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Meteorology Practice Assessment

Questions and Answers

1. Cirrus clouds are found

A. Only at low altitudes
B. At mid and high altitudes
C. Only at high altitudes
D. At all altitudes
2. A tool used to measure wind direction is
A. A wind vane
B. An anemometer

C. A barometer
D. A psychrometer
3. The four types of precipitation are
A. Cats, dogs, rain, and snow
B. Rain, snow, freezing rain and hail
C. Rain, snow, sleet, and hail
D. Hail, ice, snow, sleet
A lava lamp is an example of
A. Conduction
B. Convection
C. Radiation
D. Condensation
5. The tool used to measure wind speed is
A. A wind vane
B. An anemometer
C. A barometer
D. A psychrometer
6. Clouds form when water vapor condenses on _____________________ in the air.
A. Ice, smoke, dust
B. Salt, water vapor, gas
C. Smoke, dust, gas
D. Smoke, dust, salt
7. The hydrosphere contains
A. Clouds, rivers, lakes
B. Oceans, mountains, rivers
C. Ice, smoke and dust
D. Water vapor, chickens, and soda
8. Cumulonimbus clouds
A. Bring stormy weather
B. Bring nice weather
C. Mean that a warm front is moving through
D. Are spread out like a sheet
9. Conduction is the transfer of thermal energy by
A. Electromagnetic waves
B. Ultraviolet radiation
C. The movement or circulation of a liquid or gas
D. Direct contact
10. A cold front brings
A. Stormy weather followed by colder temperatures and drier weather
B. Stormy weather followed by warmer temperatures and humid weather
C. Drizzly rain followed by warmer temperatures
D. Drizzly rain followed by cooler temperatures

11. Condensation is when water turns from a
A. Solid to a gas
B. Gas to a solid
C. Liquid to a gas
D. Gas to a liquid
12. The coldest layer of the atmosphere is the
A. Thermosphere
B. Exosphere
C. Stratosphere
D. Mesosphere
13. What is the atmospheric layer where most weather occurs
A. Thermosphere
B. Mesosphere
C. Troposphere
D. Stratosphere
14. The movement of air from an area of high pressure to an area of low pressure is
A. Conduction
B. Wind
C. Convection
D. Barometer
15. Where do the northern lights occur
A. Mesosphere
B. Thermosphere
C. Exosphere
D. Stratosphere
16. Hot air rising into the atmosphere, where it then cools and falls back down, is an example of
A. Radiation
B. Conduction
C. Convection
D. Condensation
17. The most common gas in our atmosphere is
A. Oxygen
B. Carbon Dioxide
C. Nitrogen
D. Argon
18. Radiation is the transfer of thermal energy by
A. Electromagnetic waves
B. Ultraviolet radiation
C. The movement or circulation of a liquid or gas
D. Direct contact
19. A hurricane forms over
A. Cold water
B. Warm water
C. Cold land
D. Warm land
20. The more water vapor in the air the
A. Lower the air pressure
B. Higher the air pressure
C. Higher the temperature
D. Lower the temperature
21. What happens to temperature as you move up through out the atmosphere
A. It stays the same
B. It increases
C. It decreases
D. It varies
22. Touching hot sand would be an example of
A. Conduction
B. Convection
C. Radiation
D. Condensation
23. Evaporation is when water turns from a
A. Gas to a solid
B. Solid to a gas
C. Liquid to a gas
D. Liquid to a solid
24. The tool used to measure air pressure is called
A. Wind vane
B. An anemometer
C. A barometer
D. A psychrometer
25. Wind speed, wind direction, air pressure, temperature, and _______________ all help determine the weather
A. Location
B. Mountains
C. Latitude
D. Relative humidity
26. As you go up a mountain the air pressure
A. Decreases
B. Increases
C. Stays the same
D. Varies in a random way
27. Cirrus clouds
A. Are spread out like a sheet and flat
B. Have wispy edges
C. Have flat bottoms and are puffy
D. Bring rain
28. A warm front brings
A. Cool and cloudy weather
B. Cool and clear weather
C. Warm and cloudy weather
D. Warm and clear weather
29. Weather is the
A. Average atmospheric conditions of a location
B. Current atmospheric conditions of a location
C. Temperature of a location
D. Rainfall of a location
30. Stratus clouds are
A. Flat and spread out like a sheet
B. Flat and bumpy with blue sky poking through
C. Flat with wispy edges
D. Piled up rain clouds
31. Air pressure can be affected by
A. Temperature, visibility, and cloud type
B. Visibility, temperature, and water vapor
C. Temperature, elevation, and cloud type
D. Water vapor, temperature, and elevation
32. Cirrus clouds are made out of
A. Water droplets
B. Ice crystals
C. Dust
D. Ice balls
33. Where do meteors burn up?
A. Stratosphere
B. Thermosphere
C. Troposphere
D. Mesosphere
34. What does the ozone layer do?
A. It blocks infrared radiation
B. It protects us from meteors
C. It protects us from ultraviolet radiation
D. It causes the sky to be blue
35. What happens to temperature as you move upwards through the troposphere
A. It decreases
B. It increases
C. It stays the same
D. It varies from place to place
36. If there is a tornado or hurricane approaching air pressure would be
A. Staying the same
B. Dropping
C. Rising
D. Going up and down
37. Water stored under the ground is called
A. Landwater
B. Groundwater
C. Runoff
D. Precipitation
38. Convection is the transfer of thermal energy by
A. Electromagnetic waves
B. Ultraviolet radiation
C. The movement or circulation of a liquid or gas
D. Direct contact
39. Stratus clouds usually mean
A. Rainy weather
B. Windy weather
C. Cold weather
D. Nice weather
40. Cumulus clouds are
A. Spread out like a sheet
B. Piled up rain clouds
C. Piled up
D. Mid level clouds
41. A hurricane dies when
A. It is killed by the government
B. It moves over warm water
C. It moves over cold water or land
D. When it approaches the gulf stream
42. During a cold front there is
A. Nice weather
B. Light rain
C. Stormy weather
D. Very warm weather
43. Cumulus clouds usually mean
A. Rainy weather
B. Windy weather
C. Cold weather
D. Nice weather
44. Where is the ozone layer?
A. Mesosphere
B. Stratosphere
C. Troposphere
D. Exosphere

This is a picture of a(n)

A. Cold front

B. Stationary front
C. Freezing front
D. Warm front
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Cloud Formation and Precipitation
Clouds form when water evaporates from the oceans and rises into the troposphere. As the water molecules
rise, they cool and they collide with tiny particles of salt and dust, known as aerosols. Some of the water
molecules stick to the aerosols and condense, forming tiny droplets. Eventually, these droplets collide with
one another, making the larger droplets that clouds consist of. When enough droplets collide, they reach a
critical mass and fall to the ground as precipitation.

Clouds are made up of tiny water droplets and ice crystals that are so small they can float in the air. If the
droplets become large enough, you will be able to see them as cloud or fog. If they become even larger, they
can fall as rain (or snow).

The water in a glass might not look like it is moving at all, but the molecules that make up the water are
always moving. When the water is warm, the molecules move faster. When the water is cool, the molecules
move more slowly. Some of the molecules are moving fast enough that they escape into the air, the water is
evaporating. If we heat the water, more water molecules evaporate becoming water vapor. If the air cools,
then water vapor molecules slow down and some can not remain a vapor. They cluster in the air to form tiny
liquid droplets. This is called condensation. In clouds, the liquid droplets formed by condensation are small
and light enough that they stay in the air. If they grow large enough, they will fall to the ground as



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