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The Armanen Futharkh

The Armanen Futharkh is both the newest and the oldest of the four runic systems. It
was officially published in 1908 by Guido von List, the most prominent runemaster of
his generation, and the central figure in the revival of the Germanic pre-Christian
esoteric traditions. However the true origins of these runes go back far further, at
least as far as the Elder and Younger futharks, and likely far further to the very
beginnings of Nordic civilization before the Migration Age. The Armanen rune row is
the only one which contains precisely 18 runes, the same number mentioned and
described by Odin in the Hvaml. And despite what many ignorant "purist" camps
today claim, it is indeed a valid and historically based rune row. The first sixteen runes
are simplified versions of the Younger Futhark, many of them identical to their Elder
Futhark forms; and the last two are very primitive ancestral "branch" forms of the
Elder Futhark runes Ehwaz and Gebo (rendered as Eh and Gibor in the Armanen
system). Based on his decades of runic research, List considered these runes to be the
same 18 "sacred runes of Odin" mentioned in the Hvaml, and that all other rune
rows ultimately derived from these.

The following are the Armanen runes along with their corresponding Hvaml
verse below, and meanings to the side as elaborated by List and subsequent Armanen
runemasters (Gorsleben, Spiesberger, Marby, Kummer, etc.) Keep in mind that the
superficial meanings of some runes, while sometimes omitted by Armanen masters,
are NOT necessarily invalid for the Armanen system. Ur can still refer to the Aurochs,
as Thorn and Tyr refer to famous Aesir gods, as they did in the Elder and younger
Futharks - but in a metaphorical sense (as they always did; Asatruars and other
followers of the Norse tradition are always quick to point out that they do not take
the lore and mythology 100% literally - Armanen applies the same fact to the
superficial apparent meanings of runes). The runes can be interpreted as positive of
negative depending on their position/orientation when cast or drawn from a bag. The
positive positions (see chart at the bottom of this post) can be interpreted as either
exoteric or esoteric. More advanced rune casting methods which discriminate
between these two positive meaning sets are a subject for another time. NOTE: all of
the Armanen rune images on this page are my original work. ASK before using them.
Exoteric: Changes, new beginnings, growth, change of residence,
travel, animals, movable possessions/wealth, fire.
Esoteric; Original fire, creative father principle, guidance, help,
Father-God principle.
Negative: Set-backs, failures, destruction, blockage.

Those songs I know, which neither sons of men

nor queen in a king's court knows;
the first is Help which will bring thee help
in all woes and in sorrow and strife. (Hvaml, verse 145)

Exoteric: That which is permanent, that which lasts, good fortune,
money, physician, medical help, healing powers.
Esoteric: Original cause, origin, root of all cosmic and material
phenomena, contact with the transcendent, contact with the
dead, life after physical death, Mother-God/creative mother
Negative: Instability, bad influence, disease, ignorance.

A second I know, which the son of men

must sing, who would heal the sick.
[It chases disease and all pain,
It cures hurts and all wounds.] (Hvaml, verse 146)

Exoteric: Will to act, setting of goal, power to become.
Esoteric: Return, new emergence from the apparently old and dried-
up, formative power of the seed.
Negative: Demonic influence, damage, deception, perishing, enemies.

A third I know: if sore need should come

of a spell to stay my foes;
Then I sing that song, which shall blunt their swords,
nor their weapons nor staves can wound. (Hvaml, verse 147)
Exoteric: Speech, discussion, charm, success as a speaker, Aesir,
God-speech, breath which evolves, suggestion, freedom, uterus.
Esoteric: Idea of that which is given, of that which is evolving.
Negative: Ill fortune, failure of the word/work, negative
suggestions, misuse of knowledge and wisdom.

A fourth I know: if men make fast

in chains the joints of my limbs,
Then I sing that song which shall set me free,
spring the fetters from hands and feet. (Hvaml, verse 148)

Exoteric: Right, order, the judge, advice, salvation, money, truth.
Esoteric: Original law, that which flows away, religious feeling, ritual
Negative: Injustice, lawlessness, violent act, black magick practice.

A fifth I know: when I see, by foes shot,

speeding a shaft through the host,
flies it never so strongly, I still can stay it,
if I get but a glimpse of its flight. (Hvaml, verse 149)

Exoteric: Art, capability, artist, genius, being favored, that which is
Esoteric: Female principle of the universe, as executive power of
balancing justice.
Negative: Refused procreation, injustice, decay, incapability.

A sixth I know: when some thane would harm me

in runes on a moist tree's root,
on his head alone shall light the ills
of the curse that he called upon mine. (Hvaml, verse 150)
Exoteric: That which cares for, maintains, preserves, protects;
that which is motherly; wisdom, harmony, salvation, blessing,
protects from hail and fire.
Esoteric: Eternal change, caring and maintaining principle in the
universe, Higher Self, God in us.
Negative: Exposed to ill fortune, not protected, bad weather, destruction by storm,
hail, and fire.

A seventh I know: if I see a hall

high o'er the bench-mates blazing,
flame it ne'er so fiercely, I still can save it,
I know how to sing that song. (Hvaml, verse 151)

Exoteric: The Inevitable, separation, stress, karmic debt, karmic
need, but with outlook for change of karma, banishing ill
fortune/strife by accepting karma & cooperating with karmic law.
Esoteric: Decision of the Norns, karma paid for, cause-effect flow.
Negative: No hope for change, exposed to fate due to revolt against karmic nature,
inevitable fall and decline, ultimate negation.

An eighth I know: which all can sing

for their weal if they learn it well;
where hate shall wax 'mid the warrior's sons,
I can calm it soon with that song. (Hvaml, verse 152)

Exoteric: Self-aware ego, positive attitude, activity, will, self-
domination, influence, magick, personal power, to banish evil.
Esoteric: Unity in the universe, duration, magickal powers, action in
the cosmos.
Negative: Passivity, lack of will, being dominated, medium and mediumistic activity
(being possessed by another).

A ninth I know: when need befalls me

to save my vessel afloat,
I hush the wind on the stormy wave,
and soothe all the sea to rest. (Hvaml, verse 153)
Exoteric: All that which is beautiful and Sun-like, change to good,
virtues, honor, glory, rewarding work. Banishes darkness.
Esoteric: Completion, light, Divine spirit, Sun.
Negative: Ugly, sterility, corruption to evil, shame.

A tenth I know: when at night the witches

ride and sport in the air,
such spells I weave that they wander home
out of skins and wits bewildered. (Hvaml, verse 154)

Exoteric: Victory, success, gain, triumph, achieved goal, school.
Esoteric: Salvation by light, inspiration, soul, power of the sun.
Negative: Destructive light, lightning, hopeless fight, defeat, failure,
exploitation, blocked soul powers.

An eleventh I know: if haply I lead

my old comrades out to war,
I sing it 'neath the shields, and they fare forth mightily
safe into battle, safe out of battle,
and safe return from the strife. (Hvaml, verse 155)

Exoteric: Beginning, creation, excitation, power, success, wisdom,
duties fulfilled, art/act of concealment and hiding.
Esoteric: Re-birth into the light - life of the soul, the power to
make situations turn completely around. The phoenix reborn.
Negative: Perverted beginnings, tarnished beginnings, falsified
knowledge, failures, dying.

A twelfth I know: if I see in a tree

a corpse from a halter hanging,
such spells I write, and paint in runes,
that the being descends and speaks. (Hvaml, verse 156)
Exoteric: Becoming, birth, being protected, help in birth, son,
bread, song, fountain, mountains, Birch tree (layers of safety).
Esoteric: Meaning of life on this planet, in this world.
Negative: Not-becoming, perverted birth, miscarriage, lost son,
bitter bread, vulnerablility, outcast, vain wishes, death-bed.

A thirteenth I know: if the new-born son

of a warrior I sprinkle with water,
that youth will not fail when he fares to war
never slain shall he bow before sword. (Hvaml, verse 157)

Exoteric: Life, experience, initiation, test, temptations by life
circumstances, water, sea, good management, natures of things.
Esoteric: Test of life, school of the lives, laws of nature, relations.
Negative: Succumb to temptation, deception by mate, failure to
learn from mistakes, downfall, emptiness, corpse.

A fourteenth I know: if I must needs number

the Powers to the people of men,
I know all the nature of Aesir and of elves
which none can know untaught. (Hvaml, verse 158)

Exoteric: Man, increase, masculinity, health, plenty, magick.
Esoteric: Spirit, truth, God-Man, male principle in cosmos.
Negative: Demonic spirituality, left path, growth through improper
practices, black magick.

A fifteenth I know, which Folk-stirrer (Volkrast) sang,

the dwarf, at the gates of Dawn;
he sang strength to the Aesir, and skill to the elves,
and wisdom to Odin who utters. (Hvaml, verse 159)
Exoteric: Woman, femininity, desire, sensual love, passion,
Esoteric: Woman, mother, chaos from which creation emerges,
female principle in cosmos, God-Woman.
Negative: Perversion, unbounded passion, error, maya, failures as
a result of wrong action.

A sixteenth I know: when all sweetness and love

I would win from some artful wench,
her heart I turn, and the whole mind change
of that fair-armed lady I love. (Hvaml, verse 160)

Exoteric: Marriage, wedding, partnership, permanent bond,
binding decision, hope, duration, horse.
Esoteric: Permanence and marriage as a law, unity of ego and
YOU, sister-souls, soul love, God-Man-Woman.
Negative: Mismatch, unlucky love, ego and you can not find
each other due to karma, prevented from finding your partner.

A seventeenth I know: [if the fair maid's love

I have, and hold her to me;
that song I sing] so that e'en the shy maiden
is slow to shun my love. (Hvaml, verse 161)

Exoteric: Fulfillment, giver, gift, sacred marriage, being ONE with
the sister soul, protection against evil forces.
Esoteric: God-all, death-life cycle, seeing of the Divine, Being the
Divine, union of Creator and created, deepest cosmic mysteries.
Negative: Vain desires for fulfillment, hopeless search for soul
mates, god-less-ness.

An eighteenth I know: which I ne'er shall tell

to maiden or wife of man
save alone to my sister, or haply to her
who folds me fast in her arms;
most safe are secrets known to but one
Thus comes the end of the songs. (Hvaml, verse 163)

Now the sayings of the High One are sounded in the Hall
for the weal of mankind, for the woe of Jtuns,
Hail, thou who hast spoken!
Hail, thou that knowest!
Hail, ye that have hearkened!
Use, thou who hast learned! (Hvaml, verse 164)

Interpreting the Armanen Runes - Positive and Negative Readings:

The modern method for casting the Armanen Runes allows for both positive and
negative ("murk") interpretations of any rune depending on its position - this system
was codified in writing by Karl Spiesberger, a disciple of List's rune school in the 1950s,
though it was allegedly in use as early as List's time.

Like it or not, EVERY rune-casting system which allows for positive and negative rune
positions, even those used by "Elder Futhark-only purists", is ultimately based on the
Armanen system and Spiesberger's method (which undoubtedly will shock said
purists to the core, when they learn how little is actually known about ancient Norse
rune casting methods, and what little does have a link to history was actually
rediscovered by Armanen masters!) There is no direct forensic evidence that ancient
Norse people interpreted runes as positive or negative based on their orientation,
although "murk" runes or rune-staves are often spoken of in the Norse Sagas,
particularly Egil's Saga, so the concept does have some theoretical basis in history.

Some of the runes are symmetric and cannot be reversed or turned upside-down, and
thus only are "negative" if they are cast sideways. Others are asymmetric and
reversible, and are negative with reversed and when turned horizontally either left or
right, but are positive when horizontal in the opposite direction. The reasons why
some of the asymmetric runes are negative-left and others are negative-right are
multiple and complex, and will be discussed in a later post.
Casting the Armanen Runes - why the diversity of positions?
Now we come to the fundamental nuts-and-bolts of modern Armanen rune-casting.
As mentioned before, the interpretation of the positions of these runes may vary
depending on the rune in question. Those which are asymmetric and can be reversed
also have a horizontal-negative and a horizontal-positive position, though which is a
left (counterclockwise) rotation and which is a right (clockwise) rotation will differ
depending on the individual rune.

This is of course the so-called Spiesberger method, which is used by all modern
Armanen rune masters (and apparently even others who use systems besides
Armanen - we must remember, modern rune-casting techniques as a whole were all
but invented by the Armanists in the early 20th century).

Karl Spiesberger is credited with publishing the comprehensive positive and negative
Armanen rune positions in his book Runenmagie ('Rune Magick'), published in 1955.
However it is believed by many rune practitioners that these positions were already
in use by Gorsleben and even Guido von List, far earlier in the 20th century. Since a
few of the "merkstave" or negative-horizontal positions published by Spiesberger are
not possible with a rune symbol carved on an opaque material like wood, I have had
to adjust them from Spiesberger's diagrams, for use with traditional wood casting tiles
(or stones). Nevertheless, the esoteric meaning and symbolism of the negative
positions is unchanged.

So look below:

You will notice that some of the runes are negative if you turn them 90 degrees left,
but others are positive in that same orientation. And the same discrepancy or
diversity of meaning happens when you look at how the runes are to be interpreted
when turned 90 degrees right. For example, if you look at Fa and Os, they are negative
when turned left. But to make Thorn negative, you have to turn it right!
Why is this?

Looking at the structure and shape of the runes provides a critical clue. I found there
is a pattern here.

You will notice that the open "cup" runes that have two parallel branches (Fa, Ur,
Os) are negative if rotated left. (Fa and Os are 180-degree reversals of each other,
and hence each only have one positive and one negative position - rotate them right
and they become the negative form of the other rune).

However, enclosing "spike" runes which contain closed triangles (Thorn, Rit, Bar)
and "fork" runes with triangle-corners or incomplete triangle-forms and no parallel
branches (Ka, Ar, Tyr, Laf, Man, Yr) are negative when rotated right. (Ka and Ar are
180-degree reversals of each other, and hence each only have one positive and one
negative position - rotate them left and they become the negative form of the other

And finally, "hedge" runes with radial or diagonal symmetry, which are "non-
reversible" - i.e. they look no different if reversed (Hagal, Not, Is, Sig, Eh, Gibor) -
are always positive when vertical and always negative when horizontal, no matter
which direction you rotate them.

But why these patterns? Why this apparently strange system of the horizontal
readings, differing based on the shape of the runes, on cups, forks, triangular spikes
and symmetric hedges?

To understand the reasons behind that, we have to look at the runes in a decidedly
un-modern way. Although List, Spiesberger and other Armanen rune masters did have
to invent a great deal of modern rune-reading practice (as no historical accounts of
rune-casting among Germanic peoples - other than than the extremely vague story of
Tacitus - survive today), they nevertheless tried to base as much of their method on
ancient wisdom and old Norse understandings of the runes as possible. In fact, despite
the depredations of organized Christianity against occult and native folk wisdom in
the Nordic and Teutonic nations, a great deal of information on runic mysticism did
survive in the form of Icelandic grimoires such as the Galdrabk, which cover the uses
of many different galdrastafir, para-runic charms and talismans.
Other documents such as the Huld Manuscript (which details the symbolic meanings
of the various parts of the Vegvsir or 'runic compass') give further clues. While none
of these manuscripts date back to the time of the pre-Viking Norse, it is universally
agreed that they are copies and compilations of far older works - they draw on far
older oral and possibly written traditions of rune-carving and casting handed down by
the masters for centuries and even millennia.
Some of the Viking sagas, such as Egil's Saga, appear to support the most primitive
(and angular) parts of the Icelandic magick-stave tradition.
Based on the knowledge preserved in the Icelandic magickal texts, it becomes clear
why some runes are negative when rotated left and others are positive.

The runes (and this can be applied to other systems as well as Armanen) need to be
understood, among other ways, as visual representations of catchers and deflectors
of the primal energies - both positive/orderly and negative/chaotic - of the universe.
(If you are unclear on the reasoning of why a rune is a catcher or a deflector, read
the Hvaml verses associated with each of the 18 Armanen runes.) This is exactly the
same way the Icelanders and their Norwegian ancestors saw runes and galdrstafir -
as devices for gathering, deflecting, converting or storing spiritual energy.

Out of the various galdrastafir stave-modifiers, only the oldest two types (which avoid
all curved lines) are primitive enough to be authentically runic in an Odinic sense,
rather than later medieval interpolations:

Hence, the runes can also be understood in this way.

The "cup" runes are receivers of energy for the

practitioner, i.e. in simplified terms, Fa receives
wealth, Ur receives health, Os receives esteem,
status and social confidence. Traditionally in
Indo-European culture and cosmology, the
fortunate one receives with the right hand, the unfortunate with the left, hence when
turned left these receiver-runes are negative.

The enclosing "spike" runes and

the "fork" runes are deflectors of
energy for the practitioner. Thorn,
Rit and Bar cancel out the energy of
enemies, errors and calamities
respectively, while Ka, Ar, Tyr, Laf,
Man, and Yr essentially convert
negative energies into positive ones
and/or redirect them back at their
source in some way. Traditionally the warrior deflects attacks with the left hand (the
shield hand) hence if turned right these deflectors or shield-runes are vulnerable or

The radial and diagonal

symmetric "hedge-runes"
(Hagal, Not, Is, Sig, Eh, Gibor)
essentially are double-sided
clusters of fork-branches. The fact that they are double-sided acts as a substitute for
parallel branches, hence these runes can be though of as a combination of the
tendencies of both "cup" and "fork" runes, and thus can be either receivers or
deflectors of energy, as their Hvaml meanings indicate. These are the only
"simultaneous dual-use" runes. Thus, in positive position, Not both attracts
cooperation with karma and deflects one's futile discord and resistance to it, as Sig
attracts victory and banishes weakness simultaneously.
When upright (even if turned upside-down 180 degrees, they remain upright due to
their symmetry) the hedge-runes are receivers and refiners of positive energy (as
plants receive light and water and perform photosynthesis) - and they also deflect the
negative like sharp thorny hedges.
But when horizontal (either tilted left or right, again it makes no difference, due to
symmetry) they are impotent to catch positive energy or deflect the negative with
their shape, and may actually lose or repel good energies and attract bad ones - much
as a bush or hedge stunted sideways must fight the wind or fall uprooted, gets less
sunlight, is more vulnerable to diseases and parasites, and loses flowers and thus
forfeits reproductive potential as a result - no matter if it leans left or right. The
symbolism of Hagal, as the Hag-all, the All-Hedge, the all-symmetric defensive hedge-
rune and Mother Rune, is particularly telling in this regard. Like the boughs of an
overarching hedge, if it is knocked down either left or right, there is no protection
from hail or fire.

Also you may notice that there are only three purely "peaceful" runes in the entire
sequence. Such is also true of the "Elder" and "Younger" futharks. By contrast there
are three times as many "warrior" runes (the deflectors) and twice as many
"protection" runes (the symmetrical hedge types). That should make the message
loud and clear - runes and Northern paths are not for cowards or weaklings. I am sure
this would send a chill up the spine of so many hippie-like "new-age" and "wiccatru"
folks who casually use "rune stones" for divination without really knowing their
deeper meanings.

So for those of you who want to delve beyond the "what" of the historical reasons for
the Spiesberger method being as "odd" as it is, and into the "why" of it all, hopefully
this goes a long way towards answering your questions.
Galdr: Just How Was it Done?
The practice of Galdr, or sacred singing, was essentially the core of rune-magick in
ancient times. Without exception, to be skilled in the Runes, one had to be a master
of Galdr. It is generally considered that Galdr was a "masculine" art, whereas Seidhr
was "feminine" although these were not defined as gender roles per se and there was
plenty of overlap with Seidhr-men and Galdr-women.

Galdr can most easily be described as chanting or singing a rune, its associated sounds
and concepts, and even the associated lore (i.e. rune-poems). Since only the rune-
poems of the Hvaml are true esoteric descriptors of the Runic powers (the later
Norwegian, Icelandic, and Anglo-Saxon poems being mainly secondhand mnemonic
devices), it is the verses of the Hvaml that should be used if one is going to attempt
Galdr with any of the rune-poems in the first place. The words of Odin himself are a
far more direct route to the esoteric mysteries of Runelore than any of the watered-
down colloquial rune-poems copied down by monks in the post-Conversion era.

As a result, although this is certainly not the only way to do Galdr, one may want to
do it using the appropriate Hvaml verse for each of the 18 Armanen runes, as
delineated by Guido von List.
The complete set is HERE, with corresponding Hvaml verses and meanings.
Traditionally it would be sung in either the original Old Norse, or a German translation
as List was citing in The Secret of the Runes. However, in simplified form, Galdr is
simply the essence of the very sounds and vibrations of the runes, and does not
necessarily require recitation of any poems at all - and thus can be formulated for any
and all of the 4 runic systems. Galdr is typically done when carving runes, though it
can also be employed for meditative purposes and to strengthen the will and tap into
the primal Runic energies. When chanting the Galdr, it is advisable to be in a secluded
place, meditate on the rune selected, and envision the rune and its associated
properties. An even better action would be to mentally anchor the state of feeling the
rune and its raw elemental energy, as one chants it out loud in various forms, and
then be able to habitually activate that mental anchor with the visualizing and reciting
of that rune. Later on as the student grows more skillful, more advanced Galdr can be
learned, including for carving bind-runes and spells of power. There are of course
Galdr-curses as well, which should be avoided unless absolutely necessary, as Egil's
advice about not carving runes without knowing their full effects is very pertinent
What follows below is a modified form of the standard Galdr formulas for the
Armanen Futharkh. You can also use the first 16 of these for the Younger Futhark
runes (or course) and even expand on them for the "Elder" and Anglo-Saxon systems
following similar intonation patterns. This is a framework, not the be-all and-all of
Galdr. In fact the subject is actually far too deep and extensive for one post, there are
many types and uses of Galdr, and I will have to elaborate later on more complete
Galdr practices, but here are the basic formulas:

fa fe fi fo fu
ffffffa ffffffe ffffffi ffffffo ffffffu
Faaaaaa feeeeee fiiiiii foooooo fuuuuuu
fa far fiu feo fehu feu


ur uruz urus uros uras

ta te ti to tu
dha de di do dhu
thor thorr thorn thurs thuris thurisaz thyth

Os Aus Ouss Oss Aass
os ol odh
As ask ast ans ansuz asa asha


Ra re ri ro ru
Rad reid rit rod raidho ruoth rita rota orta arta


ka ke ki ko ku
kien kun kaun kona kuna kena


ha ha ha ha
ha he hi ho hu
All-Hag (All-Hedge)
hag haal halga heil haug

na ne ni no nu
not nit nyd naut norn nurnen
[aepandi nam]


is iis isa ich

a e, a i, a o, a u
e a, i a, o a, u a
ar jar re jera asa erja arya


sa se si so su
asss esss isss osss usss
sal sel sil sol sul sowilu
sigil si-gi-il
sal und sig
ta te ti to tu tiu tau
tat tet tit tot tut
tar tur tor
tri tre ter-zer
Tyr Ti Tiu Tu
Tyr-Tyr Ti-ur Ti-ur Ti-ur Tiuvar
Sig-ta Sig-te Sig-ta Sig-to Sig-tu (Sing quietly and hum)


ba be bi bo bu
bar bor bir birk birk bjrk bjarkan
beork berche brikal berkane

la le li lo lu
al el il ol ul
Laf; L-a-f
lagu laguz laukr lgr lagor laas
log lg laug

Ma me mi mo mu
ammm emmm immm ommm ummm
mam m m m (..... mem, mim, mom, mum)
man mon men
Ma mad madhr mathr
Manna mannaz
Mimir Mamre
yr irr eir yb
W-ybe Eibe Eihu


eh ehe ehu eoh eys ehwaz

ga ge gi go gu
ag eg ig og ug
gibor gibur; gefa gifa gefu; gea geo gebo
gigur geuua
Gibu Auja
Gibur Arahari

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