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Decision Support Systems 31 Ž2001.


Decision making and knowledge management in inquiring

organizations: toward a new decision-making paradigm for DSS
James F. Courtney )
Management Information Systems Department, College of Business Administration, UniÕersity of Central Florida, P.O. Box 161400,
Orlando, FL 32816-1400, USA


Organizational decisions of the future may include social, environmental, and economic concerns, and be much more
AwickedB wPolicy Sciences, 4 Ž1973. 155x, complex and interconnected than those of the past. Organizations and their
decision support systems must embrace procedures that can deal with this complexity and go beyond the technical
orientation of previous DSS. Singerian inquiring organizations wAustralian Journal of Information Systems, 6 Ž1. Ž1998. 3;
http:rrwww.cba.uh.edur;parksrfisrfis.htm Ž1998.; Proceedings of 3rd Americas Conference on Information Systems,
Indianapolis, August 1997, p. 293; Proceedings of the 1999 Meeting of the America’s Conference on Information Systems,
Milwaukee, August 1999; Special Issue of Information Systems Frontiers on Philosophical Reasoning in Information
Systems Research Žin press.x, based on Churchman’s wThe Design of Inquiring Systems: Basic Concepts of Systems and
Organization, Basic Books, New York, NY, 1971x inquiring systems and Mitroff and Linstone’s wThe Unbounded Mind:
Breaking the Chains of Traditional Business Thinking, Oxford Univ. Press, New York, 1993x unbounded systems thinking
ŽUST., are designed to deal with wicked decision situations. This paper discusses DSS and knowledge management in
Singerian organizations and calls for a new decision-making paradigm for DSS. q 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights

Keywords: Decision support systems; Knowledge management; Inquiring systems; Inquiring organizations; Wicked decisions

1. Introduction Churchman’s w7x inquiring systems serve as models

for the development of Ainquiring organizationsB
In one of the most widely cited works in the
MISrDSS literature, Churchman w7x described the
This paper describes decision making and knowl-
work of five influential western philosophers ŽLeib-
edge management ŽKM. issues in inquiring organiza-
niz, Locke, Kant, Hegel and Singer. from the per-
tions. Relying heavily on work by Mitroff and Lin-
spective of systems theory. These five inquiring
stone w27x, it is argued that a new paradigm for
systems constitute different approaches to the cre-
decision making is needed within decision support
ation of knowledge. It has been proposed that
systems. This paradigm must address decision-mak-
ing in more complex contexts than have been at-
Tel.: q1-407-823-3174; fax: q1-407-823-2389. tacked in the past by DSS research. It is suggested
E-mail address: jim.courtney@bus.ucf.edu ŽJ.F. Courtney.. that the Singerian organizational model, and what

0167-9236r01r$ - see front matter q 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
PII: S 0 1 6 7 - 9 2 3 6 Ž 0 0 . 0 0 1 1 7 - 2
18 J.F. Courtneyr Decision Support Systems 31 (2001) 17–38

Mitroff and Linstone w27x refer to as unbounded managing knowledge required for effective organiza-
systems thinking ŽUST., provide a way for DSS tional decisions. It will then be argued that, while
research to begin addressing these more complex, organizational decision environments have always
AwickedB w36x situations. To date, DSS have tended been complex and ill-structured, the environments of
to support the Leibnizian Žanalytical–deductive. and the near future will be even more so. This will set
Lockean Žinductive–consensual. styles, what Mitroff the stage for a discussion of a new DSS paradigm
and Linstone w27x refer to as the technical perspec- later in the paper.
tive. They argue that UST requires consideration not
only of the technical perspective, but also broad 2.1. The eÕolution of the DSS concept
organizational and personal perspectives, and ethical
and aesthetic issues, as well. This paper argues that
future DSS should go well beyond support for Leib- Gorry and Scott Morton w14x, who integrated An-
nizian and Lockean organizations, and provide sup- thony’s w2x categories of management activity and
port for decision-making in Kantian, Hegelian and Simon’s w39x description of decision types. Anthony
w2x described management activities as consisting of
especially Singerian organizational models. A new
decision-making paradigm for DSS is proposed, strategic planning Žexecutive decisions regarding
based on the Singerian model, and Mitroff and Lin- overall mission and goals., management control
Žmiddle management guiding the organization to
stone’s w27x UST concepts.
The paper begins with a brief review of the goals., and operational control Žfirst line supervisors
original DSS concept, and its emphasis on attacking directing specific tasks.. Simon w39x described deci-
semi-structured management problems. Next, the sion problems as existing on a continuum from
evolution of DSS thinking is reviewed, up to its programmed Žroutine, repetitive, well-structured, eas-
present concern with knowledge management. Vari- ily solved. to non-programmed Žnew, novel, ill-struc-
ous perspectives on knowledge and knowledge man- tured, difficult to solve..
agement are discussed. Then Leibnizian, Lockean, Gorry and Scott Morton w14x combined Anthony’s
w2x management activities and Simon’s w39x descrip-
Kantian, Hegelian and Singerian organizations are
described, along with a discussion of decision mak- tion of decisions into a table similar to that in Fig. 1
Žexamples have been updated in some cases., and
ing and knowledge management in each. The Singe-
rian organization, which employs UST to sweep in described decision problems as structured, unstruc-
the other four models and additional considerations, tured, and semi-structured, rather than programmed
is emphasized. Finally, a new decision-making and non-programmed Žnote that it is the decision
paradigm which encompasses UST is proposed, and context that is unstructured, not the DSS itself..
its implications for DSS are considered. Simon w39x described the decision-making process
as consisting of three phases: intelligence, design and
choice. Intelligence is used in the military sense to
2. Development of the DSS concept mean searching the environment for problems, that
is, the need to make a decision. Design involves the
This section will briefly describe the original DSS development of alternative ways of solving the prob-
concept and its evolution to today’s concern with lem, and choice consists of analyzing the alternatives

Fig. 1. Examples of the Gorry and Scott Morton decision types.

J.F. Courtneyr Decision Support Systems 31 (2001) 17–38 19

and choosing one for implementation. Gorry and tems, such as those in spreadsheet packages, and
Scott Morton w14x defined a DSS as a computer tools such as the Interactive Financial Planning Sys-
system that dealt with a problem at least some stage tem ŽIFPS., and later Lotus 1-2-3 and Excel came to
of which was semi-structured or unstructured, or, in be associated with DSS applications. It is interesting
other words, as anything above the dashed line in to note that such tools did not appear, actually could
Fig. 1. A computer system could be developed to not appear, until direct access storage devices made
deal with the structured portion of a DSS problem, interactive operating systems technically and eco-
but the judgment of the decision maker was brought nomically viable. Keen and Wagner w18x especially
to bear on the unstructured part, hence, constituting a emphasize how the interactivity and adaptability of
human–machine system. IFPS models allowed managers to make much more
Gorry and Scott Morton w14x argued that the timely decisions and to use models in a more intu-
characteristics of both information needs and models itive manner as interaction provided immediate feed-
differ in a DSS environment, as compared to most back, the ability to change models and assumptions
organizational information systems that were in use quickly, and permitted the analysis of more options,
at that time. Management information systems, such and a wider variety of options.
as billing, other accounting systems, inventory con- Fig. 2 describes what probably came to be a more
trol and the like, require current, accurate data that is customarily used model of the decision-making pro-
derived primarily from sources internal to the organi- cess in a DSS environment. Here the emphasis came
zation. DSS applications, because many are strategic to be on model development and problem analysis.
in their orientation, tend to require data from outside Once the problem is recognized, it is defined in
the organization, and this data may be in the form of terms that facilitate the creation of mathematical
trends or estimates. The ill-defined nature of infor- models. Alternative solutions are created, and mod-
mation needs in DSS situations leads to the require- els are then developed to analyze the various alterna-
ment for different kinds of databases than those for tives. The choice is then made and implemented as
operational environments. Relational databases and in Simon’s w39x description. Of course, no decision
flexible query languages are needed. Similarly, the process is this clear-cut in an ill-structured situation.
ill-structured nature of the decision environment im- Typically, the phases overlap and blend together, and
plied the need for flexible, interactive modeling sys- there will be recycling to earlier stages, as more is

Fig. 2. The conventional DSS decision-making process.

20 J.F. Courtneyr Decision Support Systems 31 (2001) 17–38

learned about the problem, as solutions do not work cost data, product roadmaps, inventory informa-
out, and so forth. tion, and order demand information — are in-
Over the last two decades or so, DSS research has cluded in valuechain@dell.com. This allows us to
evolved to include several additional concepts and bring our suppliers inside our business and treat
views. Group decision support systems ŽGDSS., or them as if they were part of our company. This is
just group support systems ŽGSS. provide brain- an illustration of the virtually integrated business,
storming, idea evaluation and communications facili- in which suppliers and customers are connected in
ties to support team problem solving. Executive in- real time. w11x
formation systems have extended the scope of DSS
from personal or small group use to the corporate As globalization expands, the number of stake-
level. Model management systems w13x and knowl- holders affected by organizations will increase in
edge-based decision support systems w5x, based on size, and the widely disparate customs, laws, behav-
theories and techniques from artificial intelligence iors and environmental concerns of affected commu-
and expert systems, provided smarter support for the nities will further complicate strategic problems. The
decision-maker. The latter began evolving into the violent demonstrations that occurred at the 1999
concept of organizational knowledge management meeting of the World Trade Organization in Seattle
about a decade ago w30x, and is now evolving into a illustrate what can happen when people perceive that
broader notion of DSS serving as knowledge sources they are not being treated fairly. Business is respond-
or connecting decision-makers with diverse sources ing to this need through initiatives on corporate
w17x. social responsibility and Asustainable development,B
development that takes a long-term view, integrating
social, environmental and economic concerns to
2.2. DSS decision enÕironments of the 21st century avoid compromising the ability of future generations
to fill their needs w16x.
As described previously, DSS have purported to The World Business Council on Sustainable De-
attack semi-structured organizational problems, or at velopment, which has firms from AT & T to Zurich
least the structured Žmodelable or tractable. portion Financial Services Group in its list of over 120
of such problems. Many, although not all, semi- international members, recently issued a report on
structured problems occur at the strategic planning Corporate Social Responsibility, which it defines as:
level of the enterprise. Spreadsheets, group support
. . . the commitment of business to contribute to
systems and knowledge-based systems have been
sustainable economic development, working with
successfully used in many such situations. Strategic
employees, their families, the local community
planning problems have always been messy and
and society at large to improve their quality of
difficult because of the large number of factors
life. w16, p. 10x
involved, the uncertainty about relationships among
factors, uncertainty about the future, and a host of The report cites C. Michael Armstrong, chairman
other issues. Strategic planning promises to become and CEO of AT & T as saying,
even more complex in the future, as the Internet and
telecommunications technology will allow more or- AT & T understands the need for a global alliance
ganizations to become global in nature, and suppli- of business, society and the environment. In the
ers, producers and customers will become more 21st century, the world won’t tolerate businesses
closely connected throughout the world. For exam- that don’t take that partnership seriously, but it
ple, Michael Dell, CEO of Dell Computing, now the will eventually reward companies that do. w16, p.
largest seller of personal computers in the U.S and a 1x
player in global markets, says:
The WBCSD, the Global Reporting Initiative
All aspects of the relationship — such as real-time www.globalreporting.org., the Institute of Social and
feeds from our manufacturing lines about quality, Ethical Accountability www.accountability.org.uk.,
J.F. Courtneyr Decision Support Systems 31 (2001) 17–38 21

and SustainAbility www.sustainability.org.uk ., v Solutions to wicked problems are not true or

among others, are working on proposed standards false, but good or bad — values are inherently a
and reporting requirements that will greatly expand large part of the problem and the values em-
the complexity of organizational decision making. ployed vary among stakeholders.
The WBCSD is developing a virtual university to v There is no immediate or ultimate test of a
teach sustainable development, business ethics and solution to a wicked problem — solutions to
corporate social responsibility. Here is what the wicked problems, because they are so inextrica-
WBCSD says about its business ethics course: bly bound to their environment, generate Awaves
of consequences over an extended — virtually
The most important message the participants
unbounded — period of time.B w36, p. 163x
should receive is that the level of complexity of v Every solution to a wicked problem is a Aone-
BE wbusiness ethicsx issues is so high that it
shot operationB; because there is no opportunity
requires the involvement of key stakeholders, that
to learn by trial and error, every attempt counts
there are no simple solutions, and even if there is
significantly — and consequentially, solutions
a Aright answerB it will be very much dependent
cannot be undone.
on the interest of a particular stakeholder group. v Wicked problems do not have a numerable Žor
In other words, the emphasis is not so much on
an exhaustively describable. set of potential so-
finding the Aright answerB but on developing the
lutions, nor is there a well-described set of
capacity to address complex business problems
permissible operations that may be incorporated
in a much more effective and systematic way.
ŽWBCSD, http:rrvu.foundation.noribtrsemi- into the plan — there may be no solution.
v Every wicked problem is essentially unique —
despite many similarities, each wicked problem
Other standards and guidelines these organiza- also has distinguishing characteristics that make
tions are developing include Afull cost accounting,B it unique.
which would comprise social costs and economic v Every wicked problem can be considered to be
externalities in addition to conventional financial a symptom of another problem — again, be-
costs, and the Atriple bottom line,B which involves cause of their connectedness to the environment
Athe simultaneous pursuit of economic prosperity, and to other problems, AsolvingB a wicked prob-
environmental quality and social equity.B Žhttp:rr lem may exacerbate other problems.
www.wbcsd.chraboutdfn.htm. v The existence of a discrepancy wbetween actual
It seems clear that planning problems in these and desired states of affairx can be explained in
environments go beyond even what Gorry and Scott numerous ways. The choice of explanation de-
Morton w14x called unstructured problems in their termines the nature of the problem’s resolution
original conception of DSS. Rittel and Webber w36x — the choice is the one most plausible to the
refer to such problems as being Awicked,B and state decision-maker.
that the classical rational paradigm of science and v The planner has no right to be wrong — scien-
engineering are not applicable to problems in open tists may formulate hypotheses that are later
social systems. They list 10 properties of wicked refuted, but planners seek to improve some
problems: aspect of the world. GThe planner who works
with open systems is caught up in the ambiguity
v There is no definitive formulation of a wicked of their causal webs.H ŽRef. w36x, p. 167, em-
problem — formulating the problem is the phasis added.
v Wicked problems have no stopping rule — It would seem that globalization will lead to
planners stop, not because they have AtheB an- increasingly wicked planning problems for all kinds
swer, but because they are out of time, money, of organizations, both for profit and non-profit, and
patience or because the answer is Agood privately and publicly owned. This is a challenging
enough.B environment for organizations, to say the least.
22 J.F. Courtneyr Decision Support Systems 31 (2001) 17–38

Methods are desperately needed to help with making Schultze w37x, in an ethnographic study of knowledge
effective decisions in such situations. Spreadsheets work in a corporation, found precisely these prob-
and other models and knowledge-based DSS, and lems occurring in its library system.
especially GSS can help with such problems. But it When viewed as an activity, AKnowledge is a
seems that more powerful tools are required. Espe- vital force, which makes an enormous difference in
cially required is a broader perspective in terms of the worldB w7, p. 10x. It implies that the ability to act
DSS research. However, before discussing the new is pragmatic in the sense that it implies that someone
perspective, the paper will digress somewhat and knows how to do something correctly. Yet, a person
consider the nature of knowledge and knowledge does not have knowledge only when acting. A
management, and its relationship to decision making database analyst knows how to normalize a database
in organizations. even when she is asleep. Thus, knowledge can be
viewed as the potential for action. Yet, ATo be
knowledgeable, one must be able to adjust behavior
3. Knowledge and organizational knowledge man- to changing circumstancesB w7, p. 11x. Thus, being
agement knowledgeable implies not only how to perform an
act correctly, but also how to learn as circumstances
change, clearly an essential ability in today’s dy-
To understand how knowledge may be managed
namic environments.
in organizations, especially in a DSS context, it
Churchman w7x does consider another vastly dif-
seems appropriate to discuss the nature of knowledge
ferent view of knowledge from that we see in most
itself. Various authors have different perspectives, of
of the modern knowledge management literature. He
course. Churchman w7,8x himself expresses his views,
believes this perspective was best expressed by
as do more recent students of the topic. This section
Spinoza in Ethics. Men of Spinoza’s age could not
begins with a review of Churchman’s w7,8x perspec-
think of knowledge without also including moral and
tive and goes on to contrast more recent views of his.
ethical considerations. To be knowledgeable was
also to be moral and ethical. As Churchman w7, p.
3.1. Churchman’s Õiew of knowledge 12x puts it, ANothing touches the true depth of the
human spirit so much as the act of knowing.B This,
Churchman w7x describes knowledge from three the spiritual, moral and ethical side of knowledge,
different perspectives: knowledge as a collection, an seems to have been lost in modern decision science.
activity, or a potential. When thought of as a collec- Again quoting Churchman:
tion, knowledge could be strings of symbols in some
computer storage medium or sentences in a library If knowledge means the ability to pursue goals
Žor a computer.. But the library or computer has no though the world about us changes, then perhaps
reasonable way of assuring which symbol strings are an inquiring system that produces AscienceB does
meaningful and true. Consider, for example, the vast not produce knowledge. There seems to be suffi-
amount of misinformation available on the Internet. cient evidence to make the wDSSx designer at least
Churchman w7, p. 9x states that AWe would have to pause long enough to consider this issue. There is
say that the state of knowledge resides in the com- no way to consider it except to permit some
bined system consisting of the library and an astute breaking away from present practice; perhaps, as I
and adept human user.B Furthermore, Aknowledge have been hinting in resurrecting Spinoza, we
resides in the user, not in the collection.B w7, p. 10x need to turn to a reactionary policy. In any event,
Some problems with the library perspective relate to the wDSSx designer must let his feelings, as well
whether the user and the library speak the same as his common sense and thought processes, tell
language, whether the user poses the question prop- him some things. w7, p. 13x
erly Žin terms that can be understood by the library,
and whether the library should estimate the quality Some authors, including Churchman w8x, Merikan-
and veracity of the information. It is interesting that gas w26x and Maxwell w25x, believe that wisdom is
J.F. Courtneyr Decision Support Systems 31 (2001) 17–38 23

the result of integrating knowledge with moral con- knowledge, on the other hand, is that which can be
cerns. As Merikangas w26, p. 69x says, AThe call for readily articulated, written down, codified and shared.
a modern wisdom often takes the form of integrating Standard operating procedures, and instructions how
knowledge and values.B He goes on to define wis- to bake quiche are examples of explicit knowledge.
dom communities as: The distinction between declarative and procedu-
ral knowledge comes from the expert systems litera-
. . . those that seek to move ahead with the quest ture w30x. Declarative knowledge, referred to as data
for truth and goodness, seeking what is really or information in the knowledge management litera-
real. They want knowledge for right action, they ture, consists of facts or observations about the state
want wise decisions and responsible decisions. of the world, such as a patient’s temperature, or a
They take knowing seriously and choices seri- business firm’s current ratio. Procedural knowledge
ously. w26, p. 70x is closer to what most authors would consider
knowledge, as it involves Ahow toB do something,
Merikangas w26, p. 69x citing Maxwell w25x be- such as how to diagnose hepatitis B, or how to
lieves that AThe central task of inquiry is to devote analyze a financial statement.
reason to the enhancement of wisdom.B Esoteric knowledge is that which is highly spe-
Thus, one might say that knowledge involves the cialized, formalized, and applicable to narrow do-
ability to act intelligently and to learn. Wisdom mains, in short, that which is found in most scientific
guides knowledgeable actions on the basis of moral disciplines. Science is designed to produce knowl-
and ethical values. edge of this variety. It is of limited value in solving
unstructured, complex management problems. Exo-
teric knowledge w27x is applicable to broad domains,
3.2. Current Õiews on knowledge and knowledge
and in some cases, might be considered Acommon
sense.B It is applicable to complex, unstructured
Many contemporary authors distinguish among Deep knowledge and shallow knowledge are also
data, information, and knowledge Že.g. Refs. distinguished in the expert systems literature w30x.
w4,10,12,40x.. Typical definitions are that data are Deep knowledge is usually related to relatively
raw facts or simple observations about the state of well-structured scientific and technical domains, and
the world; information is data in some context, or consists of formal theories of behavior of phenomena
with some kind of human interpretation applied; and in those domains. Shallow knowledge is often that in
knowledge is information with guidance for action, social domains where theories and understanding are
that is, knowing how to act given the information. usually less well organized and codified than in
There are also several different types of knowl- scientific domains.
edge recognized in the literature: explicit vs. tacit, Schultze w38x describes three different perspec-
procedural vs. declarative, esoteric vs. exoteric, and tives on knowledge management: the functional, the
shallow vs. deep. Tacit knowledge w28,29x is that interpretive, and the critical. The functional paradigm
which is contained within a person’s head, and is is that most often adopted by those in practice,
difficult or impossible to express, write down and especially in the software industry. Here knowledge
codify. Examples of tacit knowledge would be how management is defined as the way that organizations
to close a deal with a particular type of client, or create, capture, store, re-use and protect knowledge
how to develop an effective advertising campaign. to achieve organizational objectives w37x. This re-
Tacit knowledge is of great interest to organizations flects a realist ontology, the belief that the world is
because it involves knowledge that leads to effective factual, and that the facts can be known and cap-
policies, practices and procedures. A good deal of tured. Facts and knowledge are Aout thereB waiting
the knowledge management literature deals with the to be discovered. From this perspective, it is believed
creation of organizational policies and cultures that that knowledge can be captured, codified and shared.
encourage sharing of tacit knowledge. Explicit The most prevalent technology within the realm of
24 J.F. Courtneyr Decision Support Systems 31 (2001) 17–38

the functional paradigm is a repository of one form interact with others to create knowledge through
or another. Conventional databases, knowledge bases these four modes. Knowledge AspiralsB from individ-
of best practices, or knowledge bases in expert sys- uals to small groups to the organization and perhaps
tems are examples. Bock w4x recognizes three types to other organizations and society in general. The
of repositories: structured, consisting of databases AhypertextB organization is designed to foster these
and knowledge bases; unstructured, consisting of modes of interaction and to promote organizational
notes, documents, etc.; and the tacit repositories in knowledge creation and sharing. Nonaka w28x sug-
people’s minds. gests that this process, when properly instituted,
Bock w4x also defines knowledge management as a results in more AhumanisticB knowledge, as it fosters
process with four parts that comprise a loop ŽFig. 3.. trust and caring among people. Later in this paper, a
Knowledge is created in the heads of people. It is similar knowledge creation process will be discussed
captured. It is put on paper in a report, entered into a in the context of the Singerian organization.
computer system, or some kind of library, or simply The interpretive perspective w38x is founded on the
remembered. Knowledge is classified and modified. belief that social reality is socially constructed, and
The classification can include the addition of key- attention is directed to interpretation, distributed cog-
words, or it may be indexing. Modification can add nition, communications, and social processes. Know-
context, background or other things that make it ing and knowledge are inseparable from action, as in
easier to re-use later. The test of this step is how the Churchmanian view w7,8x described previously.
easily people in the organization will be able to find Knowledge is viewed both as action and object; that
and use the knowledge when they need it. Knowl- is, as both procedural and declarative. Organizational
edge is shared. When knowledge is shared and used, knowledge is viewed as existing in a Acollective
it is modified by those who use it. This takes us back mind,B developed through interpretation, communi-
to knowledge creation. cation, and shared meanings. Organizational knowl-
Nonaka w28x proposes a AspiralB model of organi- edge is in a constant state of flux as new experiences
zational knowledge creation similar to, but more are evaluated and shared. Knowledge management in
sophisticated, than Bock’s w4x. The spiral model is this environment consists of fostering communica-
based on the dynamic and continuous Aentangle- tions between individuals, sharing and enriching in-
mentB of four modes of knowledge conversion: Ž1. terpretations, and coordinating actions. A collective
socialization, involving the conversion of tacit culture must be created in such organizations to
knowledge to tacit knowledge among individuals; Ž2. permit effective communication and sharing of
combination, involving the conversion of explicit knowledge.
knowledge to explicit knowledge; Ž3. externalization, The critical perspective is concerned primarily
involving the conversion of tacit knowledge to ex- with social conflict and antagonistic relationships
plicit knowledge; and Ž4. internalization, involving w38x. Various stakeholders and special interest groups
the conversion of explicit knowledge to tacit knowl- take positions and form strategies that produce dif-
edge Žlearning.. In Nonaka’s w28x model, individuals ferences and conflict among them. Marxist labor
processes, class struggles, and a radical humanist
perspective are aspects of the critical perspective.
Knowledge management in this perspective is viewed
in a rather pejorative way as the exploitation of
workers by owners, who seek to extract knowledge
from them and commoditize it.

4. Inquiring organizations

Inquiring organizations are learning organizations

Fig. 3. Bock’s knowledge creation cycle. patterned after Churchman’s w7x inquiring systems.
J.F. Courtneyr Decision Support Systems 31 (2001) 17–38 25

There are five flavors of inquiring organizations: 4.1. The Leibnizian organization
Leibnizian, Lockean, Kantian, Hegelian, and Singe-
rian, each based on the philosophies of their respec- Churchman’s w7x Leibnizian inquiring system ŽIS.
tive namesakes. The organizations might be entire is a closed, deductive system with a set of built-in
enterprises, or possibly even social systems, but elementary axioms that are used along with formal
more likely would be units within an enterprise. logic and analysis to generate more general fact nets
They could also be temporary groups or teams estab- or tautologies. The system generates sentences repre-
lished specifically to resolve a decision problem. senting hypotheses, each new hypothesis being tested
Mitroff and Linstone w27x call the decision styles to ensure that it could be derived from, and is
of the Leibnizian and Lockean Aold thinking.B They consistent with, the basic axioms. Once so verified,
are somewhat more kind to the Kantian and Hegelian the hypothesis becomes a new fact within the sys-
styles, labeling them Acomplex thinking.B They ar- tem. The guarantor of the system is the internal
gue for the need for Anew thinking,B as exhibited in consistency of the process.
Singerian organizations. This section briefly de- The Leibnizian organization creates knowledge by
scribes each type of organization and its decision using formal logic and mathematical analysis to make
making and knowledge management styles, and, in inferences about cause-and-effect relationships. A
the spirit of Mitroff and Linstone w27x, argues for a Leibnizian organization may incorporate the theory
new decision style as exhibited by Singerian organi- of autopoiesis, which comes from cell biology, and
zations and UST Žsee Table 1 for a summary of the maintains that everything that the system needs for
features of each type of organization.. its reproduction is already within its boundaries w41x.

Table 1
Summary of inquiring organization characteristics
Leibniz Locke Kant Hegel Singer
Decision-making Formal Open Open Conflictual Teleological
Analytical Communicative Analytical Cooperative
Bureaucratic Consensual Multi-model Ethical
Knowledge Functional Interpretive Functional Critical Interpretive-
perspectiver Critical
Combination Socialization Combination Socialization– Socialization–
Externalization Externalization
Knowledge Induction Deduction Mathematical Construct theses, Strategy of
creation analysis antithesis disagreement
Mathematical Observation Multiple Dialectic Sweeping-in
analysis models
Formal Logic Classification Choose best Synthesis Multiple
Information Math models Repositories Databases Repositories Groupware
DSS Groupware Model Negotiation Networks
managements systems
Expert systems Networks Repositories
Document Document
management management
26 J.F. Courtneyr Decision Support Systems 31 (2001) 17–38

Leibnizian systems are created in a recursive, self- explicit knowledge. The knowledge to be managed
generating, closed and autonomous manner. As consists of documents describing goals, plans, and
closed systems, they have access only to knowledge especially standard operating procedures. Informa-
generated internally. tion technology most suited to this type of organiza-
Decision-making procedures in Leibnizian organi- tion includes that related to models, decision support
zations exhibit a strict, formal, bureaucratic, Aby the systems, and expert systems that instantiate the rules
bookB approach. Missions, policies, goals, and stan- and procedures of the organization, and document
dard operating procedures serve as Leibnizian ax- management technology for describing policies and
ioms. ATruthB is determined in a procedural manner, procedures. This is predominantly explicit knowl-
with focus on structural concerns, and with error edge. Tacit knowledge gets relatively little emphasis
detection and correction being a direct consequence in the Leibnizian organization.
of comparing inputs with the accepted AaxiomsB of
the system. 4.2. The Lockean organization
Decision problems in a Leibnizian organization
are attacked in a formal, analytic style. Mathematical Mitroff and Linstone w27x refer to the Lockean IS
models, especially optimization models that attempt as being inductive and consensual. Empirical infor-
to get at the one AbestB answer, would be widely mation, gathered from external observations, is used
utilized. A management science approach to decision inductively to build a representation of the world.
making, and to a lesser extent a DSS approach, The givens of the Lockean inquirer include a set of
would be the hallmark of such organizations. Ac- labels Žor properties. which it assigns to the observa-
counting departments within virtually any enterprise tions that constitute its inputs. The Lockean system
would be a prime example, with their emphasis on is also capable of observing its own process by
generally accepted accounting practices, and reliance means of AreflectionB and backwards tracing of la-
on very well-defined systems and procedures. Bud- bels to the most elementary labels. Communication
gets and forecasting models and the like are preva- and consensus are hallmarks of this approach, and
lent in these environments. They tend to be oriented agreement by the Lockean community on the labels
towards getting the correct budget and forecast, to be assigned to an observation is the guarantor of
looking for the one AbestB solution. Well-organized the system.
manufacturing operations and military units would A community of Lockean inquirers learns by
be other examples. observing the world, sharing observations, and creat-
Mitroff and Linstone w27x call this the analytic– ing a consensus about what has been observed.
deductive approach to decision making, and argue Organizational knowledge is created through obser-
that it is based on a metaphor of the organization and vation, interpretation, communication, and the devel-
individuals as machines, a belief that the world can opment of shared meaning. The organization’s cul-
be reduced to formulas, and the assumption that each ture or subculture Ža Lockean community. must be
problem has one best answer. Such an approach to supportive of this type of environment. That is,
decision making is only suited to very well struc- organizational members must feel free to observe
tured, simple problems. It has served science well in and express opinions. Moreover, they must have a
technical domains, but is entirely unsuited to the common language and mindset, which permits effec-
unstructured domains found in the DSS arena. Per- tive communication. The decision style is clearly
haps it is suited to a portion of an unstructured group-oriented and open. Input is sought from a
domain, but most likely, especially in the case of variety of sources, communication is encouraged,
wicked problems, the structured part of which may and consensus is sought.
be almost inconsequential. The Lockean organization clearly exemplifies the
Knowledge management in Leibnizian organiza- interpretative knowledge management paradigm, and
tions adopts Schultze’s w38x functional perspective, socialization as the mode of knowledge creation.
and exemplifies Nonaka’s w28x combination mode of Organizational knowledge is socially constructed
knowledge creation, as it focuses on manipulation of through observation and discussion.
J.F. Courtneyr Decision Support Systems 31 (2001) 17–38 27

The primary knowledge management tools in relies on the two most diametrically opposed per-
Lockean organizations are repositories, such as data spectives w27x.
warehouses, for storing observations, data mining for As they are based on antagonistic points of view,
analyzing observations, and groupware tools, such as Hegelian organizations adopt Schultze’s w37x critical
electronic meeting software and e-mail, for facilitat- perspective on knowledge management. The knowl-
ing the communication process, and the development edge creation mode can be viewed as consisting of
of shared meaning. These are all tools that come socialization and externalization, as the debate is
under the DSS umbrella. Their development was somewhat of a social process, an extreme one, and
enabled primarily by developments in telecommuni- through that process elements of the thesis and an-
cations and computer networking. Examples of tithesis are externalized to the observer.
Lockean organizations would be those having a close The knowledge to be managed in this environ-
coupling to their environment, such as advertising ment consists of the information that the thesis and
firms and retailers who have to stay in close contact antithesis attempt to interpret, the thesis and antithe-
with customers. sis themselves, the debate, and of course, the synthe-
sis. Groupware designed to support negotiation and
4.3. The Hegelian organization arbitration is well suited for this approach, along
with repositories holding the data being debated,
The Hegelian inquirer is based on the belief that document management software, and analysis tools
the most effective way to create knowledge is by for developing points to support either the thesis or
observing a debate between two diametrically op- antithesis. An example application is contract negoti-
posed viewpoints about a topic w33x. The first party ation. Hodges’ w15x Dialectron exemplifies software
in the debate begins with a thesis to which it is in this arena.
passionately dedicated. Given information about the
topic under debate, the first party develops a world- 4.4. The Kantian organization
view that interprets the information in such a way as
to maximize support for the thesis. The second party The Kantian approach recognizes that there may
is equally dedicated to an antithesis, which is the be many different perspectives on a problem, or at
Adeadliest enemyB of the thesis. The second party least many different ways of modeling it. Provided
interprets the same information in such a way as to with observations about a decision situation, the
maximize support for the antithesis. A third party, Kantian inquirer is capable of constructing various
the Aobjective observer,B analyzes the debate, and models which attempt to interpret and explain those
constructs a worldview that is a synthesis of the observations. Each model has some Agoodness of
thesis and antithesis, and reflects the observer’s be- fitB measure, such as a standard error or variance.
lief about which aspects of the two are the most An executive routine is capable of invoking a partic-
plausible. ular type of modeling process, and observing its
The decision style of the Hegelian organization, behavior. It can turn off models that are not perform-
then, is based on conflict. Decision makers encour- ing well. It finally chooses the model which best
age the development of opposing viewpoints on how explains the data.
to resolve a decision problem. Debate between par- The decision style of the Kantian organization,
ties holding the opposing views is encouraged. The then, is to encourage the development of multiple
decision is forged from the two views in such a way interpretations of a set of data. It is both empirical
that the problem is not only solved, but also com- and theoretical in its approach. The perspectives tend
pletely dissolved. Mason and Mitroff w23x have found to be very analytically based, however, somewhat
this to be an effective approach to surfacing assump- akin to combining the Lockean and Leibnizian ap-
tions in strategic planning problems, leading to more proaches, but relying heavily on analytical methods
effective plans. This is a more complex decision for interpreting the data. Mitroff and Linstone w27x
style, as it is based on the fact that there is more than believe this approach is suitable for problems of
one perspective on the problem, and it specifically moderate complexity. Bonczek et al. w5x, in what
28 J.F. Courtneyr Decision Support Systems 31 (2001) 17–38

remains the most profound theoretical work in the means for ethical purposes for a broad spectrum of
DSS literature, propose what could be considered a society.
Kantian DSS, as it includes a problem processor with The Singerian inquirer views the world as a holis-
an executive that is capable of developing alternative tic system, in which everything is connected to
models of a problem and choosing the best represen- everything else. From the Singerian perspective,
tative. problems and knowledge domains Ždisciplines. are
The knowledge management perspective of the highly non-separable. Complex social and manage-
Kantian approach is closest to that of the functional rial problems must be analyzed as wholes w27x. The
view, and its mode is combination, as it applies artificial division of knowledge into disciplines and
models to data to create new knowledge. It is based the reduction of complex problems into simple com-
on the belief that problems can be modeled analyti- ponents inhibit the solution to social and manage-
cally. There is little or no emphasis placed on human ment problems. Solving complex problems may re-
interpretation of the problem, nor of human involve- quire knowledge from any source and those knowl-
ment. The problem is attacked strictly from a techni- edgeable in any discipline or profession.
cal perspective. This approach requires knowledge The knowledge management perspective in the
management software capable of maintaining data Singerian approach is a combination of functional,
about the problem, and supporting the development interpretive and critical views. Knowledge of all
of alternative types of models that attempt to explain types must be supported in this environment, both
the data. tacit and explicit, both deep and shallow, both
declarative and procedural, both exoteric and eso-
teric. Nonaka’s w28x socialization and externalization
4.5. Singerian organizations modes are emphasized in this organizational style, as
a discourse may involve many and varied perspec-
Churchman w7,8x elected to honor Singer with the tives on the problem. Every genre of software is
notion of the broadest inquirer yet devised, but the required in the Singerian organization, but most ap-
concept, as does any notion really, rests on the propriate are groupware and networks to support
shoulders of many. Churchman was a student of dialogue and communication, and repositories and
Singer, himself a member of the pragmatic school of document management systems to maintain the
philosophy, which includes William James and John knowledge created.
Dewey, and Mitroff was a student of Churchman As an example of thinking in a connected, un-
w7,8x. Thus, it seems that Mitroff and Linstone’s w27x bounded fashion, Mitroff and Linstone w27x cite a
concept of UST is itself systemically entwined with speech given by Chief Seattle in 1854, as an assem-
this school of thought. It is difficult to extricate UST bly of tribes was preparing to sign a treaty with the
from the Singerian model and discuss it separately. U.S. government:
As a matter of fact, such separability would violate This we know. The earth does not belong to man;
the conventions of UST itself! Organizations using man belongs to the earth. This we know. All
UST are Singerian in nature, and vice versa. things are connected like the blood which unites
In describing the Singerian inquirer, Churchman one family. All things are connected. Whatever
w7, p. 200x says it Ais above teleological, a grand
befalls the earth befalls the sons of the earth. Man
teleology with an ethical base.B Singerian inquirers did not weave the web of life, he is merely a
seek a highly idealistic purpose, the creation of strand in it. Whatever he does to the web, he does
AexotericB knowledge, or knowledge for Aevery to himself. w27, p. 163x
man,B as opposed to scientific, esoteric knowledge
that, as it matures, becomes relevant to an increas- As an example of bounded thinking, we might
ingly smaller audience. It seeks this knowledge in refer again to Chief Seattle, who had his own notion
such a way as to take human and environmental of sustainability:
considerations into account. In other words, the Sin- We know that the white man does not understand
gerian inquirer seeks the ability to choose the right our ways. One portion of land is the same to him
J.F. Courtneyr Decision Support Systems 31 (2001) 17–38 29

as the next, for he is a stranger who comes in the models as reflecting a technical ŽT. perspective. All
night and takes from the land whatever he needs. of these approaches are mechanistic and analytical in
The earth is not his brother, but his enemy, and nature. None is preferred, except as one may be
when he has conquered it, he moves on. He more suited to a particular decision problem than
kidnaps the earth from his children. wemphasis others. They are based on an industrial-age machine
addedx He treats his mother, the earth, and his metaphor, and even view man from a mechanistic
brother, the sky, as things to be bought, plun- viewpoint. That is, man is viewed as a rational,
dered, sold like sheep or bright beads. His ap- objective, thinking machine. Personal and behavioral
petite will devour the earth and leave behind only traits get short shrift in the non-Singerian perspec-
a desert. w27, p. 162x tives.
To overcome the limitations of the technical per-
To deal with such connectedness as described by spective, UST sweeps in what Mitroff and Linstone
Chief Seattle, Singerian organizations must deploy w27, p. 99x call organizational and social ŽO., and
UST to go well beyond the bounds of the other four personal and individual ŽP. perspectives. These per-
organizational styles, by bringing in multiple spectives Abring to the forefront human beings col-
perspectiÕes or worldÕiews w20x and employing a lectively and individually in all their complexity.B
holistic, systems approach in their thinking and deci- They go on to say that:
sion-making processes. The Kantian approach uses
multiple models, but these tend to be of the mecha- All complex problems — especially social ones
nistic, analytic variety, reducing all problems to a — involve a multiplicity of actors, various scien-
single number, and the results of the AbestB model tificrtechnical disciplines, and various organiza-
are chosen. tions and diverse individuals. In principle, each
The multiple perspectives approach w19x is much sees a problem differently and thus generates a
broader. A synthesis of broad worldviews is devel- distinct perspective on it. w27, p. 99x
oped, rather than adopting the limited view of a
single perspective. The Singerian style and UST also Furthermore,
recognize the connectedness of things in the uni-
verse, especially of complex social problems. The In Areal-lifeB situations, managing problems con-
non-separability and irreducibility of elements in sists of at least three activities: Ža. analyzing
complex problems and issues is recognized. The alternatives, Žb. making decisions about which
development of multiple perspectives is the very alternative to choose, and Žc. successfully imple-
core of UST. A critical aspect of developing multiple menting the chosen alternative. The T perspective
perspectives is open, honest, effective dialogue focuses most strongly on Ža. and least on Žc.;
among all relevant stakeholders in the problem in- hence the AgapB so often deplored between analy-
volved. Managers in such an environment must be sis and action. Successful implementation de-
careful to respect the rights and viewpoints of the pends first and foremost on the use of human
parties involved, and be open and honest themselves resources and this means that O and P become
in order to gain the trust of those who will be crucial as we move from Ža. to Žc.. w27, pp.
affected by the decision. 101–102x
The Singerian approach and UST develop multi-
ple perspectives in several ways. First, as Church- In developing organizational perspectives, parties
man w7x and Mitroff and Linstone w27x put it, the in the decision-making process often fall into camps
system Asweeps inB the other thinking styles, which that advocate a preferred alternative, with each camp
means it uses any or all of them where appropriate in seeking to develop ammunition to support its posi-
decision-making processes, and may include any tion. Also, each camp tends to base its position on
knowledge as needed from any discipline or profes- unstated assumptions which, if left uncovered, often
sion to assist in understanding the problem. Mitroff lead to a circular debate that gets nowhere. For
and Linstone w27x refer to the four non-Singerian example, Mitroff and Linstone w27x give the example
30 J.F. Courtneyr Decision Support Systems 31 (2001) 17–38

of a pharmaceutical company that was trying to ŽLocke. is perceptive, preferring data and facts to
decide what to do about competition from a generic theory, and seeks concrete results. The Pragmatist
drug that was a substitute for its largest selling ŽSinger. is open to multiple perspectives, is innova-
product. One camp argued that the price should be tive and adaptive, and is best in complex situations.
raised, the other that it should be lowered. Each was Knowledge of thinking styles can be helpful in seek-
making an unstated assumption about the behavior of ing input from individuals with different ways of
physicians. One believed that prescribing physicians looking at decision problems. This will help ensure
would assume that the higher price meant higher that multiple personal viewpoints are represented,
quality and would prescribe the pharmaceutical com- rather than getting input from several who think
panies’ product. The other believed that physicians alike.
were cost conscious, and that the company had to The multiple perspectives approach does not end
compete on a cost basis. Surfacing such assumptions with the technical, organizational, and personal per-
is a critical part of developing organizational per- spectives. It also explicitly brings ethics and aesthet-
spectives. Mitroff and Linstone w27x suggest that ics into play. Many factors in the Industrial Age, the
assumptions can be surfaced by first identifying all machine metaphor, the desire for AobjectivityB and
stakeholders Žanyone or group affected by the deci- ArigorB in academic work, modeling social science
sion. and then simply asking each camp what they research on Ahard scienceB approaches, and the study
have to assume is ‘true’ of a particular stakeholder of Arational manB to the neglect of our AspiritualB
such that starting from that assumption that camp’s being, have all led to the demise of ethics, morality
preferred policy or actions would be supported. Of and aesthetics in decision making today. As we
course, in complex, social decisions there will be move into the Information Age, or perhaps the
many diverse stakeholders, some of which may have Knowledge Age, we seem to be stuck with this
overlapping members, such as various special inter- legacy of neglecting the factors that make us human.
est groups, taxpayers, governmental agencies, busi- Churchman w7x, Mason and Mitroff w23x and others
nesses and so forth. Surfacing assumptions about all have long called for much greater consideration of
these stakeholders may not be an easy task. these factors in both our business and personal lives.
The personal perspective is perhaps not as well The next section describes a new DSS paradigm for
developed as the organizational. The personal per- wicked decision problems, which embraces the Sin-
spective is based on individual experiences, intuition, gerian model and UST.
personality factors, and attitudes about risk, among
other things. Individuals are notoriously complex and
varied in decision-making styles. In a complex sce-
nario, given the same external information, no two 5. A new DSS paradigm
people might reach the same conclusion, as their
background, training, experience, values, ethics and UST and the multiple perspectives approach bring
mores may differ. Sweeping in as wide a variety of many new factors into the picture for organizational
individual perspectives as feasible is thus necessary knowledge management and decision-making. One
for unstructured decisions. might even consider this to be an alternative deci-
Kienholz w19x describes the Inquiry Mode Ques- sion-making paradigm, or at least a major overhaul
tionnaire ŽInQ., which measures an individual’s of the conventional DSS view of decision making,
propensity to use the different inquiring styles de- which scarcely considers anything but the technical
scribed by Churchman w7x. The Synthesist ŽHegel. perspective. This paradigm is illustrated in Fig. 4. At
appreciates conflict, and is capable of integrating the heart of the process is a mental model. Actually,
information from opposing views. The Idealist ŽKant. this could be several mental models, or a collective
employs multiple, but analytic, views, seeks ideal model of some sort. As Churchman w7,8x and Mitroff
solutions, and values both data and theory. The and Linstone w27x point out, this model and the data
Analyst ŽLeibniz. uses models, formulas and formal selected by it Žand hence the problems selected for
techniques to derive AoptimalB answers. The Realist solution. are strongly inseparable. Our mental model,
J.F. Courtneyr Decision Support Systems 31 (2001) 17–38 31

Fig. 4. A new decision-making paradigm for DSS.

either personally or collectively, determines what sion-making process w21,24x. The next section pre-
data and what perspectives we examine in a world of sents an example of applying the proposed paradigm
overabundant data sources and a plethora of ways of and diagramming tools to decisions related to the
viewing that data. The mental models influence and development of infrastructure, such as roads, streets,
are influenced by every step of the process. That is, water supply and sewers, for an urban area.
the models determine what is examined and what
perspectives are developed. As perspectives are de- 5.1. An example: urban infrastructure planning and
veloped, insight is gained, and the mental models are deÕelopment
updated. That is, learning takes place. Tacit knowl-
edge is created. To illustrate the proposed new DSS paradigm,
The decision process begins, of course, with the consider an analysis of how decisions are made
recognition that a problem exists; that is, a decision about planning and constructing a city’s infrastruc-
needs to be made. But rather than jumping simply ture. To simplify matters somewhat, attention will be
into analysis Žthe technical perspective., the process restricted to the development of new infrastructure
consists of developing multiple perspectives of the for fresh water supply, wastewater and storm water
various kinds described above. The various perspec- processing, and roads and streets. The conventional
tives provide much greater insight into the nature of DSS paradigm would concentrate on the engineering
the problem and its possible solutions than the heavy aspects of the decision-making process. Suppose an
reliance on the technical perspective that DSS has analyst is trying to understand this process and de-
advocated in the past. It is suggested that diagram- velops a diagram such as that in Fig. 5a, representing
ming tools such as cognitive maps w3x, influence basic entities and relationships believed to exist in
diagrams w32x, entity–relationship diagrams w6x, and this problem. In this idealized situation, the planning
object diagrams as expressed, for example, by the department works with businesses, developers and
Unified Modeling Language w31x may be of great use contractors to develop general plans for new pro-
both in showing the connectedness of elements in jects. Once plans have been approved, they are sent
wicked systems, and in surfacing assumptions that to either the Public Works Department, which han-
people hold about wicked problems. For example, it dles water-related projects, or the Transportation De-
has been shown that having groups draw cognitive partment, which is responsible for streets and roads.
maps leads to surfacing of differences in assump- Public Works and Transportation use various mathe-
tions about variables and relationships in a problem matical models, decision support systems and so
and more effective communication during the deci- forth to develop detailed plans, specifications and
32 J.F. Courtneyr Decision Support Systems 31 (2001) 17–38

budget estimates for the proposed projects. From departments and submits that to the City Council for
these estimates each department prepares a budget approval. The city council debates the merits of the
for the projects it proposes, and passes that to the projects, makes its adjustments and sends the ap-
Treasurer, who prepares a consolidated budget for all proved budget back to the Treasurer and the other

Fig. 5. Ža. Planning and budgeting for urban infrastructure. Žb. Planning and budgeting for urban infrastructure with citizens swept in. Žc.
Planning and budgeting for urban infrastructure with citizens and bonding and political concerns swept in. Žd. Planning and budgeting for
urban infrastructure with citizens, bonding, political concerns and quality of life swept in.
J.F. Courtneyr Decision Support Systems 31 (2001) 17–38 33

Fig. 5 Ž continued ..

Departments. The departments prepare requests for process of electing city officials is exceedingly
bids for approved projects and contractors bid on messy, and does not readily lend itself to mathemati-
those projects. Bids are analyzed, contracts are cal analysis.
awarded to the winning bidder, and the work is Fig. 5c sweeps in additional financial, political
undertaken. All seems reasonable, logical and ratio- and organizational considerations. Here it is recog-
nal. nized that citizens and firms contribute to campaign
As a first step towards considering the broader funds for those running for public office, bringing a
perspectives suggested in the new paradigm, exam- host of additional considerations into the picture. The
ine Fig. 5b, which sweeps in the perspective of possibility of ethical abuses is raised via the potential
individual citizens of the city, that were perhaps influence of contributions on the decision-making
glaringly omitted from the previous diagram. Resi- processes of elected officials. The decision process
dents use the facilities provided by businesses and becomes murkier.
developers, elect the mayor and city council, and pay Fig. 5c also shows that the city issues bonds to
taxes and fees, which partially fund infrastructure pay for many infrastructure projects. Citizens must
projects. Private sector firms also pay taxes and fees, vote favorably in bond elections before the bonds
but do not directly elect city representatives. Some can be issued. This is another public process that is
models might be useful in the area of computing only partially Arational.B Also swept in is revenue
taxes and forecasting tax revenue for the city, but the from state and federal programs that might provide
34 J.F. Courtneyr Decision Support Systems 31 (2001) 17–38

Fig. 5 Ž continued ..

matching funds for infrastructure projects. Many of removed, combined with the soft soil in the area, has
these programs have restrictions on the manner in resulted in subsidence which, as the land sinks, is
which the funds can be used, thereby further muddy- damaging the very water lines designed to deliver
ing the waters, so to speak. The quantity of these the water pumped from below Žnot to mention the
funds is dependent on the coffers of the state and damage to streets and sewers.. Houston is now in the
federal systems, of course, which are affected by the process of converting to surface water sources.
national economy, which is increasingly more af- Likewise, streets and roads provide mobility, but
fected by the global economy. obviously have severe impacts on the environment as
Last and not least, for purposes of illustration, well. Again using Houston as an example, Atranspor-
some environmental and health issues are swept in as tation systemsB are usually viewed in a very narrow
shown in Fig. 5d. Water and sewer systems are sense as being those designed almost exclusively for
designed to protect the public health, of course, but private automobiles, as the Aconventional wisdomB
also impact the environment in many ways. Con- is that Texans will not use public conveyances. This,
struction of the systems themselves has a tremendous among other factors, has caused Houston to have the
environmental impact. It is well known that such worst ozone problem of any U.S. city.
projects can change ecosystems in unanticipated To be sure, Fig. 5 could be expanded ad infini-
ways. For example, the City of Houston has long tum . A vast array of federal and state agencies, and
relied on fresh water from ground sources Žwells. for public and private organizations from trade groups to
its water supply. However, the volume of water homeowner’s associations enter into this process. It
J.F. Courtneyr Decision Support Systems 31 (2001) 17–38 35

is clearly a wicked situation, and one that almost ment the inquirer critically needs is one of coopera-
defies analysis. Yet, it is an ongoing process that is tion. DSS analysts should be aware of the need for a
vital to every city in the world. Problems such as cooperative environment and play a role in fostering
these are not only worthy of the attention of DSS that environment. Addleson w1x argues that the devel-
research, they really almost cry out for help, and our opment of such an environment requires a shift from
response will help determine the quality of life of the thinking of organizations as machines to be con-
next century and beyond. A fundamental aspect of trolled to thinking of them as communities in which
the proposed paradigm is the development of multi- people learn from each other. He points out that the
ple perspectives on the problem at hand, and the mechanical view is reflected in accounting systems
synthesis of those perspectives into some sort of in which people represent expenses to be minimized,
Asolution.B Attention is next turned to developing not as assets to be nurtured and developed. Five
multiple perspectives. axioms for the development of learning communities
are listed below.
Ž1. Organization is about relationships and collab-
5.2. Applying the multiple perspectiÕes approach oration. Bureaucracies tend to create barriers that
keep people apart, but organization and learning
Mitroff and Linstone w27, pp. 107–108x suggest come about from the relationships among people.
some guidelines for applying the multiple perspec- These must be fostered, not inhibited.
tive approach Ž2. People’s attitudes, or orientation towards other
Ž1. Strike for a balance among technical, organi- people are at the heart of a learning organization.
zational and personal perspectives. People are motivated more by their social circum-
Ž2. Use AgoodB judgment in selecting perspec- stances and from a sense of commitment, obligation,
tives. Foster a dialectic among those holding various responsibility, etc., towards other people. What is
perspectives and draw out the most plausible ele- important is a widespread conviction and commit-
ments of each. ment to the community.
Ž3. In obtaining information, recognize that orga- Ž3. Structure and strategic plans have little to do
nizational and personal perspectives require greatly with getting things done. People tend to be self-
different methods than the technical. One-on-one motivated from ambitions, a work ethic and a re-
interviews are the best source of information, but the sponsibility toward others, not because the organiza-
interviewers must be good listeners and sensitive to tion has a blueprint for instructing them in what to
nuances and nonverbal communication. do.
Ž4. Pay attention to the mutual impact, interde- Ž4. Organizational boundaries depend on people’s
pendencies, and integration of perspectives. AWe relationships. Boundaries are represented by people’s
cannot reiterate enough that we are dealing with perceptions of relationships between them and others
UST. There is no formula or pat procedure to assure within and without the organization, as in Dell’s case
or guarantee that all interactions are taken into ac- with its customers and suppliers, not by organiza-
count.B w7, p. 108x Yet, this is a critical point, and tional charts.
the decision-maker must be careful to conceive of as Ž5. Managing — Aorganization buildingB — is
many interactions as possible. situational, not functional. Managing is building an
Ž5. Beware of thinking statically in dynamic envi- organization, which has little to do with functions
ronments. With the advent of globalization, the Inter- and formal authority. Emphasis is on the importance
net and electronic commerce, business environments of community and collaboration, but it is realized
change rapidly. Decision-makers must stay abreast of that people do not always get along. Conflict in-
changing situations. evitably emerges in divisions, factions and rivalry,
These guidelines can only be applied effectively but it must be managed and dealt with, not ignored
in an organizational environment conducive to the and shoved into the background.
use of the Singerian, multiple perspective approach. The new decision-making environment in inquir-
Recall that Churchman w7,8x said that the environ- ing organizations calls for a greatly expanded view
36 J.F. Courtneyr Decision Support Systems 31 (2001) 17–38

of DSS and knowledge management. Support for the v Developing mathematical models in Java or
so-called AsofterB aspects of the decision, the organi- some other Web-compatible language or prod-
zational, personal, ethical and aesthetic perspectives, uct and publishing it on the Web for stakehold-
must be provided. Much richer tools are needed for ers to run with their own assumptions, or per-
handling text, images, pictures, sounds, and video haps to even modify locally and run.
than are now available in DSS software. Computers v Organizing all of the above into searchable
will never be substitutes for humans in complex knowledge repositories and storing them on the
decision situations. But they can surely lend support organizational website.
to decision makers in helping us make more humane
decisions than has often been the case in the past. As wireless access and bandwidth increase and as
Technological developments have continually al- more Web-based meetingware becomes available,
lowed the development of more effective DSS tools. video and voice communications will make this an
Disk storage and interactive operating systems en- even more effective medium than it is today. Just as
abled spreadsheets, databases and flexible modeling the Internet, especially the Web, is changing busi-
tools. Networks and telecommunications enabled ness-to-business and business–consumer relation-
group support and executive information systems. ships, they can also be used to broaden organiza-
Expert systems theory and technology enabled tional decision-making and facilitate communica-
knowledge-based DSS. The Internet and the World tions among a wide variety of stakeholders. DSS and
Wide Web, while fostering the development of glob- knowledge management researchers should keep such
ally connected organizations and complicating orga- factors in mind as we enter the 21st century.
nizational decision environments, may also enable
Singeran-style decision systems that heretofore were
not practical. Consider, for example, that organiza- 6. Summary
tions might use the Web to develop technical, orga-
nizational, personal, aesthetic and ethical perspec- The original DSS concept proposed by Gorry and
tives by: Scott Morton w14x purported to attack semi- and
unstructured problems, with the computer dealing
with the structured portion and human decision mak-
ers dealing with the unstructured portion. Human
v Using e-mail, chat tools and discussion fora to judgment may be even more critical in the complex,
conduct real-time or asynchronous dialogues globally connected organizational environments of
with external and internal Žemployees, man- the next century. As organizations increase in scope,
agers. stakeholders, almost regardless of where the greater their ramifications for broad spectrums of
they are located on the planet. societies and cultures become. More effective ways
v Publishing reports Žpossibly in multimedia for- must be found to support the vast array of knowl-
mat. on social responsibility efforts, including edge that will be required in these highly intercon-
such things as full cost accounting disclosures, nected, wicked situations of the future. This would
and triple bottom line reports. include support for Schultze’s w38x functional, inter-
v Gathering information about stakeholder con- pretive and critical perspectives on knowledge, and
cerns from their websites and newsgroups. the technical, organizational, personal, ethical and
v Gathering information for decision-making from aesthetic perspectives in Singerian organizations us-
the vast array of sites online offering both tech- ing Mitroff and Linstone’s w27x UST.
nical and non-technical data. A new decision-making model has been proposed
v Using diagramming tools to represent the ob- to serve as the basis for such decision support sys-
jects and relationships inherent in the broad tems. This model emphasizes the need to consider
domain of influence of the organization to com- many perspectives beyond the technical and has
municate to all stakeholders the complexity of suggested ways to develop those perspectives. The
the situation. surface has only been scratched here, in what can
J.F. Courtneyr Decision Support Systems 31 (2001) 17–38 37

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organizational environments and systems that are zations,Proceedings of the First International Conference on
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ing, Unpublished PhD Dissertation, Texas, A&M University,
Acknowledgements w16x H. Richard, P. Watts, Corporate Social Responsibility: Mak-
ing Good Business Sense, World Business Council for Sus-
tainable Development, Geneva, 2000.
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w2x R.N. Anthony, Planning and Control Systems: A Framework w20x H.A. Linstone, Multiple Perspectives for Decision Making,
for Analysis, Harvard University Graduate School of Busi- Bridging the Gap Between Analysis and Action, North-Hol-
ness Administration, Boston, 1965. land, New York, 1984.
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w5x R.H. Bonczek, C.W. Holsapple, A.B. Whinston, Foundations tion Systems, Indianapolis, 1997, pp. 293–295, August.
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cations, USA, 1982. Research Quarterly Ž1998. 67–95, Summer.
w9x J.F. Courtney, D. Croasdell, D.B. Paradice, Inquiring organi- w27x I.I. Mitroff, H.A. Linstone, The Unbounded Mind: Breaking
zations, Australian Journal of Information Systems 6 Ž1. the Chains of Traditional Business Thinking, Oxford Univ.
Ž1998. 3–15, and reprinted in Foundations of Information Press, New York, 1993.
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http:rrwww.cba.uh.edur ; parksrfisrfis.htm. creation, Organizational Science 5 Ž1. Ž1994. 14–37.
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New York, NY, 1997. Oxford Univ. Press, New York, 1995.
w11x M. Dell, The Connected Economy, http:rrwww.dell. w30x D.B. Paradice, J.F. Courtney, Organizational knowledge
38 J.F. Courtneyr Decision Support Systems 31 (2001) 17–38

management, Information Resources Management Journal 2 Jim F. Courtney is Professor of Man-

Ž3. Ž1989. 1–13. agement Information Systems Depart-
w31x Popkin Software Systems, Modeling Systems with UML, ment at the University of Central Florida
New York, 1998. in Orlando. He formerly was Tenneco
w32x A. Ramaprasad, E. Poon, A computerized interactive tech- Professor of Business Administration in
nique for mapping influence diagrams ŽMIND., Strategic the Information and Operations Manage-
Management Journal 6 Ž1985. 377–392. ment Department at Texas A&M Uni-
w33x N. Rescher, Dialectics: A Controversy-Oriented Approach to versity. He received his PhD in Business
the Theory of Knowledge, State University of New York Administration ŽManagement Science.
Press, New York, 1977. from the University of Texas at Austin
w34x S.M Richardson, J.F. Courtney, An electric utility learns to in 1974. His academic experience also
adapt: a Singerian organization approach,Proceedings of the includes faculty positions at Georgia
1999 Meeting of the America’s Conference on Information Tech, Texas Tech, Lincoln University in New Zealand and the
Systems, Milwaukee, 1999, August. State University of New York at Buffalo. Other experience in-
w35x S.M. Richardson, J.F. Courtney, D.B. Paradice, An assess- cludes positions as Database Analyst at MRI Systems Corporation
ment of the Singerian approach to organizational learning: and Visiting Research Scientist at the NASA Johnson Space
cases from academia and the utility industry, Special Issue of Center. His papers have appeared in several journals, including
Information Systems Frontiers on Philosophical Reasoning in Management Science, MIS Quarterly, Communications of the
Information Systems Research Žin press.. ACM, IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man and Cybernetics,
w36x Decision Sciences, Decision Support Systems, the Journal of
H.W.J. Rittel, M.M. Webber, Dilemmas in a general theory
Management Information Systems, Database, Interfaces, the Jour-
of planning, Policy Sciences 4 Ž1973. 155–169.
w37x nal of Applied Systems Analysis, and the Journal of Experiential
U. Schultze, Investigating the contradictions in knowledge
Learning and Simulation. He is the co-developer of the Systems
management,Proceedings of IFIP Working Groups 8.2 and
Laboratory for Information Management ŽBusiness Publications,
8.6 joint Working Conference on Information Systems: Cur-
1981., a software package to support research and education in
rent Issues and Future Changes, Helsinki, http:rrwww.bi.
decision support systems, co-author of Database Systems for
nordep2rinfomgtrwg82-86rproceedingsr, 1998, Decem-
ber. Management ŽSecond Edition, Irwin Publishing Company, 1992.,
w38x U. Schultze, A confessional account of an ethnography about and Decision Support Models and Expert Systems ŽMacMillan
knowledge work, Management Information Systems Quar- Publishing, 1992.. He is currently a member of the Governing
terly Žin press.. Council of the Knowledge Management Consortium Institute. His
w39x present research interests are knowledge-based decision support
H.A. Simon, The New Science of Management Decision,
Harper Brothers, New York, 1960. systems, knowledge management, inquiring Žlearning. organiza-
w40x tions and sustainable economic systems.
T. Sowell, Knowledge and Decision, Basic Books, New
York, 1980.
w41x G. Von Krogh, J. Roos, K. Slocum, An essay on corporate
epistemology, Strategic Management Journal 15 Ž1994. 53–

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