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The secret martial law that was in effect ever since the Civil War in the US ended in
interregnum. It was agreed two years ago during the 2015 Annual Meetings when I spent
six hours in face to face meetings with the delegations in Peru that I speak for the Board
of Governors unless the countries go on record in writing. Until then, I represent the US
on the Boards of Governors of the World Bank and IMF, as well as on the Boards of
Executive Directors of the World Bank and International Monetary Fund. I also speak for
the Boards of Governors of the World Bank and IMF.

This is all consistent with the US National War College Power Transition Model which has
a track record of being 90-95% accurate.

A critical mass of humanity knows that it is necessary to replace the Federal Reserve
Note and the rest of the Banking Cartel's corrupt paper currencies and cancel fake
country debt.

Any embassy that does not agree with the Minutes of the upcoming Annual Meetings of
the World Bank and IMF concerning the Global Currency Reset to wipe out the corruption
in the world's montary system, must go on record in writing.

Teleprompter: https://s3.amazonaws.com/khudes/dctvteleprompt10.3.17.pdf

Ryan Clifford3 days ago
my question being that I'm late to the party is; what happened to this lady? just 6 years ago she
was speaking clearer, had all her hair and posture was much stronger. has there been documented
attacks on her health?

Karen Hudes1 second ago

YES! I have been attacked by scalar military technology too many times to count. They tried to
kill me last August. Something wonderful happened when we reached critical mass (referred to
as the 100th monkey effect.) The Banking Cartel doesn't want you to know about this, and deleted
my tweet. Here it is again: https://s3.amazonaws.com/khudes/Twitter8.30.17.pdf (See page 4)

Here is the tweet where I described the attack last August and what I was doing right before the


jim anderson1 week ago
Hi Karen, Love you and love your work. If you look at the totality of the evidence, especially
what has come out in the last few years, I don't think there are any lingering doubts anymore
about what happened on 9/11. It certainly was a controlled demolition. The presence of the
aluminum nanites in the demolition residue is proof of weapons grade explosives used in the
demo charges for the elevator columns. The elevators had in fact been through a modernization
process less than 6 months prior to the incident. The totality of the evidence now is a stunningly
cohesive picture of governmental treachery of staggering proportions. I believe, It should be a
part in partial now of your entire argument as to the extent of governmental control exercised by
the Central Banks. it supplements and supports your arguments perfectly and I believe at this
point should be a part and partial of your entire montage. I believe if you review the evidence,
even just that offered through the 5th estate, We have gotten way past speculation. Thank you for
your work Karen, you were deeply instrumental in my awakening process. Thank you.

Stu Bru1 week ago

Keep up the good work Karen .... ur an inspiration to me ... a hero and a pillar of strength ... ..
glad you have incredible focus !!

Suzzana Roy1 week ago

Karen most everyone knows that Vatican Bankers of the Jusuit order. Who are they kidding.

Steve Torrence5 days ago

CODE NAME TVM-LSM-666 The American Federation of Government Employees, Mint
Council (hereinafter MINT COUNCIL) and The Global Debt Facility, a trust fund established
for the benefit of humanity as referred to in the Bilateral Minesfield Breakthrough Successor
Agreement dated 11 August 1950 (TVM-LSM-666)========= Has it been determined who
will sign the US monetary agreement? As the lawyer for the GDF, do you have the authority to
appoint someone else in case the designated one chooses not to sign?

Karen Hudes2 days ago

Steve, Thanks for this question. We are in interregnum and although the US military is backing
us, the traitors are still in the way. We are going to do this Global Currency Reset peacefully --
the elite have to recognize that we are not going anywhere and that time is not on their side. we
are getting to this point, hopefully in the near future

Reminding you of my previous tweet, where the Council of Economic Advisers still keeps
stonewalling whether or not the Constitution of 1789 is in effect. Kind of strange that they are
silent in the face of this tweet saying explicitly:"If they won't respond, they are not in office".




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