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For Your Health - I is for Infections

by Dr. Garry F. Gordon, MD, DO, MD(H)

Did you know?

A childhood viral infection is now thought to be a cause of obesity.

There is a proven link between infection and Alzheimers disease.
Poor oral hygiene can contribute to developing heart disease.

In this issue we will focus on the I [Infections] in my F.I.G.H.T. program the chronic
subclinical Infections running rampant today that are the end result of our weakened immune
system, caused by the multitude of pathogens constantly exposed to in our toxic environment.

We all are increasingly aware that we live on a poisoned planet. We now believe that everyone
needs to detox daily in order to enjoy longer life and optimal health. Detoxing reduces
inflammation, and inflammation related to subclinical infections affect everyone and
contributes to all chronic health problems suffered from today. Infections are contracted
through exposure viruses, bacteria, fungi, and parasites. We can be exposed to any of these
through our air, water, food, soil, and through contact with other people and animals. With our
devitalized food and toxic environment, our polluted bodies lose the ability to F.I.G.H.T. off
these pathogenic invaders. Over time, this constant barrage wears down our immune system
allowing the infection to dig in even deeper. This leads to chronic inflammation, and that leads
to degenerative diseases.

AIDS, CMV, H1N1, MRSA, SARS, XMRV are just a few of the thousands of pathogens
encountered today. We have all heard of AIDS, but most have not heard about the new AIDS
epidemic called XMRV; a recently discovered retrovirus called xenotropic murine leukemia
related virus now being linked to chronic fatigue and prostate cancer. This is really just the tip
of the iceberg, because if you do not have Candida or Cytomegalovirus (CMV) or Coxackievirus
or Chlamydia or Lyme disease, odds are you will acquire something else like a parasite. These
undiagnosed infections are causing or contributing to the development of the most chronic and
widespread diseases suffered from today including Autism, Alzheimers, Arthritis, and even
Cancer. CMV is reported to be present in almost everyone tested today and is linked to heart
disease and hypertension. Chlamydia (C. pneumoniae) has also been linked to heart disease,
arterial plaque, asthma, Alzheimers disease, and shortened lifespan. Most people have some
periodontal disease, and the infection in their mouth migrates into their body and those
organisms are also present in arterial plaque. These ubiquitous infections on our arteries
smolder quietly for long periods of time, until we are over-stressed and/or too toxic or too
malnourished to deal with them and then, just like a pimple on our face coming to a head,
these infected plaque lesions can come to a head and burst. This is what occurs immediately
precipitating MOST sudden heart attacks and or strokes. The Lesion coming to a head and
bursting open exposes the passing blood platelets to uncovered arterial tissues causing the
body to want to fix these sores. However, instead of a little patch of platelets covering the
sore, often a fatal blood clot is formed. We are all aware today that many use various drugs
from aspirin to Coumadin to try to prevent these blood clots from forming, but I use no
poisonous Coumadin or Plavix on my patients. Instead, I have developed my total F.I.G.H.T.
program, and have been able to safely prevent and reduce all fatal heart attacks for many years
eliminating the need for bypass, stenting and other vascular surgeries. I teach my patients to
prevent and treat the underlying causes of illnesss naturally and nutritionally , not mask the
symptoms with drugs or surgery.

Overuse of prescription anti-biotics, drugs and vaccines

Prescription antibiotics are indiscriminate. They kill all bacteria in the body, including the ones
we need. Many women find after taking antibiotics, they get vaginal yeast infections (because
their normal bacterial balance has been lost). Antibiotics bring on fungal and yeast infections
thus will eventually be seen as a major cause of cancer since more and more oncologists are
seeing yeast and fungal infections as an integral part of cancer and its cause. The Journal of
the American Medical Association has reported a study on 10,000 women in which women who
took over 500 days of antibiotics in a 17 year period (dubbed 25 plus doses) had twice the risk
of breast cancer as those that took none at all. Even women taking just one had a statistical risk
increase to 1.5 times. Studies in the recent past have shown an association between the use of
antibiotics with higher incidence of diseases such as breast cancer, inflammatory bowel
disorder, Crohn's disease, and to children developing conditions such as hay fever, asthma,
autism and other neurological diseases. The widespread and overuse of vaccines has also been
proven to cause serious illness, and has even produced the actual disease being vaccinated
against. Instead of conferring immunity, health compromised individuals given live virus
vaccinations often wind up with the virus growing in the intestine or even in the spinal fluid.
This reaction has been linked to the occurrence of and rise in autism by Dr. Andrew Wakefield,
MD, Ph.D.

Antibiotic are no longer working for most infections and wind up killing useful organisms we
need to remain healthy. The huge levels of antibiotics fed to animals raised for food has led to
over 100,000 people dying each year of infections that no drugs will handle. This is all known
to those who research infections and health, but misdiagnosis is common and entirely ignored
by 99% of all doctors since there is not a single magic prescription they can write that will
eliminate these infections infections that are becoming increasingly aggressive due to anti-
biotic resistance and multiple viral mutations.
Furthermore, treatment is often not curative and without alternative medical approaches these
subclinical infections can be nearly impossible to heal from. Doctors in alternative medicine
know how to use massive doses of vitamin C orally (and intravenously when needed), along
with advanced forms of silver like ACS 200, both of which have shown to safely and effectively
deal with all of these bacterial, viral and fungal infections. The right dose of Vitamin C will stop
every infection in its tracks without needing to use antibiotics. I have used high doses of
VITAMIN C and VITAMIN A for a few days, along with a hi-potency form of aged garlic such as
KYOLIC liquid, is proven to naturally overcome many infections not helped by antibiotics, with
no detrimental side effects.

Infections that fail to respond adequately to these simple solutions will invariably respond if I
add a short series of perhaps 3-6 IV treatments known as UVB (ultra-violet blood irradiation)
and Ozone over a period of a couple of days to 2 weeks. Many doctors are unfamiliar with this
approach (commonly used in Germany and Russia), so another approach is to add intravenous
infusions of 50-100 gms IV Vitamin C. The ascorbic acid becomes H202 (Hydrogen peroxide)
inside the cell, and effectively kills off the infections. In some cases I can add another oxidative
treatment known as Hyperbaric Oxygen (HBO) for even better results in chronic or life
threatening infections.

Please go to my website at www.gordonresearch.com, and search under INFECTIONS for more

information on anti-microbial protocols and treatments like ACS 200, and the new FDA
approved, silver-based, STERIPLEX HC. Steriplex HC is the first and only health-wise, non-
toxic, non-corrosive Sporicide, Tuberculocide and Bactericide available(4). This product safely
and quickly disinfects surfaces achieving TOTAL pathogen kill, thus eliminating the infections
that are rampant in any medical facilty, nursing home, public building, pre-school, and even
our home kitchens and bathrooms.

With proper testing we can find some type of viral, bacterial or fungal infection in everyone
today. Infections can be safely and effectively treated with the proper, natural protocols and
measures. Real prevention and healing requires a total health building protocol and that is why
I teach my F.I.G.H.T. program. My F.I.G.H.T. program will help in dealing with any Infection, and
so aid in the recovery from every chronic degenerative disease that I see.

In Health and Longevity,

Dr. Garry F. Gordon

Gordon Research Institute

Cheng J, Ke Q, Jin Z, Wang H, Kocher O, et al. (2009) Cytomegalovirus Infection Causes an

Increase of Arterial Blood Pressure. PLoS Pathog 5(5): e1000427. doi:10.1371/journal.

Sircus, Mark Ac., OMD. The End of Antibiotics. Natural News online, Wednesday, March 26,
2008. Accessed Oct 2010.

Wakefield, Andrew. Callous Disregard: Autism and Vaccines The truth behind a tragedy

Salehian B, Forman SJ, Kandeel FR, Bruner DE, He J, Atkinson RL. Adenovirus 36 DNA in adipose
tissue of patient with unusual visceral obesity. Emerg Infect Dis. DOI: 10.3201/eid1605.091271.
Oct 2010. http://www.cdc.gov/EID/content/16/5/850.htm

sBioMed Steriplex HC specifications website


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