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Danburite is a stone of enlightenment ... activating the intellect from a heart based
perspective. This beautiful natural crystal comes in a number of colors, including the clear,
yellow and lovely golden yellow stones.They have a wonderful energy to aid emotional
healing, and is wonderful to help you if you have trouble sleeping.
Danburit je povezan s krunskom akrom, ali moe poveati djelotvornost svih akri. Danburit
poveava svojstva i uinke drugog kamenja. Oslobaa energetske blokade i pomae
iscjeljenje na svim razinama. Prvorazredni je iscjeljujui kristal. Danburit takoer pojaava
jasnou, bistrinu i percepciju, a smanjuje pretjerani ponos.

It creates self love, and they will also assist you to let go of fear
and aids the release of anxiety, and will help you if you are
suffering with grief. It encourages the heart to resonate with
Divine love and so promotes self love.It is one of the high crystal
energy stones... and is powerful used in conjunction with others
from this group.

Danburite was originally discovered in Danbury, Connecticut,

USA, and the meaning of its name relates to that original find.
Deposits have been found in Mexico, as well as in Japan, Burma,
Russia and Madagascar. This crystal may be clear and colorless,
pale pink or golden yellow. It has an interesting and unusual
prismatic configuration.

Angel Aura Danburite , pink, golden yellow

Using it may aid healing of family conflict by promoting peace and harmony. It encourages
the heart to resonate with Divine love which also promotes self love. Danburite assists you in
letting your light shine! It helps people to get along with others and is a powerful intellectual
activator, bringing you both stimulus and responsiveness. It is helpful in transforming
recalcitrant attitudes, allowing you to maintain personal identity while flowing with the
structure of the world. It reflects great light, working at the level of your heart and mind to
encourage self-love. Physically, it can be used to facilitate motor capabilities and to provide
catalytic action to your muscular structure. It assists in removing toxins from your body.

There is a new color and slightly different type of this

crystal that has become available... which is known as
either Opal Aura or Angel Aura Danburite. Either
name is correct, and this is when the clear crystals have
been put through the same procedure that is used to
create Blue Aqua Aura Quartz.

Angel Aura Quartz or Opal Aura Quartz... which are

different names for the same aura quartz crystal, the way
they do this, is that they heat the crystal... and during this
process, vaporized silver and platinum become
permanently bonded to the surface of the stone. This
procedure creates quite beautiful crystals, with an
opalescent sheen that have some different qualities to the
normal clear color of these crystals.The main differences
between the Angel Aura crystals and the normal clear
stones is that they assist you to make an even higher
connection to the higher realms, and to the angelic
beings there. Opal Aura Danburite assists you with
remembering past incarnations, insights into your
spiritual purpose, the ability to channel higher
knowledge, and the opportunity to commune with loving
spiritual beings. All of these things take place in a bubble of peace, tranquility and

Golden Yellow Danburite connects you to the sweetness of etheric music. Their fine high
vibrations are intensely uplifting... and will aid you with contacting angels and the universal
mind. Another wonderful gift that this stone gives us is to use it for lucid dreaming. To lucid
dream is to be very aware of what is happening while dreaming, almost as if you are awake.
The amount of awareness varies from person to person. Many people who use this crystal will
find that they remember the dream as if it actually happened.

A good way to use Clear Danburite is with some of the other high frequency stones. Those
that are used with this stone with impressive results are Petalite, Scolecite, Celestite,
Tanzanite, Herderite, Moldavite, Herkimer Diamonds, Brookite, Phenacite, Stellar Beam
Calcite, Tremolite, Natrolite, Clear Apophyllite, Tibetan Tektite .

Pink Danburite can be used to activate your Heart Chakra and to bring you compassionate
Dinosaur Bone

Petrified or Fossilized Dinosaur Bone increases energy and

memory. It has ties with the deep past, and this makes it an
excellent stone for past life work. Dinosaur bone is also
wonderful for calming anxiety, in particular survival
anxieties. It helps, too, with communication and ability to
understand communications. Fossils are wonderful for
ditching your baggage, changing your habits carried over
from the past, and re-programming yourself for a stellar

The properties of a Fossil are determined by the minerals which form it. In addition, they
assist you in ditching old 'programming,' habits and past-life carry-overs. This helps you
establish a fresh perspective and encourages innovation and receptivity. Since a Fossil is a
record of the past, they are useful in addressing any issues or blocks concerned with
your own past, or even communicating with the ancients of Earth, other planets which may
have seeded Earth, and ancestral spirits.

Helps communication, healing of paralysis, broken bones, hearing,

vigor and regulation of body temperature

Inspires confidence by connecting the emotions and the intellect

bringing remarkable insights. Allows one to separate oneself from
negative feelings. which limit self love and the ability to love and
forgive others. Assists clairaudient abilities.

Some Fossils have their own specific additional properties,

including Ammonite, Ammolite, Jet, Amber and Copal.

Copal is a sister to Amber, or ancient tree sap, and

can also be classed as a fossil as it can contain many
preserved insects and other animals and plants that are
tens of thousands of years old. The odd inclusions that
are often seen in Copal and Amber usually add to their
unique look and in many cases greatly increase their
value. Amber is the oldest at millions of years of age,
while Copal is somewhat younger (it is merely
thousands of years old. Merely! Ha!). Copal has the same properties as Amber. Once thought
to be sunshine transmuted into physical form, Copal brings wealth and joy to the bearer. The
Mayans revered it as sacred, and many ancient cultures used it as incense in sacred ceremony

Coral Fossil - Fossilized

Agatized Coral - Petoskey
stone is the skeleton or part of the coral
animals that are left after the death of the marine
coral creatures. These crystal stones are known for
their action to help you to feel calmer and more
tranquil... and they are helpful to aid you to relax
and to be at peace.

All colors of coral are known for their action to

boost psychic abilities and intuition and to
stimulate the imagination. They may also help the
development of psychic vision, aiding you to more easily visualize those things you desire.

Petoskey Stone is a
type of fossilized colony coral,
the coral living during the
Devonian period about 350
million years ago. Because of
the "eye" type configurations it
shows especially when polished, it is said to mystically help stimulate the third eye
and psychic awareness.
Petoskey Stone is also said to keep naughty spirits from channeling
incorrect information or interfering with one's life.
In particular, as far as awareness, Petoskey Stoneis said to enhance awareness of the
emotions, which can be a boon for dealing with emotional issues.
It is also said to clear out negative energies from the aura and the
environment. Petoskey Stone also brings hope.
Additionally it's said to be a boon to creative expression of all kinds.. Petoskey Stone
is related primarily to the third eye chakra as well as the crown chakra
Dioptase Stone

Dioptaz potie ivljenje u sadanjem trenutku, potie

pozitivan stav prema ivotu i daje vam sposobnost da
se spojite s vlastitim izvorom. Preobraava negativno
u pozitivno u svim podrujima ivota, prevladava
svaki osjeaj nedostatka i omoguuje ispunjavanje
potencijala. Dioptaz donosi emocionalno iscjeljenje i
svijest o unutranjim bogatstvima. Regulira
poremeaje stanica, sniava visoki krvni tlak, smiruje
bol, migrenu, spreava srani udar i lijei srane
smetnje. Smiruje muninu, stres, regenerira jetru.

Meditate with dioptase to open your inner eyes to your

higher purpose. Releases emotional patterns, assists in
understanding roles we have played as well as the
roles of others in our lives, excellent stone to
emotionally assist in experiencing divorce, death, or
any intense family trauma, stimulates forgiveness and healing of emotional wounds, it is a
stone encouraging you to be aware of the abundance and richness within your life. It helps
you to live in the moment and at the same time activates past life memories. By using this
awareness of the past... you can release the karma from past lives that is holding you back.

Tiny deep blue-green silicate crystals. Its powerful green reaches deep into the Heart Chakra
to release and heal sadness, heartache, abuse, neglect...Converts loss (recent/childhood) into
self-love. Empowers heart with new depth, strength, healthiness, courage, ability to love
deeply, unconditionally. Connects emotional heart with spiritual heart to receive abundance.
Promotes genuineness, sincerity, emotional balance, self-worth, deep well-being.

Dioptase brings forth and helps one to understand the message that "Yesterday is but a
memory, tomorrow is but a vision, and today is real" Living in the moment is the energy of
this mineral!

The meaning of it's name comes from the Greek words meaning "to see" and "through"... and
in the past was called Copper Emerald.

The energy of the green ray within these lovely green crystals will attract abundance and
prosperity on all levels of your life. Their energy encourages you to see that you can allow
yourself to have a life full of abundance, and that a rich life is available for all of you to

Dioptase combines well with Malachite, Eilat Stone, Shattuckite, Azurite Stone, Chrysocolla
and Turquoise Stones... as these are all copper based stones, and it may sometimes be found
growing with them. As they are all copper based stones, their energy will complement each
other. Combine it with Clear Quartz Crystals... to bring new energy directly to cells that need
it most, and enhance their function.This crystal also combines very well with Golden
Rutilated Quartz... Green Calcite, Stichtite and Rhodonite... as they are also stones that aid
forgiveness and help to lift fear and depression.If you are working specifically on past life
healing... you may wish to combine it with Covellite and Golden Rutilated Quartz.

-lijepi komad, iz Konga. Simba Mine, Mindoul

DOLOMIT- nebeski dar, skroz drugaiji je na ostalim stranicama

Dolomit je blag kamen koji stimulira dobrotvorne akcije, velikodunost i davanje svake vrste,
kao i primanje. Snano stimulira temeljno razmiljanje, spontanost, kreativnost. Sprijeava
otjecanje energije iz akri, balansira ih i poravnava. Naroito dobar kamen za olakavanje
tuge, smirenje povrijeenih, usamljenih i tjeskobnih. Jaa kosti, zube, miie i enski
reproduktivni sustav. Olakava PMS.

Dolomite was discovered in 1791 by Dolomieu while travelling in the Alps.Dolomite assists
with emotional balance and calm. It encourages self-realization. It also fortifies a sense of
tradition and helps us acclimate to new communities. It promotes moderation and alleviates
negative emotions.

Dumortierite meaning: This

stone acts as an aid to your
mental capabilities in
overcoming tough situations. It
opens the third eye chakra to
enhance mental (and emotional)

Learning Stone: Dumortierite

promotes mental discipline
especially in regard to learning
new things. Students find it
useful when they are required to
take in large amounts of data
over short periods of time,
because it aids memory.

Vision Stone: Meditate or sleep with dumortierite to stimulate psychic or prophetic vision if
you are gifted.

Blue quartz brings this sense of order to all things, and releases fear, bringing courage to one's
life. It is also a boost for creativity and expression. Emotionally, blue quartz greatly reduces
problems with scattered mind and disorganization, and brings mental clarity. It also helps one
to see and accept reality, and react to it intelligently in one's behalf. It can lift depression and
replace it with peace and happiness. It also can help reduce stubbornness, particularly
stubbornness that is ultimately bad for one. Blue quartz helps reduce emotional tension. In the
psychic and spiritual realms, blue quartz brings spiritual development, and contact with spirit
guides and angels. It can also help you express your spiritual thoughts and dreams. Blue
quartz is excellent for peaceful mindfulness or meditation. Dumortierite can help with cooling
the body, the throat, thyroid, and parathyroid. Also for detoxification, overstimulation,
hyperactivity, the spleen, endocrine system, and blood.

Blue quartz brings this sense of order to all things, and releases fear, bringing courage to one's
life. It is also a boost for creativity and expression.. It can lift depression and replace it with
peace and happiness..
Elestial Quartz Healing Crystals-, Skeletal Quartz,Cathedral and
Jacare Quartz, Alligator Quartz,

The translation for Elestial is "Crystal of

the Angels" which explains the strong link
with the Archangelic realm.
It has been written that Elestials are being
called the New Millennium Crystal. The
belief is that the Elestials are the Kings and
Queens of the mineral Kingdom. The
Elestial represents supreme knowledge.
They are most definitely different and are
said to hold great power and mystery, as
well as providing us with many
metaphysical uses, including making an
awesome elixir. Everyone should have an
Elestial in their home and work place. The
mineralogical term, Skeletal Quartz, refers
to the unusual etchings and internal cavities of Elestials. The word, Jacare Quartz, means
Alligator in Portuguese. This came about due to the similarity between the geometric patterns
on the surface of these crystals in relation to the natural designs on the skin of the reptile.
Brazil is where most of this Quartz is mined and where Portuguese is the native language.
Elestials are somewhat strange to look at and are quite different in their physical make up
from other crystal formations. They appear to have hundreds of small crystals all stuck
together in a hodge podge fashion. They are neither smooth nor polished which makes them
stand out from other crystals. Elestials are master healers and work on many levels. Elestials
can strip you right down to your deepest self and bring
to the surface dark thoughts and old pains which have
been too deeply buried for you to face and overcome.
Elestial quartz is said to be especially useful in healing
emotional problems and providing balance between
heart and mind. Elestial quartz is also said to impart
wisdom and to enhance insight. In addition to being an
excellent transformational tool, helping one to
understand and adjust to change; it is also said to be of
significant assistance during meditation. An individual
may retrieve information stored in Elestials by running
their hands over the etchings of the crystal. You may
notice your hands start moving on their own. This is
similar to the way the blind use Braille language. It is
also written that using Elestial Quartz crystals in body
layouts will purge toxicity from the major organs in to the bloodstream..

Elestials come in many different families, shapes and colors! Some have moving water
bubbles inside them and these are called Enhydro Crystals. For the most part Elestials come in
Smoky, White, Clear, Citrine, and rarely in Amethyst and even rarer, Ametrine.
Elestials bring you great strength. They can
assist in overcoming emotional burdens and bring your body and spirit into synchronicity
whilst connecting you with the Angelic realms. If you wish it, Elestials can provide
information that enables you to move forward or overcome blockages in your spiritual path,
and align you with the wisdom of the Universe. They bring into the now the elusive, intuitive
thoughts you chase about past, present and future accelerating your path towards the light.

Emerald balances emotional turmoil, and

the confusion of your time and space
perceptions, centering and bringing you
into the Now. It encourages you to
contemplate Spirit, the desire to serve,
brotherly love and truth. It intensifies your
Chakra energies and opens you up to your
own Divinity and bestows deeper spiritual
insight. Emerald brings you prosperity, tranquility, compassion and balance. It protects
against temptation and seduction. Emerald is the stone of physical immortality and
rejuvenation, the fountain of youth that keeps youthfulness! Its a wonderful gem to give
and receive love.

Emeralds signify loyalty, sensitivity, stone of "successful

love" and domestic bliss. Enhances memory and mental
capacity. Eliminates negativity, and allows one to focus.
Brings harmony to all aspects of life. Can help to maintain
rhythmic breathing during meditative state. Emerald is the
stone which most purely represents the energy patterns of the
activated heart chakra. It is the stone which helps one to live
and act from the heart level, offering unconditional love and
compassion in one's daily life and relationships, opening one
to receive love from others, and clearing the channel for
one's own connection with Divine Love. Emerald can help
one stayed centered in the heart's wisdom, so that one is not misled by ideas which sound
reasonable but are not truly paths with heart. Emerald can help one to heal 'heartbreak' and to
remember to give love to oneself as well as others.
Wearing Emerald helps attune one's vibrational pattern to the spectrum of abundance,
allowing one to attract what one needs and desires.
Emerald is also a stone of courage, another emotion which emanates from the strong and open
heart. It helps one to move forward on the path with heart, regardless of any threats or
dangers which seem to threaten oneself. The emerald is the sacred stone of the goddess
Venus. It was thought to preserve love. The emerald has long been the symbol of hope. It is
considered by many to be the stone of prophecy. For some the emerald acts as a tranquilizer
for a troubled mind. The emerald is said to bring the wearer reason and wisdom.
The strongest time for the powers of the emerald is said to be spring.
Emerald is a stone of great harmony, wisdom and love.

Emerald stones are one of the most valued stones... as from within them emerges the purest
form of green ray energy. This heart chakra based energy makes them known as a stone of
successful and abundant love. By helping you to let go of negativity, natural Emerald crystals
will create positive actions and outcomes, and give you the strength to overcome any
problems in your life.

If you desire to use this stone to help you to manifest loving attributes, good health and a
peaceful, loving and harmonious existence, or to learn how to stay happy, you might like to
have this stone in your life. Of course it will manifest abundance as well as money, and you
all know that of course money is necessary in life. An increase of prosperity in your life on
all levels, may be the natural result of having the energy of Emerald crystals in your life.

You may combine any other varieties of Beryl with the Blue Beryl, called Aquamarine, and
White Beryl, also known as Goshenite, to aid you to be more truthful. Green Hiddenite,...
has a lovely energy and like some of the other green stones will combine well with Emeralds
to aid emotional healing. Other stones that may also assist your emotional healing, and that
can be combined with Emerald Stones include Green Apophyllite, Pink Rhodochrosite,
Rhodonite and Lilac Lepidolite. Within the heart chakra stones there are many good
combinations, if you wish to use other green toned stones in combination with Emerald
stones. This includes Dioptase, Green Aventurine, Green Amethyst, Variscite and

Epidote also caled Unakite, derives its name

from the Greek epidosis, meaning "growing
together". It is a combination of red jasper and
green epidote solidly bound together. From this we
get the meaning that what comes together belongs

Unakite (or Epidote) can be used to draw off

negative energy and blockage from the Heart Chakra.
Unakite is said to lift your spirits when you are feeling down - this is the gemstone to help you
to see the beauty in life. It is also used to uncover deception. Used in magic spell casting,
unakite will give the user a more confident control of any spell, and the user will find things
that have been lost.

Epidote can provide for increase in that to which one attunes it. If you are focused on
increasing your vitality the epidote will increase your vitality. It dispels criticalness, enhances
keen perception, stimulates participation and interaction and supplements personal power.

Koristan je za srce, cirkulaciju, enski reproduktivni sustav, olakava trudnou, u manjoj

mjeri za muki reproduktivni sustav, problemi s teinom
Eudialyte meaning

Eudialyte is a stone of life force and love force. This

powerful and rare stone brings harmony and balance to the
yearnings of the heart with the physical reality. It activates
and balances the root chakra and the heart chakra. Eudialyte
carries positive vibrations... and has an ability to assist
heart based loving energy to fill your life. It has a strong
ability to cause coincidence or synchronicity to occur in
your life.

Eudialyte is considered a personal power stone that

increases and revitalizes one's personal power. Psychically,
eudialyte helps with clairaudience, manifestation, and
psychic resonance and abilities, and is a psychically
protective stone. It is sometimes considered a "fine tuner". Eudialyte is also a stone of the
heart, bringing harmony of heart matters, and dispelling jealousy. As eudialyte combines pink
and red, it also brings the root and heart chakras into alignment, as well as activating the heart
chakra. Emotionally it is helpful for learning to trust oneself and others, and eases compulsive
behavior and thinking. The 'Hearts Helper', offering healing within the physical heart's
working's and within the heart's energy centre. Giving support and help where and when it is
needed. Eudialyte help's the heart physically, to heal where necessary, especially where
arteries need repair and strengthening, as well helping blood flow increase to areas needed
after deep invasive and life threatening surgery. Alongside this, Eudialyte help's to strengthen
blood vessels, keeping them working healthily and can also help increase the red blood cell
count, as well as helping to lower intoxicating substance within the blood itself. A stone to
help deeply in the repair of vascular damage and help in healing after treatment to the veins.
Another special offering of this stone is it help's deeply in the fight against blood disease,
especially helpful in the treatment of disease such as Leukemia. This makes an excellent stone
to use alongside the Hematite & Quartz stone formation - The 'Stone of the Warrior', they will
work in great harmony together. Alongside this, amazingly, Eudialyte can also help deeply in
the treatment of bone marrow disease greatly.

Passion, purpose and fulfillment are the gifts of Eudialyte! Hidden within its crystalline
structure are pools and flashes of light, and rainbows that spark ideas within you. It hints at
dreams and inspiration as if calling you (like your own personal cheer squad) towards the life
you came to live, the one that will fulfill you on every level It allows for your hearts deepest
desires to manifest in the physical world. It allows the things that you love the most to become
part of your everyday life, thus allowing for a more fulfilling life. Eudialyte increases your
energy and boosts confidence, self-expression and creativity. It helps you to overcome doubt,
self-criticism, confusion and fear. Its energies support you as you move in the direction of
your dreams.

Eudialyte is an excellent stone for those who seek to receive and express more love and
It has a very encouraging vibration and is a strong aid to help you to recognize what
direction to take your life in... and aids you to discover what your life path is

This is an excellent stone for enhancing creativity... especially if you may have gifts that
perhaps you are aware of... but because of circumstances in your life you have not had the
opportunity to develop. It is said to create an increase in both beta and alpha brain waves...
and this is part of the reason why Eudialyte is such a powerful stone to enhance creativity.
Wearing this stone as jewelry may assist you, as the longer you hold a piece of this crystal,
the greater the extent of your connection with spirit... which may create a flow of spiritual
energy, allowing automatic writing to naturally occur. Eudialyte is known to stimulate
occurrences of coincidence and synchronicity in your life... and this may help you to see how
your dreams may become reality. It helps to remove blockages to creativity and will help you
to allow your innate gifts to flow as they were meant to. This stone stimulates synchronicities
to happen in your life... and at the same time it enables you to see why certain things in your
life have occurred. These coincidences may also present ways to move forward using these

The vibration of this stone helps you to learn from your mistakes and helps you to more
at peace with yourself. Sometimes the reason for a situation may be based in a past life...
and this stone may help you to journey to that life and find out the background on what is
happening. This stone helps you to examine why you feel as you do, and helps your spirit to
heal. If the stone you are using has black inclusions within it, these black inclusions help to
take the energy down to the lower chakras... and is known to provide some psychic protection

It is beneficial to wear Eudialyte jewelry especially pendants worn at the heart chakra.
Eudialyte has a positive vibration that will help to lift feelings of depression. It will help to
harmonize your brain waves, and assist you to let go of negative emotions that may be
keeping you from feeling satisfied with your lot in life. Feelings such as anger, guilt or
jealousy may be helped by its positive energy.

The vibration of this stone produces a feeling of confidence in your abilities... and a
sense of inspiration to create an improvement in your personal circumstances. It has an
excellent healing action within the body at the cellular level, and may aid you if you are
feeling a lack of energy.

Fantom kvarc je udesno

sredstvo svjesnosti. Moe nam dati
osjetilnu mo koju je veina nas
tijekom ivota izgubila. Izvrstan je
za uvid u prole ivote, meditaciju
i za sve traitelje tajni i duhovnog.
Koristi se kao izvrstan pokreta
iscjeljujueg procesa i za lijeenje
emocionalnih nereda.

The Phantom crystal is comprised of a white or colored material and may be partial or
complete. The phantoms within a crystal provide an indication of the experiences and the
transformations the crystal has undergone in its evolution. The crystal represents the many
phases and the many types of life which may be experienced during ones lifetime. It is one of
the Earth stones to be used for redemption and cleansing of the earth. The energy of the
phantom works to bring together the participants of humanity to save the planet.

FLUORIT---Jak iscjeljujui kamen. Dovodi red u nered, poveava mentalne sposobnosti i

koncentraciju. Fluorit potie duhovnu i psihiku cijelovitost i razvoj, istinu, zatitu i donosi
mir. Pomae u rjeavanju psihikih blokada, osnauje svijest; odlino utjee na zdravlje
kostiju i miia. Dobar je za ienje aure i potie zdravu ljubav prema sebi. Zeleni Fluorit
pomae prizemljiti viak energije i rasipanje na emocionalne traume. titi od tetnih
elektromagnetskih zraenja (kompjuter, mobitel...). Koristan je za eludac, crijeva, protiv
infekcija, za zube i kosti. Osnauje i titi sranu akru.

Formerly called fluorspar, fluorite has a wide range of colors including yellow, blue, pink
purple and green. It is an interesting and beautiful stone because often more than one color
occurs in a single stone. The ancient Egyptians used flourite to carve statues and scarabs, the
Chinese have used it in carvings for over 300 years. In the 18th century, fluorite was
powdered in water to relieve the symptoms of kidney disease. Fluorite is said to absorb and
neutralize negative vibrations. It makes one more receptive to the vibrations of other stones.
Fluorite should be kept in every room of the home.

Fluorite is known as the "Genius Stone", increases concentration, helps in decision-


All rainbow colors. Important balancer, healer. Opens heart (especially green), Throat Brow,
Crown Chakra for clarity, overview, seeing additional truths/realities. Spleen bones, teeth,
lungs, detoxification, anxiety, insomnia. Benefits the teeth and bones. People with arthritis,
rheumatism, or spinal injuries have reported some relief from their conditions when they
employ Fluorite in their healing regimen. Helps to rekindle sexual appetite and heighten
intuitive powers. It is suggested using Fluorite in conjunction with Calcite and Pyrite.
Assists in fighting mental disorder and gaining spiritual awakening. Helps one become more
aware of the higher levels of reality and can anchor and free one from over stimulation on
the psychic plane.
Clear and Purple: Objectivity; clears the way for new things, uplifting, aura cleanse, 3rd
eye, eyesight, sinuses; repels colds. Enhances other gems. Change. Helps one get out of ruts.
Heart Chakra-Emotional, removes self placed limitations, Red/Pink Fluorite: Spiritual-
Protects against psychic attack/enhances spiritual development. Yttrium: Lavender, well-
being, serenity, peace, connection with universe/God/eternal life force.

Green: Stills mind and heart, harmonizes and recharges all Chakra. Green Fluorite is a
valuable helper in grounding excess energies. Hormone Balance. This stone has been helpful
with hormonal changes such as PMS and menopause.

Blue: Throat, nose, ears, soothing; Karmic impasses resolved, atonement relieved.

Yellow: Focus, cooperation, group alignment.

Clusters: lowers work/life stress (helpful on your desk)

Double Pyramid: Aligns spirit with physical plane, inner with outer awareness, and 2
sides/brain; Crown Chakra, illuminating karmic lessons.

Fluorite can help increase your concentration, and heighten your

intuition. It can help you maintain an unbiased impartiality when
decisions need to be made by reducing you emotional involvement in a
situation. Sometimes you can't see the forest for the trees. Fluorite lets
you take a step back and see better. It clears the fog of illusion and
brings order to chaos thus clearing the way for new things. Perfect
health and order on every level. Purification and harmony. Like Agate,
and Carnelian, Fluorite strengthens users analytical abilities and ability to
concentrate. Excellent for advancement of mind, greater concentration,
meditation. Helps one to grasp higher, more abstract concepts. Terrific stone for College
Students, and researchers who need to analyze data and reach conclusions.
Fluorite is particularly good for accessing the universal energies that activate all that is good
for your body, and is able to assist you in reaching the ultimate state of physical perfection.
Fluorite fosters objectivity, truth, intellect, consciousness, aura cleansing and protection,
concentration, purification, harmony, and attracts wealth and abundance. Innovative and
inventive, it is a highly effective brain stone, allowing you to use your creativity to build

Rainbow Fluorite has bands of varying colors within the stone...

and depending on the actual colors, particular crystals may have
different stone meanings. These stones will aid Indigo children
to feel safe and loved. The energy of this stone helps to provide
for the transfer of information at the time of contact with your
guides.This contact may be with both the angelic kingdom or
with your spirit guides. It is also a very protective stone, and is
said to shield you against psychic attack.
Fuchsite (Green Muscovite): Fuchsite is the green
variety of muscovite and carries the properties of
muscovite - inspiration, problem solving, intuition, etc.
As a heart chakra stone, it links the intellect of the mind
with the heart.Fuchsite allows one to use the gifts of the
mind, guided by the heart.When used by healers, it
amplifies the energies of crystals and speeds up the
healing process.

Psychologically, Fuchsite teaches true self-worth, assisting in the elimination of

atendency towards martyrdom or issues of servitude. Fuchsite helps to overcome
codependency and aids in a speedy recovery from trauma, both emotionally and

Fuchsite enhances the power of other minerals and is a great stone to use during healing
sessions. It assists you during meditation, to access information regarding your life path.
Fuchsite enhances your connection the nature spirits/devas and love and appreciation of
beauty in nature. As you gaze into a natural piece of Fuchsite, the sparkles say it all, pure &
blissful magic! Fuchsite is a healers stone, used by Shamans and Sages throughout the ages
to find the root cause of disease within the body and to facilitate deep healing on many levels.
The sparkles in fuchsite helps one to achieve an altered state of consciousness, allowing one
to connect with their innate medical intuitive abilities. Thus one becomes open to seeing
within the body and hence understanding the core issues / emotional imbalances leading to ill-
health. Children just adore playing with fuchsite, particulary in its natural form as it stimulates
their innate connection with fairies, nature spirits and gnomes. Create a crystal garden in a
shady place in your yard with fuchsite as the main centre piece, and you too will develop a
natural appreciation of the devic nature realm. Just watch the nature spirits dance, sing and
play and your children or animals will be sure to join in too.

Fuchsite is one of the great allies of Archangel Raphael, thus your child will experience deep
heart/mind healing during their nightly slumber. Children who are sensitive, experience
allergies, or have been labelled as ADHD, or possibly even failure to thrive do very well for
having fuchsite beside them at night whilst they sleep. Fuchsite is the green variety of
muscovite, gaining its colour due to the high concentrations of chromium. When fuchsite is
contained within quartz, it is referred to as green aventurine. Fuchsite is quite an abundant
mineral found in many deposits around the world, with the major ones being Brazil, Russia
and India.
Physically, fuchsite is one of those great
minerals for people who have challenges with
balancing blood sugar levels, and hence
experience fluctuating mood swings as a result.
The mineral stimulates growth, awareness and
increases the effectiveness of other crystals in
your environment, as well as aiding the clearing
and protection of each family members auric


Galena gemstone meaning: Galena is a transformation stone. It is

effective when embarking on a personal spiritual journey.Soul-
retrieval, past life recall stone. Galena is sometimes used in past life
regression therapy as a guide to inner vision. It assists in facing and
overcoming one's deepest fears.Galena is an Earth stone and as such
has strong grounding properties.

Brings strength, courage and ability to face difficult times, helps one to recover personal
power, assists in countering the ill effects of radiation, electromagnetic pollution, long hours
in front of the computer. Healing properties of Galena: Galena is used by healers to counter
infection, protect against radiation, recover from addictions.
The Garnet - GRANAT- is known as the stone for a
successful business. If your business is not as good as it should
be, just put 3 or more garnets on your desk. It is believed that if
a garnet is put under a pillow it will cure depression. Garnets
can be used to make a person popular and have self-esteem
when worn as jewelry. It helps protect one on trips. Garnets
bring constancy to friendships. Garnet is a stone of health,
extracting negative energy from the Chakras and transmuting
the energy to a beneficial state. It enhances ones internal fire, bringing the creative powers to
the stage of implementation. It has been known as a stone of commitment... to purpose, to
others and to oneself. The loving powers of garnet tend to reflect the attributes of devotion,
bringing the love of others to expressions of warmth and understanding.

Granat poveava putenost, senzualnost, seksualnost i prisnost. Donosi pozitivne misli i

porast energije. Stvara samopouzdanje i uspjeh u karijeri. Prua veliku zatitu od zla.
Iscjeljujui je za srce, krv, cirkulaciju, plua. Osnauje kosti i kou. Izvrstan je za bolesti
poput artritisa i reume jer daje energiju. Povezan je s korijenskom akrom. Prema mitu, granat
je osvjetljavao Noinu arku danju i nou, za vrijeme kia i crnih oblaka. Njega su nosili kriari,
koji su vjerovali da e im on osvijetliti put do kue. U srednjem vijeku almadinski granat je
koriten u nakitu, kao i u crkvama i prozorima hramova. Na Istoku je granat
najrasprostranjeniji i najstariji talisman. U indijskoj mitologiji ovaj se kamen poistovjeuje s
tzv. Kundalini vatrom - vatrom vjenih promjena. Budisti ga smatraju svetim kamenom koji
daje znanje i okrepljuje duu. Granat oznaava ljubav i vjernost, a onog tko ga nosi ispunjava
ljubavlju, neranjivou i dobrim raspoloenjem.

This stone makes you very attractive to other people by bringing out your best qualities.
Many need to form new friendships and associations. This stone can help attract new friends,
who will be attracted to you for who you really are. It provides a stable, balanced connection
between the physical, the spiritual, and the nervous system. It both monitors and adjusts the
flow of energy, providing for a balanced energy field around the
physical body, and aligning the emotional, and the intellectual
bodies with the perfect vibration of a Higher Power. Garnet is the
stone of passion and courage. Stimulates devotion to your family,
your friends, yourself, and your purpose or goals . Garnett will
stimulate the senses, and increase your vitality and stamina.

Very good for career success, encouraging business relationships by

increasing your popularity and stimulating other peoples desire to
work with you, especially for women. Helps to become motivated and productive, and attracts
good luck in business ventures.

Jewlery: Garnet is an ancient gemstone- In the Middle Ages, it symbolized illumination for
a darkened soul and was used in times of crisis to provide courage, protection and blessings
to warriors going into battle.Wear garnet to fortify your self confidence in besting
problems that seem overwhelming.A power stone, garnet offers light and hope on the path
that leads to your dreams and goals.
Grossular Garnet
Tsavorite (Green Garnet) Gemstone meaning
Tsavorite (Green Garnet) is in the Grossular
Garnet group. These rare gem grade stones from
Kenya are considered one of the most powerful of
the "prosperity stones." They are believed to
enhance wealth in every respect; creative,
financial, artistic and emotionally.

This stone was discovered in 1967 by British

geologist Cambell R. Bridges along the region
between Kenya and Tanzania. Tsavorite (or tsavolite)
garnet is named for the famous Tsavo National Park in Kenya. Tsavorite is only found in
Kenya and Tanzania.

The Types of Grossular Garnets

African Green Garnet (African Jade) - from Mali; green crystals

helpful for bringing ones visions into reality. Their vibrational pattern
creates confidence and motivation to get down to business and make
things happen. This stone encourages prosperity, healing the root of
scarcity-mindedness, and reveals the abundance the Earth and Universe provide. It is attuned
to the Heart Chakra.

Hessonite (Cinnamon Stone) - orange to dark brown-orange, and

reddish-brown crystal; relatively rare. Hessonite is called the Cinnamon
Stone, not only for its color, but because of the land of spices where it
originatedCeylon, now called Sri Lanka. It brings success in self-initiated
businesses based on an original idea or unfilled market niche, and inspires
and brings out artistic expression, even in the seemingly untalented.Associated with the Sacral
Chakra, Hessonite promotes self-respect and clarity of emotions, and soothes emotional
agitation. This stone opens the intuition and psychic center, and is used for out-of-body
journeys, carrying you to your destination.

Tsavorite - pale to emerald green; rare. It is restorative and freeing,

bringing new strength in difficult phases of life. From Kenya, this gem-
grade Garnet is the most energetically focused of the Grossular varieties.
It is a stone of wealth in all its positive aspectsfinancial, creative,
emotional, artistic and even physical health. Attuned to the pure Green ray, Tsavorite rivals
emerald in its power and beauty. It can open and cleanse the Heart Chakra, increasing zest
and vitality, and inducing feelings of charity and benevolence. Tsavorite can transmit its
qualities through the eyes of anyone who sees it, not only affects the energy of the person
wearing it or carrying it beneficially, but also other people nearby.
Tsavorite is a stone of manifestation, prosperity, vitality, and benevolence. It is often
found to be very uplifting. Tsavorite is not only a stone of prosperity, but it decreases
financial anxieties.

As a potent prosperity stone, Grossular Garnet is healing of all limitations on the physical
level, in health or wealth. Green Garnet carries an especially regenerative energy, and is
excellent for those whove had money problems and wish to reform. As a stone of strength,
Grossular Garnet will benefit new business ventures, promoting growth . It strengthens
stability in lawsuits and challenges, transforming lower forms of response and reaction to
loving forms of reply.

Tsavorite is a stone that is said to help find the inner beauty both in oneself and others. It is
said to help one live one's own destiny rather than struggling along a path that is not truly
theirs. Thus it relieves stress at a deep level. Grossular Garnet physical healing properties
include aiding in recovery of illness or trauma by regenerating new cell growth and
stimulating the blood. It also detoxifies and alleviates inflammations throughout the body and
boosts the immune and respiratory system.

Tsavorite is the crystal of growth that nurtures, develops, and creates, and brings the
life on track.
The exact meaning of Grossular Garnet says that one should value and respect
All the variants of Garnet honour the Egyptian goddess of war, Sekhmet. However,
Tsavorite is also believed to honour the Greek Goddess of Spring, Persephone.
Green Grossular Garnet, being a Feng Shui talisman, utilizes wood energy that is the
epitome of new beginnings, freshness, novelty, expansion, and growth.
Tsavorite is a stone of prosperity and all the positive aspects related to wealth which
means the mental, emotional, physical and creative aspects related to wealth. It draws
wealth to the wearer and helps in communicating with magical beings like fairies and
It works with the Pure Green Ray and can aid in opening up the heart chakra.
Tsavorite is a perfect stone for the tired and depressed since it can cleanse the heart
chakra. It helps in manifesting the desires of the heart and also inspires charity and
benevolence in their truest and purest forms.
This stone is so powerful that it can transmit its qualities to people who merely
see it. It is so potent that merely a contact with the wearer of this stone can plant
seeds of well being and prosperity through the Green Ray in your life!
The message of this stone is know thyself. This stone helps in understanding our
innermost desires and helps in the realization that we alone are the makers of our

Goldston nije dragulj, ali se tako naziva. Proces proizvodnje otkriven je u 17. st. u Veneciji
kod Miotti obitelji; dobili su od Duda ekskluzivnu licencu. A narodna pria kae da ga je
nehotice otkrio ovjek uvjebavajui alkemiju kod redovnika u Italiji. Bakar je upao u
rastopljeno staklo i iskristalizirao se. Goldston djeluje slino kao bakar i ljekoviti je kamen.
Revitalizirajui kamen, stimulira pozitivan stav, individualizam, smiruje i osvjeava um.
Koristi se za balansiranje druge akre, poboljava spolni nagon i povoljno utjee na
reproduktivni sustav, bubrege i prostatu. Djeluje jako dobro u kombinaciji s azuritom,
malahitom i tirkizom.
Gagat ili Jet

Gagat ili Jet je vrsta crnog lignita koja se cijeni

kao ukrasni kamen. Ne radi se o pravom materijalu
mineralnog podrijetla, nego o drvu koje se pod visokim
tlakom fosiliziralo. Crne je ili tamno smee boje te moe
u sebi sadravati i komadie pirita koji su, pak, mjedeno
ute boje. Gagat je proizvod razgradnje drveta starog
vie milijuna godina pod visokim pritiskom. Obino se
radi o drvetu iz porodice Araucariaceae. U principu nalazimo 2 vrste, tvrdi i meki gagat. Tvrdi
je nastao pod utjecajem ugljikove kompresije i slane, odnosno kod mekog slatke vode..

Gagat izvlai negativnu energiju i razgrauje bezrazlone strahove. Tijekom vie tisuljea
koristio se kao talisman. uva od nasilja i bolesti. Prua zatitu tijekom duhovnih putovanja i
pomae u potrazi za duhovnim prosvjetljenjem. U drevna vremena koristio se kao zatita od
entiteta tame. Kau da su oni koje ovaj kamen privlai stare due koje imaju bogato
iskustvo reinkarniranja na zemlji.

Gagat stabilizira financije, titi poslove i potie preuzimanje kontrole nad ivotom.

Donosi stabilnost i ravnoteu kod velikih promjena raspoloenja i olakava depresiju. Jo od

viktorijanskog doba poznat je kao jedan od najboljih iscjelitelja tuge i alosti. Gagat
proiava korijensku akru i stimulira kundalini.

The finest jet comes from England, and it is also found in the United States, Poland, France,
Germany, Spain, India and Russia. Jet becomes electrically charged when rubbed with
wood or silk.

Jet can be used to dispel fearful thoughts. It brings calm and can diminish depression. It is a
good stone for protection against illness and violence. It is also protective in business and
enhances the stability of finances. Jet aligns the base chakra and stimulates the awakening of
the Kundalini. When placed on the upper body it helps the Kundalini move toward the crown.
Jet is an excellent stone for use in magic rituals to draw and channel the elements of the
earth's energies in a desired direction.

Jet protects and purifies. Jet neutralizes negative energies. Hold a piece of jet to clear
negative vibrations. Especially useful for people who have unreasonable fears that limit their
lives. Helps control mood swings and fights deep depression. Recommended for stimulating
psychic experience and guiding one in the quest for spiritual enlightenment. If worn, it should
be set in silver.
Girasol Quartz meaning

Girasol Quartz (also called girasol

opal) is a very ancient mineral found
in Madagascar and has powerful
energies. This stone can help you feel
calm, relaxed, hopeful and optimistic.
Girasol can also amplify your ability
to be creative, thoughtful and focused
in your life. Girasol Quartz brings a
sense of balance to the emotions that
can increase control over impulsive
behavior. This ability to be in control
of your feelings empowers you to
clearly think things through and just
say no to hasty choices we sometimes
regret later. - girasol (znan kao opalizirani kvarc, plavi opal kvarc ili mjeseev kvarc).

Girasol je kamen blage, ali mone energije koja moe poboljati i razjasniti osjeaje (posebno
one povezane s ljubavi i strasti), omoguava nositelju da pogleda duboko u sebe i probudi
istinske osjeaje. Girasol poboljava komunikaciju i poveava kreativnost kod umjetnika i
poslovnih ljudi. Kamen je ozdravljenja koji vrsto, ali njeno pospjeuje zarastanje duhovne,
emocionalne i fizike ozljede. Girasol pomae procesima ozdravljenja kod dijabetesa,
imunolokog sustava i sindroma kroninog umora. Ovaj kamen obino koriste iscjelitelji
prije terapije kako bi potaknuli protok energije i ozdravljenja kod klijenata koji su osobito

Girasol is Quartz with Titanium or Aluminum, which gives it its ethereal misty look. These
are the same minerals that colour Rose Quartz, and so Girasol is sometimes referred to as
Clear Rose or White Rose though the distinction is the subject of many scientific debates
in the mineral world! It can enhance and mirror your feelings, making it excellent for
visualization, imagination, dream work, and the guided direction of energy. Girasol enhances
communication skills, including freely speaking any thoughts youve been holding back.
Dalmation Jasper Danburite * Datolite
Demantoid Garnet Diamonds Dianite
Diaspore Diopside Dioptase *
Dog Tooth Calcite Dravite Tourmaline Dream Quartz
Dumortierite * Eckermannite Eilat Stone
Elephant Skin Jasper Emeralds* Enstatite
Epidote * Erythrite Euclase, Eudialyte *
Eye Of The Storm Fairy Stones*- staurolite Fire Agate *
Fire Quartz Fishtail Selenite Flint, Fluorite *
Forsterite Fuchsite * Fulgurite

Gabbro Gaia Stone Galena, Garnet *

Gaspeite Gem Silica Gilalite in Quartz

Glacial Etched Quartz Glendonite, Goethite Golden Aura Quartz

Golden Calcite * Golden Chrysoberyl Golden Danburite

Golden Healer Golden Rutilated Quartz* Golden Selenite

Golden Yellow Labradorite* Gold Sheen Obsidian Goosecreekite

Goshenite Green Apatite Green Apophyllite*

Green Calcite* Green Chrysoberyl Green Diopside

Green Fluorite* Green Heulandite Green Kyanite*

Green Moonstone Green Moss Agate* Green Rhyolite*

Green Selenite Green Stilbite Green Tourmaline*

Grossularite aka*
Green Tremolite Green Zoisite*
Grossular Garnet

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