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4 Double Dutch
ELA Groupings

-I can identify a sequence of events in an informational text (RI.5.3)
-I can use information in a text to draw inferences (RI.5.10, RF.5.4a)
-I can quote accurately from a text to support analysis and inferences (RI.5.1)
-I can read independently from a just right book.

sequence: the order in which events happen

inferences: things figured out from indirect evidence

R.N. page 37-38
Leveled Readers
o Responding: Sequence of Events Flow-Chart
o Write About It

IXL ELA Recommendations
Silent Reading
Reading log/Ways to Respond to Books
L. 4 Double Dutch
ELA Groupings

Vocabulary: Suffixes ion and -tion

-Learn and use words with the suffixes ion and tion (L.5.4b)
-Use affixes as clues to the meaning of words

suffix: an affix that is added to the end of a base word or word root. A suffix changes the meaning of the word and its part of speech

The suffixes ion and tion indicate action, quality, or condition, and usually change verbs or adjectives to nouns. Example: celebrate.
The base word is celebrate. Celebrate is a verb that means to mark a special occasion. The suffix ion indicates action, quality, or
condition. The suffix changes the verb to a noun. Putting these clues together, celebration means the act of marking a special occasion.

Sort the following words into a T-chart. Underline the root word and discuss what the word means. Column one should be
labeled ion, column two tion. The words are production, location, organization, population, application, and operation. You
may need a dictionary

-ion -tion

R.N. page 39
Vocabulary Cards: Talk It Over

o K.1 Sort words by shared Greek or Latin roots
o K.2 Use Greek and Latin roots as clues to the meanings of words
L. 4 Double Dutch
ELA Groupings

Grammar: Common and Proper Nouns

Noun: a word that names a person, place or thing
Common noun: names any person, place, or thing that is general and not specific
Proper noun: names a particular person, place, or thing

- I can identify common and proper nouns
- I can use proper nouns in writing and speaking

Readers Notebook
o Page 47
Dry-erase board practice
o Form a sentence. Switch with a partner and have them underline all the nouns, but double underline proper nouns.
o Discuss responses
Common and Proper Nouns Worksheet pg 20 A #1-5 with a partner(s)
o Discuss and check with each other
Common and Proper Nouns Worksheet pg 20 B#1-5 individually
o Discuss and check with each other

May Do
o B.1Identify nouns with abstract nouns
o B.2Identify common and proper nouns
L. 4 Double Dutch
ELA Groupings

Rhyme happens when words end with the same sound. Rhyme is often found in poems because it creates a sound effect and helps
readers remember what they have read. Kind of like a song with good, catchy lyrics and beats with stay stuck in your head!

Every poem has rhythm, which is the beat of the poem. The rhythm might be fast or slow and can help to create a mood or feeling in
the poem.

Repetition is another sound device used by poets. It is used to emphasize ideas or unify a poem.

Must Do:
o Types of Poetry (4:04)
o The pleasure of poetic pattern (4:47)
Read Score! Pages 130-132
o Look for
o rhythm the pattern created by the number and accents of
syllables in a line
o repetition repeating of a sound, word, phrase, line, or stanza
o rhyme scheme pattern created by rhyming words
Text to Self pg 133
o Have a partner proofread and check for rhyme/rhythm!
o X.1 Label the rhyme scheme
o X.2 Identify elements of poetry

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