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First support sources:

Corruption is universal. It affects all regions of the world and all levels of society, but the impact is
greatest in developing countries. if left unchecked, corruption will undermine political, social and
economic stability, ultimately threatening the safety and security of society as a whole.

What INTERPOL does

The ability to coordinate global action is vital for the worlds police and judicial systems.
INTERPOLs initiatives include:

International asset recovery: The Global Focal Point Network for Asset Recovery assists law
enforcement bodies in returning stolen public funds to victim countries. Accessible via INTERPOLs
secure global police communications network (I-24/7), the platform allows authorized users to
exchange information and better coordinate their investigations. Among the tools on offer is
SECOM, a secure web-based email capability.

Operational support: We can coordinate working meetings between member countries in order to
facilitate investigations that cover more than one jurisdiction, while Corruption Response Teams
can be rapidly deployed to support investigations in the field.

Training: Success in international asset recovery depends on sound and credible investigation.
INTERPOL offers regional training workshops to investigators and prosecutors, focusing on
evidence, through the INTERPOL Global Programme on Anti-Corruption, Financial Crimes and
Asset Recovery .


Second support source:

Corruption is a significant problem in Venezuela and a systemic culture of

corruption exists at most levels of society. Since his ascent to power, Chvez has
openly declared a zero tolerance policy towards corruption, which has been
demonstrated by several public initiatives. Venezuela has a huge investment and
economic growth potential and its natural resource wealth has made it attractive to
foreign investors. Nevertheless, political and regulatory uncertainty has seriously
discouraged foreign investment in the country. Several factors, such as political
instability, heavy bureaucracy and corruption, inhibit the business climate.

Positive developments in relation to corruption and investment:

Both the executive and legislative branches have shown great interest in
fighting corruption through public institutions, which is demonstrated by the
creation of a comprehensive legislative framework and several agencies
being mandated to deal with cases of corruption.
During 2010, the Comptroller General's Office administratively disqualified
over 50 civil servants, including eight National Assembly candidates, as a
result of allegations of misuse of public funds.
Venezuela has a well-developed set of regulations governing public
procurement, including a government-wide system for registering
contractors, setting up new procedures for acquiring goods and services
and selecting contractors.
E-governance is relatively well developed in Venezuela and practically all
public ministries have web pages providing information on their work.

Risks of corruption:

Petty corruption is common, and companies may be extorted in return for

expedited processing or favourable treatment.
The process of obtaining licences is often expedited by facilitation
payments and gifts to licensing authorities.
Government contracts are vulnerable to corruption and the tender process
frequently lacks transparency, according to international reports. Two-thirds
of companies expect to give gifts to secure a government contract.
Trade in Venezuela is impeded by customs procedures, which remain
largely inefficient. Exporting and importing require much time and paperwork
to clear goods at the border, and the process is plagued by corruption and

Third support source:

La buena noticia es que, por muy enorme que pueda parecer la tarea, se
puede poner coto a la corrupcin. La Convencin de las Naciones Unidas contra
la Corrupcin brinda un marco jurdico mundial para hacerlo. Este instrumento
internacional, que entr en vigor el 14 de diciembre de 2005, ha sido ratificado
por 37 pases y firmado por 137. Explica el Sr. Gilman, "La Convencin se sirve
de las mejores prcticas en todo el mundo y hace que los pases que la han
ratificado empiecen a aplicar esas normas".
Los Estados partes en esa Convencin tienen que cooperar recprocamente en
todos los aspectos de la lucha contra la corrupcin, entre ellos la prevencin, la
investigacin, la recuperacin de activos y el enjuiciamiento de los infractores.
Tambin estn obligados a tomar medidas en los sectores privado y pblico y a
fomentar la labor de la sociedad civil en esa esfera.
La sociedad civil y el sector privado deben unirse a los gobiernos y adoptar una
firme aptitud ante la corrupcin. No cabe duda de que las organizaciones no
gubernamentales (ONG) pueden dejar su marca al sensibilizar al pblico,
ejercer presiones para que se implanten reformas eficaces y exponer las
fechoras de dirigentes financieros y polticos. Las denuncias de particulares y
organizaciones de todo el mundo que actan con gran valor han provocado la
dimisin, el enjuiciamiento o la condena de los implicados.
El sector privado tambin tiene que tomar medidas para frenar la corrupcin
en sus filas. Efectivamente, algunas empresas nacionales y multinacionales
han puesto en marcha iniciativas para potenciar la transparencia y la
integridad empresariales. El Pacto Mundial de las Naciones Unidas, por
ejemplo, rene a ms de 2.000 empresas privadas, organismos de las
Naciones Unidas y organizaciones de la sociedad laboral y civil para defender
los derechos humanos, los derechos laborales, la proteccin del medio
ambiente y los principios contrarios a la corrupcin.
Tanto independientemente, como en colaboracin, los gobiernos, el sector
privado y la sociedad civil pueden desempear un papel fundamental en los
esfuerzos por frenar la corrupcin. Tambin los particulares pueden ayudar a
luchar contra este problema mundial negndose a intervenir en actividades
delictivas que pueden tener consecuencias devastadoras para la sociedad y el
pas en los que viven.
Stand: Yes, Corruption can be reduced_______________________________________


(arguments to support your stand) (arguments to support the opposing


The legal framework provided by the UN some countries ignore this legal
against corruption is a good instrument to framework and not fight corruption
fight corruption

Individuals can refuse to intervene in To accomplish this, you must provide an

criminal activities that can have efficient education from an early age in
devastating consequences for society the people and many countries do not
and the country in which they live. consider this aspect.

ONGs can help raise awareness, If there is no ethics in society and citizens
pressure for effective reforms and expose do not cooperate with these NGOs
the misdeeds of financial leaders and anything may serve their help as people
politicians are accustomed to corruption

Thesis Statement.

Corruption is a dishonest or fraudulent conduct by those in power, typically involving

bribery. Corruption exists worldwide but nevertheless can be reduced to improve and be
better every day. There are many reasons for being against corruption and many solutions
for reduce it. (Se supone que los argumentos para reducer la corrupcion los explicamos
en los otros parrafos).

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