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Journal of

An integrated analysis of the effects of past land use on

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Ecology 2003
91, 731742 forest herb colonization at the landscape scale
Laboratory for Forest, Nature and Landscape Research, University of Leuven, V. Decosterstraat 102, B-3000 Leuven,
Belgium, and *Patuxent Wildlife Research Center, US Geological Survey, 11530 American Holly Drive, Laurel, MD
20708, USA

1 A framework that summarizes the direct and indirect effects of past land use on forest
herb recolonization is proposed, and used to analyse the colonization patterns of forest
understorey herbaceous species in a 360-ha mixed forest, grassland and arable land-
scape in the Dijle river valley (central Belgium).
2 Fine-scale distribution maps were constructed for 14 species. The species were
mapped in 15 946 forest plots and outside forests (along parcel margins) in 5188 plots.
Forest stands varied in age between 1 and more than 224 years. Detailed land-use his-
tory data were combined with the species distribution maps to identify species-specific
colonization sources and to calculate colonization distances.
3 The six most frequent species were selected for more detailed statistical analysis.
4 Logistic regression models indicated that species frequency in forest parcels was a
function of secondary forest age, distance from the nearest colonization source and
their interaction. Similar age and distance effects were found within hedgerows.
5 In 199 forest stands, data about soils, canopy structure and the cover of competitive
species were collected. The relative importance of habitat quality and spatio-temporal
isolation for the colonization of the forest herb species was quantified using structural
equation modelling (SEM), within the framework proposed for the effects of past land
6 The results of the SEM indicate that, except for the better colonizing species, the
measured habitat quality variables are of minor importance in explaining colonization
patterns, compared with the combination of secondary forest age and distance from col-
onization sources.
7 Our results suggest the existence of a two-stage colonization process in which
diaspore availability determines the initial pattern, which is affected by environmental
sorting at later stages.
Key-words: Adoxa, Arum, dispersal limitation, forest herbs, Geum, historical ecology,
Lamium, landscape ecology, Primula, Ranunculus, secondary forest succession, structural
equation modelling
Journal of Ecology (2003) 91, 731742

the first to challenge the traditional view of niche-

assembled plant communities. By elaborating on the
A better understanding of colonization processes is different processes involved in colonization (the pro-
critical to understanding the general patterns and proc- duction of viable diaspores, dispersal in space and time,
esses in plant communities. Grubb (1977) was among germination requirements, establishment of seedlings
and the further development of the immature plant),
Grubb stated that, at the local scale, differential colon-
Correspondence: Kris Verheyen, Laboratory for Forest,
Nature and Landscape Research, University of Leuven, V. ization capacities of plant species are of crucial import-
2003 British Decosterstraat 102, B-3000 Leuven, Belgium ance for the coexistence of large numbers of species with
Ecological Society (e-mail kris.verheyen@agr.kuleuven.ac.be). similar resource requirements. Twenty years later, a
K. Verheyen et al.

Fig. 1 Model hypothesizing the effects of past land use on forest herb species colonization. COLONIZATION (the frequency of
colonizing forest herbs) is a latent variable, while the variables in octagons are statistical composites: LAND USE = land-use
history and spatial isolation, SOIL = soil conditions and CANOPY = canopy structure. Variables shown in boxes are the
measured variables: forest age = secondary forest age; distance = species-specific distances from colonization sources; texture
= soil texture; moisture = soil moisture; pH = soil pH; shrub BA = log-transformed basal area of the shrubs; cover
competitives = the cover of competitive herbs and colonization frequency = ln-transformed frequency of the colonizing forest
herbs. Double-headed arrows represent correlations between independent variables, while single-headed arrows describe
assumed causal relationships.

growing body of literature confirms Grubbs thesis. It sphate, generally increase (Koerner et al. 1997; Honnay
has been demonstrated that dispersal is a key factor in et al. 1999). In conjunction with a still open canopy,
community assembly. Evidence comes from observa- these promote the vigorous growth of competitive
tional studies (e.g. Hubbell et al. 1999), experimental species (sensu Grime et al. 1988) such as Urtica (Pigott
studies (e.g. Turnbull et al. 2000) and mathematical 1971), which may, in turn, hamper the recruitment of
models (e.g. Tilman 1994). forest species. More recently, however, both observa-
Most data concern established communities per- tional studies (Matlack 1994; Grashof-Bokdam 1997;
petuated by small-scale, low-intensity disturbances (i.e. Brunet & von Oheimb 1998; Bossuyt et al. 1999;
gap-phase dynamics). However, there is no reason to Butaye et al. 2001; Dzwonko 2001; Singleton et al.
believe that fundamentally different processes operate 2001; Verheyen & Hermy 2001a,b) and experimental
when larger spatial scales and more intensive dis- studies (Ehrln & Eriksson 2000) have demonstrated
turbances are involved (Bazzaz 1996). Although our that some form of dispersal limitation can also occur
understanding of the theoretical framework of succes- in secondary forest succession.
sion has been significantly improved (e.g. Connel & We propose a model to explain the effects of past
Slatyer 1977; Huston & Smith 1987), the possibility land use on both environmental and canopy variables
that a successional sere could be generated by species and forest herb colonization (Fig. 1). Past land use can
having different dispersal capacities remains largely have direct effects on herb colonization (from the phys-
unexplored. Recently, however, a simulation study by ical removal of the plant species and the subsequent
Hovestadt et al. (2000) demonstrated that typical suc- spatial and temporal isolation from their respective
cessional patterns can be generated by differential dis- colonization sources) as well as indirect effects caused
persal alone. by its impact on habitat quality variables (e.g. on the
Forest herb communities develop slowly in second- cover of competitive species or on soil nutrient levels).
ary forest established on former agricultural land. It In this study, structural equation modelling (SEM) is
has been demonstrated that some species do not col- introduced to quantify these direct and indirect effects,
onize secondary forests even after tens to hundreds of and thus to perform a novel integrated analysis of the
years, while others are able to recolonize quickly (e.g. colonization process. Furthermore, our study extends
Peterken & Game 1984; Motzkin et al. 1996; Wulf work at the local scale (i.e. one forest patch), to the
1997; for recent overviews see Hermy et al. 1999 and landscape or land mosaic scale (i.e. forest patches
Verheyen et al. 2003). A niche-based approach would embedded in a non-forested, agricultural matrix).
suggest that these highly different colonization capa- Three specific questions are addressed. (i) Is spatio-
cities are mainly a consequence of recruitment being temporal isolation from diaspore sources a limiting
hampered by the poor habitat quality in young forests. factor for forest herb colonization at a landscape scale?
The relationship observed between habitat quality and (ii) What are the direct and indirect effects of past
2003 British past land use depends both on the nature and duration agricultural land use on present-day habitat quality of
Ecological Society, of the former land use and on processes related to forests? (iii) What is the relative importance of these
Journal of Ecology, aggrading forest ecosystems. For instance, following two factors (isolation and quality) for landscape scale
91, 731742 arable use, levels of mineral nutrients, especially pho- colonization?
733 the spontaneous establishment of other tree and shrub
Land use and forest species and hence many forests have a well-developed
herb colonization subcanopy characterized by Alnus glutinosa, Coryllus
avellena, Fraxinus excelsior and Quercus robur. The
non-forested parts of the valley are almost all grass-
lands and arable land is relatively uncommon (Fig. 2).
The forests on the better drained sites are rich in early
flowering forest species characteristic of mesic, rich
sites, while alder carr develops on the wettest sites.
Nomenclature follows Lambinon et al. (1998).

During April and May 1999, the distribution of 14 typ-
ical forest understorey herbs was mapped. Verheyen &
Hermy (2001a,b) provide more details about the selec-
tion of fast and slow colonizing species. The latter
ancient forest species recolonize forests after agricul-
tural abandonment at very slow rates (cf. Hermy et al.
1999). In the forest parcels, the species were fully
mapped by walking along parallel transects approxi-
mately 10 m apart and scoring every 10 m the presence/
absence of the species in a circular plot of 5 m radius. A
compass was used where the regular planting pattern of
the poplars did not allow alignment of transects. Out-
side the forests, only the parcel margins were mapped,
to include both hedgerows (i.e. margins composed of
Fig. 2 Map of the study area (the 360-ha Doode Bemde trees and/or shrubs) and non-woody margins (fences,
nature reserve) showing the 1999 land use, the location of the ditches, roadsides). Again, the presence/absence of the
hedgerows (i.e. parcel margins composed of trees and/or
species was scored every 10 m. This resulted in 21 134
shrubs indicated by bold lines) and the location of sampling
points for environmental and canopy variables (circles). The plots, of which 15 946 were situated in forest parcels
scale is approximately 1 : 17000. and 5188 along parcel margins. The location of all
transects was marked on large scale (1 : 2500) land reg-
ister maps in the field and all plots were later digitized
as points using ArcView 3.1 (ESRI 1998). This method
Materials and methods
allowed the distribution of plant species in a 360-ha
landscape to be mapped relatively quickly and

The study was carried out in the 360 ha Doode Bemde
nature reserve (Fig. 2), 20 km east of Brussels in central
Belgium. The whole study area is located in the valley
bottom of the Dijle river, a medium-sized lowland river, Land use was reconstructed using historical maps
that has cut deep (c. 40 m) into the surrounding plateau (1775, 1850, 1865, 1891, 1936) and aerial photographs
during past glaciations. Large-scale deforestation and (1947, 1969, 1980, 1990, 1995), with scales varying
several thousand years of human settlement have led to between 1 : 12500 and 1 : 40000, which are all available
river discharge being increasingly influenced by surface from the National Geographic Institute of Belgium.
run-off. The gradual deposition of eroded silt sedi- In addition, the primitive land register (from 1834
ments resulted in relatively elevated levees with alluvial onwards) and an historical work (Martens 1994) were
floodplain depressions. The soils in the depressions consulted. Large-scale maps of 1665, 1759 and 1769
are fine textured, base rich, poorly drained Fluvisols, that covered only parts of the study area were used to
while levee soils are dryer and relatively coarse textured verify the 1775 map. Land use was categorized as forest
Fluvisols (De Becker et al. 1999). or non-forest at each date. Throughout the historical
At present, almost half (150 ha) of the study area is period, non-forested land was predominantly grass-
forested and Populus x canadensis (Moench.) is the land. Land-use changes between 1775 and 1999 are
dominant canopy species in almost all stands. From the shown in Fig. 3. Forested area was very low, with a
2003 British
1950s onwards, the tree layer in most of the existing for- minimum in the middle of the 19th century, until a
Ecological Society, ests was cut and replanted with poplars, which were sharp increase following World War II.
Journal of Ecology, also widely planted on abandoned agricultural land. We then delineated parcels within which there was a
91, 731742 However, the wide (10 m 10 m) spacing used allowed common land use at each survey date. For each, we
K. Verheyen et al.

Fig. 3 Land use changes in the Dijle valley study area

between 1775 and 1999. Areas are expressed in ha. Dia-
monds indicate forest, squares ancient forest and triangles

Fig. 5 Distribution map of Adoxa moschatellina, indicating

the species-specific colonization sources, the colonized points
and the non-colonized points. The scale is approximately
1 : 17000.

plant species along woody parcel margins, we identified

ancient parcel margins. These were defined as margins
that (i) were present as woody margins on the 1775
map, (ii) were mapped as boundaries on the 1834 land
register, and (iii) still exist today (Fig. 4). This defini-
tion allowed us to account for ancient parcel margins
that are actually part of a forest. Next, we tried to assess
the age of the hedgerows present in 1999. However,
except for 1775, it was very hard to distinguish hedge-
rows on the historical maps. Therefore, only the five
aerial photographs were used to determine the hedge-
row age, classifying them with ages of 124 years,
Fig. 4 Map showing the distribution of forest age classes and 41 years and more than 58 years.
the ancient parcel margins, based on historical maps and
aerial photographs. The scale is approximately 1 : 17000.
The combination of land-use history data and spe-
calculated the number of years since reforestation, cies distribution maps allowed us to identify species-
assuming that any land-use changes occurred midway specific colonization sources (cf. Peterken & Game
between the dates of two maps (cf. Verheyen et al. 1981). These were defined as plots in which a particular
1999). Five classes were distinguished, with ages of 1 species was present and that were situated either in
24 years, 41 years, 58 years, 86 195 years, and more ancient forest parcels or within 10 m of an ancient
than 224 years. At present, the extent of the oldest class parcel margin. We refer to Verheyen & Hermy (2001a)
2003 British
is only 15 ha (Figs 3 and 4), but as such stands are prob- for a more detailed description of the method and the
Ecological Society, ably much older than 224 years, they are referred to as assumptions involved. Hence, 14 sets of species-specific
Journal of Ecology, ancient forest. To distinguish possible relict popu- colonization sources were obtained (see example in
91, 731742 lations from newly colonized populations of forest Fig. 5).
735 Using the ArcView NearFeat extension (Jennes Table 1 Overview of the environmental and canopy variables.
Land use and forest 2000), the distance from all points (occupied and See text for more details of measurement
herb colonization non-occupied) to the five nearest colonization sources
Variable Mean Range Transformation
was calculated for each species. The average of the five
distances was calculated and grouped into six con- Soil moisture 2.79 1 4 None
secutive classes: < 100 m, 100199 m, 200299 m, 300 Soil texture 2.08 13 None
399 m, 400 499 m and > 500 m. Soil pH 4.97 3.37.2 None
Basal area 3.04 0 35 Log (x + 0.1)
shrubs (m2 ha1)
: Cover competitive 62.95 3 90 None
herbs (%)

The environmental and canopy data were collected
during July and August 1999 at 503 sampling points
distributed over 199 forest stands at a density of
approximately four points/ha (Fig. 2). Forest stands

were defined as parcels with both a homogeneous land- A necessary first step of the statistical analysis was the
use history and canopy structure. The average stand area assessment of the species association with forests, as
was 0.6 ha, with a minimum of 0.1 ha and a maximum all the subsequent analyses rely on the assumption that
of 5 ha. At each sampling point, data on soil, the canopy the studied species occur predominantly in forest hab-
structure and the competitive species were collected. itat. Therefore, the fraction of species occurrences in
After removing the litter, 10 5 cm deep soil sam- non-woody parcel margins vs. the occurrences in forest
ples were taken within a 5-m radius around each parcels and hedgerows was calculated. Statistical sig-
sampling point and bulked per stand. In the laboratory, nificance was assessed with a 2 statistic and species not
the pH (KCl) 1 N, 1 : 5 suspension was determined exhibiting a significant positive association with forests
after the samples had been air-dried. The canopy was and woody parcel margins were excluded.
described using a modified point-centred quarter For the remainder of the statistical analysis, plots
method (Bonham 1989). The tree layer was subdivided located in ancient forest parcels and along ancient par-
in four diameter classes: < 15 cm, 1530 cm, 3045 cm, cel margins were omitted, as they do not provide any
and > 45 cm. Four 90 sectors around each sampling information about the colonization process. In the first
point were established. In each sector and for every part of the analyses data at the plot level are used,
diameter class, the distance to the nearest tree or shrub whereas in the second part data at the forest stand level
was measured. The average diameter of each class are used.
(7.5 cm, 22.5 cm, 37.5 cm and 52.5 cm, respectively), To explore the spatio-temporal colonization pat-
was used to calculate its basal area (m2 ha1). The terns, a multiple logistic regression of the individual
omnipresent homogeneous poplar canopy meant that species presence/absence scores against secondary for-
only the smallest diameter class showed significant vari- est age, average distance from the colonization source
ation and therefore only this class (the shrubs) was used and the agedistance interaction was performed (cf.
for further analysis. Finally, the combined percentage Verheyen & Hermy 2001a). Inclusion of the interaction
cover of tall competitive herbs (sensu Grime et al. 1988) allowed us to assess whether the importance of dis-
was estimated within a radius of 5 m around the sam- tance from the colonization source decreases with
pling point using the following cover classes: 0%, < 5%, increasing secondary forest age. The resulting odds
6 10%, 1115%, 16 20%, 21 40%, 4160%, 6180%, ratios indicate how much more or less likely it is that a
and > 81%. Urtica dioica was by far the most dominant species is present when the respective variables are
competitive herbaceous species, but Angelica sylvestris, increased by one class. Statistical analyses were done
Galium aparine, Filipendula ulmaria, Phragmites austra- separately for the plots in the forest parcels and along
lis and Symphytum officinale also occurred frequently. the hedgerows. Plots along non-woody parcel margins,
For all environmental and canopy variables, average where colonization by forest herbs is unlikely, were
values at the forest stand level were calculated. Informa- excluded. All analyses were performed with SPSS
tion about the soil texture and soil moisture regime 10.0.
was extracted from the digital Belgian Soil Map Structural equation modelling (SEM) (e.g. Maruyama
(1 : 20 000) for each stand. Soil texture and moisture 1998) was used to quantify the relative importance
were assigned scores on an ordinal scale and an area- of spatio-temporal isolation and habitat quality for
weighted texture and moisture score was calculated for the colonization of the different forest species. SEM
each stand. Scores for soil texture ranged from 1 to 3 compares observed covariances among variables with
(1 = loamy sand, 2 = loam, 3 = clay) and from 1 to 4 for those expected from hypothesized relationships. Model
2003 British
soil moisture regime (1 = relatively well drained, fit to the data is assessed with a 2 test between the
Ecological Society, 2 = imperfectly drained, 3 = poorly drained, 4 = very expected and observed covariance matrices. Previous
Journal of Ecology, poorly drained). An overview of the environmental and studies of colonization processes led to our hypothes-
91, 731742 canopy variables is given in Table 1. ized model (Fig. 1), which includes observed indicator
K. Verheyen et al.

Fig. 6 (a) Percentage of the species occurrences in forests and hedgerows vs. non-woody parcel margins. The species marked with an asterisk are not
significantly associated with woody habitats. (b) The proportion of species occurrences situated in ancient forests and ancient parcel margins (i.e. the
colonization sources). Only the species marked with an asterisk were frequent enough in recent forests to use for the remainder of the statistical analyses.
Values adjacent to the bars indicate the absolute number of occurrences.

variables (boxes), composite variables (octagons) and podagraria, Ajuga reptans and Stellaria holostea) were
a latent variable (ellipse). Statistical composites not significantly associated with forests and woody
(Fornell & Cha 1994; Grace & Jutila 1999; Grace et al. parcel margins and thus were excluded from further
2000) were constructed in order to examine the col- analysis (Fig. 6a). A large number of the species occur-
lective effects of landscape, soil and canopy variables, rences were relict populations (i.e. situated in ancient
using a multistage least squares approach. Each com- forest or along ancient parcel margins) and only six
posite was constructed individually so as to maximize species were frequent enough in recent forests and three
the variance explained for colonization frequency. The species in recent margins to use for the remainder of the
SAS Proc Reg procedure was used to generate a statistical analyses (Fig. 6b).
predictive equation and predicted scores were used for All logistic regression models were highly signi-
the composite values. LAND USE represents the ficant, but the explained variation varied considerably
composite effects of the secondary forest age and the between species (Table 2). Both age and distance from
distance to the species-specific colonization sources; the species-specific colonization sources were import-
SOIL represents the composite effects of soil moisture, ant factors explaining the colonization patterns (Table 2
soil moisture and soil pH and CANOPY represents the and Fig. 7). In the forest stands, the frequency of all
composite effects of the basal area of the shrubs and species, except Geum urbanum, consistently increased
the cover of competitive herbs. with increasing secondary forest age and decreased
The possible intercorrelation between LAND USE with increasing distance from the colonization source
and SOIL is represented in Fig. 1 by double-headed (Table 2a and Fig. 7a). Nevertheless, it also appears
arrows. The use of the latent variable COLONIZA- that there is a large variation in colonization potential
TION is based on the premise that the observed fre- among these species. Some species (e.g. Lamium
quency of forest herbs in the secondary forest parcels is galeobdolon) only colonized older forest parcels lying
measured with error and provides an imperfect estim- close to the colonization sources, while others (e.g.
ate of the underlying variable of conceptual interest. Ranunculus ficaria) also colonized points in the young-
Following the convention of SEM, latent variables are est forest age class and the furthest distance class. Further-
presumed to be the underlying causal influence on more, most agedistance interactions were significant
observed values, which is the reason that the arrow (Table 2a), indicating that the distance effect is not
points from the latent variable to the indicator. All the same for all the age classes. For species with an
SEM analyses were done using LISREL 8.30 (Jreskog interaction odds ratio larger than one (A. moschatel-
& Srbom 2000). lina, L. galeobdolon and, to a lesser extent, G. urbanum),
the distance effects disappeared as the secondary
forest age increased, suggesting a gradual com-
2003 British
pletion of the colonization process (Fig. 7a). The
Ecological Society, The typical distribution pattern of the forest under- opposite pattern, i.e. a species exhibiting only distance
Journal of Ecology, storey herbaceous species is represented by Adoxa effects in the oldest age classes, was found for R. ficaria,
91, 731742 moschatellina (Fig. 5). Three species (Aegopodium Primula elatior and, although not significant, Arum
Land use and forest
herb colonization

2003 British
Ecological Society,
Fig. 7 The
Journal species frequency (%) in each age and distance class (grey circles) and in each age-distance class combination (open circles). Colonization
of Ecology,
91, (a) in forest stands and (b) in hedgerows.
K. Verheyen et al.

Fig. 7 continued

maculatum (Table 2a and Fig. 7a). Somewhat similar poorly drained. The results of the SEM analyses are
spatio-temporal colonization patterns are observed in given in Figs 8 and 9. For each species modelled, non-
the hedgerows (Tables 2b and Fig. 7b). For the few species significant P-values associated with the 2 tests indicate
that colonized hedgerows, frequency also increased that the covariance structure in the data fitted well to
with increasing hedgerow age and decreased with increas- the hypothesized covariance structure (Fig. 8). The
ing distance from the colonization sources, except for effect of LAND USE on CANOPY was consistently
A. moschatellina. strong for all species, while the effect of SOIL on CAN-
Most of the environmental and canopy variables had OPY was weaker or absent (Fig. 8). LAND USE had a
a relatively wide range (Table 1). Only soil texture and, strong effect on the frequency of the colonizing forest
to a lesser extent, soil drainage exhibited less variation: herbs in secondary forest parcels (Figs 8 and 9). How-
most soils have a loamy texture and are relatively ever, this effect was less pronounced for the relatively

Table 2 Multiple logistic regression of the species presence/absence scores on secondary forest age, average distance from the
colonization source and the interaction between these variables. Analyses were done separately for plots located in forests (a) and
for plots along hedgerows (b)

Odds ratios

Species n Nagelkerke R2* Age Distance Distance age

(a) Forests
Adoxa moschatellina 14 220 0.42**** 1.18* 0.09**** 1.75****
Arum maculatum 14 305 0.23**** 2.30**** 0.48*** 0.96 NS
Geum urbanum 14 323 0.09**** 1.50**** 0.73**** 1.07**
Lamium galeobdolon 14 366 0.52**** 2.90**** 0.21**** 1.27**
Primula elatior 14 323 0.21**** 2.09**** 0.61** 0.86*
Ranunculus ficaria 13 840 0.05**** 1.96**** 0.83*** 0.95*
(b) Hedgerows
Adoxa moschatellina 1028 0.14**** 0.45 NS 0.09** 2.64***
2003 British Geum urbanum 1023 0.10**** 3.70 NS 0.68 NS 0.90 NS
Ecological Society, Ranunculus ficaria 1006 0.08**** 2.90** 1.28 NS 0.66*
Journal of Ecology,
91, 731742 * 2 test statistic; Wald test statistic; ****P 0.0001; ***P 0.001; **P 0.01; *P 0.05; (*)P 0.1; NS = not significant.
739 good colonizing species G. urbanum and R. ficaria (cf. (2001a), who deduced from the present-day forest
Land use and forest Figs 6b and 7) and SOIL appeared to be equally import- plant species distributions in two forests, that forest
herb colonization ant for the latter species. CANOPY had minor to no plant species had survived in (woody) margins during
effect on colonizing forest herbs. periods of past agricultural use.
Like other authors (e.g. Matlack 1994; Brunet & von
Oheimb 1998; Bossuyt et al. 1999; Singleton et al.
2001), we assume that the observed decline in fre-
We attempted to perform an integrated study of the quency of species with increasing distance from the
factors controlling forest herb colonization during sec- colonization source can be attributed to distance-
ondary forest succession in a recently reforested valley restricted seed dispersal. For the forest parcels, it
landscape dominated by relatively simple structured appears that every species exhibits an age and distance
poplar plantations. It has long been recognized that effect (Tables 2a and 7a). However, distance effects for
past agricultural land use can have multiple, but very species such as G. urbanum and R. ficaria are only
often correlated, effects on the recolonization of forest present in the youngest forest parcels and therefore dis-
herbs. However, for the first time, a formalized frame- persal cannot be regarded as a factor limiting colon-
work is proposed that quantifies the relative import- ization. In contrast, limited dispersal is an important
ance of its direct and indirect effects. factor in shaping the distribution of the other species
throughout the landscape. In a comparable study in
a 10 10 km landscape elsewhere in central Belgium,
Butaye et al. (2001) found similar dispersal limitation

in A. moschatellina, L. galeobdolon and P. elatior. As in
Verheyen & Hermy (2001a) discuss the assumptions made the present study, no significant distance effects were
in delimiting species-specific colonization sources. found for R. ficaria but, in contrast, the distance-effect
However, as most of the forests in the Dijle valley are was also significant for G. urbanum. Distance-dependent
situated on former grasslands, the assumption that colonization at the landscape scale was also found in
none of the studied species survived in the pre-forest the Netherlands by Grashof-Bokdam (1997).
grasslands needs further consideration. At present, no The similar distance-dependent decline of species
populations of the studied species occur in the few rel- frequency in hedgerows suggests that they have a con-
icts of semi-natural grasslands in the Dijle valley. Fur- duit corridor function (sensu Corbit et al. 1999) in our
thermore, 164 of the 180 recent forest stands were study area. However, as only a few species have signi-
established after World War II, when intensive farming ficantly colonized the margins, we can assume that the
practices (e.g. the application of chemical fertilizers) woody parcel margins act as a filter that discrimin-
had already been introduced. Such practices severely ates among the species that move along them. These
reduce the survival chances of forest herbs in grass- findings support those of McCollin et al. (2000), who
lands. Finally, none of the studied species forms a per- found that some forest species are less frequent in
sistent seed bank (e.g. Bossuyt & Hermy 2001). hedgerows than in forests. This is not surprising, as
The high number of species occurrences in ancient hedgerows represent a rather different habitat (e.g. Fritz
forests and ancient margins compared with recent for- & Merriam 1993, 1996). Furthermore, more or less
ests (Fig. 6b) indicates the low colonizing capacities of the same age-distance effects are observed as with
most species. Large variation in the size of the relict colonization in forest stands. Corbit et al. (1999) also
populations further suggests large differences in colon- observed a distance effect in hedgerows, implying col-
ization source strength among the different species. onization from an adjacent attached stand. However,
Interestingly, some of the source populations occur in unlike water dispersal of riparian flora, for example
ancient margins, suggesting that they have persisted for (e.g. Honnay et al. 2001), it remains to be demonstrated
at least 200 years. Since 1775, these populations have whether hedgerows are functional corridors for forest
thus survived long-term adjacent agricultural use (pre- plant species.
dominantly as grassland), margin management (e.g. Finally, it is noteworthy that the spatio-temporal
pollarding, coppicing) and, in some cases, even com- colonization patterns presented here are very similar
plete hedgerow clearance. These results are consistent to the patterns found in a methodologically identical
with the findings of Pollard (1973) and Peterken & study covering the same time-scale but a smaller spatial
Game (1981) in England, who demonstrated long-term scale (34 ha; Verheyen & Hermy 2001a). Differences
survival of Mercurialis perennis in hedgerows. In North were mainly found for moderately good colonizing spe-
America, relict populations of forest species also have cies like A. moschatellina that did not exhibit distance
been observed in hedgerows (Fritz & Merriam 1993). effects at the local scale, but strong distance effects at
Survival chances would probably have been much the landscape scale. Hence, it can be deduced that in
2003 British
smaller if intensively farmed arable fields rather than this case similar diffusion-like processes dominate the
Ecological Society, grasslands had bordered the margins (Boutin & Jobin colonization process both at the local and at the land-
Journal of Ecology, 1998). Indirectly, our results support the assumption scape scale. However, in less forested landscapes than
91, 731742 made by Honnay et al. (1999) and Verheyen & Hermy the Dijle valley (forest covers 42% of the area), this may
K. Verheyen et al.

Fig. 8 Models for the six study species showing 2 model fit statistics and standardized partial correlation and regression
coefficients. See Fig. 1 for symbols. Dashed lines refer to relationships that were non-significant. R2-values associated with
COLONIZATION describe the total amount of variance explained.

not be the case and rare long-distance dispersal events Hence, it is likely that the delayed colonization of forest
will probably play a more important role in the colon- plants is not only caused by poor diaspore dispersal,
ization process. but also by factors such as limited and/or delayed diaspore
production or diaspore predation (cf. Verheyen et al.
2003). Indeed, the colonization patterns of the study
species cannot be explained by taking into account

only their dispersal strategy. For instance, the diaspores

of the good colonizing R. ficaria lack adaptations for
It is interesting to note that the joint age-distance effect long-distance dispersal, while the slow colonizing A.
is by far the most important factor that explains the maculatum produces bird-dispersed fleshy fruits. How-
species colonization patterns (Fig. 9). Our results sug- ever, A. maculatum only starts producing seeds after 6
gest that dispersal limits the forest plant species distri- years (Sowter 1949), and the seeds do not germinate
bution at a landscape scale, which confirms the findings easily (personal observation). By contrast, R. ficaria has
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