & Sub. Code Syllabus for Entrance Examination Pattern of

1 School of Computer & Part A Paper will

Systems Sciences Statistical Computing Objective
(SC&SS) (Data Science) - MTST
Syllabus: General aptitude, reasoning, and Bachelors/Masters level mathematics, Statistics and Computer Science as per the topics specified below:
Maths and Stats: Probability, Statistics, Operations Research, Real Analysis, Linear Algebra.
Statistical Computing
(Data Communication) Computer Science: Data Structures, C, C++, Operating Systems, Automata Theory, Discrete Mathematics, Compute Architecture, Systems Programming, Digital Systems Design.
MTDT (189)
Part B
Syllabus for Data Science Stream Data Bases, Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning, Data Warehousing, Data Mining.

Syllabus for Data communication stream- Computer Networks, Network Security, Network Programming, Mobile Computing, Wireless Communication.

(The question paper will comprise 100 multiple choice questions. 1 mark will be awarded for each correct answer and negative mark of 0.25 for each incorrect answer. The
question paper will be divided in two parts (Part A and Part B)).


Sl. No. Name of Centre Sub. Code & Sub. Code Syllabus for Entrance Examination Pattern of

1 School of Computer & Syllabus: 50% of the questions will be from Research Methodology and remaining 50% from Masters level Computer Science. The topics for both are specified as under: Paper will be
Systems Sciences SCSH (890) type
Research Methodology: Experimental Design; Fundamentals of Sampling; Data: types, quality, measurement; Processing and Analysis of data; Hypothesis Testing (parametric,

Computer Science: Data Structures, Computer Networks, Automata Theory, Computer Architecture, Database Management System, C/C++.

(The question paper of 2 hours duration will comprise 60 multiple choice questions. 1 mark will be awarded for each correct answer)

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