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Be~:~;~::::::~~~~erdieDvraestel/~~:_~;:::::=:r~~;ePsa;::kenaarl Ix! Oopboek-eksamenl I NEEI I

Multi-choice cards: Non-programmable calculator: L:J Open book examination? NO
Grafiekpapierl Draagbare Rekenaarl
Graph paper: Laptop:

EKSAMENITOETS NOV 2012 (1 8 gel) KWALlFIKASIE/ B.lng (Meg)




MODUlEBESKRYWING/ Termodinamikal MAKS/ 50


EKSAMINATOR(E)/E WMK van Niekerk DATUMI 30/10/2012


TYD/TIME: 9:00

Toon berekeninge sodat redenasie duidelik is antwoorde word in konteks gemerk. 8tel duidelik enige
aannames wat gemaak word. Indien vergelykings gebruik word wat nie in die formulevel is nie, moet die
afleiding gedoen word. In die geval van iteratiewe oplossings, is dit voldoende om die antwoord uit twee
goeie iteraties te beraam. Show your steps so that I can follow your reasoning - answers are marked in
context. Clearly state any assumptions made. If equations are used that are not in the formula sheet, the
derivation must be done. In case of an iterative answer,calculate the answer from two good iterations.
VRAAG 1 (3)
Beskou twee houers wat aanmekaar gekoppel is met 'n manometer. Die druk
in die middel van die water houer (links) is 100kPa. Die bokant van die
manometer is gevul met lug. Bereken die druk in die middel van die kwik (Hg)
houer (regs). / Consider two containers connected by a manometer. The
pressure in the middle of the water container (left) is 100kPa. The top of the
manometer is filled with air. Calculate the pressure in the middle of the
mercury (Hg) container (right).
3 3
By/At 25C Pwaler=1003kg/m ; PHg=13600kg/m
VM~2 ~
a) Water by 91.78C en lOOkPa: Wat is x7 s7 / Water at 91. 7BoC and 100kPa: Determine x? s?
b) Bereken v vir lug by 380K met s=6.9kJ/kg.K. / Calculate v for Air at 3BOK for s:::6.9kJjkg.K
VRAAG 3 (6)
Vyf kilogram lug in 'n suier silinder opstelling by omgewingstoestande (25"C en 1OOkPa) word stadig
saamgedruk tot 500kPa terwyl die temperatuur konstant bly op 25"C. Bereken die hitte oorgedra. / Five
kilogram air at ambient conditions (25C and 100kPa) in a piston cylinder setup is compresser slowly to a
pressure of 500kPa while the temperature stays constant 25C. Calculate the heat transfer.
VRAAG 4 (11)
'n Rigiede houer van 0.1 m bevat versadigde waterdamp by 200kPa. Versadigde vloeibare water by 200kPa
vloei die houer in en 150kg versadigde stoom by 200kPa vloei uit die houer totdat die hele houer gevul is
met versadigde vloeibare water by 200kPa. Hitte word voorsien van 'n Termiese energie reservoir by 200C.
(a) Bereken die hitteoordrag en
(b) Die entropie gegenereer.


A rigid container of 0.1 m is filled with saturated water vapor at 200kPa. Saturated liquid wat at 200kPa flows
into the container and 150kg saturated steam at 200kPa flows from the container untill it is completely filled
with saturated liquid water at 200kPa. Heat is supplied from a thermal energy reservoir at 200C.
(a) Calculate the heat transfer and
(b) The entropy generated.
VRAAG 5 + Probleemoplossingstrategie Vr 5 of 6 I Problem solution strategy Q 5 or 6 (7)
Helium by 400K en 200kPa vloei na 'n divergerende mondstuk teen 20m/s. Die druk op die uitlaat is 150kPa
en die temperatuur 370K. / Helium at 400K and 200kPa flows at 20m/s to a diverging nozzle. The pressure
at the outlet is 150kPa and the temperature 370K
a) Wat is die snelheid op die uitlaat? / What is the velocity at the outlet?
b) Indien die mondstuk adiabaties en omkeerbaar was, wat sou die uitlaatsnelheid wees vir dieselfde
uitlaatdruk? If the nozzle were adiabatic and reversible, what would the out/et velocity be for the
same outlet pressure?
VRAAG 6 + Probleemoplossingstrategie Vr 5 of 61 Problem solution strategy Q 5 or 6 (7)
Lug by 500K en 607.2kPa vloei na 'n turbine met 'n isentropiese rendement van 91 % teen 'n tempo van
1kg/so Die druk op die uitlaat van die turbine is 100kPa. / Air at 500K and 607.2kPa flows to a turbine
with an isentropic efficiency of 91 %. The flow-rate of the air is 1kg/so The pressure at the outlet of the
turbine is 100kPa.
a) Wat is die drywing wat die turbine lewer? What is the power deliverd by the turbine?
b) Bepaal temperatuur van die lug op die uitraat van die turbine. Determine the temperature of the
air at the outlet of the turbine.
VRAAG1 (8)

Honderd (100) kilogram stoom by 400C en 400kPa word gekondenseer

teen konstante druk tot versadigde vloeibare water by 400kPa en 143.63C .
Die hitte wat afgegee word, vloei na 'n omkeerbare hitte-enjin (RHE). Die
hitte-enjin gee hitte af aan 'n termiese reservoir by 30C. Alles vind
omkeerbaar plaas. Die grenslaagwerk nodig om die stoom saam te druk
(1W2) is 30861 kJ.
a) Bereken QL uit 'n entropiebalans.
b) Bereken nou die werk gedoen deur die omkeerbare hitte-enjin.
Hunderd (100) kilogram steam at 400C and 400kPa condenses at constant
pressure to form saturated liquid water at 400kPa and 143.63C . The heat
released flows to a reversible heat engine (RHE). The heat engine releases
heat to a thermal energy reservoir at 30C. All processes are reversible. The
boundary work necessary to compress the steam (1W2) is 30861kJ.
a) Calculate QL from an entropy balance.
b) Now calculate the work done by the reversible heat engine.
Voltooi die sinne / Complete the sentences:

a) Uit 'n statistiese oogpunt, entropie .... / From a statistical viewpoint, entropy ....
b) Entropie kan ook beskryf word as 'n aanduiding van .... / Entropy can also be described as giving an
indication of ..... .
Pr~ of Various Ideal G ....

Cllemkal Molecular C kJ kJ

Vmula Weig.t ,... k,1C. C..gK

28.91 0.28100 1.0035 0.116S lAM
llelium 4.(0) 2.07103 S.1926 3.11$6 1.661
Nitrogcll 28.013 0.29680 UWt6 0.7448 1.400
Oxygen. 31.999 0.25983 0.9216 0.66'8 1.393
Steam 18.0ts 0.46152 1.8723 1.4108 1.321
_ aC-.. C_.Jlnd .'.re at 300 K.
INL. 222


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