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Police Department

City of Greensboro

August 19, 2010

TO: City Manager, Rashad Young

FROM: Captain C.E. Cherry, Commanding Officer, Patrol Bureau, Eastern Division

SUBJECT: Continued Discrimination, Retaliation, Harassment And

And Unfair Treatment, To Include Denial Of An Additional
Recorded Investigative Interview

On August 19, 2010, at approximately 10:15 hours, Lieutenant Renae Sigmon contacted me by
telephone. Lieutenant Sigmon informed me that the Resource Management Division had a check
for me. Mr. Young, thank you for the response as it relates to my August 16, 2010 complaint,
regarding denial of earned compensation. I am still awaiting the results of your investigation as
to why I was denied the compensation, resulting in waiting six (6) days for the compensation,
and only receiving the compensation as a result of my August 16, 2010 complaint.

On August 16, 2010 at approximately 8:15am, I contacted the Greensboro Police Professional
Standards (Internal Affairs) Division Office, by phone. I reached Sheila Santor’s (Administrative
Assistant for Professional Standards) voice mail. I left a message requesting an additional
recorded copy of the investigative interviews of myself and Officer J.L. Pryor, that have resulted
in Officer Pryor and I being recommended for employment termination. I informed Ms. Santor
that Officer Pryor and I would be by in an hour or so to retrieve the recordings.

On August 16, 2010 at approximately 10:30am, I contacted the Professional Standards Division
Office. I spoke with Corporal M.J. Harris. I informed Corporal Harris of the previously stated
information. Corporal Harris placed me on hold and put Sergeant M.N. Loy on the phone.
Sergeant Loy is a Professional Standards supervisor, that in a recorded interview, omits
information that would change the course of an investigation. This omission and other
discriminatory, retaliatory, unfair investigative methods have been continuously brought to the
attention of Sergeant Loy’s superiors. No corrective measures have been taken.

Upon speaking with Sergeant Loy, I was informed (by Sergeant Loy) that he was given
instructions not to provide me with an additional copy of the requested interview. Until this
specific, new order given and directed at me (Captain Cherry), other officers including myself
have been able to retrieve multiple copies of investigative recordings. In fact, I would be willing
to provide my own disc. I asked Sergeant Loy who gave him (Sergeant Loy) the order. Sergeant
Loy, reminiscent of my eight (8) year old daughter in grade school, speaking of encounters with

her friends, refused to tell me the top secret supervisor that gave Sergeant Loy the top secret
discriminatory, retaliatory order.

Sergeant Loy stated he would only provide me with an additional copy if there was a problem
with the first one (interview recording) provided. I informed Sergeant Loy that there was a
problem and that I needed an additional copy for my legal representation (lawyer). I asked
Sergeant Loy to provide me a memo stating why I could not be provided with an additional copy
and who gave Sergeant Loy the order. Sergeant Loy advised me that he would not provide me
with a memo. Sergeant Loy then informed me that I needed to provide a memo, stating what the
problem was with the first recording, to get a second recording (I will let this document serve as
Sergeant Loy’s requested memo). The discriminatory, retaliatory, incompetent buffoonery
continues to irritate and upset me. Please note, Mr. Speedling has already confirmed the
discriminatory and incompetent methods of Professional Standards (Internal Affairs), to include
Sergeant Loy.

Mr. Young please properly address the following as it relates to Officer Pryor and I receiving a
second copy of the requested interviews:

• In the past, officers including myself have been able to retrieve additional copies of
recorded interviews.
• Who gave Sergeant Loy this order? Why?
• In not giving me the name of the individual making the order, Sergeant Loy has denied
me the opportunity to redress the retaliatory order, with the proper person.
• The fact that Sergeant Loy would not provide the person’s name, that gave Sergeant Loy
the order, clearly shows the order is not proper.
• What could possibly be the harm in providing an additional copy of the interview,
especially if I would provide the disc, and it is my interview?
• Why is the order specific to me (and Officer Pryor)?
• If Professional Standards investigators are confident in their interviews and decisions it
should not matter how many copies an employee requests.
• The discs provided by Professional Standards are unable to be copied. Apparently,
something is done in the copying process, to prevent employees from copying the copies.
• I informed Sergeant Loy that I also needed a copy for my lawyer. My lawyer practices
out of town. The additional copy is so that we both could simultaneously work on defense
of accusations while in different cities. The recordings are crucial as the final written
reports often omit some of the recorded statements.
• Officer Pryor and I have the same lawyer.
• Officer Pryor’s termination hearing is August 24, 2010. My termination hearing is
August 25, 2010.
• Because our (Officer Pryor and I) hearings are back to back, the setback of not having an
additional recording copy to prepare for defense may cause us to have to request a
postponement of our hearings. This would allow incoming Chief Miller to preside over
our hearings.

Please address the discriminatory, retaliatory, unfair decision to deny Officer Pryor and me an
additional copy of requested interviews. Also, please direct Professional Standards to provide
Officer Pryor and me with the requested additional copies.

Mr. Young, on another note, I had the opportunity to observe the City Council meeting on
Tuesday, August 17, 2010. I would like to commend you on your defense of Library Director,
Ms. Sandy Neerman. Ms. Neerman did exactly what was requested of her, however, she had to
stand before Council (for over an hour) and be redundantly asked the same questions, to include
listening to comments laced with sarcasm.

I commend you, however, I respectfully offer the following constructive criticism and

• You came to Ms. Neerman’s defense much too late. That action (defending your
subordinate, Ms. Neerman) should have occurred about an hour before it actually did.
• In the future, since the only employee that reports directly to Council is you, maybe you
should consider making the requested reports to council, and not placing your
subordinates in that position to begin with. Keep them on hand for a reference or
clarification only. Just something to consider.
• Assisting subordinates with resolving their aggrieved matters, even if it includes assisting
them with writing grievances is nothing more than defending my subordinates, doing my
job, and doing the right thing.

I look forward to your response as it relates to the discriminatory, retaliatory, unfair act
described and brought to your attention in this correspondence.

Mr. Young, please intervene and have the allegations of corruption within the Greensboro
Police Department Administration investigated. I again humbly make the following adjusted

• Halt all investigations, etc. relating to the grievances/complaints.

• Contact the Department of Justice and request an investigative team to investigate the
City of Greensboro, with the primary focus being the Police Department. Turn over all
relevant materials to the DOJ. Get an estimated time table relating to the investigation.
• Make a public statement, relating to the DOJ, when the investigation will begin and
anticipated length. Commit to a two week update relating to the investigation.
• Make any internal adjustments to ensure the best possible city services during this
challenging time. Think outside the box. This may even involve a temporary operational
merger with other Law Enforcement Agencies (example Sheriff’s Department).
• Once the investigation is concluded, make swift, fair, consistent, compassionate decisions
as it relates to personnel. That can range from counseling to termination. This will be
tough, but make it about right and wrong which will umbrella all other relevant factors.
• Admit any mistakes made to include even if you made any.
• Make any public apologies warranted.
• Understand that your continued failure to act may have implicated you to a point of no

• LEAD OUR CITY if possible, in not, LEAVE OUR CITY, with dignity and respect, after
doing the right thing. Mr. Young, to lead our city you have to change hats. You are
attempting to be City Manager, and “manage a lie.” You must put on your leader hat and
lead the City out of this crisis.

Charles E. Cherry, Captain

Greensboro Police Department
Patrol Bureau, Eastern Division

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